A Muslim More Intelligent Than Allah
06 Aug, 2008
However, it does not surprise me, because I get loads of such emails from Muslims, often holding the highest academic degree from even Oxford or Harvard, arguing on similar lines.
What surprises me, however, is that, this reader (and his cohorts) is obviously much more intelligent than Omniscient Allah; and they brag about it through emails like this.
I do not know how badly will Allah will burn them in the fire of His dreadful hell.
To find out why I think so, read it through.
MA Khan
Naker wrote on 28 August 2008:
- why you are pretending you are a muslim come show ur true face whether you are atheist, hindu, christian or jews now see if you believe on bible what bible says:
Book of Genesis Ch 1 V 9-19
1. Universe was created in six days, 24 hours a day. 2. Light was created on 1st day (V 3-5) 3. Earth and vegetables were created on 3rd day (V 11-13) 4. Sun was created on 4th day (V 14-19) 5. God created two lights (LAMPS)….referring sun and moon….means moon also omits light. (V16) 6. “Rainbow is God’s promise…..” (9:17)
COMMENTS: Scientifically how could it be possible: light was created before its source (sun)…day was of 24 hours before the creation of sun and earth….both sun and moon omits light to brighten the earth……earth was created before sun then what was its orbit….etc
Book of Hebrew: says “Earth will perish” Book of Psalms 78:69, says “The earth will abide forever” Book of Job: says “All fruits and vegetables are edible”……whereas, even a child knows that there are several fruits and vegetables that are extremely poisonous…
Gospel of Mark 16:17-18….”Every Christian has to drink deadly poison, those who survive are true Christians”
COMMENTS : How many of you have undergone this test…if not it means either you don’t believe your holy book or you are not true Christian and you r sure that u wont survive……
Book of Leviticus C12 V49-53 : “To disinfect house against leprosy, take the blood of a bird, a wood and another live bird, then dip them in water, sprinkle the water seven times around your house”
COMMENTS : No Comments……
Book of Numbers C5 V11-13 : Initially it gives the method to prepare a bitter water from holy water then it says “Let the women drink bitter water, if they have committed adultery their stomach will swell and thighs will rot and the curse will be on them” COMMENTS : How funny it would be to see whole west with swollen stomachs and rotten thighs, as I don’t think that there is a single person who has not committed adultery…as you say it is not a sin/crime….
Book of Numbers C12 V1-5 : Says that women remains unclean for 40 days (7 days and continued to 33 more days) if given birth to a male child…and she remains unclean for 80 days if given to a female child……
COMMENTS : Do anyone have any scientific reason that why the period of unclean is double in case of female baby…..
Book of Ezra C2, V2-65 and Book of Nehemiah C7 V7-66 provide the names and list of people released from Babylon….there are 18 different errors and contradictions in first 60 verses only of both books…
Ezra 2:64 says “total count in first 60 verses is 42, 360” whereas if you count yourself the figure comes out to be 29,818……similarly Nehemiah 7:66 also gives “total count 42,360” whereas in this book the total count is 31,089…..
COMMENT : I never say that God could make mistake in counting (God forgives me), what I want to clear is that lot of changes have been make in bible and it is not in pure form……therefore not authenticated….
If you read following books, you will find lot of contradictions within the books….few are given.. I and II book of King Ch 7, I and II book of Chronicles Ch 11 & 16, Book of Ezra Ch2….the contradictions are..
1. difference in singing men and women 200 or 245…. 2. King Solomon took 2000 baths or 3000 baths…. 3. Jehoichain rained for 3 months or 3 months 10 days…. 4. Basha invaded Judah at what period….in one book the period mentioned was even 10 years before his birth….
Dr. William Campbell, author of “Quran and Bible in the light of Science” said on 1st April, 2000 at Niles West High School Chicago, in the presence of thousands of historians and intellectuals.” I don’t have any answer to these contradictions, except to say that these contradictions have damaged the authenticity of Bible” Unquote…….
Insha-Allah in my next post I would give the details from Quran related to science for its authenticity……
Allah says, “We give indicators for those who understand and wants to know the truth, those who wont are Deaf, Dumb and Blind” similar verse is also there in Gospel of Mathew 13:13…..”Seeing they see not, hearing they hear not…………..”
May Allah Almighty gives you the wisdom to know the truth….
MA Khan's reply:
Allah does not agree with the Trinity, Jesus' crucifixion and a few other stuffs of the Bible.
But you seem to disagree with many other stuffs that Allah have no problem with.
You seem more intelligent that Allah.
Although Allah will be much enraged at you, I would rather worship you—the more intelligent one than being guided to Allah.
MA Khan
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Name: challenge to all muslims
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 11:25:51 -0700
I challenge you to read your hoy book in a lnaguage you can understand. Read several translations, ask yourself questions. I'll bet you won't be the same after. This is my challenge to you. Can you do it? Or are you chicken and afraid that your honor will be diminised? After all, God/Allah can understand ALL languages, not just classical Arabic.
Name: Is Allah a bad Historian?
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 16:15:42 -0700
Quote MA Kahn: "Allah does not agree with the Trinity, Jesus' crucifixion and a few other stuffs of the Bible." This is the way muslims talk about the quran as if it were written by Allah. But why did Allah then quote gnostic, docetic texts which indeeed also confirmed that jesus was not crucified but disagree that jesus was only a human? Moreover, in a different context there is also an error concerning crucification: in the stories of Moses and Pharaoh (what Pharaoh???). The ancient egyptians did not use the cross for executions since the cross was a symbol for life (Ankh).
Name: Claude
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 18:47:30 -0700
Bible is not a scientific book.It reflects the ignorance of the epoch at which it had been written. Bible is considered a spiritually inspired book but written by men, not by God Himself. Believing this would be silly. All what you say is right, Naker. This does not invalidate Bible or Gospels. But it is different for Quran. All silly things in Quran are very words of God. That is why, your Allah is silly and ignorant, as silly and ignorant as Mohammad made him look like. As ignorant as Mohammad himself. And if there are scientific errors in Quran, Quran is false, Quran refutes itself, disproves itself. This is not the case for Gospels or Bible. But I concede that here are christians who are still almost as naives as Muslims are. But we must say in their favor that they are much more open minded, tolerant and peacefull than Muslims. This comes from the fact that Quran is violent and hatefull (did you even read it ?)and Gospels are not. Muslim's Allah is hatefull and violent and Christian's God is not. Quran is a political, "scientific" (It is what you say) and war book and Gospel is a book of spirituality,of love. If you have read both,it should be evident for you as it is for every intelligent and good minded person. But admit this evidence seems to be too terrifying for many Muslims.There is no love and no spirituality in Quran.
Name: caleb singh
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 01:36:36 -0700
muhammed was a despicable bastard if he said these words it shows his barbarity and evil behavior and to claim that god chooses Muhammad to reveal his message is sheer nonsense and the bastard cannibalistic allah is only pleased by the blood of slaughtered infidels is the most evil and barbaric philosophy enclosed in islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/022567.php
Name: Quron has even more blunders than this
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 03:47:27 -0700
Quron has even more blunders than this.It is not that i defend these errors.I am against all superstition.Islam is first in my list,becuse it is historically proven dagerous faith.
Name: What Islam is about
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 11:41:44 -0700
According to the very first surah "revealed" to the world humans are made from clot (surah 96). Because this is definetly wrong, we can conclude that quran and islam are lying from the very beginning, from the very first days of islam! Thus, Islam itself turns out to be nothing but a big lie!
Name: Re: What Islam is about
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 11:51:46 -0700
Sounds very promising your approach. Why should god decide to "reveal" us in his very first "revealation" to us, that we, his own creature, are made from clot while this is definetely not the case? This makes no sense at all. The only possible conclusion is that the quran and all the islam is nothing but bogus and fake!
Name: Go on be brave , and click.
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 13:21:59 -0700
Name: where is dead animal gioat bearded pig akther ?
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 00:35:22 -0700
where the dead animal eater goat bearded pig akther ? as per koran sun set in muddy spring in west,women who menstruate r actually ill,etc....suck stupidity in koran.
Name: kmgy
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 01:49:56 -0700
Islam has a problem. The internet is a medium of information dissemination the Muslim fanatics cannot burn or destroy. Through it the ugly and beastly nature of Islam is exposed. Thanks to those enlightened and brave ex-Muslims, now Islam's greatest enemy. Their revelations of the true nature of Islam will educate the world and help in opening the eyes of non-Muslims and Muslims blinded by a pervert religion that promises an afterlife paradise of big bosom virgins and rivers of wine catering to the carnalities of its followers, which is of course non-existent, an invention of Mohammad. A virulent and vicious religion that command its followers to kill innocent human beings who have all the right to live in this world they label as infidels. A deception perpetrated by its founder Mohammad whose sexual perversion and penchant for mass murder and plunder was duly recorded in the Koran. The epitaph of Islam is already being written. Muslims of the world awake now and open your eyes to this deception and leave Islam for good!!! You are helping to make this world a better place to live in by leaving Islam. Outside Islam it is no longer obligatory for you to blow yourself to pieces to kill your fellow human beings who had done nothing wrong to you.Human life is precious. Only Satan does not care for human life.He wants you to be his instrument of destruction. It is recorded in your Koran, "There is no shame in killing." Allah is not the real God. He is the Deceiver of Mankind. The Destroyer. The Accuser. The Father of Lies. The Old Serpent. He is Satan the Devil.He desired to be like the Most High to be like God. So he established Islam through Mohammad his perfect partner the personification of evil. For Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light and perform great miracles. Hell is already reserved for Satan disguised as Allah and his demons.
Name: kmgy
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 02:05:44 -0700
God's day is not the same as human 24 hours. A thousand years is one day with the Lord, which means God's reckoning of days is not the same as humans living on planet earth rotating about its axis 24 hours in a complete turn. When God created the Universe He said "let there be Light." There was Light even before there was a star or even a galaxy. Recent scientific theory of the origin of the Universe is the Big Bang Theory. There was an explosion in the beginning.
Name: kmgy
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 02:17:05 -0700
The Bible was not written to be a scientific book. It is written to guide mankind to the path of Righteousness. As others had said, "Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth." For the inquisitive there is a verse that says "The earth is round and hangs on nothing." Try to find it out.
Name: Quaran Verse
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 07:23:20 -0700
There is no dogs, but Allah and Muhammad is his Poo Poo(Pee be Upon him)
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 10:29:15 -0700
there is a verse in the bible which says.......try to find out. Thats great news! It seems Galileo was persecuted for nothing by the church.
Name: allah the dead.
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 19:11:04 -0700
I think allah is dead after revealing the quran to muhammed. Otherwise how can we justify he is knowing about all "Books" because he has mentioned about books in quran but not aware about internet. why cant he send emails from jennah with his id allah@jennah.org to all infidels to prove his omnipotent power?
Name: kmgy Re: kmgy(THERE IS A VERSE
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 23:18:59 -0700
I agree with you. The Catholic Church now admits it errors in the past.The sad thing is the Catholic Church has become an apostate church substituting the traditions of men the teachings of the Bible like the observance of Sabbath, changed to Sunday, more emphasis to Mother Mary and the Saints, and others. The Book of Revelation describes a wayward woman, a whore, slaughtering God's people. The woman is described as a great city that rules over the kings of the earth. That leads us to the Vatican.
Name: kmgy
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 23:32:23 -0700
Allah aka the Deceiver, the Destroyer, the Old Serpent, Satan the Devil is not dead. He is alive and well. Only he has no power to see the future. He had no idea of the internet when he visited Mohammad. But he know his time is short now. He will be more violent in the coming days. Expect more terrible times to come. So be prepared.
Name: Corrine
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 08:45:32 -0700
The lack of interpretation of Spirituals is why this man sees it wrong. Saying because light was created first before the sun proves nothing. God's ways are so much higher than ours who are we to judge Him? Not knowing that God has more than one kind of light, man accuse God?
Name: So, is the earth flat?
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 21:31:34 -0700
If the hadiths are "sacred" and must be believed because they "support the quran," when they say the earth is flat is a muslim forced to believe it even though it is nonsense?
Name: [79:30]It has to be noted that in chapter 79 verse 30, shape of the egg is not referred normal egg, but it is referred to egg of an ostrich. It is said that Earth is ellipsoid
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 06:48:24 -0700
Regarding the creation of the Earth, the Quran says:"He set on the (earth), mountains standing firm, high above it, and bestowed blessings on the earth, and measure therein all things to give them nourishment in due proportion, in four Days, in accordance with (the needs of) those who seek (Sustenance)." [41:10]"He created the heavens and the earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night Coil the Day, and the Day coil the Night: He has subjected the sun and the moon (to His law): Each one follows a course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power - He Who forgives again and again?" [39:5]"He made the earth egg-shaped." [79:30]It has to be noted that in chapter 79 verse 30, shape of the egg is not referred normal egg, but it is referred to egg of an ostrich. It is said that Earth is ellipsoid."And We have Expanded the (spacious) earth: How excellently We do Expanded it!" [51:48] As for the Biblical genealogies which form the basis of the Jewish calendar and assert that today the world is 5738 years old, these are hardly admissible either. Our solar system may well be four and a quarter billion years old, and the appearance of human beings on earth, as we know him today, may be estimated in tens of thousands of years, if not more. It is absolutely essential, therefore, to note that the Qur’an does not contain any such indications as to the age of the world, and that these are specific to the Biblical text.
Name: kmgy
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 11:47:32 -0700
The Bible is thousand years older than Mohammad's Koran. This copycat selectively copied verses from the Bible to give credence to their false religion. When Lies are mix with Truth many will be deceived. An example of a verse copycat Koran plagiarize in toto from the Bible,"No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no man of man can conceived what God has prepared to those who loved Him." Since mafia boss (his 20% take in booties) Mohammad already described what's in store for his faithful followers (after they blow themselves to pieces)in detail, "big bosom virgins,handsome young boys, river of wine ready for taking in his Imaginary Paradise," he violated what had been stated beforehand, therefore copycat Koran is proven wrong!!!
Date: Wednesday September 10, 2008
Time: 21:23:30 -0700
I looked at all these references and will reply. Part 2 will be either tomorrow night or the next night after for it is getting late: SOMEONE IS GREATLY CONFUSED HERE AND IT'S NOT THE BIBLE!I and II Kings 7; I and II Chron. 11 and 16 speak NOTHING OF WHAT THIS MAN SAYS IT DOES!:I Kings 7 speaks of king Solomon's building the temple. Nothing to do with anything else. II Kings 7 speaks of Elisha, the Syrians and other things but nothing to do with what this man says it does. I Chron. 11 speaks of King David, his heroic men, etc. I Chron. 16 speaks of King David and the ark of the covenant. II Chron. 11 Rehoboam was king. II Chron. Asa was king. As for Leviticus 12:49-53:LEVITICUS 12 ONLY GOES UP TO VERSE 8! THERE IS NO LEV. 12:49-53! In the following chapter(chapter 13) it talks about what happens if someone has leprosy BUT NOTHING IS SAID ABOUT ANY DISINFECTANT!:If someone's clothing has infected leprosy it should be burned. And, any animal skins that have the same should be treated with the same result! READ IT FOR YOURSELF! DON'T JUST TAKE SOMEONE'S WORD FOR IT WHO IS TRYING TO DISCREDIT THE WORD OF GOD! CHECK INTO IT FOR YOURSELF! A FAMOUS MUSLIM APOLOGIST SAID CHRIST NEVER SAID HE WAS DEAD AND ALIVE AGAIN. THAT IS FALSE!!-READ LUKE 24:13-53; REV. 1:18. DON'T JUST BELIEVE IT BECAUSE SOMEONE SAYS IT! LOOK INTO IT AND READ THE CONTEXT FOR OFTENTIMES THINGS ARE TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT AS WELL.
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 19:11:46 -0700
1)In regards to the "discrepencies" in the total numbers of peoples in Ezra 2:64 and Nehemiah 7:66. For the most part, a noted Bible commentator notes that the whole congregation together was forty-two thousand three hundred and threescore--this gross amount is 12,000 more than the particular numbers given in the catalogue, when added together, come to. Reckoning up the smaller numbers, we shall find that they amount to 29,818 in this chapter, and to 31,089 in the parallel chapter in Nehemiah. Ezra also mentions 949 persons not mentioned in Nehemiah, and Nehemiah mentions 1765 not mentioned by Ezra. If, therefore, Ezra's surplus be added to the sum in Nehemiah, and Nehemiah's surplus be added to the number in Ezra, they will both become 31,583. Subtracting this from 42,360, there will be a deficiency of 10,777. THESE ARE OMITTED BECAUSE THEY THEY DID NOT BELONG TO JUDAH AND BENJAMIN, OR TO THE PRIESTS, BUT TO THE OTHER TRIBES."(J/F/B, pg 339). 2)In regards to the "discrepancies" in Ezra 2:65, Nehemiah 7:67. Notice the wording in both passages: In Ezra 2:65 it says,"there were amoung them two hundred singing men and women." In Nehemiah it says,"and they had two hundred forty and five singing men and singing women." The Book of Ezra gives a figure closest to the nearest hundred while the Book of Nehemiah gives the approximate amount. 3)While the moon "gives off light" the Bible never says it "self-creates" light. 4)God created the earth before He created the sun, therefore the earth would have had no orbit until the sun was made. 5)Revelation tells us that when Christ reigns on earth a thousand years in the New Jerusalme there will be no need for the sun due to the light that will come from Christ. This same kind of light could have been used to illuminate the earth before the sun was made. 6)How could a flower wait millions of years before bees came along? 7)"Good Christians will drink poison" etc based on Mark 16:17-18. No, the Bible also says that he who defiles himself him will God destroy. The Bible also says not to tempt the Lord thy God. Christians have been spared deadly results(such as the apostle Paul when bit by a snake), many people have been healed by the Lord using people of faith, many Christians have been spared dangers after accidently doing these things but we are never commanded to "tempt" the Lord by taking up snakes and drinking poison deliberately.
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 19:59:57 -0700
1)In regards to why a mother would be deemed unclean for twice as long with a male than a female: Most likely because Eve led Adam into the transgression, hence, the purpose for being unclean to any amount of time. It reminded the Hebrews that they were all born under sin. BUT CHRIST'S SALVATION REMOVES SUCH RESTRICTION NOW BECAUSE IT TAKES AWAY THE CURSE OF SIN(Gal. 3-13, 28; I John 1:7-9)--mostly taken from Unger's Bible Commentary on the old testament. Another commentator says that it was a stigma on the sex(female-I Tim. 2:14, 15) which WAS REMOVED BY CHRIST.--J/F/B, pg. 93. Hence, these ordinances and stigmas on any sex are now fulfilled by Christ and God is not the respector of persons(Rom. 2:11). PRAISE THE LORD! WE ARE SINNERS BUT CHRIST PAID THAT PRICE WE COULD NEVER PAY! HAVE YOU OPENED YOUR HEART TO HIM?!2)Adultery test. First of all, whether or not someone says adultery is a sin, it's still a sin!(Gal. 5:21, etc). Since Christ's atonement, these ordinances have been fulfilled and now because of Christ's sacrifice, we have access into the most holy of holies(Hebrews 4:12) and if we know Christ as Savior, and confess our sins unto Him, He will forgive us!(I John 1:9). The act of drinking bitter water was a way God chose in the Old Testament to make known the act of adultery to others. Since it is the condition of the heart that matters in regards to any sin, and with the ordinances being fulfilled by Christ, there is no longer the act of drinking bitter water. By the way, if you think you are getting off easy here, remember that Christ said that if a man looks on a woman with lust after her beauty he is "commiting adultery in his heart." Notice two things1)Lusting after her beauty. Which means her beauty is SEEN, no burkas! 2)It is the MAN'S responsibility to CONTROL HIMSELF!(not, to suppress the poor woman making her wear a burka because a man can't control himself).3)Hebrews:"earth shall perish", Psalms 78:69-abide forever. The word "abide" is actually the Hebrew word meaning,"establish." It is only used two times in the Old Testament(here, and Hab. 1:12,"...thous hast established them for correction."). It means to establish by ordaining, the same thought as a council of people setting up a foundation of rules to go by. The foundation of time is on this earth although there will be a new heavens and new earth eventually(Rev. 21:1).
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 17:15:33 -0700
...also, this earth has set the foundation of the precedence of that which is to follow.
Name: Moo-HAM-Mad the pig
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 19:41:08 -0700
I fully agree with CLIVE.
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 06:55:57 -0700
2:136] Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed to us and that which was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have surrendered
Name: T o above
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 04:41:55 -0700
The name Allah can never be found in the pages of the Bible. In the same manner that the Ten Commandments can never be found in pages of the Koran. Koran used the Biblical patriarchs as props or cover to give a sense of credibility and authenticity to a false and dangerous religion!