Book: "Cruel and Usual Punishment; the terrifying global implications of Islamic Law"
06 Jan, 2009
- My new book "Cruel and Usual Punishment; the
global implications of Islamic Law" (cover attached) is about to be released and can be ordered right now from and other bookstores.
I cannot stress how important this book will be in opening the eyes of the West to Sharia Islamic Law which the West is considering giving Muslims the right to practice in the West! Great Britain is already allowing it.
Please circulate this press release to your mailing list. Thank you all for your support and Happy New Year!
Following is the Press Release on "Cruel and Usual Punishment; the terrifying global implications of Islamic Law"
(Washington) -- Nonie Darwish was a virtual slave to Islamic law for the first thirty years of her life. She never questioned or challenged her position — she never dared! “This is Allah’s law,” she was told, and she knew what awaited those who questioned it.
Like all Muslims, Darwish was told that Islamic law honored women, but that could not have been further from the truth; Sharia honor killed them. Darwish doesn’t believe the lies anymore. In her new book Cruel and Usual Punishment (Thomas Nelson, January 6, 2009) Darwish continues her personal mission to warn the West, exposing Muslim efforts to force and enforce Sharia law on unsuspecting nations everywhere.
What is Sharia? “It’s laws are based on the Qur’an and hadiths (reports of Muhammad's words and actions outside of the Qur’an) as well as centuries of debate, interpretation, and precedent,” says Darwish. “It subscribes to punishments such as stoning, flogging, and amputation of limbs — cruel and unusual by any human standards.”
The threat is here now. Throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe, young Muslim women are being targeted for violence, often by their own relatives. So-called honor killings, whereby a Muslim male family member, typically the father, murders his daughter in order to defend the family's honor, is a growing problem.
Cruel and Usual Punishment is a bombshell, detailing how many Muslim’s sacrifice their humanity, their rights, and even their lives in the service of archaic and brutal laws handed down from their prophet centuries ago. No one can afford to be ignorant. When the American public is fully informed about Muslim beliefs and scriptures, a healthy level of fear of Islamic Sharia is only normal and actually needed, writes Darwish. Otherwise, she continues, the safety and security of American citizens is seriously threatened.
If we value our liberty, we must protect the soul of Western civilization. The soul of the Muslim world is also at stake. Islam will undergo a transformation if it rejects the use of Sharia and its CRUEL AND USUAL PUNISHMENT to enslave its followers.
About the Author
Nonie Darwish lectures across the United States and has appeared on radio and television programs including CNN, Headline News, Fox, MSNBC, Al-Arabiya, National Public Radio and Israeli TV. Darwish has been published in the London Telegraph, Jerusalem Post, and New York Daily News. She is a frequent lecturer on college campuses including Harvard, Brown, Stanford, UCLA, University of Pennsylvania, Georgetown, Boston University, and the University of Southern California. This is Darwish's second book.
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Name: jenn
Date: Monday January 05, 2009
Time: 09:40:12 -0500
Sharia is the law of primitive barbarians . It has no place in the civilised world
Name: ExMuslim
Date: Monday January 05, 2009
Time: 22:38:33 -0500
Muslim women's have been the worst victim of Islam--worse than the kafirs. The West, through their imperial intervention in the Muslim world, were able to liberate the subjugated infidels; but the fate of enslaved Muslim women remained the same. When Muslim men are not interested in liberating---giving them their due freedom and liberty---it's heartening to see that Muslim women themselves have took it upon themselves: Taslima Nasrin, Nonie Darwish, Ayan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan are to name a few. Ms Darwish's new book will undoubtedly be another cog-in-the-wheel of the Islamist train.
Name: Ilham Abdullah (ex-muslim)
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 00:07:27 -0500
Sounds like another must read - Especially for us in the West. Womens voices are so important in exposing this cruel cult turned religion.
Name: Kit
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 02:32:59 -0500
As the "troopers" gain speed....nice to see another woman like Ayaan Hurshi Ali. Is this book available on audible yet? S.CA USA
Name: women must be used as light to fight islamic darkness
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 02:46:25 -0500
women must be used as light to fight islamic darkness. Yes women being the worst sufferers of islam will help in fighting islam.
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 04:44:10 -0500
Name: Together they will bring down the edifice that is called islam.
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 04:45:31 -0500
I am becoming confident day by day that the crack developed in Islam after danish cartoons are becoming wider and wider day by day. New heros and heroines are appearing every day in the centre stage to widen the gap mm by mm then cm by cm then metres by metres and finally the great collapse. Wish all of them ( Taslima, Aya Hirsi ali, wafa sultan, M.A.Khan, Robert spencer, ali sina, Nonie darwish and 100s more ) good health,wealth and love.
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 04:47:42 -0500
Muslim women are the worst sufferers in islamic society but it is ironic that they are also the most ardent supporters of this violent and barbaric arabian cult - I have seen this personally in India where many muslim, educated women aver very strongly that islam gave them equal rights with men and also honoured their "womanhood" ; that their 'prophet' was the first to realise this 'equality' and the exalted position of women!.Then what is happening in islamic countries is not islam ,especially Saudi Arabia, Iran, Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan, etc.? Not only educated university teachers ,but also women like Shabana Azmi the Indian movie actor are of this view. Can Shabana face the Taliban to be alive? Are they frightened? hypocritical? or sincerely believe this LIE? No one can say.
Name: Please help me !!!
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 06:29:15 -0500
Hello all, a friend of mine showed me your wbesite. I am 29 years old, male, and from India. I don't believe in islamic allah anymore, but how to leave it? Please help me.
Name: balam
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 06:30:29 -0500
Islam certainly gives equality to women but only in bed. They can either be on top of a man or under-the choice is theirs.
Name: qwer to Please help me !!!
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 07:48:35 -0500
You can go to the Hindu or Buddha Temple, to the Church, to your self, to your Atheis friend. Anywhere. But don't go to islam anymore. May God bless you my friend.
Name: Sharia law
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 10:44:49 -0500
The foundation of an Islamic society is justice and equity. Allah has created men and women as equal, but with different capabilities and different responsibilities. Men and women are different, physiologically and psychologically. Their roles and responsibilities are different. Men and women are equal in Islam, but not identical.
Name: to:Sharia Law
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 14:01:27 -0500
You are not alone in your belief. Idiots come in droves.
Name: Muslim women supporters of Islam ........... by scrutator
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 16:26:57 -0500
Like vbv above, I too am at a loss to understand why some muslim women support Islam vociferously ! They claim Islam gives women equality and honour ! I can understand a white female convert saying such rubbish -- perhaps she has had too much of equality (!) and longs for a disciplined, rigorous set up to live in and wants to be dominated (by men, as in an Islamic society). But what beats me is when women from families who have been muslim for centuries say this ! Can they not see the absence of divorce rights for a muslim woman vis-a-vis a man (who can divorce his wife anytime under the 'triple talaq' arrangement and does not have to assign any reason for his action), the unequal inheritance rights from their deceased parents' estate, a muslim man's right to BEAT his wife on mere suspicion which she cannot do, the man's right to have Jewish/Christian spouses unlike her, her husband's right to have up to 4 wives at any given time, ...... the list goes on and on ! ARE THESE FEMALE ISLAMIC SUPPORTERS BLIND ? How can they ignore such glaring inequities and loudly proclaim fairness in Islam ? Many of these supporters are educated and worldly-wise. Women of other religions have long ago secured equal rights on these and other matters through progressive legislation and public opinion. It is time an adroit female author like Shabana Muhammad had a deep look at this issue and produced an unbiased report for kaffirs !
Name: to Sharia law .......... by scrutator
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 16:59:49 -0500
Tell me, under the Sharia, (1)a muslim man can utter the word 'talaq' (divorce) thrice get rid of his wife, a woman cannot do likewise, is this equality for man & woman ? (2) a man can have up to 4 wives simultaneously, a woman cannot have up to 4 husbands, is this justice, equality or fairness ? (3) A muslim woman inherits HALF what her male sibling gets from their deceased parents' estate, is this fair ? (4) a muslim husband can BEAT his wife if he so much as suspects rebellion, the wife cannot do this(no matter how much a lecherous husband might deserve a good thrashing !), is this rule 'just' and does it support equality ? (5) a muslim man is allowed to have a muslim/jewish/christian spouse(s) but not a muslim woman, is this right equitable ? (6) in a Sharia court, a woman's witness is worth HALF that of a man, could this possibly be called equality ? ........ I could go on and on, but these these six glaring inequities would suffice for the moment. ......... To the one who wrote about Sharia Law, if you are truly a muslim and believe in what you have written, you must provide straightforward and genuine explanations for these inequities. And please don't go for a play on words, a mumbo-jumbo on the history behind such Sharia rules; we have heard it all before -- going off at a tangent as a diversionary tactic, about female nakedness in western advertisements(the point here is that the western female has the RIGHT to appear semi-naked or naked in an adv. or not to do so, this unlike in Islam is NOT imposed on her !) or write on U.S. statistics on rapes (this is a criminal offence and is dealt with by the judicial process, I am sure such crimes happen in muslim countries too, these are in no way comparable to religiously-ordained injustices towards women as in Islam) I want a sensible explanation on how these inequities lead to Islam being just, equitous, fair and full of probity.
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 20:54:13 -0500
My child was given an assignment to study and write a report of what he found out about Islam! Since when do we allow our schools to teach "religion" and "cultural beliefs" and push this upon our children? My child is not allowed to PRAY and speak of JESUS CHRIST!!!!
Name: To: Angry Parent from Ibn Kammuna
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 21:32:08 -0500
This is a great opportunity for your child to tell about Islam's Prophet: he was a pedophile, assassin, looter, thief..etc. Here is the link:
If you need help with the paper for your child, email me, even though you have the link above which should suffice. But I'll be glad to help and give feedback if needed. my email is Thanks
Name: Annonymous
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 03:54:40 -0500
I'm not usually one for reading books such as this, but I think I'll have to make an exception.
No pasting of long essays from elsewhere. --Editor
Name: Louis Kuhn
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 06:12:27 -0500
Westerners see the Islamic culture and religion as being of inherent injustice against women. Most Muslim women would beg to differ with this view.' While Islamic law provides women with equal rights, problems have arisen for women when people misinterpret these laws. Like other world religions, Islam has its liberal and conservative practitioners and enforcers. It's the greatest evil to misinterpret the Koran because it's following someone other than God. The Koran has no inequality in it anywhere. The severe punishments sometimes levied against adulters, and rape victims in Muslim countries have been condemned as human rights violations against women. But these punishments have no basis in the Koran. For example, the Islamic law allowing a brother to receive twice the inheritance of his sister is commonly misinterpreted as evidence of gender inequality in Islam. since the mother 'toils and strains,' as it is said in the Koran, while carrying a child, Only mothers who have carried their young in their womb will know the daily toil of pregnancy, That’s why the men are financially responsible for women so the mother can completely commit herself to the child. Nowerdays, this practice is widely accepted by western Mothers. Financial responsibility is never put on the woman because pregnancy can be quite unpredictable. Therefore twice the inheritance is given to men since they become financially responsible for a wife, mother, sister and any women who may be in need. The Koran, does not prohibit women from working or holding property as is often thought, but provides a sort of security for smooth community workings and unreliance on the state. The Islamic process of marriage is also misunderstood. For example, the Koran advises men and women to have a guided and trusted friend to advise about marriage.This tenet then becomes interpreted to mean that one is required to get permission first — it evolves into a more and more obtrusive social practice rather than what the actual faith is. The rights of a man and the rights of a woman become mutual because one's identity in Islam comes from one's relation to God only. feminism is a Western ideal that doesn't translate to the Muslim world because feminism's tenets of self-reliance and individualism are not part of the Muslim psyche. Muslim women have been oppressed by the men in their society, but that oppression occurs only when the true meaning of the Koran is ignored or subverted. Most cases of abuse do not deal with abuses of faith but of social practices. And the abuse of social practice stems from the misunderstanding and improper explication of the divine. There is a lot of confusion over the topic.Women's rights and Islam itself are usually interpreted in so many ways, especially in the media. People argue saying [the Koran] doesn't give women rights,' when they have not even picked up the book. Don't trivialize it, Learn and understand it and demand to know and educate others about what the proper interpretation of Islamic law is and understand that it is not based on reactionism, rationalism, feminism or nationalism.
Name: Flex
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 03:22:13 -0500
I see that the Muslim apologists are out. it's always the same thing...The Koran says..blah,blah, if that makes every immorality and injustice ok. Just because the Koran says something does not make it right. The Koran is a book full of immoralities,unworthy of any God.
Name: Re Louis Kuhn
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 03:59:37 -0500
You are right. Islam watch trying to brainwash people. i will not believe anything from this sight any more, good buy
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 10:54:06 -0500
Re Louis Kuhn's above statement: "Muslim women have been oppressed by the men in their society, but that oppression occurs only when the true meaning of the Koran is ignored or subverted."....Show us you have made some effort to explain to the Saudis how their understanding of the beautiful woman-friendly religion is flawed and we might entertain the idea that you actually believe what you are saying.
Date: Saturday January 10, 2009
Time: 03:28:28 -0500
imply one punishment of ISLAM n peace all over ISLAM NEEDS PIUOUS SOCIETY
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 01:08:47 -0500
Well done Louis Kuhn, you have responded well. Please keep up the good work. Enjoy reading more level headed comments.
Name: abu jahal
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 04:40:50 -0500
a few muslim frens of mine have said tat "womens intelligence is 1 and their sexual drive is 9" and its the opposite for muslim males.maybe its true bro vbv,it only applies to muslim womens.tats why they are so stupid.
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2009
Time: 00:57:58 -0500
abu jahal you are right. But what a shame you are a Homosexual, you cant enjoy the muslim women.
Name: to all the commenters
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 05:31:15 -0500
read the history woman had no right of their own before islam i.e they could not marry of their own choice/ could not buy property/ would not get inheritance/ were unable to divorce/ were sold as sex slaves/ femal children were buried alive/ a rich person or a leader was able to keep as many wife as he wanted////but this all changed when islam came 1400 years ago, just look around you west still uses females as sex objects, as they say sex sells everything!!west degrades the woman in sex/porn films and taking your wife out on a friday night dressed in nothing for your mates to OGGLE her. what do you people know about respecting of the woman?