Living by the Point of My Spear
07 Apr, 2009
questions and many more are answered in
Living by the Point of my Spear—a
thoroughly researched biography of Muhammad (also spelt Mohammed),
revealing the hidden facts about Muhammad’s sayings and deeds that
have disappeared from history for 1,400 years—concealed
by the use of the old Arabic language, to fool other nations into
thinking that Muhammad was a true prophet. Concealed by the
deliberate methods of Muhammad himself, who frequently rewrote the
prophecies he supposedly told and concealed through generations of
followers who have rewritten and falsely interpreted the Quran.
Zaki Ameen is a Muslim and former Imam, who having researched the history of Muhammad and the origins of the Muslim faith, uncovered shocking facts about the Quran and about Muhammad’s life. Living by the Point of My Spear lets you follow Zaki Ameen’s journey of discovery to uncover the dark side of Muhammad.
The biography of Muhammad is addressed and dedicated primarily to Arabs and Muslims, however all readers will find content that is interesting, well researched and informative. Written from the perspective of a Muslim, it is free from any western influences and is researched solely from Arabic literature and sources.
Being a former Imam of a mosque, Zaki Ameen understands the Arabic mentality and the suffering of Muslims as individuals and as a society. Living by the Point of My Spear is the first time ever that an Arab has spoken out with such honesty and clarity on the secret truth of Muhammad.
Different sections of the book investigate the secret of Islam’s longevity, how Muhammad frequently rewrote the Quran using a method called Abrogation and how the Quran has been rewritten since the time of Muhammad. It also explores how Mohammad received his ‘prophecies’, questioning the nature of Jibreel, the inspiring angel, whom he claimed inspired many of his prophecies—some of which he would then rewrite or remove completely the next day on some new guidance.
The book looks in detail at the prophet Muhammad’s relationship with Abu Sufyan and at how Muhammad viewed and treated women, slaves and other nations, including the Turks. It shows how he perpetuated the image of his own holiness, creating laws for sentencing those who disagreed with him to death and imposing different taxes on the nation’s he conquered, depending on their loyalty.
The book focuses particularly on two sections of the Quran: the Tawba chapters and how the so called Satanic Verses were explained away.
If you wish to discover the true biography of Muhammad and the true history of the Muslim nations, then Living by the Point of my Spear is the book for you.
About the author
Zaki Ameen dedicated his life to Islam. He was raised as a Muslim and studied for a degree in Sharia law, in order to become a qualified Imam. Zaki earned his living from preaching and teaching the principles of Islam, working as an Imam in Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and many gulf states.
As he worked as an Imam in the gulf states, he started to realise how the teaching of Muhammad (also spelt Mohammed) and the Quran were used to deceive followers, in order to gain control, money and power. It was with deep agony that he realised what a fool he had been and how he had been brainwashed by a system that had been refined over centuries and how he had, in turn, brainwashed others.
Zaki left Islam and the Mosques and emigrated to the United States, to start a new career and a new life. He became a tax payer making a positive contribution to society. He now saw that being an Imam was like being a parasite, spreading lies and encouraging others to spread the lies of Muhammad.
Zaki started to accept, respect and love people as they are, without judgement. He accepted all people, including Muslims, whether they obeyed the orders of Allah, or not. This was a genuine love he had never felt before, unfettered by doctrine or religion.
What happened on 9/11 shocked him to his bones and it was shortly after this that he realised that he could not simply stop following Muhammad himself, he had to do more. He became obsessed and haunted by an irresistible urge to let the world know what he had discovered about Muhammad and Islam.
Thus began the journey to write a true biography of Muhammad and the true story of Islam – a long and dangerous journey to write, translate and publish the book that became Living by the Point of My Spear.
Visit the author's Website.
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Name: Truth Detector
Subject: The Courage of Zaki Ameen
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 02:06:47 -0400
Zaki Ameen cannot be anything but courageous. I'm sure it takes great courage to transform onself from thinking evil to thinking good after being brainwashed. I give much credit to many of you ex-Muslims who have joined the peaceful human race. I'm sure it wasn't easy. In fact, it was probably devastating. Because you discovered the great evils of Islam, please don't make a mistake and think that there is no God. Allah isn't God. A True God exists. With me, in the beginning faith and certain amount of knowledge told me that God existed. Because of the many experiences of the supernatural, I now know 100% that God exists. If you don't believe that God exists, use your knowledge to the best of your ability. Learn to understand that your conscience was endowed to you by an outside Power Who is the God of Love. Learn to understand that matter isn't eternal. Learn to understand that matter came into existence because Someone with omnipotent power put it there in time. Matter did not create itself. I'm hoping and praying that God will also show you His omnipotent power, and prove to you that He exists. I have faith that God will do this for you. Remain open and humble. God reveals Himself to the humble. If you had the courage to leave an evil ideology like Islam, I'm sure you have the courage to be humble. I write these things because many of you who were devastated became atheists. In reality, probably most of you were never true Islamists. If you were good and humble, it is probably because you never became authentic Muslims. But because of your brainwashing, you probably thought you were authentic Muslims. I thank Almighty God that you are now at peace. May God bless you.
Name: i hope he is not killed by true islam followers like zakir naik etc...
Subject: i hope he is not killed by true islam followers like zakir naik etc...
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 02:24:31 -0400
i hope he is not killed by true islam followers like zakir naik etc...
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 02:25:58 -0400
Name: Kmgy
Subject: Kudos to All Ex-Muslims
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 02:51:45 -0400
The greatest enemies of Islam are the ex-Muslims who knows the evil cult from the inside. Soon Islam will crumble from within.
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: Nice Book!
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 04:04:33 -0400
Islam, the worst chapter in human history, will be over soon. It can only destroy but it is unable to create anything. The modern needs people who make use of their brains and not people who only pray and memorise.
Name: Archpagan
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 04:46:05 -0400
It is heartening to learn that an Arab has broken the shackles of Islam. I would request Mr Ameen to build a temple to Goddess Mannat, whose shrine was destroyed by Muhammad the criminal. I would be the first person to pay respect to her.
Name: the ex-muslims r not enemy of islam...but islam is enemy of ex-muslims and also truth
Subject: the ex-muslims r not enemy of islam...but islam is enemy of ex-muslims and also truth
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 05:00:05 -0400
the ex-muslims r not enemy of islam...but islam is enemy of ex-muslims and also truth
Name: arch pagan...well said !!!
Subject: arch pagan...well said !!!
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 05:00:46 -0400
arch pagan...well said !!! but better watch it the muzzies r out there to kill us kuffar freedom seekers.
Name: to : truth detector...trurt is not but jehova/allah is not god or truth
Subject: to : truth detector...trurt is not but jehova/allah is not god or truth
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 05:04:17 -0400
to : truth detector...trurt is not but jehova/allah is not god or truth
Name: Copper Kid
Subject: Great Book!!
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 14:28:58 -0400
Once you read Zaki Amin's book, you will never see Islam the same way again. The book is small and not really thick, but it contains amazing information how exactly Muhammad fooled and tricked Muslims. Don't miss Zaki's film also at YouTube:
Name: Wagamama
Subject: Well done
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 21:02:52 -0400
It is great to see that more Muslims are becoming apostates. I think the fall of Pakistan will wake up Indian and Porki Muslims from their deep slumber. Then people will realize what semitisism is and then lean towards progressive thinking.
Name: to zaki ameen
Subject: a critique
Date: Tuesday April 07, 2009
Time: 23:14:57 -0400
From Zaki Ameen's website : Muhammad described Turks by saying to his Bedouins followers” Before the end of the world, you shall fight Turks, whose eyes are small and noses flattened and who have ugly reddish faces, like hammered shields”. References: Sahih Al Bukhari , jihad and biography saying number 2928 and 2927. Bukhari was a Turk. I wonder why Bukhari did not leave Islam after finding this hadith. If this was a forged hadith then a chapter of this book shall be removed.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday April 08, 2009
Time: 03:01:50 -0400
I had read the extracts from the website and was thoroughly disgusted with the lies and barbarism of this so-called 'prophet' of islam . I am shocked how a 1.5 billion 'muslims' could fall for such a crap that goes in the name of "religion" ,which is nothing but arabian barbarisms.It only confirms all that I had posted in my comments in this website. Good exposure Zaki Ammen, and thanks to Mr.M.A.Khan for posting this article.
Date: Wednesday April 08, 2009
Time: 04:21:49 -0400
Name: Snake Oil Baron
Subject: Expressing my respect.
Date: Wednesday April 08, 2009
Time: 16:30:58 -0400
Dear Mr. Zaki Ameen. I would like to express my profound respect. Not only have you come to your assessment of Islam and its history and founder after having been so fully committed to it as to become an Imam but you have taken great risk to share what you have learned with others. Anyone who listens to apostates and the treatment of them by Muslims (from undeserved slander and contempt in debate forums to beheadings) can not but be struck by how much people have to sacrifice to leave the faith - the emotional struggle of admitting that what they and their ancestors have followed is so disturbing, the loss of family and friends and personal security which an honest admonition of one's real beliefs, etc. I truly admire Muslim apostates, especially those who are not afraid to face those who condemn them. Out of curiosity, what is the title and singer of the music on the video at your website. It may have been listed but I didn't see it. Again, thank you coming out as a critic of Islam. I plan to buy your book as soon as finances permit.
Name: Jem
Subject: Jem - They
Date: Wednesday April 08, 2009
Time: 17:03:11 -0400
The singer of the song is JEM; the title of the song it THEY.
Name: Muslim Responses
Date: Thursday April 09, 2009
Time: 14:46:42 -0400
Your lies and falsehood cannot anyway defeat Islam and 1.8 billion Muslims all over the world, and that's for sure. So, you are simply wasting your time in this world and will eventually end up in hell in the next world!!!
Name: vbv
Subject: To muslim responses
Date: Friday April 10, 2009
Time: 08:29:48 -0400
1.8 billion muslims you claim cannot be defeated. But they are already a defeated people mired in their backwardness,medevial barbarianism,spreading misery,terrorism and superstition of a nonexisting bullshit deity called Allah which is just an arabian pagan deity dressed with the traits of jewish Yahweh ,spiced with more cruelty, barbarism, despotoc nature and extreme intolerance. What is the muslims contribution or achievemen in this world except terrorising,spreading misery,ignorance and fear,looting,raping,slaverunning,which isthe hallmark of that bedouin scoundrel Muhammad who crowns himself a 'prophet'. And is the only so-called 'prophet' of that barbaric arabian cult of islam , others are robbed from judaism and christianity.If 1.5 billion people are idiots ,zombified by the barbaric doctines of the filthy cult of islam , it does it no great credit. Islam can be great only if it spreads the message of peace,love,compassion for fellow-living creatures,progressiveness,forward-looking and above all tolerance for all kinds of faith or no faith. Islam fails miserably in all these essentials to be even called a civilised cult/belief system/religion/philosophy,or whatever.It is just a barbaric arabian cult to establish rab hegemony the world over. That's all!
Name: zenner
Subject: to vbv
Date: Friday April 10, 2009
Time: 23:53:12 -0400
what a great post....!!! you must remember though,it is not an easy task to look OBJECTIVELYto into one's relgion... zaki are indeed a great and courageous human being...I admire you..