'Islam-watch Has Been Harsh on Indian Muslims' : A Hindu Reader
28 Jan, 2009
- A regular Hindu reader and an occasional contributor of our Website feels that Islam-watch has been too harsh on Indian Muslims in a comment made in an article. Following is the exchange:
The letter:
Dear Mr Khan,
I have been following you site for a long time and I appreciate your
effort to expose religious fundamentalism. I agree with most of your
points, but I think you are becoming a bit careless, or being too
busy, do not read articles before posting them. Below is an excerpt
from a write-up by one of your authors:
- As a matter of fact, the Muslims of this divided India have no moral and ethical right to stay in this country. In 1940, these people said that they were a different nation and it was not possible for them to live peacefully with the hateful Hindu Kafirs. In 1947 they got their homeland Pakistan but these treacherous and mischievous people did not go to their cherished land but continued to stay in this country as resident non-Indians with their hidden agenda to make entire India into a dar-ul-Islam. Hindus of this country should have kicked them out as soon as Pakistan had been created.
Don't you think things are going a bit too far here, your
judgment over Indian Muslims (I suppose you are one of them) is
rather harsh..?
Yours faithfully
MA Khan's reply:
I concede that cannot read every posting thoroughly. I don't get that kind of time. Therefore, some of the comments passed through the editor may be step out of the mark of acceptability.
Concerning the objectionable excerpt you quoted, I agree that, to civilized conscience, it would sound harsh on Indian Muslims. But on a logical ground, the comment stands. What is said in the article is all that Muslims wanted in the 1940s, didn't they?
India's Muslims, for creating a separate homeland—a home of the pure (pak)—for themselves, unleashed harrowing barbarity, a Jihad in the 1940s. Millions died; hundreds of thousands of mostly Hindu and Sikh women were violated; millions of Hindus and Sikhs were force-converted to Islam. What was all this meant for?
Muslims gleefully supported the separatist campaign, but when the partition truly happened, they found it impractical to move thousands of miles. They stayed back. Now they are causing all sorts of problem for India: from social and economic backwardness to violence and terrorism. As Islamic radical builds up globally, a starker reality, in all likelihood, will visit India in the decades to come.
The fact is: it is Muslims who wanted a separate state, because they wouldn't want to live in a land dominated by the kafir Hindu majority—a dar al-harb; they were eager to undertake hijrat to a Muslim homeland. But when the Partition really took place in 1947 at the cost of immense life and property, more Hindus were made to undertake hijrat under the yoke of harrowing persecution and brutality in Pakistan. For those who remained defying the persecution, had to make the same journey too, albeit at a later time, under various kinds of compulsions, including mass eviction through violent tools. During the Partition, some 350,000 Hindu moved from today's Bangladesh (East Pakistan) to India, while only 70,000 Muslims made their much-craved hijrat to East Pakistan. In the post-Partition period, some 10–15 million Hindus were forced to leave today's Bangladesh. Moreover, tens of thousands of Muslims have also moved to India since the Partition and the infiltration continues. In today's Pakistani part, Hindus have suffered worse persecution; their number has dwindled from a post-Partition 10% to about 1% today.
Yes! To civilized conscience, the comment sounds harsh on Muslims, but that's what they eagerly wanted. But much harsher cruelty has been perpetrated upon Hindus, inflicted upon them in reality, which draws little attention. There appears very few conscientious people, when it comes to the persecution of Hindus. The nation of India is yet to suffer more for its mistake of 1947—that is, for not implementing what Muslims doggedly demanded and caused immense sufferings to achieve it. The future reality may turn out dreadful for India.
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MA Khan is the editor of islam-watch.org Website and the author of upcoming book, Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery.
Name: Islam
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 01:52:36 -0500
But the trend of Muslims leaving Islam seems to be picking up thanks to the efforts of you all. So your gloomy forecast of Islam conquering the world may not come true.
Name: sat-chit-ananda
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 02:09:20 -0500
What is objectionable about the excerpt is its suggestion that _all_ Indian Muslims have no right to be in India. This certainly applies to those Indian Muslims who want to put into practice the Koranic injunctions of Jihad, slaughter of apostates, slaughter of blasphemers, 72 virgins, and so on. But most Indian Muslims probably don't understand the full evilness of Islam. What we need to do is to educate them, and this site is playing a commendable role in that regard. Those who renounce Islam are welcome, whereas those who continue to believe in the Koranic injunctions have no place in civilized society. More ambiguous is the status of those who believe in a whitewashed and sanitized version of Islam. If they have truly reject the barbarism of Islam, then their presence is probably tolerable. But there is always the danger that they or their succeeding generations will suddenly see the "light" of true Islam and want to start slaughtering the Kaffirs. So the intellectual battle must continue until Islam becomes as discredited as Nazism or Bolshevism.
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 03:02:52 -0500
While what MA khan says is correct, I get the shudders to think that what if my grandparents had migrated to Pakistan. While the language might be a bit politically incorrect, the intent was not. After all it was the Muslims who demanded Pakistan, after they got it they did not have any moral right to stay in India. They should have left way back in 1947. However in that case people like me would never be able to see the light of truth and freedom. Today I can live as an apostate in India without any fear of being killed. The same would not have been applicable in a country like Pakistan or Bangladesh. So I really dont know what to say!!!!!!!!!
Name: Wagamama
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 03:31:01 -0500
Look at the surnames of Muslims from the subcontinent: Desai, Butt (it is Bhat), Iftikar RAO, Chaudhery, Kamal (kamal is lotus in Sanskrit)-- They all are kaffir surnames. If the ancestors of these people had converted by choice, then they wouldn't have retained kaffir surname. The fact that they retained their original surnames indicates that they wanted their nth progeny to trace their roots and come out of the saddist cult.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 04:03:24 -0500
Well replied Mr.Khan.I wouldn't say that all the muslims are trouble makers. It is the educated ones that create more problems. The uneducated are blissfully unaware of the dogmas and hate-idealogy of islam and they go about their daily life as usual unless they are incited by some mullah or politician or the likes of frauds like Zakir Naik or Israar Ahmed. Israar Ahmed takes the cake. This old coot comes from Pakistan and lectures about "dawa" in the initial stages until muslims attain a simple majority and then all out jihad to forcibly convert the rest of the Indians. He gives the example of Muhamad in Mecca where he was at the receiving end from his own tribesmen and then in Yathrib or Medina when he took up the sword to enforce his islam by "jihad". This ,he lectures in Mumbai, India, while we silently watch . This is sheer evil instigation. He even goes on to say that Human rights is all bunkum and only Allah's law will hold good. Islam ,he says was not only for arabs ,but for the whole of humanity! That's a big laugh and the rottenest LIE! Then you have other blokes in Peace TV going gaga about what a great civilisation is Saudi Arabia, how peaceful and progressive islam is, etc... These crooks lie through their teeth without conscience. All for the thousands of Saudi Rials ,not speak of money flowing in from UAE, Kuwait ,Bahrain ,among other arab countries are lining their bulging sacks to go on with this kind of rot. If islam is so progressive, why are muslim counties backward in all respects? Why do they oppress nonmuslims and women under the guise of 'Sharia'? They say that all that has been discovered in science and those yet to be discovered are there already in Quran! This Quran is not a Brittanica Encyclopedia ,but just a small book of some 500 pages with some 6,666 verses, not a book of 10 million lines like BE. I am really sick of this fraudulent claims.It is denigrating and insulting the enormous efforts ,genius of so many great scientists who have dedicated their lives in their quest for knowledge! I have come across many muslims making such claims personally, and this made me buy a copy of Quran by translated by Pickthall. To my surprise I found nothing but bronze age babble of some ancient arab tribes ,nothing new or inspiring but certainly shocking intolerance ,violence and ignoprance. It no better than the Old Testament ,of which I am having a copy. People should read these books before just blindly praising them sky-high and claiming it to be the word of "God". The god of the bible and the Quran look no better than an evil tyrant demanding utter submission and fear! If these books are exposed many of the problems in human relations ,bigotry and superstitions can be eradicated.
Name: Ilham
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 04:07:43 -0500
Islam causes trouble everywhere it goes. The worse misfortune to ever befall India is the arrival and growth of Islam. Over the next few decades hopefully India will be able to contain the menace that is Islam. Fortunately, it is likely that many Indian Muslims will leave Islam as it becomes clearly and widely understood that Islam is a fraud.
Name: RE:vbv
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 04:20:46 -0500
vbv, i feel that we Indians, Hindus, ex-Muslims and Sikhs should all come together and start fighting this war on the ground. There is point in simply crying out our woes public Forums. We have to stand up to this evil menance called Islam. With every passing day these Islamists are growing stronger, its time that we people join our forces and fight against these evil people. I am not asking to launch a counter Jihad (maybe that too) however if we stay mum and dont spread the correct information around we are the ones who will be loosing. Let us accept the facts, if 2mrw Muslims take over our country we will be the biggest loosers. The unpatriotic Christians will never as much as lift a finegr against the Mullahs cos they are hand in glove with them. They always have the option of leaving India and migrating to a Western country open to them. It people like us who have nowhere to go who will be the biggest loosers. Therefore let us act while we have. I am sure that if we stand up and let the politicians know that we wont take their crap anymore they wil be forced to act, Hindus are still 80% of India's population but cant be sure as to how long the Demographics hold still. Let us not wait for the final moment. Its high time we come together and form a sort of coalition. I also appeal to all non-Christian members of this forum to come together. I appeal particularly to Hindus, Sikhs and Ex-Muslims. Let us show faith in one another and come together to fight these foriegn forces.
Name: good article but what is the solution ??? only isw and ffi is the solution
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 04:42:59 -0500
good question,but what is the solution ??? only isw and ffi is the solution its duty of all hindus atheist,ex-msulism etc to ensure that emssages of truth isw + ffi reach every one in the world, so islam and its hate based ideology forever destroyed and arabs r retruned to their pagan roots again or become atheist [ i prefer that - lol ].
Name: Jagmohan Singh Khurmi
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 05:54:08 -0500
I am the "Hindu reader" who wrote the above letter to Mr Khan, and I am surprised at Mr Khan's reply and am surprised at myself, surprised to the immunity, out of my Indian conditioning, I have developed towards truth. What Mr Khan is saying is 100 % truth. Back in 1947, Indian muslims DID behave like animals. Now the question is why I felt the reply was harsh. We, in India, are so given to politicol correctness that truthfullness is no longer a priority for us. All our education, all our media, all our great authors like Khushwant Singh etc. are desperate to make us beleive that 1947 happened due to "commuanalism" and we are ALL equally responsible for the bloodbath. Saying something against the great religion of peace is against the rules. Hindu society is a terrorised society.
Name: why r we humans skirting our duty to expsoe islam ? isw and ffi r god sent best tools to expose islam and help avoid nuke war
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 06:41:38 -0500
why r we humans skirting our duty to expsoe islam? isw and ffi r god sent best tools to expose islam and help avoid nuke war.pls start sending masss mails from gmail etc to all so as to let WHOLE WORLD know abt islam.isw and ffi r god gift to all humanity and specially kafir pagans who have suffered at hands of judeo-christianity-islam for last thousands of years,to expose truth.do it fast help dissimaiet isw and ffi info to all.save world frun nuke ww3.
Name: balam Referring to V.B.V
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 07:08:35 -0500
Every thing looks yellow to the jaundiced eye.His criticism of the OLD TESTAMENT is based on his deep prejudice and ignorance.He would not be worshipping the lifeless idols and animals like cows and snakes like his Hindu brothers,if he had better brains than a cow,monkey or snake.Hinduism is a Pagan cult like Islam.You can call them RAM-ALLAH.Each one has a lot of similarities and both are evil.These so called High caste Hindus, Which part of the woman they were born through, I would like to ask.Same question for the Muslims about their supermacism.Through old testament THE LIVING GOD laid the foundation of just and civilized society.Has Islam and Hinduism like that to offer except hatered in Islam and evil caste system institionalised in Hiduism. Please take the cataract of ignorance of your eyes removed.It might improve your outlook in life.
Name: MA Khan
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 08:52:33 -0500
To the question of "what is the solution?", there are not many. To think that I-W, FFI will change the course of history in the short term seems to me improbable. Politicians, both at home in India and abroad, have cards up their sleeves to avert the coming bloody conflict with limited damage and destruction. The conflict is undoubtedly going to be of global dimension. India will not be an isolated battleground in this conflict. How the global community come together to handle the issue will determine how this conflict would end up? But I agree that the ultimate win in this battle can be achieved only by fighting the cult along the line of I-W and FFI.
Name: To the fool above
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 09:47:31 -0500
Do you know that large section of Israeli soldiers are atheists. Yet they fight for their country. So no you really don't need to be religious to fight! What you need is faith in your cause and in yourself. Muslims are convinced that they will get Houris after they die and hence the cause of the motivation. However the soldier who dies for India a\or for Israel does not have Houris in mind. He defends his nation for the sake of the integrity of its borders its Honor and prestige. Muslims are greedy people who do everything for a reward, atheists don't fight for a reward. They fight for what they believe in, of course if you want atheists to become suicide bombers then that is a totally different issue and you can be one only if you are a Muslim. So while I can die for my nation in the battlefield, I cannot explode myself to kill innocents, even if they are Muslims.
Name: seeker
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 09:51:49 -0500
SCENARIO 1.Year 2050.India has become like present day Israel. The demography has changed dramaticaly. Muslims constitute 50% of the population. There are bloody riots all over India as Muslims want the Sharia to be law of the land. Hindus are fighting for survival like the Jews in Israel. India`s economy is in shambles. No one wants to invest in India as it has become the most dangerous place on earth. There are daily incidents of terrorism. No one is safe.There is hunger and misery eveywhere. SCENARIO 2.Year 2050.India is on a roll.It is the largest economy in the world. Its PPP(purchasing power parity had overtaken that of the US long back in 2025).The name India inspires awe.Indian scientists have found the cure for cancer.Everyone wants to be a part of the Indian story and want a part of the Indian pie. Muslims in India have seen the fraudulant nature of Islam and people dont want to be seen associated with this dirty word anymore. Internet has a wide reach like the current reach of mobile phones and sites like Islam Watch are very popular with the Indian muslims. Atheism is the new mantra. Muslims are laughing at Allah and openly declaring their apostacy with no fear to their lives. So folks.The next decade or so is very important to see which way the pendulam will swing.I am optimistic for the best.Our duty lies in spreading the message of IW to as many people/newspapers/magazines/internet forums/blogs as possible.This is the least we can do.I hope for the best.There is no stopping us now. Hopefully the mindset will change with time.
Name: antimod
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 09:59:01 -0500
In my opinion the muslim majority in India looks at Pakistan as its savior. With Pakistan failing on all quarters they are learning to realise that living with nonmuslims at peace will benefit them more. This became obvious when the Darul Uloom of Deoband sent a fatwa calling islamic terrorism is unislamic. And they took twenty years to realise this OR is it another Taqiyya craft, I wonder. With international oil prices falling and the new american policy to cut on oil import from the middle east the free money the muslim organisation were getting will dry up. What next ? There will be no way out for the Indian muslims but to live in peace with hindus and other nonmuslims.
Name: Ramana Rajgopaul
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 10:15:46 -0500
Hindustan was a name given to the land where the river Indus flowed. There is no one called Hindu in the scriptures. The Indus flows in what is today Pakistan. Pakistan means the land of the pure. I would suggest that the Pure here should mean the people who did not convert from one religion to any other. Those are the people who now live in what is known as Hindustan. Rightly, they should be known as Pakistanis. What perversion humans can think of!
Name: RE Balam.(off topic)
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 11:34:44 -0500
Balam, Why are you in a denial mode. Does the truth hurt? It does. Lets look at what some of the founding fathers of America had to say about Christianity. Here's Thomas Paine. Among the most detestable villains in history, you could not find one worse than Moses. Here is an order, attributed to 'God' to butcher the boys, to massacre the mothers and to debauch and rape the daughters. I would not dare so dishonor my Creator's name by (attaching) it to this filthy book (the Bible). The Christian church has set up a religion of pomp and revenue in pretended imitation of a person (Jesus) who lived a life of poverty. Here`s Jefferson. Christianity...(has become) the most perverted system that ever shone on man. ...Rogueries, absurdities and untruths were perpetrated upon the teachings of Jesus by a large band of dupes and importers led by Paul, the first great corrupter of the teaching of Jesus. Balam, I dont want to take much of your time. Some guy has suggested some sites to you. Visit them if you can. Guaranteed to make you a heathen.
Name: Hindu
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 13:45:20 -0500
This website is run and funded by a bunch of christian corpse worshippers posing as atheists. This website is islamophobic and indulges in islam-bashing and does not have factually correct articles on this site. The first 2 paragraphs of f.e. this article http://islam-watch.org/Eka/Disappearance-of-Matriarchal-Society.htm are clearly wrong. This site prides itselfs of factually solid criticism of Islam but the above article disproves that. DO NOT TRUST any article on this pathetic little Islam-bashing site
Name: JD
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 15:30:32 -0500
IW criticism of Islam in India is not harsh enough by a goodly degree by all appearances. IW is a remarkably polite place. It's criticisms also appear to be very well founded, accurate, and well researched.
Name: to the ones that won't leave a name
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 15:31:56 -0500
How about going beyond that one article and actually read the WHOLE SITE. And to the one that says that soliders aren't athiests, there are many soliders that are athiests as well as followers of some kind of faith.
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 15:47:47 -0500
This site prides itself on a factual CORRECT critcism of Islam. One article is clearly WRONG (esspecialy the first 2 paragraphs) YET you trust this website. That clearly proves you are nothing more than a MORRON who blindly follows the BS of a bunch of islam-bashing christian corpse worshippers. Why don't you bend over so that the web site owner can fuck you in the ass
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 15:57:42 -0500
A soldier that is atheist while he is fighting a war where bombs and bullets are dropping and flying all around him is like a cow that loves to only eat meat. ONLY IDIOTIC MORRONS believe that atheists can be good soldiers. This website is run by atheist fools for even bigger fools.
Name: lw1-Re:Disappearance of Matriarchal Society by Eka
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 17:50:17 -0500
the first two paragraphs in this article does not even mention Islam.
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 19:14:21 -0500
It doesn't matter if the first 2 paragraphs don't mention Islam. If the facts are wrong than they are WRONG. What's so hard to understand??? Are you too stupid to understand that??? A website that prides itself on getting the facts right can't afford having a article with wrong facts. But a DUMB FUCK like you is claerly to morronic to understand that.
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 19:17:46 -0500
Besides that the whole article was about criticism of islam/islam bashing
Name: Puneet Madaan
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 20:03:06 -0500
#fellow 'softhearted' Indian #MA Khan' if you speak about indian partition genocide, then you are radical in language of Gandhians-leftist-marxist-and of course islamist language.. and i think my fellow indian 'Hindu' comes out of one of those category... In fact, I as an descendent of a family that suffered horribly during indian partition genocide is not even allowed to grieve, discuss or express the suffering that has fallen over my ancestors; because grieving over your own dead one's, especially those who had fallen to Islamofacism is a ultimate crime in eyes of 'politically correct' leftist. because leftist only recognize one victim who from his religion is Muslim..... and neither you MAKhan, nor me fall in that categorie.... and remind you, this law is somewhere applicable in all common wealth countries currently... certainly perhaps thats why Indian partion genocide, even-though not-documented well, still hunts peoples inside.... because for many like me its a incomplete mourn.. for many nationalist indians, its a sign that no one in world want to share their sufferings and recognize them, and they personally have to settle the score by discarding the decedents of those facistic 'koranic-scholars' who perpetrated that crime.. your article echos the same tone, due to which you invited that tivy response from a useful indian idiot... anyways for many globalist like me, its reminds how people can be so ignorant to human suffering till they are not at victim side. they even turn blind eye if the perpetrators are of any political use, with leftist-Gandhian best example of that.. the hard chapters we learned must not be repeated, and globalist indians do openly speak of their sufferings so world can be secured from the coming threat. anyways MAKhan, by now you might have realize with which brand of preverted peoples you are speaking to.. they are psuedo-nationalist, psuedo-leftist and as as nationalist indian call it best 'Mohammedan hindus'.. they will love to live under islamic caliphet, which even Gandhi supported during 1920's. but can't respect modern free world and support the love west has given to them.. they will never recognize any suffering, either it was indian partiton genocide... for which they have drafted copy of excuses, or Mopla massacre of 1922... for which they don't have any excuse thus in 2006 had removed the references from 9th standard history books...and will put blame on christians/west for whole conflict ... do check changes introduced in 9th standard books by gandhians wrt 1857 mutiny.. and it occur coincidently when they were praising deobandis as best nationalist in india.. And for me india is the only 'democratic' country in world which does not recognize the genocides that had fallen on its own people. so really you are expecting a bit lot from such people.. thanks to these Gandhian brand leftist... Peoples says that history repeat itself if you don't learn from history... here we have masses of Gandhians who rather then recognizing history tries to put blanket of 'political correctness' over it... funny part of whole story is that marxist-Gandhian axis sided islamist and Nazis during WW2, and today they blame us who speak about islamist threat as Nazis.. yes, you hear it right. the 'messiah of non-voilence' and his fellow congressians was in Jail during whole WW2, and fellow congressians from East Indian front's subash chand bose to western front faqir of lpi are well known nazi collabrators... hopefully i answered both ... MAKhan, where i salute you for your boldness & truth! i really like to curse my fellow indian, not because I have anything against him.. but because he is proving himself to be one of modern 'dhritrastra'.. who under his political ambition had given path to big war of mahabharta, one big human tragedy noted in indian literatures(mythology)... P.S. sorry Mr. Gandhian, I know leftist can't stand krishna's reference, and beyond this i also know the fact that where many indians learn from Mahabharata about what should never be repeated,where many in west learn from WW2 ..... I found ideologically/religiously myself more closer, and more a part of western society; rather then a indian society living over myth that are been indoctrinated in indian children's on name of political correctness... at last, what matters for me is not nationalism rather universal human dignity.... which ironically no nationalist, as well as no 'real Muslim' support....
Name: Sunny ===> Mr. M.A.Khan
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 20:07:25 -0500
Personally, I am a fan of Mr. M.A. Khan. He is really like "Makhan", which means butter (in other words, polite) in Hindi. IW and FFI are really great web sites and I keep referring this web site to every patriotic person that I know of. Dr. Ali Sina is another such great person. They work hard to keep our hopes alive. So all the peace loving people will remember them for a their extra-ordinary contribution to the mankind. Zillions of salutes to you! May God bless you and your family.
Name: Sunny
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 20:13:40 -0500
I am surprised by the question of this Reader! This shows he is unaware of the Indian history. There are so many Hindus in India who are ignorant of the barbaric nature of islam. And that's why fraud like Zakir Naik survives. I wish more people become aware of FFI and IW.
Name: Truthseeker to MA Khan
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 20:42:41 -0500
Dear M A Khan, Thanks for all your effort. I am a regular reader of your website. You are doing an excellent job for humanity. Any religious fanaticism is bad. With time we have to adapt with modernity. Hindu dharma has many flaws, and the reformation process should be on. Honestly, islam creates a mental blockade and islam is troubling the world too much. Islamic people are a typical pattern. God (if there is any) please save the world. Long live human values. People should love and respect each other. Peace. Thanks a lot MA Khan. Truthseeker
Name: Truths deliberately buried
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 23:16:58 -0500
by successive secular Congress / Marxist governments, which are harsher then revealed by Mr Khan.
Dear readers i have seen movie Fitna. I am sincerely worried about india. What to do, how to protect my motherland, i love this land a lot. See the bigot/hypocratic politically correct brown sahibs, convent educated hindus, hindus have no land to go in case of persecution. Jews, Syrian christian came as refugee when they were persecuted. Where shall we go, the plight of kashmiri hindus is not even highlighted. I personally know a kashmiri hindu who left with his family at 1200'O clock in night to save his life, he hates muslims.Few things i would like to tell you, in one of the forums Hindus of darjling were sharing woes who are stuck in muslim neighbourhood, Muslims do not allow their hindu friends to cook when they are fasting in Ramadan, they are being threatened so that it should not be reported. Similarly a hindu from bangalore has shared, that once in their multicultural colony some dispute erupted between hindus and muslims. Muslims had singled out hindus and started abusing them and their women, they did not harm christians. Daily there are murders of hindus in Cananore where muslim population is more in kerala. Please peacfeful and truthful indians unite and stop this idiotic stupid congress/marxist allies. Our history which we read in school books is a lie. Many doubts i have confirmed after reading Mr Khans article. Lot of Bangladeshis are intruding in india under systamatic plan. There is a plan to divide india. The bigot arjun singh has made madrasa education equivalent to CBSE. Someday christians and muslims will unite against heathen/kafir hindus, then what we will do. Hindus wake up research and act. Keep a vision of 500 years, see what will be your position. The slumber of hindus is to deep worse then kumbakaran, they have not learned their lessons from past. The main reason of Orissa violence was cast politics. In North east already seeds of division had been sown. I stay near a tsunami site, heavy conversion is going on, pentacoastal mission is very active in south india. You should travel to villages outside chennai, you will feel it. Once in our place a converted christian along with a pastor and a bus full of converts came to our place to search for potential converts in a government township. One of my sikh friend had gone to a restaurant in spencer mall, chennai, after washing hands he was handed a booklet of jesus for conversion. Earlier i never used to notice all these thinks, but now, i have seen truth with my eyes. The real reason for these thing is Power, power makes man greedy and blind. On the name of secularism lot of wrong things are happening in India. I feel all these things will fragment and divide india in future. Whenever i think how to handle these situation i get no answers, what to do. Dear Indians tell what can be done. Our people are too simple to understand the repercussions of these things. I do not believe in the english media and their news, i have researched on my own and found out the truth behind Orissa violence by a retired Ashok Sahu, IPS (Retd.) Former Inspector General of Police, you can read at http://www.indiapost.com/article/perspective/1758/ .Same fact was stated by a former IAF pilot who happen to be a christian in sulekha. Always one side stories are depicted by mainstream media, facts are distorted. I doubt ever the realities of destroyed hindu temples unmasked by Mr khan will see light in the mainstream media and secular politics of India. Sincerely i am worried for the coming generations, will they only see violence, manipulation and power of money. Will they understand truth, love, honesty.
Dear readers, Mr Khan & Mr ibrahim you are indian please share your views on facts stated by me. Division on the basis of caste, religion, language and region are now being sown by politicians like Raj Thakeracy, mayawati, Conress, Stalin (against hindi speaking people published in the Hindu on 27/28 Jan). Rise of extremism of hindus is because of all these things. Short sighted people do not see the seeds of violence. Please suggest How to save india.
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 23:47:03 -0500
I was the one who said that Atheists can fight wars as well as any theist. However one needs to believe in something to fight a war. Everyone does, you dont jump into the battle field without believing in something. I could quote many atheists who were warriors of great repute. However I dont find it essential to satisfy someone, whose theism has made him blind beyond belief. Actually whoever has posted this stuff has either gotta be a Christian or a Muslim, because only these varieties of theists have such beliefs. Of course you could pretend to be some1 else when you are not what you pretend to be.
Name: balam
Date: Thursday January 29, 2009
Time: 05:04:56 -0500
I agree with the analysis of Seeker about future of India and Islam in India. It is scary to imagine India turning into Islamic state with Sharia laws. To counter Islam there should be a TRUTH channel to counter so called PEACE channel ,beamed in all the countries of the world, in every language to expose the true face of Islam which represents the evil and ugly face of humanity.
Name: Nicky
Date: Thursday January 29, 2009
Time: 08:45:07 -0500
The future of Hindus could be worse than the Hindus who suffered during partition, BECAUSE: 60 years ago Hindus and Muslims lived pecefully as neighbours in most of the villages, but today every Muslim child is being radicalized at the age 4-5 through spread of Mosqs and Mullas have a strangle hold on the modern generation of young muslims; every female is into burqa with only two eyes being seen; segregation, ghettoing is almost complete, go to any town,city, you will see a segregated colony of muslims, the moment their no. shows increase, Hindus invariably start selling their properties, the buyers, invariably are Muslims; i can give any no. of examples, see todays Hindustan Times, it talks of Muslim reps from different parts of India flocking to Delhi to press for separate deal for Muslims!! need any proof for their separatism? See who are their leaders (Socio-political-economic-education)? Is Mr Abdul Kalam anywhere in the reckoning? How many Muslims will listen to him? This is the reality and the future is grave; Hindus are sheltering fire which will surely burn them, beware and take action NOW.
Name: A.M. Jamsheed Basha, Chennai, India
Date: Friday January 30, 2009
Time: 02:54:04 -0500
Mr. Khan, are you a Hindu or Muslim? Your lop sided view on the killing of Hindus speaks of your biased mind against Muslim and an attempt to please Hindus. Perhaps, you have not fully read the horrors of partition. Those killed in the melee not only Hindus but thousands of Muslims too. You are only projecting the Hindu loss of life and properties. The riots that followed the partition in Bengal and elsewhere saw thousands of Muslims killed or wounded and properties looted. How can you conveniently ignore these facts and project as if the Muslims were alone were responsible for the killings? This is not fair and impartial reporting Mr. Khan. You being an Editor of this web site, must be impartial. Do not try to play to the Hindu gallery. I will come back with more facts on the history of partition later on the same web page. In the meantime, please answer the query raised that you are too harsh on Muslims of India. I for one who believed and wrote a number of articles that the creation of Pakistan was a blunder of century and that Jinnah had ditched Muslims of India leaving them in lurch for the satisfaction of his own ego. Muslims were well represented before the partition in all legislatures of the country. Partition had infact, made them aliens in their own land over night and reduced them to the status of second class citizens. If today Muslims have withstood all the riots and discrimination, it is only due to their resilience nature and will to create their own niche in the body politics of the country. India is our country and nobody has a right asking us to leave for the mistake of our forefathers. I will come out with a bigger article on the issue later. In the meantime, I demand an explanation from Mr. Khan for his tirade against the Muslim community.
MA Khan, Editor: Mr Basha, I didn't say only Hindus were killed or suffered. Muslim's instigated and, in most cases, initiated the barbarities, starting with the barbarism of Mopla rebellion in Malabar in 1921 for the creation of a Islamic caliphate and the subsequent violence surrounding their demand for creating Pakistan and to realize that demand.
Please do not overload the site by uploading unnecessary materials.
Name: A.M. Jamsheed Basha, Chennai, India
Date: Friday January 30, 2009
Time: 19:41:38 -0500
Mr. Khan, you are still wrong. You have quoted only one incident of Mopalla rebellion. Do not you ever charge the Muslim community with instigating riots. You are trying to project them as villains. The Muslims were at the receiving end in all the riots that took place after the country was divided into India and Pakistan. You would be happy to publish those articles pleasing your eyes and ears, if they are muslim baiting one. If your site is a real impartial site inviting debate on such matters of importance, you should be bold enough to public all the view points, though at times unpalatable to you. If you cannot publish such articles, then do not call it Islamic Watch. What are you upto? India is a free country and we have every right to voice injustices and afront on our community. If you cannot tolerate this, better close the site. Jai Hind.
Name: MA Khan ------->> Basha
Date: Saturday January 31, 2009
Time: 00:59:22 -0500
Mr. Basha, you are only half-correct in saying that Muslims were at the receiving end of the riots after the partition. The truth is during and after the partition, Muslims also started suffering alongside the Sikhs and Hindus. By that time, Hindus had already suffered horrible barbarism under no provocation for one whole year starting with the Direct Action riots (16 Aug 1946) in Calcutta. Late in July 1947, just prior to the partition, Muslim barbarism in West Punjab flared up once again for ethnically cleansing the "land of the pure" from the filthy kafirs. Under this new provocations, Sikhs in East Punjab (Amritsar), who had already suffered a harrowing bout of Muslim brutality and devastation, started hitting back. Thereafter, Hindus in Delhi, Rajasthan and other areas, where Muslims had strong presence--under attacks from Muslims--started hitting back. From the beginning to the end, Muslims were almost the sole instigators, not only by their Jihadi campaign for dividing India, but also by initiating almost all the violence.
I am closing the thread. If you are still keen on a debate, we can have one in our site. But I first ask you to go through my upcoming book, in which I recount my research on the circumstances and causes of the violence surrounding the partition.