[Book] Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery (by MA Khan)
17 Feb, 2009
An amended
edition is now in circulation. Notes on amendment:
In p. 155, the quote, ‘However pure Mr. Gandhi’s character may be, he must appear to me, from the point of view of my religion, inferior to any Mussalman, even though he be without character... Yes, according to my religion and creed, I do hold an adulterous and a fallen Mussalman to be better than Mahatma Gandhi’, belonging to a different Muhammad Ali, was wrongly attributed to Muhammad Ali Jinnah, and has been removed.
Eighty other minor typos and errors have been amended.
Abul Kasem's Review | Review by Prof Sami Alrabaa | Endorsement by editor of Australian Islamist Monitor | Review by Ibn Kammuna
Buy at Amazon, USA | Kindle edition: $ 7.96 | E.Book: $ 6:00 | Barnes & Noble | Amazon.com, UK (E-Book available from IUniverse Website only).
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Comments (more comments at Amazon.com)
Allan Hansen:
Dear M.A. Khan. I am now reading your masterpiece: Islamic Jihad. It's the best I've read since Why I am not a Muslim (Ibn Warraq, 1995)
I am trying if I can persuade a Danish historian, journalist, writer and president of Freedom of Speech foundation, Lars Hedegaard, to translate your book into Danish. Lars Hedegaard is the translator of Why I am not a Muslim.
Aasma Riaz:
Thank you so much for your book "Islamic Jihad" and showing me the "Big Picture". For 7-8 days, I was glued to your book, absorbing so much information that I did not know existed. You have crisply covered so much in your book and quoted historical references extensively. I am just overwhelmed with different emotions after reading your book. I will take a printout of your book, cover it with spiral binding and a laminated cover, and circulate it cautiously within my immediate circles. That is the very least I can do in terms of doing justice to such a priceless tome.
Randall E Otto:
I'm about halfway through the book and find it meticulously detailed in explaining the violent and often barbaric expansionism of Islam historically. Thanks for providing us with this detailed analysis of the history of Islamic imperialism.
Dr Anil K Vajpayee:
"I read your book on Islamic jihad. I think it is one of the best books I ever read on Islam. It is highly informative and insightful."
"Islamic Jihad is so incredibly documented that it leaves little room to criticize the book for the accuracy of the Islamic exposé. So do not tackle this book for reading enjoyment, rather engulf the book to educate your self on the actual nature of Islam’s past to understand its present and predict its future."
Ayesha Ahmed:
"Your book is amazing, you have done a fantastic job. The info I found in it I had never seen before. Actually I have started going over it again. Only other books I read twice previously were Craig Winn's Prophet of Doom and Ali Sina's Understanding Mohammad. I congratulate you on writing a masterpieace.."
"Mr Khan: I congratulate you on your excellent book, which I finished reading last week. Although I have read several good books on similar topics, including Dr. Bostom's book "Legacy of Jihad" and Mr Ghosh's book "Islam and Kafir" but your book takes the cake. It is a "must read" for Muslims and non-Muslims."
M. Sharif:
I have bought your book, Islamic Jihad, from the Amazon and found the book to be extremely good and informative.
Bill Warner (scholar of Islam and director of Center for the Study of Political Islam):
I am only half-way through your book, Islamic Jihad, but it is of such magnitude that I must congratulate on an extraordinary work. Your work is in depth and has a great scope. Much of the historical material is largely unknown and greatly needed. I believe that you have done a remarkable job on slavery. Your work is a blessing to humanity.
S. Z. Manik
I have just finished 'Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery'. I congratulate you upon your valuable contribution. I would call it a masterpiece and great contribution to humanity... Actually like a spellbound man I have gone through your book. Now I will call it a mighty weapon against Islam.
C. C Chrappa (at Amazon.com)
A Must Read
Khan's work stands out from the field... a book that's a goldmine... With Khan's book, you will have solid amateur knowledge not only of Islamic history, but Islamic theology as well. For that reason, it is a threat to those who try to keep us blinkered about the reality of Jihad. And to open eyes was Khan's intention. He has succeeded magnificently... Khan depicts the life of Muhammad as a microcosm of Islamic doctrine and history, and he does so brilliantly.I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Read it and learn.
Objective Reader, Amazon.com
With this book, M A Khan joins the ranks of luminaries like Ibn Warraq, Ali Sina, Bat Yeor and Geert Wilders.
Abul Kasem:
Khan’s work is very scholarly, persuasive and cogent. The language is simple, easy to understand, and engaging. Once started reading, readers would feel an urge to finish the book. No serious readers of Islam should ignore this book. Read this book and you will grasp why the Islamic Jihadis are doing what they are doing. Readers of the subcontinent (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh), especially Muslims, will be shocked at the suffering their ancestors suffered at the hands of Muslim invaders from the Middle East and Central Asia. The compelling account of many invasions and subsequent incursions will force them to eagerly search their roots. Readers from elsewhere in the Muslims world, and even Europe and America, would also be able make a connection as to how Islam impacted lives of their ancestors.
This book is also a must read for today’s political leaders—both Muslim and non-Muslim—to shake off their apathy towards the mortal danger of ascendant Islamic radicalism.
Mohammad Asghar:
The book, "Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery", is M. A. Khan's gift to mankind. It is an essential read for all of us, for it depicts the true nature of Islam and the serious threat it poses to the safety and well-being of non-Muslims. I thank the author for giving us such a precious gift.
Prof. Sami Alrabaa, author of Karin in Saudi Arabia
"I read your book and found it fascinating. It is one of those few books which everybody, Muslims and non-Muslims, must read. It is objective and balanced. For example, when you discuss how moderates interpret Jihad and how radical/militant Muslims interpret it.
“Islamic Jihad” is a comprehensive reference which entails in detail lots of facts about Islam and its prophet, in historical and current times. It is very well documented. All that makes it a must read to all of those who want to understand the driving force behind Jihad and terror."
Dr. Mervyn Brendle, James Cook University, (Australia)
“I have read some sections and… look forward to reading it in some detail. It appears to be a substantial addition to the vital work underway in expanding our understanding of the history, nature, and danger of the global jihadi movement.”
Ibn Warraq, author of Why I Am Not a Muslim
This book, I believe, will be a very important contribution for making a thorough understanding of the rising challenges both Muslim and non-Muslim world faces from Islamic extremists."
Nonie Darwish, author of Now They Call Me Infidel
"This is a must read book, very important and eloquently written, that sheds light on the violent imperialist nature of jihad: a main doctrine in Islam that can only be accomplished at the expense of violating human rights of non-Muslims as well as Muslims."
Nausheen Najib Rehman (Rehman is translating the book)
"I had the good fortune of reading this magnum opus. The author demonstrates beyond any vestige of doubt with extensive documentation that the Jihadi violence and terrorism, which grips our world, comes from the very heart of Islam. This is a "must read book" for all. The author (M. A. Khan) and Dr. Ali Sina are like two barrel-guns against the threat of Jihad, the world faces."
Mumin Salih (writer)
Your book is well researched and scholarly written. Its strength is in its style, rich insight, depth of analysis and the fact that it is well-sourced from Islamic own literature, including the Quran... The book also presents powerful arguments and critical examination of the teachings of Islam and its sanctioning of jihad. It brings to light the reality of jihad and the horrors of surrendering to its evil known as dhimmitude.
Your book is an essential reading for all those who are interested in understanding the menace of jihad.
Amar Khan
I have read half of the book. it is very versatile. And covering about all the aspect from history and contemporary. A must read book, indeed. One more thing, before start reading it, finish your works, because once you start reading, it will not let you move.......
MA Khan's Preface
I was born and brought up in a conservative Muslim society. After graduating in India, I moved to the West for furthering my education. Despite my conservative Muslim background, I grew up with a liberal outlook. In my school and university days, my closest friends were Hindus and Sikhs: I felt more comfortable with them as they were more liberal, easy-going and humble with fewer religious scruples. I had wholly given up religious rituals by the time I completed my university studies: they just didn’t attract me.
When 9/11 occurred, I had lived in a liberal society for over a decade. I had become consciously convinced that religious rituals—prayers, fasting, pilgrimage—were all meaningless. I should be rewarded, I felt, for working hard, and intelligently, not for aping some wasteful rituals, which brings good to nobody. Non-Muslims were my best friends; shocking my Muslim peers, I ate haraam (prohibited) foods, drank alcohol (in moderation).
Despite the kind of a liberal person I had become, let me be honest that I was not excluded from those Muslims who felt that the 9/11 attacks were justified, although I felt those perished in it died undeserving deaths. Muslim societies universally portray America as a mortal enemy of Islam, particularly for its stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. America’s mindless support for Israel has been causing terrible oppression and untold sufferings to Palestinian Muslims. There was, undoubtedly, an overriding sense of justification for the 9/11 attacks amongst Muslims; it gave the unjust superpower a bloody nose: I, so little a Muslim, thought that way too.
Weird as it may sound, I still believed in Islam. I thought the terrorists, acting in the name of Islam, were misguided. After 9/11, I slowly started reading about Islam: Quran, Sunnah and Prophet Muhammad’s biographies; I hadn’t read them in the thirty-five years of my life. I was shocked. I had been told all my life that Prophet Muhammad was the ideal human being: most merciful and just; that Islam is the most peaceful religion; and I believed it. But the Quran reads like a manifesto of open-ended war against non-Muslims for converting them or for subjugating them into horribly degraded dhimmi subjects. In his prophetic career, especially during the critical last ten years, Prophet Muhammad was anything but what a peace-loving, merciful and just person stands for.
My curiosity grew. Over the past years, I have done extensive research on Islamic theology as well as on Islamic history: from Prophet Muhammad to modern times. It has been a harrowing tale of forced conversion, brutal imperialism and devastating slavery. It’s a saga of great human tragedy—all in the name of Islamic holy war or Jihad, the foundational creed of Islam. This tragic tale is the subject of this book.
Peek inside
Obviously, there is a great deal of disagreement or denial about
this extremist discourse of Jihad.
Yet, it is undeniable that, out of misconception or not, the violent Islamist groups—with their unquestioned belief that they are fighting in the cause of Allah—will continue unleashing violence and terrorism against innocent men, women and children in the years and decades to come, causing incalculable damage and destruction to human life and society. Indisputably, Muslims are now a substantial and established group in almost every nation in the world. Due to high birth-rates amongst Muslims, their continued influx from the overpopulated Islamic world and decline of the native population, they may become, according to current demographic trends, the dominant religious group in many Western countries by the middle of this century. If the current tide of ascendant violent radicalism continues to thrive amongst Muslims, the stability of the tolerant, civilized world may face peril in the not-too-distant future. To secure the stability of the modernist, secular-democratic and progressive future of the world, nations must work unitedly for countering the ideology and activities of these radical Islamist groups, using both military and ideological means.
As violent Islamists wreak havoc around the world, more so in Islamic countries, understanding the ‘true meaning’ of Jihad, their central cause, is of central importance for both Muslims and non-Muslims in order to devise effective counter-measures against them. Without understanding what Jihad truly means, it is impossible for authorities and the people to devise effective remedies against the growing violent trend in the name of Jihad amongst Muslims.
This book is a small effort to give readers an idea of what Jihad truly means. It goes through the life of Prophet Muhammad as he progressively received revelation from the Islamic God (Allah) as contained in the Muslim holy book, the Quran. It will examine when and under what circumstances, Allah introduced the concept of Jihad into Islamic doctrines. It will demonstrate—based on the Quran, authentic prophetic traditions, and original biographies of Prophet Muhammad—how the Prophet of Islam had applied the doctrine of Jihad as he founded the Islamic creed during the last twenty-three years of his life (610–632 CE). Having thus made a sense of the religious foundation and prophetic model of Jihad, it will examine how this prototypical model of Jihad was perpetuated by Muslims through the ages of Islamic domination.
It is worth noting beforehand that, in putting Allah’s doctrine of Jihad into practice at the birth of Islam, Prophet Muhammad had established three major models of Jihadi actions:
Use of violence for the propagation of Islam,
Islamic imperialism,
Islamic slavery
The historical accounts of these legacies of Jihad will be discussed in separate chapters in this book.
JIHAD: THE CONTROVERSIES ...................................................... 1
BASIC BELIEFS IN ISLAM .............................................................. 7
The birth and early life (c. 570–610) ............................................ 14
Prophetic mission in Mecca (610–622) ........................................ 17
Was Muhammad driven out of Mecca? ...................................... 18
Were the Meccans a cruel people? .......................................... 22
Exemplary tolerance of Meccans. ............................................. 25
Muhammad’s campaign of terror against Meccans (623–630).......... 26
The Seeding of Jihad: ............................................................... 27
The Raid of Nakhla: ................................................................. 30
The great Battle of Badr: ........................................................... 31
The disastrous Battle of Ohud: .................................................. 32
The Battle of the Ditch (Trench): ................................................. 34
The conquest of Mecca and capture of the Ka’ba: ....................... 34
Muhammad’s exemplary forgiveness of Meccans ........................ 39
Muhammad’s Dealing with the Jews ............................................... 42
Jewish influence on Muhammad’s mission: ................................. 42
Muhammad’s Exhortation to draw the Jews to Islam: ................... 43
Jewish doctrines in good light in Islam: ........................................ 43
Muhammad’s bitterness with the Jews: ........................................ 44
Muhammad’s violence against the Jews: ...................................... 45
Muhammad’s dealing with the Christians ......................................... 51
Christian Influence on Muhammad’s mission and creed: ................ 52
Influence of other beliefs and legends on Muhammad’s creed ......... 56
Christian thoughts in Islam: ......................................................... 58
Condemnation of Christianity in the Quran: ................................... 61
Muhammad’s hostility toward Christians: ...................................... 62
Muhammad’s anti-Christian hostility in his death-bed: .................... 63
Muhammad’s threatening missives to Christian rulers: .................... 64
Muhammad’s expeditions against Christians: ................................. 64
Muhammad’s dealing with Christian delegations: ............................ 65
Status of non-Muslims in Islam as accorded by Muhammad ................ 67
Idolaters in Islam: ......................................................................... 67
Jews in Islam: .............................................................................. 68
Christians in Islam: ........................................................................ 69
Muhammad’s Jihad and its outcome .................................................. 71
The early wars for spreading Islam ..................................................... 74
Propagation of Islam: Quranic commands and prophetic model............. 77
Muslim scholars on the wars for spreading Islam ................................ 79
Protecting sovereignty of the Islamic state: ..................................... 81
Overcoming tyranny of foreign rulers: ............................................. 83
Freeing weak countries from oppressive rulers: ............................... 85
Removing tyranny and oppression: ................................................ 86
Welcome in Spain: ....................................................................... 89
How so many Hindus survived in India? ............................................... 92
Why so many people in India are still Hindus? ..................................... 97
How conversion took place in India? .................................................... 99
Conversion by the sword: ................................................................ 99
Conversion through enslavement: .................................................... 101
Enslaved women as reproduction tools: ........................................... 102
Humiliation & economic burdens contributing to conversion: .............. 105
Conversion under brutal Aurangzeb: ................................................ 109
Brutal Conversion in Kashmir: ......................................................... 111
Deceptive propaganda about conversion ............................................... 112
Voluntary conversion: ...................................................................... 112
Conversion of lower caste Hindus: .................................................... 112
Peaceful conversion by Sufis: .......................................................... 115
Conversion by traders in Southeast Asia: .......................................... 133
What enabled the conversion of the otherwise resistant infidels of
Southeast Asia to Islam so quickly after Muslims gained political
power? ............................................................................................. 139
Conclusion ........................................................................................... 146
THE ARAB-ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM ......................................................... 147
Islamic imperialism: Quranic commands & prophetic model .................... 149
The Perception of Islamic rule ............................................................... 152
Why Islamic rule is not colonialism? ....................................................... 155
Economic exploitation in Islamic expansion ............................................ 158
The cultural imperialism of Islam ............................................................. 164
Contribution of Islam to conquered lands ................................................. 172
The underdeveloped society of the Arabs: ............................................ 174
Prohibition of intellectual pursuits in Islam: ............................................ 177
Islam egalitarian or racist? .................................................................. 179
Islam’s extirpation of egalitarian Buddhism: .......................................... 183
How the Muslim world excelled intellectually and materially? .................. 185
Calling colonies home ............................................................................. 188
ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM IN INDIA ................................................. 191
The Islamic conquest and rule ................................................................. 194
India before the coming of Islam ............................................................... 201
An advanced civilization: ..................................................................... 201
A tolerant and humane society: ........................................................... 205
Muslim codes of war: ......................................................................... 207
Indian tolerance in the eyes of Muslim chroniclers: ................................ 210
Tolerance & chivalry of Hindu rulers during Muslim period: ..................... 212
Hindu-Muslim divide: A British invention? ................................................. 217
Hindu-Muslim discord, Partition of India & British complicity ..................... 220
The 1947 Riots and Massacres: Who is Responsible? .............................. 225
The Mopla Rebellion: ......................................................................... 225
Direct Action riots in Calcutta. ............................................................ 226
Anti-Hindu riots move to East Bengal: .................................................. 231
Hindu counterattack in Bihar: .............................................................. 232
Riots move to Pakistan: ....................................................................... 234
Sikh and Hindu Retaliation: .................................................................. 237
Premeditated ethnic cleansing of Hindus and Sikhs: .............................. 239
Ethnic cleansing of Muslims: ................................................................ 242
Who bears the responsibility? ................................................................ 245
Islam’s impact on the social, intellectual and cultural life of India .................. 246
On Education and learning: .................................................................... 246
Caste system worsened: ....................................................................... 249
Islam created the practice of Jauhar: ....................................................... 252
Sati worsened under the Muslim rule: ..................................................... 252
Islam promoted child-marriage: .............................................................. 253
Islam created the deadly thuggee cult: .................................................... 254
Islam’s impact on religious demographics: past & present ............................ 257
Muslim rule and poverty ............................................................................. 259
Legacy .................................................................................................... 263
ISLAMIC SLAVERY ..................................................................................... 267
Quranic sanction of slavery ....................................................................... 269
The prophetic model of slavery ................................................................... 271
Slavery in the ancient world ........................................................................ 272
Enslavement by Muslims in India ............................................................... 274
Enslavement by Muslims elsewhere ........................................................... 285
The Ottoman ‘Dewshirme’ ......................................................................... 288
Status of slaves ........................................................................................ 290
Suffering of slaves ..................................................................................... 291
Fate of slaves ........................................................................................... 299
Sex-slavery & concubinage ....................................................................... 308
Eunuchs and ghilman ................................................................................ 312
Islamic slave-trade .................................................................................... 315
European slaves ........................................................................................ 320
The Viking slave-trade & Muslim connection ............................................... 322
European slave-trade & Islamic complicity ................................................. 324
Denials of Islamic slavery .......................................................................... 327
Humane treatment of slaves in Islam: ......................................................... 329
Islam aggravated slavery: .......................................................................... 331
Slavery, theologically & historically, an integral part of Islam ....................... 332
Special cruelty and casualty of Islamic slavery ........................................... 334
Abolition of slavery & Islamic resistance .................................................... 335
European struggle against Islamic slavery in North Africa ............................ 336
The British struggle: ............................................................................. 336
The U.S. struggle and strike-back: ........................................................ 341
The British-led European strike-back: .................................................... 344
Muslim resistance against the Ottoman ban on slavery .............................. 345
Continuation & revival of slavery in Muslim countries .................................. 346
Muslims bring slavery to the West ........................................................... 349
Conclusion ............................................................................................. 350
THE LAST WORD ....................................................................................... 353
MA Khan is the editor of islam-watch.org and the author of Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism and Slavery.
Ebook download issue: If you have ordered an E-book and couldn't download it from iUniverse Website, email to Sarah Squicquero with your order detail. They will deliver it to you electronically. thank you for your patience.
Cover image: A Slave Raid in Central Africa (Illustrated London News, 1877): Arab slave-hunters harvest the women and children (near top), while kill the men (below).
Translation issue
Those interested in translating the book in other languages may contact me at watch.islam @gmail.com.
The book is currently being translated into Indonesian, Tamil, Assamese, and Bengali languages.
MA Khan
Ordering in India:
MA Khan: I don't think any distributor in India has stocked up the book as yet, if they would at all do. Those in India, interested in buying the book, may alert bookstores near them about it, which may encourage them stock it up.
A India-based online store is shipping the book at Rs. 1112. Click
here to buy from them.
Alternatively, if you or your friend has a Credit Card, you can get an
E. Book for $ 6:00 downloaded in your computer instantly. You can order a print-copy from Amazon.com
by clicking
Paperback at $ 17.96.
Name: Ayesha Ahmed
Date: Tuesday February 17, 2009
Time: 14:21:26 -0500
Congrads M.A. Khan, I will buy your book today. I am looking forward to reading it. Did you have as much difficulty in finding publisher as Ali Sina had to?
MA Khan: It's an uphill battle to find a publisher for works critical of Islam. It's the same for all.
Name: amaar khan
Date: Friday February 20, 2009
Time: 09:56:05 -0500
I have read half of the book. it is very versatile. And covering about all the aspect from history and contemporary. A must read book indeed. One more thing, before start reading it, finish your works; because once you start reading, it will not let you move.......
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Saturday February 21, 2009
Time: 01:44:09 -0500
Thanks to the assistance of Sarah from iUniverse, I have finally been able to download the e-book version this morning. As the print version would have taken too long to reach me in my country South Africa, I couldn’t wait that long to read it. I have just started reading it and find it fascinating. I don’t think I will have the time to write further comments on featured articles here for a few days until I have devoured it. Thanks to Mr MA Khan for a great achievement in putting it all together.
Name: Copper Kid on spread Islam in Indonesia
Date: Tuesday February 24, 2009
Time: 09:09:40 -0500
...read the chapter about jihad in Indonesia and I'm quite impressed with your data and the way you presented it. We have a lot of articles about the history of jihad in Indonesia, but your information is new to me...
Your research really open my eyes how did the Muslims conquered almost entire Indonesia in the past. It's too bad that the Dutch didn't do anything about it, unlike the British in India or the Spaniards in the Philippines.
I have to find a way to make sure people in Indonesia (especially the Muslims) read your very important writings. Perhaps comic strips with YouTube version will do the job. The problem with Indonesians is they don't like to read serious text books and would rather watch films or read short comic strips instead.
There is not much information about how the fact Islam spread in Indonesia available in Indonesia. Our history books are full of fabrication done by Muslims to cover up the evil things Indo Muslims did to Indo kafirs in the name of Islam. Therefore, I thank you so much for giving us opportunity to educate ourselves and also our country men.
Name: Editor, The Religion of Peace...
Date: Tuesday March 03, 2009
Time: 22:37:54 -0500
I am really enjoying your book. It is wonderful reading so far.
Name: Mumtaaz
Date: Saturday March 07, 2009
Time: 00:58:17 -0500
To Mr. MA. Khan, I have read your book. What a superb one. However, I am still curious about the Islamic spreading in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) as we all knew Islam is not well survived in this small piece of stolen paradise land.
MA Khan: Mumtaaz, thank you for reading my book and very positive feedback. Concerning Islam's spread to Sri Lanka, it was more the like early phase of Islam's spread in South India or Southeast Asia. Arabs traders, taking sea-routes, had set up their colonies. The tolerant local culture let them settle, intermarry and create their colonies. Ibn Battutah narrates Islamic colonies there and as well as other Islamic chroniclers: I think I have made some reference of Muslims in Sarandip (Sri Lanka) in the book.. But unlike in SE Asia, Islam was never able to raise the sword over there. Therefore, the beautiful Lanka remained poorly Islamized.
Mumtaaz: Yes, I found about Sarandib on your book under "Indian tolerance in the eyes of Muslim chroniclers." Entirely worth reading.
Date: Sunday March 08, 2009
Time: 02:10:57 -0500
He is just a bastard, who is trying to defame Islam. his book is full of errors, in particular about the Sufis concept of Islam.
MA Khan: In Islam, i.e. in Quran and Sunnah, there is no concept of Sufism at all. And I have clearly shown from Islamic chronicles that great Sufi saints, namely Moinuddin Chisti, Mizamuddin Auliya, Shah Jalal, Pir Khandayat et al., were kafir-killing Jihadis; the famous Sufis of Kashmir were barbarous mass-murderers. Any errors must have been made those Islamic historians, not me.
Name: Billy ar-Razi
Date: Monday March 09, 2009
Time: 05:59:15 -0500
Mr. Khan's great work proves that far from being a benign figure, Mohammed's great contribution was imperialistic jihad, a holy war of conquest given legitimacy by Allah. Theft, rape, slavery, conquest and most of all total repression of all human rights are justified by the political charge of not accepting Mohammed as a prophet. Islam has destroyed the lives of millions of decent, good people in the name of this supremacist doctrine. It exposes the hypocrisy of Muslims who deny this is the "real Islam".
Name: Warner MacKenzie
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2009
Time: 03:37:48 -0500
Mr. Khan, my heartfelt congratulations to you on producing such a comprehensive refutation of the myths about Islam that abound in the media and hence the minds of their readers and viewers. The world in general, and Muslims in particular, desparately need such well researched and informed reading matter in order to expose the widely accepted, sugar-coated and whitewashed false images of Islam so cleverly spread by the Muslim propagandists and their PC Western apologists. I'm still awaiting my copy, but if the above subject headings are any indication, I anticipate a thoroughly riveting read. My best wishes for its success.
Name: Non-Delusionist
Subject: Islamic Jihad
Date: Thursday April 30, 2009
Time: 09:26:00 -0400
MA Khan Last weekend I read Islamic Jihad. I think it is one of the greatest contribution to humanity. I was greatly enlightened by the well corroborated truth about Islam. I hope someone will translate the book into Urdu/Hindi and Malay/Indonesia. Best Wishes Thank you
Name: Ayesha Ahmed
Subject: M.A. Khan's book
Date: Thursday April 30, 2009
Time: 13:31:44 -0400
Mr Khan: I congratulate you on your excellent book, which I finished reading last week. Although I have read several good books on similar topics including Dr.Bostom's book "Legacy of Jihad" and Mr Ghosh's book "Islam and Kafir" but your book takes the cake.It is a "must read" for muslims and non muslims.
By M. Rasmussen "Cyril" (Copenhagen, Denmark) in Amazon, UK.
A well written and sobering book!
I have just read this book and a find it a very excellent view into the
history and inner workings of Islam!
Most of the academic mainstream in the western world is too political correct
and therefore blind and unwilling to explore the truth.
This book has the courage to do so and does it without trembling!
A scholar's work, highly recommended! 5 stars!!!
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