Did Prophet Muhammad corporeally ascend to the Gardens?
23 Sep, 2008
- “Glory to (Allah), who did take His Servant for a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless, - in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the one Who heareth and seeth (all things).”
As this is an important verse, we should also read another
translation to make sure that what we have quoted above is the
correct translation of its Arabic text.
N. J. Dawood’s translation of the verse reads:
“Glory Be to Him who made His servant go by night from the Sacred Tempe to the farther Temple whose surroundings We have blessed, that We might show him some of Our signs. He alone hears and observes all.”[1]
As we can see, there is no serious discrepancy in either of the
two translations, as both of them are almost identical. The
addressee of the verse was Muhammad. Both the translations confirm
through the words “did” and “made” that Muhammad had, indeed, made a
physical journey by night from the sacred mosque of Mecca to the
Furthest Mosque, the location of which is, however, not mentioned in
the verse. Since the verse has not identified the Farthest Mosque,
we will depend on the Muslim commentators to find out its identity
as well as the implication it carries for Islam and its doctrines.
In a footnote to the verse, Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall confirmed that the Mosque referred to in the verse was located in Jerusalem.[2] N. J. Dawood is of the same opinion.[3] Abdullah Yusuf Ali, having been helped by hadith literature as well as by the study of them - the latter having enabled him to elucidate the mystical meaning of the journey - maintained:
“The holy Prophet was first transported to the seat of the earlier revelations in Jerusalem, and then taken through the seven heavens, even to the Sublime Throne, and initiated into the spiritual mysteries of the human soul struggling in Space and Time.”[4]
The exact location of the so-called ‘Farthest Mosque’ (‘Masjidul
Aqsa’ in Arabic) thus established, let us now focus on whether the
night journey Muhammad had made was corporeal or not.
But before doing that, let us note that curiosity to know the
unknown has always been one of the mankind’s compelling instincts.
It is not that this instinct is possessed only by humans, even
animals, such as ape and bear et al, are also born with it that
allows them to know their surroundings before venturing out into a
difficult and dangerous world of their own.
The fact that man has always been curious to know about himself, his supposed creator, his surroundings and the universe is manifest from the religious scriptures, in which, at least eighty-five percent of today’s world population firmly believe and on which they rely to live ‘righteous lives.’ From these scriptures, we learn how our distant ancestors had tried to uncover the secrets of the heavens (the skies).
Because humans have originated from a single couple (i.e. Adam
and his wife), all of them naturally spoke a single language. Using
the unity brought to them by their common language, they took to
building a tower; its top designed to reach the Gardens (heavens),
thus giving them the opportunity to see or hear what was going on
within their walls.
In course of His inspection of the earth, Allah became
dumbfounded when He saw, in progress, the construction of the tower,
which, if He allowed to go ahead, was going to expose to its
builders all the secrets they hold.
Faced with a serious situation, Allah confounded their language
and scattered them all over the world so that they could neither
understand each other, nor had the required strength to complete the
At the time Allah had taken the above stated action, He was not
aware of a simple fact: the builders of the tower could not have
built it beyond the earth’s atmosphere, as its outer space is devoid
of oxygen. Under the circumstance, if our ancestors had been allowed
to proceed with the construction of the tower, none of us would be
living on earth to talk about their foolishness today!
The fact that Allah is wont to inviting humans to visit Him in
His home in the Gardens is also inferable from one of the verses of
the Quran, though the people to whom it was addressed did not take
it seriously. In it, He is believed to have said:
“Even if We opened out to them a gate from heaven, and they were to continue (all day) ascending therein,”
“They would only say: “Our eyes have been intoxicated: Nay, we have been bewitched by sorcery.”[6]
Since Allah has clearly indicated that humans could enter the
Gardens corporeally, there is no reason for us to think that
Muhammad, the best and the most capable man among all humans, had
not traveled in person to see Him in one of them; the
impracticability of the voyage for an ordinary mortal to undertake,
without Allah’s active help, through an oxygen-less and turbulent
space being a subject that does not fall within the scope of our
present commentary.
Muhammad’s activities that are supposed to have preceded his
journey support his physical ascension to the Gardens. Muhammad, son
of Ishaq, born in A.H. 85 (i.e. seventy-three years after Muhammad’s
death), and considered to be one of the earliest traditionists of
Islam, reports, on the authority among others, of Umm Hani, a
daughter of Abu Talib, who witnessed the event unfolding before her
eyes, as well as on the basis of what Muhammad himself had related
to al-Hasan, one of his Companions, saying:
“While I was sleeping in the Hijr Gabriel came and stirred me with his foot. I sat up but saw nothing and lay down. He came a second time and stirred me with his foot. I sat up but saw nothing and lay down again. He came to me the third time and stirred me with his foot. I sat up and he took hold of my arm and I stood beside him and he brought me out of the door of the mosque and there was a white animal, half mule, half donkey, with wings on its sides with which it propelled its feet, putting down each forefoot at the limit of its sight and he mounted me on it. Then he went out with me keeping close to me."
When I came up to mount he shied. Gabriel placed his hand on its
mane and said, are you not ashamed, O Buraq, to behave in this way?
By Allah, none more honourable before Allah than Muhammad has ever
ridden you before. The animal was so ashamed that he broke out into
a sweat and stood still so that I could mount him.”[7]
Philip K. Hitti’s short remark on the Muslims’ daily five prayers
supports Ibn Ishaq’s assertion, for he writes: “The number five
[daily prayers], according to al-Bukhari, was a comprise reached
after Allah had asked for fifty on the occasion of Muhammad’s visit
to the seventh heaven on his nocturnal journey (sur.17:1).”[8]
Martin Lings, also known as Sheikh Abu Bakr Sirajuddin, who was
able to gather information on Muhammad’s activities from ‘earliest
sources,’ almost fourteen hundred years after his subject’s death,
made it clear that his nocturnal journey to Jerusalem and from there
to the Throne of Allah was, indeed, a physical one. After describing
how he was spurred by angel Gabriel with his foot, Martin quoted
Muhammad himself, telling his followers:
“The Prophet then told how he mounted Buraq, for so the beast was named; and with the Archangel at his side, pointing the way and measuring his pace to that of the heavenly steed, they sped northwards beyond Yathrib and beyond Khayber, until they reached Jerusalem. Then they were met by a company of Prophets- Abraham, Jesus and others – and when he prayed on the site of the Temple, they gathered together behind him in prayer. Then two vessels were brought before him and offered him, one of wine the other of milk. He took the vessel of milk and drank from it, but left the vessel of wine, and Gabriel said: “Thou hast been guided unto the path primordial, and hast guided thereunto thy people, O Muhammad, and wine is forbidden for you.”
Then, as had happened to others before him – to Enoch and Elijah
and Jesus and Mary – Muhammad was taken up out of life to Heaven.
From the rock in the centre of the site of the Temple he again
mounted Buraq, who moved his wings in upward flight and became for
his rider as the chariot of fire had been for Elijah. Led by the
Archangel, who now revealed himself as a heavenly being, they
ascended beyond the domain of earthly space and time and bodily
forms, as they passed through the seven Heavens he met again those
Prophets with whom he had prayed in Jerusalem. But there they had
appeared to him as they had been during their life on earth, whereas
now he saw them in their celestial reality, even as they now saw
him, and he marveled at their transfiguration. Of Joseph he said
that his face had the splendor of the moon at its full, and that he
had been endowed with no less than the half of all existing beauty.
Yet this did not diminish Muhammad’s wonderment of his other
brethren, and he mentioned in particular the great beauty of Aaron.
Of the Gardens that he visited in different Heavens he said
afterwards: “A piece of Paradise the size of a bow is better than
all beneath the sun, whereupon it riseth and setteth; and if a woman
of the people of Paradise appeared unto the people of earth, she
would fill the space between Heaven and here below with light and
fragrance.” Everything he now saw, he saw with the eye of the
Spirit; and of this spiritual nature, with reference to the
beginning of all earthly nature, he said: “I was a Prophet when Adam
was yet between water and clay.”[9]
According to Martin, Muhammad did not know by whose foot he got
stirred thrice in Mecca, and that he found out the stirrer’s
identity only when he was in flight towards the Gardens. He also
maintained his human form during his travel through the space; a
transformation in his body took place only after he reached one of
the Gardens, and when he found himself in the midst of the earlier
prophets. It was only after his transformation did he begin to see
everything around him with the eye of a Spirit, an ability that also
enabled him to measure the width, length and height of a celestial
woman’s light and fragrance with which, she would be able to fill
the space that lies between the Gardens and our earth, if Allah ever
allows her to perform this feat!
The claim that Muhammad had become a Spirit in one of the Gardens
is, though, debatable, it, nevertheless, does not invalidate the
fact that he had undertaken all the activities prior to his arrival
at one of the Gardens in the form of a human being. Our assertion is
strengthen not only by some of the renowned scholars of Islam,[10]
but also by the fact that a Spirit does neither need to be spurred,
nor a horse-like animal to travel from one place to another, nor a
vessel to drink from. These apply only to humans, a fact that has
induced us to conclude, momentarily, that Muhammad had, indeed,
undertaken his journey to the Gardens via Jerusalem in the form of
an earthly man.
The form in which Muhammad is alleged to have traveled through
space already established beyond further questioning, let us now
note some of the fallacies that have become an integral and
essential part of the Muslim faith.
At the time Muhammad took off from Mecca on his celestial trip,
there was a Mosque in the precincts of the Ka’aba that the Pagans
called “Masjidul Haram.” In this mosque, the Pagans assembled to say
their prayers to a host of their gods and also to carry out
meditations in their spare time. Those among them who had no home of
their own occasionally spent their nights in it.
Muhammad’s claim that he was ‘sleeping in the Hijr’ before being
awakened by Gabriel with his foot indicates strongly that it was a
structure that had four walls and a roof on top of it. Otherwise, it
would not have been possible for him to sleep in it along with his
cousin, Umm Hani, in the severe cold of the Meccan night.
The fact that Muhammad had traveled from one mosque in Mecca to another in Jerusalem suggests that the latter was also a structure, like the Meccan one, with four walls and a roof. It was a mosque in the real sense of the word, as there was no way for Allah to mistake a Jewish Synagogue or a Christian Church for a Muslim Mosque.[11] It is this assumption that leads us to believe that the venue in Jerusalem to which Allah had taken Muhammad, had a mosque in which he said his prayer in the company of some prophets of the yore, before taking off on his journey to the Gardens.
But does history support the existence of a “mosque” in Jerusalem
in the time of Muhammad, when no Muslims could possibly live in this
pre-dominantly Jewish City to worship in?
The truth of the matter is that there existed no “mosque” in
Jerusalem at the time Muhammad is believed to have set his foot on
its soil in 620 A.D. Faced with this reality, Abdullah Yusuf Ali,
one of the foremost Muslim scholars of the 20th century, had to say
the following in connection with the Farthest Mosques’ existence:
“The Farthest Mosque must refer to the site of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem on the hill of Moriah, at or near which stands the Dome of the Rock, called also the Mosque of Hadhrat ‘Umar. This and the Mosque known as the Farthest Mosque (Masjid-ul-Aqsa) were completed by the Amir ‘Abd-ul-Malik in A. H. 68 {i.e. in 690 A.D}. …”[12]
Recent critical study of the Quranic verse on Muhammad’s alleged journey to the Gardens via Jerusalem has opened up the minds of many logical Muslims, Ahmad Muhammad 'Arafa, a columnist of the Egyptian weekly Al-Qahira, published by the Egyptian Ministry of Culture, being one of them. In an article published by the weekly, he has clearly demonstrated that that “the Sura of the Night of Journey” does not refer to a miraculous journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, but to the Prophet’s emigration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina.”[13] The fact that his article was published by a government journal bears a strong indication to the fact that not only the Egyptian government, but also its religious establishments found his finding to be absolutely credible, hence their tacit approval to its publication by of it by a well circulated weekly of their country.
In the light of some of the logical and historical facts we have stated above, let us now explore the probable cause to hide which, Muhammad must have concocted one of the history’s greatest lies. It is a lie that has no parallel in the history of mankind, nor has any other man thus far been able to match it, despite mankind’s ability to transform their lies into a highly sophisticated and skilful art.
The night Muhammad was supposed to be on his way to the Gardens, he was spending it either in Hijr or in the house of Umm Hani, his cousin. A widow, she lived in Mecca with a female slave. How she earned her livelihood is not known to any historian of Islam.
Her attestation of Muhammad’s trip from her house to Jerusalem is, in itself, a prove that supports our hypothesis, it being; her proximity to Muhammad that night enabled her to describe the time (masra), or the place from where he had departed on his journey without someone else’s knowledge. In fact, she confirmed that Muhammad was not sleeping in Hijr that night; rather, he was sleeping with her in her house[14] from where He was taken to the Gardens. Her story appears to be more credible than others, narrated by his clever companions. Had she not spent the night with him, it would not have been possible for her to know, firsthand, any detail of the journey. Muhammad spent the night with her even though she was not married to him.
It might have happened that when Muhammad was sleeping with Umm Hani, his followers needed to get in touch with him. They searched him everywhere, but could not find him. Asked in the morning where he had been the night before, he accounted his non-availability to some of his followers with a story, which they could never verify, no matter how hard they tried.
It was a lie that had not only put Muhammad’s inquisitive followers’ curiosity to rest; it also saved his prophetic mission from being destroyed by his clandestine rendezvous with Umm Hani, a cousin of his, having sex with whom was a major sin in the eyes of the very Pagans Allah despised from the core of His heart for their unethical ways of life!.
Muhammad’s claim that he met Allah on the seventh Garden scandalized the whole of Mecca. Even many of his own followers found it too hard to believe, making almost all of them to think about leaving Islam.[15] Abu Bakr intervened and affirmed as being true what Muhammad had told them. His action saved the situation, but the scandal kept Mecca abuzz for so long as Muhammad lived in it.
With his followers as well as his own migration to Medina in 622 A.D., the story of his alleged nocturnal journey began to fade away from the Meccans’ mind. It also disappeared almost entirely from the memory of his generation of Muslims, as we do not find any mention of it in the reputable literatures, both Islamic and historical, that were written, subsequent to his death, depicting the post-migration history of Islam.
The memory of the alleged journey surfaced, however, when important Muslim personalities began to realize a grave mistake, which their predecessors had made while requiring Muslims to pray five times a day, instead of three or four times, as actually mandated by the Quran.
None of the verses of the Quran, specifically, mandate five daily prayers for Muslims, despite the fact that saying prayers ritualistically is an important foundation of Islam. Nor are clear many of its verses on the prayers, save the following, which enjoined three or four, but not five, ritual prayers for the followers of Islam:
“And establish regular prayers at the two ends of the day and at the approaches of the night: For those things that are good remove those that are evil: But that the word of remembrance to those who remember (their lord):”[16]
Despite the fact that the verse has not prescribed five daily
prayers for Muslims, yet some of their scholars have tried their
best to have it conform to the number of prayers they have been
offering to Allah after Muhammad’s death. Here is an example of how
one such scholar has explained certain words of this verse in order
to justify these daily five prayers:
“The two ends of the day: Morning and afternoon. The morning prayer is the Fajr, after the light is up but before sunrise. …The early afternoon prayer, ‘Zuhr,’ is immediately afternoon. …
Approaches of the night: Zulafun, plural of Zulfatun, an
approach, something near at hand. As Arabic has, like Greek, a dual
number distinct from the plural, and plural number is used here, and
not the dual, it is reasonable to argue that at least three
“approaches of the night” are meant. The late afternoon prayer, ‘Asr,’
can be one of these three, and the evening prayer, ‘Magrib,’ just
after the sunset, can be the second. The early night prayer, ‘Isha,’
at the supper time when the flow of sunset is disappearing, would be
the third of the “approaches of the night,” when we commit ourselves
to Allah before sleep. These are the five canonical prayers of
Afternoon is one end of the day? Again, the late afternoon is an ‘approach of the night’? What about the morning and the evening? What do these times signify?
Despite what the learned scholar has tried to make out of the above verse, there still remains a dispute among Muslims whether prayers are to be performed five times or three times a day. Sunnis believe it to be five; Shias, by and large, consider it is three.[18] This is not because of the reason that the Quran is unclear on this vital aspect of the Islamic faith, but also because Musaylima, a supposedly false prophet, who propagated his own religion in the time of Muhammad, had prescribed three daily prayers for his own followers.[19]
Since the requirement of the five daily prayers was not possible for them to justify without Allah’s direct commandment, which was missing from the Quran, the Muslim personalities of the early time filled the void through the medium of Muhammad’s alleged visit to His Throne.
While in His company, they say, Allah laid down, through Muhammad, the duty of fifty daily prayers on Muslims. He accepted it without considering their impact on his followers. Told by Moses that prayer is a weighty matter and that his followers would not be able to bear it, he returned to Allah and sought to have the number of daily prayers reduced. Allah cut the fifty daily prayers by ten first, but as Muhammad persisted with his request, Allah finally reduced their number to five.
The so-called heavenly sanction for the daily five prayers thus taken care of, the Muslim heavyweights added verse 1 to Sura 17, its aberrant rhyme[20] back-biting its origin, so that it could be used, whenever necessary, to defend the number of their daily prayers.
The latter-day Muslims also invented a number of Hadiths to strengthen their lie on Muhammad’s alleged visit to the Gardens. One such Hadith reads:
”Narrated 'Imran bin Husain:
The Prophet said, "I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women.”[21]
This Hadith, known as Sahih or authentic to all the Muslim
scholars, leaves no doubt that Muhammad had, indeed, seen both the
Paradise (one of the seven Gardens) and the Hell during his visit
with Allah. It also tells Muslims something about the Hell that
could not be true, especially, what the Quran says about its
On the question of who have entered the Gardens, the Quran
clearly says: As soon as a person is buried, angels appear in his or
her grave. They ask him or her various questions to find out how he
or she lived on earth. Unsatisfactory answers mean that he or she
lived a sinful life. This determination makes him or her liable for
all the tortures the angels order the Hell to inflict upon the
sinner’s person.[22]
Satisfactory answers prove to the angels that the respondent
lived a pious life before his or her death. They, therefore, reward
him or her by hooking the interior of his or her grave to the
Gardens,[23] thus enabling him or her to live in the grave, until he
or she is transferred on the Day of Judgment by Allah to one of the
Gardens to live in it for ever in its soothing and comfortable
Martyrs, who die in the cause of Allah, are not required either to face the angels’ inquisitions, nor do they remain in their graves, for soon after their burial, Allah has their bodies transported to one of Gardens. They meet Him in their new abode and live in them with Allah giving them constant company.
It is the martyrs, Jesus Christ and other prophets and the angels that Allah has spoken about in verse 17:44 of the Quran. On the Day of Resurrection, all of them will shiver in fear, as they, too, would not know what will make their habitats tremble and shake before Allah folds all the skies into one of His hands. What will happen to the Gardens and the Hell after the skies are folded up is not mentioned in the Quran.
This proves that the skies are real things that Allah has created without pillars and that the Gardens, as well as the Hell, are located in them. The holder of a contrary belief will burn forever in the fire of Hell.
[1] The Koran, p. 197.
[2] The Meaning of the Glorious Koran, p. 204.
[3] The Koran, p. 197.
[4] The Holy Quran; vol. 1, p. 691.
[5] The Torah; Genesis; 11:4-8.
[6] The Quran; 15:14, 15.
[7] Ibn Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah, p. 182.
[8] History of the Arabs. p. 131.
[9] Muhammad, his life based on the earliest sources, pp. 101, 102.
[10] Abul Ala Mududi, Tafhimul Quran, Vol. 2, p. 589.
[11] Cf. The Quran; 22: 40.
[12] Op. cit; vol. 1, p. 693.
[13] See Al-Qahira (Egypt); August 5, 2003.
[14] Ibn Ishaq, Sirat Rasulallah. p. 184.
[15] Cf. Abul Ala Mududi, Tafhimul Quran, vol. 2, p. 588.
[16] The Quran; 11:114.
[17] Abudullah Yusuf Ali, op. cit. vol. 1, p. 545.
[18] Dr. Rafiq Zakaria, op. cit. p. 74.
[19] F. E. Peters, The Origins of Islam, p. 159.
[20] Cf. F. E. Peters; op. cit, p. 14.
[21] Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 464.
[22] Cf. The Quran; 16:29.
[23] Cf. The Quran; 16:32.
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Muhammad Asghar has contributed in Beyond Jihad — Critical Voices from Inside Islam. He is the author of e-book: Muhammad & Islam — Stories not told before.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 20:24:54 -0700
Another proof of the polished stories of Mohammad. Bad things about Mohammad polished for 14 centuries by his followers. It is now clear why there are so many fool-hard-headed Moslem who believe that Mohammad is the holliest eprson on earth. Like the dogs considered as 'haram' by Islam, then they polished it with: "Our prophet knew that the nose of the dog contains many germs." How come? No microscope at the time of Mohammad. He was not a doctor either. I suspect that Mohammad was bitten by a dog or some dogs, so to take revenge against the dogs, he said that dogs are 'haram', ha ha ha .....
Name: Zombie Fried Chicken
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 22:21:21 -0700
Mohammad hated dogs because dogs can actually feel and express love.
Date: Monday September 22, 2008
Time: 22:50:13 -0700
Name: Koran plagiarized the Bible!
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 00:13:21 -0700
The Bible was written in a span of 15 centuries by 40 different authors. It has a unity of message, God's love. Koran was written in a span of twenty years supposedly by Mohammad. Its gospel is hate, murder and pillage. The Biblical patriarchs were used by Koran as props or cover to give it a sense of credibility and authenticity. The Biblical stories as told in Koran are totally twisted. When lies are mixed with truth many will be deceived. In fact the Bible foretold the coming of a false prophet who shall deceived many. Islam is described in Revelation 13 as the Beast.
Name: Buraq
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 00:16:24 -0700
Mohammed (PsssBUH) sat on a donkey and toured Saudi Arabia. The fools of Islam thought he went to some heaven. What can u expect from an illiterate pedophile? Huhh Bull$hit haram-khor Mohammed.
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 01:29:27 -0700
Quran is the ultimate bullshit you can expect - absolutely stupid and irrational ! Which is why muslims are stupid, moronic, violent at the slightest provocation , worse than a rabid dog when it comes to criticising their idiotic cult and its immoral criminal founder Muhamad! What can you expect from this bullshit except Allahs lewd 'heaven' and horrble 'hell' and such other trashy bullshit!
Name: To vbv
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 01:35:08 -0700
You are absolutely right!
Name: antimod
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 02:26:40 -0700
Message to both muslims and christians : Dont just harp on your books, follow what is said here : AA no bhadrah kravato yantu vishwatah - meaning "Let noble thoughts come to us from everywhere".And then : One who knows and knows that he knows is a sage worship him, One who knows but knows not that he knows is asleep wake him, One who knows not and knows that he knows not is a seeker teach him, One who knows not and knows not that he knows not is a fool shun him.--Rigveda. All maulvis and pastors fall into the last category, so shun them if you really want to know about God and pursue your own path. Stop harking over what these two categories of priests and your books. Both Bible and the Quran can lead you only upto heaven. there is much beyond and a difficult path to tread so as to reach the Supreme. Take care.
Name: to the author, Mohammad Asghar
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 03:27:10 -0700
You wrote "Then, as had happened to others before him – to Enoch and Elijah and Jesus and Mary – Muhammad was taken up out of life to Heaven." The Bible (Greek Scriptures) does not say that Mary was taken to heaven without dying. Are you speaking from a Muslim tradition? It is not a Christian tradition and has no basis in fact. The Bible does not mention Mary's date of death whatsoever and there is no other reputable body of work that mentions her.
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 05:25:49 -0700
Burak , from your post one gets the feeling ,that your ass is on fire , or it has been rammed so much ,and you can not hold your shit back , for you the worst is still to come.
Name: Blackhawk
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 05:30:49 -0700
As I write these words, Mo and his mindless martyrs are burning in hell together. SATAN laughs a laugh of unbridled joy while billions of muslims are preparing to join him. All fools. They either know nothing about their faith or they are too afraid to question it. Either way, HELL awaits them. Burn, baby burn.
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 06:08:27 -0700
Name: Yes 'Q' book is dilusions and hallucinations of Mo
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 08:24:08 -0700
Yes 'Q' book is dilusions and hallucinations of Mo.He just plagarised then existing versiond of belifs and created a hybrid one.Unfortunately the world is suffering because these mindless illogical things.Let us rationalise the soceity as soon as possible.A blind man can not guide another blind man.We have to rationalise all muslims first.
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 11:19:19 -0700
Song of songs 7:1-4, "How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter! the joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman. Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies. Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins.Thy neck is as a tower of ivory; thine eyes like the fishpools in Heshbon, by the gate of Bathrabbim: thy nose is as the tower of Lebanon which looketh toward Damascus." Hey Muslim fanatic, Song of songs is a collection of love poems addressed by a man to a woman. The man is describing a beautiful woman! You Muslim fanatic, you are in terrible danger of HELLFIRE for twisting the truth!!!
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 14:33:35 -0700
"Asghar is a munafiq, greedy and faithless, what else is expected?" Yes, Mohammad Asghar is a munafiq, as he is dissecting the fallacies of Islam. Like him, Prophet Muhamamd was also a munafiq for finding faults with paganism. Agreed?
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 18:19:59 -0700
"I am extremely curious. What fault did Muhammad find with paganism, besides not believing in Allah.' Just a couple here: The Pagans considered having sex with cousins (sisters), without marrying them a great sin. They also considered an adoptive father marrying his adopted son's wife a great offence. Prophet Muhammad condemned the Pagans, as he believed they were wrong for avoiding both the practices. He not only did both the things, he also made them permissible for his followers. That is the beauty of Islam and an reflection of the good character of its founder!
Name: Brain-dead Muslims
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 22:53:24 -0700
There is no point in arguing with brain-dead Muslims! Go and continue with your Islamic Jihad. This is not 7th century Arabia! You will be surely defeated and your journey to your Jannat ensured!!!
Date: Tuesday September 23, 2008
Time: 23:13:34 -0700
For research purposes I went to a mosque several times. During one of those times, after the mullah would speak in arabic he then spoke in English. One of the things he said was that he found fault in a program on TV that was critical of muslims in America. He said it was probably from "the Jewish media" but had nothing to substantiate his claims as to the true source of this documentary.
Name: No end insight
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 00:02:56 -0700
Taleban insurgents are killing aid workers and innocent people every day - and it is not possible to hold them accountable for their actions.
Name: Crazy Islam
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 05:24:08 -0700
"A Saudi cleric said Mickey Mouse was an agent of Satan who should die, local media reported on Wednesday." This proved how insane Islamic teaching is. Even a comic cartoon is targeted for execution!
Name: to: Truth Seeker
Date: Wednesday September 24, 2008
Time: 19:07:19 -0700
I agree. Mohammad is the greatest 'munafiquun' of the world. Mohammad is the greatest 'munafiquun' of all time. And this 'munafiquun' is now serving time in the 7th hell. He is fucking an iron-hole with fire around it, he is drinking camel's urine, and eating camel's dung. Moslems are around him, waiting for the remnants of what he drank and ate.
Name: Stuuuuuuuuupid Islamic clerics!
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 08:50:35 -0700
One muslim cleric defends the gang rapes of non-muslim women by muslim men in Scandinavia. Another says that Mickey Mouse(peace be upon him) is the "servant of Satan." Another says that if a married couple has sex totally naked their marriage is void. Some hadiths tell us the world is flat-do muslim clerics also believe that because it is written in "sacred" hadiths? I suppose if they never get out much they would.
Name: RE- Stuuuuuuuuupid Islamic clerics! and Re - Crazy Islam
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 21:46:52 -0700
Without any understanding of Islam, people believe what Ignorant people say.But question what the QURAN says.
Name: re ; to: Truth Seeker
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 21:49:12 -0700
Your days are numbered, high time you ask God forgiveness and repent, if not you might suffer in this world and everlasting punishment in the next. Its your choice!
Name: To above
Date: Saturday September 27, 2008
Time: 22:45:49 -0700
It is fake god Allah aka Satan and company that will reside in HELL!
Name: all allah ,paradise and hell are created out imagination by Mad MO
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 04:16:05 -0700
all allah ,paradise and hell are created out imagination by Mad MO.How can a rational thinker believe these.
Name: Ah! You admit muslim clerics are ignorant people!
Date: Sunday September 28, 2008
Time: 13:39:26 -0700
I agree that these muslim clerics are ignorant people. I also question the hadiths that say the world is flat! I also question a leader who murdered, tortured and married a 6 year old girl. I also question passages in the quran like where it promotes wife beatings(sura 4:34-to which a muslim commentator said a man must not be asked why he beat his wife!) and passages that contradict other passages and even say that a woman's testimony is already one-half a man's.
Name: vbv
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 01:26:38 -0700
Mullahs and imams are only saying what is written in the Quran and the Hadiths. Mullah s and imams are conceited, crooked because it is the same Quran and the Hadiths that give them their authority to do wicked things and preach evil,barbaric practices. The root cause is the Quran and the Hadiths. Mullahs and imams get all the leverage from the Quran and the Hadiths.Like the great Nobel Laurate physicist Steven Weinberger said evil people will always do wicked and evil things , but it takes religion to make even good people to all the evil and wicked things.
Name: Re; VBV
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 20:27:33 -0700
Oh yes, Like the great Nobel Laurate physicist Steven Weinberger said evil people will always do wicked and evil, and you contribute what your so called masters wants you to do by insulting the teachings of God. You keep insulting the religion of God by Physically abusing those who come to ask the way or to repent. Why cant you put them behind jail?
Name: To Muslim fanatic above
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 22:23:30 -0700
Allah is the pagan moon deity of the pre-Islamic Mecca. Mohammad's father was Abdullah meaning servant of Allah. The symbol of Islam is the crescent moon, symbol of pagan Allah! Muslims worship the black stone in Mecca one of the three stones, the other a white stone and a red stone, revered by pre-Islamic pagans of Mecca! Muslims continue the pre-Islamic pagan pilgrimage to Mecca!
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 01:01:32 -0700
Its better to be fanatic then a servant to the Zionist. All you do is like the others who blindly follow your master. I gues your Zionist master fathered you, thats why you keep defending them.
Name: To Muslim fanatic above
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 03:29:29 -0700
For your information I am an independent thinker and loves freedom and will fight to the death for it! I find Islam Satan-inspired and a menace to mankind! You Muslims are victims too of this political-religious movement whose ultimate aim is world domination. You are just a willing victim!
Name: Allah and Mohammed are the largest fools ever made by Humans.
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 22:08:44 -0700
Allah as per definition is the all knowing, all powerful and omnipresent unlimited power in the world. Then how come he created all the Kufrs who does not believe in Him. If he is all powerful he could have stopped all the Kufrship from the world. So it means that he is not powerful as depicted by Muhammad. So what is the conclusion. allah is a creation of Man named muhammad. Period.
Date: Saturday March 14, 2009
Time: 12:02:15 -0500