Leaving Islam
04 Sep, 2008

- FP: Mohammad Asghar, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Asghar: Thank you for inviting me to the Frontpage interview.
FP: Tell us about your background and your upbringing as a Muslim.
Asghar: I was born in a practicing Muslim family of Bangladesh. My parents adhered to almost all the tenets of Islam and they made sure that while growing up, I also learned all of them so that I could practice them in my own life. Like many other Muslim children of my neighborhood, I also attended a Madrassa and learned how to read the Qur’an without, of course, understanding what I was reading.
In my youth, I tried to live the life of a true Muslim. I said my Islamically mandated prayers, though not on a regular basis; visited, and prayed at, the tombs of the Muslim saints; celebrated the birthday of the Prophet of Islam, even though nobody knows even today the year of his birth; celebrated his ascension to the Gardens (Jannat) or Heaven and sang his praises, laden with amorous feelings towards him, whenever my parents and our neighbors organized Mehfil-e-Milad – which is a gathering that Muslims of the Indian sub-continent arrange to reinforce Islamic teachings in the Muslim attendees. I strongly believed that the things I was then doing were part of the duties I owed to Allah and His Prophet and that without pleasing both of them, I would not enter the Garden on the Day of Judgment.
FP: What is the point of teaching children to read the Qur’an without explaining it to them?
Asghar: According to some unconfirmed reports, there are over 1.565 billion Muslims in the world today. Out of these Muslims, only about 300 million understand and speak Arabic. Since a good part of the Qur’an is written in colloquial Arabic, spoken by the tribe of Quraish of the 7th century Mecca, understanding it even by many modern-day Arabic speaking Muslims is not an easy task.
The bulk of the remaining 1.2 billion Muslims live in the Indian sub-continent and south-east Asia. Almost all of them do not know Arabic. Even those people, known as Hafez-e-Qur’an, who commit the whole Qur’an to their memory, do not understand the meaning of the words they so assiduously memorize over a long period of time.
This being the reality, the question is why do Muslims read or memorize the Qur’an without understanding it? The answer to the question lies in the fact that most of them, especially those Muslims who live in the non-Arabic speaking countries, depend on their Mullahs for learning the essential doctrines and practices of their faith. They do what they are told by their Mullahs. This is more so in case of those Muslims who are illiterate and poor. A casual observation of Muslims of the Indian sub-continent will make this fact clear to any interested observer.
These Mullahs tell the ordinary Muslims that reading or reciting the Qur’an in Arabic is the easiest way to earn the pleasure of Allah, a condition without fulfilling which, no human or Jinn would enter the Garden (Jannat in Arabic) on the Day of Judgment. This leads not only the illiterate and poor Muslims, but also the highly educated and rich Muslims to read the Qur’an in Arabic without trying to understand what they are reading or reciting in their prayer. These Muslims, in their turn, require their children to read and also memorize a few short chapters of the Qur’an that they need to recite while saying their daily obligatory prayers.
FP: This is mind-boggling: people engaging in a religion by repeating things they do not themselves understand.
So what made you start questioning the Islamic faith?
Asghar: About 25 years ago, I got the jolt of my life when a Maulvi (Muslim cleric) refused to let me lay the dead body of my mother to rest, as, according to him, the dress I was wearing at the time, was not an Islamic one. This dress is known as Lungi to the Bangladeshis, and it resembles the one the Malaysian and the Burmese men wear all the time (unlike the trouser, its lower part is wide open, and as such, one can see the wearer’s private parts, if one deigns to look upward from the earth).
FP: Why do people wear the Lungi and why would a person want to keep one’s private parts exposed? Why were you wearing it?
Asghar: Lungi, like Saree for women, is a traditional dress and it is worn by almost all the men of Bangladesh. With it, they cover the lower part of their bodies. Since the lungi’s bottom part remains wide open, many Muslim Mullahs believe that it should not be worn by Muslim men, as, through its opening, the earth can see their private parts. According to them, exposing oneself to the earth is a great sin.
But I have not heard any Mullah saying the same thing about Saree. It is a long piece of cloth, which women wrap around their waists; its bottom part, like lungi, remaining open. The earth can easily see their private parts, if it wishes to do so, but surprisingly, the Mullahs freely let their wives wear it for reasons that only they know.
FP: Um, right. Well, what can I say, perhaps we’ll save this topic for a panel discussion.
So in any case, what effect did the Lungi incident have on you?
Asghar: It led me to find out what Islam really stands for, and what the Qur’an actually teaches its followers. I began to read the Qur’an in English, translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali and Mohammad Marmaduke Pickthall, as well as its translations in Bengali and Urdu. This I did in order to make sure that what I was reading in English was identical with the Bengali and Urdu translations and that these represented the correct and faithful renditions of the Arabic Qur’an.
What I read in, and discovered from, the Qur’an was, and still remains, mind-boggling to me. I could not believe that Allah, if He exists, could have said things that He is believed to have told Muhammad and his followers. I could not believe, for instance, that the Creator of the Universe could have told the Muslim men the following:
2:223: “Your wives are as a tilth unto you: so approach your tilth when or how ye will: but do some good act for your souls beforehand; and fear Allah, and know that ye are to meet Him (in the Hereafter) and give (these) good tidings to those who believe.”
By telling the Muslim men that they can engage their wives in sexual acts “when or how ye will,” Allah effectively permitted them to rape their wives, for this verse of the Qur’an does not require them either to obtain their wives’ consent, or to engage themselves in foreplays, without which, both men and women can hardly have what is known as consensual sex. To Allah, Muslim men doing “some good act for their souls beforehand” i.e. saying prayer to Him before raping their wives is what He considered to be a pious act that will help Him exonerate them from the crime of rape on the Day of Judgment.
FP: In terms of 2:223 in regards to the sanctioning for a man raping his wife, if God does not instruct this, then where did this come from? Who created these verses and why?
Asghar: In my judgment, the Qur’an is a record of what the Prophet of Islam had done or said during his stay on earth. His followers remembered and narrated them to the collectors of the Qur’an when it was being compiled. Therefore, the content of verse 2:223 should be considered in conjunction with what he had done in his lifetime and what he had told his followers on the issue mentioned in it.
In a storied Hadith (words of Muhammad), we read:
Sahih Muslim, Book 008, Number 3240:
“Jabir reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) saw a woman, and so he came to his wife, Zainab, as she was tanning a leather and had sexual intercourse with her. He then went to his Companions and told them: The woman advances and retires in the shape of a devil, so when one of you sees a woman, he should come to his wife, for that will repel what he feels in his heart.”
What the Prophet had done to his unprepared wife is exactly what is stated in the above verse i.e. Muslim men can have sex with their women with no notice to them, and they can also rape them, if it makes them happy.
FP: So you left Islam?
Asghar: Yes. I am an ex-Muslim. I no more subscribe to the teachings and the doctrines of Islam, as I consider them to be obnoxious and, thus, unfit for good humans.
FP: How did your family and community react to you leaving Islam? Has your life been in danger?
Asghar: I told my family members what I found in the Qur’an and they agreed with me. But it was a different story with the community I was living in; to it, I was a pariah. Most of my friends and acquaintances stopped talking to me, fearing that the information I was trying to disseminate was going to take them out of their religion, while others issued veiled threat against my person. Realizing that I might be harmed, if I continued to live in the country of my birth and talk about the fallacies of Islam, I, along with my family members, migrated to the United States.
Here I feel safe, even though I have already received a couple of threats against my life. The Justice Department of my adoptive country has assured me of all help, should I feel that my life is at risk. My family members and I are obliged to it for standing by our side.
FP: Your thoughts on Islam’s impact on Muslims and on non-Muslims?
Asghar: Muslims themselves are the victims of Islam. Many of them have knowingly become its victims, whilst a vast majority of them have fallen into its trap without knowing anything about its true nature and teachings. Islam has turned them into robots; most Muslims do only what, they believe, Allah told them to do. This is evident from the fact that most, if not all, Muslims do nothing in their lives without first saying “Bismillah …” i.e. beginning everything in Allah’s name, without whose help, so they believe, they can achieve nothing in their lives.
Since Allah has asked the Muslims to believe in the Unseen and to remain steadfast in their prayer (the Qur’an; 2:2), most of them spend a colossal amount of their valuable time on prayer to Him. Believing that mustering the teachings of the Qur’an is what they needed in their lives, they helped produce in the past, and are still helping produce, a large number of Islamic clerics, instead of good scientists and scholars of other subjects that are essential for the good, and the survival, of mankind. The following statistics throws a light on the state of the ‘man-given knowledge’ in the Muslim world:
There are 57 member-countries of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), and all of them put together have around 500 universities; one university for every three million Muslims. The United States has 5,758 universities and India has 8,407. In 2004, Shanghai Jiao Tong University compiled an 'Academic Ranking of World Universities, and intriguingly, not one university from the Muslim-majority states was in the top-500.
This clearly tells us that the Muslims lack in education; this being the result of their Islamic beliefs, as a consequence of which, over the past 105 years, only three Nobel Prizes have been won by about 1.4 billion Muslims (other than the Peace Prizes), while approximately 14 million Jews have won 180 Nobel Prizes during the same period.
FP: What is behind this teaching about keeping everyone praying all the time? If this isn’t God wanting it, and let us suppose this is man-made, what was the intention here? Why teach this kind of stuff?
Asghar: Before the advent of Islam, the Pagans of the Arabian Peninsula prayed three times each day; about sunrise, at noon and about sunset, turning their faces towards the Ka’aba (Washington Irving, Mahomet & his Associates, p. 31). Muhammad retained this pagan ritual in Islam and, in some unguarded moments, he told his followers to pray twice, thrice or four times in a day. Since the norms to be followed while saying these prayers were well known to his followers, he did not mention them in the Qur’an. For want of clarity on the number of prayers that Muslims must offer everyday to Allah, Sunnis believe it to be five; Shias, by and large, consider it to be three (Dr. Rafiq Zakaria; Muhammad and the Quran, p. 74).
The Prophet of Islam, retained daily prayers in Islam for a specific reason: being militarily and economically weak, he needed to tell the Pagans of Mecca that the religion he was preaching was not drastically different from the one they themselves were practicing and, as such, they should accept it without resistance. He continued to follow his policy of appeasement even after his arrival in Medina, where the Jews vehemently opposed most of the precepts of his religion. In order to win them over, he changed the direction of the Muslim prayer from Ka’aba in Mecca to Jerusalem. When the Jews refused to budge, he expressed his mild displeasure by asking his followers to face Ka’aba at the time of saying their prayer.
The Muslim prayer achieved a new dimension, and importance as well, after Muslim rulers embarked upon conquering others’ lands. Once miserably poor and destitute, neo-Muslims from the desert of Arabia found themselves dazzled by the wealth and affluence of the countries they were able to conquer and plunder just a few years after the death of Muhammad. The fair and beautiful women of the conquered countries was another reason that induced them to fight valiantly against their foes.
Al-Baladhuri, the most judicious of the historians of the {Muslim} conquest, declares that in recruiting for the Syrian campaign Abu Bakr “wrote to the people of Makkah, al-Taif, al-Yaman and all the Arabs of Najd and al-Hijaz summoning them to a ‘holy war’ and arousing their desire for it and for the booty to be got from the Greeks {booty consisted of all things captured from the vanquished as well as their women}. Rustam, the Persian general who defended his country against the Arab invasion, made the following remark to the Muslim envoy: “I have learned that ye were forced to what ye are doing by nothing but the narrow means of livelihood and by poverty.” A verse in the Hamasah of abu-Tammam has put the case tersely:
No, not for Paradise didst thou the nomad life forsake;
Rather, I believe, it was thy yearning after bread and dates.
(Quoted from Phillip K. Hitti’s History of the Arabs, p. 144).
But as the time passed and the lust to procure more wealth and women became very acute in the soldiers of Allah, Muslim rulers became worried, and feared loss of control over them, if they took no action to check their overflowing passion. Finding a solution to their problem in prayer, they raised its number to five; prescribed recitation from the Qur’an as well as various movements and gestures in order to prevent their minds from thinking about the non-Muslims’ wealth and women for a number of hours of each day.
This was like the indoctrination that the dictators of our time have used to keep their military under control. Muslim rulers succeeded in their attempt and eventually, the daily five prayers became an integral part of the Muslims’ lives. In the hope of pleasing Allah, they not only waste a colossal amount of their valuable time, they also put off their important duties in order to perform their prayers, thereby greatly harming their own and their nations’ economic well being. The sooner Muslims realize this fact the better it would be for them as well as for the rest of the world.
FP: A large part of the Muslim world is also engulfed by poverty. This also has something to do with Islamic theology, right?
Asghar: Of course. Poverty is a virtue for Muslims. Most of them believe that they get what Allah gives them. Therefore, in contrast to other people and nations that have struggled hard to ameliorate their economic conditions, and then became wealthy, most Muslims deemed it appropriate, due to their religious convictions, to keep on inflicting poverty upon themselves. Indeed, many Muslim nations bartered away their self-esteem, political independence, and sovereignty to please those benefactors whose charity they needed for their economic survival.
But without taking responsibility for their own failures and follies, they blame the affluent and wealthy non-Muslims and the non-Muslim nations for all the ills they suffer from today; these, they contend, having been inflicted upon them mostly by the unjust and treacherous Christians. The Qur’an bolsters the Muslims’ hatred towards the Christians by telling them that Allah gives them wealth not for attaining prosperity on earth, but to punish them in their next life. (cf. the Qur’an; 10:69 & 70).
Inspired by this and similar teachings of the Qur’an, Muslims not only hate those non-Muslims who are rich, they also look forward, albeit, silently to the day when they will be able to obliterate Christianity, and other religions as well, from the face of the earth.
FP: This is founded on the war that Islam teaches Muslims must wage on unbelievers.
Asghar: Yes. As we all know, Islam has divided the earth into two camps: Darul Islam and Darul Harb i.e. the Muslim world and the non-Muslim world. Since the Muslims are Allah’s foot soldiers and they are required to fulfill His plan, as it is enunciated in the Qur’an, for earth and mankind, the Muslims must not only recover the land that the non-Muslims occupy today, they are also required to force them into Islam or kill them, if they refuse to become Muslims (see the Qur’an; 9:29). It is, in fact, “a notable declaration of State policy promulgated {by Allah} about the month of Shawwal. A. H. 9, and read out by Hadhrat Ali at the Pilgrimage two months later in order to give the policy the widest publicity possible. …” (Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Quran, as corrected by the King of Saudi Arabia, p. 494).
This teaching of the Qur’an effectively and automatically turns the Muslims against the Christians; the former having also been told by it not to take the latter as their friends or protectors, as they (the Christians) and the Jews are friends of each other and, thus, both of them are in collusion against the Muslim Umma (Nation) and their religion.
Apart from the Jews and the Christians, the Muslims also hate the Pagans {Mushrikun in Arabic) from the core of their hearts, as they, according to the Qur’an, are unclean (see the Qur’an; 9:28), and, thus, unworthy of living on Allah’s earth. Therefore, the Muslims must kill them whenever they get the chance to fulfill the instruction Allah gave them through the Qur’an (see verse 9:5). This is a very dangerous instruction, and it is not at all good for those inhabitants of the earth, who worship deities other than Him.
This and other truths about Islam, therefore, must be brought to the notice of the non-Muslim communities of the world in order to prepare them against the deadly hazards that Islam is likely to put them in, when its followers becomes, in future, a dominant force on earth. Paying keen attention to what is written in the Qur’an is not only in the best interest of the present-day non-Muslims of the world, it would also help them protect their descendants from the Allah-inspired wrath of the Muslims in days to come.
FP: Are you optimistic and pessimistic in the West being able to confront the Islamic agenda?
Asghar: I am saddened by the fact that the West has not learned anything from the Qur’an, the history of Islam and from its adherents. The following examples describe Muslims’ mindset and what Allah wants them to do for taking over the earth from the Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Polytheists and the followers of other religions:
- Muhammad came to Medina as a fugitive from Mecca and within ten years, he became its absolute ruler after killing and uprooting the Jews of the city and by converting the Pagans to his faith. By his action, he taught his followers that it is the number of Muslims that matters and that it is their number that will help them establish their rule over the whole of the earth. Had he known that a time will come when number of men will be replaced by gun, he would have advised his followers to arm themselves with it first and then rampage the whole world.
- Abyssinia, a Christian country in the seventh century, was the first country to give shelter to Muslims of Mecca. When Muslims became numerous and strong, they forgot the favor its Christian ruler had done to them and took it over as their possession and converted its Christian inhabitants to Islam. They also conquered almost one-third of the earth and would also have overrun the whole of Europe, had they not been defeated by the Christians at the gates of Vienna in 1683.
- Allah has promised to Muslims that He will make them the inheritors and the rulers of the earth and also help them establish Islam all over it (the Quran; 24:55,57). To achieve these objectives, He has commanded them to engage in battles with those who refused to accept Islam; to smite their necks, and after overpowering them, to take them prisoners, whom they may either set free as a favor to them or ransom them for money after the hostility is over (the Quran; 47:4).
Instead of taking lessons from the past history of Muslims, most leaders and the people of the West believe that Islam is a religion of peace and its followers are as good as they appear to them. Many of them took no lesson even after seeing the destructions and deaths some Muslims inflicted on New York and Washington, D.C; they laud Islam’s good teachings even after knowing that a film director lost his life to a Muslim fanatic for the crime of making a supposedly anti-Islam film. They also praise the so-called tolerance that Islam teaches its adherents even after being informed that an American publisher refused to publish a book that contains an account of Prophet Muhammad’s wife after receiving threats of dire consequences from Muslims, if it published the book.
Many leaders of the West and its citizenry brushed off the president of Iran after he called for the complete annihilation of Israel, saying that he was a mad man. In reality, it was not his madness that had made him call for Israel’s destruction; rather, it was his hatred of the Jews that made him say what he believes Allah wants him to say and do to destroy them and their state.
How Muslims intend to destroy Israel and also, how they are going to take over the earth from the followers of other religions, when they do not have the necessary wherewithal to achieve their objectives? Here are the answers to the questions:
-Iranian and other Muslims will continue with their efforts to acquire deadly weapons, which they will need in days to come to destroy Israel – a desire that Dr. Mahathir, the former prime minister of Malaysia, had clearly expressed in his speech before the Muslim delegates to the OIC Summit, held in his country in 2003, saying:
“…It cannot be that there is no other way. 1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews. There must be a way. And we can only find a way if we stop to think, to assess our weaknesses and our strength, to plan, to strategise and then to counter-attack. As Muslims we must seek guidance from the Al-Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Surely the 23 years’ struggle of the Prophet can provide us with some guidance as to what we can and should do. … We must build up our strength in every field, not just in armed might. Our countries must be stable and well administered, must be economically and financially strong, industrially competent and technologically advanced. This will take time, but it can be done and it will be time well spent. We are enjoined by our religion to be patient. Innallahamaasabirin. Obviously there is virtue in being patient.”
While preparing themselves to attack the Jews, Muslims are gradually taking up residence in the affluent countries of the West, with two main objectives in their minds. The first one is to earn money and the second is to sow the seed of Islam among the people of their host countries. Together with converting criminals and disgruntled folks to their faith, they also seek to increase their own number by having as many children as their women can produce. In cases where they have no women of their own to produce children for them, they trap the Western women and, after converting them to Islam, they produce their desired number of children with them.
After their number, in this way, has become large and politically powerful, they will seek autonomy, or demand complete independence for those regions of their host countries in which they will be living. This has already happened to India, and it is happening right now to the Philippines, Thailand and China.
What is likely to happen to the West, if it continues to follow its present policy of ‘political correctness’ and apathy towards the hostile teachings of Islam, the American Historian and Philosopher Will Durant (1885-1981) has described it for us in the following words:
"The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."
FP: What advice do you give the West?
Asghar: Knowing that what Will Durant has said is true, I suggest that the West must take the following steps to counter the threat that Muslims pose to its independence, and to its people’s ways of life without further delay:
- It must curtail the inflow of Muslims to its territory and should allow only those Muslims to come to its shore who are willing to adapt themselves to the secular lifestyle of its citizens.
- It must not permit Muslims to build more mosques and religious seminaries on its soil, as these are the institutions where Islamic Fundamentalism breeds and where the minds of young Muslim children and youths are poisoned against the Jews, Christians and the followers of other religions by the Islamic clerics.
- The West must monitor the mosques to find out what the Muslim Imams say in their Friday sermons together with watching what the Muslim children are taught in their religious seminaries. Any Imam or religious teacher, who might be found delivering hateful sermons or imparting hateful lessons to his or her students, must be vigorously persecuted and punished.
- Together with fighting the Muslim terrorists in places, like Iraq, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the West must also ask the governments of all the Muslim countries to stop their religious teachers from teaching hateful lessons to their students. It must not hesitate to use its political and economic powers on the Muslim governments, if they refuse to comply with its request.
The West has no option, but to succeed with the Muslim countries, if it wants to contain the Muslim threat against it and its allies. Its failure will prove catastrophic for the entire world – a prospect that neither the West, nor other non-Muslim countries in the East and elsewhere will be able to contain without great sacrifice of lives and destruction to their economies. The West, therefore, must not rest until it has succeeded on this front.
FP: How can the West do these things that you recommend and still remain a place that allows freedom of religion and individual liberties?
Asghar: In order to protect its citizens from Islamic terrorism and from the future risk of being overrun by Muslims, all the West needs to do is to follow its own existing rules and laws and bring about some changes to its thinking process. Let me elaborate:
- Each country of the world has its own Visa Rules and it permits only those persons to enter its territory it considers eligible. The West can easily check the inflow of Muslims by being more careful at the time of issuing visas to them.
- There are enough mosques and religious seminaries in the West to meet the needs of its Muslim population. Since it is a proven fact that many Muslim Imams and teachers have been using them to plant hatred of non-Muslims, particularly of the Jews, Christians and the Polytheists, into the minds of the Muslim children and young men and women, the West has the right not to grant permission for building more of them and also to electronically monitor the existing ones for the sake of its own people. Monitoring the Muslim Imams and teachers is not a violation of religious rights of all Muslims, rather, it is a necessary step (the doctrine of necessity applies here) that will also protect Muslims’ own young from the influence of their rogue Imams and teachers.
Moreover, Islam permits surveillance of bad elements and Allah personally spied on the enemies of Muhammad to protect him from their mischief. Allah admitted this fact by saying in the Quran:
4:108: “They may hide (their crimes) from men, but they cannot hide (them) from Allah, seeing that He {i.e. Allah} is in their midst when they plot by night, in words that He cannot approve: and Allah doth compass round all they do.”
This should silence those Muslims who are likely to oppose the actions of their host governments against their Imams and religious teachers, for when their Allah could spy on Muhammad’s enemies, the law enforcers of the West can also do the same in order to protect their people from the evil designs of their enemies.
Additionally, freedom of religion and individual liberties are for those who value them and respect them. You cannot protest the arrest of a known or suspected criminal – religious or otherwise –, citing his or her religious freedom or liberties, as letting him or her go free will be a dangerous act for the society or the nation in which he or she lives. Therefore, in the matter of religious terrorism, or religiously inspired incitement to kill the followers of certain religions, the demand for religious freedom and individual liberties should have no effect and the West should do what is necessary to protect its citizens and their properties from those who are bent upon destroying them for the advancement of their own religion.
FP: Mohammad Asghar, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.
Asghar: Thank you for talking to me.
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Name: Enlightening Article!
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 09:38:55 -0700
We always must shed light on islam. Much like Dracula, islam cannot stand the light!
Name: concerned
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 10:49:53 -0700
Good article.Muslims will never integrate with the host nation,no matter what.They have high fertility rates and breed like rabbits.According to Sam Miller, France will become a muslim majority country within the next 25 years even if immigration is to be stopped tomorrow!Leaders of Europe and US should wake up from their deep slumber and take corrective measures.This time the battle is not going to be won with the sword but by the womb.Remember,the strength of islam lies in its numbers.The more the numbers the greater the nuisance value.All countries should take note of this omnious development.
Name: Blackhawk
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 10:52:48 -0700
Blow them into a green gel, then watch them burn a second time in hell. Satan laughs his head off each day, as the stupid zombies bow and pray. HELL IS FULL OF MUSLIMS.
Name: How strong is Islam?
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 11:08:20 -0700
Here is some math: 1.4 Billion muslims, but only 350 Million Arabs. Nearly 50% of them are illiterates, thus, there are hardly more than 175 Million muslims who can read arabic, with even much less people who understand the classical arabic of the quran properly. Last but not least we can conclude that roughly >= 90% of all muslims cannot read the quran and they have no proper idea what they are talking about!!!
Name: Akhter
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 11:44:42 -0700
Mohammed Asghar is a bengali hindu and was never a muslim.Thanks to islam muslims became the most advanced people and ruled almost half the world.Only after straying away from true islam they went down.
Name: Fellowhuman
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 14:34:30 -0700
Dear Mr. Akhter Which/what is the true islam and where can i read about it? Thanks
Name: Ananda
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 14:44:49 -0700
Asghar hits it right on the head - But a bit MILDLY - when he said ---"when their Allah could spy on Muhammad’s enemies, the law enforcers of the West can also do the same in order to protect their people from the evil designs of their enemies.---Additionally, freedom of religion and individual liberties are for those who value them and respect them. You cannot protest the arrest of a known or suspected criminal – religious or otherwise –, citing his or her religious freedom or liberties, as letting him or her go free will be a dangerous act for the society or the nation in which he or she lives. Therefore, in the matter of religious terrorism, or religiously inspired incitement to kill the followers of certain religions, the demand for religious freedom and individual liberties should have no effect and the West should do what is necessary to protect its citizens and their properties from those who are bent upon destroying them for the advancement of their own religion.---Here is a news from TOLERANT UK (from Telegraph)---What should be done to a Muslim who converts to another faith? "We kill him," she says, "kill him, kill, kill…You have to kill him, you understand?"---These punishments, the preacher says, are to be implemented in a future Islamic state. "This is not to tell you to start killing people," she continues. "There must be a Muslim leader, when the Muslim army becomes stronger, when Islam has grown enough."----These are teachings I never expected to hear inside Regent's Park Mosque, which is supposedly committed to interfaith dialogue and moderation, and was set up more than 60 years ago, to represent British Muslims to the Government. And many of those listening were teenage British girls or, even more disturbingly, young children.----These are teachings I never expected to hear inside Regent's Park Mosque, which is supposedly committed to interfaith dialogue and moderation, and was set up more than 60 years ago, to represent British Muslims to the Government.----regarding claims that teachings of intolerance and fundamentalism were spreading through Britain's mosques from the Saudi Arabian religious establishment, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia denied it was spreading intolerance,----So earlier this year, dressed in a full Islamic jilbaab, I went back to Regent's Park Mosque to see what was being taught there. As a woman, I had to go to the main female section, where I found this circle preaching every Saturday and Sunday, eight hours at a time, to any woman who has come to pray.----But although the circle does preach against terrorism and does not incite Muslims to break British laws, it teaches Muslims to "keep away" and segregate themselves from disbelievers: "Islam is keeping away from disbelief and from the disbelievers, the people who disbelieve."----Friendship with non-Muslims is discouraged because "loyalty is only to the Muslim, not to the kaffir [disbeliever]".----A woman who was friendly with a non-Muslim woman was heavily criticised: "It's part of Islam, of the correct belief, that you love those who love Allah and that you hate those who hate Allah."
Name: Akhter
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 15:41:52 -0700
True islam is the correct interpretation of Quran, not the out of context interpretation perpetrated by the enemies of islam.
Name: TRUE ISLAM with correct Interpretation (Not for Faint Hearted)
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 16:47:54 -0700
(((Question : Could you please clarify for me something that has been troubling me for a while. This concerns the right of a man to have sexual relations with slave girls. Is this so? If it is then is the man allowed to have relations with her as well his wife/wives. Also, is it true that a man can have sexual relations with any number of slave girls and with their own wife/wives also? I have read that Hazrat Ali had 17 slave girls and Hazrat Umar also had many. Surely if a man were allowed this freedom then this could lead to neglecting the wife's needs. Could you also tell clarify wether the wife has got any say in this matter.)))---Answer : Praise be to Allaah.--- (((Islam allows a man to have intercourse with his slave woman, whether he has a wife or wives or he is not married.----A slave woman with whom a man has intercourse is known as a /sariyyah/ (concubine) from the word /sirr/, which means marriage. This is indicated by the Qur?aan and Sunnah, and this was done by the Prophets.---- Our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also did that, as did the Sahaabah, the righteous and the scholars. The scholars are unanimously agreed on that and it is not permissible for anyone to regard it as haraam or to forbid it. Whoever regards that as haraam is a sinner who is going against the consensus of the scholars.----Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):----/?And if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphan girls then marry (other) women of your choice, two or three, or four; but if you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one or (slaves) that your right hands possess. That is nearer to prevent you from doing injustice?//[al-Nisa? 4:3]/ ----What is meant by ?/or (slaves) that your right hands possess/? is slave women whom you own.----And Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): /?O Prophet (Muhammad)! Verily, We have made lawful to you your wives, to whom you have paid their Mahr (bridal?money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage), and those (slaves) whom your right hand possesses ? whom Allaah has given to you, in order that there should be no difficulty on you. And Allaah is Ever Oft?Forgiving, Most Merciful?//[al-Ahzaab 33:50]/
Name: to akhter
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 19:03:38 -0700
I hope the day comes when someone will write that Akhter is a pakistani Hindu and was never a muslim.
Name: Sita Patel
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 19:29:28 -0700
Why do the Zions ( mostly its them ) The rest you guys who work for them and who do their dirty work ) want to make the muslim population illiterates? So that they encourage them to do what the Quran has prohibitted, like Suicede bombings, Islam does not encourage honour killings, does not encourage Discrimination against women and The term infidels were used by the Church. You tlked about market pottential, let me tell you Tobacco, Alchohol, Harmful Drugs, Most Muslim ladies do not put make up so just imagine all these Companies going out of business because islam has prohibitted Tobacco, Alchohol, Harmful Drugs and the make up for ladies. Also Islam doe not encourage the entertanment industri as well as manufactoring weapons of mass destruction. So my friends now you understand as to why Islam is hated?? last but not least try to fathom who owns most of these industries or which race owns them??
Name: To Asghar ( if thats your real name )
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 19:43:27 -0700
Slavery was considered acceptable before 1400 years ago during the Pagan arab rule but it is wrong now. -Back in the days slavery was considered acceptable by everyone probably even by the Greeks and the Romans and the persians . Islam promoted the liberation of the slaves. My point is at the time when slavery were wide spread in Arabia, the prophet encourage to free slaves, Narrated Abu Dhar: (I asked the Prophet, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and to fight for His Cause." I then asked, "What is the best kind of manumission (of slaves)?" He replied, "The manumission of the most expensive slave and the most beloved by his master." I said, "If I cannot afford to do that?" He said, "Help the weak or do good for a person who cannot work for himself." I said, "If I cannot do that?" He said, "Refrain from harming others for this will be regarded as a charitable deed for your own good." ) There are so many verses in the Quran which a normal person cannot understand, but through gradual recitation and study through time, understanding of the Quran and the translation might gather knowledge to the reader. While not understanding how come certain people like Asghar and his friends make false claims??
Name: To (To Asghar ( if thats your real name ))
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 21:51:02 -0700
I am glad that you wrote --(There are so many verses in the Quran which a normal person cannot understand, but through gradual recitation and study through time, understanding of the Quran and the translation might gather knowledge to the reader. While not understanding how come certain people like Asghar and his friends make false claims?? )-- That ANSWER --Answer : Praise be to Allaah.--- (((Islam allows a man to have intercourse with his slave woman, whether he has a wife or wives or he is not married.----Is a recent fatwah given by a famous Imam --- in response to a question from a (desparate) Muslim. I feel sorry for you & Sita Patel because the usual Muslim lies aren't working. Maybe the next step is suicide bombing; maybe the Infidels should pretend to believe Muslim lies & thereby avoid suicide bombings.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 22:13:36 -0700
ha ha ha ..... Alhamdulillah ..... another man saved from the evil cult created by the false prophet Mohammad, ha ha ha ..... ha ha ha ..... Alhamdulillah .... ha ha ha .....
Name: Ananda ----> to Sita Patel
Date: Wednesday September 03, 2008
Time: 22:21:37 -0700
(nobody is keeping Muslim population illiterate - repeated tests show Muslims have no brains)--(The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) released their annual school report cards this week, and the results show that two taxpayer-financed Islamic charter schools operated by officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have failed miserably yet again.)--(The two schools, International Academy and Westside Academy, are run by a group of local Islamic leaders, including CAIR national board vice chairman Ahmad Al-Akhras, CAIR-Columbus president & its Ohio board member Abukar Arman, & Islamic Society of Greater Columbus president & IMAM Mouhamed Tarazi, principal of one of the schools)--(Beginning its operations in 2002, Internat'l Academy has a long track record of failure. The school’s most recent state report card shows it met only 2-of-19 indicators measured, one was attendance. The performance index score of 73.9 out of 120 & fell well short of the 100 points required to pass)--(Their state report card shows that they met state standards in one area, attendance)--(Across all grade levels & subjects, less than 20% of Muslim students rated proficient or better. In one subject area, 3rd grade math, the school achieved zero percent proficiency. Their performance index also dropped to 56.9 last school year)--(No doubt, officials for both schools will place the blame on their students, claiming that since many of them speak English as a second language they are at a disadvantage. But in fact, ODE excluded testing results from students who had limited English proficiency)
Name: Does Islam make stupid?
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 00:50:39 -0700
See it here
Are you capable to understand the graphic?
Name: Does Islam promote Illiteracy?
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 00:52:01 -0700
Can you read this?
Name: We on earth can live happily with out religion
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 05:21:38 -0700
We on earth can live happily with out religion.All religions have some drawbaks but islam is most drawbacks and some truths copied (plagarism) from earlier jewish and christianity books.islam is really dangerous .History itself proves this.I suffest every muslims should darely think rationalty of each line of Quron.Then if is a thinker ,he can truly find that Quron is full of contradictions(with opposte facts) ,voilence and irrationalty.He should also have atleast a minimum glimse of other relgious books.Islam is modifed version of judasim and aditional things aded by Mo for satisying his animalistc desires and encouraging others to have etrnal sex of pardise.I.E making men male slves for houries etrnally with eternal erction
Name: islam is madnesss.This guy is fortunate to free himself
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 05:41:22 -0700
islam is madnesss.This guy is fortunate to free himself.Buddha has said to his followers that "the world desires are the causes of pain and probelms.paradise or heaven are only mental creations for satisfying mental disappointment with fantassy just as a poor man fnatacise to great richman to mentally satisfying him.Ther is no saitan or even demon.All that is bad thought and ignorence that one makes bad man or demon.Wisdom is light."Yes one can surely enlighten himself just by reading few line of wisdom from buddha.see these.. www.pss.org ////www.jkrishnamurthy.org
Name: it is funny.....
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 05:48:09 -0700
that every time that individual akhter posts, he always claims that the person isn't a muslim at all, but a hindu. This tells me that he is afraid of the truth. Look around you akhter!!! Islam is the only religion that wants to dominate the world, all because it says so in your "holy book". I challenge you akhter, a challenge that I doubt that will take up but I hold your honor to it: read the koran in a language you can understand. Read several translations. Learn classical arabic. READ IT IN A LANGUAGE THAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND. After all, God understands ALL languages, not just one. And one final thing, akhter, if women are so evil and bad, why then is it that women are the only ones that can bring children into the world? If women are so evil and bad, why were they "created" in the first place, why even bother? Why not make the human race self reproducing?
Name: Probably one of the best articles ...
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 06:28:01 -0700
... I ever found here. I really like the part referring to the islamic scribes. Everything is in their favour, the fatalistic illiterates are depending on them like cattle to their breeders. The few arabic words non-arab muslims need to know are bismilla and inshalla. And with sharia law in their hands, the scribes are entitled to control everything. An environment like this can never achieve any progress, since the scribes are not interested in it.
Name: awe
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 07:56:15 -0700
the reason y Ashghar leave islam because he dosen' really know what islam is about, to other's try to learn islam and understand it.. then you will find how beautiful islam is... for those who non muslim understand islam before you said anythin about islam.. to Asghar i pity u leave the most beautiful religion when before u knw it.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 08:20:16 -0700
The ENCARTA WORD ENGLISH DICTIONARY copyright 1999 defines Islam as "submission" based on the word "aslama" meaning "he surrendered." Given the definition it's an odd phenomena that after about fourteen hundred years starting on Seppember 12, 2001 the meaning changed from "submissiom" to "peace." It's very well known that if the police are questioning someone and he changes his story something is wrong. Neverless, when it come to the religion of Islam no one gets susicious of the change. The jihadists brag that they will win the war with the West by using the Western ignorance and naive gullible mindset on the supject of Islam. It seens that they do have some basis in that claim since so many Westerners are beguiled by the Muslims disinformation campaign.
Name: to "awe"
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 09:35:15 -0700
again, it's funny that you say that this person doens't know islam. Funny thing is HE DOES KNOW AND HE'S LEFT. I challenge you, Awe, and I hold your honor on it, read your holy book in a language that you can understand, read several translations. God doesn't understand one language, he understands all. Once you do that, then you will understand why he left. This man was a muslim, grew up in a muslim family, tell me how he CANNOT KNOW?????
Name: lw1
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 10:27:05 -0700
Akhter give us the true interpretation of the Quran as to whether 1 a muslim can be friends with a non-muslim ? 2 Is a woman's testimony of the same value as a man's ?
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 10:42:38 -0700
Asghar has made his life meaningful, good,decent,pious by renouncing ISLAM and he did enormous good for himself by using his brain and thinking. AS a moslem he would have died as a sinner with evil thoughts, evil deeds and evil living preached, taught, practiced by ISLAMISTS/MOSLEMS. Now Asghar got liberated from all that evil in ISLAM. I urge all good hearted Moslems from INDIA, Bagladesh, PAKISATAN ,honest moslems with integrity, truthful moslems, kindhearted ,compassionate moslems ( ISLAM will not allow any true moslem to be kind hearted and compassionate ,truthful,honest ) to denounce,renounce and embrace their ancestry of the noble HINDU DHARMA . Hindu dharma is the gift for humanity to raise themselves spiritually and as good human beings..................... SITA patel is a fake name impersonated by a true evil MOSLIMAH or is it by a Moslem man ? ISLAM/ISLAMISTS practice deception, dishonesty, cheating, evil as injected by ISLAM/QQURRAN/MO_HAM_MAD. AKHTER is not pnly a cruel,wicked, evil ISLAMISTS but also a ZOMBIE as can be proven from his postings readily. !!! AKHTER - days of ISLAM are numbered. ISLAM will die by wallowing in it's own poison.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 11:31:17 -0700
Someone wrote: "Slavery was considered acceptable before 1400 years ago during the Pagan arab rule but it is wrong now. -Back in the days slavery was considered acceptable by everyone probably even by the Greeks and the Romans and the persians . Islam promoted the liberation of the slaves. My point is at the time when slavery were wide spread in Arabia, the prophet encourage to free slaves,.." In the seventh ceutury Arabia, people practiced slavery, prostitution and worshipped a number of gods. The first two practices are inhuman and they reduce men and women to conditions that even animals would not like to befall them. Paganism did not harm any human; so, tell me why your Allah took up arms to eradicate paganism, instead of against slavery and prostitution? Is your Allah a kind and compassionate deity or is He some kind of a Beast?
Name: Rangeet
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 13:17:57 -0700
Why Do Priests & Preachers Enter ISLAM?
Name: Ravi
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 13:30:16 -0700
I am a Hindu , from south of India, this is my first time on this website , it seems quite clear this is the place to bash the Muslims and Islam , but i want you people to be a little serious, especially you my Hindu brothers and sisters , you seem to be carried away here, face the truth and open your eyes , in our district in the last 6 months we had 13 families who converted to Islam they have had some help from the Muslim community and have now set a village with a new mosque. That is 63 people in all , there is also a few people turning to Christianity. So come on look at yourself, what is wrong with Hinduism?, and why people find it so easy to leave when the Muslims never leave their religion , may be a few who love money and for greed.
Name: Patel
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 13:36:13 -0700
Ravi, for a change i am going to agree with you , we should look at the problem facing our people and especially our youngsters, i am from Yorkshire and we also here have a few whole families turn to Islam , there is a few Sikhs who are also turning, while i can not remember any Muslims coming to Hinduism, there has been a few English converts , but we know who mostly they are?
Name: Ananda
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 14:17:07 -0700
(A Few very simple observations)--(1) Obviously Rangeet wants the 'Comments' SHUT-Down, for the best interest of Muslims, by extra-large postings--(2) Obviously Ravi & Sita Patel are Muslims. As usual, Muslims can't stop lying even inside their mosques.--(3) Suggestion to Editor: why not limit the posting size, and cut-off after the size has been exceeded.
Name: To: Akhter From Ibn Kammuna
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 16:35:30 -0700
Dear Akhter, Can you please tell us about your educational level. You write like someone who hardly finished High School. A lot of people on this site are highly educated with multiple degrees my friend. Now, you may not like that, but this is indicative that you are dealing with very smart people who can reason in a very logical way. Sometimes I think its not even worth discussing things with you because your lack of ability to think critically about things.Peace to all especially infidels, apostates, humans, dhimmis, and also to evil Muslims
Name: to rangeet
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 19:18:46 -0700
An elderly gentleman who wished to be anonymous told a reporter in Iran that if the government will allow people to change their faith even for a single day, millions will leave Islam. Once the mullahs will loosen their vice like grip on the masses,you see what happen not only in Iran but in many so called Islamic countries.Far from the fastest growing religion,it will turn out to be the fastest disappearing religion.Thanks to the internet and mass media people are discovering this beautiful religion called islam and its peaceful spiritual teachings.Dont allow yourself to be fooled.A few isolated cases of people converting to islam does not prove anything.
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 05:32:22 -0700
Switch off your damn TV and try to reason...the U.S backed by the Zion’s are the biggest war machine and weapons dealers.. Toppling people elected governments and putting puppet regimes to tarnish the image of Islam....what u try to show is the result of only a few crazy People..Look at the big picture. You just can’t help but play the PR game, blaming Muslims for what their puppet govts do and don’t, and always touch on the subject of what Muslim civilians do. To elaborate, the U.S backed by the Zion’s changed Iran’s elected president in the 60's –The result-hijacking, then the U.S backed by the Zion’s trained Bin Laden and gave Saddam chemical weapons-result- all this mess... the Zion’s are the cause for anger around the world...you only look at what u like to look at...reality it is people like you who live in a 'bubble'. To all you people who love to hate...there will come a day when you will hate yourself more than anything you've ever hated...find the truth now before it's too late..p.s. lose the arrogance and pride and stop lying. It will help this life is short. When you face your lord all deeds will be shown. so work for your own salvation!
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 10:42:08 -0700
SO called Ravi , patel and the faceless,nameless Jihadist who posted message(above )at 5:32:22 on sep 05 th,08.You are all impersonaters and real JIHADISTS/ Followers of true pedo,rapist,killer, robber ,hater of humanity - MO . All this internet monitoring,propaganda, falsehoods,misinformation,deception,dishonesty is being organized and spread by this evil,wicked,cruel,terrorist ISLAMIST called ZAKIR NAIK - sitting comfortably in INDIA and enjoying special privileges,protection of Indian govt at the expense of INDIANS . Present INDIAN Govt of the evil CABAL of antinational congie- fascist communist, islamo-fascist &the cancerous missionary christo evil doers is helping this hate mongers and killers and destroyers of INDIAN culture . Now, the ISLAMISTS like ZAKIR NAIK are panicky and stricken with fear that ISLAM is going to disappear soon - as this article and other ex-moslems narrate here. So this ZAKIR NAIK manufactures all this lies and misinformation & posts here. My message to ZAKIR - you are antinational,traitor,ISLAMIC TERRORIST and really belongs behind bars and ALLA the fake GOD of ISLAM will grant your desire and you can claim your 72 houris,with swelling breasts and transparent skin in jannat along with 28 prepubescent boys, dates, wine and beds !!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Re: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 23:02:39 -0700
kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist )try not to get ticked of so much. You have all the right to do so, As you know , your masters who you work for will now lay you out. You will be without a salary,. Your boss will hire better ones like you to tarnish Islam. Till then happy retrenching.. :)
Name: Rangeet
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 05:28:56 -0700
Now that is a lot of Hindus coming to Islam, cold you name one going to a cult of superstition called Hinduism?
Name: to rangeet
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 09:03:43 -0700
Unlike Islam or chritianity, Hinduism is not a proselyating religion, hence fewer converts.There are a large number of people in the west who are attracted to the philosophy of Hinduism, ie they practice yoga,and meditation and follow the teachings of some spiritual master yet retaining their faith in their original religion. Our country has been ravaged by invaders, first the muslims then the british,for centuries.Hinduism would have been wiped out from the face of the this earth.But it did not happen. Ever wondered why? We are still around and kicking ,aren'nt we?. Kuch baat hai ki hasti mitati nahih hamari. Our country is one of the largest economies, 8th to be precise.At the rate our country is progreesing, it is set to be a superpower by the year 2035. Not bad, not bad at all. By the way Rangeet ,did you ever realise that your forefathers were Hindu.
Name: Truth Seeker
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 09:23:18 -0700
"By the way Rangeet ,did you ever realise that your forefathers were Hindu." How about the founder of Islam? He was a pagan and a worshipper of 360 objects he knew as gods!
Name: to ,Truth Seeker
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 10:32:46 -0700
And the black stone was his favourite idol!!
Name: kmgy
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 03:01:53 -0700
Islam has a problem. The internet is a medium of information dissemination the Muslim fanatics cannot burn or destroy. Through it the ugly and beastly nature of Islam is exposed. Thanks to those enlightened and brave ex-Muslims, now Islam's greatest enemy. Their revelations of the true nature of Islam will educate the world and help in opening the eyes of non-Muslims and Muslims blinded by a pervert religion that promises an afterlife paradise of big bosom virgins and rivers of wine catering to the carnalities of its followers, which is of course non-existent, an invention of Mohammad. A virulent and vicious religion that command its followers to kill innocent human beings who have all the right to live in this world they label as infidels. A deception perpetrated by its founder Mohammad whose sexual perversion and penchant for mass murder and plunder was duly recorded in the Koran. The epitaph of Islam is already being written. Muslims of the world awake now and open your eyes to this deception and leave Islam for good!!! You are helping to make this world a better place to live in by leaving Islam. Outside Islam it is no longer obligatory for you to blow yourself to pieces to kill your fellow human beings who had done nothing wrong to you.Human life is precious. Only Satan does not care for human life.He wants you to be his instrument of destruction. It is recorded in your Koran, "There is no shame in killing." Allah is not the real God. He is the Deceiver of Mankind. The Destroyer. The Accuser. The Father of Lies. The Old Serpent. He is Satan the Devil.He desired to be like the Most High to be like God. So he established Islam through Mohammad his perfect partner the personification of evil. For Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light and perform great miracles. Hell is already reserved for Satan disguised as Allah and his demons.
Name: Akhter
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 22:55:46 -0700
Akhter is REALLY NOT MUSLIM! HE REALLY IS A non-muslim who is posing as a muslim. He is actually a pedophile who knows the last best hope of pedophiles is to defend islam. He wants to marry a 6 year old girl like his idol mohammed and worship the pagan moon god allah.
Name: Good article
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 23:00:15 -0700
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 14:23:45 -0700
Name: To above...
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 21:59:55 -0700
CRAP!: That's what islamists put in donuts, food at a muslim owned restaurant and in a birthday cake for a little girl! Good article interviewing this former muslim man!
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 08:15:50 -0700
Grow up, More than hundred million died in ww1 & ww2. You dont have to that far. First get your own country out of poverty and then comment. Indian population as a whole concist of people below the poverty level. What are you donig about it. regards, Boby Young. Hongkong.
Name: lw1 to Bobby Young,Hong Kong
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 09:57:00 -0700
This is a site warning people about Islam when Quran is taken literally. How is Cyber Hindu Warrior responsible for poverty in India? Everybody in the world should be concerned about violence and intolerance of fundamentalist Islam, as it is taking us towards World War 3.