Muhammad: The Greatest Manipulator and Sadist of the World!
13 Oct, 2006
- But what about the Quran? Though its contents were collected from the mouths of other people, Muslims do not consider them to be hearsay; to them, what we read in it are the exact words as were used by Muhammad and, therefore, there is no scope for anyone – Muslims or non-Muslims – to doubt their veracity.
Keeping the above position of the Muslims in mind, I have tried to find out from the Quran what kind of a conjugal life did Muhammad lead, and how he treated his wives. To me, it is a very interesting subject, and I am sure readers will agree with me.
I chose Sura Ahzab, or The Confederates (33) for my study. I am reproducing my findings with a brief introduction to this Sura, following which are some of its verses that I have commented on to make their contents clear to the readers.
Sura Ahzab deals with the Battle of Trench as well as Zainab’s marriage with Zaid, who was a former slave of Prophet Muhammad. After freeing him, the Prophet adopted him as his son. Because adoption was a pious and generous matter for the Pagans, Muhammad called himself Abu Zaid, i.e. Father of Zaid. His action was in line with the Pagans’ age-old tradition.
Here I will not talk about the Battle of Trench, as I know readers already know about this battle and the repercussions that followed in its wake. Instead, I will concentrate on the verses that deal with his conjugal life. In this connection, I want readers to read what Mohammad Marmaduke Pickthall, a highly erudite English Christian convert to Islam, who is held in high esteem by the Muslim, has said in introduction of this Sura. He wrote:
“In v. 37 the reference is to the unhappy marriage of Zeyd, the Prophet’s freedman and adopted son, with Zeynab, the Prophet’s cousin, a proud lady of Qureysh. The Prophet had arranged the marriage with the idea of breaking down the old barrier of pride of caste, and had shown but little consideration for Zeynab’s feelings. Tradition says that both she and her brother were averse to the match, and that she had always wished to marry the Prophet. For Zeyd, the marriage was nothing but a cause of embarrassment and humiliation. When the Prophet’s attention was first called to their unhappiness, he urged Zeyd to keep his wife and not divorce her, being apprehensive of the talk that would arise if it became known that a marriage by him had proved unhappy. At last, Zeyd did actually divorced Zeynab, and the Prophet was commanded to marry her in order, by his example, to disown the superstitious custom of the pagan Arabs, in such matters, of treating their adopted sons as their real sons, which was against the laws of God (i.e. the laws of nature); whereas in arranging a marriage, the woman’s inclinations ought to be considered. Unhappy marriage was no part of Allah’s ordinance, and was not to be held sacred in Islam.” [2]
I urge readers to keep Pickthall’s above introduction of the Sura in their mind, while reading my comments.
This Sura begins with a call from Muhammad, asking himself:
“O Prophet! Fear Allah, and hearken not to the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites: verily Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom. But follow that which comes to thee by inspiration from thy Lord: for Allah is well acquainted with (all} that ye do.”[3]
The fact that Muhammad believed that it was the Lord of Mecca,[4] who was inspiring him with His messages and that the said Lord was under the command of a Supreme Allah is reinforced by his above statement. The first verse gives us the indication that at the time he uttered these words, he was tired and frustrated- two factors- that had made him to consider seriously whether or not he should stop dreaming of Zainab, the wife of his adopted son, Zaid. While he was about to abandon his quest for her, his vindictive nature kicked in, and it encouraged him not to be discouraged by the thought of what people would be thinking about him, if he was able to lay his hands on Zainab; instead, it urged him to rely on his determination, and to do whatever it takes to procure her so that he could avenge the insult he had suffered at the hands of her mother and brother.
But what were the real issues that had forced him to fear the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites? Let us explore them.
Dateline Mecca
After the death of Khudeija in 619 A.D:
It was the same year in which Muhammad’s uncle and his protector Abu Talib also died. He found himself alone. No money and no protector. While trying to find a male protector, he was desperately in need of a woman to satisfy his sexual cravings.
His eyes fell on his cousin Zainab. A member of the Quraish tribe, she was young and very beautiful. Despite being the child of a poor family, she carried an aristocratic demeanor and conducted herself in a manner that was befitting the traditions of her tribe.
Muhammad approached her mother, Umimah bint Abdul Muttalib and
her brother, Abdullah Ibn Jash and sought her hand in marriage.
Despite their conversion to Islam, they declined the marriage
because Zainab was too young to be married to a man of his age and
also for the reason that he was not in a position to pay them the
dowers they expected her to fetch. Their refusal hurt him badly, and
he vowed to avenge the insult they unintentionally inflicted on him.
Dateline: Medina
Timeline: The end of the fifth and end of the seventh year of migration (Hijrah):
By this time, Muhammad had not only become powerful, he also had gathered four women in his harem to meet his sexual needs. They were: Sawda, Aisha, Hafsah and Umm Salama.[5] He was now in a position to implement his plan to humiliate Zainab and her family members.
His plan required his freedman Zaid to divorce his wife and to marry Zainab in her instead. It also required him to divorce his new bride soon after she got married to him, thereby lowering her position and esteem in the eyes of the people. Made an outcast by the divorce, Zainab will then have no respectable man to marry her, a situation that will force her to accept Muhammad as her husband, if he wanted to marry her, and also to live with whatever status he was willing to give her after she fell under his control.
But an old social taboo, a declaration Muhammad himself had made earlier as well as his political ambitions stood on his way to implementing his plan. The Pagans did not approve a marriage between an adoptive father and the wife of his divorced wife. His declaration that a man could not have more than four wives at a time[6] was another stumbling block that he had to pay attention to before taking any action on his plan to acquire Zainab. Moreover, his full ascent to power was not yet complete, and he needed more time to become the absolute ruler of the Islamic State he was dreaming to establish in the Peninsula of the Arabs.
All the above considerations weighed heavily on Muhammad’s mind. He was fearful that if he implemented his plan and brought Zainab to his harem, the Pagans were going to stand up, and raise a huge hue and cry against him, thus making the achievement of his main objective of becoming the undisputed leader of his yet-to-be established State much more difficult.
It was this extreme fear of the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites that the verse 33:1 has referred to. Being a very cautious man, he brooded on the negative consequences of his plan, but, at the end, his bestial nature prevailed, and he decided to follow its dictate for avenging the insult he had suffered at the hands of Zainab’s mother and brother.
But again, he was unable to execute his plan without, first, invalidating the Pagans’ custom that barred an adoptive father from marrying his adopted son’s divorced wife. With this objective in his mind, he declared:
“Allah has not made for any man two hearts in his (one) body: nor has He made your wives whom ye divorce by Zihar your mothers: nor has He made your adopted sons your sons. Such is (only) your (manner of) speech by your mouths. But Allah tells (you) the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way.”[7]
Zihar was a custom of the Pagan Arabs, by adopting which husbands granted motherly status to their wives. After a husband declared that his wife was like his mother, she could not demand conjugal rights from him, nor was she free to marry another man in place of him. Without declaring that Zihar was an obnoxious practice, Muhammad proceeded to lay down rules that were intended to restrict adoption in Islam, and this he did to demolish the Pagans’ position on adoption as well as the restriction they had placed on the adoptive fathers. He said nothing on the abolition of Zihar, as it was not standing on his way.
He declared:
“Call them by (the names of) their fathers: that is juster in the sight of Allah. But if ye know not their father’s (names, call them) your Brothers in faith, or your Maulas. But there is no blame on you if ye make a mistake therein: (what counts is) the intention of your hearts: and Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.” [8]
Muhammad was very categorical on the naming of the adopted children. He told his followers that instead of giving their own names to their adopted children, they must call them by the names of their fathers, and if they did not know their fathers’ names, in that case, they should call them brothers in faith or Maulas. In no case, adoptive Muslim men were to give their names to the children they adopt.
His terms on adoption are not only inhuman, they are also nonsensical and impractical. Here is why?
In the Tsunamis of the year 2004, hundreds and thousands of men and women had died. Some of their infants survived, but with no one to take care of them. Some of those infants found shelter in charitable care centers, others were adopted by kind and loving people from all over the world.
Suppose one of the infants was adopted by a Muslim man, and he did not know the infant’s father’s name, nor was the infant able to tell him who his father was, in such a situation, what he, unlike the men of other faiths, was required to do?
He must not give the infant as much love as he would give to his own son, and also, he must not give him his own name in order to avoid the appearance of a father-and-son relationship between them, nor should he be calling him a “brother,” for this expression would denote that they have a blood relationship between them. Calling him “brother in faith,” or Maula would let everyone know that they were not blood relatives.
Now, can we imagine a fully grown up man calling an infant “a brother in faith”? Can we imagine an infant deciding to be a Muslim? Can we imagine a merciful, kind and compassionate Allah telling Muslim men not to treat the infants with all the love they are able to command?
And what about an infant female adopted by a Muslim man? Let us find out.
The Quran has said nothing about the adoption of a female child by a Muslim man. Perhaps the word “Maula” covers such an adoption.
The word “Maula” in Arabic carries many meanings. Some take it to denote a cousin; others take it to imply a close relative or a friend.[9] Calling an adopted female child a Maula by a Muslim male adopter leaves open a great opportunity for him.
If he wishes, he can have sex with the child, or marry her when she reaches a certain age. Calling her a daughter or giving her his own name not only limits his options, it is also likely to deter him from doing either of the two things I have mentioned in this paragraph. .
It was the ugly opportunity of adoption propounded by Muhammad for his followers that has prompted one highly respected Muslim scholar to declare that “adoption in the technical sense is not allowed in Muslim law.”[10] He is telling us that even if a child has no parent or any relative to nurse and take care of him or her, a Muslim should not adopt that unfortunate child, and let him or her die, as the Muslim law does not permit him to save his or her life.
To me, this is the extreme cruelty Muhammad could have exhibited towards children. I do not think even the beasts would have approved of his law, for they are known to have more compassion, love and respect for their infants than Muhammad appears to have for the human infants.
His law on adoption proves that he was worse than a beast; he felt no compunction while promulgating a barbaric law for his followers. Yet, Muslims call him the best and the kindest man who graced our earth. I wonder what else he must have done to qualify himself for such a lofty title and veneration!
It was Muhammad’s own intention to sleep with Zainab that had made him to lay out his peculiar and inhumane rules of adoption. He knew that when a Pagan adopted a boy, he loved him like his own son; and when he adopted a girl, he loved her like his own daughter. While raising her, he did not entertain a thought to have sex with her, nor did he harbor an intention in his mind to marry her when she grew up.
It was the clean mind, ethics, morality and the conscience of the Pagans that kept them away from any kind of sexual relationship with the former wives of their adopted sons. To the Pagans, marrying them was a sin.
Driven by his vindictive and licentious nature, Muhammad broke the Pagans’ long standing taboo with a revelation that, he claimed, came to him from Allah. But when they asked him why he called himself Abu Zaid (father of Zaid) after freeing and adopting his slave-boy Zaid, he most ashamedly told them that he was neither his father, nor of “any one of them.”[11] What he did in the past was a mistake and that it should not count in the changed circumstances of the land.
The Pagans could not defend their conscience from being mauled by the predator we call Muhammad, as by the time he was making his own rules, he had become the most powerful man of the land.
The Pagans let their conscience die under the weight of his steamroller. They had to accept his dictates, as defiance of them was sure to bring them death. What had happened to them was a tragedy for the conscience of mankind. Their surrender is the cause that has gradually been decimating our own conscience. Unless we are able to understand the real impact of Islam on human lives, it will be almost impossible for us to fight this demon. It is this realization on my part that has induced me to write this article.
I hope my humble effort will help humankind to save themselves from the evil affect of Islam.
After tearing the Pagans’ long standing rules on adoption into pieces, Muhammad took steps to define his own special position among his followers with a view to freeing himself from the rules that prohibited an adoptive father from marrying the divorced, or the widowed wife of his adopted son. He told them:
“The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers. Blood-relations among each other have closer personal ties, in the Decree of Allah, than (the Brotherhood of) of Believers and Muhajirs: nevertheless do ye what is just to your close friends: such is the writing in the Decree (of Allah).”[12]
Through the above proclamation, he demanded total obedience to, and respect for, him from his followers. He based his demands on his spiritual authority, which made him closer to his followers than their own fathers, mothers and other blood relatives. Using his special position with his followers, he banned them from marrying his divorced or widowed wives, claiming they were their mothers.
As far as the relationship between the Muhajirs (those Muslims who migrated from Mecca to Medina) and the Ansars (those Muslims who were the residents of Medina) was concerned, Muhammad declared that their blood relatives had precedence over their brotherhood, but it was alright for them to do what they thought was just, claiming that “such is the writing in the Decree (of Allah).”
Muhammad redefined, when he became very powerful, Muhajirs’ relation with the Ansars with a specific reason in his mind, and it was this: at the time Muhammad and his followers migrated to Medina, its small number of Muslims were very poor. Despite being aware of their dire financial condition, he demanded that they help their Muhajir brethren. When they expressed their inability to do so, he contrived a scheme that had the potential to induce them to his and his followers’ help.
He told the Medinese Muslims that, as the followers of Islam, it was their religious duty to help their needy brethren in faith not only because their generous act will entitle them to the felicities of heaven, it will also entitle them to inherit whatever they, upon their death, were going to leave behind for them. These were two very strong allurements for the poor Muslims of Medina and they succumbed to them. But when Mecca fell to him and its citizens began to join their relatives in Medina, he reneged on the assurance of inheritance he gave earlier to the Medinese Muslims, and in their place, he made the Meccan Muslims the inheritors of whatever their relatives possessed, and left behind in Medina. This was a stab in the back of the Medinese Muslims, and he did it knowing fully well that they had no guts or strength to challenge him for whatever he did or asked them to do. Helpless as they were, he was sure they would accept anything and everything without resistance.
I must admit that Muhammad was one of the greatest geniuses that our world has ever produced. Not only that, he was also a great manipulator as well as a great liar. He lied when it was necessary to manipulate people; he used force where his manipulations faced resistance from his opponents. He threatened them with Allah’s wrath where his own force against them was unlikely to bring them to their knees.
I have drawn the above conclusions about him from the Quran, which tells us how he used his manipulative power to free himself from some of the important social norms of the Pagans, yet being able to use his manipulative power to keep them tied to some of the weird norms he laid out for the purpose of serving his own purpose. This fact will become clear, when the following declarations he had made are taken into consideration:
Muhammad declared that a Muslim man cannot call an adopted child his son, nor can he give him all the love he is supposed to give to his biological son, as the adopted child does not carry his blood. At the same time, he forbade his followers from marrying his wives, as he declared them to be their mothers. This prohibition applied even to those Muslims who had no blood ties with him or his wives, for he himself made it clear that he was not the father of any of his followers.
His declaration that he was not the father of any of his followers was designed at granting him the freedom to have sex with their women of his choice. This declaration was also intended to make his sexual relationship with Zainab, the would-be divorced wife of his adopted son Zaid, halal or permissible for him.
Armed with the declarations that entitled him to have sex with any women of his choosing, he decided to create a situation, which would not only humiliate Zainab, it would also force her to succumb to his caprices. With these intentions in his mind, Muhammad asked her mother and brother to give her in marriage to Zaid, his freed slave-man, who was already happily married with a son.
Because Zaid was an ex-slave and a married man and also utterly uncomely to look at, they rejected his proposal. Infuriated, he produced a revelation, reading as follows, to force them to bow down to his order.
“It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Apostle, to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Apostle, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.”[13]
The “revelation” had its intended impact and they gave in to his dictate. Zainab and Zaid got married. Their marriage gave Muhammad immense satisfaction and pleasure, prompting him to hold a grand party to celebrate his success.
Immediately after the marriage, Muhammad wanted Zaid to divorce her, lest he broke her virginity. But when Zaid, fearing that any delay in complying with his adoptive father’s order would bring him great harm, was about to divorce Zainab, another taboo of the Pagans forced Muhammad to come up with another revelation, through which he restrained his adopted son from going ahead with his action. The revelation in question reads thus:
Behold! Thou didst say to one who had received the grace of Allah and thy favor: “Retain thou (in wedlock) thy wife, and fear Allah. But thou didst hide in thy heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: thou didst fear the people, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear Allah. Then when Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), We joined her in marriage to thee: in order that (in future) there may be no difficulty for the Believers in (the matter of marriage) with the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And Allah’s command must be fulfilled.[14]
Let us, at this stage of the narrative, revisit Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall’s introduction to the Sura, which I reproduced earlier, and in which he claimed that Muhammad had arranged Zainab’s marriage with Zaid to ‘break down the old pride of caste,’ and that “unhappy marriage was no part of Allah’s ordinance, and was not to be held sacred in Islam,” claims that are not supported by what is stated in verse 37 I have quoted above.
It clearly and unambiguously tells us that it were both Allah and Muhammad who had forced Zainab’s mother to give her in marriage to Zaid, when both of them knew well that their marriage was not going to be a happy one, and that both of them had done this so that when Zaid, who “had received Allah’s grace and Muhammad’s favor,”[15] divorced her, Allah’s Apostle Muhammad could take her to bed. But fearing the criticisms and the wrath of the people, Muhammad kept his desire hidden in his heart, waiting for Allah to make his desire public “in order that in future there may be no difficulty to the Muslims in the matter of marriage with the (divorced) wives of their adopted sons.”
Marrying his adopted son’s divorced wife was a ‘duty’ that Allah had imposed on His Apostle Muhammad.[16] Therefore, he could not have avoided the marriage, even if he thought it was not a nice and respectable thing for him to do!
Above being the fact, which I have culled from the Quran’s verse, I believe that the reason for which the Muslim scholar has lied by choosing to overlook its contents is obvious: he was embarrassed by the disgusting act of a man under whose influence he left his parental religion and embraced Islam, and whom he accorded his highest veneration. He did not have the courage to admit that what his admired Prophet had done to satisfy his lust (to me, it was his rage for vengeance) was morally and ethically repugnant, hence the scholar’s recourse to naked and blatant lying!
I believe that the Pagans considered having sex with their cousins, with or without marriage, to be as abominable as having sex with their adopted sons’ divorced wives. When this reality came to his mind, Muhammad had another wahi (revelation) revealed to himself, whereby he nullified another morally and medically correct practice of the Pagans, simply because such nullification gave him an open and unrestricted license for engaging himself in sexual activities with any one he chose to have sex with. In it, he said:
“We Prophet! We have made lawful to thee they wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of they maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her; - this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and captives whom their right hands possess; - in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”[17]
All obstacles on the way to bringing Zainab to his harem thus removed, Muhammad wanted her in bed in no time. While she was on her way, his burning desire to avenge his insult as well as his sadistic inclinations to play hell with her overwhelmed his senses. Upon recovery, he moaned: “Who will go unto Zainab and tell her the good tidings that {Allah} hath given her to me in marriage, even in heaven.”[18]
His extreme eagerness to inflict severe emotional injuries to Zainab through his sadistic acts forced Muhammad to do away with the formalities that formed the basis of the marriage between a Muslim man and a woman. Claiming that his marriage with Zainab was solemnized by Allah in heaven, he paid no dowers to her - a basic requirement of a Muslim marriage, without fulfilling which, no Muslim man can sleep with his wife[19] - and straightaway took her to his bed. What the Pagans had said, or how they had reacted against this bizarre and other anti-social activities of his is not recorded in the Quran.
His mission of vengeance and reprisal against Zainab accomplished, Muhammad began paying full attention to other activities that were necessary for him to expand the influence of Islam as well as to conquer the lands of those people who had refused to become his followers. While forcing people to his faith and also forcibly taking over others’ lands, he found himself marrying more beautiful and young women together with taking the possession of a large number of slave girls who fell in his share after the end of each war or raid he launched against his real or perceived enemies.
The accumulation of a large number of women in his harem created a real problem for him: he was finding himself increasingly incapable of meeting their sexual demands, not only because he had to deal with a large number of them, but also because of the reason that his sexual impotency was slowly setting on him.
All the women, especially his wives, complained loudly; made fun of him; laughed at him and cursed him. He tolerated their indignities in silence, and with patience, but when their complaints became so vitriolic as to make them known to the outsiders, thus reducing his status before them to the level of a helpless eunuch, he began to search for a way out of his predicament, hoping simultaneously that the solution he was in source of would also enable him to retain his dominating control over all of them. Ultimately, he did what he was best at: coming up with revelations, which he used not only to silence his critics and enemies, but also to quell the rebellion of his wives.[20]
In keeping with his wont, Muhammad had a revelation revealed to himself, the text of which read as under:
Thou mayest defer (the turn of) any of them {his wives, cousins, concubines and slave-girls} that thou pleasest, and thou mayest receive any thou pleasest: and there is no blame on thee if thou invite one whose (turn) thou hadst set aside. This were nigher to the cooling their eyes, the prevention of their grief, and their satisfaction – that all of them – with that which thou hast to give them: and Allah knows (all) that is in your hearts: and God is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.[21]
Through this revelation, Muhammad granted to himself the power to put off any of the women he pleased, and to have sex with any of them he pleased. He also granted to himself the power to call in, and have sex with, any of those women whom he had temporarily set aside.
He also made it clear that those women with whom he would deign to have sex must agree that even if he failed to give them full satisfaction, they would still be pleased with him, for having a satisfying sex was not important for them. His being with them was what they should aspire for, he told them, as it was what they needed in order to cool their eyes, to prevent their grief, and to make them satisfied with whatever he did to them in the name of sexual intercourse.
The phrase [that which thou hast to give them] used in conjunction with sexual intercourse with his women cannot, and does not, refer to any financial or other material supports that Muhammad was under obligation to give them. That he did not give them sufficient allowances, even when he had become rich, was an issue for his wives, and they did raise it with him. His reaction to their demand for raising their allowances is recorded in verse 33:28.
This verse tells us that instead of granting them their wish, Muhammad threatened to divorce all his wives “in a handsome manner,” if they desired the life of this world and its glitter. He issued his threat knowing well that no matter what they got from him, they would not be able to subsist on it for long. Moreover, he also knew that if he divorced them, no Believer would marry them, as he had already declared them to be their mothers. The question of non-believers marrying them could not have arisen, as most, if not all, of them dared not do things against his wish.
Knowing that their very survival would be at stake, if they did not accept Muhammad’s offer to remain contended with his presence, his wives gave in to the conditions he imposed on them with the intention of barring them from seeking sexual gratifications from him. Before surrendering themselves to their fate, however, his wives wanted an assurance from him that he would bring no more women to his harem to increase their tension, pain and agony. He agreed, and gave them his assurance in the following words:
It is not lawful for thee (to marry more) women after this, nor to change them for (other) wives, even though their beauty attract thee, except any thy right hand should possess (as handmaidens): and Allah doth watch over all things.[22]
His failure to perform penile sex with his women due to his impotency thus taken care of, Muhammad took to performing sex with them with his hand, as he could not live without being able to play with female bodies and their sexual organs. His obsession with, and addiction to, sex was so strong as to make him oblivious of his women’s conditions, and their surroundings. He fondled them when they were menstruating; he inserted his hand into their vaginas, when they were in others’ company.
Hadith literature supports my contention. Here is one of the many hadiths that says that Muhammad used to fondle his wives during their menses:
Narrated 'Abdur-Rahman bin Al-Aswad: (on the authority of his father) 'Aisha said: "Whenever Allah's Apostle wanted to fondle anyone of us during her periods (menses), he used to order her to put on an Izar and start fondling her.
'Aisha added, "None of you could control his sexual desires as the Prophet could."[23]
This hadith from Aisha tells us how immature and ignorant she was in the matters of sex. Perhaps, it was her young age that made her to conclude that “none could control his sexual desires as the Prophet could.”
She was not aware of the fact that fondling a woman is one of the foreplays that a man uses to sexually stimulate both of them, as without stimulation, it is not always possible for a man to achieve an erection, nor without it can a woman facilitate a smooth and pain free penetration. But it was a different matter with her husband Muhammad; his fondling stimulated his wives, but not him.
As nothing he did to achieve an erection yielded a positive result, he withdrew in frustration from fondling, and left his stimulated wives to burn with their passions. Without knowing or understanding that it was her husband’s erectile dysfunction that prevented him from engaging himself in a full-scale sex, she took his failure to be an exceptional ability on his part to control his sexual desires.
Herself a victim of Muhammad’s sadism, we can overlook Aisha’s naivety, but how about those scholars who, as far as I know, have never asked why Muhammad had to fondle his menstruating wives, when there remained a large number of women at his disposal, all of whom could not have begun their menstrual cycles at the same time?
What had made him to do such a bizarre thing? If it were not his sadistic nature that made him to deny full-scale sexual intercourse to the women, using their menses – a biological phenomenon that he identified to be a pollution and sickness – as an excuse, what other reason or cause he had to engage himself in such a strange behavior with his menstruating wives?
Leaving my inquiries to the cogitation of the readers, I reproduce hereunder another hadith that says that Muhammad came upon Aisha and began doing “something {to her} with his hand,” in the presence of his another wife:
“Zainab [verbally] abused Aishah, so Mohammed told A’ishah to abuse her."...The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) came upon me [Aisha] while Zainab daughter of Jahsh was with us. He began to do something with his hand. I signaled to him until I made him understand about her. So he stopped. Zainab came on and began to abuse Aishah. She prevented her, but she did not stop. So he (the Prophet) said to Aishah: Abuse her. Then she abused her and dominated her. Zainab then went to Ali and said: Aishah abused you and did (such and such). Then Fatimah came (to the Prophet) and he said to her: She is favourite of your father, by the Lord of the Ka'bah! She then returned and said to them: I said to him such and such, and he said to me such and such. Then "Ali came to the Prophet (may peace be upon him) and spoke to him about that.”[24]
The fact that Muhammad did something to one of his wives “with his hand” is the proof that he had become impotent after he migrated to Medina. He must have also been doing the same thing with his other wives. The fact that none among his many wives was ever able to conceive adds irrefutable justification and credence to my claim.
Had he retained his ability of penetration, I am sure at least one of his wives or slave-girls would have conceived, and given birth to a child. It did not happen, even though at the time of his death, he had nine wives and an unknown number of slave-girls in his harem.
All of them could not have been infertile, nor all of them were beyond the age of conception. We know for sure that many of his wives were young; Aisha among them being the youngest. When Muhammad died, she was sixteen. Zainab, Hafsah, Safiyah and Maimuna, among others, were very young. But none of them become pregnant with Muhammad’s child.
The responsibility for their failure to conceive rested on Muhammad’s impotency. He was not able to perform penile sex, nor a hand has ever succeeded in making a woman pregnant. So, they were not at all responsible for failing to conceive; it was their husband’s inability to give them the pleasure of motherhood.
I do not think or believe that those women who had the misfortune of coming to his harem ever forgave him for the inhuman treatment he meted out to them. Forced to live with his brutality and sadistic conduct, they lost their respect for him. Instead of being respectful and considerate, they always maintained and displayed a confrontational attitude towards him.
His wives’ acquiescence to his dictate to live with his impotency became a double jeopardy for them: he would come, fondle them and do “something with his hand” and when they became fully stimulated, he would leave them to themselves to mend their maddening passion. Unable to bear his torture any longer, they found themselves forced to look out for men from outside to quench their sexual thirst.
Always maintaining a close watch over his wives, Muhammad would not let them do that either. To nip their efforts at securing sexual comforts from other men in the bud, he launched a serious attack on their character, saying:
O Consorts of the Prophet! If any of you were guilty of evident unseemly conduct, the Punishment would be doubled to her, and that is easy for Allah.[25]
To make clear what Muhammad had meant by the words “if any of you were guilty of evident unseemly conduct,” Abdullah Yusuf Ali wrote:
… The punishment in this life for a married woman’s unchastity is very severe: for adultery, public flogging with a hundred stripes, under xxiv, 2; or for lewdness (see iv.15) imprisonment; or stoning to death for adultery, according to certain precedents established in Canon Law. …[26]
It is clear from Ali’s clarification that Muhammad had, indeed, accused his wives of adultery and lewdness without having any proof. That he had no proof to substantiate his accusation is deducible from the fact that despite his open accusation against his wives, he failed to punish any one of them. That is why he shifted his gear and told them:
But any of you that is devout in the service of Allah and His Apostle, and works righteousness, - to her shall We grant her reward twice: and We have prepared for her a generous Sustenance.[27]
I cannot believe that a man who refused to grant some extra allowances to his wives so that they could make their lives on earth somewhat pleasurable will grant them a generous sustenance in heaven. And what about him granting them a double reward in the world hereafter?
I believe that Muhammad’s talk of a generous sustenance and double award, he said, he would give his wives in heaven was aimed at placating their extreme hostility towards him as well as to bring them to his fold, as they had, so it seems to me, not only begun soliciting other men’s attention to them, they had also stopped praying, and obeying his commands. It were these scenarios, among others, that had compelled him to come up with the following pleadings to them, and to other members of his family:
O Consorts of the Prophet! Ye are not like any of the (other) women: if ye do fear (Allah), be not complaisant of speech, lest one in whose heart is a disease should be moved with desire: but speak ye a speech (that is) just. And stay quietly in your houses, and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance; and establish regular Prayer, and give Regular Charity; and obey Allah and His Apostle. And Allah only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye Members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless.[28]
No amount of coaxing, allurements and threats was able to pacify Muhammad’s sex starved wives. The Quran does not tell us whether or not they were able to find any paramours to satisfy their sexual needs, but it does indicate that he had a tumultuous relationship with them until his death. Verses 1 to 5 of Sura 66 make it amply clear to us.
Afraid that his wives would be able to entice other men to bed, he bought another insurance against their attempts at infidelity by asking his followers to maintain a safe distance from them. He told them:
O ye who believe! Enter not the Prophet’s house, - until leave is given you, - for a meal, (and then) not (so early as) to wait for its preparation: but when ye are invited, enter; and when ye have taken your meal, disperse, without seeking familiar talk. Such (behavior) annoys the Prophet: he is ashamed to dismiss you, but Allah is not ashamed (to tell you) the truth.
And when ye ask (his ladies) for anything ye want, ask them from before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and theirs. Nor is it right for you that ye should annoy Allah’s Apostle, or that ye should marry his widows after him at any time. Truly such a thing is in Allah’s sight an enormity. Whether y reveal anything or conceal it, verily Allah has full knowledge of all things.
There is no blame (on these ladies if they appear) before their fathers or their sons, their brothers, or their brothers’ sons, or their sisters’ sons, or their women, or the (slaves) whom their right hands possess. And, (ladies) fear Allah; for Allah is Witness to all things.
Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye who believe! Send ye blessings on him and salute him with all respect.
Those who annoy Allah and His Apostle – Allah has cursed them in this world and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them a humiliating Punishment.[29]
The rules Muhammad prepared to keep his wives away from the company of other men proved highly effective. They deterred them not only from establishing physical contacts with his wives when he was alive; they also prevented them from marrying them after his death. He prepared his rules without paying attention to what was likely to happen to them, when they had no men to support and protect them. He was so engrossed in protecting his own honor as to make himself oblivious to the welfare of his most beloved wife Aisha.
When Muhammad died, she was a sixteen year old teenager. She had a long way to go in her life. She needed a man not only for sex, but also to protect her by being in her company. She needed her man to take care of her when she found herself in travails and woes. But driven by his selfishness and self-serving honor, he denied her all the protections and pleasures of her life - a tragedy I do not think she, as a human being, was ever able to forget and forgive.
Deprived of a normal life after her husband Muhammad’s death, Aisha led a life of deep sadness and utter gloom. She could not let her feelings out for twenty-four years, as the people who she expected to sympathize with her were busy in their own world. Ultimately, she was able to garner the support of some people, and she set out to avenge the injustices her deceased husband kept on perpetrating on her even after his death.
Her object of avenge was Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of her deceased husband. She chose him to act against, as she had thought by inflicting harm on him she would be punishing the soul of her brutal husband.
Aisha engaged Ali in 656 A.D., in a battle that has come to be known as the “Battle of the Camel.” She lost to him, and he had her escorted to her abode in Medina. What happened to her thereafter and how she led her life is not known. Some scholars are, however, of the view that she drew an allowance from the Islamic government to support her life. What had happened to his other wives and how they supported their lives without being able to get married after the death of their husband is also not known.
As to those people who opposed his dirty and repulsive pronouncements and actions, and whom Muhammad called “Hypocrites,” he had the following message for them:
Truly, if the Hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease, and those who stir up sedition in the City, desist not, We shall certainly stir thee up against them: then will they not be able to stay in it as thy neighbours for any length of time. They shall have a curse on them: wherever they shall be seized and slain (without mercy).[30]
Hypocrites were those who pretended to be in Islam but whose manners and morals were anti-Islamic. Those “with diseased hearts” may have been that molested innocent women. “Those who stirred up sedition” were those people who put false rumors in circulation to excite the crowd.[31]
Because the hypocrites were not willing to live by the same manners and morals Muhammad was practicing and promoting; because those with diseased hearts were willing to respond to the pleas for help of his wives and also because those who stirred up sedition by talking about his immoral and unethical ways of life, he decided not only to expel them from their homes, he also decided that they must be seized from where they went after being expelled, and then summarily killed.
Adolph Hitler had adopted similar or identical policy in respect to the Jews who lived in Germany prior to World War II, and he had millions of them killed. This made him the most hated man of the world. Had he been caught alive, he would surely have faced death at the end of his trial.
But we do not seem to take cognizance of the crimes Muhammad had committed against humanity. Instead of despising him, many among us revere him. Others elevate him to the rank of a deity. Yet again, many more consider him to be the best and kindest human who has ever set foot on our earth!
Why this hypocrisy on our part, and why we do not call a spade a spade? Why we feel no shame in calling Muhammad a peace loving men? Why we mislead people by claiming that the religion of Islam that he founded is a religion of peace? Why we insist that the Quran that forms the foundation of Islam does not preach violence?
If the Quran does not preach violence, then what Muhammad had said through the above verse? Are we to suppose that the verse in question had, in fact, required Muhammad and his gang members to spare the properties, and the lives, of the hypocrites and others?
I know answers to my questions will not be forthcoming, as being politically correct is what matters most to many self-interest serving humans. They have answers to all of my questions, but fearing harm to their own interests, they would remain mum, thus putting the entire mankind to the perils that the followers of Islam are bent upon inflicting on those they call kafirs, Mushriks and Ahl-al-kitab.
When Islam becomes the dominant force of the world, will it allow the politically correct people to survive? I do not think so. Therefore, I strongly urge the non-Muslims of the world to stand up and face together the evil forces of Islam. In this action of theirs lies their survival and well being. Any delay, procrastination or unwillingness to act in their defense will surely bring about their own destruction at the hands of the Muslims.
As if what Muhammad was doing or had done to the people of the Arabian Peninsula and to his wives and slave girls were not enough for him, he deemed it fit to add salt to their injuries by making a claim about himself that must have made his victims laugh, their pains and agonies notwithstanding. He said about himself:
Ye have indeed in the Apostle of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the praise of Allah.[32]
If what I have described hereto before were Muhammad’s beautiful pattern of conduct, I wonder what his worse conducts were. I wonder if all of us were to follow his conduct, what would have happened to our societies and nations. Would Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Jews and Atheist etc., have existed and lived freely on earth?
Would humankind have made any progress in science, literature and other fields, if they had followed his pattern of conducts? Would we have seen the civilization of which we are a part today?
I do not think so. Knowing well that Islam is a religion of darkness, brutality and destruction, I ask all humans to remain on their alert so as to stop its incursion into their habitations. Where Islam has already set its foot, all humans, who have not already fallen prey to its doctrines, should stand up and cut off its head.
Letting this snake breath will destroy all of us. We should not
let it destroy us; rather, we should destroy it before it is able to
gather more strength to attack and finish us off.
[1] History of the Arabs, p. 111 & 112.
[2] The Glorious Koran, p. 300.
[3] The Quran; 33:1 & 2.
[4] The Quran; 27:91.
[5] Abul Ala Mududi; Tafhimul Quran, Vol. 4, p. 65.
[6] The Quran; 4:3.
[7] The Quran; 33:4.
[8] The Quran; 33:5.
[9] Allama Reza Khan translated it to denote a cousin; Yusuf Ali a close relative and Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi a friend.
[10] Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Quran, Vol. 2, p. 1103.
[11] The Quran; 33:40.
[12] The Quran; 33:6.
[13] The Quran; 33:36.
[14] The Quran; 33:37. It is one of the rarest verses in which the name of an ordinary man’s name has appeared. It enables us to conclude that when Allah (or Muhammad) was writing His celestial book, He also wrote down in it that at the time Muhammad would be preaching Islam, he would adopt a slave and his name would be Zaid. His adopted son would marry someone Muhammad would choose for him and that he would divorce her so that his adoptive father could marry her.
[16] The Quran; 33:38.
[17] The Quran; 33:50.
[18] Martin Lings, Muhammad; p. 213.
[19] Cf. The Quran; 4:21 et al.
[20] The Quran; 66:4.
[21] The Quran; 33:51.
[22] The Quran; 33:52.
[23] Sahih Bukhari; Vol. 1, Book 6, Number 300.
[24] Sahih Bukhari; Vol. 1, Book 6, Number 299.
[25] The Quran; 33:30.
[26] The Holy Quran, Vol. 2, p. 1114.
[27] The Quran; 33:31.
[28] The Quran; 33:32 & 33.
[29] The Quran; 33:53-57.
[30] The Quran; 33:60 & 61.
[31] Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Quran, Vol. 2, p 1127.
[32] The Quran; 33:21.
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