Bahrain king trashes the Koran and Sunnah, appoints Jewish woman as envoy to US
01 Jun, 2008
"Don't take Christians and Jews as friends, or people of authority."
- He's also throwing mohammad's sayings, the Sunnah (hadith) to the garbage-bin:
Sahih Muslim, Book 41: Number 6985:
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.
This is the unequivocal proof, and the obvious admission by muslim rulers that mohammad's teachings are nothing but garbage that has been exposed to the whole world, thanks to the anti-jihadists community, and the mounting rejections of islam by Western populations, despite all their efforts, and all their public relation campaigns to the tune of millions of dollars.
Is islam feeling the heat?
The answer is: YES!
Bahrain is exploding a heavy bombshell, hoping to bleach islam and put it back on the map of the civilized world. But it's too late for this illusion to redeem 1400 years of evil history. It's a proof they are realizing they reached a dead-end, and the only road open for them is downturn.
They know that Islam's "religious" cover is being blown away and destroyed. It became evident to the wiser rulers of the Arab-Islamic world that the only way to keep islam from being swept by the deluge is to try to go with the tide, the demands of the civilized world.
Personally, I have the firm belief that no matter how many times a snake would change his skin, or his color, his venom is still the same, deadly. And I also have the firm belief that a “religion” consisting of deception (Taqiya) as its fundamental cornerstone can’t offer anything. Now that it’s cornered and rotting, but this could be deceptive ploys to gain time for continue Islam's evil mission started by its prophet of doom.
However, our pledge should be: no turning back, no let down, and no compromise with the diabolical Islam, even if it present itself in the form of an Angel of light.
Bahrain appoints Jewish woman as envoy to US
MANAMA (Agencies)
Friday, 30 May 2008
Bahrain's king has appointed a Jewish Shura Council member and a
top female activist as the Kingdom’s next
ambassador to Washington, making her the Arab world's first ever
Jewish ambassador.
“It is an honor bestowed upon me by HM the King. I am yet to receive the documents from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I will visit them next week and then they will spell out my role in Washington,” lawmaker Huda Ezra Nonoo was quoted by the Bahrain Tribune as saying.
“I look forward to the challenges that such a role brings with it,” she added. A member of Bahrain’s Jewish community, Huda has served as legislator in the 40-member Shura for three years.
Nonoo, a 43-year-old mother of two boys, insisted she was not chosen for the post because of her religion.
A decree issued by King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa and reported by the official Bahrain News Agency on Wednesday said Nonoo was appointed as a state ambassador, but had not specified where she could be posted.
Jews migrated to Bahrain in the 19th century, mostly from Iran and Iraq. Their numbers increased early in the 20th century but decreased after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, when many left for Israel, the U.S. and Europe.
Today's Jews keep a low profile in Bahrain, working mostly in banks, commercial and trade companies and retail. They live in upscale parts of the country, being part of the wealthy business community.
There is also a synagogue and a private Jewish cemetery in the Gulf kingdom.
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Name: vbv
Date: Saturday May 31, 2008
Time: 21:26:56 -0700
Great! Atlast someone could see through the farce and evil of Islam!
Name: It is welcome
Date: Saturday May 31, 2008
Time: 23:18:39 -0700
It is welcome.It is better late than further late.Koran and and islam will be self destroyed by muslims if they were made learn and think logically and scientifically. Thats why islamists are aginst scientific and secular education.
Name: cyberian
Date: Sunday June 01, 2008
Time: 12:30:05 -0700
Which are the most backward countries in the world? Islamic countries! This is because their false teaching taught in the quran has kept them backward. Economically, scientifically, industrially, technologically , socially in every way backward. Why have all other countries which have majority Christian, Hindus, Budhists etc have advanced but not Islamic countries? If anyone needs evidence of the false teaching in Islam this is it. Islamic teaching has made sure that no change can come about from within the religion and from outside by killing and intimidating all who criticise the Islamic religion and its founder. The followers of Islam are now caught in a trap out of which they cannot escape. A trap created by their own Islamic teaching and its founder. The ones who suffer most are Muslims themselves. I feel sorry for them. Though truth will triumph eventually evil and falsehood will claim the lives of millions. The truth will however prevail. Islams founder was afraid the truth would come out and hence built a system of intimidation and murder which continues to this day. The truth will prevail. The truth will set you free.
Name: Mohammad
Date: Sunday June 01, 2008
Time: 12:32:30 -0700
Muslim kings have always enjoyed the expertise of non-Muslims on many matters. This article shows a deep ignorance of Islamic history. It is not against the Quran to appoint Jews and Christians on important missions and positions. It seems that the author can't believe such a thing could happen and the only way he can justify it is to say it is against Quran!!! Is he giving hints to extremists to raise against the king of Bahrain? Yes extremists are friends of one another. Without one, the existence of the other is jeopardized. Why wouldn't you appreciate this appointment instead of finding a way to encourage the extremism? One comes to doubt your motives.
Date: Sunday June 01, 2008
Time: 12:38:31 -0700
Islams founder only tried to show commonality between the judaism and christianity because he wanted followers of this religion to convert to islam. It was a clever ruse which works to this day. People say that islam has many things common with christians and Jews but in the most important matters this is not the case. The right to freedom of choice in religion, the right to leave ones religion if one so wished, tolerance and universal compassion to everyone are missing from Islam. Hatred, war and murder are considered legitimate instruments to spread islam and curtail criticism from both within islam and outside.
Name: agnostic
Date: Sunday June 01, 2008
Time: 16:17:19 -0700
Bahrain islamic MP calls for expulsion of Bangladeshis ....Manama, 26 May (AKI) — An Islamic parliamentarian in Bahrain has called for the expulsion of Bangladeshi immigrant workers after one of them was accused of a gruesome killing. “We need to expel all the Bangladeshi workers that are in our country,” said Abdel Halim Murad of the hardline Salafi bloc according to a report in the local newspaper Akhbar al-Khalji.*****and for a Shocker: Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Care. : The most peaceful place in the Arab world is ruled by a gay sultan . At least that's the word on the street in Oman, where the childless and divorced sultan Qaboos bin Said bin Taimur Al Bu Saidi is a popular and successful ruler. The 68 year old monarch is the 14th Saidi Sultan of Oman, his family having been in charge continuously since 1749. **** will zombie rabid scourge of the earth now demonstrate and burn and call for Death on their co-religionists? NAH!
Date: Monday June 02, 2008
Time: 00:27:47 -0700
Name: Salute to the king of Bahrain!!!
Date: Monday June 02, 2008
Time: 03:29:51 -0700
Finnaly one Arab country realize the truth, that Mo's teaching is no more than garbage!! Who's next?
Name: Haroon Habib Khalqui
Date: Monday June 02, 2008
Time: 07:17:49 -0700
yes , At last better sense prevailed in Arab leadership . at last they are taking decisions on merit . At last they are awakened ( after 1500 years ). At last they have the courage to face the world . GOOD WORK HRH . Haroon Habib Khalqui ( pakistan )
Name: Nusratali From Pakistan
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 02:17:43 -0700
Without any ill-will I will request all my brothers to study other relegions and science together. No logic or statement of Koran & Mohammad is true and scientific , and doesnt hold good in real world of modern era.In fact no relegion has spoken a compelet truth or last truth.All these so called books of faith should be thrown away as obsolet and hate mongering producing violence & intolerence. All intellectuals, writers, scientists, politicians should expose these selfe righteous cults or relegions. I refuse to beleive in that God who asks his folowers to kill non-believers or idolators, or to hate others.
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 05:16:05 -0700
To 'Nusratali from Pakistan: - I am with you brother in this and I entirely share your sentiments that all religions should be consigned to the dustbins and real truth seekers like Scientists and modern philosophers and thinkers like Bertrand Russel should be respected. religions , especially Abrahamic faiths ,thrives only in hate and mistrust ,promoting violence,murder,rape and slavery.
Name: Cyberman
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 10:30:27 -0700
I come across people here who have bundled all jews, christians and muslims together. The people who are of this view should read the christian gospel and the message of christ. If there was a messenger of God who had enormous power, I cannot think of a more brilliant and sublime way of using it to spread a message of salvation. Power which was not used to subjugate or intimidate but to heal and perform miracles. It is this love, compassion and message of peace along with the miraculous powers which makes Jesus the most powerful of all leaders with the greatest following. It has also allowed his followers to prosper and progress more than the followers of any other religion. Universal human rights are the standard in the christian countries. Science, art, technology are at a peak in these countries. The proof of the correctness of a religion and how close it is to the truth can be seen in the quality of the lives of its followers.
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 03:59:19 -0700
Name: gandhi better than terrorist jesus !!!
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 04:06:53 -0700
gandhi lived a life of peace and never threatened anyone with eternal hell if they did not accept him as his sole saviour.thus fascist jesus is worst than gandhi and gandhi and buddha r better than jesus.
Name: Aloh
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 07:02:46 -0700
Why are the atheist so stupid to know that they can really enjoy their live in christian countries or non-muslim countries???? DON'T the atheists know that they will SURELY BE TORTURED OR DESTROYED unless convert to ISLAM??? The atheist really do not respect and are not grateful enough to live in their own non-muslim countries. Why are the atheist only mocking christianity who give them free world? The atheist has been seduced by ISLAMIST? HAHAHA they will be chopped by jihadist later then... You are infidel, welcome to hellist islamic world... I will serve you your own head at dinner hahahaha....
Name: Cyberman
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 10:15:31 -0700
I am an admirer of Gandhi. I am also very impressed by the teachings in the vedas and upanishads and like to read Deepak Chopra. I find lots of similarity between the teachings of Jesus, the upanishads and buddhism. The metaphysical aspects may differ regarding the after life etc. I dont accept all that is given in the old testament which is a legacy of Judaism. I do believe in the Gospel the teaching of Jesus. I am an admirer of Jesus even if one were not to take his miraculous powers into account. Simply because I have read his teachings and there is no hatred preached there. He asked his followers to love their enemies and pray for them. He asked them to repay evil with good. If someone wants your shirt give him your coat too. He never harmed anyone in his lifetime. He showed compassion to all those who came into contact with him. He never aspired for wordly power. He willingly gave up his life as an example to his followers. For three hundred years after his death his followers underwent terrible persecution. The super power of that time the roman empire tried to crush the religion with no sucess at all. If you see christians so widespread it is primarily because of the the effect that christ has on the people of his time and beyond. The only difference between Jesus and the other spiritual figures is that he openly said that his authority was given to him by God. Christains believe that Jesus has the power to give salvation to the people of the world in this life and the hearafter. If there was anything in jesus life which showed him to be evil or anything which showed hatred I would have rejected him and his teaching outright. As for those who are not his followers going to hell, I dont know about that. Jesus never said that those who do not acknowledge him would be thrown to hell. If there is such a staement please show it to me. If christian preachers have said that then they do not have any word spoken by christ justifying them. I cannot believe that a just and compassionate God will roast people for eternity for whatever crime. The full meaning of heaven and hell is not comprehensible for anyone. If someone says they know with certainty what the after life is all about I would laugh at them. Christians believe that Christ knows about the after life and he assured his followers that he would take care of them in the afterlife. You can accept christ or reject him but no one can say he preached hatred.
Name: Rudy the Infidel
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 10:25:10 -0700
HELL YES!!! God bless the King of Bahrain!!! And God watch out for him now that he has insulted mohammad. Jihadis everywhere will want him dead for apostasy
Name: cyberman , you admire a wife beater!!!!
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 14:30:22 -0700
Gandhi. An international figure that has touched the hearts and minds of people in all walks of it politicians and peace activists who continuously work towards replicating his model of success in present day situations and crisis', oorrr the 10 year old who has to write a report on who they look up to, or even just the everyday person who is having a analytical discussion with a friend. People from the subcontinent, particularly from India might regard him as some sort of savior or liberator from the oppressive British rule over the land. What we love about him most, was his simplistic lifestyle, his charismatic words and his peaceful approach in truly making a difference. What many of us don't know, and what historians, movies, and books seem to brush aside is his scandalous nature and controversial aspects of his life that to me, make him a plain hypocrite. We are all quick to note his success in making a difference in this world, but we fail to hear about Gandhi as pedophile, a wife beater and a sexual predator. It may seem absurd and probably unbelievable, but he himself was not hesitant in admitting to these crimes himself in his autobiography where admits to such crimes, noting incidents where he beat his wife and claimed to have an incestuous relationship with his granddaughter. Indians regard him as a spiritual role model, but fail to recognize that his son, out of frustration and pure disgust of his father's actions ran away and converted to Islam. In South Africa, some even regard him as responsible for hardening Apartheid by encouraging the Indians in SA to raise money for the British Empire. Nevertheless, Gandhi is still a 'hero' - and maybe rightfully so. His impact has certainly been a positive one, and although he may not have been a good person, and definitely a complete hypocrite, he has certainly shifted the fate of this world in a positive direction. Similar faults, or equally absurd criminal faults can probably be found in all such figures. Another such example being Martin Luther King who plagiarized writings, exhibited communist ideologies and cheated on his wife.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday June 04, 2008
Time: 21:59:30 -0700
Hallo! Gandhi was a politician and not a spiritual role model as you claim that Indians look upto. True , he had beaten his wife once while in South Africa , but he confessed to it and regreted it . He was penitent about his shortcomings , not like Muhammad who sanctified wife beating as ordained by his fake god Allah and also set an example by justifying pedophilia by "marrying" Aisha , among scores other child raping that he had committed without a tinge of conscience , all in the name of Allah ! Gandhi never claimed to be a prophet nor a saint. It was his followers who gave him the title of "mahatma",which means great soul ,not a prophet or a saint!. By definition great soul can be appended to great scientists like Einstien, or Richard Feynman,Carl Sagan, or even Noam Chomsky ,who are all men of stuff and achievements. Talking about Jesus - he is definitely a great soul , a mahatma- but it woukd be too far fetched to say he was the greatest "leader" of all times , since he had a very nominal following in his lifetime. It was the efforts of Paul that Christianity stated to take off , as Paul was Roman , and Romans had great organising capabilities. Christianity grew enormously ,thanks to the Romans adopting it as their "official" religion, but for which it would have been localised in Palestine?Israel and parts of North Africa. All said and done , great men may come in certain times of history and leave their imprints which may not be relevant for all times. We have to move and evolve into better human beings rather than clinging to old moth-eaten ideas and showing intolerance to change and progress!
Name: Cyberman
Date: Thursday June 05, 2008
Time: 12:10:46 -0700
Gandhi was a human being who did great good for the people of his region and is a shining example to the people of the world. If not for him the region would have eventually gained independence from colonialism but it would have set of terrible infighting and feuding. Ever wonder why India is an oasis of peace, progress and democracy in a region which is steeped in fundamentalism, dictatorships and anarchy. It is thanks to the example set by this great man. And where he did he get his inspiration from? Mainly from the ancient scriptures of the hindus and buddhists. He also admitted he was influenced by christ and christianity but not by the example set by christians. After all the british were enslaving people just like hitler was doing in germany but in a more subtle manner. Gandhi had human frailties and he admitted to such failings which in my eyes makes him even more admirable. He strives to correct himself and do the best he can for his people. We cannot expect him to be perfect but he was humane and humble in his approach to solving the problems of his people. Like christ he tried to conquer his enemies by making them his friends. The whole indian independence movement is not just a tribute to gandhi but also to the deep spirituality and philosophy of the people of the indian subcontinent. As for comitting incest I do not know of such things. First time I have heard it mentioned. Jesus' following far exceeds anyone. His appeal is universal and so is his teaching. It was not localised as some would have us belief. It will still be relevant far into the future as long as sentient beings exist. In fact so would much of budhhist teaching and those of the upanishads. Christs teaching was not only meant for the people of his time and he knew that it would transcend time and boundaries. The events set in motion by this man have revebrated down the centuries and will keep doing so. Every one of his chosen disciples would undergo terrible deaths rather than deny what they had witnessed. The movement grew stronger after his death and kept drawing in people into the vortex. Paul was one of them. Paul would not have exerted himself if he had not been touched by the power of Jesus. What did paul gain from it? repeated jail, beatings, abuse, the sworn enimity of his fellow jews and eventually martyrdom. No trappings of power, nothing. Why did this brilliant man undergo so much suffering? There is only one answer- Jesus Christ. True he was a roman citizen but by religion he was a jew just like Jesus. Succesive Roman emperors tried to snuff out the new religion by mass slaughter and brutality but to no avail. When the empire found that its very own generals and leaders and people of consequence were becoming christian, it threw in the towel and decided to join the new religion by making it the official religion, which i suspect was a calculated political ploy. After christianity got official sanction, the rot set in. As they say, power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts ultimately. From being persecuted the church became the persecutor. The horrors of executing and persecuting people who dissented with the church began. Thankfully the spirit of christ would resuscitate the church and the religion still progressed. The church admitted to many of its wrong doings, mostly in a belated manner but since the wrong actions did not have scriptural backing things could be corrected. Humanity would improve if everyone could express themselves freely without fear. Those societies which prevent freedom of speech and religion are the ones holding humankind behind. Societies which have curtailed free speech and expression are the ones who are backward. The countries of europe and america which encouraged free speech and thought are the most well off. India and the newly democratised countries of latin america and asia are also thriving because of the freedom of expression. Those who lag behind are the islamic countries whose societies are based on Islamic scripture which prohibits free thought and speech. This has kept them backward. The result they are weak and stronger more powerful countries take advantage. They resort to mindless violence which further weakens their cause. Given half a chance most muslims take the opportunity to migrate to america or europe. At least they will be escaping the hell holes that islam has converted their countries into. If america was the great satan why have they prospered and muslims have not? Why has hindu India prospered and muslim pakistan still lagging behing eceonomically, industrially etc. The difference is in the religious creed followed by the two nations. One preaches tolerance, the other islamic fanaticism. The islamis countries are neither at peace nor will they let others live in peace. They keep exporting terror. Any change in their societies is made impossible because of an institutionalised system of intimidation and murder of those who dissent. Thus they are caught in a vicious circle and complain of being victimised. Fifty years after indepencence India is a strong vibrant democracy. Thirty years after the destruction of germany and Japan both surpassed their previous prosperity. What is wrong with the islamic world? The so called prosperous states of the arab gulf are industrially backward. Everything is imported. They manufacture nothing. Nor is there any major service industry there. All they do is sell oil which was discovered by the europians and which is brought to the surface and processed with the aid of their technology. If the world finds alternatives to fossil fuels, which is only a matter of time, they the arabs will be back to square one. Am I missing something here? How can a society progress if so many strictures are put on them by their religious leaders? No matter what anyone may say there is no denying that religion and spirituality are dominint aspects in bot the life of the individual and society. It is self evident that islam is holding back islamic nations and societies and the world in general because of the havoc they create. One thing is certain - if change will not come peacefully it will come violently but change cannot be stopped. That is a given.
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 08:11:29 -0700
Gandhi is aso the 10th reincarnation of lord kirishna , and some hindu cultist believe him to be a god,[ the wife beater], so shut the f---- up.
Name: antimod
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 09:03:19 -0700
At last the python has started eating itself from tail onwards
Name: Cyberman
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 11:10:38 -0700
I wonder what the people who are criticising Gandhi have done in their miserable lives. Such people are quite satisfied flopping down on their couch and watching the latest soap with a bag of chips and a can of beer. And that is probably the high points in their lives.
Name: George
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 11:32:13 -0700
Christains, Jews and Muslims do not worship the same God. Allah is not the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob and Jesus. Allah is the moon god of the Kaaba who was worshipped even before Muhammad arrived on the scene. The only difference between Muhammad and the meccans was that Muhaamad prohibited the worship af the other gods in the Kaaba except for allah. To win over the meccans for a short time Muhammad accepted the other dieties as daughters of allah in the satanic verses. A move which he later recanted. The idea of espousing commonality between Jews, christians and muslims is to win over the people of the other faiths and prevent them from resisting Islamic ideas. It is a clever ruse which worked for a long time and even now works. But the age of the internet is begining to take the lid of these falsehoods. What lies in the kaaba? It is a meteorite which fell to earth. In those days people believed that these rocks fell from the moon. Hence they enshrined it as the symbol of their moon god which they worshipped. The muslims still pay homage to the moon a pagan pracrise by going around the kaaba and kissing the stone. Muslims who are supposed to be against idolatery are actually worshipping a peace of meterite. How has falsehood claimed the lives of millions of people? Evil and lies can only survive for so long. Truth will prevail eventually.
Name: Dr Gauvain Smith
Date: Saturday June 07, 2008
Time: 17:02:41 -0700
To: King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa. Dear Your Majesty, I salute you for your being a good person. I have a happy memory of being in your Kingdom in 1977. Like you and your loved ones and your subjects, I too am a child of Abraham. Blessings to you and your people as you embrace human rights for believers and un-believers. Respectful regards from Gauvain in Sydney 61 2 9400 2955
Name: Temple Knight
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 12:24:01 -0700
Go Cyberman!!
Name: Sam
Date: Tuesday June 10, 2008
Time: 15:34:19 -0700
No matter how strong or different your views are on religion we should all abide by simple laws to live by. Worship one God as the faiths Judaisim, Christanity and Islam demonstrate. Respect and not hurt another person. Not only will your soul rest in peace in the after life but the world will be a better place if everyone manages to conduct these very basic principles into their lives. Most of this hate and trouble we see today is caused by greed, power or young enthusiastic people that want to be angry about something.
Name: Michael
Date: Wednesday June 11, 2008
Time: 08:50:18 -0700
Allah is not the God of the christians or jews. He is the moon god of the kaaba which was worshipped even before Mohammeds time. That is why the symbol of islam is the crescent moon. That is why the muslims revere the kaaba because it has a piece of meteorite which the people of mecca believed fell from the moon. The meccans worshipped this false god even before muhammad was born. That is how mohammed won the mecans over by assuring them that mecca would be the centre of pilgimage even after muhammeds religion was accepted. This way the meccans were assured that the wealth which they gathered due to pilgrimage would continue even after they accepted islam( muhammeds version of their religion). Muhammed also attracted people to his religion by promising them the spoils of war including the wealth of captured teritories, slaves and women. Some may say that this is what every conqueror has done. However the unique thing about Muhammed was that he made it a part of his religion. Unlike all conqueres of history who did the same, here was a man who sanctified it by giving it the sanction of religion. All this does not mean that muslims should be presecuted or be dealt with unjustly. This is against humanity and christianity and most religions. However we have the right to say that we do not agree with islam and the quran and muhammed about this message of murder and intimidation. The islamic religion wants to coerce people into silence. Wants to prevent criticism so that they can carry out their evil designs. This cannot be. Every human being has the right to express freely. And that is what I and others are doing on this site. If you dont like it, that is your problem. Do not try to terrorise us into silence like the followers of islam have been doing for so many centuries. If you pull out the sword the rest of the people of this planet are not going to keep quiet. The israelis are showing you the hollowness of your religion. Islam does not have the strength to take them on militarily, culturally, philosophically or in any way.The indians under Gandhi could take on their colonial rulers and shame them into leaving their land because they had the spiritual, intellectual, philosophical and moral substance to their culture and religion. Islam does not have this strength. All islam has is lies, lies and more lies. Islam does not have commonality with judaism and christianity. It worships a false god of the kaaba ( muslims kiss the stone of the kaaba). If you want to live in your fools paradise go ahead, just dont try forcing me into thinking that i should do the same.
Name: A Question
Date: Friday June 13, 2008
Time: 13:57:48 -0700
So you are trying to prove that Islam is a false religion. My simple question is: which religion is true? In fact, I challenge you on that. Jews treat Jesus as an imposter, Hindus/Buddhas don't give a hoot about him, but Muslims treat him with respect as a prophet. That makes Islam closest to Christianity. Still you guys are all after Islam, but don't say a word about other religions. Maybe you are being paid by interests that include neocons and Jews hell bent on destroying Islam.
Name: Michael
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
Time: 12:46:33 -0700
The proof of islams falsehood is self evident, if you look at islamic societies around the world. Cesspools of backwardness. Technologically, scientifically, politically, socially and culturally backward. No manufacturing industries worth the name. Great civilizations of persia and the byzantines reduced to memories in text books. Religion is supposed to make life better for its followers in this life and gives hope for the belivers in the next. On the first count islam has failed totally. Islamic societies are not enriched by islam instead it has taken civilizations like those of egypt, persia (iran), babylon, syria, turkey backward.This is what happens when freedom of expression is stifled. The fundamentals of religion do not have to be given only by God. Some of them are self evident and can be deduced by any sane person. eg. freedom of expression, right for the individual to choose his/her faith, the right to live free of the fear of tyranny etc. Islam has failed on all counts. People in islamic countries live under tyrannical regimes. There is no true freedom of expression. The right to practise and propagates ones religion and ideas freely without fear of persecution is non existent. On all counts islam has failed. All the other religions to a great extent have allowed these freedoms to flourish. Judaism does not try to convert the world to its doctrine by the use of the sword and coersion. Islam does. Judaism does not prevent a jew from leaving the religion on the pain of death, unlike islam, which does. Christianity does try to convert the world to its creed but not by the use of force. Those instances in which this has happened does not have the backing of Jesus Christ. If you think it does, please show me where he said that and what he said. Hinduism is one of the most tolerant religions which believes that there are different paths to the same god and salvation. Budhism also rejects violence. Religion for the most part is a personal matter. I know of hindus who visit all places of worship. Yes there are difference regarding the after life and other metaphysical concepts. But they all respect universal human rights which are self evident truths. Islam is built on lies. Allah is not the god of the christians or jews. He is the moon god who was worshipped even before muhammed. The other conquerors of history only subjugated peoples political aspirations. They robbed people of their wealth. Islam went beyond all that. Islamic doctrine has robbed people of their spiritual happiness. Robbed them of their freedom to make choices regarding their lives, robbed them of the freedom of expression. Muhammed is the worst of all conquerors, looters and marauders of history. He has robbed civilisations of their morality and greatness. The poor egyptians still show their pyramids even after being told by islam that these are the products of a heathen religion. Because deep down they know that it speaks of the greatness of their civilisation. Moreover they have nothing other than that to be proud about. If the civilisations of the area were allowed to flourish they would have found their rightful place in world affirs. Instead they are looked upon with suspicion, bullied and pushed about. This is because the people of those regions have been robbed of their creative genius by islam. Why is india, china, japan, russia, the asean countries able to hold their own against the west and the world in general. Because they have something of value to bring to the table. Islamic countries try to get their way by suicide bombing which is a mindless and ineffective way of achieving ones goals. The biggest examples of failed states are somalia, afgahnistan under taliban, etc. Not a single islamic state has a proper functioning democracy. with the exception of one or two and that too the situation can be destabilised easily. Most non islamic countries have embraced democracy and popular multi party elections. But not islam. Islam dictates people live under tyranny and a society society which belongs to the middle ages. People of other religious denomibations live in fear in islamic countries. Can you preach any religion in the west, india and other countries? true. Can one do the same in islamic countries ? No. Christianity has not crumbled in the US or europe. Hinduism has not collapsed in India. These countries are confident of the values of their civilisations and religions. They are confident that no amount of preaching by anybody is going to make a major dent in their demographics. They allow people to immigrate freely regardless of their religious affiliation. Can you say that of any islamic country? The proof is there in front of us.
Name: ariar
Date: Monday June 16, 2008
Time: 23:13:06 -0700
Most people are against islam because, well, it is violent. I don't hear any hindus or buddhists going around butchering people of other faiths. On the other hand I hear/read about muslim violence almost daily. Honestly, can you muslims tell me what the violence is about? It is a fact that Islam is here to stay. Humans are too stupid to get rid of it. But I hope we will see a reformation, even if it is very likely. Muhammed was a very cunning man, saying that the Quran is the word of god and not his. This makes it impossible for muslims to deny anything that is in the Quran, and thus it prevents the reformation of the faith. We are stupid. We are so stupid.
Name: ha ha ha ....
Date: Wednesday June 18, 2008
Time: 02:14:51 -0700
Name: Yehuda Isaac
Date: Thursday June 19, 2008
Time: 23:01:34 -0700
Unfortunately this is just a show; Huda has not real authority in the Islamic kingdom and no Jew or Jewess ever will. If this works, I can see Iran appointing a Jewish lesbian as their next UN envoy to show that they have nothing against Jews, Women or Lesbians. Her family are Iraqi Jewish refugees who had to flee their home either from the Farhood on 1941 or in 1950-51 due to rules created by Muslims that did not allow anyone to purchase Jewish properties and which froze all Jewish assets causing a mass exodus of Jews who lived in Iraq since before Muhammad was born. If the king steps down and let's his country be ruled by the Bahranis, and they democratically elect Huda as a legislator - now that would be a different story!!!
Name: Yehuda Isaac
Date: Thursday June 19, 2008
Time: 23:02:42 -0700
Unfortunately this is just a show; Huda has not real authority in the Islamic kingdom and no Jew or Jewess ever will. If this works, I can see Iran appointing a Jewish lesbian as their next UN envoy to show that they have nothing against Jews, Women or Lesbians. Her family are Iraqi Jewish refugees who had to flee their home either from the Farhood on 1941 or in 1950-51 due to rules created by Muslims that did not allow anyone to purchase Jewish properties and which froze all Jewish assets causing a mass exodus of Jews who lived in Iraq since before Muhammad was born. If the king steps down and let's his country be ruled by the Bahranis, and they democratically elect Huda as a legislator - now that would be a different story!!!
Name: Akhter
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 13:28:42 -0700
You will all know Allah is the only God! He loves men like I do!
Name: Constantine the Great
Date: Monday June 23, 2008
Time: 15:38:42 -0700
Another very prominent non-Muslim in an otherwise Muslim country was Tariq Aziz, a Christian appointed to one of the highest offices in Iraq, by a Muslim leader who was leading his country away from fanatical islamic fundamentalism, where Christians, Sunnis, Shias and others lived side-by-side, not necessarily in peace but at least they weren't blowing each other up! Thank you George Bush for setting the clock back 1400 years!