Wafa Sultan: The Koran is but a terrorist teaching manual
10 Mar, 2008
First we would
like to highlight these
excerpts, with our comments:
Wafa Sultan: Westerners who read
the words of Muhammad “Allah has
given me sustenance under the
shadow of my sword” cannot
imagine Muhammad's turban in the
shape of a dove of peace rather
than in the shape of a bomb.
Muslims must learn how to listen
to the criticism of others, and
maybe then they will reexamine
their terrorist teachings (the
Koran) in their hands.
Any belief that chops off the
heads of its critics is doomed
to turn into terrorism and
tyranny. This has been the
condition of Islam, from its
inception to this day. Islam has
sentenced [its critics] to
prison, and whoever crosses the
threshold of that prison meets
his death.
Moderator: "Do you dare to say
that the number of people who
died in the Jewish Holocaust is
even one less [than what they
Wafa Sultan: "Why do you want me
to deny historical documents
that confirm that the Holocaust
took place?
Moderator: "From what she
says, it is clear that she has
no problem denying the holy
books, but she is adamant about
not denying historical
Wafa Sultan: "Can you as a
Muslim deny the massacre of the
Jews of the Bani Qureyza tribe,
by Muhammad and his followers?"
That's what I call slaughtering the beast, and cooking it in its own juice. Wafa Sultan takes no prisoners. And what's the connection between the Holocaust, and discussing a bandit (prophet) admission of making his bread and butter with his sword robbing caravans?
No one better than a psychiatrist to treat such minds. I hope Dr. Wafa charged them the consultation fee for the collective treatment of the whole "believers" population.
Tal'at Rmeih: "God help me.
First, Islam is too great to
be harmed by the publisher
of the cartoon, or by that woman
who is talking over there. The
truth is that everything she
said is 100% false, I'm sad to
say. It seems to me that the
American and Zionist
intelligence agencies have begun
to produce people who are
hostile to their own nation."
“Islam is too great to be harmed
by the cartoons?” He forgot what
he said few minutes earlier (for
a cartoon character like him
it’s no surprise, they don’t go
by the rule, “if you don’t want
to get mixed up, say the
Tal'at Rmeih (few minutes
earlier): “our nation – with all
its people, and organizations,
institutions, rulers, and
subjects – is required to adopt
a resolute stand of resistance
and confrontation in the face of
these criminal and hostile acts.
The embassies of Denmark,
Holland, France, and the U.S.
are not more precious to us
than Iraq, which has been
destroyed, or Palestine.”
This is a Coded message, with
language that is very well
decoded, and understood by
Muslim mobs to attack and burn
the embassies of the countries
“By Allah, if we issued a
communiqué, signed by all the
Arab and Islamic organizations
and institutions, the West would
bite its tongue and stop all
By Allah, if the Arab
summit decided to boycott
Denmark, they would all be
By Allah, if the masses
of the nation would gather for
one hour only around the
embassies of Denmark, those
despicable lowlifes would be in
a position of retreat, not
By Allah .. By Allah .. By Allah
.. Tal'at Rmeih is begging for
mobs action. This is not even a
coded message to send the mobs
to the streets, not to issue a
“communiqué,” Most of them are
illiterate, emulating proudly
their “honorable” prophet, they
don’t read. Nor just to gather
for a one happy hour around the
embassies of Denmark, and the
other “despicable lowlifes
kaffers,” just for few shouts
of, "Down with ...death for
...(fill the dots)," around a
bonfire flags burning. Denmark
flag also offers an extra bonus,
it have a cross to trample with
their feet, and burn this
kaffers (cross worshipers)
symbol. No, They don't sweat the
small stuff. They know better
than that what these coded “By
Allah,” should accomplish to put
those lowlifes in a “position of
retreat.” After all these
threats, and incitement for
terror action, he's proud that “
Islam is too great to be
harmed!” I'm sure after he went
home, he had a bad conscience
for forgetting to mention the
crusaders, regardless that Wafa
Sultan is not Christian.
Wafa Sultan: "Did you invite me
to the show to hear hollow
speeches, which have been around
for 1,400 years?"
Dr. Wafa, you already diagnosed
the case, it's the result of
abusing camel urine overdoses
for 1400 years.
Tal'at Rmeih: "I am defending the past of the Islamic nation, which was the beacon of knowledge for the entire world…"
The Islamic nation origin is
Arabia. How could it be the
beacon of knowledge for the
entire world if no one from
Arabia contributed anything to
the world up to this day. I
challenge the whole Islamic
world to name just one person
from Arabia that contributed
anything to the world, and we'll
close this site. The Roman
civilization originated in Rome
by Romans. The Egyptian
civilization originated in Egypt
by Egyptians. The Arab Islamic
civilization, if ever there was
one, should have originated in
Arabia by Arabs. The facts are,
until the 50's, in Arabia they
were still living in tents,
raising goats and camels. This
guy doesn't even know the
definition of civilization,
which we'll discuss in a
separate posting. It's amazing
for people that never produced
anything, plundered and
destroyed great civilizations,
and never came out of darkness,
to claim being the light of the
Tal'at Rmeih: Our religion is not complete without recognition of other religions. We are the ones who have called for tolerance and respect for religions."
When I heard him saying this, I right away suspected this guy of being part of an undercover Zionist conspiracy to corrupt the purity of the koran's teaching, and impersonating a Muslim to give Islam a bad name.
Exclusive to Sons of Apes and
This is the translated
transcript of an unpublished
part to the Western world that
we think is the most crucial of
the shocking truth told by Wafa
Sultan that exposed the
criminality of Islam to the
Arab-Islamic world and to the
Western world. She showed its
nakedness, slapped Muslims in
the face with their own double
standard deception, and put them
in shame and rage in their own
It’s the first time that
Al-Jazeera doesn’t rerun a
debate on their talk show “The
Opposite Direction,” to delete
it completely from its website,
and issue a
statement to express
its “deepest apologies” for
comments made by Wafa Sultan,
which “offended Islam.”
They only failed to mention that
the offensive remarks (as shown
in this part of the transcript
and the whole debate) made by
Dr. Wafa Sultan are quotes from
the Koran, which is something
the whole world understood. Arab
Islamic sites are saying
Al-Jazeera apology is not
sufficient, and calling for
punishing the famous
moderator and talk show host Dr.
Faisal el Kassem.
The day has come when Muslims are ashamed of their Koran, and consider quoting it to be very offensive to them, which is something we always knew. We also knew that their advice to westerners to read it was just another ploy to distract them (throw them a bone), and to get Muslims out of the trap of answering embarrassing questions.
This unpublished transcript
is between 21:01 minutes and the
24:29 minutes of the
original footage of the show,
which we are providing. She is
answering Dr. Faisal el Kassem
(moderator) and Tal'at Rmeih’s
accusations of the West for
defaming what Islam holds
Wafa Sultan: First, why you
deny to others what you allow
(make halal) to yourselves. When
you blast from the minarets
(loudspeakers) of your mosques,
in a neighborhood with a
majority of Christian residents,
the Koranic verse that says, “In
blasphemy (Kafers) indeed are
those that say that Allah (God)
is Al-Masih (Jesus) the son of
Maryam.” Koran 5:17
Dr.Wafa here, served the Arab
Islamic world a big blow,
exposing their despicable
perpetual insults and defamation
of Christians, especially in
Egypt, where mosques are
constantly blasting this Koranic
verse excrement, mainly in
majority Christian neighborhoods.
Their meanness goes as far as
hooking the mosques’
loudspeakers on the buildings
occupied by Christians for
maximum effect. By saying this,
Wafa Sultan stripped them naked
of their false veil of virtue in
front of the Western world, and
exposed their lies of respecting
others’ beliefs, making them
look at their own evil in the
mirror. This part, and the next
part about the verse cursing the
Jews, are, in our opinion, the
most damaging to Muslims' case.
First, by showing them that they
are the last people on earth to
criticize others. Second,
because Muslims and Al-Jazeera
know that this debate will
spread to the world, and will
expose, in those two parts,
their meanness to and
vilification of Christians and
Jews. Then, Dr. Wafa finished
them up with the knockout blow,
when she cuts to the heart of
the problem with surgical
precision, and showed them and
the world, that their religion
is a death cult the world has to
confront, and the cartoons are
no match to the filth and
incitement for killing in their
own Koran. We believe it’s this
particular segment that enraged
the Arab-Islamic world, and
forced Al-Jazeera to delete the
whole thing and apologize.
Tal'at Rmeih: (interrupting
nervously) I will not allow
defaming the Koran.. No.. no..
discuss the issue.. talk to me
about the freedom in the West…
Wafa Sultan: (firmly) Listen ..
listen ..
Moderator: (interrupting) My
lady .. my lady … let’s stay on
the political subject ..
Tal'at Rmeih: No … no … discuss
the issue … Now there is the
(very nervous and disturbed
Tal’at Rmeih, and moderator,
trying to silence Wafa Sultan
from quoting the Koranic verses)
Moderator: Our issue is the
freedom of speech … and
confronting the insults ..
Wafa Sultan: Listen … you gave
him the time … give me the time
.. let me finish my talk (very
authoritative Wafa Sultan) .. ”
When you broadcast (from radios
and TV’s) the verse that says,
“The Jews say: "Allah's hand is
tied up." Be their hands tied up
and be they accursed for the
(blasphemy) they utter. Koran
Tal'at Rmeih: (extremely
nervous) The Koran is not our
problem ..
Moderator: My lady .. my lady …
our issue is the freedom of
speech, and the insults …
Wafa Sultan: Before ... before
you ask others to respect your
beliefs, you have to respect
their beliefs. Do you respect
others beliefs when you recite
and blast from the top of your
mosque’s minarets these verses?
Do you practice the freedom of
speech? Why don’t you evaluate
(criticize) these Koranic
Tal'at Rmeih: (interrupting)
This is freedom of (Islamic)
beliefs(religion), not freedom
of expression .. she’s
hallucinating ..
Moderator: (to Tal’at Rmeih)
Just a minute ..
Wafa Sultan: Why don’t you
evaluate (criticize) these
Koranic verses?
Tal'at Rmeih: (interrupting)
This is the Koran, it is not
subject to evaluation.. talk to
us about politics ..
Wafa Sultan: You cannot evaluate
your Koran. Then, the world have
to evaluate it, and they must
evaluate it. Why don’t you
criticize these Koranic verses
with the same scale you use to
criticize the Danish cartoons?
Taking into consideration that
it’s not fair to compare between
both. The Koran is the highest
political and religious
authority in the Islamic world,
But these cartoons ..
Tal'at Rmeih: (interrupting)
She’s hallucinating, she’s
programmed ..
Wafa Sultan: (very firm) Let me
finish my talk ..
Moderator: My lady, my lady, Dr.
Wafa, our subject is the freedom
of speech, and not discussing
the “holy” books, I beg you, I
beg you, I beg you Dr. Wafa, say
what you want, but ..
Wafa Sultan: (very firmly)
This is not true, you give
yourself the right to adopt a
religion that orders you to kill
others, and you say, this is a
religion don’t come close to it?
There is a difference in the
comparason, The Koran is the
highest religious and political
authority in the Islamic world,
but the Danish cartoons are just
a passing event in a newspaper
that doesn’t represent any
religious or political authority
in Denmark. When you respect
others beliefs, others will be
obligated to respect your
beliefs. Don’t ask others for
what you don’t apply first on
I would like to add that we are very proud, for having Dr. Wafa Sultan, as one of the great, and closest friends to the Coptic people, that never, neither spared any effort to attend Coptic conferences, whether in America or Europe, to support their demands for equal rights with the Muslims in their native country. Nor she ever forgot, when debating Muslims, or in her writings, to expose the persecution Copts are enduring in Egypt. That's exactly what she did in this segment.
The full (47 minutes) Original
(Arabic, not subtitled) live
debate video footage that
Al-Jazeera deleted from its
Website could be downloaded
from our server
Wafa Sultan part 1 English subtitle
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Name: wafa sultan...pls help destroy islam the pig religion
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 05:54:53 -0700
Name: Godot
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 06:03:38 -0700
As much as I agree with Dr. Sultan, I am outraged to see the Christians stepping in to proselytize their own agenda. Please leave those who leave Islam alone and let them chose what they want at their own pace. It's not a marketing campaign here.
Name: ok
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 06:21:55 -0700
>>Godot..I do agree
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 07:07:01 -0700
I do not see any proselytizing here. The writer is just talking about facts occuring on the ground.Or did Godot and Ok mean something else? Maybe i am missing something
Name: pmk
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 08:19:08 -0700
Godot, What agenda is that? Is freedom of speech not permitted in your neck of the woods? Muslims can proselytize. Why not Christians? And what proselytizing were Christians doing, anyway? Please specify.
Name: Ibn Kammuna To: Wafa Sultan
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 09:33:24 -0700
Please forward if you know her email Dear Wafa, Greetings. I really admire your courage and enlightment. I appreciate what you are doing for the cause of humanity, and mostly for women in Islam everywhere. I hope, that in our lifetime, we'll see the middle east moving away from Islam, and our cultures looking deep in our history to learn from the great tolerant civilizations that existed before Mo and his cronies showed up and planted destruction everywhere. I fear for your safety Dr. Wafa'. Be careful. True Muslims can be no more than wild uncontrolable beasts.
Name: akhter
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 10:28:40 -0700
Makes me laugh, HAHA,HAHA,all you poor basket balls ,brainwashed by a poor old wafa, who changes her mind every time she speaks,and you the likes of ,ibn kamanu, patrik risk,godot,begging an ex confused muslim to destroy islam, shame on you you brainless zombies. my parrot speaks better than her,but then again it is a good time for any muslim to quit islam say a few bad things and ,they all lick you like dogs,she along with salmon rushdie, ali sana and a few more have chosen mony before faith, that they can have and that is all they will get.
Name: Godot (ex-Muslim)
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 10:30:56 -0700
ti Ibn Kammuna and pmk: I repeat...Sticking to the mission of this site is not against freedom of speech at all. This site is dedicated to exposing Islam. Followers of other "faiths" should abstain from marketing their own agenda and promoting their own alternatives on this site. The internet is full of other venues where they can do that. I know where to look for other divine options online if I really want to. I left Islam so LEAVE me alone! Got my point?
Name: egyptian
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 10:48:55 -0700
i agree with godot and ok.
Name: Ibn Kammuna to Godot
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 10:53:49 -0700
Again, where is proseltytizing in this article?
Name: To Akhter
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 11:05:05 -0700
Kaisa hai bhosidikay ? ..... Kab tak Gaand se bolta rahega tu bhosidikay ? Hahahahahahahahaha
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 11:15:41 -0700
The violence that the Koran encourages can be seen when Muslim terrorists who murdered eight children at a Jewish school in Jerusalem. This also showed that the jihadists were not brave but outright villains since they targeted children and not armed Israeli soldiers. As for the Muslims who were celebrating the that atrocity and massacre, they are really treading on dangerous ground because in the Bible, a book that Muslims profess to respect, in Proverbs 17:5. reads "He who is glad at calamity will not go unpunished." Moreover as for those murderous jihadists who did shed the childrens blood and caused misery,the story is not yet over. For the jihadists and their supporters will lose, for they can never obtain victory in the end. What was and is inspired by God and written centuries ago still applies to what happened in Jerusalem 0n March 6, 2008. For Psalm 129:1,2. reads "Many a time they have afficted me from my youth. Let Israel now say - 'Many a time they have afficted me from my youth; Yet they have not prevailed against me'." Further, verses 5,and 6, of the same chapter also proclaims "Let all those woh hate Zion be put to shame and turn back. Let them be as the grass on the housetops, which withers before it grows up." -[NKJV]
Name: Ibn Kammuna TYo: Walter Seiruk
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 11:25:06 -0700
Dear Sir, thank you for your comment and I respect your opinion. I do need to tell you that the way you understand your holy book does not bear on what is happening in Israel/Palestine today. Your interpretation is one of many I've seen or heard. You probably follow an Arab hater like John Hagee. His is just one way of twisting biblical teaching to what he wants to believe. Putting this aside, I do feel great sadness for those children and their families in Jerusalem. What a sad and terrible tragedy that is. Again, the reason to blame is really Islam, the Qur'an, the Hadith, and the followers of that evil cult in Israel/Palestine. This is most clear in the evil beliefs of "Hamas".
Name: gul
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 15:49:31 -0700
you b@stds are crying over 8 killed by an Arab,while forgetting 190 killed by the zionests.
Name: Ibn Kammuna - To: Gul
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 16:40:14 -0700
We are not forgetting arabs killed by the Jews. You just assumed that. You are a very rude person and not worth discussing things with. Therefore, this is the only note you'll get from here.
Name: agnostic
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 16:51:58 -0700
"As you have done, it shall be done to you; your dealings will return upon your own head." . [Obadiah 15 . In Joel 3. "I will gather all nations and will bring them down into the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for their treatment of My people and of My heritage Israel ... and because they have divided My land." (Joel 3:2 God has been watching from heaven as every Palestinian act of terror against innocent Jewish citizens -- men, women, children -- He is taking notice. God has been recording the hatred in the hearts of every single Palestinian which does hate Israel, and has marked the specific time in which He will cause the awful annihilating prophecies of Obadiah and Isaiah 34 to occur.The events leading to the fulfillment of Obadiah 15-18 and Isaiah 34 are speeding along, A Jewish Press paper editorial stated that the top Israeli leadership -- both political and military -- had concluded that, in the next war between Israel and the Arabs, they were going to annihilate entire populations of Arab nations. This editorial explained that top Israeli leadership was sick and tired of constantly being attacked by the Arab, win the war, only to discover that the Jewish military victory did not result in a permanent peace, but only to set the stage for the next war. Arab states are certain to get control of weapons of mass destruction sooner or later, and use them to destroy Israel, even if they suffered enormous losses themselves [When Arabs outnumber Jews in this region by 270 million to 6 million, they can afford to take the view that enormous losses were acceptable if Israel was destroyed]. "But on Mount Zion [in Jerusalem] there shall be deliverance [for those who escape], and it shall be holy; and the house of Jacob shall possess its [own former] possessions. The house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame , but the house of Esau shall be stubble; they shall kindle and burn them and consume them, and there shall be no survivor of the house of Esau, for the Lord has spoken it." [Obadiah 17-18; When Israel kills all Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, they will also launch simultaneous attacks on Palestinians living in the West Bank. Most of the Palestinians live, not in Israel, but in their home country, Edom, the ancient name for Jordan. Therefore, this destruction of the "House of Esau" must include the Palestinians living in Edom (Jordan) The incredibly deceptive Oslo Peace Accord plan has been designed from the beginning to separate the populations in Israel, to annihilate the Palestinians, and to return to Israel all the lands God promised Israel -- as stated in the Obadiah prophecy.Orthodox Jews see this plan as the means by which Israel will reclaim all the lands God promised to Israel -- an expanse of land which includes most of Lebanon, Syria up to just south of Damascus, much of Jordan, part of Iraq, the Sinai. Savvy? Palestinians are the rejects that no country in Arabia want. Their govt is a collection of terrorist organisations at war both with Israel and themselves. May all filthy muslims, useless subhumans who are a scourge on earth, be annihilated by their "sharing" Biblical G-d. They and other braindamaged subhumans called muslims clearly violate their own quran that clearly states: (Sura 5:21) that God granted the Land of Israel to the Children of Israel and ordered them to settle there. In addition, it is predicted that before the end of days, God will bring the Children of Israel to retake possession of the Land, gathering them from the different countries and nations (Sura 17:104). Even the paedophile, rapist, mass murderer Mo adhered to the Torah at certain times. Mussies, prepare to be annihilated. En
Name: agnostic
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 18:25:40 -0700
BAQUBA, Iraq (AFP) - A female suicide bomber blew herself up outside the house of an Iraqi tribal sheikh, killing him and three others on Monday (9/3) in the restive province of Diyala, an army officer told AFP. The bomber arrived early Monday at Sheikh Ghadban al-Karkhi's house in the town of Kanan, north of Baquba, the provincial capital, Brigadier General Rageb Al-Omeri said. "The bomber blew herself up as the sheikh came out of the house to meet her. The sheikh, his daughter and two of his bodyguards were killed in the attack," Omeri said. Diyala, one of the most volatile regions of Iraq, has seen a number of suicide attacks by female bombers in the past several months. SO, DOES SHE GET 72 MEN TO F...K HER? WHAT'S HER REWARD? AND WHAT ABOUT THOSE PEARL CHEEKED 10 YEAR OLD BOYS? DOES SHE TEACH THEM HOW TO TITILLATE HER? Come on muscums, here's yr chance to enlighten us.
Name: Godot
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 20:54:18 -0700
to Ibn Kammuna: Sometimes it's in the article, often times in the comments. I am sure you know exactly what I mean, otherwise..never mind!
Name: ok
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2008
Time: 04:59:19 -0700
>>>To Akhter I was looking for some wise comment instead of abusing....It is not going to help
Name: Zunaid
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2008
Time: 07:47:34 -0700
I have read some excerpts from the exchange between Wafa and Tal'at. Firstly, let me say, I don't think he did a good job of defending Islam, if that was his intention. Wafa on the other hand expresses some very strong views on the character and person of the Prophet (SAW) and she proceeds to critcise the Koran with a vengence. While I am not opposed to her being able to express her views, I find it rather hypocritical that she demonstrates a similarly closed minded approach to interpreting events that occured 14 centuries ago. I am of the opinion that we need to account for moral relativism when we undertake any evaluation of the past. We must also acknowledge that both the Sunna and the Koran are products of the seventh century and they need to be interpreted within that atmosphere. I suspect that the Koran was considered to be a very liberal document in it's time. It is unfair to subject the Prophet(SAW) to the 21st century values that we use to asses people today. We must appreciate,acknowledge and consider the socio-economic and political milieu within which Islam was born. Only then will we succeed to undertstand Islam and apply it effectively in the 21st century. Islam, like some other religions has also been hijacked over the centuries and has become the sole property of the clergy. They have manipulated the teaching and possibly corrupted it to, in order to secure and perpetuate their own agenda's. In general, religion by itself is not bad, it is the adherents that are the problem. Islam is not unique in this sense. Also, we must not be dishonest and biased in our scholarship. We must not "cherry pick" only the quotes that support our arguments we must be prepared to give audience to the data and information that frustrate our perspectives as well. So Wafa must also mention the quotes where the Prophet (SAW) talks about the orphans and the needy and the destitute and the weak. When he encourages modesty and humility and when he propogates generosity. When he shows compassion and mercy. After all we will find all these attributes in his life as well. If anything let us be civil and let us demonstrate respect for all of mankind.
Name: ZuK (in response to Zunaid)
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2008
Time: 12:31:25 -0700
If the divinely revealed guidance for humanity is "products of the seventh century and they need to be interpreted within that atmosphere", then 1. It cannot be considered in any aspect absolute or mandatory, in time or place, 2. certainly not divine, i. e. product of an omniscient being. ----------- Then, you see, if we are left to deal with reality on the basis of humanly obtained and timely relative knowledge, you can be sure that we have way better sources of knowledge (both scientific, philosophic, artistic and humanistic) than Qur'an and Sunna, and we could perfectly get rid of them. And, for the record, yes, religion IS the problem. Western countries are great not in what they have of Judeo-Christian, but in what they manage to SUPRESS their Judeo-Christian Biblical heritage and substitute with a common-sense humanistic and scientific approach to social problems.
Name: Mimi
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2008
Time: 13:22:38 -0700
The video clips ( by this program ) were not available anymore. But I have seen other ones. Dr. Wafa you are a courageous Lady. Be careful, even some of the inputs here, are already full of hate. When you have a dialogue with these men, you can see and hear the hatred. Aparently, they don't want to hear nor see the violence, that is written in " The Koran ".
Name: Zunaid (In Response to Zuk)
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Time: 00:16:21 -0700
Thank you for your response. My point is not whether the Koran or Sunna is divine or not. I think we can argue about divinity forever and not achieve consensus. This is a separate issue. The point I am trying to make is that I meet good religious people from all religions every day. When I ask many of them what inspires them to be good most of them give credit to their religious beliefs. By the same token their are those that will misuse religion as well. Apartheid in South Africa was sanctioned in the bible for example according to the architects of this terrible system. A similar case can be made for the holocasut in Germany. The Jewish Torah talks about the chosen people. So I guess it is up to the individual to choose which interpretation to accept. What concerns me is the anger I encounter at this site. I get the impression that many of the contributor's to this debate will support anything that is Anti-Islam irrespective of it's accuracy or validity. This can hardly be considered objective and honest. Which bring's me back to the point that people in general begin with a conclusion and then commit themselves to collecting only that information that support their conclusion. Muslims, Non-Muslims, Atheists you name it, we are all guilty of this to some extent. This for me is the problem. When we endevour to seek the truth we must allow ourslves to be guided by the facts and all the facts not just the ones that give us comfort. I think their is much merit in the saying "The truth hurts". Let us commit ourselves to constructive debate so we can create a better world. Criticism, that's fine the anger and insult's that achieve's nothing accept more anger and more insult's. (This last sentence is not directed at you Zuk).
Name: Ibn Kammuna To:Godot
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Time: 07:27:42 -0700
Hello. Sorry I haven't seen your reply earlier. Look, there is nothing inappropriate in this article. Would you have felt better if the same article came from an ex-Muslim? Granted, Ibn Misr is a Christian Copt. He shared about Wafa Sutlan and toward the end talked about the relation between Wafa Sultan and a minority group in a muslim country, Egyptian Christians in this case, and the srtuggle they face. In any case, it is not ex-Muslims only who publish on this site. I believe it is open to anyone who has a certain core of beliefs about Islam, that is consistent with the message of this site. There is no need to be uptight about it. I bet if the same article came from an ex-Muslim, or even an athiest or agnostic, you wouldn't have made the remarks you did (think about it. Isn't that prejudice on your part). Having said that, I really have no benefit in agreeing with you or Ibn Misr. I just think you had a reaction to the article that is not necessary, and I do not think it was justifed either. I fully respect your opinion, but I happen to think that freedom of expression (for Ibn Misr in this case) is more important than an unjustifed negative reaction. Peace brother.
Name: Godot (to Ibn Kammuna)
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Time: 08:23:39 -0700
Expose Islam without attempting to "sell" other alternatives on this site. Madonna (not the mother of Jesus) once said: "Papa, Don't preach!"
Name: Godot
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Time: 08:46:34 -0700
Dear Ibn Kammuna: Expression of speech doesn't mean that I can post my passion for Swiss Cheese on site dedicated to Stamp Collecting.
Name: Ibn Kammuna to Godot
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Time: 09:20:00 -0700
Hello again. I still do not see any preaching in the article. You really are assuming that. I asked before where is the prosleytizing? and no one showed me that. Please be fair in judging the author Ibn Misr. I will defend your right if you published an article, and someone wrote negative comments about you because of what you believed in, instead of what you are saying in your article (in just the same way I am doing for the author of this article). If you and I do not have an agreement on this point. I will stop my comments here. We just have different views about things. Thanks brother.
Name: ZuK (to Zunaida)
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Time: 09:33:33 -0700
hi, Zunaida. In one thing I think I can agree with you: the religions are what people make of them. The problem, or two problems, more exactly, are: 1. if you really KNOW Islam (Sunna, Sira, Ahadith, Qur'an, Tafsir), if you really, really know them, understand them, and believe in them, then NECESSARILY you become a fundamentalist Wahhabi, a mujahiddin and a terrorist. 2. In order to be a "good" Muslim (in the sense you meant it, i. e. a good person who happens to be a Muslim) you have to: a. Ignore (either by not following or by not knowing) most of your religious heritage, and b. practice humanitarian values that are not preached by your religion, but stem out of common sense and a naturalistic, non-religious description of the world. So, you see, the conclussion is that, to be a "good person Muslim" you have to be, essentially... a non-Muslim. ------------- Of course, I would be perfectly fine with people sticking to their religious identity and remaining "good people" if I only believed that is possible. What happens is that people who, in the name of good sense and kindness turn their backs to the harshest aspects of Islam (like many of my Muslim friends and colleagues), in the name of their religious identity support, by action or omission, the hard-core Muslims that planted Madrid, London, Buenos Aires and NYC bombs. If the SAME people would practice THE SAME values of kindness and good citizenship WITHOUT the religious mumbo-jumbo, then the so-called extremists (which are, after all, just true belivers) would be deprived of their base. Islam is a game of executioners and accomplices, don't fool yourself! The anger you see in this site come from people that stopped believing in multicultural fairy-tales and saw the ugly truth.
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Time: 11:41:04 -0700
Good for you Wafa! Keep forcing these mealy-mouthed liars to look at the ugly face of Islam. They will continue to avoid looking into the mirror, whilst insisting Islam is beautiful. They badly need a reality check. Then they will be forced to apply a lot of plastic surgery and makeup on its hideous features. This will however only be for an interim period before it succumbs to its senility of dogmatism and rigor-mortis and dies a natural death. Centuries from now our more evolved descendents will marvel that a billion people actually believed such fairy tale fantasies.
Name: adel
Date: Thursday March 13, 2008
Time: 18:47:02 -0700
Islam Is SO Devil Religion Islam is so so so devil and dangerous religion in all world Islam Want to destroy Jews and Christians and destroy all things Islam destroy our countries in middle east Islam destroy Lebanon and Egypt and Iraq and all east and will destroy the west if we don't wake up quran said to Muslims to kill us in (altawba 9: 29) he said : ( Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allâh, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (I.e. Islâm) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. (altawba 9: 29) ) And many many verses as this terror verses as : ( O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers: for these are a people without understanding. (alanfal 8:65)) and : (The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;(almaida 5:33) ) If you want more about this awful religion you must visit this sites : http://historyofjihad.com/ http://islam-watch.org/ http://quranandbible.com/ http://answering-islam.org http://www.jihadwatch.org/ http://geocities.com/a_true_picture_of_islam http://www.terrorists-suck.org http://www.prophetofdoom.net/ http://www.faithfreedom.org/ http://apostatesofislam.com/ http://www.islamreview.com http://www.investigateislam.com http://www.anti-cair-net.org/ http://www.americansagainsthate.org And in Arabic : http://islameyat.com/ http://info.islamexplained.com http://alkalema.us Bible Apologetics : http://www.carm.org/ http://www.biblequery.org/ http://christiananswers.net/ http://answers.org/ http://answersingenesis.org/ http://bible.ca/ Is there any religion teach the follower to hate and kill others?? Is there any religion teach the follower to lie ???? To marry with four ???? To beat the wives ????? To bomb in others??? To stole ???? Any one saw 11/9/2001 in USA any one saw how they kill in Iraq and Afghanistan and in all world ????any way to know more about this devil and God bless and save America in Jesus Christ name
Name: Zunaid (Response to Adel)
Date: Friday March 14, 2008
Time: 00:02:49 -0700
Wow, after reading your e-mail, I felt compelled to inform you that your remarks are hypocritical. To suggest that Islam is responsible for all the calamities and disaters in the Middle East and elsewhere is just as ridiculous as supporting the idea of and International Jewish/Zionist Conspiracy to rule the world and to dominate it's resources. This kind of ridiculous hate speach can only breed more devastation. Let me make this very clear up front, I am a muslim and I have tried to live like one for the the last 40 years. To date I have not killed anyone and I have never encouraged the practice. I have not attempted to convince anyone that they must share my bliefs and I have never sucumbed to the Imperial and Colonistic undertones that you allude to. America, Europe and now China are equally culpable in their miuse of economic,political and militery power as any dominant nation in our living past. Be it the Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Mongols or the Turks. This is the nature of human beings. How is it that you do not recognise the atrocities of American bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaky or the displacement of the indigenous population in the Chargos Islands by the American and British power's to establish a Military base on the Island. Yes, it is equally true that the Muslim led Sudanese government are complicit in the human rights violations that are ocurring daily in Darfour and the Jewish led Israeli government continues to occupy, murder and humiliate Palestinian civilians on a daily basis. The point I am making is that, as it is morally dishonest to support racism so it is ethically improper and highly immoral to propogate any form of prejudice. Let us discuss and exchange positive ideas, let us cooperate and strive to make the world a better and more tolerant place for all.
Name: bobby (to Zunaid)
Date: Sunday March 16, 2008
Time: 12:11:30 -0700
If you have not killed anyone or discriminated against anyone just because they did not share the same faith as yours - it is in spite of Islam, not because that is its teachings. You cannot credit any goodness in you to Islam. The religion is one of hate and violence and good people need to be rescued from it. The fact that you choose to give a blind eye to its history of hate, barbarism and destruction is inexcusable. It makes you culpable in the continued propagation of this cult.
Name: to Zunaid
Date: Sunday March 16, 2008
Time: 12:42:59 -0700
There are examples of crimes against humanity by multiple other groups. But Islam is the common factor in causing hate and discrimination globally from time immemorial. It is the fountain head of terrorism with a clear manifesto to destroy other cultures and people. governments can change in america, europe. they invite ppl from all over the world to become part of their country, there is no hateful agenda that carries over from generation to generation. That is the difference with the cult of islam. Comparing American bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaky cannot be done in the same context and is just a ploy for diversion.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Monday March 17, 2008
Time: 11:57:02 -0700
Yes the Koran is a manuel for terrorism. An example of this was the massacre of those students this month in Jerusalem. Also the Muslims who praised those jihadists who committed that atrocity only showed how lawless and cruel they are because their view of things is warped by their religion. In contrast, the lawful authority of the Israeli police and military which strive very hard than and other times of jihadists attacks to work in opposition to those murderous jihadists. The Bible gives light on the above. for it is written in Poverbs 28:4."Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but such as keep the law contend with them." [NKJV]
Name: Zunaid (In reponse to Bobby,Walter and the unsgined Message)
Date: Tuesday March 18, 2008
Time: 07:35:44 -0700
Thank you very much for taking the time to read my comments. While I respect your right to hold the views that you project, I must just add that some objectivity will go a long way towards building a better future for all. I will be the first to concede that there has always been people in the muslim world that have selectively interpreted both the Quran and the Sunna in order to support their political and imperialistic agendas. Likewise, I can find many other religious leaders from other religious persuaions that have done the same. I cannot diffrentiate between different types of Colonialism. Colonialism is colonialism, whether it comes from the East, the Midddle East, the South , the North or the West. We must condemn all evil wherever it comes from. Let us not "cherry pick" only the facts support our conclusions. Once again, thank you for the dialgue.
Name: Bobby
Date: Tuesday March 18, 2008
Time: 21:45:25 -0700
Islam is a threat to human civilization like nothing else. Just look around, anywhere where islam is in dominant position have been discriminatory and intolerant of non-believers. At all levels - country, society and even personal level it excludes all non-muslims as a rule. It is always a believe or else threat - so what does a person who is born into a non-islamic heritage to do? If you allow Islam to spread and take over your country, better be prepared to get eliminated yourself. Look at India - it is the most tolerant of diversity. Can you ever imagine an Islamic country like that? This is the main reason that Islam should be resisted and eradicated from this world.
Name: dj
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2008
Time: 17:27:42 -0700
All the world's major religions, except for Hinduism and Buddhism, demand exclusive loyalty as its core teaching. They want you to belong to their club and either hate or alienate everyone else. They are not satisfied being a mere spiritual or personal guide. But among followers of these religions ,except for Islam, don't give any importance to this. Even in every day prayers muslims are supposed to pray for other muslims instead of humanity as a whole. With that belief why should a muslim expect equal treatment in a non-islamic country?
Name: Tree
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 10:01:57 -0700
dj, It is easy to say what you have claimed; Muslims praying for non Muslims! Can you show that please? Any evidence from your prayer's book?
Name: dj
Date: Saturday March 22, 2008
Time: 11:08:09 -0700
read my post again. I did not say nonmuslims.
Name: bobby
Date: Sunday March 23, 2008
Time: 11:34:31 -0700
All the wealthy arab countries discriminate so heavily against non-muslims. The wealth that they did nothing to earn, except to sit on a land with plentiful oil. Even for extracting this oil and every step in its commerce they need help from non-muslims. People they do not give any rights like western countries that allow people to become citizens. This is an example taken from wikipedia...An estimated 85 percent of the population is comprised of non-citizens, one of the world's highest percentages of foreign-born in any nation. The UAE also does not allow individuals past retirement age to stay within the country without a job. Upon retirement, residents must return to their country of origin. Discrimination in the workplace is common, prospective employers will specify religion, nationality (and even regional origin in some cases) and also specify the sex of required candidates within job advertisements. It is very common to have different pay scales depending on nationality and sex. There are discrimination policies in place also that require certain roles to be filled by UAE nationals. ...and uae is supposed to be the most liberal arab counntry!
Name: Tree
Date: Tuesday March 25, 2008
Time: 11:26:47 -0700
DJ, Sorry I got it wrong. You said other muslims rather than other people but then does this not make your position even worse? Aren't we all children of God? Are we not all his creatures? Why pray for Muslims only? Why not to all of humanity?
Name: majeedazaad
Date: Thursday March 27, 2008
Time: 08:37:44 -0700
good, i do agree with Dr.Waffa.
Name: Gina
Date: Thursday April 10, 2008
Time: 04:21:07 -0700
how come when i have R.E in school im not aloud to comment on any of these even if there correct...? i have printed a copy of what u hav wrote and showing my friends it as they all belive that muslims are a peacfull religion howeva this obs prooves it isnt... thanks for this its realy healped me to worn otheres
Date: Saturday April 26, 2008
Time: 23:26:04 -0700
I see war coming and (ISLAM) will win p.s you are pigs cristians juwes.
Name: Paul
Date: Tuesday May 13, 2008
Time: 08:33:17 -0700
the first quote of the Quran you have made is false