Child Abuse in Islam
13 Jan, 2009
Definition of a child
The transition between childhood and adulthood is a gradual process, associated with both intellectual and sexual maturity. The medical profession, as I am told, considers childhood to extend up to the age of sixteen. However, the demarcation-line between childhood and adulthood remains slightly different in different countries of the world. In most of the Western world, children are considered to have reached their adulthood at the age of eighteen.
In Islam, the separation line between childhood and adulthood is based on sexual maturity. In general, boys are considered to have reached adulthood when they grow pubic hair or show other signs of sexual maturity. In case of girls, the onset of menstruation is considered to signal that they have reached their adulthood. When Prophet Mohammed committed the mass-slaughter of the Jews of Bani Qurayza by killing all the adult males (the rest, women and children were taken as slaves), he used the growth of pubic hair as a mark of adulthood of young boys.
In modern civilized standard, Mohammed’s marriage to Aysha, and
his having sex with her at the age of nine, is a crime, called
pedophilia. However, Muslims call it an ordinary marriage, even a
Sunnah to be emulated by Muslims for all times. They even justify it
on the supposition that girls in hot countries tend to reach sexual
maturity faster than in cold countries of the West. Without any
evidence, Muslims assume that Aysha had a menstruation before her
marriage and conclude that Mohammed had sex with an adult, aged
nine! This justification by Muslims is an indication of what they
understand as maturity; it is simply sexual maturity and has nothing
to do with the mind.
The Islamic definition of maturity means that many children,
particularly girls as young as nine years of age, may be treated as
adults, because their menstrual cycles start early. Reaching
adulthood is an important turning point in the lives of those
children and involves fundamental changes in all aspects of their
lives because it affects their religious duties such as performing
prayers and fasting.
Muslims teach their children about the Satan, hell and paradise from the moment they start to communicate with them. These teachings are used as a means to discipline the children and encourage them to be obedient to parents. One of the first words Arab children learn is ‘haram’ meaning forbidden by Allah; indeed, it is one of the most commonly used words by the Arabs. From my own experience as an Arab, the peril of being burnt in hellfire was a real nightmare; it was used an intimidation tool by my elder relatives round the clock to make me listen to them, eat food, wash hands, do work, stop playing or go to bed.
As a child, I had a troubling feeling of guilt because I appeared to be doing wrong things most of the time. I had to struggle to suppress my worries that, unless I work very hard for the rest of my life, my ‘hasanat’ (good doings) vs. ‘sayaat’ (sins) balance may send me to hell. I was not the only child to have such concerns; other children had similar qualms, which we occasionally discussed with each other! Childhood is about playing and having fun with no worries whatsoever. However, Muslim children, even from the preschool age, have a great deal to worry about this life and the life after this. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised to figure out that children do not go to hell anyway in Islam; it was, however, a little too late, because I had already grown up.
One of the most irrational things a Muslim child has to do is to
memorize the Quran by heart. I consider myself to be lucky, because,
in my days, we were only expected to memorize only a few chapters
from the Quran, albeit from the last pages of the Koran that are in
the difficult Meccan-style language. Nowadays, thanks to the
resurgence of Islamic awareness, children are increasingly required
to remember the whole Quran by heart! Memorizing an entire book,
often in a foreign language and without understanding it, affects
the child’s abilities to comprehend anything else. This memorizing
ritual says it all about the Muslims' intellectual reasoning: read
everything but understand nothing.
Ibadat: Prayers and Fasting
In theory, all ibadat, like prayers and fasting, are obligatory only to mature Muslims. However, parents are required, not only to teach, but also to force their children to perform those ibadat. According to Bukhari and Muslim and all other hadith books, Mohammed’s order is crystal clear in this regard: “teach your children how to pray from the age of seven, and beat them (if they don’t do it well) at the age of ten”.
Fortunately for me, my parents were not that keen and they did not beat me at all. However, an increasing number of Muslim parents nowadays do beat their children if they don’t pray. Only a few months ago, I heard of a Muslim professional with high level of education and good social standing, who was applying this Islamic rule on all his children. He was caught only when his eleven-year-old son suffered from serious injuries. The real shock, however, is that he is not alone, all strict Muslims would not hesitate to do it and they get away with it.
Young Muslim children in western schools perform prayers and do fasting, which can harm them. The schools do not only allow the children to suffer because of this practice but they also encourage it by providing the special time and special facilities. Soon, the fasting month of Ramadan will fall in the summer months with its long days, in some countries that means about eighteen hours of starvation! I know a Muslim who performs all five daily prayers in the mosque, which is about twenty minutes drive, he wakes up early in the morning to start his journey to the mosque, accompanied by his 14 years old son!
Do the western child protection organizations have the courage to
protect these children from such suffering?
Child play
Muslim children are not allowed to join the others and enjoy the fun of playing with dolls or figures because Islam prohibits images of humans or animals. They are not allowed to watch popular children cartoons like the notorious Micky mouse, against which many fatwas have been issued. In Saudi Arabia, they discourage children from committing the sin of painting human or animal figures unless they draw a line across the neck as a sign that the figure has no life in it!
Hijab and the Islamic outfit
Muslim women suffer because of Hijab although they wouldn’t admit it. It is a religious stigma that tells the others everything about her beliefs without even talking to her and works like a declaration that the bearer has to be treated differently. Hijab and Islamic dress produces an isolated and psychologically traumatized woman because it denies women their own feminine instincts of showing their hair and beauty.
It is common to see young Muslim girls with hijab and full
Islamic outfit even in the primary schools. Those young children
suffer unconsciously because of their Islamic dress. They become
aware of their sexuality from an early age and look at the other
males as sexual predators. In addition to the psychological damage,
the Islamic dress is an unhealthy dress. During the summer months,
hijab and the rest of the Islamic dress are uncomfortable and can
become embarrassingly smelly because of the excessive sweating.
Recently, there have been many reports about the high incidence of
the bone disease (rickets) in Muslim women because of their lack of
exposure to sunlight which is essential to produce vitamin D, the
lack of which causes bone disease.
Violence and Suicide bombing
Muslim children are indoctrinated to believe they are victims of world conspiracy that aims to eliminate them. They are regularly fed on the horrific and disturbing scenes of injuries, blood and death that even adults cannot watch. These children have learned Quranic verse 2:120 that tells them all about this secret world conspiracy: “.. the Jews and the Christians will never be happy about you unless you follow them...”
Having told the Muslims that everyone in the world hates them, the Quran now emphasises in a number of places that Muslims must never trust or befriend the others, like this verse 4:89 “ ....take them and kill them wherever you find them and choose no friends or helpers from them..”
The Quran repeats its orders in a dozen places; the message is important and clear: never trust the unbelievers no matter how nice they may appear to you, even if they were close family members. Verse 9:23 leaves no doubt about the gravity of this message of hate: “...O believers, do not take your fathers or brothers as allies and friends if they prefer to disbelieve...”
Do not be friendly with your father or brothers! So much for the family values in Islam.
Muslim children are often indoctrinated from an early stage to aspire to become martyrs; they have sometimes been used as suicide bombers. Hamas has pioneered the practice of using
young children as frontline soldiers during the Palestinian intifada. The Iranian clerical regime have created child-martyrs brigade. The basic human instinct, the civilized human responsibility, is to protect children during conflicts and wars; but the Islamists have reversed this natural human propensity and responsibility for pushing children to the front lines armed with stones, and sometimes explosive belts, to kill and be killed.
The shia Muslims mourn the death of Al Imam Al Hussain on ashoura
day by going to the streets and start beating their chests. They use
tools such as knives and swords to self inflict injuries and cause
bloodshed, the scenes of blood and sufferings are not for the weak
hearted. Shia children do not only see all this but sometimes they
are also made to participate in it.
Child Abduction
Muslims’ marriages to non Muslims are always fragile marriages because they are built on lies. Most of these relations tend to involve North African or Asian Muslims. Of course, it is always a Muslim husband and a non Muslim wife, because it cannot happen the other way round. Also it is almost always a dark skinned Muslim who marries a white woman, because those Muslims consider white skin on a woman as a sign of beauty. Muslim families may love to see one of their sons bringing home a white European woman; this is often seen as a good achievement. In theory, the non Muslim wife can keep her religion but her children must be raised as Muslims. In any case there is usually tremendous pressure on her to convert sooner rather than later. Conversion makes it easier for the family to tame a stranger woman with a different culture. The typical scenario involves projecting Islam as a religion of peace and good family values that is based on the Quran, which is the unchanged words of Allah. The Quran is described to her as a book of amazing miracles and language beauty but it is a misfortune that she doesn’t speak the language to enjoy all those wonderful beauties!
A converted wife is easier to adapt to Muslims’ culture and easier to control using her new religion as a means of discipline. A converted woman soon discovers the lies and the marriage falls apart, which reflects badly on the children because they must be separated from their mother. The Islamic law very strictly ‘protects’ children from being raised by infidels and requires their separation from their mothers. This is a tragedy that is happening everyday all over the world.
The above are only some of the Islamic practices that would normally provoke outrage in the west and described as child abuse. The western countries have already accepted those children in their countries and are under moral obligation to protect them from the practices of Islam. The alternative is to raise children with a jaundiced view of the world who may grow up only to become suicide bombers.
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Mumin Salih is a Middle Eastern ex-Muslim. He can be contacted at
Name: jenn
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 09:14:00 -0500
A dirty cult is what I call Islam. Glad I escaped from it, and glad that its been exposed in the open
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 15:48:55 -0500
glad that you were able to escape it alive
Name: How
to win war against Islam
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 23:47:39 -0500
Like Mohammad one has to kill and assassinate the mullahs, imams, and Islamic religious teachers. Kill them off one at a time. Islamic violent will gradually stop.
Name: Ilham Abdullah (ex-muslim)
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2009
Time: 02:45:36 -0500
Good article. Some obvious and undeniable truths are hard for those who call themselves Muslims to swallow. Few have the self-honesty required to simply consider the basic facts the article presents. Will those who currently call themselves Muslims ever be able to comprehend the fact that Islam is a fraudulent religion?
Name: Az
Date: Tuesday January 13, 2009
Time: 17:41:17 -0500
Good article. But there is no such thing as "Muslim children" nor "Jewish or Christian" children. Imagine the outrage if children were labelled "Marxist children", or "Atheist children". But thats the privelege of religion of course.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 06:10:53 -0500
I agree that there is no such thing as 'muslim' children,'christian' children,'hindu' children,'jewish' children,etc. All are just human siblings born with an innocent and clear mind with no clutter of religion,cult and prejudices. The adults bring in all the discordant sounds ,clutter of dogmas that poisons the young minds and breeds hatred! This is specially true of monotheistic semetic cults of Islam,christianity and judaism. These are proselytising cults ,highly commercial and unprincipled. Each of these cults preach hatred ,debunk other belief-systems calling them unpleasant and vicious names ,and instigate violence in order to survive and flourish , and the clergies have a vested interest in keeping this thing up for their own survival. Look at the money these clergies make ( be it mullah,pastors, evangelists,Bishops,Cardinals or whatever) and their luxurious lifestyle without having to really work for it except conning the gullible masses , rousing them hysterically in an otherwise peaceful world and polish off their hardearned money which is also taxfree to these conmen/conwomen! It is in their interest to keep the discords alive ,heighten tensions , incite people to violence ,all in the name of their "God" , who we know doesn't exist , so also the promises of 'Heaven' in the "Hereafter" , and "Hell" if you don't submit and comply with their irrationalities and absolute muck and bullshit! Christians are not above board either with so many of their priests/pastors involved in homosexuality, child-molestation,sodomy,etc. If you read the Bible, the Old Testament is full of such things ,while Muhamad epitomised these worst immoral practices in his life! So what can you expect from these semetc cults? Only if they reject their cult and inculcate secular values is there any hope for peace and sanity.
Name: Athar
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 09:25:13 -0500
I am sadned to see that some of you have been blinded or should I say indoctrinated by the media. And some just dont want to think. Just point at others for the problems in their own lives :)
Name: Az again
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 09:26:30 -0500
I agree with vbv that religions are unprincipled, such of female circumcision, brainwashing, beating kids, sadistic nuns, hypocrisy, etc.
Name: Relgion and the Human Psyche.
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 10:34:51 -0500
Religion is part and parcel of the human psyche whether one likes it or not.
Name: Mumin salih
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 11:39:17 -0500
More evidence of child abuse in Islam I read this today in the daily mail, a Saudi sheikh says it is injustice NOT to marry 10 years old! A video posted on Jihad watch Muslims in Oslo use muslim children as human shields in an anti-Israeli demonstration. Thanks to all who read the article
Name: sarah(teacher in primary school)
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 03:26:16 -0500
Mumin Salih is right that muslims start teaching there kids from the age of 7 and then beat them to it from age of 10 or 11 as i heard from my friend its 11,but how would you explain that our british schools are going to start teaching about SEX from the age 6 in primary schools in 2009?
Name: salma
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 03:38:03 -0500
Hijab and the Islamic outfit/// I think you have got this all mixed up Mumin Salih I have never come across a single muslim girl/woman who is not pleased with wearing hajib yes it does shields her from harm full eyes of people like your self who want to look at some "MEAT" NUNNS suffer from psychological damage by covering them selfs?
Name: salma
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 03:41:01 -0500
I for got 1 point just look at the RAPE rate in usa and europe and then in muslim world esp in saudi arabia. facts speak for them selves!!!
Name: neil
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 03:50:03 -0500
We might have a age which is a minimum for sex but is it being practised in uk as we have more and more young mums as young as 9 and average sexual intercourse in uk is at the age of 13 but reports of earlier have been reported so it might be fair from medical point of view that you have reached an adult hood when you reach sexual maturity and its true in hot climat this seems to be at younger age then in cold climate.
Name: justine
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 04:14:03 -0500
I can agree with both sides here and then disagree as well but some one please tell me as i have been asked this question from my muslim friends why are we westren woman so so much degraded in these blue/porn films? I have watched it with my boyfriend and felt so ashame after, and then he wanted to invite one of his mate and his girlfriend to have a orgy together.
Name: a 17 years old boy
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 04:39:38 -0500
just wanted to make you aware that back in the old days people matured at young age and this is a prime example. have you ever come across any commander at the age of 17 leading an army in MODREN TIMES? Muhammad bin Qasim was made governor of Persia, where he succeeded in putting down a rebellion At the age of seventeen, he was sent by Caliph Al-Walid I to lead an army towards South Asia into what are today the Sindh and Punjab regions of Pakistan.
Name: To Salma
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 05:00:32 -0500
You are living in fools paradise when you say "look at rape cases in usa and europe..." In the USA and Europe ,as well as in other non-muslim countries, rapes,child molestation is recognised as a crime and reported,while in islamic countries rapes ,child molestation,sodomy,etc are instruments of "islamic" justice. Women get massed raped to compensate the honour of another person/persons/family/tribe/sect or whatever. In muslim countries women reporting rape is in turn stigmatised and "punished" for allowing the rape to happen. She is publicly humiliated and subject to the barbaric 'sharia' law of getting public lashing. So much for islamic justice! A women reporting rape has to produce 4 male 'witnesses ' to get anything called 'justice' in islamic society! Mind you ,she should have 4 witnesses viewing her in the process of getting raped! The four male members must be some kind of perverted voyuers to sit and watch a women getting raped rather than helping her to get the rapist punished before the vile act! .What kind of perversion and wickedness is this ? And how can you expect any women to get any justice from this barbaric system which humilates and punishes the victim rather than the perpetrators?! Rape,sodomy,child molestation ,loot,plunder,arson,etc are justified in your quran and 'sunna' by your self-proclaimed 'prophet' , a veritable devil in human form! So look into your own rotten cult going in the name of "religion" ,polluting the meaning of religion itself before you castigate others.
Name: The real Abuse
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 05:40:48 -0500
Sanhedrin 55b. A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically, three years "and a day" old). Sanhedrin 54b. A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old. Kethuboth 11b. "When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing." Yebamoth 59b. A woman who had intercourse with a beast is not eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also not eligible to marry a Jewish priest. Abodah Zarah 17a. States that there is not a whore in the world that the Talmudic sage Rabbi has not had sex with. On one of his whorehouse romps, Rabbi leanred that there was one particular prostitute residing in a whorehouse near the sea, who would receive a bag of money for her services. All the Rabbi took a bag of money and went to her, crossing seven rivers to do so. During one Rabbi's intercourse the prostitute farted. After this the whore told Rabbi : "Just as this gas will never return to my anus, You my Rabbi will never get to heaven." Hagigah 27a. States that no rabbi can ever go to hell.
Name: to the person who replied to salma
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 10:07:11 -0500
I agree in some muslim countries its not a nice thing to report a rape but this has nothing to do with islam but with culture instead,same thing happens here as well 90% of the cases are not reported, salmas point is valid about rape cases in eu and usa compare to muslim world,here are some facts for uk ,and facts speak louder then words,//// At least 47,000 adult women are raped every year in the UK. The majority of offenders are known to the victim,In 2004 the conviction rate for rape was 5.3% - the lowest rate on record its a joke,, Nearly a third of people (30%) say a woman was partially or totally responsible for being raped,In 85.7% of recorded rape crimes the suspect was known to the victim between 75-95% of rapes are never reported to the police////75-95% cases r never reported here so lets aleast agree with some of facts here. if the rapest knew he will be punished not sent to disney land for this crime he would not have raped any way but this country is a joke they get every thing they want in prison on the expese of the tax payers.
Name: Satan the Deceiver
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 10:35:05 -0500
The Deceiver is successful in misleading many people from the truth.
Name: halton
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 10:49:03 -0500
well this is a very very senstive issue the only logic I can give for higher rapes in eu and usa is probley easily mixing of both sexs, alcohal and drug abuse which is not common in other parts of world.I worked in saudi arabia for 15 years for shell and I can tell you there is not much what we would call entertianment but lots of shopping malls!!which is a good thing I guess any sound person will tell you perventing is better then a cure,as for saudi woman if covering of the their bodies protects them which no doubt it does then there is no harm in it
Name: salma to Mumin Salih
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 11:00:11 -0500
Mumin Salih please answer my question with out bending the truth///do NUNNS suffer from psychological damage by covering them selfs? have you ever wore a veil/head scarf? well I do and cant explain the sense of security I feel in my veil because I dont look like some cheap half naked MEAT.but please do answ my question above.
Name: Mumin Salih
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 14:11:47 -0500
to salma: No Muslim woman who wears a scarf would say she suffers of it, or hates it. Also No Muslim would say the Quran is such a boring book to read, they all claim it has calming effect on them. They all would claim that they love performing prayers Hijab does cause psychological damage to all who wear it in a non Muslim majority area. That includes nuns and you Salma. You are already excessively aware of your sexuality by thinking that men are after your meat. Remember Salma that western women are not half naked, they are just modest and elegant, and that is how a normal woman likes to feel and likes to look. In Islamic countries, in the Gulf States in particular, men are hungry sexual predators because they are so deprived of any glimpses of the other sex. The Islamic way of bringing up boys and girls is based on the assumption that whenever a man meats a woman then the Satan joins immediately ( a hadith by Mohammed). In the west, or in any country where Muslims are not the majority, a woman with a hijab attracts attention, not because she is beautiful but because she is abnormal. Unlike Muslims, men in the west are not hungry sexual predators because they are used to women. They only think of women when they need sex and normal men do not need sex continuously. People who are hungry for food always think of food and would eat any food available at any time, this the case in countries where food is always in short supply. But when there is plenty of food people only think of it when they need a meal and get on with their lives after that.
Name: lw1 to Salma
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 14:33:23 -0500
It is your choice to wear the hijab.Why do some Muslim countries force women to wear it?e.g.Iran,Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia.As for the rape rate in Saudi Arabia,the women there can't go out without a male relative,so the likelyhood of rape is almost nil.If the money from oil and Hajj decreased,and the men had to earn their living (by other means and not trickled down from those), women who can't drive now might start driving,and with that a male relative always accompanying a woman would gradually die out.The Nuns make a concious committment to take the vows,but not when they are young and maniputable,so they accept the dress code. Also where Sharia applies,if a woman is raped and there were 20 WOMEN witnesses,the man can't be convicted.So Salma if you were a witness there,your testimony would be worthless.
Name: to Mumin Salih
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 14:57:19 -0500
well I know woman dont suffer by wearing scarf,quran might be a story book for you but not for the muslims its a book of law which doesnt get changed with west to look beautiful and sexy the more naked flesh you show the sexier you look(and plz dont deny this)im gona quote your words below//men in the west are not hungry sexual predators because they are used to women. They only think of women when they need sex and normal men do not need sex continuously. People who are hungry for food always think of food and would eat any food available at any time, this the case in countries where food is always in short supply. But when there is plenty of food people only think of it when they need a meal and get on with their lives after that. /// this how much woman is respected she is VIEWED as a food when its time for sex.and you can eat(have sex with) anyone you fancy cus there is plenty of food(woman)around.bravo Mumin Salih this is view of the west for a woman " a sex object" have it when ever you want,this is another reason why islam tells us to get married as soon as we are able to so we dont have to go out side to "EAT"(have sex)with any one,and of course if you have "EATEN" home there will be no need to "EAT" from outside.
Name: to lw1
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 15:05:25 -0500
why do we have to wear a seatbelt?it should be my choice,why do I get a fine and penalty points on my licence for not wearing a seatbelt? why are the speed cameras used? There is always some rules which you must obey for your own saftey and there is always someone/somebody to enforce this law even you dislike it.
Name: lw1 to the poster at 14:57:19-0500.
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 15:20:22 -0500
'....Quran is a book of law which doesn't get changed with time.'Quran tells you to wait for and kill no-believers.Some Muslims say when challenged about this that it was only meant for the war situation in the 7th century and doesn't apply now.You say it applies for all time.Who is telling the truth?
Name: lw1 to 'Why do we have to wear seatbelt?.
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 15:34:39 -0500
You say it should be your choice to wear seatbelt.In the last sentence you say it is for safety,so you have answered your question.You haven't stated your position on hijab.
Name: Mumin Salih
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 16:01:36 -0500
To the poster of 15:20:22 -0500 No, you don’t know that women (in non Muslims societies ) do not suffer psychologically because of hijab. You may deny it but Muslims are always in denial. Women Meat is an Islamic term famously used by sheikh Hilali of Australia, and by the Salma, who referred to her body as meat. I use the Islamic language when talking to Muslims. The Quran disdains women, it is a book ‘revealed’ only to men. Women are only mentioned when they concern men, just like their other possessions (example cattle!). In the Quran, Allah ignores women and only speaks to them through men even in those matters that are of serious concern to women. When Allah explained which women relations a man can or cannot marry, he spoke to men. When He explained about polygamy or divorce, he spoke to men. When He wanted to explain the sexual positions allowed in Islam, He explained them to men(2:223). Quranic verse Q.3: 14 says it all. Read this: (Arabic: zuyyna li nnassi hubbul shahawati mina al nissaai …) translation: Fair in the eyes of MANKIND is the desire of things they covet: Women and sons; Heaped-up hoards of gold and silver; horses branded; and cattle and well-tilled land. The verse is about human desires; the first of those desires is women. Allah did not notice that women are actually part of mankind, she is only part of desires . In verse 2:223 Quran says (Your women are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will…) men are allowed to have sex with their women in any position they (the men) like, standing, sitting, on the side, without mentioning what women like.
Name: lw1 to Mumin Salih
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 16:14:41 -0500
You put your reply to 15:20:22-0500,but you have got the timing wrong.I did not say that 'women (in non-Muslim societies)do not suffer psychologically because of hijab...'
Name: Mumin Salih
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 16:56:22 -0500
To IW Correction: my previous post is meant to be to the poster of 14:57:19-0500.Please accept my apology,
Name: To salma
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 02:50:55 -0500
The fact that you describe a female not wearing a 'hijab' or better still wearing a black sack with peeping holes is more honourable than go with modern apparels ,which makes a woman appear "meat" for males ,according to you ,betrays the depraved condition of your mind. It shows how the muslim mind is obnoxiously brainwashed into this cult of loot,plunder and rape of all "infidels". It is sheer savagery ,lewdity and utter barbarism. That is the cult of islam!
Name: to Mumin Salih 16:01:36 -0500
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 04:40:53 -0500
it seems its u describing woman as sex food for men which they can have when ever and whom ever they like,and GOD sent the quran to mohammed saw and all the previouse books were sent to MALE prophets, if you study any of the holy books and you will come to know in islam woman have been given more rights then ever b4,the real abuse and no respect for woman are in west read the comments by>> justine,sarah(teacher in primary school),neil, and even you have described woman being as SEX FOOD, you are sick.
Name: to lw1 to 'Why do we have to wear seatbelt?.
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 04:46:33 -0500
lw1 you still dont get salma point or do you? unwrangle you little brain from boss wife undies and you will see the light!! woman wear hajib to protect their modesty which prevents them from harm same asthe seat belt which prevents you from being injured,and why do some countries enforce this law of wearing hajib? same reason as the police which enforce the law for wearing the seat belt.
Name: TO Mumin Salih
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 04:56:30 -0500
) The life of this world is alluring to those who reject faith, and they scoff at those who believe. But the righteous will be above them on the Day of Resurrection; for Allah bestows His abundance without measure on whom He will.
Name: lw1 to 04:46:33-0500
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 07:36:47 -0500
You do not get my point.If hijab is for protecting modesty,why do Muslim countries deal with it differently?
Name: lw1 to Mumin Salih
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 07:39:04 -0500
Sorry that post was not meant for you.
Name: picture of Muslim chastity training of little girls
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 10:29:01 -0500
well at least she is safe from you peado and lesbians and gays and dog lovers etc there is more child abuse in eu and usa then anywhere in the world,thats the reason parents/teachers are not allowed tp take pictures of their own kids in swimming pools us of sick peados like your self who share and abuse them on the net. SHAME SHAME SHAME ON U ALL, would u like to see a picture of your little angle naked on the net? no you wouldnt would you but theb their are some of you who say she is only a minor,
Name: lw1
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 11:12:20 -0500
Only religious book that allows child abuse is Quran.
Name: lw1 11:12:20 -0500
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 14:46:30 -0500
All you people can do is lie and lie,just like bush,tony blair and eu leaders about WMD!!/// THIS IS A CHALLANGE TO ALL YOU SCUMS TO POST A "SINGLE" PROOF FROM THE QURAN WHICH YOU CLAIM CHILD ABUSE,I dont want some tom dick harrys personal views I WANT YOU TO POST PROOF,and if cant then SHUT UP.
Name: lw1
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 18:03:13 -0500
63.9-O ye who believe!Let not your wealth nor your children distract you from remembrance of Allah.Those who do so,they are the losers.--64.14 O ye who believe!Lo!among your wives and your children there are enemies for you ,therefore beware of them.And if ye efface and overlook and forgive,then lo!Allah is Forgiving,Merciful.--64.15 Your wealth and your children are only a temptation,whereas Allah! with Him is an immense reward.(About DIVORCE) 65.4 And for such of your women as despair of menstruation,if ye doubt their period(of waiting)shall be three months,along with those who have it not(NOT REACHED PUBERTY YET).And for those with child,their period shall be till they bring forth their burden.And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah,He maketh his course easy for him. (Mohammad was in his 40's when he saw Ayesha,aged 6,playing with her dolls and he became lustful and asked her father for her hand in marriage.He waited till she was 9 yrs old before having sex with her)
Name: To Salma
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 01:04:53 -0500
Nuns, by choice wear their garments and it is not for life but for a certain amount of time. Also, they can have an eduation without the consent of a man and are not referred to as "toys" as mohammed referred to women. Also, you are also wrong about the fact that many muslim women would love not to have to wear the burka(especially in 100 degree heat but are forced to do so. An American reporter was on a little row boat in the middle of a lake and she took off her ugly burka but a man on a boat quickly motioned for her to put it back on.
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 01:09:26 -0500
Information on the internet! They can rape, kidnap non muslim women, kill other people but truth is being spread all around the world with something some muslims detest, the computer! Why do they hate the computer so much? It is the biggest threat to their power. For centuries they have manipulated and suppressed the truth about mohammed(pee be upon him) and other things. Now, the truth is being leaked and many muslims have left that cult because of it!
Name: zahangir odiwala
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 09:38:20 -0500
guys see this too... when i read this about how children brains are programmed i got real worried..
Name: children are brain washed from childhood about mad islam
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 01:37:01 -0500
children are brain washed from childhood about mad islam.Children are equally suffering like women in islam.why not so called human rights workers not talk about these.
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 02:28:13 -0500
Name: CHILD ABUSE IN "UK"(not islam!!)
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 12:10:51 -0500
Police recorded more than 50 sexual offences against children every day last year, new figures show.(what a sick people u all r)There were 20,758 alleged sex crimes involving under-18s reported to officers in England and Wales in 2008, children's charity NSPCC said.(now who is the abuser???)In almost a quarter of cases the victims were 10 or younger, and over 800 offences involved children aged four and under.(you bastards just cant get enough or can u)"These shocking figures reveal just how young many of the reported victims of sex abuse are, with even one-year-olds being at risk,YOU PEOPLE ARE THE REAL CHILD ABUSERS.
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 12:53:05 -0500
The Bible or UK law does not advocate or allow child abuse.
Name: Muhammedan Woman at inuguration linked to Hamas
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 22:48:28 -0500
Muslim woman who will be taking a short part in Obama's inauguration is linked to Hamas according to Fox News. I know the U.N. doesn't want us to label terrorism as a crime against humanity "for it may offend Muslims" BUT I WANT YOU ISLAMIST FART HEADS TO READ THIS!: TEACHING A LITTLE KID TO BLOW HIS/HERSELF UP IS A HORRID ACT OF A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. YOU DON'T LIKE THAT I CALL IT THAT? YOU CAN KISS MY BUTT! The good thing about Israel's little war against Hamas(TOTALLY JUSTIFIED despite thousands of islamic ass holes who are protesting against it!) is that over 1,000 future terrorists were killed! If 6,000 missles were fired into your country you would want an immediate stop to it! But, you crap heads only think of the people you have the "right" to kill! If a country acts in self defence you protest it calling it "unjust." Stupid cowfarts!
Name: To "child abuse in UK-not Islam"
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 22:57:43 -0500
Name: TO TO MUMIN SALIH et all!
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 23:12:28 -0500
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:04:02 -0500
The Quran is the only book in the world that advocates wife beating and Islamists say that that means,"women's rights." Islam is the only cult in the world that says a husband can confine his wife to her room as long as he wants which they call that,"women's rights." If a woman shows her face(a Muslim actually said this!) and hair that makes her a "prostitute."(NO! YOU MORONS! THAT MAKES HER BEAUTIFUL!). Mohammed couldn't control himself so he even married a 6 year old girl and a top Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia says a man can marry young girls!--they may again call that,"women's rights" BUT A LITTLE GIRL SHOULD BE PLAYING WITH HER TOYS AND FRIENDS AND NOT BE FORCED TO MARRY AN ISLAMIST PSYCHO-PERVERT! Islamists will often blame their terrorist attacks(even when they kill one another!) on Israel. So, let me get this straight-if my next door neighbor is an enemy of mine, that justifies me going down the street and killing a friend of his?! The gang rapes of women(which, a Muslim cleric defends by the way!) is also the fault of Israel? The putting crap in a child's birthday cake is the fault of Israel? WHAT KIND OF NONSENSE ARE WE DEALING WITH?! MOHAMMED COULDN'T CONTROL HIMSELF SO MILLIONS OF WOMEN SINCE HAVE TO SUFFER FOR IT?! I can't see the logic behind this! WHY SHOULD SO MANY SUFFER FOR WHAT SOME PSHYCO-PATHIC-NITWIT DID AND TAUGHT?! The fact that they may be jealous that we in the West respect our women to let them have an education, wear what they want(why don't men have to wear a burka since there may be some women out there with a lust problem?!) and have the right to vote doesn't mean you have the right to take those rights away from us you fartheads! GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY IF YOU ARE GOING TO DO THAT! DON'T TRY TO IMPOSE YOUR CRAP ON US! Oh! By the way:MUSLIM WOMEN GET PINCHED, GROPED, RAPED, POURED GASOLINE ON THEM AND SET ABLAZE AND IT IS CALLED AN "HONOR KILLING!" In Islam, a woman has to have at least two witnesses to a man's one, so if something horrible happens to her by another islamist, she has a much more terrible time prosecuting the injustice! AND MUSLIMS WANT TO DO THE SAME THING OVER HERE?! ISLAMIST BASTARDS!!!! HERE AT LEAST THOSE THINGS ARE AGAINST THE LAW AND WILL NOT BE CALLED AN "HONOR KILLING!"
Name: Z
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 18:36:47 -0500
I wouldn't like to say must, but being born into a Muslim family, i was devoid of happiness. i was abused, and i am shredded now as i don't know what to do. I am manically depressed, i was dyslexic, i am going sort of schizophrenic and i don't know what to do. when i look back i can only find one reason to all my sufferings in my age of 20 years, its being born into a Muslim family where they want to control your life. It doesn't amazes me why so many are turning terrorist, cause not all go schizophrenic cause not all are coward like me. I am sorry for my life as a Muslim. i wont linger to it once i break away, i hope to find my way.
Name: To Z
Date: Sunday January 25, 2009
Time: 01:28:59 -0500
Wishing you well on your road to complete liberation from evil Islam. Be on guard always.
Name: To Z,
Date: Sunday January 25, 2009
Time: 19:54:59 -0500
I am sorry for your 20 years in Islam. What a horrid waste of 20 years of one's life! But, the fact you have gotten out of it means that there is hope that the remaining years of your life will be much better. You were abused. A woman(former Muslim in her book,"the Hidden Face of Eve") said that her time in Islam was like being a slave. But, she has a new life now. A happier one, a life that allows her to think. This does not change what you have gone through but it DOES indicate that you can start life anew, out of the shipwreck you were in and into a life of peace! I will be praying for you. Sorry you had to grow up in that!
Name: Omar
Date: Monday January 26, 2009
Time: 17:19:24 -0500
What absolute filth. Islam is a scholarly religion that requires intellect and thinking, not the filthy assertions of perverts. Below are some extracts from an article I have written destroying the "pedophilia" claim by Ali Sina. Before i begin, I ask why do people demonize Islam. The talmud actually mandates sex with a 3 yr old girl, the old testament tells the story of how moses and his men killed young babies and women who have been with a man and took the virgins for themselves. It is non-muslim countries that have the highest incidences of rape and pedophilia, Any christian or jew who accuses Islam of allowing pedophilia are hypocrites as such actions are justified within there very texts. And further any christian or westerner who attempts to assert that Islam allows rape is also guilty of such hypocrisy. Due to shortened life expectancy early marriage was a necessity upon societies of the past. According to ( research done by the British government, life expectancy has increased by a tremendous amount in the last 100 years, the research states: “The life expectancy of new born children in 1999 is 75 years for boys and 80 years for girls. In 1901 baby boys were expected to live for 45 years and girls 49 years.” So just only in the last 100 years life expectancy has risen in the UK by 26 years. This leads one to wonder what life expectancy must have been 1400 years ago in the harsh arid environments of the Arabian deserts. Well, one cannot be totally sure of this as statistics are a modern invention, but an accurate estimate could be derived from the life expectancy of those living in ancient Rome. According to Encyclopaedia Britannica, ( life expectancy was between 20-30. This would mean the earlier you get married the more chance one would have to successfully reproduce, raise children and live a normal life before early death engulfed you. If Mohammed (SAWS) and his followers took the western (AND MODERN) approach of marrying and having kids at 25, or for arguments sake 18 (the lowest possible age UK law allows marriage), then one would get married and die before their kids reached the age of 12 (if they had the good fortune to live until the upper limit of the life expectancy). As one can clearly see, early marriage had to occur, it had nothing to do with paedophilia Marriage 1400 years ago occurred once a girl had reached reproductive age. To further stamp the nail in the coffin of Sina’s odious lie we must refer to science as well as history. According to ( precocious puberty or early puberty occurs when a girl reaches this stage of development before 8 years old. Therefore, it is not at all uncommon for girls to reach puberty after this, even at the age of 9. One has to ask why if Mohammed (SAWS) was a paedophile did he not consumate his relationship with Aisha (RA) before reproductive age when the marriage was first arranged at 6 years old. A further question that Sina fails to answer is that Mohammed (SAWS) lived in a happy relationship with Khadija (RA) who was 15 years his senior for most of his married life. Finally one must be aware of the constant barrage of verbal attacks aimed at Mohammed (SAWS) by his enemies. I defy anyone (including Sina) to find a quote that states Mohammed (SAWS) was called a paedophile by his enemies at the time, this simply never occurred. Now from this a further question arises, why Aisha (RA)? Why did Mohammed (SAWS) choose Aisha (RA) over many other women? Well the first and most simple answer is that the marriage was recommended to him. According to (Watt, "Aisha", Encyclopaedia of Islam Online), it was Khawla bint Hakim (RA) who suggested that Muhammad (SAWS) marry Aisha (RA) after the death of Muhammad's first wife. So from this one can see that it was not Mohammed (SAWS) who came up with the idea, but rather his concerned companions. This however is not the complete answer. Along with the marriage being divinely ordained by Allah (SWT) (dreams were confirmation that this marriage had to occur), there were other reasons. According to John Esposito in (1988. Islam: The Straight Path. New York: Oxford University Press), Mohammed (SAWS) engaged in “political marriages to cement alliances”. Therefore the marriage was a means of the apostle of Allah (SWT) strengthening his ties with Abu Bakr (RA) who then went on to become the first khalifah. This point makes perfect sense as Mohammed (SAWS) also married Hafsa (RA) the daughter of the second khalifa Omar (RA) and also gave his daughter Ruqayya (RA) to the third khalifah Uthman (RA) in marriage. My next point will also be from science, the science of psychiatry in fact. As someone who has interviewed victims of sexual abuse for research, I am very well aware of the consequences such abuse can have on young female victims. Effects of child sexual abuse include depression, (Roosa M.W., Reinholtz C., Angelini P.J. (1999). "The relation of child sexual abuse and depression in young women: comparisons across four ethnic groups," Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 27(1):65-76), post-traumatic stress disorder (Widom C.S. (1999). "Posttraumatic stress disorder in abused and neglected children grown up," American Journal of Psychiatry; 156(8):1223-1229), anxiety (Levitan, R. D., N. A. Rector, Sheldon, T., & Goering, P. (2003). "Childhood adversities associated with major depression and/or anxiety disorders in a community sample of Ontario: Issues of co-morbidity and specificity," Depression & Anxiety; 17, 34-42) among other problems. Did Aisha (RA) display any of these signs, the answer is no. In fact quite the opposite occurred, Aisha (RA) grew up and developed into a very remarkable young women. She was one of the greatest Islamic scholars and is given the position of Mother of The Believers. She is one of the most respected women in Sunni Islam and men used to travel miles to gain knowledge from her. She is a ro-model for Muslim women the world over (Goodwin, Jan. Price of Honour: Muslim Women Lift the Veil of Silence on the Islamic World. UK: Little, Brown Book Group, 1994). Her knowledge and status is owed completely to Mohammed (SAWS) who married her and allowed her to be reared with Islamic knowledge and values from a young age, turning her into the beloved mother of all Muslims.
Name: Sign of Intellect?
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 00:31:36 -0500
Never ending SAW's and PBUH's. Is this a sign of intellect? ALL Muslims countries without exception lags in all fields of human endeavor from science, technology, music, arts, sports, GNP, etc...
Name: Sad to Look
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 07:59:22 -0500
It is sad to look at children wearing Muslim garb. Hope in due time enlightenment will come to their minds as they mature and leave evil Islam.
Name: Omar
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 15:21:02 -0500
Sign of Intellect what rubbish do you come out with. refute my article word for word rather than referring to ad hominem attacks. you clearly devoid of intellect if you can't do that. muslims were at the golden age advanced in mathematics, science and language while the west were in their dark ages. this is when Islam was at its strongest. now that muslims are weak in faith, the whole of Islam suffers and we are no longer ahead. but we are re-rising fast.
Name: Sound Doc
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 19:30:47 -0500
How can they justify these horrible atrocities and believe that The Creator is so cruel? Do they believe that God is like that? Mumin, Your testimony means so much more than that of one who never experienced this. I am always checking for more of your articles. Thank you
Name: Fatima
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 22:50:27 -0500
Allah Yadeek (may Allah guide you), for surely you have no knowledge about Islam period furthermore, neither are you an authority to speak on matters regarding Quran and matters of fiqh then perhapes you won't embarras yourself the next time. It's one thing to want to follow your own desires but to not only renounce yourself as a Muslim and start inventing lies against the legislation of Allahu Ta'ala is one that is very destructive to yourself alone and then going to the extreme of parroting the Western imperial liberal fallicy is rather pathetic, baseless and fanciful at least. A lost soul indeed
Name: Nothing beneficial to humanity coming from Islamic countries
Date: Wednesday January 28, 2009
Time: 03:23:46 -0500
What practical invention Muslim countries produce that is beneficial to humanity nowadays? There is NONE. The airplane, car, TV, radio, personal computer, mobile phones, internet, the list goes on and on, all products of non-Muslim countries beneficial to humanity.