The Evolution of a Muslim Mind
15 Jan, 2009
This year (2009), the world will be celebrating the 200th birth anniversary of history's greatest naturalist Charles Robert Darwin. To pay tribute to this genius of modern era, people around the world will study his works; ponder over the wonders of our evolution through natural selection, and attempt to foresee where this could take the humanity in future. Only through this reflective and thought provoking lens that we may even lay down a path for a better future for our coming generations. As an ex-Muslim and a contributor to fighting Islam, I think it is not impertinent of me to ask where Muslims and the Islamic world will stand in this process of reflection and study. But first if I may indulge in a slight digression here.
If you seriously study today's Muslim ummah, you may be forgiven for a little chuckle that perhaps Darwin’s theory has left them out of the loop! But don’t feel too bad. Your naughty thought has crept in for good reason.
Through many years of being traumatized myself with the Islamic belief and after recovering from it through observation and patient listening, I have come to understand one thing very clearly. Having some of your brain cells corrupted by Islam turns a person into a "gormless entity". I have interconnected with the young, middle-aged and elderly people, some of whom have been not so much soaked, but only touched, by Islam. And the most common thread which I found in all of them is their refusal to even contemplate rationality. You can produce two+two=four in front of them in any language, but the ‘five’ Orwellian fingers are the only things they would bow and prostrate to.
I was in the same conundrum, but once I left Islam, I was astonished at the change. The proverbial heart became tender. It began to accept that all humans are equal and deserve equal treatment. That secret glee, which I had felt when people were jumping down to save their lives from the World Trade Centre towers on September 11 (2001), turned into a source of deep shame and pain. It dawned on me that Ghaznawi and Bin Qasim, who are glorified in our text books, were nothing but robbing, murdering slave-makers. I began to consider India, from where my family had migrated in 1947, with pride; I acknowledging that I have more in common with them than with the fascist, uncultured Muslim Arabs. It became clear that the Hamas and Hezbollah charters were dangerous fascistic aims of annihilating the Jews and destruction of Israel.
I began to be less hypocritical, and a lover of the "Golden rule"—treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This acceptance of rationality solved many puzzles for me and I could literally see the truth. I realized that the garbage collector at our door for the past 20 years, who had recently started bringing his son with him for training and to whom my loving mother occasionally gave some food, is a Christian; I subliminally ignored and avoided him, because my mom kept his plate and glass separate and considered them unclean.
The ‘Bhangi Para’, a colony where all the sewerage workers and their families resided and was given a wide berth by us, was full of real people, all Hindus. The only time we lingered there was to ogle at their beautiful girls without fear of retaliation. Sometimes, I now get an urge to go and apologize to them for this reprehensible childhood behavior.
On a lighter note, I could watch great Hollywood and Bollywood films and dances without feeling guilty. I enjoy a good game of chess. And although I did not practice Islam much, I felt a little unease while teaching my son how to play it, because I learned from my father that Muhammad (who was averse to anything intelligent) said that it was like soaking your hands in pig’s blood. Eating when abroad has also become a less arduous task. I don’t have to find the so-called halal eateries anymore, mostly dingy and dirtier than their counterparts. I also wonder why I missed on all that variety of cultural delights for so many years.
Coming back to the main topic, for last 1400 years some Muslim thinkers and rulers have been aware that Islam not only restricts progressive thoughts and debates but also metes out severe punishments to those, who dare to go down this path. Despite this, some of them did attempt to tread a path to progress and paid a heavy price. As for the masses, they have had no way out. They have been trapped in and suffered this atrocious suppression, since the time of Muhammad. The effect of this on the minds of Muslim ummah has been most remarkable: their minds seem to have become numb. Every time their mind suppresses a rational thought or contradiction of Islam, another brain cell goes numb. Except for some life-sustaining functions and hypocrisy, they are able to comprehend little else.
In my view, this phenomenon is the real cause of the depravity, poverty and amoral attitude of most so-called followers of Islam. Although their evolved instincts try to lead them in the right direction, they are being traumatized by the tyranny of the Quran and Sunnah; consequently, they are floundering in a sort of "death dance".
This is sad. This is very unfair to their future generations. This path will never lead them to walking shoulder to shoulder with the rest of civilization. It will only increase their sufferings. What is even more saddening is that the rest of civilization will have to resort to using their basic "survival instinct" to neutralize this Army of Zombies.
I don’t want to be a witness to that Armageddon. I want Muslims to read their scriptures carefully and then jettison this cult back to the deserts of Arabia, from where it came. I want them to join the humanity and tread the path of peace, progress and prosperity.
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Dr. Omar Zia is a Pakistani-born ex-Muslim.
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 23:28:08 -0500
Dear Dr Sahab, Armageddon is inevitable. We can only delay it. Sooner or later there is going to be a deadly war. No matter what we do, things are not going to change a lot. For every Muslim who leaves Islam, another 100 are born. If we look at the bigger things dont seem so good. Just look at your own country Pakistan. People reproduce as though it were some sort of pass time. The other day I saw a man from Multan who has fifty kids and says that he wishes to have more. How will you drill sense into the brains of people like these.
Name: iK
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 00:05:36 -0500
Well said Dr. Zia. Peace
Name: A Non-Delusionist
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 00:31:50 -0500
Omar, I am touched by your reflection of your past.
Name: That's the change
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 00:42:48 -0500
That secret glee, which I had felt when people were jumping down to save their lives from the World Trade Centre towers on September 11 (2001), turned into a source of deep shame and pain. It dawned on me that Ghaznawi and Bin Qasim, who are glorified in our text books, were nothing but robbing, murdering slave-makers. I began to consider India, from where my family had migrated in 1947, with pride; I acknowledging that I have more in common with them than with the fascist, uncultured Muslim Arabs. It became clear that the Hamas and Hezbollah charters were dangerous fascistic aims of annihilating the Jews and destruction of Israel.
Name: Dr soda wala
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 03:15:43 -0500
which medical field do you belong to Dr Omar Zia? from what I'm reading from above it seems you are deeply upset in your mind, and like you said your self you never practised islam fully, that is the only reason I can think of which you made you leave the true religion.
Name: RE: Dr soda wala
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 03:40:18 -0500
Dear Dr. Soda wala, one does not need to be a medical doctor inorder to use the initials of doctor. If you have a Phd in history, you will still be called as Dr. ----. And MEDICAL is not pronounced as MADICAL. You should know this considering you are yourself a physician, or am I mistaken?
Name: to Dr. something
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 04:38:03 -0500
true religion my ass...and that is even better than Islam and all that it produced over 1400 years...I meant my ass...
Name: balam
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 06:47:15 -0500
An excellent article written by Dr.Zia.I agree with his honest opinions about Islam,which represents the 7th century Arabian culture.Islam,like the leaning tower of Pisa in Italy can never be straightened.If tried ,it would collapse.What a shame!!!.To stay in Islam is like living in abject darkness.Any one who gets out of the clutches of this draconian cult is lucky to see the day light.The letter :I: in Islam stands for IGNORANCE which breeds Intolerance.:S: stands for savagery.Read the Islamic history written by the independent historians.:L;stands for LUST for every thing evil which includes rape of non-muslim women and children as it happens in all muslim countries.:A: stands for A-MORALITY.Mohammad told Abu-Dahar three times that even if he stole or committed adultary ,he would still go to Paradise,As long as he said:THERE IS NO GOD BUT allah.And finally :M:stands for MUTUALITY:Just like the wolves if one starts howling ,The rest of the wolves start howling without thinking.May God keep allah away from good people.
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 08:41:25 -0500
Welcome! I can only imagine that your life was like as a Muslim. I think it must have been like walking through a dark, dingy tunnel in the earth. When you realized what Islam was doing to your mind, you broke free and walked into the light of a brand new world. Once again, welcome!
Name: Blackhawk
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 09:31:47 -0500
I said it before and I'll say it again. Christianity began to flourish and Satan needed something to counteract it, so he used Mohammed as his tool to spread Islam. There will be no end to the strife until the clash at the end of times (which I feel are fast approaching) and the poor foolish muslims find themselves condemned to hell with Mohammed. I hope that God finds forgiveness for the children born innocently into this evil cult.
Name: To balam
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 09:36:30 -0500
Very good comment.
Name: Art DeMille
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 10:33:04 -0500
The bulk of the world media and the influential "small minded" continue to fester the belief that Muslims are victims of a vast conspiracy to rid them from this planet, when in fact the agenda of Islam is to “convert or kill all non believers.” It is also fact that Islam has done nothing to create an image of a peaceful religion, has never demonstrated in an organized manner that as a religion it will disown, disavow and discredit terrorists and by its’ admission states Muslims will never have the courage to stand up, acknowledge and respect that all non Muslims have a right to exist and live peacefully. I constantly beg my Muslim friends to have a backbone, to make a difference, display compassion, do what is proper and humane, the response “if we do, then we are only a small voice, and it will be shuttered."
Name: Evolution and the Year of Darwin
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 11:04:40 -0500
There is indeed no Evolution in the minds of a (true) muslim because he must believe that he is superior by definition and if there are problems he blames others. But while there was always and is still the evolution of species happening all the time with organisms such as animals, plants and humans developing new tools and strategies in ever changing environments. Everything is changing - nobody can neglect this. But the muslims believe that there is always the same truth, the same strategies and the same lawy for all time. That´s why muslims are the dinosaurs of today and entitled to die out. Why? Because they have no solutions for modern times. I am sure that more and more young muslims are about to leave islam sooner or later.
Name: Hisamuddin to Dr Zia
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 14:20:47 -0500
Dr Zia. You described my own observations. I started doubting islam from my youth but serous doubts started when when I started reading meanings of Quran. Straw that broke camel's back was reading Hadiths and reading about Mohammed's rapes,killings and robberies.I mentioned Mohammed's activities to to my family. My daughter left islam in a hurry, my wife went in denial and still practices it, my mother and sisters stopped talking to me, my cousin told my wife to divorce me (she ignored her). However I am a much better person now, I started having brotherly feelings towards hindus and warm feelings towards all non muslims.
Name: Mohamed Sadi
Date: Thursday January 15, 2009
Time: 15:56:34 -0500
Today I had a peculiar discussion with a friend of mine who I thought to be a devout muslim. Discussion is 'peculiar' because I was trying to make a muslim understand common sense. He told me that he never believes any Hadith which portrays Muhammad as an evil person or any Koranic verse which commands muslims to kill infidels. And he still claims that he is a true muslim and he hates jews and christians. He says that all these Hadiths and undesirable verses were written by people who were against Islam. This is the extent of muslims irrational thinking about their religion. They are really blind, deaf and dumb to reasons and common sense.
Name: One Bihari Muslim, critic of Islam arrested
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 05:55:32 -0500
Comment The Bihar state government had arrested one Muslim for publishing a book against Mohammed and Islam. At least Muslims themselves are opening their eyes slowly. Some readers who are Indians may try to translate that Hindi Book and upload it online. I do not know the content. But fromt he background it seems that may be very critical of Islam.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 16:57:06 -0500
I like what my Hero Jesus teaches: "Love your neighbor." "Love your enemies." "Do good to those who persecute you." Those are tall orders, but I try anyway. May God bless everyone. Dr. Omar Zia, Personally down deep I believe you were always a good person.
Name: Majid
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 00:43:48 -0500
Name: Majid
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 00:46:11 -0500
I am a Muslim...and I am saddened at this hate filled website. You are no different to those that preach intolerance with Islam or any other religion. It is due to people like you, that we are unable to have any sort of dialogue or reason. You are a disgrace to the human kind, and are only perpetuating the cycle of hate, fear and spread of ignorrance.
Name: To Majid...
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 01:26:47 -0500
WHO IS DOING THE HATING HERE? Saudi textbooks call Christians,"swine" and Jews "condemnable." Now, do you see this in any Christian or Jewish textbook. Do Christians, Hindus, or Jews put human crap and serve it to muslims? Do Christians or Jews teach their kids to strap bombs on themselves and blow up other kids. Do Jews carry banners that say,"Slay those that insult Judaism?" Look at some of the "peace" protests you folks have done, all kinds of horrid banners are being carried. Now, do you have the freedoms in Britain, France, and other countries to carry those banners? Yes, but in muslim countries are those same freedoms given to others? No! A cartoon in a Danish newspaper depicted Mohammed in a bad way and what happened? Millions of "peace-loving" islamists were calling for the head of the person who wrote it! And, of course they would when you see a banner(like, the one in Britain!) saying,"Behead those who insult Islam!" Mohammed taught that to convert from Islam let him be killed. Scores of koranic passages teach violence against the non-muslim. Mohammed himself tortured, kidnapped and slaughtered many. Who is doing the hating here? Truth is, YOU MUSLIMS HATE THE TRUTH BECAUSE IT DEMOLISHES THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO STAND ON AND THAT'S A RELIGION THAT TEACHES IT'S PEOPLE TO HATE OTHER PEOPLE. Your comment itself shows the underlying anger of muslims and only proves that it is YOU folks that are doing the hating here!
Name: To my anti-islamist friends...
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 01:30:59 -0500
Name: Paul Adam
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 20:54:58 -0500
I think all of the ex-Muslims and those of you who have tasted the bitterness of Islam should listen to lecture of Hamza Yusuf who is a convert to Islam. his website thankyou p.Adam
Name: what made taslima nasrin and salman rushdi to rebell
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 01:53:28 -0500
what made taslima nasrin and salman rushdi to rebell aginst islam and its dangers cult?just one thing hat they started enquire about the truth and morals ratonality.Every human can do this.I hope evry muslim will do this soon.Even wild animals in the zoo are made to learn.then why can'nt muslims made to learn the rational thinking and truth.Once a muslim starts to think then no one can stop him from liberating from mad islam.He surely understand mohammad suffeed from schizophrenia and entire Quron is his hallucinatrions.
Name: gursharan Jolly
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 23:01:54 -0500
A classic example of the closed , inward looking muslim mind is what happened during the siege of Mecca 1979 .Khomeini started a rumour that the besiegers were American and Israelis .In no time the US embassy in Pakistan was destroyed , the embassy in Dacca also came under attack by muslim mobs . The problem with islam is the traditional practise to comment on events by half baked clerics during friday prayers , no other religion has this practise .
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 16:08:48 -0500
You should not have attributed the wrong doings of the children of men to Islam. I agree that many of whom claim to represent the religion of God are far from knowing what Islam really is, but so are you...
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 18:43:36 -0500
I would like to know how to email this article to some friends?
Name: To Paul Adam and no name...
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:25:12 -0500
Paul Adam first:it's funny how Muslims will often say,"you don't know what true Islam is all about" trying to deceive us in the West of it's true intentions. Fact is, these people(and many others!) grew up in Islam, studied Islam,went to mosques, went on pilgrimages, etc and SAW WHAT ANY THINKING PERSON WOULD SEE:THAT ISLAM IS A CULT AND SHOULD BE ABANDONED. WE NON-MUSLIMS HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF A TASTE OF ISLAM THANK YOU VERY MUCH(LIKE MUSLIMS SERVING HUMAN CRAP TO "INFIDELS") AND IT LITERALLY TASTES LIKE CRAP! To No Name(if I wrote something so stupid, I'd want to leave my name out too!): True Islam. Funny, whenever one mentions the many verses in the quran that call for violence you say that "this was only during a special circumstance." A "special circumstance"? So, all the quran should be thrown out for it no longer applies for today. Also, tell this to your thousands of Mullahs around the world(some have been caught in US and Britain) who are calling on bloodshed for the "infidel" that they are wrong...What makes you a better islamist than they are. Also, tell that to the Muslim leader who denounced 9/11 while in the US and promoted it when he got back to his own country! Islamists will often blame what they do on someone else:"Kill the enemy of your friend." Well, when you do that, that person's country also becomes your enemy but islamists can't see that logic for logic is not in them. WE KNOW WHAT MOHAMMED DID AND TAUGHT:"ANYONE WHO CONVERTS TO ANOTHER RELIGION LET HIM BE KILLED!" AND WE THINKING PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO BE INTIMIDATED BY THUGS! A FORMER MUSLIM SAID THAT ISLAM WILL COLLAPSE ON ITSELF, MAY WE SEE MORE OF THAT AS PEOPLE STAND UP AND SAY,"ENOUGH OF THIS MADNESS!" JUST TICK OFF A MUSLIM(like the article in the Danish newspaper which millions of Muslims called for the guy's head!) and see what happens! LOOK AT SO-CALLED "PEACE" PROTESTS FROM MUSLIMS AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT TRUE ISLAM IS ABOUT. SIGNS(NOT MAKING THIS UP-I'VE SEEN THESE SIGNS WITH MY OWN EYES!) THAT SAY THINGS SUCH AS,"Freedom can go to hell."(a Muslim I used to live in the same house as him said that this country has "too many freedoms"). "Behead those who insult Islam(such as we saw with Salman Rushdie and the Danish newspaper). "Europe you will pay, 9/11 is on it's way. "9/11 was only a warning." "Slay those who insult Islam.", etc. TRUTH IS, WHEN ONE SEES ISLAM AND WHAT IT'S F(L)OUNDER DID(KILLED, RAPED, TORTURED, MARRIED A 6 YEAR OLD GIRL CONSUMATING IT WHEN SHE WAS 9 YEARS OLD TO ACCOMODATE MOHAMMED'S TINY PENIS!) WE SEE WHAT TRUE ISLAM IS AND WE DON'T WANT IT! A FORMER MUSLIM GAVE A WORD IN ISLAM(are you all reading this? This is important!) that means that it is okay to lie as long as it justifies the means. Islamists will continue to lie when they know what their religion teaches but will continue to lie as they try to decieve the West continuing to lie as they go!
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 23:37:55 -0500
the "logic" of islamists. So, Mohammed married a 6 year old girl so that gives a TOP muslim cleric the ability to declare that it is "okay to marry young girls." So, Mohammed mutilated people, slaughtered them, kidnapped them and tortured husbands in front of their wives so this gives Muslims the same "right" to do this! Mohammed taught that,"anyone who converts away from Islam should be killed." So, this gives Muslims the "right" to kill those who turn from Islam(like, the Muslim father who recently cut out his daughter's tongue and burned her to death after she converted to Christianity). Muslim clerics hate the freedoms that Western women have such as the ability to show their face and hair so they defend the gang-rapes of non muslim women by muslim men saying it's the "fault of the women for not wearing a burka!" "Allah(the pagan-moon God of the Arabians) doesn't love non muslims" so this gives muslims the "right" to put human feces in food served at muslim owned restaurants, pastry shops and donut shops? Women are "toys", Mohammed said, so a this gives muslim men the "right" to grope, pinch, force to have sex and rape a muslim woman even burning her alive calling it "an honor killing?" After all, she's only a "toy." Mohammed couldn't control himself in the least bit so women have had to suffer for it since his miserable existence? WHAT THE CRAP IS WRONG WITH THOSE "PEOPLE?"
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 22:06:31 -0500
LET'S LOOK AT SOME OF THE FRUITS OF ISLAM AROUND THE WORLD:1)Mohammed married a 6 year old girl and had sex with her at 9(when her vagina had grown big enough for his tiny penis).2)A TOP muslim cleric says muslim men can marry young girls.3)Gang rapes of non-muslim women by muslim men in the Netherlands, Australia, Austria, Germany, France, Norway/Sweden.4)A Muslim cleric defends the gang rapes in Scandinavia saying it's the "women's fault for not wearing a burka."5)Muslim restaurant/donut shop/pastry owners putting human crap in food-even in children's birthday cakes!6)Terrorism around the world.7)Stupid "excuses" for those terrorist acts that happen around the world.8)Quran telling muslims it's okay to beat their wives EVEN IF THEY "FEAR" rebellion in their wives[islamists say they can't leave a red mark though.Though the quran doesn't make this stipulation it's STILL beating even if it did!]9)Muslims can confine their wives to their rooms as long as they want.10)Throwing gasoline on women and setting them ablaze is called an "honor killing."11)The majority of those in hell are said to be women!12)The founder of Islam refers to women as "toys."13)Women FORCED TO WEAR A BURKA![an idiotic muslim says,"what about nuns?"First of all, nuns wear what they wear by CHOICE and their leaders don't refer to them as "toys."14)It takes two women to equal one man's testimony in Islam.15)Because of their emotions, women are thought to be less intelligient then men.16)A wife can be forced not to breast feed her baby by a previous husband by her new husband since it may "interfere with her slavery to her new husband."17)A husband's sexual desire must be met at once even if she is cooking something. Anything about her sexual desires?no.18)If a wife dies in a state where she is not pleasing to her husband she goes to hell "for he is her paradise and her hell."19)"If a woman shows her face and hair that makes her a prostitute."20)Muslims on Arab TV recruit terrorists.21)Muslim video games have kids playing the roles of blowing up "infidels."22)Muslim "peace" protests have muslims carrying banners which say,"Behead those who insult Islam," "Slay those who insult Islam!" "Execute those who insult Islam!" "Europe you will pay, 9/11 is on its way!" "9/11 is only a warning!" "Freedom can go to hell." "Islam will dominate the world!" etc.23)Muslim leader promotes jihad against the infidel in his own country after he denounced it in U.S.24)Word in Islam that means it's okay to lie as long as it justifies the means."25)Muslims expect us in the West not to denounce terrorist acts as crimes against humanity.26)Just tick off a Muslim and see what happens!(like the cartoon in Danish newspaper where islamists around the world were calling for the poor guy's head!).27)I think I forgot one and will be ticked off at myself when I remember it! 28)Muslim cleric says Mickey Mouse is the "servant of Satan."[by the way, pal. Mickey Mouse was drawn by Walt Disney in 1928 on a train ride to Los Angeles. Do you say that because Minnie is not forced to wear a burka?!])29)Camel "beauty contest" in Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia shows the backwardness of these people.[is the camel who won going to have to wear a burka because men may lust after it?]30)Muslim women are pinched, groped, raped and burned alive.[why don't men have to wear a burka since there may be women out there who don't want to control themselves by the way?]31)Etc! NOW, IF A TREE IS KNOWN BY IT'S FRUIT THEN ISLAM IS A ROTTEN, HORRID AND DESPICABLE TREE!
Name: Heng
Date: Thursday January 22, 2009
Time: 04:18:26 -0500
Hi Dr. Omar, I am great you have been enlightened by your rationality and impartiality. It is sad that many of the muslim and even non muslim of the world,worst of all many of the muslim and non muslim leaders of the world still believed Islam is a religion of peace and do the very best to defend this religion. I would encourage you to continue to spread your message, especailly to those world leaders, including Obama. You should continue to post your message into the leaders of muslim and non muslim world. One of the leaders that I would encourage your to reform him is Mahathir Mohamad, the former prime minister of Malaysia.
Date: Friday January 23, 2009
Time: 00:12:36 -0500
...not to mention the horrible human rights abuses in coutries where Islam is dominate. The leader of Iran said he would,"stamp out Christianity." Churches and synagogues are burned down, Christians are sold into slavery by Muslims in Sudan, Christian daughters are raped or worse, kidnapped and Christians(especially Christian dads) are killed by Islamists.
Name: David
Date: Friday January 23, 2009
Time: 10:12:17 -0500
Your article Omar is so level headed and even handed. Passionate emotionalism, such as that meted out in some of the letters below, is dangerous. I often wish the Muslim community, or shall I say those of Muslim extraction, presented a better face to the Western public. I have many Muslim friends, at varying levels of involvement with Islam, and not a crazy terrorist among them. I wish you would write more, and in forums that reach a wide public!
Name: To David from Dr Zia
Date: Friday January 23, 2009
Time: 12:45:39 -0500
Thank you for your comments David. Unfortunately to reach a wider audience I have to dilute my thoughts and thoughts to such an extent that I am unable to do justice to them. As they say, truth is a bitter pill and the muslim dominated press or even liberal press is unable to swallow it.
Name: David...
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 00:28:28 -0500
The Saudi Cleric who said it's okay for men to marry young girls is not a "crazy terrorist" either perhaps but a deranged nut! Just tick off Muslims(like, the millions who called for the head of the guy in the Danish newspaper) and see what happens. Also, when Muslims are the minority in a country they will APPEAR nice, etc. But, the underlying fact is that every Muslim wants Islam to dominate the world and if they adhere to the Quran then this happens by any means necessary.
Name: Dont loose hope
Date: Saturday January 24, 2009
Time: 19:27:38 -0500
If i am not wrong, islam advocates and permits inbreeding.. so in a way, islam is building a grave for muslims because their gene pool gets constricted everytime they inbreed.. their resistance to disease is going to come down and eventually an outbreak of some communicable disease is going to wipe them out. and yet they will say there is science in Koran.. Any of you Zakir naik fans, please get an explanation from that 40+ man with a brain of a 10 year old..
Name: To above...
Date: Sunday January 25, 2009
Time: 19:49:59 -0500
Well, anyway to get rid of them is fine with me!
Name: Wg Cdr Rajeeve Lochan
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 08:20:10 -0500
Well said Dr Zia
Name: al-iskandar
Date: Friday January 30, 2009
Time: 00:30:45 -0500
I live in Canada. I always wondered why Muslims worldwide continue to behave in patterns that don't make sense while criticizing our society. Then I read the Koran and now I get it. I understand why polio is returning after almost being eradicated. Muslims don't believe people are trying to help them because the Koran tells them to do the opposite. People here don't want to hear anything bad about Muslims, because it's just like you say: they think it's Christianity plus Mohammad. I am glad to read testimony like yours to see that there is hope for reason and compassion because it just makes sense. In a world of nuclear weapons, we cannot afford to hate. Peace to you and good luck.
Name: Sharia law in Canada?
Date: Friday January 30, 2009
Time: 19:38:29 -0500
There is a bit of a movement among some Muslim leaders to institue Sharia law in Canada for Muslim offenders. This is very difficult to understand given that the whole reason they came to Canada, either as legitamate immigrants or as refugees, was to find a better life than the one they left behind. Many of the intolerable conditions they fled are a result of Islamic thinking and culture. And what are those Sharia proponents saying? That if a Muslim is caught stealing, he will be dealt with in a "Canadian Islamic court"? Do they actually expect two systems of justice operating simultaneously and independantly of each other? This is absurd.
Date: Saturday January 31, 2009
Time: 00:53:46 -0500
Due to a 15 year investigation, the FBI has learned that CAIR(who wants to impose Islam on America) is linked to the terrorist group, Hamas. The co-founder of CAIR admitted that the aim of "CAIR" is to be the dominant religion in the US. Now, we see more for what they really are, a terrorist supporing organization that wants to impose the hideous, barbaric bull-crap cult of Islam on America!
Name: ACLU and Muslim school in Minnesota
Date: Saturday January 31, 2009
Time: 00:56:52 -0500
In probably the ONLY time I will ever support the ACLU, the ACLU is suing a Muslim school in Minnesota. This school(along with a Muslim school in Virginia) was CAUGHT promoting "jihad against the infidels" in their textbooks. For those who live in this country, this hate is being spread in mosques and schools across America! ISLAM IS SCOURGE TO HUMANITY!
Name: First you use then you abuse
Date: Saturday January 31, 2009
Time: 12:52:44 -0500
Islamic activists operate the same way the Nazi regime did in Germany in the 1930s by taking advantage of freedoms granted in a democratic society to get established, and then once in power they deny these same freedoms to others.
Name: Abdul Quiyum
Date: Sunday February 01, 2009
Time: 08:48:21 -0500
After reading your stuffs i could only say "Allah took away your common sense.". Say sorry to Allah and turn around or He will disgrace you both here and hereafter.
Name: Re : Abdul Quiyum
Date: Sunday February 01, 2009
Time: 12:03:17 -0500
Go back and read what you wrote and tell us who it is who is totally illogical. If "Allah took away Dr. Zia's common sense", as you have stated, then how does your suggestion that he apologize to Allah change what you say Allah has already decreed? According to you, Dr. Zia is a puppet with no free will and no conscience if his anti-Islamic stand is the result of Allah taking away his common sense. Apologize for what if he can't help it? Is this Islamic logic?
Name: Go Netanyahu!
Date: Monday February 02, 2009
Time: 00:35:46 -0500
Benjamin Netanyahu is someone who will truly stand up to Islamist-terrorist attacks on Israel. Right now he is leading in the polls, hopefully he will be prime minister again Feb. 8th!
Name: Peter
Date: Thursday February 12, 2009
Time: 00:35:46 -0500
Isn't it funny...
How for years Islamists denied Mohammed married a 6 year old girl. Now, they
have to come up with clever excuses to "justify" this pedophilic activity. We
even now have a top Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia declaring that it's okay for
men to marry young girls! So, if Mohammed's pedophilia (now admitted after years
of denial!) will murder and bloodshed (now denied!) be endorsed when Muslims are
forced to admit this fact as well?!