Islam Simplified: A Pile of Stinking Garbage
02 Jan, 2009
Let me apologize in advance for I will take up a minute of your time to tell you, first of all, about myself in this article.
The past three-and-a-half years has been the most traumatic of my life. I have been ostracized, called deaf, dumb and blind, threatened and even begged, cursed and prayed at to come to my senses. The more I was subjected to the above the more I became determined to get to the bottom of my predicament. I call it my predicament because I was most bewildered as to why my own loved ones have gone against me. My friends abandoned me, my relatives scorned me, even my wife of 15 married years threatened to leave me. The people, who did not even know me, sent me emails threatening dire consequences in this world and afterlife. They prayed for my early death and scorching in hellfire for eternity. But all that is past me. Since writing the previous two articles, I have been subjected to levels of hate previously unknown. If cyberspace was capable of shredding one into barbequed pieces of chewed up and spat out meat, I would resemble that. Receiving this huge smack in the Cyberface has prompted me to explain my understanding of Islam in simplified terms; I urge all "alleged" Muslims to refute me in a logical manner, if they please.
Islam may be many things for many people from different sects, but one thing on which every sect of Islam will agree, and which is beyond dispute, is the "five-pillar" theory. Those five pillars are:
Belief (Reciting Kulma)
Prayers (5 mandatory prayers during the course of the day)
Fasting (30 day mandatory period)
Zakat (2.5% alms given from ‘income’)
Hajj (Once a lifetime pilgrimage)
It is these five pillars on which Islam is supposed to be resting upon. The absurdity of a ‘belief’ resting on rituals is as diabolical as the idea of transubstantiation. For now, let's move on to the rituals of Islam and how they may be beneficial or not for humanity as a whole.
I implore the Muslim readers for a moment to just think, think
for a moment about the vastness of our universe, the complexity of
its function, the time of its existence, the wonder of life arising
on speck of dust called earth (as well as the probability of life
arising on another billion planets in hundreds of billions of
galaxies similar to ours) and then imagine a Being which runs all
that. How complex and how vast that imagined Being must be. Even the
comparison in size between me and the ants living in my garden is
beyond scale by millions of time. Can you imagine that Being caring
an iota about a microscopic and most inferior being ‘believing’ in
it or not. Its existence would not require confirmation or the
threats of eternal torture for non compliance. If it existed it
would be totally free of such needs. It’s like you creating an army
of robots and started torturing them for an eternity for not
believing in you. Allah the sadist is not that Being.
The 5 times a day prayers are a most mind numbing ritual for the
simple reason that little minority that practice it do not know what
they are reciting even the ones who are familiar with Arabic. The
first Surah recited in that is Surah Fatihah in which the reciter is
praying to Allah to send him on a straight path. That Surah is a
prayer and therefore does not belong in Quran. One of the many
smaller Surahs which are often recited by Muslims in these prayers
is 111. It is full of curses. The other small surahs are also
meaningless and devoid of any piety and contain abstract verses. No
Muslim knows what they are reciting and the repetitive and
incomprehensibleness of this forces the mind to wonder to anything
but Allah. Multiply this boredom and also just imagine reciting
Surah 33 and Surah 66 detailing Muhammad’s sex affairs during
travehs in Ramadan.
There are many other unsolvable puzzles created by an ignorant Muhammad in the prayers. I list some of them below.
Direction of Kaaba: How do you determine that in a world which is round! Even from only a thousand mile away from Mecca you are pointing towards the space and not Kaaba.
Closer to Polar ends: How do you read five prayers at different intervals in a world which does not have equal days and nights and in some regions night and day run into months rather than 24 hour period.
Five times a day Ablution: Does this make them any cleaner? Certainly not. In my travels around the muslim world I have yet to come across a clean muslim country barring the oil rich Emirates who can afford to hire an army of slaves from the subcontinent to keep their little emirates clean. This is also such a waste of scarce water resource (mercifully most Muslims ignore call for prayers) and what a pain it could be for Muslim Eskimos to do that in their freezing surroundings.
Determining the time of prayers: How do you determine the time of prayers under cloud cover. Did Muhammad foresee the invention of clocks? Muslims even resisted the use of loud speakers for Azan at the advent of that invention. Why do they use the clock to determine the time of prayers?
Finally to think that the alleged creator of this magnificent
universe wants humans to forego normal life and pray to him all
their life and become his slaves is an insult to our evolved
For those who are not familiar with this ritual of Islam, fasting is done for around 30 days every year. The month of fast falls 10 days behind preceding year, every year, due to Muhammad Lunacy of basing his year on Lunar calendar. Hardly any muslim uses that calendar.
During fast you are not allowed food or water from sunrise till sunset.
Once again the crazed deity called Allah wants his creation suffered in immeasurable terms.
It never fails to amaze me how during normal times my wife gets upset if she fails to have dinner table ready when the children come home from school. She wants them fed and watered immediately. But during fasting month she scorns us for refusing to fast and makes us feel guilty the whole month. To my gentle queries as to why the mover of universe wants its puny beings starved and suffered, she has no answer. The sadistic Allah has a very peculiar satanic affect on her.
Fasting is proven to be bad for health. Our metabolic system requires food at intervals rather than gorging twice a day. I have personally seen most rich Arabs in Saudi Arabia and Emirates sleep all day after closing fast and gorge all night on ‘all night buffets’, while the poor muslims from subcontinent build their countries while suffering with hunger and thirst due to demonic
Allah’s unjust edicts.
When I am in Pakistan, I often come across people who bemoan the fact that prices of edibles go up with the advent of Ramadan. When I tell them that prices only go up when demand is high against a constant supply and perhaps people eat more rather than less during Ramadan they just look at me as if I am mad.
Would it not be great if governments can run all their affairs on 2.5% collection of taxes to maintain all the essential services in the country? Can any Muslim show me a country which only collects this amount of tax? The truth is that this tax was levied by Muhammad and his cohorts without any thought or planning. It was basically an afterthought once income from ghazwas (robbing expeditions, which provided 20%) began to decline.
Most civilized countries which provide cradle to grave services for its citizens levy almost 60% taxes. Even the Islamic Jamhooria of Pakistan which provides hardly any services to its citizens levies 15% basic income tax, almost 6 times more than the absurd amount of Islamic tax.
But let’s see what effect this lip service to Zakat has on normal people.
Before the 1st of Ramadan people in Pakistan empty their bank accounts so the government cannot charge Zakat from their savings. They then take some of that money and stock up on alcoholic beverages as the wine shops are closed during Ramadan.
They gather in their droves at the banks to sign a form for Zakat exemption. The banks take advantage of this by charging Rs 100 for that form.
The spectacle of poor queuing up on rich peoples palatial houses for bits of food and money handed out in Zakat is a sad and despicable sight and a most degrading experience for the poor. This shameful spectacle is on display in most Muslim countries.
Even more shameful is the fact that according to almost all
Islamic Scholars Zakat cannot be used for the welfare of non-muslims.
How much more Islam has to show its ugly head before Muslims realize
that this religion or cult cannot be from an all encompassing all
loving being.
This ritual, filled with satanic practices, to me as I have personally experienced it, is the most absurd and self serving of all. According to Siratunnabi, the only authentic portrayal of life of Muhammad, the confirmation of Kaaba being the abode of almighty mover and shaker of universe, Allah, came in shape of a note buried under the stones of Kaaba. The only problem was that the note was in Syriac and not Arabic. Perhaps Allah did not know Arabic when he buried the note. As the pagan Arabs were illiterate, a learned Jew had to translate the note.
On my visit to Mecca many years ago I was aghast at the spectacle of people cutting the throats of various animals and throwing them in a large dug out pit to be sanded over later on. I was blamed of cowardice when I opted to pay the money over a counter to a charity which promised to cut the animal on my behalf and ship the tinned meat to poor Muslim countries. He emphasized on Muslim countries. When I asked my group leader why more people did not opt for this more saner option I was contemptuously told that Allah preferred to see the blood there and then by the hands of the Hujjaj. Bonkers. Absolutely bonkers.
Kissing the black stone was another hurdle which I refused to cross. Please don’t blame me for that. Even Umar the most psychopathic follower of Muhammad, according to an ahadith narration, kissed it but only after proclaiming that he is doing it because Muhammad did it otherwise he knew that this stone was lifeless.
At the ritual of throwing pebbles at the Satan I was aghast at the zeal of some Muslims. They were building a purposeful but comical rage and throwing pebbles, stones, coins, shoes, anything. I was once again blamed of being a coward as I was throwing the pebbles half heatedly and gently to avoid hurting anybody else. Later on the pebbles are picked up by the bulldozers and replaced where they came from!
Look at the economic side. It costs 250,000 Pak rupees a person to perform Hajj. The main beneficiaries of this money spent is Saudi Arabia and some Chinese companies which make the Tasbihs and prayer mats for the Hajis to bring back in their thousands for handing out to relatives. One does not have to be a mathematician to work out that this is another way of exploiting Muslims outside of Arabia. Once again that cunning Allah has duped the non Arab Muslims. Is it any wonder Muhammad claimed that his tribe is the most favored of all Muslims?
So there you have it. My definition of Islam. Feel
free to hurl as many threats and insults at me as you can; but
before you do that, think for a second. If you take away these
nonsensical rituals away from Islam what else is left? Take a look.
Underneath these pillars there is nothing but a stinking pile of
stones with rules for subjugation of slaves, women, non-Muslims and
other civilizations. You may even find some piety among the rubble
sneaked in for appearance's sake but it is not worth bothering with.
One can always be good just because it is good to be good rather
than to please a demented duo: Muhammad and Allah.
Are these the reasons that Muslims are at the bottom rung of civilization?
Are these the reasons that makes Muslim countries the most illiterate, filthiest, most corrupt and hypocritical?
Just for a change, do some critical thinking and self-inspection.
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Dr. Omar Zia is a Pakistani-born ex-Muslim.
Name: osho says
Date: Thursday January 01, 2009
Time: 23:00:21 -0500
you are absolutely right to say that poor people are scapegoat in islam.So called reach people have no mercy on poor people.They want these people to do jihad.Have you seen any rich person who are interesting in jihad operation bodily.They just sit in there palatial house and plan.Poor people fulfill their wishes.Just lke communist they are nothing to loose.Chances are more to gain in this life or in jannat where beutiful virgins are waiting for them.Thanks for simplified islam.
Name: osho says already
Date: Thursday January 01, 2009
Time: 23:01:23 -0500
you are absolutely right to say that poor people are scapegoat in islam.So called reach people have no mercy on poor people.They want these people to do jihad.Have you seen any rich person who are interesting in jihad operation bodily.They just sit in there palatial house and plan.Poor people fulfill their wishes.Just lke communist they are nothing to loose.Chances are more to gain in this life or in jannat where beutiful virgins are waiting for them.Thanks for simplified islam.
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Thursday January 01, 2009
Time: 23:13:52 -0500
Well written and very well thought out article. I can understand the pain of living in a country of oalfs where you can even raise your opinions. Thank you Mr. Zia
Name: Word of Encouragement for a Change/ IK
Date: Thursday January 01, 2009
Time: 23:37:55 -0500
Dr. Zia, well said. Thank you brother. When a man or a woman start to think critically, Islam has no chance. It is full of lies, deception, evil and just pure nonsense.
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 01:54:34 -0500
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 02:32:12 -0500
Dear Omar Zia, before 9/11 I thought that Islam was a good and sensible religion because I had met Muslims who were nice and good people. You were probably one of them. After 9/11, I studied Islam and found that Islam is a very vile religion. So I have been trying to convince nice Muslims that they are not authentic Muslims simply because they are not following the perverted passages within The Muslim War Manual, i.e., the Qur'an and other vile documents of Islam. If we can convince nice Muslims that they are not true Muslims, we'll make a lot of progress with them. The nice Muslims think that the evil Muslims, who are creating havoc all over the world, have hijacked Islam. You and I know that this isn't the case. It is the evil Muslims who are the true Muslims simply because they put into practice, and are following the evil precepts that Islam teaches. So, in reality, it is the nice Muslims who have hijacked Islam. If we can convince the nice Muslims that they were never true adherents of Islam, then, it will be easy for them to "leave" Islam. I put leave in quotations marks because, in reality, the nice Muslims NEVER ENTERED Islam. Thats right. The Muslims who have been nice all along NEVER ENTERED ISLAM. Many of the nice Muslims are confused. When the nice Muslims contemplate "leaving" Islam, they feel guilty, probably break out in a sweat, and go into spasms and contortions. The nice so-called Muslims don't have to feel guilty. Why feel guilty if they were never true Muslims? Do nice Muslims believe they should practice the following? Let me quote a few passages from The Muslim War Manual, that is, the Qur'an: "Infidels are your sworn enemies," (Sura 4 Verse 101). "Make war on the infidels around you,"(Sura 9 Verse 123 and Sura 66 Verse 9). "Be ruthless to the infidels,"(Sura 48 Verse 29). "Fight those who believe not Allah nor the Last Day,"(Sura 9 Verse 29. "Strike off the heads of infidels in battle,"(Sura 47 Verse 4). "Take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends,"(Sura 5 Verse 61 and Sura 60 Verse 13). "Never be a helper to the disbelievers,"(Sura 28 Verse 26). "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them," (Sura 2 Verse 191). "The unbelievers are the worst beasts in the eyes of Allah," (Sura 8 Verse 55). There are many, many more vile passages in the historical documents of Islam. Dear nice Muslims, since you have never put the evil passages above into practice, you don't have to feel guilty if you are contemplating "leaving" Islam. The truth remains that if you were truly nice, then, you were never an Islamist. I hope you can understand that. Thank you and may the Cause of all causes bless you.
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 02:35:20 -0500
Great article Dr Omar Zia and welcome to the human race. As per your wife's attitude, I had the same problem with mine and finally dumped her to enjoy some peace and quiet. No regrets. As per the fasting ritual,one of the reasons given for it according to Muslim apologists is that it teaches compassion for the poor so that the rest of us can feel what it is like to be poor and hungry. If this is so, then WHY do the poor also have to fast and are not exempt? This doesn't make sense. What lesson does starving even more make in their sad lives? As for the other so-called health benefits of fasting, why do so many more Muslims die during Ramadan than any other time of the year? If a Muslim cannot fast because of ill-health he/she is supposed to feed the hungry. What about the ill poor people who cannot afford to feed themselves and their families let alone anyone else? Do they go the hell? As for the 5 times daily prayers, people who are severely crippled are forced to do a sort of bowing at the waist. But guess what - their prayers have less merit with allah than the full prostration. So allah creates crippled people and then he penalises them for being crippled. And we are supposed to believe that this allah is merciful? What a sick joke!
Name: ZAKIR KAFIR - ERR KASKAR [ LOL ] hello my brother omar....u r 100% right !!!
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 03:02:59 -0500
hello omarji,i am zakir from kafiristan india.i live in a city called mumbai.i am a doctor by profession.not unani,but real doctor.when studing emdicine and science i found islam incompatible to my life and simply left it bcoz : IF A REAL GOD CREATED A BOOK IT MUST BE 100% CORRECT,BUT STUDYING KORAN SHOWS ITS INCORRECT AND THUS KORAN CANT BE FROM A REAL GOD.allah maybe arab deity but he surely is not my god at all.i asked the same question abt eskimos to some mulla he almost killed me this happened in 1992, [ lol ] today this mulla is also apostate [ lol ],after he sees isw [ so thanks to god=truth ].i have only 1 problem i am stuck with an arabic name and although my indian friends know i am apostate,many times people see me with suspision no wonder when arabs and their slaves raped and killed for 1400 yrs today hjindus r vary of anything arabic/islamic.GREAT ARTICLE,PLS CARY ON THE DIVINE WORK OF EXPOSING TRUTH.
Name: good one., words other than that...
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 03:21:23 -0500
good one,no words other than that.i see more and more good stuff happening islam is doomed to collapse in next yew years for sure,just gotta push it harder and will fall for sure.
Name: continuum
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 04:08:36 -0500
I do not know how this feels to be rejected by one's own family. It should be painful indeed. I wish happy and peaceful new year life for Dr. Omar and others.
Name: Raj Khanna
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 04:16:00 -0500
Islam is Killing cult created by a criminal for criminals . The five pillars are nothing but attempt to give human face to this evil cult to lure people in. Once inside you are trapped in it.
Name: VERY GOOD SITE : www.muhammadtube com
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 06:18:42 -0500
very briliant site : www.muhammadtube com
Name: Zakat
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 06:31:47 -0500
For example, what is a Zakat good for if we have full employment and developed health and social systems where nobody needs to beg for anything? Does Allah want to have poor followers? Why not a job for everybody? Islam needs poor idiots for jihad.
Name: eskimo ki gand ki kulfi jam gaiee...hahahahahaaaa
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 06:41:26 -0500
eskimo ki gand ki kulfi jab gai....hahahahahaaa....if eskimo were muslim and needed to wash their hands for fake prayer or wash after shitting theyr hands legs or their asses wud be frozen over---lol lol lol !!!
Name: infidel
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 06:53:34 -0500
Omar ji. Hats off to you. Excellent article laced with delicate satire.One of the best I have read.I liked your words, One can always be good just because it is good to be good.
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 07:54:16 -0500
Brother, there is no need to be apologetic about your Arabic name.The Arabic language was not invented by Allah and his sidekick Mohammad.This name was chosen for you by your parents.There is nothing to be sorry about.
Name: Interested Bystander
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 09:04:58 -0500
Marvelous article dr. Zia. People like me living in the West are not allowed to write such articles. We will be accused of racism. Hope to read more articles from your hand.
Name: DH
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 09:57:32 -0500
"and what a pain it could be for Muslim Eskimos to do that in their freezing surroundings."....Good point. The prostrating eskimo would find his forhead superglued to the dreadfully cold ice and could only release himself at the cost of ripping his brow off. Why didn't Allah think of this? If one didn't KNOW he was the omniscient creator of everything, one might think he was merely the imaginary friend of a seventh century Arab who had never even HEARD of snow and ice.
Name: DH
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 10:01:55 -0500
"Would it not be great if governments can run all their affairs on 2.5% collection of taxes to maintain all the essential services in the country? Can any Muslim show me a country which only collects this amount of tax?"...Yes even the western lunatic free market right have had to drop the dream of such a low tax rate (except for the super rich who pay nothing) on grounds of practicality. Russia tried it but they only ended up with a different more nasty tax system run by ex-speznatz men.
Name: kaba shikan,islam shikan,koran shikan,allah shikan arab shikan
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 10:37:51 -0500
kaba shikan,islam shikan,koran shikan,allah shikan arab shikan.
Name: 6 month fasting due to 6 month day and nite
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 10:41:18 -0500
al khanzeer koran/allah/arabs say that in so called ramzan,u shud starve in day and eat at in north pole where its day for 6 months and nite for 6 months how do they go about this ? or in space where the spacecraft moves around earth every 90 mins,and there is sunrise and sunset every 90 mins,what to do ? why khanzeer allah neevr thought abt this ? bcoz allah is imaginary and muhamed created fake allah and he created fake rules.
Name: Tony
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 11:24:35 -0500
absolutely lovely article!
Name: Very nice article!
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 16:46:11 -0500
It suggests that many muslims from Pakistan and India are only muslims because they don´t like to be Hindu which would mean that they have to belong to a lower cast or even to become an intouchable. Do you agree?
Name: Ilham Abdullah, exmuslim
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 18:26:16 -0500
Good article. Ilham Abdullah is an abbreviation of my ONCE islamic name. Self-dishonesty, ignorance of facts, lack of vast personal experience, and fear, are just some of the reasons that hold people back from leaving islam. Many experience harassment and threats when leaving islam - This is what the religion produces. The price one must pay for their integrity and freedom.
Name: duh_swami
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 20:12:35 -0500
Fasting...Mohmmadan fasting is not fasting, it is just missing lunch. And oh how they suffer till they can gorge after sunset. Haha...That's the kind of fasting that's unhealthy Doctor. Other types of fasts have been show to be beneficial...Of course there is such a thing as over doing it, at which time it turns unhealthy...
Name: Zakir
Date: Friday January 02, 2009
Time: 21:46:50 -0500
Dr. Zia, while all that you say is true, and symptomatic of cults, I feel that there are far better reasons to leave Islam. If muslims were only doing stupid silly things, I would not have left Islam. I left Islam because Islam specifically, in no uncertain words, asks muslims to wage a cruel and inhuman war upon infidels for all time. Women are reduced to animal status. And our beloved "Prophet" was a very very fallen man, as recorded in Hadith and Sira. If one were to assess Muhammed, he would be a very low type of criminal. Every now and then you hear of criminals killed in prison, because even among criminals certain people are detested - such as child molesters etc. Muhammed was the lowest of the low.
Name: Indian Kufr
Date: Saturday January 03, 2009
Time: 02:12:11 -0500
Muslims boast that they do not worship idols; My few questions. i) If a shahada in arabic makes one a Muslim without knowing the meaning; is not the shahada and idol? ii) If a place in earth ( meccah ) is divine is it not an idol worship? iii) If a lnguage is divine is it not an idol language worship? iv) If a direction is divine is it not an idol? v) If one stone is divine( kaaba) and another stone is satanic is it not idol worship? vi) If dogs, donkeys,pigs and women can neutralise a prayer to allah is it not an idol worship?
Name: Mateus
Date: Saturday January 03, 2009
Time: 02:19:08 -0500
I,m sure the 5 pilars of islam were devised as a cunning ploy to divert people away from discovering the true nature of prophet mohammad .Because should people discover for themselves the true nature of this despicable excuse for a human being no one would ever give islam a second look .Be strong Dr zia and and best wishes in your domestic problems .
Name: Re: Indian Kufr
Date: Saturday January 03, 2009
Time: 05:50:46 -0500
I agree with you!!! And is the quran not also some kind of an idol? Hardly any muslim can read it, but they all worshipping it like an idol! It is even forbidden to throw it away if it is damaged - so what makes it different from idolatry? (Not to talk about the "holy Stone" in the Kaaba!)
Name: Wally
Date: Saturday January 03, 2009
Time: 14:15:43 -0500
I am afraid your analysis of Islam is correct. It is a vial, illogical religion. I often wonder why Islam says Jesus was a prophet yet his words of peace and giving are rejected by the rest of the Koran. A religion of hate and murder is no religion at all. Its very existance is a curse on humanity.
Name: at
Date: Saturday January 03, 2009
Time: 18:33:41 -0500
Good article. It is not easy to do critical thinking and self-inspection especially when you have grown up with the belief of being member of most righteous religion, a perfection of previous religions i.e. judaism and christianity especially if you are living in muslim majority country like pakistan. Normal human behaviour is to justify yourself especially if you are an intellectual; (how can I be wrong?)One needs to have courage to get out of ones confinement of belief and learn more about others' beliefs which a muslim cannot get while living in muslim majority countries. Therefore, I believe that all muslims are muslims because they are ignorant.I grew up in very spiritual environment in very well educated muslim family; my father had a law degree and a masters degree in islamic studies and so was my elder sister.I had a critical mind perhaps due to my education in science & technology and remember to argue with my father e.g. as to how and when islam became more righteous than christianity? But still it took me many years before I became convinced that islam is false and that too only thanks to my immigration to canada that gave me opportunity to argue religious beliefs with my christian coworkers and an opportunity to read bible myself. I remember getting angry at myself for being so ignorant; I felt as if I have been lied to all my life; feeling alla or allah, mohammad, muslims & quran being all liars; so many places in quran it says it is a book like the previus books given to Jesus & moses but I could not find any such thing in bible; nowhere Jesus said that today what I am saying is brought to me by angel gabriel and should be called quran but what I said yesterday is what I made up myself and should be called hadith; until I read 1JOHN2:22 which says: "Who is the Liar?(if it is not the one that denies that Jesus is the Christ)This is the antichrist,the one that denies the Father and the Son. I became sure that alla or allah,islam,mohammad,muslims,quran are the liars/antichrist mentioned in 1JOHN2:22 which was written many years before mohammad as a prophecy of the liar/antichrist comming and then becomming powerful till the end of time when the Christ will come back to destroy the antichrist & save humanity.All these websites like islam-watch are exposing the evilness of islam/muslims that will eventually destroy it/them. Please refer to my articles/blogs at:
Name: To at
Date: Saturday January 03, 2009
Time: 23:32:30 -0500
It is heartwarming to read your personal struggle against evil Islam. May enlightened people like you multiply in the Muslim world.
Name: Flex
Date: Sunday January 04, 2009
Time: 03:23:35 -0500
Well said. Mohammed was no prophet but he was no fool either. He made sure that he lived a good life at the expense of everybody else.
Name: pranit
Date: Sunday January 04, 2009
Time: 09:57:59 -0500
Garbage should be chucked into garbage bin and sh*t should be flushed in the toilet, in the same way the quran should be thrown into the trash can and islam should be flushed down the toilet.
Name: Bob Smith
Date: Sunday January 04, 2009
Time: 11:08:28 -0500
Mohammad was nothing more than a fast talking seventh century con man looking out for himself. He used false claims of religion for personal greed. His intellectual residue is Islam. The big flaw is that part of Mohammad’s madness included calls to violence and promises of eternal bliss for his most devout followers. These calls to violence have metastasized into what we see today as Islamic jihadi violence.
Name: Joe Kaffir
Date: Sunday January 04, 2009
Time: 15:14:26 -0500
Thank you for your courage and convictions.
Name: Henrik R Clausen
Date: Sunday January 04, 2009
Time: 16:21:08 -0500
Generosity is good - Zakat is bad (try Googling this) It's a breeding ground for deceit, corruption and funding of terrorism. It needs to be abolished, for it doesn't even benefit the poor in any significant way. On the contrary, it benefits the clerical elite who keep them in ignorance about rationality and their own potential.
Name: Gabriel
Date: Sunday January 04, 2009
Time: 17:39:23 -0500
Faith in God is a blessing; belief in religion is, all too often, a curse. God doesn't create religions; man does, and often for selfish or neurotic reasons. The more insecure, defensive and egotistical the authors of religion are, the more pathological the religion becomes. / Mature religions and cultures eventually give up the myth of domination and world conquest, or they don't survive. Islam is frozen in an immature state because it is a capital sin to change a word or to criticize Muhammad. / The Christian gospels were damaged because they were overlaid with an antisemitic message. (It was more politic to blame Jews than Romans if Christianity was to flourish in the Roman empire.) This led to brutal persecution of Jews and, ultimately, to the Holocaust. Modern Christian groups (except for a few die-hard holdouts among some fundamentalist and orthodox) educate their members to understand the context, and to avoid the literal reading that drove their ancestors to hate and cruelty. / But strict Koranic Islam forbids such interpretation and editing. "If Muhammad said it, it must be true." So Muslims are taught not only to hate, but that their hatred is righteous. And to dispute this is heresy. Islam is in desperate need of a reformation, yet of all world religions, it is the least likely to get one because of its "poison pill" prohibitions. / I wish blessings on all those who are committed to light, love and peace rather than to a book.
Name: Herman
Date: Sunday January 04, 2009
Time: 18:17:28 -0500
Dear Dr. Zia, Do you have any fear that your wife (or someone else) might try to murder you as you are an apostate?
Name: Philip Lowry
Date: Sunday January 04, 2009
Time: 19:57:58 -0500
Ignore the death-threats. Keep fighting the good fight, Doctor! Believe me, you've got a lot of friends here!
Name: tarek
Date: Sunday January 04, 2009
Time: 20:20:02 -0500
as a Muslim, I am not allowed to judge you. But if what you say is what you really believe, you are without a doubt, going to hell.
Name: ex-christian
Date: Monday January 05, 2009
Time: 00:19:01 -0500
I read your article with interest, particulary because what you said about that nonsensical concept that such a powerful being that created and rules this HUGE universe would care what we think about him/her/whatever is exactely what made me (among other things of course) an ex-christian. Christianity has a lot of blood on its hands. Fortunately it is mostly a history today. I am lucky that I may safely say "I am an atheist" and nobody will threaten to kill me. Its good to do good. It doesn't need an explanation nor justification. All the best for you.
Name: Ali
Date: Monday January 05, 2009
Time: 09:14:19 -0500
I do believe that there are crooks in many muslim countries. But that and your findings ensure the Believers that we are closer to Quimet. You have lost faith man, You have let ill-thinking prolapse your excellent knowledge (education) go to waste. Inshallah We will pray for you and your family. Stay honest and repent Inshallah. Salam.
Name: Saved1
Date: Monday January 05, 2009
Time: 12:43:04 -0500
Thank you for speaking out! Maybe it will do some good to rescue people from this destructive cult! To see the true face of islam look at
Name: Cassandra
Date: Monday January 05, 2009
Time: 15:31:05 -0500
I feel so relieved to read this. I was married to a muslim for more than 15 years and it took me so long to separate from the man and his thinking. I found no kindness, no love, no compassion and no decency in this religious cult. But I always thought this was due to my incorrect perception. Now I am convinced that this cult smothers all decent and noble and honest human sentiments. I even feel pity for my ex-husband, his ill manners and his rage, as I see he is the victim of an ideology that makes people worse than what they really are.
Name: Dr. Zakir Naik
Date: Monday January 05, 2009
Time: 15:53:54 -0500
Hey Dr. Zia, you can write all the articles you you want, nothing will change. Luckily true believers, who contribute to my income, refuse to listen to people like you for the fear of hellfire. Thus I continue to make millions from them brain dead zombies.
Name: Fowzia - True Muslim- (Canada)
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 21:15:50 -0500
Oh Dear! Aren't you just a pile of bullshit? Well to be frank Islam is NOT a religon on violence and to be even more frank, well this site is based on such lies, im starting to wonder if its all a joke. hmmm...i doubt anyone who says islam is not a peaceful relgon who holds no regard for the status of women, is an educated indivuail. I've wondered whether editor of this Site is at all educated...lord knows the amount of lies and unsupported truths on this site, not to mention the spelling mistakes... -Fowzia Sabtow P.S Dr.Zia - Cry me a river....
Name: Fowzia
Date: Tuesday January 06, 2009
Time: 21:22:08 -0500
Dude, you are so silly, so mislead. Its truly quite funny. please go do me, the world and yourself a favour, go and read the quraan, read the Sunnah and read it not to find fautls or holes but read it to educate yourself.
Name: talha
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 03:07:29 -0500
the article is full of a biased approach may the writer was subject to something very cruel.But dr. it dos't mean that you forget to think the other side.I advise you to read the islamic websites and quran and hadith even directly you will get the answers,and if you still dont understand then it means that you just want to express your anti-islamic views, nothing else.As your article is full of bad language and senseless arguments.InshaALLAH you wikll have to cry someday of your such views.May ALLAH give youthe courage to think something that is correct.
Name: Pedro Gomez
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 06:04:25 -0500
Islam is a cult of death!! This idiotic religion have caused death in every country it has been practiced. Where you have Islam, you have death and fear. Look at every armed conflict in the world right now,.. it is because of "the religion of peace" Islam! Muhamad was a con man and a camel screwing fool! He was a laughing stock in his time. Every one who believes in his crap is also a fool!
Name: Imperator
Date: Wednesday January 07, 2009
Time: 11:28:49 -0500
Excellent article :) Hopefully nice muslims will see the truth one day and abandon their 'religion'. Happy New Year
Name: Brian White
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 01:23:50 -0500
Dr. Zia, you would probably like to read "Prophet of Doom", written by a Craig Winn. However, it is almost 800 pages long! Peace be with you!
Name: The Hajj & the Kaaba
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 02:19:38 -0500
Islam claims to be against idols and yet Muslims are required to face Mecca (i.e. the Kaaba) 5 times per day when praying. Isn't bowing down to the Kaaba a form of idolatry? Also during the Hajj, isn't kissing the black stone another form of idolatry? It has been determined by scholars that the Hajj rituals were a pagan practice before Muhammad was even born. How did these pagan rituals make their way into the supposed anti-idolatry Islam? It does not add up.
Name: Susan W
Date: Thursday January 08, 2009
Time: 13:20:19 -0500
Excellent article Dr Zia! I am a 45 year old agnostic Australian woman and believe in equal rights and freedoms for all. I truly feel for you in your predicament and admire your courage as an apostate to broadcast your views about this abhorrent "religion" called Islam. I intend to direct as many people as possible to this site because too many believe that Islam is a religion of peace. I have been called a racist many times by the uninformed and politically correct because I have dared to speak out about Islam. However, I am in the fortunate position of being a Westerner (infidel) so I am not in danger of being murdered by "friends" or family for my views. Please keep up the good work. Your courage and integrity is admirable and you ARE making a difference. Susan W
Name: lw1 to Ali and Fowzia
Date: Friday January 09, 2009
Time: 17:47:25 -0500
Ali if you read the Quran again, you are not allowed to pray for an apostate. Fowzia, it is only after reading the Quran and finding so many mistakes and hatred that I spoke out against Islam.I used to oppose Israeli policy against the Palestinians.Once my eyes were opened about the true aims of Muslims to destroy the Israelis that I changed my mind.I have read the Quran whenever I can as well as the Bible ,Hindu scriptures,Jain and Sikh scriptures as well.Although Old Testament is supposed to be Talmud, I haven't read their version yet.Only religion I have found that advocates hatred is Islam.There are many scientific mistakes in the Quran-how can Allah make a mistake? Why should he abrogate?
Name: Re : lw1 to Ali and Fowzia
Date: Saturday January 10, 2009
Time: 18:06:25 -0500
A slight correction if I may...And I fully acknowledge that I myself may need to be corrected...The Bible's "Old Testament" is not the Talmud. The Old Testament is the Torah, not the Talmud. The Talmud is a compilation of Jewish traditions that were added to the Law of Moses. Jesus spoke out against such traditions, thus raising condemnation by the Jewish religious leaders of his day. The "Injeel" (4 gospels) always show him quoting from the Torah, never the Talmud. The Talmud was a work in progress written many centuries after the Torah, and quite possibly continued to be written long after Jesus' death. Now more on topic... Muslims, please open your eyes as the Koranic scientifically false information speaks for itself, even if you do not wish to examine the morals and ethics of his behavior. I salute you Dr. Zia for your courage in speaking out against Islam and its founder Muhammad, the local Mecca businessman-turned-thug.
Name: Joy
Date: Sunday January 11, 2009
Time: 23:53:00 -0500
Dear Dr. I am sorry about your biological family it is always hard to lose them. Still family can be created by the love that binds people together. Create youself a new family of people who love you. Peace.
Name: lw1
Date: Monday January 12, 2009
Time: 07:26:01 -0500
Thank you for correcting that Talmud is not the Old Testament.I haven't read the Talmud as it is not a threat to the world, unlike the Quran, which is the ONLY religious book teaching hatred.
Name: mishal
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 11:59:07 -0500
hey go to hell u alllllllllllllllllll. i m a muslim n i'll stand by my religion.n by the way Mr. Kafir fron india u have no right to criticize muslims n ISLAM in paticular.see urself worshipping those hideous monkey n elephants.yuckkkkkkkk. may God put u all in helll.
Name: Re : mishal
Date: Wednesday January 14, 2009
Time: 15:36:05 -0500
If a religion is strong it should be able to withstand negative scrutiny with the use of logic and reason. Ever notice how defenders of Islam do not know how to have an intelligent discussion, but defend Islam by resorting to insults? What does that tell you?
Name: Faizal
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 05:15:32 -0500
Thank you Dr Omar Zia and others for strengthening my faith in Islam. For making me see the truth in your falsehood and enabling me to better myself as a muslim. Such negative propaganda only strengthens my actions towards actively searching for true Islamic knowledge and acting upon that knowledge.....
Name: Thank you Dr. Zia
Date: Friday January 16, 2009
Time: 10:02:30 -0500
Thanks for your effort on showing some light here, people who dare to think will change, Wish you a happy life. Take Care.
Name: Why no Islamic protest when Muslims kill other Muslims?
Date: Saturday January 17, 2009
Time: 10:08:03 -0500
It is strange how Muslims have no problem slaughtering each other, not just for political causes, but also in the name of Islam, with absolutely no cries of indignant outrage from Islamic religious leaders. Yet when Israel takes defensive counter measures against Islamic militants it is seen as an unprovoked attack!! And the same Islamic religious leaders who are silent in the face of Muslims committing genocide against fellow Muslims have no problem encouraging the taking up of arms against Israel and the West. Where is the cry of protest from these Islamic leaders regarding the present Darfur situation where at least 100,000 Muslims have been systematically murdered by Muslim militias? Where was their protest when Saddam Hussein gassed 5000 Kurds, mostly Muslim if not all? Where is their protest when Shia and Sunni factions are blowing up each other's neighborhoods including Mosques? Where are the appeals from Muslim clerics for peace and calm among their own? What hypocrites!! Certainly, far many more Muslims have been killed by fellow Muslims than by Israelis.
Name: Mohd Mahdi Bin Mohd Noor
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 08:45:30 -0500
The writer pretend to be an ex-Muslim I think he is a Jew or paid by Jews to help tarnish the image of Islam and the followers.A true Muslim will never be diverted an inch by his so called Jewish Thoughts.
Name: Re : Mohd Mahdi Bin Mohd Noor
Date: Sunday January 18, 2009
Time: 19:28:43 -0500
The facts speak for themselves loud and clear in both the Koran and Hadeeth as to how Islam in its truest form is to be practiced. This actually makes Osama Bin Laden and his band of thugs very good Muslims. Islam has therefore done an excellent job of raising the world's disgust with no help from Jews or anyone else.
Name: Arkady
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 03:07:51 -0500
You are a brave and wonderful man to muster the courage and face a religion that scorns it's critics with more hate and venom than should be allowed in humanity.
Name: Re : Mohd Mahdi Bin Mohd Noor
Date: Monday January 19, 2009
Time: 15:36:39 -0500
Your bigoted response is typical Islamic playing the "blame game" instead of looking at yourself in the mirror. And no, I am not Jewish. And even if I was, it does not change the damage Muslims have done to themselves.
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 03:47:13 -0500
Islam - a religion , human - a creation , CREATOR is watching HIS creation know your limits b4 your limits know you !!!
Name: Sher Afzal
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 14:58:34 -0500
Just a short example of islam, take for example sport (Boxing) Beating hell out of one another you call that sport? yet it pays - what I am getting at is life in this world is a test & a challenge no reward comes easy confusing as it may seem. One has to be humble to pass tests not challenge the creator who sets challenges - dont be a boxer if you dont like the challenge followed by a pay packet- love his creations & be humble thats the challenge its rewards are forever in life here after. there are good muslim ways then there are corrupt you have only looked at the corrupt.
Name: Sher Afzal
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 15:16:11 -0500
Faith has nothing to do with a good or bad life if it did then why arent everyone in the same family have same life standard? one brother is rich whilst other is poor where does religion come in doctor? Your lazy so dont blame the 5 time prayers, I dont like to go to work does that make working for a living bad - by giving example of birds in the sky & animals in the wild they dont work so why should we?
Name: Re : Sher Afzal
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 15:52:46 -0500
You say that Islam has both the good and the corrupt and that the critics are looking only at the corrupt. If this is true it is because the corrupt stands out far more than the good. If there is corruption it is because Muhammad's teachings made it corrupt. His own horrible conduct is documented in Islamic writings that were not authored by either Jews or Christians, so you cannot put any blame on them. As for any good morals taught in Islam, the Torah and the Injeel said it first. Any good morals mentioned in the Koran are certainly not original. There is nothing that Muhammad could have possibly added to improve on previous writings that he himself declared as moral and holy, yet was hardly able to put into practice.
Name: faraz
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2009
Time: 20:54:37 -0500
what you speak of is complete ignorance and stupidity. The truth is you have no proper knowledge of Islam and its teachings, because if you did, you will not have gone astray. Go back and study because if you understand the truth, you would go back to Islam crawling on your knees.
Name: Re : Faraz
Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
Time: 17:30:41 -0500
I am not sure who it is that you see as ignorant and stupid. When Islam teaches that humankind was created from a "clot", without explaining what a "clot" is, that is ignorance and stupidity. And when you accept such an unscientific statement about a clot (whatever that is), what does that say about you?
Name: Jim Heller
Date: Wednesday Feb 11, 2009
Time: 17:30:41 -0500
Dr. Zia, I just read your "Islam Simplified" essay and felt like giving you a big, respectful cyber pat on the back two paragraphs in. How cathartic and clearing it is to hear fair, uncompromised analysis which is really what you've wrought, no more, no less. Don't get me wrong, you've got some -- to me at least -- wonderfully incisive things to say and you write very well too. It's just that there's something so damn obvious about Islam's shortcomings and it's too bad a good critical screed against it is such a rarity in this world today.
Thanks again for what you've written. Now I'm on to your next piece! :)