Violent Sexual Obsession and Rape as Expression of Islamic Spirituality
19 Mar, 2009
"Allah is our goal
The Prophet Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah is our leader
The Qu’ran is our constitution
Jihad is our way
And death in the way of Allah is our promised end."“The Message of the Teachings”, By Hasan Al-Banna, Founder, Muslim Brotherhood
It has often been said that life imitates art.
In the mid-1980’s, there was a low-budget alien from outer-space movie, entitled I Come In Peace, the premise of which involved an alien being arriving on Earth, who upon encountering a human being would declare, “I come in peace,” and then brutally murder that person.
On and on throughout the movie, the alien commits murder after horrific murder, each proceeded by a declaration of peaceful intent.
For decades, with increasing frequency and destructive intensity, an alien Islamic world has time and again wrought death and destruction upon the world at large; each time preceded and followed by declarations of peaceful intent.
While the non-Muslim world largely continues to believe those declarations, those, who have preyed upon it, have without remission also openly declared their intention to continue doing so.
For whatever reason, the Western world seems to want to believe the former and not the latter, even though the latter is always accompanied by evidence of blood and carnage, and death in the way of Allah as a promised end.
Over several decades, law enforcement agencies, have developed an evolving science of criminal profiling, allowing them to discern in most cases the personality type of specific categories of criminal predators.
While there are many personality traits, and often widely divergent personality types involved, the one trait that is uniform to all violent predators is a narcissistic personality. With the exception of the truly insane, ALL criminal and anti-social behavior is volitional. People do the anti-social things they do, because they choose too, because they WANT too. They do so because of the psychic and emotional rewards such behaviors offer. The one constant is that of narcissistic self-indulgence and self-focus, and the unwillingness or inability to care about or even recognize the humanity of others.
Other than within Islam, nowhere have such behavior and narcissism become a necessary element of spiritual expression.
While proclaiming a direct prophetic lineage extending from Abraham, inclusive of many biblical prophets including Moses and Jesus, Mohammed preached a religious doctrine, in which all are compelled to believe in God, or suffer death; eliminating the principle that one could believe or not believe, or choose or not choose the salvation of God, with God now requiring the absolute submission and surrender of free will of man.
Within Islam, faith was to become less a mechanism for coming to a belief in God, than for demonstrating that one has submitted to God.
Central to the Islamic faith is the principle of predestination, with Mohammed preaching the belief that all that has ever happened, and all that ever will happen, has been predetermined by Allah from the beginning of eternity, with the idea of agency and free will of man being not only irrelevant, but an affront to the will of Allah.
Conveniently, predestination excused the murderous violence of Muslims, in that such violence was clearly the will of Allah and one obviously does NOT condemn the will of Allah.
Quite conveniently, the will of Allah removed from Muslim men any personal responsibility for their violent, predatory behavior.
The Islamic faith is perfect as are the faithful men who profess it. Therefore, while a man may commit a sinful act, it is the act that is imperfect and not the man.
The paradoxical nature of sin within Islam is that while the Koran addresses the sins of man, it specifically attributes all that is evil in the world to the actions of non-Muslims.
If there is sin within Islam, it is clearly the fault of others.
Alas, nowhere within his “perfection” of spiritual doctrine, was there a greater and more radical redefinition of spiritual concept and principle, than with the societal role and treatment of woman, signaling that perhaps God had suddenly developed profound women “issues.”
Mohammed justified his radical redefinition of spiritual principles upon the basis of the Islamic doctrine of “naskh,” or doctrine of abrogation, under which well established religious principles may be changed at the will of Allah, as such change conveniently suited the purposes of Islam, and by the word Islam, pretty much Muslim men.
There was uncomfortably, and remains within this principle, a decidedly large logic problem, in that it implies that an infallible, all powerful and all knowing deity has either been wrong or has changed his mind regarding principles of spiritual salvation.
Also, relative to the Islamic principle of predestination, the doctrine of abrogation seemingly presumes that Allah was predestined to be wrong or predestined to change his mind, while also convenient introducing an element of moral relativity, justifying any action that benefited Islam, and again, pretty much Muslim men.
This principle also redefined the nature of “good and “evil”; making “good,” any act or situation beneficial to Muslims, and “evil,” any act or situation not beneficial to Muslims. If an act or situation, no matter how destructive or repugnant, benefits Islam, it is by its very nature moral, justifiable, and entirely acceptable under this principle.
Conveniently, as a means of disavowing the horrific or inconvenient within Islam, Muslim apologists often point to the Koran as proof that a particular horrific or inconvenient aspect of their culture is in fact, not really a part of their culture after all, because it is not specifically referenced within the Koran.
Arguing that something not specifically addressed within the Koran is not Islamic is a convenient mechanism for dissembling with the truth as there are a great many aspects of Islam that are unquestionably Islamic, also not specifically mentioned within the Koran.
There are in fact within Islam, not one, but three sources of religious authority, (1) the Koran, the actual words of God as transmitted through Mohammed; (2) the Sunna, the actions of Mohammed, or how he lived his life, and depending upon one’s particular sect, (3) the Hadith, or the things which Mohammed said, approved, or disapproved.
Shari’a law is considered to be the divine word of God, governing and dictating every aspect of human interaction; extending primarily from two sources of authority, the Koran, and the Sunna, with most of Shari’a extending not from the Koran, but from the Sunna.
Its rule is absolute and applies to all Muslims and non-Muslims living within Islamic society, as well as to the behavior of faithful Muslims living outside of Muslim society.
The laws of Shari’a encompass five categories, that which is obligatory, that which is recommended, that which is neutral, that which is disapproved, and that which is forbidden.
No reasoning Muslim would ever disavow Shari’a as not being fundamental to Islam, and it is Shari’a, rather than the Koran itself, upon which the West should focus its attention, as it is Shari’a that directly and unequivocally sanctions the horrific and inconvenient within Islam.
As specifically stated within Shari’a law, it is a heresy and an offense punishable by death to criticize or ever question the tenets of Islam, which has become a not uncommon constraint often applied to those who question or criticize Muslim men.
Since Islam is perfect, any criticism of a faithful Muslim may be by extension presumed to be criticism of Islam, and therefore intolerable, ESPECIALLY if such criticism is uttered by a woman.
As a matter of perspective, there is the belief within Islam that there are three things that invalidate the prayers of a faithful Muslim, the presence of a dog, a donkey, or a woman. If either intrudes upon a man in prayer, God will refuse to accept such prayer, which would seem to suggest that God considers these creatures as loathsome; raising the obvious question, “What kind of God doesn’t like dogs?”
Perhaps he has a greater appreciation for cats.
Regardless of God’s preferences, Mohammed clearly was a prophet who thought at the very least that women, if properly housebroken, made good pets, and while he often voiced his opinion that it was more than acceptable on occasion to beat a dog, a donkey, or a woman, the Koran was surprisingly mute on the subject of if and when a woman made a mess on the carpet, whether it was ever acceptable to rub her nose in it, and so that debate within Islam rages and continues.
The word Islam means to submit, or to be in submission, and nowhere within Islam is such submission more rigidly enforced than upon women who are required always to be in obedient submission.
A Muslim woman, who is therefore disobedient, oppositional; critical or rejecting of a Muslim man, may be by extension, considered to be an apostate and rejecting Islam, which is an act and a heresy for which the punishment is or may be, death by beheading, depending upon the momentary disposition of the males within her family.
It is this principle of Islamic perfection that makes possible the most barbaric and inhumane acts of violence toward women without comment or condemnation arising from within the Muslim community.
Occasionally, when such actions have been perpetrated or have become known within the non-Muslim world, vague apologetic statements of condemnation do occur, usually along the lines of, “Islam condemns the murder of innocent people”.
What non-Muslims need to understand about such statements is that they apply only to faithful Muslims, and are expressed solely for assuaging western sensibilities.
The concept of innocence does not apply to non-believers or apostates, as innocence is a state of being to which only a faithful Muslim may make claim. With such statements, Muslim apologists speak only of themselves.
Within Islam, the concept of murder, or the shedding of innocent blood, applies only to a faithful Muslim, as the blood of a non-believer or an apostate is the blood of one who is NOT an innocent. While it is possible to kill a non-believer or apostate Muslim, it is NOT possible to murder a non-believer or apostate Muslim.
While the murder of a faithful believer may be condemnable within Islam, killing a non-believer or an apostate is entirely irrelevant, and not even a serious topic for discussion.
What is not well understood by non-Muslim’s, is that within the category of an apostate, may readily fall those women who criticize, or are in any way oppositional, or rejecting of a Muslim man, and whose subsequent butchery is considered not only NOT murder, but an act of compassion and righteous redemption.
Nowhere within any other religion has the butchery of a human being ever been considered an act of spiritual redemption or affirmation, and while completely alien to western theology, within Islam, the beheading of a disobedient woman may actually be seen as an act of benevolence and compassion toward her, by removing from her the possibility of committing further mortal offense before God.
In an extremely perverse sense, the honor killing of a woman may actually be seen religiously, as a benevolent blessing upon her by those who engage in the righteous act of slaughtering her. Within such a religious culture, such an act is less condemnable than commendable, hence the absence of outrage and the resounding silence within the Muslim community.
Islam is a male oriented religion serving the spiritual needs of men, with women serving their temporal needs and desires, and it is a given that when one refers to Islam, one is referring only to men.
It has been said that to be born female within Islam is both a curse and a potential death sentence, wherein being female is to suffer a life long form of Stockholm Syndrome in which survival is wholly dependent upon identifying with ones tormentor.
Islam’s regard for women was directly ordained and supported by Mohammed in both word and deed, proclaiming that women were in every way inferior to men, physically, emotionally, morally, spiritually, and intellectually.
As specifically determined and approved by Mohammed, the sexual submission of women was and remains absolute and expressly ordained by Islamic law and spiritual principle.
Mohammed viewed women as not only inferior, but as potential agents of Satan sent to test and tempt the righteous, and among his prophetic revelations was the admonition to the faithful, that Hell was overwhelmingly populated by thankless and disobedient women.
Because of the deficiencies of women, their inheritance was set by Mohammed at half that of a man.
The testimony of a woman was also valued at half that of a man, with the consequence that no woman could ever of her own accord sustain a legal claim against any man.
Obedience and absolute sexual servitude were required of women, with any woman being disobedient or denying her husband or master, sexual congress, being cursed and rightfully subject to corporal punishment (Koran 4:34).
The Koran teaches that a man may go into a woman whenever he chooses, and to enjoy her in whatever manner he chooses, with condemnation, curses, and beatings, being the wages of sin for a woman who denies her husband or master the use of her body, so much so that a woman who wishes to pray rather than engage in intercourse is guilty of a grievous sin.
By Mohammed’s determination, there is within Islamic doctrine the belief that men are pure and women are impure, with the world religiously divided into two halves, one half, Dar-al-Harb, (the world of war) consisting of unbelieving infidels and disobedient women, and a Muslim half, Dar-al-Islam (the land of Islam, or the world of peace) consisting of righteous believers, who pursue as an act of faith, war against the former; demonstrating their spiritual obedience to God by first subjugating the impure within their own home, and within their own society.
Islam’s scriptural authorities require faithful Muslim’s to “humiliate” non-believers, and to bring them to an understanding of their state of degradation. The humiliation and degradation of women has become, despite Islam’s denials, an extension of this spiritual directive, with sexuality being the tool for the expression of Islamic dominance, as well as a weapon with which to punish the disobedient and the unbelieving.
Muslim male supremacy requires all women to submit, including women within non-believing countries, and as noted specifically within the Koran AND Shari’a law, there is no such thing as the rape of an unbelieving female, as such intercourse, forcible or otherwise, was approved by Mohammed as an absolute right of entitlement of Muslim men, as specifically addressed by the Koran in 4:24.
Additionally, in order for a Muslim woman to maintain an accusation of rape against a man, that act must be witnessed by four men, who likewise must be willing to testify against the accused Muslim male (Koran 24:13).
That there is even a perceived need within Islam to delineate under what circumstance rape is approved or disapproved, or that religiously sanctioned rape was even a subject for Mohammed’s spiritual consideration, is to the Western mind both instructive and appalling.
Throughout the non-Muslim world, rape committed by Muslim’s is a religiously sanctioned and overt, deliberate act of subjugation, and while the epidemic of rapes committed by Muslim immigrants worldwide may seem like random acts of criminality, they are in fact specifically sanctioned within both the Koran and the Sunna.
That non-Muslim women are specifically targeted is indicative of this aberrant sexual expression as a form of warfare, as an act of taking that belonging to an infidel, as a rightful entitlement of the faithful, and as an act of expressing moral indignation at the offensive and open rebellion of such women by their failure to be in submission to God, and by the term God, Muslim men.
But it is not only non-believing women who are violated with impunity.
Within Islamic communities, Muslim women and girls who have no male family members too protect them, are routinely raped, sodomized, and violated by Muslim men who know that there is virtually no possibility of societal condemnation and no threat of retaliation. Young women and girls who complain become outcast or worse, possibly suffering death for their accusation, or for having dishonored their families.
Within Denmark, for example, Muslim men comprise less than 4% of that country’s population, but commit an estimated 80% of all sexual assaults.
Within Paris, another European city with a sizable Muslim minority, rapes of Muslim and non-Muslim women, are at epidemic proportions with roving gangs of Muslim men gang raping women and girls with absolute impunity, certain that neither their own, nor the French judicial system can or will hold them legally accountable.
In 2002 however, several Muslim girls within the Parisian Muslim community did the unthinkable and complained to police that they had been gang raped by Muslim men.
Upon their arrest, local police were picketed by the wives, mothers, and sisters of the accused, incensed that their men had been arrested for something that was clearly not their fault. In the eyes of these women the young girls were at fault for their own violation, and saw their own male family members as having been victimized by them.
It is a given within a religiously sanctified, Islamic rape culture, that Muslim men are not only NOT legally accountable for rape, but are NOT responsible for their own sexual behavior or for any behavior or circumstance that reflects poorly upon them.
Perversely, in many Islamic communities, it is not at all uncommon for young female family members, to be freely offered up to the men of other families, to be gang raped by those men, as a means of settling some offense or dispute between the families.
But it is not just women and girls within Islam who are often victims of sexual predation, but also adolescent boys.
Along with its culture of rape is the often and pervasive sexual exploitation of young males, and it is within Islam, often the elephant within the room about which no one wishes to speak.
Though condemned by the Koran as an activity expressly forbidden between adult males, it is an extremely common and prevalent practice engaged between adult males and children.
As engaged in between adult males, it is condemned, and often subject to extreme sanction, including execution. However, as engaged in between adult males and pubescent and even pre-pubescent boys, it is a millennial Islamic institution, supported by scriptural references and promises to faithful Muslim’s that there will not only be for their sexual pleasure within paradise, the Houris, immortal females of unsurpassed beauty and purity; free of all of the “inconveniences” of mortal women, but sensuous young boys, “as precious as pearls”.
There is within this negative sexual dynamic a trickle down effect, from adults, to older, to younger boys.
Older boys, who have been feminized, in turn feminize younger boys, who in turn feminize even younger boys. Fellatio and anal intercourse often become individual and even group activities in which boys as young as six or seven years of age regularly engage with adults and with each other. The cultural effect of such endemic feminization within a hyper-masculine culture that loathes and denigrates femininity as impure, is that generations of boys grow to adulthood, denying, yet acutely aware of their exploitation, shame, sexual confusion, rage, and fragile sense of masculinity.
Islamic society is a society where rage, shame, and victimhood are pervasive, dominating cultural characteristics, with, contrary to the representations of liberal western media, the source of most of its rage, humiliation, and victim mentality, to be found within a culture of shameful and often violent sexual exploitation not only of women and girls but also of adolescent male children, acts that ARE specifically referenced within the Koran, the Sunna, and the Hadith. It should also be noted that within Shari’a, the sexual penetration of an infant is not recommended.
There is also within Islam, a cultural dynamic seen nowhere else within any society, and that is the degree of disconnect between education and brutal inhumanity; where one is as likely to find a university educated Muslim reveling in orgiastic, sexual bloodlust, and brutality toward others, as one who is illiterate.
While elsewhere within the world there is a perceptible correlation between education, civility, humanity, and respect toward others, within Islam such is the exception rather than the rule.
Clearly there is a component within Islam that drives this behavior that is absent within other cultures, a component that is without question, internal rather than external to Islam.
The hyper-masculinity of Muslim men with their obsession with their own perfection and the imperfection of women, has mutated into the widely accepted Islamic custom of honor killing, as a perverse form of denial of imperfection. A female whose behavior, real or imagined, might bring dishonor upon her family, is killed to remove any imperfection that may reflect upon the perfection and perceived masculinity of the men within her family.
Compounding the horror and perversity of such acts is that it is seemingly not merely sufficient to kill the offending female, but to do so in as vicious and brutal a manner as possible, almost as if the degree of masculinity recovered and reaffirmed is somehow in direct proportion to the degree of butchery involved.
Often such acts are in similitude of the dynamic of Muslim gang rape, where several male family members participate in the slaying, each acting in reassurance of their own masculinity, as well as for the approval of the other men within their family and community.
Perversely, such acts of horrific brutality often become a source of family pride as they become publicly known within the community, and where having acted as a butcher of women within ones family is to be accorded reverence by ones peers, and perhaps even an elevation in ones social status.
While such acts are rationalized as acts to restore family honor, family honor is in reality the expression of impotent rage at the possibility that others may see in the transgression of the offending female, the weakness and masculine impotence of the men within that family, unable to control the actions of someone as insignificant, impure, and inferior as a female.
Within Islam, the focus of honor is always upon the male and his perceived masculinity within his community.
To a Muslim male, life is theater in which his masculinity is always on stage, always in the spotlight, and always subject to scathing review, and where the possible treachery of impure females always poses a threat to that communal perception.
There is within Islam, an extremely dysfunctional, psychosexual dynamic that along with its rape culture and sexual exploitation of adolescent males foments a desperate rage that Muslim men have with life and that which carries, nurtures, and gives life. The degree of fear, loathing, and even hatred for all that is female, expresses itself in the rage and brutal violence that Muslims exhibit not only toward women and toward each other, but toward the world at large.
There are among such men, an endless supply of Jihadists and potential martyrs, who may be easily manipulated into believing that their redemption and value as beings lies in the violent sacrifice of their own lives as well as the brutal slaughter of others.
It is within this cultural dynamic that is to be found the source of the gross overkill and sexual torture that has become the common and consistently characteristic signature of Muslim violence toward their non-Muslim and apostate captives.
On September 1, 2004, in the Russian Federation town of Beslan, Muslim terrorists descended upon a school, taking more than 1,100 people hostage, including nearly 800 school children.
Over the next several days Russian security forces attempted to negotiate a peaceful resolution, ultimately failing, with the resultant carnage of the deaths of 334 hostages of which 186 were children. Nearly all the survivors were in some manner wounded, if not emotionally scared for a lifetime.
On November 26, 2008, in Mumbai, India, Muslim terrorists simultaneously undertook coordinated attacks upon as many as eight separate targets, and over the next two days fought pitched battles with police and security forces, eventually resulting in the deaths of at least 173 and injuries to more than 300 additional people.
In each instance, immediately upon seizing a target and establishing a defensible perimeter, some portion or room of the seized building, was established, solely for the purpose of pursuing a large scale assembly line process of rape, sodomy, sexual torture and mutilation, and seemingly as an after act, the ritual beheading of captives.
Immediately upon seizure, and while in the process of ongoing negotiation with Russian security forces, those within selected from among their captives, those who would be sexually violated and abused; they were in their regard as captors, equal opportunity violators, with men, women, boys and girls, each in their turn grossly violated, sexually mutilated, and as an after act, killed.
More than 100 were children.
On and on, hour after hour, while terrorists engaged in the artifice of negotiation, each in their turn took their merciless pleasure with their chosen victim captives, much of which was recorded on video film for the later amusement and sexual pleasure of those involved and for the pleasure and amusement of their associates.
There exists in fact within the Islamic world, a tremendous demand for such videos, and they are often to be found in the possession of apprehended terrorists, often along with an appreciable collection of kiddie porn.
To its shame and discredit western media and academia remain virtually silent on the prevalence of such forms of Islamic spiritual expression.
Mumbai, was in its relation to those taken captive, an identical replay of the sexual horror of Beslan, where sexual-psychopathology WAS central to the spiritual expression of religiously sanctioned violence.
From the objective perspective of a criminal profiler, a crime scene evidencing a protracted torture and profound suffering of the victim, indicates that the death itself was only incidental or secondary to the primary act of inflicting protracted suffering, a character trait consistent with sexual-psychopaths for whom their true satisfaction is found within the ongoing act of torture and not the inevitable conclusion. For such killers, the actual demise of their victim is anticlimactic.
Clearly, while the ultimate objective of the terrorists was to inflict death upon as many of their captives as possible, their main focus was unquestionably indulging and satisfying their own horribly perverse sexual urges.
There have been innumerable books and articles written upon the subjects of sexual dysfunction within Islam, homosexuality, pedophilia, psychopathology, sexual-psychopathology and a near endless list of maladjusted behaviors, characteristic of Islam; a recitation of their observations upon what is unquestionably, exclusively and universally, a form of Islamic violence, and spiritual expression.
Yet, while the west, its media, academia, and politically-correct leadership, endlessly debate whether hyper-violent Muslim’s are representative of Islam’s central character, there is no such debate or confusion within an Islamic world that knows exactly who these people are and what they honestly represent.
That the Islamic world remains largely silent in the face of each, increasing outrage reveals exactly how the Muslim world feels about the behavior of their profoundly destructive brethren, and how acceptable their behavior really is within the Islamic communities including those within the west.
The degree of western success or failure in understanding the problem of Islamic bloodlust violence will certainly depend upon how objectively it defines the problem.
The problem, to the degree it has currently been defined, has been entirely defined by the Islamic world itself.
Apologists within the Muslim world have conveniently defined the problem of horrific, sexual violence as being perpetrated by radical, fringe elements within what they otherwise characterize as the religion of peace.
Their characterization has been widely accepted and embraced within the west and is misdirection away from the real issue.
Rather than Muslin hyper-violence being characterized as characteristic of radical Islam, the problem is more accurately characterized and defined as being a problem of active Islam.
The politically-correct West continues to it’s discredit to characterize Islam as being divided into spheres of RADICAL Vs. MODERATE, when the more accurate characterization is that of a problem of ACTIVE Vs. PASSIVE Islam.
Those who engage in extreme violence as acts of spiritual expression, are in fact ACTIVELY and FAITHFULLY acting out in accordance with, and supported by the Koran, Shari’a, and a millennial history of Islamic culture, and they are supported and even encouraged by those who PASSIVELY embrace and silently accept their brutally inhumane actions.
To argue that the problem is largely the actions of a minority is to dismiss the fact that the majority support and embrace the same religious doctrine, the same Shari’a laws, and the same cultural norms.
Sexual behavior is widely presumed to be personal behavior except among those of the politically-correct liberal left, who consider ALL behavior as political; because all behavior is political, the liberal institutions of the west persist in characterizing the excessive violence of Islam, regardless its overtly sexual content, as proceeding from the political rather than the personal, thereby entirely missing the point and the root cause of such violence.
The failure to correctly assess the true character of Islamic violence will continue, and as long it remains characterized as political expression, such violence will continue as liberally understandable, and tolerable, if not acceptable.
The liberal, western world continues to relate to the Islamic world as if there existed between competing and opposing cultural and religious ideologies of agency and compulsion, a point of common intersection.
The misconception blinding the west in their belief that the Muslim world can be accommodated and that Islam and the West share interests in common, is its misperception that the desire of innumerable individuals within Islam to embrace democracy is an opportunity to institute democratic ideals, if not western culture.
What they fail to understand is that within Islam, those who desire to be free of Islam’s religiously sanctioned violence are Islam’s heretics, its true radical fringe, and its walking dead who have rejected Islam’s narcissistic, malignantly violent, ideology and by that rejection, have become apostate.
There will never come a time within Islam where the blasphemous heretic will dominate or come to power, a reality that Western liberal democracies are just not willing to face. When push comes to shove, Muslims who viciously prey and war upon each other, and those who passively stand by, will ALWAYS choose to ally themselves with one another against the infidel and the apostate.
There is within this faulty belief system, an appalling ignorance and arrogant condescension toward the Muslim world that presumes that Islam’s cultural norms are the moral equivalent to those of the west.
By failing to hold Islam accountable to a minimal standard of human decency, and by engaging Islam and its outrageous violence upon a non-judgmental, morally equivalent plane, our efforts only serve to reinforce Islam’s outrageous sense of entitlement. Our indulgence and silence, and our tolerance for Islam’s destructive behavior will only breed more, rather than less of such behavior, and serve to encourage the moral certainty of active Islam.
The West’s continuing pursuit of a passive strategy as the only safe, politically acceptable solution to Islam’s ultra-violence and of hoping desperately that Islam’s moderates (passive Islam) will somehow influence Islam’s radicals (active Islam) to change their ways is hopelessly misguided.
The idea of placing the fate of the West in the hands of those, who have neither an active nor passive interest in Western culture and values, is an interesting one, and extends from a political culture that has become increasingly seen within Islam as overwhelmingly feminine, and therefore overwhelmingly loathsome.
Like any good enabler and abused woman, we within a liberal western culture, passively hope and wait for the abuser to change his ways, while adopting a dependent posture of submission and weakness, and hoping to GOD, that the next time he is enraged, he does not sexually torture, behead, and deliver us a death in the way of Allah as our promised end.
In the mean time, regardless of what we do to placate, our noses will continue to be rubbed in it.
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Name: tanstaafl
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 09:54:44 -0500
This article explains the almost irrational behaviors found in both the jihad and Muslim culture. It should be distributed as widely as possible. I have always felt that Islam was a religion founded by a sociopath, for sociopaths and required sociopathic behavior from its members. I am relieved to read the writings of someone who has come to a similar conclusion.
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Sex Maniacs
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 11:13:42 -0500
If you stupid, obsessed Muslims would quit thinking of those 72 virgins in the sky, you would never rape, and commit many more violent acts. You are sex maniacs because of your constant obsessive thinking of the 72 virgins. Stupid Muslims, those 72 virgins don't exist. So quit thinking about them.
Name: Alf
Subject: Hassan al Banna's grandson
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 11:26:18 -0500
Al Banna's grandson Tariq Ramadan is now active, promoting dawa in Western Europe, making use profusely of taqiyya in the face of all those naive Western kafirs and dhimmis, posing as a Swiss “philosopher”. Before an all muslim audience he talk the truth about the future domination of Islam in the continent of Enlightenment.
Name: unite against islam
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 11:30:19 -0500
rape is bad. It's even more worse when those acts are sanctified by 'holy books' that claim to be the literal, unchanging word of god. The abrahamic desert religions do quit stupid things. In Brazil (a majority catholic country) a 9 year old girl was sexually molested for years by her step dad, at age 9 she got pregnant from twins, the doctors concluded that due to her age she could not give birth and that if she would try to give birth it would be very dangerous and she would die. So with the mothers permission they decided to conduct a abortion to save the girls life. The Catholic Church (the largest christian church representing over half of the christians worldwide) decided to ex-communicate (a church punishment) the doctors and the mother for performing and giving permission for the abortion that saved the girls life. They DID NOT ex-communicate the rapist step dad. now isn't that proof that christianity stinks?? As much as christianity is a stinking pile of dog shit islam is far far worse. islam is a ticking timebomb waiting to go off and destroy the whole world. To islam it doesn't matter if you are a jew or a hindu or a christian or a sikh or a buddhist or a atheist or a taoist or a agnost or a whatever. islam just lumps all non-muslims into one category that of the enemy kuffars that need to be destroyed or subjugated. If we all don't unite against islam it will destroy every one of us one at the time
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: Islamic Sexism
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 12:25:45 -0500
What can we expect from muslims if even the eternal world of a muslim consists of nothing but sex with 72 big boobed virgins with the brains of latex dolls, and the very feature of rechargable virginity?
Name: CharlesB
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 12:36:42 -0500
This is one of the most insightful articles about the abomination that calls itself Islam. I shall save it and re-read it, again and again ...... absolutely brilliant. Thank you
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Atheism Stinks More Than Christianity
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 12:46:07 -0500
"unite against islam," let me remind you that atheism stinks far worse than Christianity. Atheistic Nazism and atheistic Communism also raped, pillaged, burned and killed far more human beings than Christianity. Within 70 years, atheistic Nazism and atheistic Communism were responsible for 120,000,000 deaths. If these two atheistic ideologies had existed as long as Islam, these two atheistic regimes would have murdered many more people than Islam. In 1,400 years, Islam has been responsible for 260,000,000 deaths. So I would have chosen Islam over atheistic Nazism and atheistic Communism if I had to choose between the two. However, we must destroy Islam in a peaceful manner if it's possible. Islam is deadly, but atheistic Nazism and atheistic Communism were deadlier within the short span of 70 years. Christianity teaches The Ten Commandments. If everyone obeyed The Ten Commandments, we would have perfect peace. Atheists reject The Ten Commandments because they hate God. The regimes of atheistic Nazism and atheistic Communism proved that fact.
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: Re: Truth Detector: Atheism stinks? Why?
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 13:08:33 -0500
There are Atheists who are no communists and no faschists and even if somebody does not believe in (all of) the Ten Commandments this doesn't say much. Monotheists seem to be so proud of themselves. But why? Do they believe that we can count god? Atheism is one kind of theism too. I think we are not supposed to understand the question about god.
Name: tanstaafl
Subject: Truth Detector
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 13:24:38 -0500
It is estimated that during the 1400 year history of Islam, 270 million human beings lost their lives. That's the truth. As to your claims that the Nazis and Communists were atheists, I'm afraid that many of the atheists I know have nothing in common with Hitler or Stalin....or for that matter, Mohammed. I am not an atheist, so please do not slander or defame me as you have atheists.
Editor: Do not post the same stuffs again and again
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Truth Detector Writes Facts
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 14:14:35 -0500
lanstaafe & Anti Clot, Truth Detector writes facts. At no time did Truth Detector point his finger directly at you. However, if you feel guilty about anything I wrote, it's your fault. Not all Christians go against The Ten Commandments. For example, most Christians have never killed anyone, nor have they raped anyone. But many of you write as if ALL Christians break The Ten Commandments in a bad way. Why should you be so nasty? There are more Christians like Mother Teresa than like many evil atheists. Nazis and Communists taught atheism and murdered like bad atheists. The following is a little ditty that atheistic Nazis taught children: "We are the joyous Hitler youth. We do not need any Christian virtue. Our leader [Hitler] is our savior. The Pope and the Rabbi shall be gone. We want to be pagans once again." Where is your Christianity in that ditty? If you are a good atheist, then, stay that way without painting ALL Christians as criminals. If you are a Hindu smashing Christianity, I advise you not to do that because your past history isn't very pretty either. We're here to fight Islam because Islam is the worst ideology, the most deadly so-called religion in the world. Let's first destroy Islam; later we'll discuss your beliefs.
Name: duh_swami
Subject: Christianity st6inks?
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 15:03:57 -0500
United against islam sez: They DID NOT ex-communicate the rapist step dad. now isn't that proof that christianity stinks??.....No it is not only means that some Church official may have used bad judgment.
Name: duh_swami
Subject: Talking about beliefs...
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 15:12:13 -0500
Truth detector Sez... Let's first destroy Islam; later we'll discuss your beliefs....That's mighty nice of you since you have been spouting your beliefs all along... The bottom line is 'truth one needs your permission to talk about their beliefs...
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: To: Truth Seeker - The 11th Commandment
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 15:18:53 -0500
Thou shallst not use any condome because it is the only reason for AIDS. Here we have a great example how clever/stupid christian leaders can be. It depends on the viewpoint of the viewer. For me, I am thinking that condomes are useful against AIDS. But maybe I am not so clever like the Pope ...
Name: duh_swami
Subject: Jihad and the 72...
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 15:37:43 -0500
You see Truth Detector...Allah did not promise all muslims paradise no matter how pious they have been. A muslims greatest fear is to not be sent to Paradise but to the furnace room where they will be hammered flat, then fed to the flames....Allah provided only one guaranteed pathway to Paradise and the Fab 72...That's to get killed in jihad. This is why there must always be jihad, and perpetual warfare...You can't get those virgins without it...Not every muslim will make the grade, but Allah gives them all equal opportunity...
Name: duh_swami
Subject: Conums for safety
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 15:41:20 -0500
Anti-clot...There was some publicity a while back that the AIDS virus can penetrate a latex condum...
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: Re: duh_swami - Condomes
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 16:00:59 -0500
Condomes DO help against AIDS. All scientists agree on that. Where did you get your information from? Maybe in some cases that ... ? But no! Can you imagine what happens if an African who visits a prostitute is told that condoms don´t help against aids? There is only one thing even better than a condome: A sex doll made from latex!
Name: duh_swami
Subject: Anti clot and condoms...
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 17:14:59 -0500
A special review panel led by HHS' National Institutes of Health has concluded that male latex condoms can effectively reduce transmission of HIV/AIDS. However, the panel's report also finds that epidemiological evidence is insufficient to determine the effectiveness of condoms in actual use for preventing most other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)... You are right, but condoms only 'reduce transmission', they don't eliminate it... Maybe for some people that latex doll is the ticket...or a rubber ducky...
Name: Rationalist
Subject: 26/11 Mayhem: transcript of talk b/w Jihadi pigs and their masters
Date: Wednesday March 18, 2009
Time: 19:43:29 -0500
Comment --- This is the transcript of the discussion between Jihadi bastards and their masters in Pakistan. These assholes are taking the name of their bhosad-chod haram-khor God Allah (Piss and Shit be upon him) for inflicting terror on innocents. May that rascal Allah and his Gandu profart Muhammad (pig shit and piss be upon him forever) be erased from the memory of our society soon. Muslims from subcontinent, read what your scriptures preach (only hate) and give up Islam. Otherwise, you will be alienated from the rest of the world. The choice is yours!
Name: its true
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 02:18:10 -0500
in islam its legal to kill or rape or steal non muslim thats as per mohamed's saying " shame on him "
Name: To - All Hindus
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 02:38:12 -0500
Mumbai businessman arrested for 'raping' daughters 19 Mar 2009, 1103 hrs IST, TIMESOFINDIA.COM According to police the couple were under the influence of a 'tantrik', who told them in July 2000 that the family would prosper if the father were to have a sexual relationship with his daughter, who was then 12 years. The 'tantrik' too has been arrested after the daughters filed a complaint. Indian Nun in Hindu Rape Nightmare Accusing police of complicity in anti-Christian violence, a Catholic nun has spoken out of herself being gang-raped and paraded half-naked through the streets by a Hindu mob, reported the Times on Saturday, October 25.After gang-raping her, the mob paraded the Catholic nun half-naked through the streets.6 Hindu teachers rape dalit girl repeatedly.PATAN: In a shocking incident in this ancient capital of Gujarat, where people still take immense pride in their society and culture, all hell broke loose after a first-year student of the Primary Teacher's Training College (PTC) accused six of her teachers of repeatedly gangraping her for six months.
Name: ibrahim
Subject: Stupid Islamists
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 02:49:22 -0500
Islam is the religion for the criminaly minded.
Name: to mr MA KHan and Mr ibrahim lone
Subject: fruits of islam 1400 year old legacy in india
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 03:23:32 -0500
Dear writers and editors this news is off the topic but important to let the world know what is happening in secular india and kashmir. There is a sad news for peace loving Indians who love this country, in the unruly state of J & K the name of anantnag is being changed to islamabad,a bill in legislature is passesd, the steps of erasing the symbols of great Hindu empire which reflects its ancestral heritage and history are being willfully renamed.The article can be read at & Dear friends many such incidents are not highlighted by secular indian media we only come to know by our research. The talibanisation of kerala is on full swing every third buyer of properties in kerala is a muslim from gulf. Further now keralites settled outside kerala do not want to go back to their native places, calicut, kasaragod (related to swami nityanand of ganeshpuri) etc are hub of terror and violence, you all people have already told in many words about muslim mentality.Talibanisation of kasmir has started. Further my kashmiri hindu friend had told me that people in kashmir support pakistan, they generally tell visiting hindus what is the time not indian but pakistan , pack your bags and go to india, we are not indians. Considerable amount of Our hard earned tax payers maoney is spent on these scums and traitors of India, the rulers loot us and our temples (however bad we may be )give all the subsidies to these traitors of this land, special flights to medina for haj pilgrimage etc. Dear Mr khan and Ibrahim lone ji please guide indian muslims from hyderabad, tamilnadu,kerala and every place of india please do something for your motherland, though hope is less but still you may succeed Jai hind
Name: To - Mallu
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 05:01:24 -0500
There is nothing wrong in Kerala.And there is nothing wrong with muslims. You RSS ang gang is the problem. Your leaders do all the hate speech , and says india is for Hindus.No muslim leadres have done any hate speech. You tell me which Keralite doesnt want to come to kerala. Dont spread all this hate and lies.RSS is the problem in kerala they are killing Communist , Muslims , christians.
Name: Kafir/infidel (Ex.communists)
Subject: violence,sex. rape,murder ,hate ,slavery ,fascism is ISLAM . QQURRAN is violence,sex.rape,murder,fascist
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 13:39:08 -0500
To ALL : Please take this message to the international community - peace, freedom, democracy, equality loving open societies. ISLAM is darkness. ISLAM is a dark chapter in human history. Resolutions and condemnations must be passed in UNITED NATIONS - outlawing this evil, criminal, murderous, hateful ideology , theology of ISLAM which was spread by force, rape, murder and destruction, slavery. All the free world, humnists, liberals, secularists , free thinkers, intellectuals , progressives must unite and bring this into reality- outlawing ISLAM as inhuman, cruel, evil, wicked, fascist, totalitarian,slavery, inequality . Look at any ISLAMIC society, country and their rule based on QQURRAN, analyze - all nonmoslems are treated as slaves, persecuted, tortured, killed, in ISLAMIC countries. ISLAM is like poison, ISLAM is like malignant cancer, ISLAM is like ebola virus. All the international community must unite , reject, denounce ISLAM as uncivilized and not fit for human civilization.
Name: Atheist
Subject: united against islam
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 18:23:16 -0500
There is good and bad in all religions and races because religions and races are made of imperfect humans. Stop the bickering unrelated to the article. Have you ever heard the phrase "divide and conquer"? If we are divided then the Muslims will conquer us. The Muslims are already united in their jihad against the world. If the rest of us infidels don't put our differences aside and fight the common enemy then we will lose our lives and freedoms. If you can't accept this then try to imagine what happens when Islam dominates the world. We will not be having this discussion. I will accept Truth Detector as an ally in the war against Islam. If we win then he can criticize my beliefs just don't try to kill me and enslave my wife and children.
Name: re Truth Detector
Subject: atheists
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 09:41:41 -0500
Comment Atheist means not to hate a god but meerely not to believe in one. You are taking about ism´s like communism, nazism, fascism and of course Islamism. People in ism´s kill people because - as the same with religion - they give themselves reason to kill others. Truth Detector - you have nothing to fear from atheists. Nor gay people or transexuals or transvestites. As you can read, atheism is to denounce any good or to belive there is no good. Many nazis where actually catholic or prothestants (religious)under an ism and lies and falseness - like you are spreading yourself. Far from all german soldiers where nazis, but hey - their nation was in war - what would you have done? Many german soldiers disliked the nazis. Nazism and communism fought a war in which several million innocent was murdered. Communism had before the war killed several million in Gulag and contuned after the war. China tried to produce Iron in one of the stupidest ways. Putting farmers in factories, then lacking food putting office workers on the fields and then people starved and died like flies. So despite loosin 14 Million chinese in WW2 - they lost 40-60 Million IN PEACE TIME because of stupid management. The majority of sweden are atheists and was pretty calm before allowing religious people into the nation. Atheists are more likely to be disliked then opposite. Because we have no book of hatred as religious people do - we take people indivivually or after experience which many religious dont. I as an atheist has absolutely no problem with bhuddists, baha´i, zoroastrians, ascensionists, lightists or Israelians (have meet no believer) - and common people all over the world - most people everywhere are descent caring people...James Redfield? Philosofi?? Christianity and Islam coul be harder though they seem more narrowminded. Hidnusim has became a bit Islamised - before 1850 they had an equal society and treated females with mutual respect. Anyone seen Pat Condell??
Name: re Truth Detector
Subject: atheists
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 10:30:11 -0500
The problem is this!! I bet that there on muslim pages on internet the visitors are measured in several thousands - perhaps millions. On this page with different faiths and different people - there are so far 771. Perhaps a spam compaign? Or send letters to peoples SITA - telling that your property will loose 50% f the value of a mosque is built close to it. We clearly need to spread the word. Right now most muslims dont want to join Jihad but they are loosig their young kids to it - within 5-20 years they could have several millions, perhaps tens of millions jihadists and then the real slaughter begins. Somalia Sudan and Nigeria, Kongo are just a few places - it is only low level Jihad - what happens when they increase in numbers? And hey - the Truth Detector - I became atheist when I read about what religious people have done and continue doing. Still religion will seem to be the problem for me - not the opposite.
Name: Ellandrhia
Subject: Thank-you for your article
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 20:46:08 -0500
As a woman who lived for 16 years in Saudi Arabia, I have seen Islam in all it's glory and your views and accounts are absolutely accurate. I truly fear for the western world, it does not know what it's dealing with.
Name: AlgerianRebel
Subject: Beware of Islam!!!
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 06:20:38 -0500
Being from a moslem background, I DO know from close this fake religion, established by a sex-obssessed pathetic, blood-thirsty criminal and liar Mohamed, who tightened a third of the human kind on earth with a lie called islam, making them middleage minded, hateful, pathetic, anti-civilizations, etc etc...this monster who led me to hate my gender as a woman!! This fake religion, that wants to take the world back to the dark ages, and establish the islamic supremacy where only radical muslims rule, and no place for christians, jews, not even for moderate and free thinker muslims....What makes me sick, very sad, is to see these western governments being toooooooo permissive with these criminals, tooooo cautious not to hurt their feeling, in order not to be judjed as islamophobe or racists, to see mosques growing here and there like mushrooms on the european soils, while Christians are not allowed to congregate even in their house (I am taking the algerian christians as example, to see those pathetic creatures cursing the western values and ways of life, and endeavouring to spread their shari'a on a land that is not theirs, while the western government stands nearly cross handed in front of such an epidemy...those governement are really putting the future of their citizens at a stake, by being toooo permissive with those " monsters"...Please don't look at Islam as any religion, beware of it, it is like cancer, there is no religion on earth that is as dangerous and menacing to you as islam,...if I were a leader of one of these western countries, I would have banned the building of mosques, and limit the religious freedom to a far extent, I would have watched them from close, and would have chased them back to their countries for the least trial to spread their ideology of hate. And to the muslims in Western countries : If you are not happy with the western values, ideologies and ways of life, or if you want to live under Shari'a, just pack your luggage and go live in Afghanistan, it is better for you, and do not pollute the West with your filthy hell with your bastard mohamed , to hell with your Koran, to hell with you Arabo-muslims who sullied my beautiful country....( Excuse my mediocre english)
Name: oki532
Subject: CAtholic Church/AIDS & HIV condom use
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 22:22:20 -0500
Comment The Pope and Church teachings have support in scientific community on condom use. The rest of society fell for the news media propaganda for decades. Enough said....
Name: George
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 02:30:09 -0500
The Koran shows clearly that it is the devil verses.
Name: To : To All hindus
Date: Monday March 23, 2009
Time: 06:04:49 -0500
The rapes you are proudly bandying is not scripturally sanctioned in any hindu scripture: it is recognised as a criminal act and is being dealt with as such. But Quran and the Old Testament sanctifies such barbarous acts in scripture where the believers are allowed to capture and rape women of conquered people and take them as slaves.You can read the book of Genesis or Deutronomy or Numbers which is clear evidence from where Muhamad and Quran gets their inspirations to do all the vile things in the name of "religion".
Name: Iman
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 11:39:02 -0500
Jews who hate Islam are the authors of this site and all it's contents. They are the truly evil hate-mongers of this planet. I would not believe for a second that there is a single ounce of legitamcy to any word written or spoken on this site. They are the corrupt, jealous and cursed people of the earth. We will see their demise as Allah mentioned in the holy book (Quran).
Name: Rusty Spoon
Subject: Religion????
Date: Tuesday March 24, 2009
Time: 15:22:20 -0500
You silly asses sit around and argue who's religion is right and who's is wrong. Has it ever occurred to any of you that you are talking about a damn 'BOOK' that was written by some guy or guys that at the time it was written there was nothing in the world but war and hunger and oppression. We have come a long way since then (well some of us) and if an asshole Muslim wants drag us backward 14 centuries then someone needs to up some verifiable proof that this 'Allah' guy really exists. You do that and by god or uh 'Allah' I'll be right there with ya killin those damn Kaffurs, or whatever you call them!! YEEEHAAAHH
Name: truthseeker68
Subject: How Dare You
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2009
Time: 03:23:45 -0500
Mohammhed was a sex crazed, egotistic maniac who put himself above Jesus Christ. Christians do not go around raping their women. Do you guys ever stop to think about what if someone did it to your daughters. Oh, it doesn't matter, cause all of you are just sex maniacs like the one you follow. Lemme see, 72 vestal virgins and a permanent hard-on...get real,you curry-smelling, no deoderant, dress wearing psychopaths! Jesus Christ preached love. You guys are doing the devil's work. You hate, you lust after what God did not give you and you do not care about the lives you destroy with your rape and violence. And for this you get to live eternally??? Get real
Name: mike
Subject: re; sex violence in Islam
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 07:10:18 -0500
I have had chills from begining to end. I work for PASSIVE (I Think...) Muslims. And am Christian. The Way You Have Opened My Eyes To This DEPLORABLE group of 'humans' makes me wonder how can alert our fellows to this scurge? America wants to be EVERYONES friend. but EVIL IS AS EVIL DOES. KEEP US INFORMED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE TO STAND IN THE FACE OF EVIL.
Name: Atheist
Subject: To Rusty Spoon - Religion
Date: Thursday March 26, 2009
Time: 16:00:13 -0500
Thank you. Let us stop arguing about religion. Islam is not a religion and Muslim is not a race. We are in a war of Muslims vs. non-Muslims. Educate yourselves. Arm yourselves. Prepare for combat. Raise your children to understand the war. Non-Muslims unite and prepare for war when Muslims are a majority.