Islam, allegedly, is the Solution
08 Oct, 2008
- Indeed, the German public is increasingly interested in knowing more and more about Islam. However, I am not aware of anybody who has discovered “economic and financial theories” in Shari’a and therefore was proposed for a Nobel Prize. The only “theory”, if you ever could call this a theory, is “Zakat”; meaning Muslims have to give 2.5 of their wealth to the poor, which is voluntary, a kind of donation or alms, and eventually many Muslims do not deliver.
The truth of the matter is the German public is increasingly reading the Koran, in particular those passages that incite violence, hatred, and discrimination against women, to eventually realize why some Muslims are more violent and fanatic than the followers of other religions.
The so-called “Islamic banks” are financial institutions like any other banks, plus a religious trick. They take and receive interests. However, they do not call them “interests”, which is allegedly “riba” (usury) in Islam, they call it “murabaha” (shared profit).
If you want to buy a car on installment in Kuwait, for example, and have your loan financed by The House of Finance of Kuwait (HFK), an “Islamic bank”, you will have to pay an interest rate of up to 8%. The HFK claims that the “money” it charges on the loan is not “interests”, it is simply murabaha, a “profit” on a sell-and-buy transaction.
The Deutsche Bank has discovered in “murabaha” a lucrative business. According to the Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW/Mannheim) the Deutsche Bank has attracted over $ 200 billion of investments owned by Arab oil Sheikhs.
Al Tabtaba’i and his “pious” Islamist ilk do not address the essential issue, namely that the majority of oil sheikhs invest their billions of dollars in “usury” banks and not in Muslim countries which are replete with poverty and misery. Instead of investing in Muslim countries and create jobs for the millions of poor Muslims, they invest in Mercedes, BMW, and in the arms industry.
According to Spiegel On-Line (March 26, 2007), the Saudi oil billionaire Mit’eb, the son of the absolute monarch Abdullah, donated millions of dollars to the families of suicide bombers in Palestine and Iraq. He transferred the money over the Deutsche Bank.
Wilhelm Dietl, a former agent of the BND, the German Intelligence Service, said on WDR5 radio (October 5, 2008) all the Arab oil rich countries, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, and Qatar have funded and are still funding Hamas and other Islamist organizations like the Muslim Brothers with millions of dollars. He acted as an arms dealer/middleman and facilitated the sale of arms to these countries. As such he was trusted by his Arab purchasers and confided that an “unstable Middle East is good for the arms industry and for the Arab sheikhs. It would guarantee their existence. A peaceful and democratic Middle East would mean the end for these regimes.”
The Saudi Prince Khaled bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, the Assistant Minister of Defense and Aviation for Military Affairs, and son of the Crown Prince asked Dietl, “What does the West prefer, us or Hamas and Islamists in power?”
On the other hand, it is “infidels”, like Bill Gates of Microsoft, and Western “infidel” taxpayers who are funding school, hospitals, and other infrastructural projects in Palestine and Afghanistan.
However, the oil-rich sheikhs do invest in two sectors in the Arab world: they invest in first-class hotels and TV channels. The Saudi Al Waleed bin Talal, for instance, financed building the “Four Seasons” hotel in Damascus/Syria. Ziad Ghosn, a journalist with the daily Tischreen, commented, “The Four Seasons is a huge complex with all kinds of luxurious services. The Syrians cannot afford to go there. The guests of the hotel are usually oil-rich Arabs. They come to drink and enjoy themselves with prostitutes. In reality, it is a first class brothel.”
Ghosn’s colleague, Jamal Hamamah, said, “We have now in the Arab world commercial TV channels, predominantly owned by Saudis and Kuwaitis. But they are not channels for free political debates. These channels show most of time soap operas with beautiful women and female singers that stand on the stage half naked. All of this is, or course, attractive to Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula where every kind of entertainment is Haram (sinful). These channels have huge quotas of viewers. This is good for both the investors and political systems in the Arab world.”
Al Tabtaba’i dare not, of course, criticize Mit’eb, Al Waleed Bin Talal, and the other oil-rich sheikhs. He would disappear over night. Instead he is hypocritically advocating that the West is finding in Islam the “solution” to their social and financial problems.
What matters at the end of the day is deeds and not theory. The oil sheikhs and their religious establishment do not practice what they preach.
Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world that applies the Shari’s, (Allah’s Law). And the Al Saud, the absolute rulers of the country, are proud of that. However, the banks in that country which call themselves “Islamic” are in reality banks like all the others across the globe. I lived in that country for six years and I know what I’m talking about.
According to Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and all the human rights reports of the US State Department, Saudi Arabia has the highest rates of human trafficking in terms of domestic slaves and prostitutes. Millions of women from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and the Philippines are forced to work seven days a week, 24 hours a day, for meager $ 60-70 a month, if they ever get the money. And on top of all that they are sexually abused. Their passports are confiscated by their employers and they are not allowed to leave the country without their employers’ permission. After all that Saudis go the mosque five times a day to pray in hopes that Allah would waive their atrocities. This is daily practice in all the oil-rich Arab countries. This is Islam in these countries on the ground.
In a televised speech, the Saudi Crown Prince Sultan said (April 5, 2008), “We are proud of being Muslims. Morally we are the best and cleanest on earth. We are proud of living in the purest and most sacred place in the world, the birth country of the Prophet Muhammad, the most honorable in the history of mankind.”
Having said all that, and in addition to the fact that the Koran and Hadeeth incite hatred, discrimination against women, and violence against non-Muslims, Arab Muslims in the Persian Gulf and their rulers abuse other people and by the same token they brag that “Islam is the solution”.
Al Tabtaba’i has been a member of the Kuwaiti Parliament for more than15 years, hence he is a law maker. During all that time he has not submitted one single legislation aimed at alleviating the suffering and exploitation of expatriate workers in Kuwait, many of them are also Muslims.
The question is if “Islam is the solution”, why does not he begin applying it in his home country?
In conclusion, Islam is NOT the solution, it is rather a liability in both theory and practice. “Islam is the solution” is hypocrisy and self-deception per excellence.
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Dr. Sami Alrabaa is a sociology professor and an Arab/Muslim culture specialist. Before moving to Germany he taught at Kuwait University, King Saud University, and Michigan State University.
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Name: Good article, Dr. Al Rabaa
Date: Wednesday October 08, 2008
Time: 06:43:15 -0700
Good article exposing the hypocrisy practised by Islamic regimes. The question is how long will these deviants keep victimizing poor people of Asian countries on the strength of their oil resources?
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Wednesday October 08, 2008
Time: 07:03:37 -0700
Thank you brother Sami. Wonderful article, and very educational to me since I did leave the middle east and move to the west about twenty years ago. Peace to all.
Name: it just goes to show
Date: Wednesday October 08, 2008
Time: 10:23:21 -0700
that those that follow this cult can't really life this cult. Unless you are male, arab, muslim. No, islam is not the solution and if the German people are reading this book, then they will finally begin to know what drives those that follow this cult and be able to fight against it.
Name: Beowulf
Date: Wednesday October 08, 2008
Time: 10:27:01 -0700
islam is garbage.
Name: balam
Date: Wednesday October 08, 2008
Time: 16:33:21 -0700
hypocrisy-thy name is Islam. It is like mirage in the desert. It is good at outwitting simple minds but for how long? This article by Dr. Alrabba is very truthful. He could not have written that while living in an Arab country. That makes the mockery of Quranic verse: There is no compulsion in Religion {ISLAM}.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday October 08, 2008
Time: 21:06:21 -0700
"Islam is the solution " says also Peace TV with the likes of Zakir Naik and his set of amoral ilk. They have talk shows ,they answer stage managed questions, etc making everything look blissful and if there are any blemishes it is the religions of the Kaffirs that is to Blame! Zakir Naik who looked like a "dried decomposing fish " just a few years back is now plump with his cheeks glimmering with prosperity , his sartorial tastes having become expensive, all thanks to money flowing into his coffers from Saudi Arabia ,Kuwait, etc. So much for islamic morality about "interest". To top it all another evil clown "Dr." Israar Ahmed on the same Channel avows rather loudly that all the economic ill of the World, especially the islamic countries, can be traced to the "haram" of interest based economies! I thank the author for exposing the duplicity and fraud of Islamic Finance/Economy - you may call it 'murabah' or whatever rubbish , but it is still interest that is charged by the socalled Islamic Banks that lend their moneys to others. The strange logic and immorality of this so-called finance and economics is that interest is "Haram" but ,financing Terror, illegal arms-trading, slavery, prostitution, flesh trade, dug-running (to Kaffir countries are all very Halal). The hypocrisy and immorality is mind-boggling - this is what islam promises as a solution for peace and prosperity for the "entire humanity" (that's what Peace TV claims - mouth piece of Saudi Arabia!).
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Wednesday October 08, 2008
Time: 23:12:08 -0700
Maybe the Moslem knows that “Islam is the solution” is only for propaganda purposes only. Recently, on an interview in Metro TV, Indonesia, 3 Moslems invited, 2 Moslems with modern thinking, and 1 Moslem with traditional thinking, i.e. following Sharia Laws. The topic is Islamic Government. When asked, the one with Sharia said that everything can be done according to Sharia. Sharia controls every human's life aspect. The other two, said that is impossible, because modern life is so different with the life of 7th century. Sharia do not say anything about election. Sharia do not say anything voting. The point is, sharia only good for pre-modern society. The complex situations of modern living make Sharia must be added by other regulations. It makes Sharia plays only an unimportant part in modern life. So, my opinion is, only dumb people will still using Sharia in this nowadays living, ha ha ha .....
Name: ha ha ha ..... again .....
Date: Wednesday October 08, 2008
Time: 23:26:00 -0700
Islam is the religion of terrorist. Only in Islam, people can be a terrorist without feeling guilty. The Bali bombers, when interviewed by newspapers or TV stations, show no guilty at all. And their lawyers called themselves as "Team Pembela Muslim or Moslem Defender Team". We know that they are terrorist' waiting the execution of their death sentence. So their lawyers implicitly confirmed that Moslem = terrorist, ha ha ha .....
Name: these arabic coutries are in fantasy for gratifying their gulity
Date: Thursday October 09, 2008
Time: 03:07:54 -0700
these arabic courtiers are in fantasy for gratifying their guilt. The world civilization gave them every thing. They only have oil otherwise they might be worse than africa. These lazy and mind less arabs try to improve and boost their self esteem with these fake islam glorifying. It is not their fault. These lazy arabs trapped islam and caught in mental slavery. The world should rationalise these maniac and desire driven arabs first.
Name: Malaysian
Date: Thursday October 09, 2008
Time: 10:27:30 -0700
Islam is only the 'solution' to clear up all the non-muslims from the land of Allah. Islam isn't the solution for all the problems flooding around the world. Sharia can't be a tool to control every aspect of human's life. We know how to live our life. In the end, Islam and Sharia Law will only show the cruelty to oppress human being. Get rid of Islam!!
Name: vbv
Date: Friday October 10, 2008
Time: 07:16:12 -0700
Much of the good work in alleviating sickness, curing diseases and bringing succour to the victims of war, famine or natural disasters are done by the "Kaffirs" in 'Islamic' countries, be it Palestine, Sudan, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, or elsewhere, while muslim countries like to create more miseries, war, terrorism and bloodshed in the name of the worst cult ever "Islam". This clearly shows islam to be a Death cult, a destructive cult and a inhumane cult.
Name: Sean (USA)
Date: Friday October 10, 2008
Time: 20:53:06 -0700
This is just a brief comment on the first part of this article where Waleed Al Tabtaba’i tries to claim, or insinuate, that the Mexican government is considering Islamic Sharia values when he states, "In Mexico, the government is introducing sex-segregated public transport means, buses for men and others for women". This is actually a LIE. Mexico has segregated men from women on public transportation for years, I believe they due it mostly on the weekends and only in certain areas. But for a Muslim to try to say that they are embracing aspects of Islam is incredibly disingenuous. The reason Mexico has segregated the sexes is because the hot blooded latino men have a habbit of getting a little to frisky on Friday and Saturday nights.
Name: Life of Islam
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 08:26:34 -0700
The life of Islam is directly proportional to the oil deposits in the Middle East. As the oil is depleted so is Islam.
Name: Silverspoon
Date: Saturday October 11, 2008
Time: 14:26:29 -0700
I beg to differ from this article. Throughout the article, you mentioned "people" not doing something which is according to Islam, not the teachings of Islam themselves. Islam tells you to help other people who are in need, if muslims don't, it would be the fault of the "so-called muslims" which most of the arabs are, rather than Islam itself. It truly amuses me that while describing all that, at the end of the article, you are concluding that Islam is not the solution. I wonder how many christians follow Jesus's teaching. If I hit someone while walking down on the road, will they retaliate or love me in response. Wait a minute, that would be the person retaliating, not Christianity!! I hope a lot of you can understand that rather than just bashing a religion. Thanks.