Islamism is a Socio-Political Virus
12 Oct, 2008
However, without oil and suicide bombing Islamists would be
roaming the Arabian Peninsula, the birth place of Islamism, and
perish from hunger. Petrodollars and Wahabism, a wild irrational
version of Islam, are nurturing Islamism and Muslim terror. Koran
schools across the globe stuff young brains with hatred against the
rest of the world. Students at these schools are taught that they
are the “real Muslims”. Ridding the world of the “infidels” is their
primary religious obligation. In return for blowing up themselves in
crowded places they are promised paradise and an eternal prosperous
life among 72 young virgin pretty women of their choice.
Now, when you scrutinize Islamism on the ground, you find out
that its backers, in particular in the Arab world, focus on the
For Islamists, women are the source of all evil. They (men)
primarily associate women with sex and only sex. Therefore, women
must cover every part of their body when they are outside their
homes. Women are seductive, Islamists allege. If they expose any
part of their body, men would be distracted and their lust is
stirred, which is eventually “sinful”. An Islamist told me that when
he is in Europe he sees so much flesh and hence his lust dwindles.
At home in Saudi Arabia, he has much more sexual lust. He figures
out all kinds of beauty under women’s clothes in the street. He
rushes home to pour his lust in his wife. And that is more exciting.
- According to Islamists, women must be ready for intercourse at
any time the husband wishes so.
“Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like, and do good beforehand for yourselves, and be careful (of your duty) to Allah, and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the believers.” (Sura 2, verse 223).
During menstruation, however, men should keep away from women;
they are filthy. The Koran says:
“It (menstruation) is a discomfort; therefore keep aloof from the women during the menstrual discharge and do not go near them until they have become clean; then when they have cleansed themselves, go in to them as Allah has commanded you; surely Allah loves those who turn much (to Him), and He loves those who purify themselves.” (Sura 2, verse 222).
Women, according to Islamists and the Koran, are, in general,
unclean creature. After a Muslim has washed and prepared himself for
prayer, he should not touch a woman. She tarnishes his cleanliness.
Therefore, “pious” Muslims never shake hands with women.
“O you who believe! do not go near prayer until you have washed yourselves; and if you have touched women, and you cannot find water, betake yourselves to pure earth, then wipe your faces and your hands; surely Allah is Pardoning, Forgiving.” (Sura 4, verse 43).
For Islamists, even the woman’s voice is “’aura” (a sexual
organ). A woman on Saudi radio and TV, for instance, is not allowed
to be interviewed by a man. Also a woman should never tell her name
in public. Therefore, she is, for example, “um Muhammad”, (the
mother of Muhammad), or “um Ali”.
In a public place an Islamist walks a couple of feet ahead of his
wife or close female relatives, covered from head to toe. He wants
to signal to passers-by, these are my women, do not look at them.
They are mine. Thus women are not only sex objects, they are also a
piece of property.
Islamists demand that a woman’s face should never be
photographed. Women of Islamists in Kuwait are allowed to have their
photos on the driver’s license with a dark black face cover. The
majority of them are usually reckless drivers and no police dare
stop them to take them to task.
Islamists in several Arab and Muslim countries have succeeded in
forcing sex-segregation at schools and universities. That is the
case in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Malaysia, Iran, and
Pakistan. Bosnia and Kosovo are also introducing this system.
Women as witnesses, according to Islamists, are unreliable.
Therefore, the testimony of two female witnesses are required to
equal that of one male witness in Shari’a courts (Sura 2, verse
282). Further, Women are entitled to inherit only half a portion of
that of a man (Sura 4, verse 176). For many men at the Arab Gulf,
the brain of a woman is “too small”; it is half the size of that of
a man.
Also, Islamists encourage forcing minor girls to marry. The
youngest was 8 years old whose father forced her to marry a
57-year-man in Sana’a, the Yemen Times reports (October 10, 2008).
As some human rights organizations protested, a local judge defended
the case by analogy; the Prophet Muhammad married Aisha, one of his
wives, as she was 9 years old.
Men and women, in most Arab oil rich countries, are not allowed
to hug or kiss each other in public, at the airport, for instance,
when they welcome relatives and friends back from a journey or say
farewell to them. For weeks now, Islamists in Kuwait have been
condemning a 14-year-old girl who kissed a singer in a family
wedding party in a hotel in Kuwait city. Some of them called the
girl a “whore” and demanded punishing her and her parents.
Another triviality of Islamists is the ad nausea repetition of
“peace and prayers be upon him” every time the name of the Prophet
Muhammad is mentioned. It is a must. Otherwise, you are not “pious”
A real Muslim, for Islamists, is the one who practices Islam to
the letter. Muslims are not allowed to use their left hand when they
eat or drink. It is the one which one uses to wash their ass.
According to Islamists, a Muslim should never donate an organ,
heart or kidneys for example, to a non-Muslim. Ali Gumaa, the grand
mufti of Egypt and the Islamist fanatic, Yousef Al Qaradhawi,
approved of that on Al Jazeera TV (February 16, 2008).
Freedom of speech is also forbidden, according to Islamists. You
are not allowed to question anything in the Koran, Hadeeth, or
Shari’a. These scripts are sacred.
Books that criticize certain Islamic practices are also
forbidden. The “evolution theory” is also banned from all schools in
the earlier mentioned countries. Even the “One Thousand and one
Nights” is forbidden in many Arab countries. Some Islamists preach,
the Koran is the only book that is worth of reading. It has got
everything you need to know. This is reminiscent of what the second
Caliph, Omar Ibn Al Khattab did with the Library of Alexandria in
the 7th century, the greatest and most precious at the time. Before
burning the Library down, he said, “If it contains books which
preach what Islam advocates, then it is superfluous. If it doesn’t,
then it should be destroyed.” And it was.
Music, for Islamists, is also haram (forbidden). It is a Western
fad. It is noise. A good Muslim listens only to recorded recitations
of the Koran.
Political “parties” is “hizb” (fragmentation) and as such are
forbidden in the Arab Gulf countries. In Kuwait there is a
parliament, but parties are forbidden. Saudi Arabia rejects
democracy all together. It is un-Islamic. Shura (consultation) is
the Islamic alternative. This is one of the reasons why the Al Saud
are vehemently sticking to Shari’a. It justifies their absolute
despotic rule.
Besides, Islamists reject all secular constitutions and secular
laws. They advocate that the Shari’a is the best constitution on
earth. It is the law of Allah.
Islamists also reject religious pluralism. Any other faith than
Islam is fake. The Saudis and the Turks, both led by Islamists,
enjoy religious pluralism in the West. But in their own countries,
no churches, synagogues, or temples are allowed to be built.
In addition, until now, no-Muslims are not allowed to enter Mecca
and Medina in Saudi Arabia. They are “holy places” and only Muslims
are allowed to visit them.
Islam is the only religion in the world that declares Muslims who
convert to other faiths apostates and sentences them to death.
Islamists enforce this with death fatwas. This is a gross violation
of a basic human right which the UN Charter prescribes and all Arab
and Muslim countries ratified.
For Islamists, people who satirize Islamic symbols are declared
satanic/heretic and deserve the death penalty. The Muhammad-Cartoons
are a case in point.
Every time a hurricane hits the USA, the Islamists rejoice. They
propagate, that is the curse of Allah on the “infidels”. As the
tsunami hit South East Asia, Nabeel Al Awadhi claimed in an article
for the Kuwaiti Al Watan daily (April 2006), “The tsunami hit more
infidels than Muslims.” In’ the same paper, Waleed Al Tabtaba’i
concluded (October 5, 2008) that the recent international financial
crisis is Allah’ chastisement for the people who deal with riba
(usury).” Rajab Al Banna, a columnist with the Egyptian daily, Al
Ahram, alleges (May 26, 2007), “Western charity organizations are
not interested in humanitarian aid. Their ultimate aim is
proselytizing Muslims and help them convert to Christianity.”
As you can see, the Islamists find always a “rational”
explanation to events in the world.
The Islamist dogma is void and anti-human. But thanks to
petrodollars, lack of genuine democracy and freedom of speech in the
Arab and Muslim world – which for decades has been ignored by the
West for geopolitical and economic interests – and thanks to
relativists in their cozy offices, Islamism is thriving and
Islamists are emboldened.
School textbooks in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Indonesia, for
example, are still teaching hatred and violence against people of
other faiths. According to the latest
UN Education Report (2007), these books are funded by Saudi
Arabia. And no body dare touch on that. Governments and individuals
are intimidated. It is allegedly an internal matter, and justified
as freedom of belief. This is perverse. Violating basic human rights
has nothing to do with freedom of belief.
The USA and the European Union know all that, yet they have not
undertaken concrete measure to ban these toxic textbooks. There must
the war on terror begin. Islamists are illiterate in terms of common
sense and human civilized coexistence. They are outlaws who need to
be re-educated and integrated in our civilized world.
It is very important to distinguish between ordinary Muslims and
Islamists. The majority of Muslims around the globe are peaceful
people, more or less religious like all followers of other faiths
whether they are Christians, Jews, Hindus, or Buddhists. Every human
being must have the right to believe in whatever they deem
appropriate, including Islamists. But nobody has the right to IMPOSE
his beliefs on other, oppress them, discriminate against them, and
terrorize them, as Islamists are doing every day.
The so-called Mutawa’s, religious police in Saudi Arabia, are
empowered to force all women to cover their bodies from head to toe,
even 5-year-old girls. Pedestrians during prayer times are forced to
go the mosque and pray, sometimes even non-Muslims are forced to do
so. Women who travel by taxi alone are accused of adultery. Both the
woman and the taxi driver are
imprisoned and tortured. In Gaza, Basra/Iraq, south Lebanon, and
Iran no woman is allowed to walk in a public place without a hijab
(headscarf). In most Egyptian towns, women without a headscarf are
denigrated and treated as prostitutes.
More and more governments in the Middle East, for example, in
Egypt, Syria, Kuwait, Pakistan, Morocco, Algeria, Yemen, and Iraq
are allying themselves with Islamists in a bid to appease the
latter. Demonizing the West would partially appease the Islamists
and essentially debilitate the demand for democracy in these
The problem is not Islam; it has existed for 1400 years and will still, realistically speaking, exist. The problem in the 21st century is the Islamists. They have hijacked both Islam and moderate Muslims. The resources of these thugs must be dried out and this is the responsibility of all of us. We must not be intimidated by them under any circumstances. They are a socio-cultural virus that must be eradicated by all means.
Finally, a colleague told me, Islam is sick. And its disease is called Islamism. The world community must fight this devastating disease, this Black Death. It is disrupting peace and stability in the whole world. Abdul Hadi Palazzi, an Italian Islam expert said several times, “The Americans should have invaded Saudi Arabia, instead of Iraq. It IS the source of all evil.” I would add Egypt, Qatar, and the UAE. The Islamist establishments in these countries and their media are fostering Islamism. All these regimes proclaim that they are friends of the West, but at the same time they fund and support Islamism. It is, however, clear that America and the West at large would not want to antagonize these regimes for well-known geopolitical and economic considerations.
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Dr. Sami Alrabaa, an ex-Muslim, is a professor of Sociology and an Arab-Muslim culture specialist. Before moving to Germany he taught at Kuwait University, King Saud University, and Michigan State University.
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Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 11:08:35 -0700
The author claims the problem is Islamists and not Islam. Well, I guess the Islamists get their teachings from the "three little pigs" book series and not from the Qur'an and the Sunnah and Hadith. The simple fact is that those thugs get their teachings from the Qur'an and Hadith and Sunnah. The author needs to be honest to himself and admit that the problem is Islam itself. It cannot be reformed. Its got to go if humanity and civilization are to survive. However, the western countries need to do more and force those countries to adopt textbooks that do not teach the hate lying within the Qur'an.This is of extreme importance. Governments of the west need to realize that reforming the educational systems in those countries is the key to moving them from Islam to any other form of a decent and civilized society. Islam is evil. Anyone who know how Islam's history went, how the prophet and Sahaba lived, and knows what the Qur'an teaches, has to say the Islam is evil. Its first victims are the Muslims. We cannot fight Muslims with violence. Muslims are the most violent people. But we can make them think in a logical manner, instead of following the teachings of a thug who lived 1400 years ago, and who made a living out of killing other people and taking their fortunes. Peace
Name: Islam is a time travel machine back to 7th century
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 11:30:37 -0700
Islam is having difficulty adjusting to the modern world and will have no place in the next century.
Name: shinderpal jandu
Date: Sunday October 12, 2008
Time: 12:40:57 -0700
ya right this will all end with crying
Name: Yes islam is psychic virus which paralise the brain from questioning
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 01:44:00 -0700
Yes islam is psychic virus which paralise the brain from questioning and reasoning. This Socio-Political Virus is more dangerous than HIV. Let us all jointly ight it through peaceful virus.g ive medicine that can kill virus but not the patient (muslim)
Name: vbv
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 03:54:36 -0700
When someone asked Zakir Naik , that obfuscating congenital LIAR , why non-muslims are not alloed in Mecca and Medina , he replied saying that in other countries do they allow people to go near a military establishment or a cantonment?. Now if that is the analogy of Mecca and Medina , then they are not "holy" places but a legitimate military target for anyone to bomb it to smithereens! It shows how farcical and hypocritical any muslim preacher/proselytiser can be. Zakir Naik says 'islam is the solution for all humanity' and islam is a 'peaceful' religion , 'islam is progressive' and so on... Then why ,one can legitimately ask , is islamic nations/muslim countries full of strife and violence? why there is so much violence wherever muslims are in majority or in large numbers? why there is no progress in science, human development in islamic societies? Why they preach so much hatred against non-muslims? Are these signs of peace ,progress, prosperity and human wellbeing? Obviously NO! Because islam was born in violence and crime, its founder was a criminal and a rabid women-hating ,murderous psychopath , who made his living by robbing the Meccan Caravans, plundering, looting ,raping and slavery.This typical of a cult , an immoral, destructive and criminal cult.
Name: Beginning of the End
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 07:25:03 -0700
Nice to get something to read here from a heavyweight ex-muslim scholar! It reveals that it becomes an issue for islamic rulers to keep the intellectuals on their side. This is what B. Tibi calls "half modernisation" or "Superficial modernisation". They are depending on highly educated scholars, scientists and engineers, but cannot expect them to believe in the superstitious teachings of the quran.
Name: Dick Nowak
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 07:31:07 -0700
The terrorists involved in the 9/11 attacks were Arabs, mostly from Egypt. Their financial sponsor was Saudi Prince Bandar. In the West we are addicted to oil, which we buy from Iran, Saudi and other Muslim countries. When we buy their oil, we pay with our hard earned money. In the West, not enough buses and trains are fuelled by vegetable oil. Not enough cars are fuelled by locally extracted natural gas. Not enough electricity is generated by solar or wind power. Not enough buses are powered by hydrogen.
Name: Islam is over
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 07:53:37 -0700
Nice article! The author is only one of the ever growing number of intellectuals who cannot stand to live in a societies without human rights, dominated by an intolerant cult. The brain drain is just beginning and in a few decades, there will be no oil nor water, and no people with skills who could move these countries into the right direction.
Name: this cult cannot reform
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 10:44:47 -0700
because to do so, would literally wipe out 3/4 of their "holy book". What little good it has done, it is far out-weighed by the bad. It must go.
Name: Duard Hamm
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 17:21:37 -0700
Oh, but the problem IS Islam. I was fine with what you were saying until you got to the part where you wrote that the religion of Islam has been "hijacked" from the true believers who are peaceloving and moderate. This is the party line of the Islamic nations who are trying to deflect attention away from themselves while they are financially supporting the so called Islamists. There is no truth in that statement. The so called Islamist is simply a fundamentalist Muslim who is devoutly following the teachings as set forth in the Quran and Ahadith, which teaches hatred of infidels, and fighting until they are defeated and the religion of Allah prevails over the entire Earth. The "moderate" Muslim is the non-practicing Muslim and they are too afraid to speak up against the fundamentalist for fear of being branded a blasphemer of Islam. If the majority of Muslims believed that the "radical Islamist" had truly "hijacked" their religion they would be up in arms by the million taking their religio back. Do you see any of this happening?? No, you don't, because the Islamic world-wide umma is in complete support of the actions of the jihadists. Again, Islam is the problem and it must change. There must be a total reformation akin to the Christian reformation led by Martin Luther. I would pray that this happens, but I don't hold out much hope that it will. If it doesn't, at some point in the future there is going to an apocalyptic clash of civilizations.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 20:19:20 -0700
It is ridiculous that the Moslem didn't go far from their 7th century environment. While other parts of the world, the non moslems, are changing fast or slowly, adapting the modern ways, they are stucked to what Mohammad taught. It made them moslem so stupid, so underdeveloped, ha ha ha .....
Name: john
Date: Monday October 13, 2008
Time: 21:56:24 -0700
Islam can never have a place in the modern world as the political-religion is today. Islam is both politics and religion... It does not recognize separation of church and state. Many who practice Islam do not value democracy or free speech over Religion, thus invalidating the idea that a modern democracy is compatible with Islam. Case and point: the middle east governments today. Besides hating the wrong people (west/democracies, not just because of military might), they should look inward at their corruption from religion. However, I doubt the middle eastern repressive governments/religion (criticizing both because they are the same ...Islamic...) would ever allow such a reform (let alone the thought or discussion of said reform). Muslims need to change their religion themselves, if they want. I honestly doubt most want this change, or are so perverted by their raised faith they have lost all ability to think for themselves. That is why Islam will be my enemy: until they find a way to co-exist (as all other major religions have) with the modern world, they endanger themselves. Yet they blame everyone but themselves. I am one American that would want to antagonize these regimes (from end paragraph in article), which are interwoven with Islam. Therefore whatever good Islam contains should be saved before their Islamic regimes are destroyed (or destroy themselves and the religion of Islam).
Name: Doubtful
Date: Tuesday October 14, 2008
Time: 03:54:36 -0700
I am not sure if the UAE can be branded along with Saudi, Egypt and Qatar. I am a Hindu and has lived in Dubai for the past 15 years and had no problems in practicing my religion in a quiet manner. There are in fact churches and a temple here. The temple street resembles its counterpart in India replete with idols and devotional songs blaring out of stereo systems. In the last year's Dussehra, my wife did a theme on the Hindu epic Ramayana which was featured in Gulf News, a leading publication here. I know the other emirates in the UAE are more stricter compared to Dubai but i feel the UAE as a whole is a lot more liberal than say Saudi Arabia or Kuwait.
Name: Taif
Date: Wednesday October 15, 2008
Time: 00:28:04 -0700
Obviously, a good article full of references. I object on the presentation of the verse 222 and 223 of surah 2. I think the writer intentionally changed the chronology of the verses i.e. presented verse 223 before verse 222 in order to prove his point, which is mostly unfair. Any one who read the two verses chronologically can easily realize the point of view of Quran on that matter. Again, at sura 4 verse 43, "touch" indicates "sexual intercourse" for which washing of body is needed by any civilized man, I think. Thank you.
Name: To Taif
Date: Wednesday October 15, 2008
Time: 05:23:08 -0700
Talking of chronology, the whole Quran has been manipulated and is not in the same order as Mo / Allah had spoken. Put it back in the chronological order as revealed, and you will see that it is a right mess. Also, touch is actually touch because just looking at a woman is considered sexual in Islam, so touching would be far more serious. It appears that Muslim men are uncontrollable, being led by a sex maniac who knew better.
Name: Islam = Deception
Date: Wednesday October 15, 2008
Time: 07:39:15 -0700
To say that Islam is not the problem is to fall into the trap of deception.
Name: lw1
Date: Wednesday October 15, 2008
Time: 13:11:03 -0700
Sura 2 Verse 223 - 'Your wives are a tilth to you, so go into your tilth when you like ...'Whether Verse 223 is put before 222 or after it, it still means the same. Women has no say in it - man is the master and must be obeyed. Violence against wives is permitted by Quran.
Name: Islam is the cause.
Date: Wednesday October 15, 2008
Time: 21:27:05 -0700
A good article except towards the end that says "the problem is not Islam". Many conflict zones in the world involve Muslims and non-Muslims from various countries and religions. It is usually the Muslims who are the agressors. Granted there are many Muslims who are sensible people but that is because they are really nominal Muslims. Best is to leave the Islam altogether e.g. M.A. Khan and Alrabaa. Not the Muslim fault if he/she were born into a Muslim family. But they have a choice to leave Islam especially they leave in the West or a truly secular democracy.
Name: Comment of a guest in a radio program
Date: Wednesday October 15, 2008
Time: 22:10:43 -0700
"It is better to be a Muslim in a Christian country than to be a Christian in a Muslim country."
Name: eyes wide open
Date: Thursday October 16, 2008
Time: 00:52:25 -0700
A worthwhile read. glad I found the page. reality says we one day must take on these murderers. sad but no other way exists just hope we win.
Name: To john
Date: Thursday October 16, 2008
Time: 02:36:49 -0700
YES Islam can never have a place in the modern world as the political-religion is today. Islam is both politics and religion. Islam takes an uncompromising stand in prohibiting the following 1 Consuming or dealing with Alcohol 2 Engaging or supporting gambling 3 Consuming or dealing with drugs (such as heroin etc) 4 Consuming or dealing in tobacco 5 Engaging or supporting interest 6 Construction and dealing with mass weapons of destruction. 7 Rape And violence of women and children. Does any religion stand against the above?