Government and Media Collusion in Downplaying Latest Delhi Terror Blasts
29 Sep, 2008
- While more than one eyewitness set the time of the terror blast
at 2.05 or 2.06, most media channels set the time at 2.15,while some
even suggested it to be 2:45. Even as a few channels interviewed
eyewitnesses who confirmed that at least two children had died
immediately after the blasts with their vital organs severed from
their bodies, the police and media channels spoke of only one death.
As news of deaths of those rushed to hospital filtered through, a
few media channels began raising the death toll accordingly. At one
point, Times Now was reporting 5 deaths, but miraculously, this
number was reduced to just one an hour later.
Even as eyewitnesses described the blasts as deafening enough to
be heard a kilometer away, and even as closer eyewitnesses described
how blood and vital organs flew out from the victims bodies and
seriously injured several bystanders and damage extended to several
shops and houses in the vicinity, media analysts insisted upon
describing the blast as a ‘low intensity’ affair.
Only a few channels reported that the Health Minister had
admitted that the police had been warned by a phone call originating
in Faridabad a day prior to the terror blast. Likewise, only a few
channels showed the angst of locals who had to call the police
several times before anyone bothered to show up at the scene of the
crime at 3.30 – almost an hour and a half after the heinous crime.
Several victims were taken to hospital by relatives or local
do-gooders and contrary to claims by channels such as NDTV, Star
News and others, they were not all taken to AIIMS. One Hindi channel
spoke of some victims taken to Safdarjung Hospitals, while other
Hindi channels showed the presence of ambulances from Fortis – a
private hospital.
Considering that the attack took place just two weeks after the
previous serial blasts and was preceded by a provocative warning,
the inaction of the police and medical authorities and other top
city officials is simply scandalous. It is also notable that no one
from the ruling party or its allies appeared in solidarity with the
victims of the blast. Considering that the child who died was the
son of a poor migrant worker, one might have expected a word of
sympathy from amongst at least one of India’s many Communist
But none of the dominant media channels tried to bring this out.
All kinds of sorry excuses were provided as to how it may not be
a terror conspiracy. It was suggested that because there was no
‘warning email’ it may have been a mere accident or the work of some
local disgruntled youths.
No one dared to suggest the obvious – that it may have been
revenge for the recent arrests of several members of active Islamic
terror cells emanating from Azamgarh and using Jamia Milia as a safe
haven. That it may have been engineered to confuse the
investigations, to make the Delhi police appear incompetent and to
demoralize those who were appearing to make progress in the terror
In recent days, India’s pro-Islamic media has been working
overtime to defend those arrested for the previous blasts. Instead
of investigating the long history of Jamia’s association with SIMI
and other virulently sectarian and narcissistic Islamic terror
organisations, instead of dispassionately disseminating the growing
body of circumstantial evidence that connects those arrested with
multiple acts of terror, they have been harping on the tired old
‘Muslims as Victims’ refrain.
Azamgarh has an old history of aligning with crime and terror. An
extraordinary number of Muslim-dominated crime gangs have been
traced to Azamgarh. Wealth from crime syndicates, circulation of
fake currency notes and earnings from the Persian Gulf have brought
a measure of prosperity to several Muslim-majority villages in the
region. None of those arrested for terror links were poor. They
owned laptops and cellphones. Several had multiple bank accounts
with transactions in the lakhs (100 thousand)—adding
up to crores (10 million) over the last few years.
Yet, the media refused to challenge the audacious claims of the
Jamia authorities that the terrorists were just ‘innocent students’.
No media analyst was aghast by the Education Ministers tolerance for
the use of public educations funds being misused to defend
terrorists. None tried to expose Mulayam or Lallu’s perfidious
defence of SIMI – an organization whose ideology reeks of Islamic
Imperialism and barely disguised contempt and intolerance for
India’s Hindu majority.
In the wake of recent and earlier acts of mass terror against the
people of India, it is startling to see how not a single Muslim or
supposedly ‘secular’ member of India’s intellectual and political
elite has displayed even a smattering of human sympathy for the
grief or sorrow for the victims of Islamic terror.
By and large, the worst victims of India’s Islamic terror have
been the poor and the migrant working class. But rather than stand
in solidarity with them, it is shocking how all of India’s Communist
Parties have bent over backwards to protect Islamic reactionaries
and violent terrorists.
They have repeated ad nauseam how Islam has been a religion of
peace and how Muslims are just innocent victims of Hindu zealots,
conveniently forgetting how Islam was brought to Northern India by
slave traders who in the name of Islam boasted of their many acts of
mass terror and destruction. Islam reached the Gangetic plain with
sword in one hand and an utter ideological disdain for the Hindu
‘infidels’ of the subcontinent. To now pretend that Islam came to
India ‘peacefully’ or that there was any universal spirit of
humanism in Islam is utterly disingenuous.
For too long, a cross section of Indian intellectuals has
connived to hide or minimize the crimes of Islam in India. They have
tried to conceal the fact that at its core, Islam was (and remains)
an alien religion whose adherents (like later British colonizers)
have repeatedly exploited caste and other divisions amongst Hindus
to conquer the subcontinent and to expropriate its once prolific
wealth. SIMI and Jamia are just modern faces of the same sectarian
imperial mindset that continues to divide and demoralize the hapless
Under such circumstances, it is inevitable that more and more
genuinely secular Indians will have to reassess their view of the
world. It would be no surprise if they were to conclude that the
greatest enemy of secular harmony and peaceful progress in India are
not the forces of Hindutva but those deceitful Hindu liberals who
repeatedly make common cause with hardened Islamic terrorists who
have no sympathy or empathy for their Hindu brethren.
So far, Hindu apologists for sectarian Muslims, for Muslim
extremists and terrorists, have been tolerated because they have
developed fortress-like vote banks based on narrow caste and
religious loyalties. Arjun Singh, Amar Singh, Lallu Prasad and
Karunanidhi have repeatedly played the caste card to conceal their
venality and incompetence.
Patriarchal politicians and leaders of India’s various left
parties who have turned a blind eye to the crimes of Islam have
escaped opprobrium because too many Hindus remain trapped in a
whirlpool of caste and gender divisions, and Muslims with
progressive instincts are too intimidated by their own clerical and
intellectual elites.
But once Hindu (and Muslim) women become truly free from the
psychological prison of patriarchy and Hindu (and Muslim) men
liberate themselves from the vices of nepotism (and other sectarian
loyalties), and understand that progress requires humanism, merit
and equal opportunity, their consciousness will be transformed, and
they will no longer allow themselves to become fodder for cynical
politicians who make common cause with Islamic terrorists.
Until then, it is becoming increasingly obvious that under the
duplicitous leadership of Sonia Gandhi and her coterie of spineless
sycophants, India will remain largely impotent in combating the
scourge of Islamic terrorism.
And if prominent Muslims continue to refuse any condemnation and
exposure of the terrorists within, more and more Indians will see
Islam as the nation’s biggest curse.
No amount of historic or contemporary falsifications will help. A nation that graduates the world’s largest pool of scientists and engineers will surely see through the web of fabrications that have been perpetrated to dupe its hitherto pliant citizenry.
India’s destiny cannot be held hostage by misanthropic journalists and avaricious and grasping politicians who willfully align with the forces of medieval darkness.
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Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 02:30:52 -0700
what about attacks in pakistan
Name: vbv
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 06:13:08 -0700
Politicians are concerned about their vote banks rather than the security of the nation. Secular values in their view is to pander muslim extremists and disparage the Hindus in their own country. This will not change unless people throw these corrupt and amoral politicians and elect persons of integrity and those who are above serving just the narrow sectarian interests and lining their pockets with public money purportedly meant for public good! Otherwise there is no salvation from this malady, if you are unwilling to address the problems of terrorism ,be it islamic, MAOist, Naxalites, separatists or a bunch of extreme rightwing hindus (which is a misnomer since from times immemorial extremism was alien to Hinduism ,but copied from the semetic cults of Islam and christianity, both of which are proselytising creeds bent on promoting their cult debunking and exterminating all other creeds). In short the politicians have no honesty in addressing any of the people's problems sincerely be it education, health, economy or god administration, unless their partisan interests are not served! This may sound pessimistic like a Doomsday Sermon ,but it is a FACT nevertheless!
Name: qwer
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 06:17:48 -0700
Sure ... Mo-Ham-Mad and his allah is the root of terrorism
Name: kedar mujumdar
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 07:20:56 -0700
the problem is with our way of electing the representative of the house or what ever we vote for. we dont vote for democracy. but we vote for different way's a democracy can be defined. thats why we have some shit letter head party dominating the state politics. eg Mulayam for UP lalu for bihar. they just want to stay in power. mention one politician that has died in a blast. none. i think that we bring them to power so that their family can live securely not ours. they will have all A to Z security. while we wait in traffic so that they can pass off. imagine the feeling of a police officer when he has to salute a person less educated than him or has a criminal case against him which he cannot proceed as he will be transferred to another district or may be another state as a routine transfer. i think the constitution was defined to protect the public but now i see that its only used to protect the people with money or power. thats INDIA. we are all maharashtrian, kannadiga, tamilian, mallu, gujrati, bengali and please forgive me if any other state that i have forgot to mention. forget the radicals kill the shitty rules of electing our leaders our great leaders, the pillars of democracy.
Name: balam
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 09:10:36 -0700
While my heart goes out for the victims of Islamic terrorism in India, I do not understand why the Hindus attack peaceful Christians in Orrissa And other states. The Christian wish to live in Peace as loyal Indian citizens. The do not believe in terrorism and that is the reward they get from the depraved and corard Hindus and the Important Indian Government. The Government should act firmly against these devious Hindus. Their tolerance for the peaceful Christians is only skin deep. They remain evil at heart because they do not worship the Living God. They will never ever have Peace.
Name: Evidence that Evolution Theory is wrong!
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 12:28:14 -0700
No fundamentalist or creationist will ever achieve any progress! No muslim country will ever develop! No muslim society will ever become modern! They all are dinosaurs, will remain dinosaurs and die out like dinosaurs!
Name: To VBV- Joe
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 13:36:30 -0700
Christianity is a proselytising creed as you rightly said. One of the central principles of christianity is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. There is no creed which has not spread or is not sustained by preaching. You must understand that religion and spirituality is in the domain of ideas and thought and not just blind belief. It is only natural for any human being to declare publicly and communicate what he or she firmly believes in. To stop that is to stop the freedom of expression without which no society can progress. Look at the democracies of europe, america where freedom of expression is encouraged. No one is forbidden from practising their creed or propagating it. These societies cling to the freedom of expression and they are the most progressive and prosperous societies. Just as the Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest applies to the natural world, a similar principle applies to the realm of spirituality and ideas, philosophies etc. Only the best ideas will thrive and prosper and gain popular appeal. Who is the most capable of defeating Islam? The answer is very clear. The western societies with their ideas of freedom, egalitarianism, etc. These are the dominant societies of our time. How did it get that way? because the ideas and ideals they hold dear gave them that power. If those ideas were flawed western societies would be backward like islamic societies. Christianity with its liberating influence has helped western societies in their march to progress. If that was not the case western societies would be backward. Only societies which are uncertain of the correctness and strength of their ideas react with aggression and use violence against those who propagate their faith through peaceful means. As is happening occasionally in certain parts of India. If these groups were absolutely confident of the strength of their ideas they would not resort to such crude behaviour. It is a sign of their insecurity. In Europe and America there are absolutely no bounds on the propagation of ones faith as is the case in islamic countries. That is because they are confident about the ideas on which their society is based, christianity being one of them. See the islamic countries where no propagation of non islamic faiths is allowed. The most backward of all societies. The difference is very clear. India should not join and I am confident will not join the ranks of closed societies. We have a very good document called the constitution which is a good guide in such matters. We must follow it rather than trying to turn a blind eye to what it declares.
Name: Puneet Madaan
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 14:32:29 -0700
great source of information, including how persian gulf countries including iran is exporting terrorism. Well but its only a "low intensity" blast are blowing peoples up in air, with body parts scattering around the streets.... but don't worry, due to some "Low intensity" blast till death toll is a few people...
Name: To M. A. Khan- Joe
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 17:25:30 -0700
Sir, I find certain comments made by me just a few hours back have been deleted. I wish to know the reason since I believe that this site did allow rebuttals to comments made by other contributors.
-- Joe, I tried keeping the discussion focused on the article than mudslinging between the readers and veer it away from the topic. However, lack of time do not allow me do a strict moderation of every comment. - MA Khan
Name: To M A Khan
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 17:48:52 -0700
Sir, why is this page not taking any comments posted here? I have tried several times without success.
Comments are moderated now. -- MA Khan
Name: Zombie Fried Chicken
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 18:07:23 -0700
Islam was spread piecefully. (notice the spelling). I do not know a lot about Indian politics, but I think I understand politics. Politics is about appeasing, lying, and manipulation. It sounds that the priniciples of political correctness are crippling the Indian Subcontinent just they are crippling Europe and the Americas.
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 18:15:09 -0700
things will remain this way till cross border terrorism stops...
Name: vbv
Date: Monday September 29, 2008
Time: 23:58:57 -0700
To balam: Hindus respect all creeds , not only chritianity but also islam. But this sentiment is not reciprocated by muslims and christians. Muslims ,ofcourse, the whole world knows are fed on a hate the 'kaffirs' agenda, hence beyond redemption. Most christians get along with other communities ,but there are of late some who have started debunking , insulting local cultures and sensibilties. These are the 'evangelists' kind who call hindus sinners fit to go to Hell if they do not convert to christianity - the hindus are supposed to be heathens, pagans, uncultured worshipping so many gods , many with animal heads or limbs ,etc These idiots don't understand the philosophy of hinduism respecting all animals, plants, trees, mountains,all elements of nature promoting the oneness of humanity with its environment. We are not apart from Narure , we are just a part of it , and we need Nature more than Nature needs us. There is nothing barbaric about it . Todays scientists and environmentalists are crying hoarse over our indiscriminate raping and destruction of our forests making many species of animals extinct for loss of their habitat. There is nothing illogical in respecting and revering our Mother Nature rather than some fictitious nonexisting superman ( for which there is absolutly no evidence of such a "creator") called "God/Yahweh? Allah, etc". These evangelists christians talk about Jesus Christ saving us when he could not save himself from such a humiliating and ignoble end ,moaning "O father why did you forsake me"!Mind you India was the land which welcomed St Thomas somewhere around 52 AD in Kerala, Jews had been in India since time before our common era still practicing their faith, the Iranians ( called Parsees in India) came to India after the onslaught of Arabs in their country converting by sword to islam or just slaughtering them en masse and ever since practiced their faith for centuries with nobody trying to convert to hinduism, and there are many instances of tolerance and understanding in the history of India where many indegenous faiths flourished like Budhism, Jainism, Saivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, etc apart from foreign creeds like islam, christianity , judaism or zoroastrianism. Both islam and Christianity are exclusivist creeds that thrive on destroying all indigenous cultures to impose their dogma. This is certainly not acceptable to any self respecting human being. Will the muslims or Christians tolerate it if we were to say you are all pagans, heathen convert or you will go to Hell , forcing something alien down their throats ?!However that does'nt mean I am justifying the violence - after all who taught us intolerance and bigotry : Islam and Christianity!
Name: Candy Anderson
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 00:47:17 -0700
Dear Mr. Khan, before you label muslims as terrorist, let me give you a lesson on terrorism. I hope you can publish this to all your fans. here goes, All Muslims may not be terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims." This comment , frequently heard after the Mumbai bomb blasts implies that terrorism is a Muslim specialty, if not a monopoly. The facts are very different. First, there is nothing new about terrorism. In 1881, anarchists killed the Russian Tsar Alexander II and 21 bystanders. In 1901, anarchists killed US President McKinley as well as King Humbert I of Italy. World War I started in 1914 when anarchists killed Archduke Ferdinand of Austria. These terrorist attacks were not Muslim. Terrorism is generally defined as the killing of civilians for political reasons. Going by this definition, the British Raj referred to Bhagat Singh, Chandrashekhar Azad and many other Indian freedom fighters as terrorists. These were Hindu and Sikh rather than Muslim......
Dear Candy,
The Nazis committed terrorism because of Nazi ideology; the Communists did because of their doctrines; Indian nationalists did for the desire for independence, and so on. There is no harm in discussing the reasons for the violence committed by those people for their own reasons. Similarly, there should be no problem discussing the Islamic doctrines, claim Muslim terrorists, that inspires them into terrorists acts they commit. I urge you not to distract the readers but to refute the points made in our articles.
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 11:36:06 -0700
Things change slowly in India
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 11:40:25 -0700
MR. Khan why are comments not reaching this site?
Editor: We have been moderating the comments. No more auto-posting. Unrelated comments are deleted.
Name: Indian Infidel
Date: Tuesday September 30, 2008
Time: 19:56:35 -0700
I have been shocked, not by the terrorist act - nothing unexpected in that - but by the support that the terrorists are recieving from Arjun Singh. Time is not far off when we will have insurance for terrorists ( paid for by the Govt), a benevolent fund for terrorists' families etc, and the dhimmis ( like Arjun Singh, The Hindu newspaper etc ) will shout from the rooftops that this is in the national interest - after all the terrorists are some of the nicest persons around - needing our support and help.
Name: Mr. khan you have entered the realm of political correcteness
Date: Wednesday October 01, 2008
Time: 02:28:08 -0700
Sir, Your selective filtering of comments based on your world view is not condusive to enlightened debate. Its dissapointing how you choose to block statements which you disagree with, not based on any principle but your personal whims. Seems you have taken a leaf from the islamists book.
Folks, comment on the articles...
This thread is about Bombing in India....
- MA Khan
Name: Puneet Madaan
Date: Wednesday October 01, 2008
Time: 15:06:25 -0700
some more of those "low intensity bombs" happen today again...