Islam's Victims Deserve Better Than False Preaching 'Islam is a Religion of Peace'
29 Sep, 2007
- The Quran openly commands Muslims to slay all persons who are not Muslims, Jews or Christians in every stratagem of warfare unless they will convert to Islam. The Quran orders Muslims to fight Jews and Christians until they feel themselves subdued, accept discriminatory treatment, and agree to pay a form of tribute. (Quran, chapter 9, verses 5, 9, and 73)
It is impossible to legitimately attach a non-literal meaning to such commands given that Muhammad himself taught that such conduct was commanded by Allah and he practiced what he preached by fighting in more than seventy offensive battles.
Many other teachings in the Quran also reveal that it is neither a tolerant religion nor a religion of peace. Consider the following examples:
* Fighting is prescribed for Muslims. (Quran, chapter 2, verse 216)
* Wives are described as a field to be used by their husbands as they desire. (Quran, chapter 2, verse 223)
* Men are described as superior to women. (Quran, chapter 2, verse 228)
* Women are given half the rights of men in court as a witness and to inherit. (Quran, chapter 2, verse 282, chapter 4, verse 34)
* Men are permitted to beat their wives. (Quran, chapter 4, verse 34)
* Stealing is punished by the amputation of the hands. (Quran, chapter 5, verse 38)
* Muslims are taught to not make friends with Jews or Christians. (Quran, chapter 5, verse 51)
Early Islamic history also reveals that modern violence and warfare are not new to Islam. Muhammad, the revered Prophet of Islam and the man whose words and deeds are believed by Muslims to have been inspired by Allah as an example to follow, attacked Arabian tribes who would not voluntarily submit to Islam and slaughtered hundreds of defenseless captives. He ordered captured women and children sold into slavery except for the women he and his followers took as "wives."
Muhammad ordered the execution of some people for nothing more than satirical statements about him. There are currently web sites that expressly advocate the killing of anyone that criticizes Muhammad or Islam. While Islamic apologists decry such conduct as allegedly not representative of true Islam, such denunciations are inherently incredible given that these Islamic terrorists are doing nothing more than following the recorded example and commands of Muhammad as they have been instructed to do in the Quran.
Since the advent of Islam in the seventh century, it has repeatedly proven that it is a violent and intolerant religion. This is not a revisionist history post 9/11. In a 1935 book entitled "The Story of Civilization: Our Oriental Heritage," author Will Durant wrote that the Islamic conquest of India from 800 AD to 1700 AD was "probably the bloodiest story in history." Muslims did in fact slaughter Hindus by the millions. They also forced conversions to Islam, sold Hindu women and children into slavery, and destroyed countless Hindu temples. The Muslim community from 800 AD to 1700 AD acted much like the first Muslim community and Muhammad did just as the Quran commands.
Muslims extended similar treatment to other cultures over the
centuries as evidenced by fifteenth century Byzantine Emperor Manuel
II Palaiologos' famous statement: "Show me just what Muhammad
brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and
inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he
preached." In what can only be one of the saddest ironies in
recorded history, when the Pope repeated the foregoing statement in
a speech, Muslims reacted violently, rioted, murdered a nun, and
burned churches all in anger over the suggestion that Muhammad and
Islam are less than peaceful. One wonders if they were trying to
prove the Pope's point.
Historian Samuel Huntington noted that out of 22 active conflicts in the world in 1993, twenty involved Muslims, sometimes on both sides of the conflict.
Throughout the World there is conflict wherever the non-Islamic world comes in contact with the Islamic world. Consider the situation in Israel, Kashmir, Nigeria, and Sudan. In every self-proclaimed Islamic theocracy, the government is despotic and cruel. Consider life under the Taliban of Afghanistan, post-Islamic revolution Iran, the tribal areas of Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. Most nations in the World are terrified of and oppose Iran's goal of obtaining nuclear weapons because of its leaders' radical Islamic rhetoric and support of terrorism. The situation may well result in the next war or use of nuclear weapons. If Islam is a religion of peace why are Islamic states almost universally poster children for violence, intolerance, and low human rights standards?
Islamic terrorists have carried out more than 9,600 terrorists attacks worldwide since 9/11. (See Most attacks are on innocent, random civilians. Even in America, polls reveal that 25 percent of U.S. Muslims under age thirty believe that suicide bombings are sometimes justified. In Dearborn, Michigan, the Muslim population held a Hezbollah rally that drew an estimated 10,000 people. Hezbollah is one of the most virulent terrorist organizations in the world. Hezbollah, supported by Iran, has already caused one war with Israel and it is surely not the last.
In light of the foregoing, notwithstanding the fact that most Muslims presumably want to live in peace, it is simply untenable to argue that peace is advanced by Islam or that peace is a significant characteristic of Islam. The undeniable fact is that Islam alone among the World's religions commands its adherents to wage war against non-believers until they submit to Islam and that injunction has historically caused and is presently causing untold human suffering.
We must live in peace with and respect any Muslim who will reciprocate, but to ask anyone to tolerate the intolerant and to call a religion that patently causes so much suffering a religion of peace asks too much. It is also a cruel injustice to all of Islam's victims throughout the World to describe it as a religion of peace.
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Andrew Stunich is a practicing lawyer in California. He specializes in civil litigation. He has studied the Middle East for the last twenty-seven years. In addition to his Juris Doctorate in law, he studied business, economics, and history at Humboldt State University. After September 11, 2001, he undertook an intensive self-study of Islam. Mr Stunich has also appeared on a regional radio program in Northern California to discuss Middle East related issues and Islam. He has also debated Islam on a popular Northern California website and in newspaper editorials with a Humboldt State University professor and Islamic apologist.
Name: Bobby
Date: Friday September 28, 2007
Time: 18:48:36 -0700
Why does the world tolerate intolerant people? They should be paid back in the same coin. Discrimnating against fellow human being just because they do not have the same beliefs than yourself! Why can't they accept that others could have as strong convictions as themselves. Why can't you treat religion as a personal thing rather than forming groups to fight with other people. That is the true face of filthy religion of Islam. Politically correct people try to be balanced in their views on Islam, but there is no balance when it comes to evil of Islam - it should be condemmned outright!
Name: Bobby
Date: Friday September 28, 2007
Time: 18:51:50 -0700
Islam taken as whole is certainly pure evil. But most people can't see it because they focus on some good aspects of it (which are very few) like enforcing self-discpline and prayer or charity. What they can't understand is that these things can be followed even outside of Islam. There are good teachings in every religion. A religion that teaches hatred and discriminates against fellow human beings and has barbaric punishments is not a path to spirituality and God, but an enslaving cult. Its such a pity so many compassionate God-fearing people are trapped in this ideology.
Name: Bobby
Date: Friday September 28, 2007
Time: 19:29:48 -0700
There could be a few converts to Islam that are drawn to it because of the peace found in adhering to some of the principles. But my point is why can't I look for these principles, say in the words of Dr. Wayne Dyer? Does it have to be enforced with the fear of punishment to make people stick to it? What is it in Islam that makes people so heartless hate mongering evil doers? Muslims have to be blind not to see it and its connection with the ideology of Islam. There are cruel and violent people all over the world, but the common ground among many violent and cruel acts committed is Islam.
Name: vbv
Date: Friday September 28, 2007
Time: 21:00:45 -0700
Religion of peace??? It is more likely to be called a religion of perennial wars, plunders, loot, rapes massacres, total destruction of all good values! It calls its followers Allah's slaves in abject mindless surrender, it denigrates its women reducing them to sex-slaves, who have no respectability, treated in the most demeaning manner. And they have the gall to preach a disgusting , intolerant and bigoted creed as a religion of peace. Even if they masquerade as a peaceful creed , it stands exposed as a violent and an intolerant one in the state of affairs of islamic countries/societies. The sooner the world is rid of this horrible ,cancerous disease the better it would be for the civilized ,peaceful and progressive cultures. May a meteor fall on Mecca and all the rotten "holy" places of islam!
Name: Larry Houle
Date: Saturday September 29, 2007
Time: 02:13:43 -0700
CNN BREAKING NEWS INTERPOL HAS ISSUED AN ARREST WARRANT FOR ALLAH AND HIS MESSANGER. INTERPOL ARREST WARRANT ISSUED Sept 29, 2007 Wanted Dead or Alive. (Preferably dead) Suspect Allah and His Messenger believed to be one and the same person. Suspect goes under the alias of Apostle of God, Prophet of Peace, but is presently believed to be traveling under the name of Muhammad. Present Location Last sighted in Hell Born 570 CE in the city of Mecca in Arabia. Appearance Muhammad (pbuh) is of a height a little above the average. He is of sturdy build with long muscular limbs and tapering fingers. The hair of his head is long and thick with some waves in them. His forehead is large and prominent, his eyelashes are long and thick, his nose is sloping, his mouth is somewhat large and his teeth are well set. His cheeks are spare and he has a pleasant smile. His eyes are large and black with a touch of brown. His beard is thick and he has seventeen grey hairs in it. He has a thin line of fine hair over his neck and chest. He is fair of complexion and altogether is so handsome that Abu Bakr composed this couplet about him: "As there is no darkness in the moonlit night so is Mustafa, the well-wisher, bright." His gait is firm and he walks so fast that others find it difficult to keep pace with him. His face is genial but at times, when he is deep in thought, there are long periods of silence, yet he always keeps himself busy with something. He does not speak unnecessarily and what he says is always to the point and without any padding. At times he will make his meaning clear by slowly repeating what he has said. His laugh is mostly a smile. He keeps his feelings under firm control - when annoyed, he will turn aside or keep silent, when pleased he will lower his eyes [Tirmidhi]. Dress His dress generally consists of a shirt, tamad (trousers), a sheet thrown round the shoulders and a turban. On rare occasions, he will put on costly robes presented to him by foreign emissaries. [Ahmed, Musnad, Hafiz Bin Qayyim] Crimes Muhammad is wanted for the following crimes: crimes against humanity, mass murder of thousands, created an ideology that murdered 270,000,000, masterminded 60 massacres, genocide, rape, looting, extortion, kidnapping, slavery, beheading, torture, sexual perversion, child molestation, wife beating and sexual abuse, polygamy, crucifixion, mutilations, theft, adultery, false witness, slaughter, assassinations, incitement to violence, accomplice to murder, rape, looting, torture, looting, extortion, slaughter, assassinations. ARMED AND EXTREMELY DANGEROUS BELIEVED TO BE TRAVELLING WITH HEAVILY ARMED MEN SPORTING FULL FACIAL BEARDS AND DRESSED IN WHITE PAJAMAS. DO NOT APPROACH IF YOU SPOT MUHAMMAD IMMEDIATELY CALL YOUR LOCAL POLICE FORCE OR CONTACT INTERPOL AT INTERPOL General Secretariat 200, quai Charles de Gaulle 69006 Lyon France Phone: (33) 4 72 44 71 63 By Larry Houle
Name: No Sharia
Date: Saturday September 29, 2007
Time: 05:08:45 -0700
Andrew Stunich has made a fine contribution by starting to formulate the b e s t arguments to use when confronting the stupid opinion that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance. We all often meet that argument. We need a list of the 15-20 best reasons why that opinon is a lie which people anywhere in the world can use when debating the issue with muslims. This list is a good start, but it can be further developed. Regards, No Sharia
Name: Marie
Date: Saturday September 29, 2007
Time: 08:51:56 -0700
This article is a good read.
Name: Allat
Date: Saturday September 29, 2007
Time: 10:23:57 -0700
"We need a list of the 15-20 best reasons why that opinon is a lie which people anywhere in the world can use when debating the issue with muslims."_________________Talk about the Morphogenetic Web, this is EXACTLY what I was thinking just this a.m....However, the list should be shortened to 1/2 dz reasons - as people won't stand still to listen to a longer list.______________________ To vbv: I rather think it's a religion of "High Anxiety" - where one's very thought is controlled. Totalitarian.
Name: c'omen
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 13:40:26 -0700
Quran is written within years. Each verse are given as a response to a certain event. Just writing a sentence is just manipulating. You cant understand Quran without knowing history. -- Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, Great (above you all). --
Name: EloiVsDiablo
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 14:49:08 -0700
History tells us that mohammad was a murderer among other horrible things. How is it such an ugly character as mohammad, prophet of allah, be considered a messenger of god??????????????????????/
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Monday October 01, 2007
Time: 19:32:22 -0700
It seems that I'm the only one who refers to Muhammad as a false prophet. Muhammad has all the earmarks of a false prophet. Muhammad "married" little Aisha when she was only six years old. Pedophile Muhammad, an old man of 53, "consummated" the marriage when Aisha was only nine years old. Can you imagine how that little girl felt when the madman Muhammad threw himself upon this frightened little girl? In a civilized world, it is called rape, and rightfully so. This act did not come from God, but from an evil man with run-away hormones. Cruel Muhammad murdered men, enslaved children, and raped women. This did not come from a merciful God. Muhammad beat women. This did not come from God. Muhammad treated women as second class citizens. This inequality of the sexes did not come from God. Evil Muhammad was vindictive, and murdered humans for the slightest infractions. This does not come from a merciful God. Muhammad married his adoptive son's wife. This did not come from God. Muhammad taught that it was okay to tell lies if it advanced the evil and diabolical religion of Islam. The "Religion of Peace"? That is one of the biggest lies!! Have you noticed that Islam is the only religion that constantly crows that claim? And yet, it is the only religion that continually wars, non-stop with mortal violence, against adherents of other religions, and that's not all. The evil Muslims also continually war against each other. Lying, violence, and deception do not come from God. Muhammad was evil, satanic, and extremely cruel for many years. All this cruelty and deception do not come from God. Jesus warned that false prophets would rise. Surely, the cruel, liar, pedophile Muhammad is one of them. I'll go a step further; Muhammad was an anti-Christ, and his evil religion of Islam is anti-Christ. Islam is cruelty personified. It's amazing that so many people have fallen for this madman, Muhammad. But it doesn't surprise me. Adolph Hitler, Jim Jones, Benito Mussolini and other madmen managed to sway the unwary also. What's the answer?
Name: Gerry
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 03:26:50 -0700
Why should any Muslim want to live in a country like the US, UK or any non-Muslim state? Muslims who value sharia law should simply get out of such countries and go to Iran, Saudi Arabia, and any other country under sharia. Countries accepting Muslim migrants must compel them to respect the country's laws above their sharia. Otherwise, such Muslims must not be accepted.
Name: ThePatriot
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 05:27:49 -0700
Excellent piece. Now when can we expect this type of professional truth-based joournalism on the front page of the NY times or mainstream media?
Name: Andy Stunich
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 12:02:43 -0700
That would be about the time that Muslims start eating pork en masse. A local paper in Eureka, California, called the Eureka Reporter has courageously tackled the debate about Islam by printing both pro and con guest editorials, but I suspect that it is one of the few printed daily papers to do so.
Name: Joann
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 04:10:06 -0700
It boggles the mind that Muslims continually force-feed this "Islam is a religion of peace" nonsense down us non-Muslims' throats while the body count of Islam's victims grows exponentially every month! Dang! Why does Islam need so much protection and hype? Can it not defend itself without violence and fear? By the way, the last time I checked Buddhism is a true religion of peace, and is the fastest growing in the world.
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday October 04, 2007
Time: 01:01:07 -0700
Islam claims to be the fastest growing religion, but how? It is mainly due to due to population explosion in muslim countries where the man can marry 4 women and start the breeding process ( after all muslim women are there for specifically for this purpose, apart from gratifying their sexually perverted husbands, in the name of Allah ); secondly the 'religion of peace' ensnares gullible and stupid coots who fall for the "Taqiya" ,like in a venus flytrap without recourse to back out except upon the pain of death! Further in the islamic countries the muslims kidnap , rape and forcibly convert girls from non-muslim communities with the threat of stoning them to death as per sharia ,accusing them of prostitution, etc. Ofcourse the blaspheme laws play a great role in getting converts to islam as sharia allows the muslims to confiscate non-muslims' properties, women at being accused of blasphemy ,conveniently butchering the male members! With all this dubious, immoral, barbaric practices you can't but see islam growing fast indeed, albiet not as fast as the muslims would wish! Of course, their prophet, muhamud, who is the best example of rape, brigandry, cheating, murdering, looting, highway robbery, etc. is difficult to replicate in the modern civilised world. And that psychopath and sex maniac is according to muslims the "best of human beings" Allah has created! Imagine ,then , the worst creation of Allah ,it is unthinkable, and ghastly beyond all expression!
Name: John
Date: Wednesday May 07, 2008
Time: 19:32:20 -0700
why do you guys have to attack islam in such a way unless you are very insecure in your own religion ... why the hatered ... everybody on this site is certinaly a racist ... im very disgusted right now
Name: A muslim
Date: Thursday May 08, 2008
Time: 10:18:43 -0700
I am very sorry to say that most of u here are blinded with hatred.I am very deeply hurt after reading all this comments.I think non of u have any idea about Islam.I request all of u to do a bit of research about Islam.Please visit In that web site U will get all the answers to your questions.There u can also remove all your misunderstandings about Islam .Islam taught us muslims to tolerate but there is a limit of tolerance please don"t make any comments about Islam which could trigger a great hatred between Muslims and christans.
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Thursday July 10, 2008
Time: 10:39:15 -0700
Islam is not a race - it is a religion. Islam's adherents come from all walks of lifes and genetic composition. Muslims can and do originate from Europe, Africa, Asis, Australia, etc. It is as ignoant as ignorant can be to call critics of Islam racists. The criticism of Islam exercised herein targets Islam's own doctrines. It is no more racist or hateful to attack Islamic doctrine than it is to attack Nazi ideology. I am sorry that you are offended, but I assure you that I and hundreds of millions of others are deeply offended by a religion that would force us to submit or at best live on under highly discriminatory circumstances. It seems odd that I see so many claims of Muslims "feeling hurt" over criticism of Islam, but I see far less claims of being hurt over what is done in the express name of Islam. There can be no legitimate mitigation of the extremely hateful and violent admonitions Muslims are ordered to follow in the Quran and hadiths. If you cannot understand why those admonitions, which are claimed to have come from God almighty, disturb non-Muslims in a world where multiple murders occur daily expressly undertaken in the name of Islam, then you need to do some soul searching.
Name: Third Eye
Date: Friday July 25, 2008
Time: 04:05:34 -0700
The subject thing Islam is much scattered as the population and teachings of it and the probable sort of critical sense is less informed due to abundance of cultural life surrounds all around. Simply, it's not any easy job to deal with this complex and highly complicated matter. No to say, it's not possible or should get rid of it. If even, there is no such acceptable findings of any complicated thing, we need to stand for them sometimes for the opportunity value of. To curse for the sake of timely mental attitude in the reference of current atmosphere is quite easier. Here, no moslem or no anti-moslem speaks but a third party or may it say any thing. Where you get a seat to speak for, there you are lost your lips. You want to speak, you get boasted inside but you cannot speak about. If interested, let's make it wider place to discuss the stuff.