Why 9/11 Occurred on September 11
11 Sep, 2008
- Part of the motivation of Islamic terrorists is to reverse the trend of decline in the Islamic world relative to Western culture that many trace as far back to September 11, 1683 when a large Turkish army was humiliatingly crushed by Europeans at the Battle of Vienna.
In 1683, the Ottoman Turks attacked Vienna. The Turks viewed Vienna as the gateway to hegemony over all of Western Europe. The resulting battle of Vienna was a watershed moment in history. The Turks had made elaborate preparations and had assembled resources and Jihadists eager for booty from throughout the Ottoman Empire. Europe was quite vulnerable as it was fractured into warring kingdoms and weakened by internecine squabbles that nearly allowed the Turks to conquer the European continent. However, the Turkish preparations were so elaborate that they could not be hidden and the Europeans were able to form agreements or treaties to assist each other against the Turks that proved decisive and which changed the course of human history.
The Battle of Vienna was a hard-fought war with an uncertain outcome. The Turks nearly conquered the city. All that saved Europe was the arrival of a relief force headed by Polish King Jan Sobieski. Jan Sobieski and his troops won a major victory against the Turkish forces on September 11, 1683. The victory was so compete that Polish King Jan Sobieski purportedly described the windfall in a letter to his wife as follows:
"Ours are treasures unheard of ... tents, sheep, cattle and no small number of camels ... it is victory as nobody ever knew of, the enemy now completely ruined, everything lost for them. They must run for their sheer lives . . ."[1]
Educated, fundamentalist Muslims feel the sting of the defeat hundreds of years later. In their view, they are the recipients of Allah's final revelation and it is humiliating to them that their "perfect" Islamic culture has declined relative to Western culture. They seek to reverse the trend and September 11 was carefully chosen to try and reverse the course of history and create a new September 11 that the Islamic world could celebrate.
Viewed in this proper context, the events of September 11, 2001 take on additional significance. It is too early to write off the attack as simply an American tragedy and a minor victory for the terrorists as many Westerners seem inclined to do. New polls reveal that many Americans are no longer significantly concerned about terrorism, but such lack of concern is far from justified.
There is much to fear by Westerners and much to celebrate by Islamic terrorists since 9/11. September 11 seems to have resulted in great exposure for the Islamic faith much of which is surprisingly and unwarrantedly favorable. While there have been some military setbacks on the battlefield, Islam continues its advance into Western culture via disinformation, immigration and faster rates of reproduction amongst Muslims as compared to non-Muslims. Europe is on the verge of completely being lost to Islam. Despite all of the warnings from such intrepid, brilliant writers such as Oriana Fallaci, I see nothing to indicate that Europeans will ever be able to take the strong steps necessary to rescue their culture from Islam's ominous advance. Most Europeans seem unable to recognize the mortal danger they are and their descendants are in and most Americans seem unable to grasp that Europe is in actual danger from such a vastly inferior culture.
Equally as alarming, much of the Islamic world seems to be sliding deeper and deeper into Islamic extremism and I see no signs of anything occurring to stop the decline or the trend. For example, Lebanon, Egypt, and Pakistan will be lost to Islamic extremists within the next half century. Oil wealth continues to pour into the Middle East with the adverse effect of hurting Western economies and providing the very revenue being used to finance the advance of fundamentalist Islamic ideology throughout the world, including the United States, as well as to fund international terrorism.
Sadly, the future looks bleak. Far from being the clear warning sign and wake-up call the tragedy of 9/11 could have and should have been, it appears that it will be nothing more than a terrible tragedy and temporary stirring from stupor somewhat akin to rousing a drunk from sleep and giving him coffee that will not result in the long-term steps needed to halt Islam's insidious, steady advance. While most adult Americans will not see any significant effects of advancing Islam in their lifetimes as long as terrorists continue to be thwarted in their goal of using WMD's within the United States, their children or grand children will not be so lucky.
I feel sorry for the legacy we are leaving to the next generation. I suspect that in contradistinction to the so-called "greatest generation" of World war II fame, we may well be earning a far less flattering label from our descendants.
The terrorists at least deserve some credit for having a sense of history. Conversely, even the horror of 9/11 seems to have been insufficient to permanently awaken Westerners from their decadent stupor and utter lack of any sense of history.
[1] See Wikipedia, Battle of Vienna: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Vienna
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Andrew Stunich is a practicing lawyer in California. He specializes in civil litigation. He has studied the Middle East for the last twenty-seven years. In addition to his Juris Doctorate in law, he studied business, economics, and history at Humboldt State University. After September 11, 2001, he undertook an intensive self-study of Islam. Mr Stunich has also appeared on a regional radio program in Northern California to discuss Middle East related issues and Islam. He has also debated Islam on a popular Northern California website and in newspaper editorials with a Humboldt State University professor and Islamic apologist.
Name: To Mr. Stunich - Kevin
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 03:09:55 -0700
Sir, This is yet another well written article alerting the free world to the danger of Islam. Voices like yours are lone cries in a world distracted by the marvels of the 21st century. I fear voices like yours will be drowned out. Please keep on alerting the public to the approaching danger. Maybe we will be spared the terrible destruction when the west and Islam finally take up arms against each other. It maybe that muslims will be so entrenched in western societies that rooting them up may become an impossible task. However the sooner the public is informed , maybe the europeans and other non muslim countries will stop the spread of islam by immigration. Good work , Sir.
Name: To: Mr. Andrew Stunich
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 03:20:43 -0700
Good story. So that's the background of 9/11 attack. They took a vengeance for their loss in Vienna in September 11, 1863. It tooks 138 years to revenge. How if, 138 years from the Taliban destroys the Buddha statue in Afghanistan, the Buddhist take revenge, by destroying Kaaba like they did in 9/11? Or more, by bombing Makkah with nuke? Maybe the only effective way to stop Islam from spreading, is to send some nuke to Makkah and Medina, preventing the 2 cities to be visited and inhabited for years. Use the 2 cities as the practising target to send nuclear bomb.
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 03:27:41 -0700
Very illuminating article indeed! By that measure Hindus should be very sore and vengeful for the 800 years of despotic rule and about 8 million lives lost due to the bloody carnage of the muslims! And we should carry out terrorist activities in the Middle-east and Central Asia! This is the lowest nadir of uncivilised and uncultured minds that we can see in the history of Humanity! Allah is not a God ,just a fictional head of a mafia cult with great political ambitions founded by the loathesome , lecherous and most murdeous man evr Muhamad the fake 'prophet' of the cult of Islam!This man is schizophreniac ,psychopathic ,criminally inclined beast that he has successfully cloned his prototype though the bastard has been dead for 14 centuries! Why muslims defend this cult? Because it gives a "divine" colour to all criminal activities,which can be justified by its "scriptures" ,a very devilish and foul "scripture" at that ooozing with evil and wickedness! It is easy money without having to work for it - just rob, loot , rape and murder as 'Allah' and Muhamad has ordained it! The arabs lived by slave-trade,looting the tombs of Egyptian Pharoas and other tombs of kings in its vicinity - and bad habits die hard and evil habits never die! Death and destruction ,fear and superstition ,engendering human misery and criminal activities :that is the Hallmark of Islam and the only contribution to human civilisation! No muslim country is peaceful, tolerant and prosperous - it wallows in filthy ,obscurantist idealogy and brings only fear and strife everywhere with its rotten dogma and bigotry! You have living examples in countries like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan,Afghanistan,Bangladesh,Nigeria,Somalia, Sudan,Libya, Egypt,Syria,Palestine,Jordan,Malaysia ..... the list is very long indeed - all backward and miserable places for human existence with no guarantee for respecting individual human rights and no dignity for individuals! They live in the past of some supposed "golden age" of islam and they pine for such miserable existence so that they can have a life of lechery and crime against the civilised world! Their memory of history is certainly warped . However we should lean from history so that we do not repeat the mistakes. In that light , this article is indeed an eye-opener.
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 03:42:01 -0700
Name: What can one do?
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 03:47:45 -0700
Even if the non-muslim countries of the world united against the Islam, is it possible to stop from spreading of any community? Because Mohammed has laid the trap of Jannath to lure the gulible muslim youths, by which, they fail to utilise their conscience and fall prey into the trap.
Name: expose truth that jannat does not exist,and expose truth of evolution
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 04:12:42 -0700
expose truth that jannat does not exist,and expose truth of evolution .truth is greater than religion and imaginary allah.we must expose that no god/allah created man,man is evoled by nature from 1 celled organisms and proof is in human dna.expose falsehoods of koran like earth and heaven joind and then torn asunder [ universe is 14 billion yrs old and earth is 4 billion yrs old so no chance of them being united at 1 time,fact is earth evoled from the sun dust ] expose truth more and more rigourously and thus we hv to eliminate the root of islam : judeo-christianity and thus islam will also be destroyed.if we dont do anyhting surely islam and its roots will destroy mankind and if we hv to destroy judeo0-christianity to destroy islam so be it,but islam must be destroyed at any and all cost.
Name: Saudi Ex-muslim
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 04:39:02 -0700
I am a Saudi muslim,veering towards being an ex-muslim. I live in Jeddah.I agree with your website 100%.Due to the indoctrination from childhood,I am unable to 100% leave islam,but still hang on,due to sheer force of habit.I hope some day I will be free from islam and my country the source of islam will also be free from all religion,and live peacefully with all the world.In a way I am an ex-muslim,but it is slowly coming to me.good luck to your site and please everyone pray and help to eradicate the disease of religion from Earth
Name: Excellent historical analysys
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 04:52:26 -0700
Excellent historical analysys.We should also investigate the mind and behavoiura of islamists.
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 06:15:40 -0700
To Saudi exMuslim - Congratulations! I am curious as to how you felt when you where able to examine your faith objectively without being hampered by the culture you live in.
Name: What Ex-Muslims Can Do ?
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 06:35:41 -0700
Realize your power; every time, house of Evil is brought down by the insiders only, outsider just facilitate it. Book called Koran is the soul of demon called Allah, through which it survives for centuries, so attack its soul, if possible. Don't try to burn the Koran, it creates unnecessary attention and conflict, instead if there is a safe, almost no risk opportunity then throw this book in water or throw water upon this book (Water is universal Solvent, it can even dissolve Evil). You may feel how destroying few books can help, then learn from your Holy brothers, they also do some random bombings and get millions of people scared. If there is news of Koran being mysteriously stolen and destroyed, then the thought power of the holy Muslims will be channelled, rather then thinking about what???s written in Koran, they will be thinking more about security of their Koran, while reading it. Also if somebody Koran got stolen and he stays without a new Koran for day or two, it subconsciously plant the thought in his mind that he can still live normally without Koran. Although it???s not good to steal and hurt someone feelings, but then look at innocent faces of your children and see, what are the options? Do you want your children to live a happy prosperous life and have a dignified life like a human or do you want them to be sacrificial lambs for a demon called Allah, who are used for rock throwing in Palestine or Kashmir or Pakistan and get killed and then there dead bodies shown again and again on TV to get some sympathy for Islam.
Name: That is how I found Islam
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 07:23:12 -0700
Sorry guys but I leaned about Islam from all the media hype and systematic attacks on Islam. It is how I accepted this great faith. Even what is happening today in Europe as this writer illustrated has been described in the Quran where Allah says those who disobey me I shall replace them with others. That is what is happening and as Allah has promised Islam is going to overpower the whole world. I sincerely encourage everyone to learn about Islam and question things around the Quran and the Hadith. I am sure some of you will find the truth.
Name: Christian
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 07:44:56 -0700
Am amazed that some people can read the horrible Koran, hadiths, bio of Mo, etc. and then become muslims instead of being appalled. Maybe it's for the thrill of getting to be a righteous criminal. Or finding a husband. Careful, he will beat up you later on. Have even read muslim opinion that "only wicked people reject the Koran" wake up!
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 07:46:58 -0700
The Muslims who praised the 19 al Qaeda operatives who schemed and carried out that affront on September 11, 2001 showed that they are lawless, ethically corrupt and have a warped worldview. ???They band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.??? Psalm 94:21 Furthermore, those Muslims who praised the hijackers, they only showed their lawless spiritual condition by doing so. Also the U S military showed its lawful response to the Taliban and al Qaeda [Base] in Afghanistan with the bombing of the jihadists who put the hijackers up to it, therefore, resisting and eradicating the wicked Taliban ???government.??? Likewise, the passengers on flight United 93 who resisted the jihadists so those al Qaeda operatives didn???t make it to their target are the hero???s and the lawful ones.The above may be seen in the Bible. For Proverbs 28:4 reads ???Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law resist them.??? [NIV]
Name: We already found the truth! You are Scared of Media Now
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 07:49:10 -0700
My Muslims friend, go and fool the donkeys now? All your tricks with humans have been saturated now, it???s the way how nature works, hunter and hunted learn tricks from each other and winner is the one, who keeps his cards secret till the end. Just by your words we can paint, what???s going on in your head and who you are? A holy Muslim scared by media onslaught. Anyway you are here just demonstrating that Muslims will go for any deception and pretend to be whatever as there Allah has asked them to do so. Cannot except any truthfulness and high moral standard from your Allah, if you think, only cleaning ones body regularly is the high standard then Dogs have beaten you in that as well. When dogs sperm drip out of there dick, they keep licking it immediately in order to keep there dick clean. Can you go to such level to keep yourself clean, Can you? If not then you have lost with Dogs in self cleaning department!!
Name: Francis Priddy
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 07:54:49 -0700
these haters of Islam also display other troubling characteristics. Here are the top ten: 1. They are anti-immigrant: 2. They are anti-native/aboriginal: 3.They are anti-multiculturalism: 4. They are anti-civil liberties: 5. They are anti-democracy: At the national level, they promote an extreme right wing 6. They support exploitation of Latin America: 7. They are pro-Israel, regardless of the cost: Some Palestinians are Christians and all are opposed to the Israeli occupation. Some use armed resistance to end the occupation. But most of the hatred expressed by pro-Israel groups in the West is reserved for Islam. They are against the democratically elected governments in Palestine and Lebanon. They support Israeli aggression and the daily killing of Palestinian civilians. They never criticise Israel, but seem to act wholly on feelings of collective Western guilt over the historical mistreatment of European Jews; therefore they feel Israel ???can do no wrong.??? 8. They are pro-war: 9. They call every self-hating Muslim ???moderate???: 10. They try hard to silence their critics. >>>>>>>>the Zionist supporters of the Western media misleads and prepares the gullible Western mindset against Muslims to falsely justify their claims.
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 08:16:57 -0700
Another point I should have mentioned was that the Battle of Zenta also occured on September 11 in 1697. It was also a terible defeat for the Ottoman Empire. It is the coincidence of these two dates that leads me to conclude that the choice of Septemberr 11 was no accident.
Name: To that is how i found islam - Kevin
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 08:53:31 -0700
You said, "I sincerely encourage everyone to learn about Islam and question things around the Quran and the Hadith. I am sure some of you will find the truth." Well most people who read quran and hadith witkh an open mind are disgusted with the encouragement to murder, rape and enslave non muslims to force them to convert to islam. Here is proof- Sura (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"Sura (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." Bukhari (52:220) - Allah's Apostle said... 'I have been made victorious with terror' However when anyone criticises the quran or muhamed, death threats are issued against them. Your false moon god allah and his murdering , thieving prophet ( he robbed meccan caravans) are symbols of evil and criminal behaviour. We non muslims will resist. That is why we have no sympathy with you against the zionists and israel. They are the only ones who can punish you for your evil ways. We non muslims will stand with israel 100% because islam is evil and must be wiped out. Islam encourages murder so we have no sympathy for you.
Name: Stupid Religion for Stupid People
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 09:11:37 -0700
Veiling and flogging against adultery, chopping of limbs, strict limitations imposed on painting, music, printing, internet and satellite tv, fatwas which describe how to sh*t, to f**k, to pi*s, to masturbate, how to eat, to drink, how to dress, how to wash, how to pray and how to behave in any situtation. Islam seems to believe that humans don??t have their own brains and treats them like stupid slaves. However, in modern societies people are needed with good skills and education, who can decide by themselves. You can??t produce cars, computers and all these sophisticated things with such stupid people. That??s why there are almost no manufactured goods exported from islamic countries to industrialised countries. Many islamic countries heavily rely on the export of oil and other raw materials instead.
Name: RE: Stupid Religion for Stupid People
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 09:30:41 -0700
Great comment! The victory against the ottomans mentioned in the article confirms the superiority of freedom against forced submission. For the same reason communism disappeared and islam will disappear too because it cannot compete much longer. Without oil islam will be over! The nightmare of islam is that the west might develop alternative energies to reduce the dependence on oil!
Name: RE: RE: Stupid Religion for Stupid People
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 09:36:49 -0700
To elaborate, even the intellectuals in the islamic world are stupid since the only thing they learn is to memorize and to recite the quran which was written by stupid and uneducated people as well. It is a vicious circle indeed. Moreover, the islamic intelligenzia does not make any efforts to educate the common people - they want to keep them stupid to have enough fighters and suiced bombers, and people they can exploit. This is some sort of colonialism against the own people.
Name: To Andrew Stunich
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 10:28:57 -0700
Only gullible fools actually believe the anti Islamic propaganda spread by christians and jews to try and slow the rapid rise of Islam world wide Islam is growing faster than at any time in history One day the Christians and Jews will work out that all their anti Islamic propaganda is actually driving people to Islam as they slowly discover who the REAL TERRORISTS actually are ============================================== i am a radical muslim please read my blog, READ how islam will win the clash of civilization. http://www.xanga.com/hfghj23458654fgha
Name: Re: Xanga
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 10:51:47 -0700
Please would you be so kind to explain the image to us? Are you well-educated enough to do that? -------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Education_index_UN_HDR_2007_2008.PNG
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 10:54:36 -0700
To radical Muslim, I am not interested in reading your blog. I would ask, however, what it is that you think you will win? Islam may well come to dominate Western culture over time through immigration and slow steps due to the West's apathy and self-hatred, but it will hardly be a win for Muslims. Earning the right to live in an Islamic society is hardly a win in my book. I understand Muslim revulsion at some aspects of Western culture, but to immigrate to another country and to accept its hospitality and then to start working to destroy it from within is the ultimate affront to decency. To try to impose Islam's cruel treatment of women and its mandate to attack and subjugate non-believers is grossly immoral. Finally, modeling one's behavior after a seventh century uneducated man like Muhammad given the atrocities he committed seems the height of folly. We tend to believe what we want to believe and anyone's belief that Muhammad could have possibly been God's messenger speaks volumes about what is in that person's heart.
Name: Superiority of Muslim Societies???
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 11:02:22 -0700
Here, radical muslim, you can have a good read about adultery commited by muslim males in morocco: ----------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Education_index_UN_HDR_2007_2008.PNG
Name: Sorry
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 11:29:50 -0700
here is the promised link: ----------------http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxlbRPdj4AY
Name: From Chicago
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 13:17:14 -0700
Very interesting article, and the comments from the "Radical Muslim." Andrew, I did a quick look at his blog. It takes changes in fashion as showing a trend to immorality. I notice that he only shows the "ups" i.e. the increasing trend in nudity over the past 2000+ years & ignores the other fashion changes toward modesty. Sort of like looking at the stock market and only graphing the "lows" daily on the stock ticker. At any rate, he says that islam (notice the lower case, here) will eventually win. Well, consider the rules. It's sort of like playing chess (oops, can't do that if you're a muslim, I guess Mo was a sore loser). Of course you'll win in the game, if you insist that none of my pieces can to to your side of the board (no non muslims in mosques or Saudi Arabia) and I can't take any of your pieces (death to apostates). I don't know what to say to your article, but I certainly agree that considering the rules, there IS a significant threat my my children.
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 15:08:38 -0700
I think you are making a very astute point Chicago. Part of the reason Islam may well "win" are the lopsided rules. Muslims have great leeway to advance their culture in Western countries but there is little opportunity to make headway against Islam in the Islamic world. I would take it one step further. Western culture has no desire to destroy Islamic civilization and, therefore, Islam has to perpetuity to gain an advantage over Western culture that would allow it to annihilate Western culture. We are in the same position as the Israelis - we must always be on top for the moment we are not we shall cease to exist. Conversely, Islam will always be allowed to survive by Western culture and it will always have a new opportunity. It is not a very good set of rules under which to fight for survival. Our only saving grace may well be that Islamic culture is so disfunctional that it will never again become superior to Western culture.
Name: caleb singh reply to xanga
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 18:20:16 -0700
50 million muslims daily watch father boutros clear and viscid dissection of the evil philosophy of islam and vicious and evil behavior of muhammed and al qaeda and islamic radical of your calibre are extremely worried the truth of islam is being exposed in the heartland of islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/022628.php#comments
Name: Stewart Davis
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 20:22:26 -0700
The article suggests an possible historical connection to the date chosen for the attack. If so it is ironic that OBL would choose a day of defeat for such a barbarous act rather than a day of victory. I predict that 9/11 will oneday be seen by historians as the beginning of the end for Islam as we know it.
Name: Saudi ex-Muslim
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 01:59:36 -0700
Someone asked me how I overcame islam when living in Saudi Arabia,actually I travelled a lot and still travel. I read books of Richard Dawkins etc and also hv a brain of my own,knowing the fact of evolution,and of the various false claims of Koran,Bible etc,I understand that Bible,Koran etc are just human created junk that are fit for stone age century,not for modern humanity.Religion is the root of all suffering today.I wish i was born in a free society,but was not,so now its my duty to free myself from Religion.and its the duty of Mankind to free itself from Religion sooner than later.
Name: kmgy
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 02:12:58 -0700
Indeed there will be a Final Chapter in the future of the revival of the Holy Crusade started long. It will be the Final Clash of Civilizations. Europe will awaken to the imminent danger pose by Islam just in time to flex its military muscle. As the European Union grows to superpower status it will bring the Sword to the Muslim lands. The World of Islam will die a violent death just as its birth was a violent one.
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 07:14:37 -0700
The problem with your view kmgy is that while Europe is becoming an economic and political superpower it is not translating to military power. As far as I can tell, the Europeans seem to think they have no need to be able to defend themselves. They overly rely on the United States which is foolish. Even worse, they overemphasize the negaive aspects of a strong military and armed conflict with no counterbalance given to the equally, if not more devastating horrors of defeat by a foreign power. I once interviewed with the CIA in the 1980's, I never went to work there, but I did write a paper as part of the job application process wherein I said that the greatest danger of the Soviet Union was that it might shed the shackles of communism and develop a stronger economy and thereby become a much more dangerous threat. I was pretty close to being spot on. While the Soviet Union collapsed, the remaining Russian Empire is developing into exactly what I said was to be feared. The Muslims are not Europe's only problem. Europe has a resurgent Russia upon whom it is energy dependent that is showing signs of aligning with Iran. This is all happening to a Europe that has become ideologically weak and reprobate. The Europeans better get their act together immediately or they may well find themselves at the mercy of Russia and its allies. The Europeans will never bring the sword to Muslim lands as you suggest. They are slaves to left wing ideologies such as multiculturalism, pacifism, Third Worldism, and self hatred. This is not a Europe as we have ever known it. It seems to be almost a completely new culture with almost a clear break with its past usually only seen when a people have been militarily defeated and their culture destroyed. In Europe, it simply came from witin as the left got hold of the education system and media and altered the European Continent from within. There are simply not enough traditional Europeans left to become strong enough politically to stop the slide into destruction.
Name: Former Muslim
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 07:24:45 -0700
Stewart, Interesting question you raise. However, if it is for revenge against an enemy, the Western power in this case, then, a day of former defeat become logical choice. A victory cannot be avenged, can it???
Name: To Francis Priddy
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 18:35:50 -0700
No, it is NOT the people of the west that are "against civil liberties," it IS THE ISLAMISTS! In democracy, we have freedoms of speech, but in ALL countries where islam dominates there is no freedom of an anti-muslim press. Also, say something against Christ and you don't have millions of Christians around the west calling for your head. Say something against mohammed and you have millions of mohammedans around the world calling for your heads! PEOPLE OF THE WEST DON'T CARRY BANNERS THAT SAY,"FREEDOM GO TO HELL." WE CHERISH THE FREEDOMS OF SPEECH, TO OUR WOMEN AND TO OUR FAITHS. WHEREAS AN ISLAMIST SAID "THERE ARE TOO MANY FREEDOMS IN THIS COUNTRY." Your comments are TOTALLY unfounded!!!!
Name: Muslim Day around the world...
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 18:38:05 -0700
On the day of 9/11 millions of muslims around the world danced in the streets and rejoiced! Today on UTube many other acts of violence are being incited against the "infidel." But, the more the west sees the hippocrisy of islam, that it is NOT a "peacefull" religion, the sooner we will wake up to this worldwide menace!
Name: caleb singh
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 18:40:16 -0700
To those who say 9/11 was planned by the americans or israelis, let us analyse whether this outrageous lie has any basis 1.it is well known that binladen, ayman zawahiri still keep making claims that they were responsible for 9/11 even though the muslim lands bear the brunt of the furry of america response to this dastardly event--proof lies in tapes delivered to aljazeera from pakistan (now if american intelligence was responsible for such matter pakistani intelligence would have apprehended the source to discredit us claims or proove muslim innocence 2.muhammed atta & other 19 hijackers were people in existence in arab & islamic countries--not fictional characters-proof lies in records showing them present pre 9/11 and no records available post 9/11 about them 3. what would be the motivation of non muslims if it is supposed they planned the attacks--what will be the motivation of hijackers to commit sucide without enjoying the fruits of their service 4.if the attack was planned by american or israeli intelligence (it would have required the knowledge & cooperation of a lot of agencies & people--civl aviation, immigration, security, etc & you would have definitly got dissenters laying out details of this plot) 5.to the detractors who claim it was too sophisticated an operation for islamic radicals to carry out there is not much sophistication required for such an operation--the terorist would only need to know terrorist training ,operate a flight and familiarity of the intended targets hence from these facts we can conclude convincinly that 9/11 was a dastardly crime committed by islamic terrorists glorifying their act in the name of the canibal bastard allah.to others who disagree with these facts please provide convincing evidence if you dare to claim the falsehood 9/11 is by jews or american
Date: Friday September 12, 2008
Time: 19:51:19 -0700
Name: To Andrew Stunich
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 04:01:38 -0700
Thank you for such an intelligent analysis. I just want to emphasize the danger posed by Islam. It is like Hitler's Mein Kampf. In its pages was written Hitler's blueprint for conquest. Its need for Lebensraum (living space),invasion of Russia. It's hatred for the Jew which the Nazis implemented in "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question", the extermination of all the Jews in Europe. Its final aim of world domination as the master race which thankfully was thwarted by the defeat of the Nazis in WW 2. The point here is steps should be taken to counter the threat. In the pages of the Koran is written the ultimate aim of subjugating the whole world under Islam. Unless the West ignore this threat the world is indeed in terrible danger. Maybe one step the free world should undertake is the reduction of immigrant quota to zero from Muslim countries except those seeking asylum for renouncing Islam. It is no secret that Muslims are immigrating to the free world and establishing themselves in host countries. Their weapon is the womb of their women. They will increase in numbers through high birth rate until they will be a political force to reckon with in host countries. Another preventive step is the monitoring of Muslim mosques where hate is being propagated. These are few steps to counter the Islamic threat. -kmgy
Name: What nonsense...
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 11:51:51 -0700
Algieria, Morocco, Jordan, Turkey, etc are muslim countries. The US supports Israel, yes, but has also given far more support to muslim countries. I don't hear you putting that down. Isreal is not a threat to the world. It is also not a "cop out" for your 10,000 plus acts of terrorism all around the world since 9/11 including attacks in South America. Your making Israel a cop out against all you are doing all around the world on a weekly basis is running out of steam and patience! Israel has given more land to the arab countries and still are bombarded with surrounding nations continually wanting to send suicide bombers into Israel. The next time I taste crap in a donut bought from a muslim bakery I will "blame Israel." By the way, Israeli textbooks don't call muslims "condemnable" like islamic textbooks call Jews "condemnable."
Name: To above
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 23:11:38 -0700
Al Qaeda is the true expression of the Koran.
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 03:49:47 -0700
Bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia. He was trained by the CIA and actively fought the Soviets in Afghanistan. Therefore the US is to be blamed for Al Qaeda .
Name: proud infidel to Andrew Stunich
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 04:53:16 -0700
Thanks for an enlightening article. While the infidel is busy building his aircraft and sipping his beer, a sinister development is taking place in his backyard. Either the infidel does not know about it,or he pretends not to know, he loses both ways. You are right in saying that our children may not be so lucky. As I write this comment,serial blasts in our capital New Delhi have snuffed out 30 innocent lives.Innocent people enjoying the weekend with thier families in the markets. A video sent out by the involved terrorist outfit says it all. It is being played for the first time ever on TV. It goes something like this--your dirty blood--our life--our jihad--Allah hu Akbar, with gory images in between the texts.Need i say more. The scourge of humanity strikes again.
Name: Bin Laden...
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 12:46:51 -0700
Bin Laden was born in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis helped to protect him after 9/11. The Sudanese also protected him. Now, he is protected somewhere in the mountains of Pakistan. Helping him during the Afgan-Russian war was praised by the muslim nations. While it is true that Bin Laden has bitten the hand that fed him when at the time he was trying to defend his country, islam/the quran is the blame for his idiology.
Name: To Mr. Stunich/Proud Infidel
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 12:51:31 -0700
To Mr. Stunich: good article! Keep up the good work!/Proud Infidel:that's horrible! Though not nearly as severe as the event you described, a muslim called western women,"western slut girls" and at the end said,"allah akbar." Funny how people can slaughter other people like that and be proud of it! But, millions of islamists around the world rejoiced after 9/11. They rejoice again with the 10,000 plus terrorist acts since then including South America. Give them a silly reason and they will bomb the polar bears in the North Pole!
Name: proud infidel
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 19:17:17 -0700
The e-mail text sent by the Indian mujahideen and the slide show was aired by premier english news channel in India-CNN/IBN.It was an eye opener.
Name: TO proud infidel
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 19:59:16 -0700
Isreal has freedoms others don't have, and the United States along with Israel are the chief supporter of suppressing democracy especially in the in the Middle East. The most important question we should be asking ourselves is 'Why do you think Palastinians and some Muslims hate us so much? And if you look at our foreign policy that question is not too difficult to answer. The key grievance is hypocrisy. The U.S. has repeatedly sided with authoritarian regimes!
Name: To above ( I guess you are a Muslim!)
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 22:26:32 -0700
You are contradicting yourself! How could freedom loving nations like U.S. and Israel suppressed democracy of other nations? Why do Palestinians and Muslims have so much hatred? The answer is in the pages of your perverted Koran! If you cannot see the answer, you are a willfully blind person!
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 10:23:55 -0700
The time has come and gone of the seventh anniversary of the September 11,2001 catastrophe and all th suffering it produced. At that on the television,the scenes of all those Muslims who were celebrating that abomination in the streets was an affront to decency and humanity. It also showed the evil spiritual condition of those followers of Islam who rejoiced. As in Proverbs 17:5 reads "whoever gloats over disaster will not go unpunished." Also verse 15 elaborates "acquitting the guilty and condemning the inncocent- the Lord detests both." Relating to this Proverbs 28:4 reads those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law resist them." Cerainly the American military that fought and resisted the villains in Afghanistan that put the hijackers up to that monstrocty. What those al Qaeda operatives did on September 11, is a good example of what is found in Psalm 92:21 which reads "They band together against the righteous and condemn the inncoent to death." Also, Psalm140:11 reads "may disaster hunt down nen of violence." -[NIV]
Name: TO=To above ( I guess you are a Muslim!)
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 19:57:52 -0700
The freedom loving nations like U.S. and Israel ARE COMMITTING MORE KILLING DAY TO DAY THROUGH THERE PROXY CIA AND MOSAD.Switch off your TV and try to reason...the U.S backed by the Zionist are the biggest war machine and weapons dealers.. Toppling people elected governments and putting puppet regimes to tarnish the image of Nations....what u try to show is the result of only a few crazy People..Look at the big picture. You just can???t help but blaming Muslims for what their puppet govts do and don???t, and always touch on the subject of what Muslim civilians do. To elaborate, the U.S backed by the Zionist changed Iran???s elected president in the 60's ???The result-hijacking, then the U.S backed by the Zion???s trained Bin Laden and gave Saddam chemical weapons-result- all this mess... the Zion???s are the cause for anger around the world...you only look at what u like to look at...reality it is people like you who live in a 'bubble'. To all you people who love to hate...there will come a day when you will hate yourself more than anything you've ever hated...find the truth now before it's too late..p.s. lose the arrogance and pride and stop lying. It will help this life is short. When you face your lord all deeds will be shown. so work for your own salvation!
Name: Here he goes again...
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 21:29:23 -0700
Saddam Hussein and Ben Laden are muslims who memorized the quran. We supported the Shaw of Iran during the 60's, yes, but he also was a muslim. You can't blame the US for the way muslim leaders have corrupted their governments. You say the US backed zionist government. Not true. Israel doesn't dictate our policies, IF they did we would never have supported countries like current Iran, Saudi Arabia(where their textbooks call Christians "swine" and Jews "condemnable", etc. You say that the 10,000 plus terrorist acts by muslims since 9/11 are the "acts of a few crazy people?" That's bull and you know it! Your own mullahs all around the world(even all across the US and Britian) are calling for bloodshed against the "infidel." There are 84,000 Canadian muslims alone who support suicide bombings! Israel and the US don't sponsor terrorist acts throughout the world, islam does! Okay, the next time I taste crap in my donut bought from a muslim bakery I will blame Israel! Israli textbooks don't call muslims "condemnable." They are a tiny country surrounded by countries who send their suicide bombers into it. Israel only attacks when attacked. Now, you mention the future:someday a remnant of Israel will be defended at the battle of Armaggedon. Most of the countries attacking Israel will be islamic countries which the Lord Jesus Christ is going to come with His armies from Heaven and rescue them!(read Rev). Israeli leaders are not calling for the destruction of muslim lands. However, even in recent "muslim peace protests" in France and London banners were carried that said things such as,"Be prepared for the real holocost","Europe you will pay. 9/11 is on its way." YOU DON'T FIND ONE ISRAELI PROTEST WHICH CALLS FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF AN ENTIRE CONTINENT OR OTHER PEOPLE! THE LEADER OF IRAN ALSO CALLED FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF ISRAEL! SO, I DON'T BLAME ISRAEL IF THEY BOMB IRAN'S NUCLEAR FACILITIES! YOU FOLKS WILL TRY TO MAKE ISRAEL A BAD GUY IF THEY DO BUT THEY WILL ONLY BE DEFENDING THEMSELVES. OH! BY THE WAY, MEIN KEIMPH HAS BEEN A BEST SELLER IN MANY MUSLIM LANDS!
Name: Funny...
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 21:31:31 -0700
You don't hear of this very much but whenever muslims try to justify their terrorist acts by citing the kkk, you can remind them that a muslim organization gave money to a skinhead group because of their mutual hatred of Jews.
Name: To all freedom loving people of the US, UK, Europe, Canada, Australia, NZ
Date: Monday September 15, 2008
Time: 23:36:06 -0700
The Islamic menace now is in your land! Their ultimate aim is complete subjugation of the world under Islam. Their Koran declares that "Allah will grab the land of the unbelievers!"(their Allah is a land grabber!) and "to convert all unbelievers to Islam or slay them!" Soon they will increase their number through high birth rate and intermarriage! Their weapon now is the womb of their women (which their Koran called women just a toy). Later on they will become a political force to reckon with and will eventually change the political climate of the host country. As soon as they get the upper hand then personal liberty, human rights and freedom of expression will be history! So all freedom loving people of the world employ whatever legal means at your disposal to combat and defeat this menace!!!
Name: Answer me please
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 08:17:47 -0700
Who was Jesus Christ? Did he call him self a Christian. What religion did he profess while he was alive in this world? What was his message. Why did the rulers want Jesus Christ dead? The Christians and Muslims believe that there will be a second coming of Jesus Christ. What will be the purpose of his second coming?
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 09:03:14 -0700
You asked: "Who was Jesus Christ?" He said he was the son of God and the Messiah as predicted in the Old Testament texts. You ask: "Did he call him self a Christian." No. He did not call himself a Christian. Christian means Christ like in Greek and is meant to convey that followers of Jesus are trying to follow his example. You ask: "What religion did he profess while he was alive in this world?" Jesus was plainly a practicing Jew and knew the religion well and celebrated its holidays. I suspect that he saw himself as a reformer of Judaism. You ask: "What was his message." That is a long answer. I would refer you to the New Testament as almost all that we know about Jesus is contained therein. The gist of the message was love your neighbor as yourself, do unto others as you would have them do to you, be humble, love God, obey the commandments, and believe that he was the predicted Messiah, died for everyone's sins and to be saved you must believe thereon. You ask: "Why did the rulers want Jesus Christ dead?" They perceived him as a threat to their authority and rule. The Jewish religious elite was also angered by his claims to be the Son of God and the Messiah. You ask: "The Christians and Muslims believe that there will be a second coming of Jesus Christ. What will be the purpose of his second coming?" The Muslim belief in Jesus is very different from Christian belief. Muslims have completely altered what is said about Jesus in the Bible. The Quran actually expressly denies Jesus was crucified. Christians believe that the world will fall apart because mankind will put faith in its own ability to control its faith without God and in the process will commit great evil and great sins and abominations. Christians believe that Jesus will return to bring God's Kingdom to earth and to end the terrible reign of the ant-Christ.
Name: To Answer me please
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 09:30:55 -0700
The other purpose of Jesus Christ 2nd coming is to judge all nations of the earth.
Name: Good comments...
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 17:24:16 -0700
The last few comments were very good. And, to the person who warned us who live in the West:true! Look at what has happened already in Scandinavia: muslims can gang rape non-muslim women there(after all, they are only "toys) and a muslim cleric defends the thugs!
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 20:12:35 -0700
Gang rape ,Anyone knows it wrong. In my openion the People should sorround this Fake Cleric and give him a taste of his own medicine by Stoning the bloody Fool to death, Sharia style.
Name: The Muslim belief of Jesus's return
Date: Wednesday September 17, 2008
Time: 20:15:10 -0700
The reason Prophet Jesus will come back to Earth,1) The Jews believe that they had killed Prophet Jesus, Allah will send him before the end of time to prove that they had not killed him and that he is alive. It is he who will kill the Jewsish leader Dajjal.(The false prophet) 2) Prophet Jesus found many virtues of the followers of Prophet Muhammad in the bible and thus he prayed to Allah to make him amongst the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad. Allah answered his prayer and he will return for the second time as one of the followers of Prophet Muhammad . 3) It is the Law of Allah that anything that is created from the Earth has to be buried in the Earth and not the Heavens. Thus he will return to the Earth for the second time, kill the Dajjal, live for a period of time and then he will die a natural death and will be buried with the Prophet Mohamad.
Name: Biblical patriarchs as props in the Koran!!!
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 00:37:05 -0700
The Koran uses the Biblical patriarchs as props or cover to give their false and dangerous religion a sense of credibility and authenticity!!!Even blaming the Bible as corrupted!!!
Name: Annonymous
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 01:22:52 -0700
I am deeply concerned about the destruction of European culture due to the Islamic population in Europe. Why should the West (Europe, USA, Canada, Australia) have to change our lives and government for them? They can get F***ed.
Name: To all freedom-loving people of the US, UK, Europe, Canada, Australia, NZ
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 03:42:28 -0700
Petition your governments to reduced immigration quota to ZERO for all Muslim countries! Monitor Muslim mosques now rapidly multiplying in your land where hate messages are being propagated! Do all legally possible to help combat this rising menace that will take away the FREEDOM that your forefathers had build in your land!
Name: Cow Dung
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 07:13:15 -0700
Most migrants work, they pay taxes so that Boozers like you who are sevants to the Zions can live out of the Dole..
Name: To above
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 09:48:49 -0700
There is no logic in your statement! You are like a drunken man babbling nonsense!
Name: re = to above
Date: Thursday September 18, 2008
Time: 20:06:06 -0700
You have a brain. Yes its telling you that what i said is true. Dont worry your instincts are right. You are right now. Just wonder, who are the richest race in this world. They want to remain the rich, so that you and your countrymen stay poor and remain poor while thay loot and Plant foolish leaders so that you all will countinue to be Poor. Think about it mate.