False claim of the American Islamists finally exposed; American Muslim population is only 1.8 millions in total!
08 Mar, 2008
Most puzzling to us was the mystery of invisible western converts. Where are they? We could rarely find any western converts in our Mosques or in any Muslim congregations. Most faces we have seen were same old faces of South East Asians and some Arabs or Africans; but we could hardly see any real American white converts! Not even black Americans. Where are they?
Other baseless “hoaxes” previously available in the market were: Neil Armstrong, Jaques Cousteau, Michael Jackson, Maurice Bucaille, King Offa of England and, Mike Tyson, they all became Muslim. Christian apologists discovered wreckage of Noah’s ark in turkey, Prophet Muhammad’s name on a piece of wood from Noah’s ark (found in Russia), and Prophet Muhammad’s name fore-told in Hindu Scriptures. ALL THESE WERE SIMPLY BOGUS CLAIMS BY WISHFUL MULLAHS. Unfortunately, they get involved in spreading these concocted stories, which are mostly rubbish anyway, only to mislead gullible folks of which we have so many in this world.
In the Middle East, many Muslims do convert to Christianity. However, Muslim’s conversion to Christianity never get to the news media for fear of being apostate and killed by the “merciful” Islamists. People convert to a religion for various reasons, such as, economic supports, for mental spiritual satisfaction, and even for marital purposes. Everyday, throughout the Third World countries, Christian missionaries are busily converting tens of thousands of poor/destitute peoples. Does it make the Christian religion great? Thousands of peoples did convert to Jim John’s cultic religion in the seventies; thousands of Japanese people converted to a dangerous cultic religion Supreme Truth; and a crazy man like David Koresh was able to brainwash thousands of his followers to die for his brand of religion. Is the conversion to certain religion/faith makes that faith great? The big question is, does conversion spree a ‘litmus test’ for a good, or a true religion. I don’t think so! If this were correct, then China’s Falun Gong would be the fastest growing and the best religion in the entire world right now. For last 30 years or so, western living Islamists were doing this false propaganda only to attract more conversion of western infidels to Islam.
Finally, we have found the “Eureka” of this puzzle. Like many
other claims, this claim of conversion utopia was also a blatantly
false claim by the wishful Islamists. We know Muslim populations
was/is increasing year after year mostly by rapid influx of
immigrants from third-world Muslim nations and also by higher rate
of procreation; but by rapid and massive conversions American
Muslim populations were getting doubled every year was utterly false
claim by the Islamists.
Another peculiar thing we have been hearing since early 80s or
90s that American Muslim population is about 6 millions. But just
other day, I read such news in Islamic site that American Muslim
population is about 5 millions. By this latest news, one must
conclude that Muslim population in America was/is actually
decreasing year after year! Otherwise, how they could have claimed
6/7 millions in 80s and in 2007 they again claimed only 5 millions?
Question is why this false propaganda was needed only by Muslims in
America? I never heard anything from Hindus, Buddha’s or Jews about
any false claims by them! Well, here is the actual truth about
American Muslims. Please read the news below:
U.S. is still overwhelmingly Christian, study
Religious affiliations in the US (Surveyed 2007 by Los Angeles
Times) found U.S. is still overwhelmingly a Christian Nation. Entire
story can be read here:
According to this study, 78.4% of Americans are Christians,
about 5% belong to all other faith and traditions and 16.1% are
unaffiliated with any particular religion. Secular unaffiliated
Americans account for 6.3% of the population; religious
unaffiliated, 5.8%; atheists, 1.4% and agnostics, 2.4%.
Among the 5 % other faiths: Jews are 1.7%; Buddhists are 0.7%; Muslims are 0.6%; Hindus are 0.4%. Now if we do the math, America has only 1.8 millions Muslims in total. Questions remained to be answered: Where are those 6 or 7 millions Muslims in the United States of America? And why Muslims only (No Hindus or Buddhists ever did this) had been fooling people with their false propaganda for so long?
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Syed Kamran Mirza is the author of Roots of Terrorism in Islam. He has also contributed in Beyond Jihad — Critical Voices from Inside Islam and Leaving Islam — Apostates Speaks Out. He can be contacted at mirza.syed@gmail.com.
Name: agnostic
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 20:24:14 -0700
Yahya Hendi, a prayer leader who teaches at Georgetown University said: " Islam has some 17,000 converts a year, but that was behind converts to Buddhism and Evangelical Christianity " The Myth about Islam Being the Fastest Growing Religion according to Encyclopedia of Islam Myths: Islam is not the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam is the religion of the uncivilized third world where the birth rate is high. In these same Countries, muslims are killed if they convert to Christianity. Muslims are noted liars, despicable subhumans with a penchant to exaggerate. Collected latest statistics from David A. Barrett’s huge two volume, "World Christian Encyclopedia", the 2001 AD edition. In case you haven’t heard of this work, it is the world standard for religious statistics. Muslim's claim that their growth rate is 235 percent and 47 percent for Christianity. This statistic came from the Readers Digest Almanac and Yearbook 1983, and represents 235 percent increase over 50 years. MUSLIMS ALWAYS LEAVE OFF THE 50 YEAR FACT to make it appear they are going 235% every year. . Christianity has always been larger than Islam. . Why will Muslims not quote real authoritative statistics from certified research groups who show Islam is not the fastest growing religion in 3/4’s of the worlds countries. CHINA alone has 3,000 embracing Christianity daily. Buddhism is prime in Europe. In islamic Iran, 75% do not practice islam, and zoroastrianism is fast gaining its original eminence. The Baha’is take the prize for fastest growing the Latin America. Shameless, useless, totally dispensable muslim parasites, good example are the genocidal Palestinians that no other muslim country is willing to have as its citizens, these ungrateful demon-infested subhumans thrive because of the kindness and generosity of Christians who let them immigrate, often fleeing the persecution between hostile muslim sects and their own despotic govts and their failed cesspool states. Kindest thing we non muslims can do is annihilate them so they can reach their heaven faster and enjoy eternal screwing. After all, they love death, don't they?
Name: Saul Wall
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 20:38:47 -0700
I find that wherever Muslim demographics are quoted they tend to be inflated (either for scare tactics of anti-immigrant interests or to increase the political influence of Islamic interests). Real demographic information would be more useful than propaganda, even if it is pro-Western propaganda.
Name: Tonto
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 20:49:27 -0700
Dude, That's easy. Islame is the religion of lies. It's also the religion of slaves, so no muslim dares to question the lies.
Name: bobby
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 21:22:56 -0700
Why do muslim groups try to give false information about their population? Because they want to get some political power, get Eid stamp issued etc. Muslims are anyways master of misinformation. There is no credibility to their claims. Population 2 million, sometimes 6 or even 12 million quoted. Hindus+Buddhist are 1.3 percent - but no stamps for them!
Name: allah is lie
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 22:55:23 -0700
judeo christianity islam is a lie and allah is a lie. jesus never existed nor did abraham or moses,its all made up. religion is a disease truth is the cure.
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 02:45:56 -0700
One muslim bragged to me :WE ARE 1.6 BILLIONS IN THE WORLD:I told him:so are the mosquitoes in that number,but they also damned nuisance like you.They buzz in your ears,sting you,give you malaria and death.We need more human beings with understanding hearts and not robtic brainless zommbies called Muslims,who are nothing but snakes,some more poisoness than others.Shit and dead meat always attracts flies,so does Islam.Hence it should not surprise any body if it were to be true.
Name: Allat
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 07:46:56 -0700
and a crazy man like David Koresh was able to brainwash thousands of his followers to die for his brand of religion. Is the conversion to certain religion/faith makes that faith great? The big question is, does conversion spree a ‘litmus test’ for a good, or a true religion. I don’t think so! If this were correct, then China’s Falun Gong would be the fastest growing and the best religion in the entire world right now" You're listening to the propagandas of governments. David Koresh was NOT a crazy man. He had a philosophy and precepts that worked. That is why he had to die. Same as the Great Ghost Dance of the American Indians in the 1890s. It was a philosophy that transcended the 3-D world - Quantum Physics, if you may._______ It was NOT because of of religion that the people died, but because the U.S. military went in there set to stop the Movement. In the case of Koresh, they went in with tanks and armaments, and gas, as if it were a Civil War, and the military kept the news media out, to prevent us knowing the slaughter they did._________Falun Gong DOES work, and it would be the fastest growing Philosophy, IF the Chinese Reds wouldn't supress it so violently. They fear it so much, that they put the adherents in prison, and executive them in such a way, that their organs remain intact, for sale. That brings great fear________The Chinese slaughtered monks in Tibet, for the same reason. These Philosophies WORK! If if were allowed to continue, the governments would be out of business, the business to control people_______ The power of self-governance and manifesting goods and the needs of the people, would be in the hands of THE PEOPLE, N-O-T the governments_______ So in view of those happenings, those three genocides as above, just those 3, there have been more, can you open your mind, and ask yourself, why are the governments doing this? Those new Philosophies, the PEople in them, NEVER fought back, they were harmless - there must be something to them, or else why did different governments, put them down, so violently?_______________-Aho!
Name: pmk
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 09:16:01 -0700
The actual numbers don't matter. There may be eighty percent fewer Muslims in the US than we have been led to believe but one was elected to Congress. It also doesn't do anything to eliminate the threat those that ARE here pose to all Americans. A determined minority can still wreak havoc - witness what just nineteen people did on 9/11. The real question is: why are we continuing to admit Muslims after 9/11? If the Islamists are so few in number as so many people claim, then why hasn't "peaceful" Islam eradicated them? Why do they have even the slightest bit of influence in the Muslim community? This article reeks of taqiyya.
Name: Allat
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 10:24:11 -0700
"And why Muslims only (No Hindus or Buddhists ever did this) had been fooling people with their false propaganda for so long?" There are several reasons: 1- The people here are no longer homogenous- in particular, there are Asians that come in for a short residency, and don't care what happens here._____ 2- The government knows DAMN well what it's doing and encourages and allows the push of islam - because they're working hand in glove with them. The people here with..WITH an interest in the Bill of Rights have become too UPPITY - almost out of the control of the gov., so tptb, seek a method of control.
Name: Mike in Nevada
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 11:52:14 -0700
Syed, some gentle criticism. Do no make the words thousand and million plural, no "s" after these values. "America has only 1.8 million Muslims...." is correct.
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 13:37:08 -0700
Is CIA a muslim organization? Islam is the fastest growing religion and the second largest religion in the world Muslims in Asia (1996) 1,022,692,000 (30%) Muslims in Africa (1996) 426,282,000 (59%) Total Number of Muslims on the Earth (1996) 1,482,596,925 Total Number of People on the Earth (1996) 5,771,939,007 Percentage of Muslims (1996) 26% Islam annual growth rate (1994-1995) from U.N. 6.40% Christianity growth rate (1994-1995) from U.N. 1.46% Total Number of Muslims on the Earth (1998) 1,678,442,000 Expected Number of Muslims on the Earth (2000) 1,902,095,000 This table below shows the growth of Islam: North America (1989-1998) 25% Africa 2.15% Asia 12.57% Europe 142.35% Latin America -4.73% Australia 257.01% Among every four humans in the world, one of them is Muslim. Muslims have increased by over 235 percent in the last fifty years up to nearly 1.6 billion. By comparison, Christians have increased by only 47 percent, Hinduism, 117 percent, and Buddhism by 63 percent. Islam is the second largest religious group in France, Great Britain and USA (Muslims in USA are 10 millions and Jews are 6 millions). For a list of all Muslim countries and where the total number of Muslims came from, please click here. The numbers of the growth rates have been taken from here The number of the total population has been taken from The CIA World's Facts Book.
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 14:15:59 -0700
"taken from The CIA World's Facts Book."_______I trust the Cocaine Import Agency, as far as I can spit!.. :)``
Name: Ananda
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 17:21:25 -0700
Eid stamp is not for U.S. Muslims, Bush did this only to impress Iraqi, Afghani, Pakistani, and Saudi Muslims. Muslims in U.S. has no social or political influence. Most communities hate them like bugs.
Name: eric
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 21:54:00 -0700
Even if we believe Muslims are overwhelming other populations, it doesn't make it any less evil. Good things are usually rare. It is a pity that good people are getting extinct in some places and driven out by evil people. But in nature sometimes things decay and die even if they are really beautiful things. Islam is like a termite infestation, all good places in this world need to get termite protection.
Name: Saul Wall
Date: Saturday March 08, 2008
Time: 22:49:24 -0700
They say that France is 10% Muslim but a survey done recently says that only 4% self identify as Muslim. Is it possible that 60% of those who are counted as Muslim (due to nation of origin or whatever) are actually secular or apostates? Many people have quoted that Imam in the Arab press who claimed that 6 million Muslims converted to Christianity but since that could have been a scare tactic to encourage donations to Islamic charities, I was wondering if anyone knows if there is any real research into conversion and apostate rates.
Name: Statistics
Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
Time: 13:21:45 -0700
In the Islamic Republic of Iran, around 97% are supposed to be muslims. However, I would say that most people do not believe in Islam anymore. Those who still believe in Islam do not believe that the government believes in Islam. And they may be right. In Malaysia, the whole economy is still dominated by the chinese people, though there are strongly discriminated. Even in the arab world, one out of three muslims cannot read the quran. Illiterate rates in Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangla Desh are among the highest in of the world. However, young people in all these countries learn to memorize the quran in a language they dont even understand, financed by Petrodollars. Genetic Deseases are widespread in the whole Islamic World, because many muslims men marry a cousin girl, which is condoned and even appreciated by Islam as well as polygamy. Thats why genetic deseases happen much more often in islamic countries than anywhere else. Typical genetic deseases in the islamic world are blood deseases, diabetes and much more. Have a look: http://www.unl.edu/rhames/courses/212/arab_inbreed/arab_inbreed.htm
Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
Time: 14:14:18 -0700
Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
Time: 14:32:19 -0700
navigation Infoseek/Big Yellow/Pathfinder/Warner Bros. World banner rule Fast-growing Islam winning converts in Western world alone.prayer April 14, 1997 Web posted at: 11:41 p.m. EDT (0341 GMT) From Correspondent Gayle Young CAIRO (CNN) -- In the port city of Suez -- and across the Islamic world -- they are celebrating the Hajj, the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. "This is a joyous day and the best day in the life of a man," said pilgrim Hussein Suleiman Hussein. "It is as if I am being born anew." movie icon (1.1M/31 sec. QuickTime movie) Millions of Muslims across the world will trek to Mecca this week for the annual religious event. They circle the Kaaba, a shrine that contains a black stone sacred to the Prophet Mohammed. mecca Mohammed decreed that every Muslim who can afford it make the Hajj at least once. It is one of five holy duties required in Islam. A Muslim's first duty is to proclaim that there is only one God and that Mohammed is his prophet. Muslims also must pray five times a day, give charity to the poor and fast during the daylight hours of the holy month of Ramadan. When a cannon signals that the sun has set during Ramadan, Muslims in Cairo break their fast with friends and family, often inviting the poor to share their meals. Fastest-growing religion kneeling The second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, Islam is also the fastest-growing religion. In the United States, for example, nearly 80 percent of the more than 1,200 mosques have been built in the past 12 years. Some scholars see an emerging Muslim renaissance as Islam takes root in many traditionally Christian communities. Islam has drawn converts from all walks of life, most notably African-Americans. Former NAACP President Benjamin Chavis, who joined the Nation of Islam recently, personifies the trend. "In societies where you have minorities that are discriminated against, I think they may find an appeal in Islam," said Waleed Kazziha of American University in Cairo. Many moderate Islamic countries such as Turkey and Egypt are becoming more conservative. Two decades ago, few middle-class Egyptian women wore scarves or veils on their heads. Now they crowd into special emporiums that advertise Islamic clothing. The shift toward Islamic fundamentalism worries many in the secular world, a fear underscored when splinter groups target Westerners with violent attacks. Islam vs. the West But most scholars argue that the extremists are a very small minority and that most Muslims adhere to principles in the Koran that teach peace and tolerance. bon.voyage "The Islamic world is like any other society we have known in history," said Kazziha. "You might say it has the good, the bad and the ugly." Founded in 622 A.D., Islam is among the newer major religions. But to the non-Muslim world, it sometimes appears inflexible. Clashes between Islamic tradition and Western influence are sweeping the globe. In Islam, contrary to Western beliefs, the rights of the community are considered more important than the rights of the individual. Women are seen primarily as caretakers of the home, and religion strongly influences schools, government and courts. Many Muslims today are trying to find a balance between being members of a global society and maintaining ties to a religion that calls for strict adherence to the Koran. A case in point is 35-year-old Hisham Hussein, a wealthy playboy who turned to religion and swore off alcohol after an automobile accident. He is going to Mecca this spring. "The most important thing is to maintain the purity of the Hajj, to lead a pure life," he said.
Name: Allat
Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
Time: 15:10:57 -0700
"I AM SORRY TO SAY IS NOW THE SECOND LARGEST FAITH IN ALMOST EVRY COUNTRY IN THE WESTEREN WORLD"..... While on the other hand, there are many more ex-moslems, coming out the other door - incognito.
Name: Mohammad
Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
Time: 16:14:21 -0700
The strength of Islam is not in numbers. Islam started with one person and then a handful converts and then a little town. Gradually it spread its message to all corners of the world. Does it matter than there are 1.5 billion muslims or one million? Not at all. That doesn't prove or disprove its message. One million quality Muslims are much better than 1.5 billion ignorant people who know Islam only through their backward cultures and not through reason. The worst enemies to Islam are not the disbelievers who openly fight Islam in many ways (including this website). The danger of disbelievers is minimal, the best they can do is to hurt us physically or emotionally (and they can't even do that right). The true danger to Islam is coming from those who have misunderstood Islam and have confused it with their arab, pakistani, persian, turkish nationalism and culture. When Muslims say no to nationalism and come to realize what the true message of Islam, that day the Islamic world will be unstoppable and no power in the world can dream of invading and killing Muslims. That's why that spending money in disuniting Muslims and keeping the fire of nationalism alive and burning is the best strategy (versus wasting money on websites like this).
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 01:03:58 -0700
what this article was adressing Mohammed are the blatant lies that islamists put forward to prove that their religion is true. By focusing on the few westerns who have converted to it whilst ignoring the droves who have left islam. This brainwashing causes the average muslim to think that that islam is growing exponentially which just int the case as many muslims give up their faitha ll the time. Once a muslim told me that not one person has ever left islam because its a religion of sense and reason.. hahah its laughable really
Name: lisamarie_@hotmail.com
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 02:17:29 -0700
I used to be a "white christian", now I am a white american muslim. Many people who convert to islam choose not to wear the proper attire because many muslim women face scrutiny for wearing religious dress so you may not be able to pick many out of a crowd. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the country .... you need to diversify the areas in which you obtained your information from, maybe you'll see a higher percentage in muslims. Islam isn't forced upon anyone in this country, we choose Islam because it gives light to the contradictions in christianity.
Name: Murtado
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 03:20:03 -0700
lisamarie said:"Islam isn't forced upon anyone in this country, we choose Islam because it gives light to the contradictions in christianity." Yeah.. in this country. See what you get when you go murtad in Afghanistan, Iraq and the like. Remember Abdul Rahman case, he would have been beheaded if the U.S did not intervene so as he could be extradited.So much for "no compassion in religion" and all those "religion of peace", "your religion my religion".
Name: Allat
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 10:02:08 -0700
"The strength of Islam is not in numbers. Islam started with one person"....A PSYCHO________" and then a handful converts and then a little town..."RABBLE IN THE MARKETPLACE THAT DIDN'T MAKE AN HONEST LIVING AND GANGED TOGETHER LIKE H-Y-E-N-A-S TO MAKE AN EASY BUCK________ Gradually it spread its message to all corners of the world...THROUGH TERRORISM, SLAUGHTER AND RAPE_________ "That doesn't prove or disprove its message of" TERRORISM. "One million POOR quality Muslims".. ____________Ignorant people who know Islam only through their backward cultures and not through reason...AND WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE FOR US?__________ The worst enemies to Islam are not the disbelievers who openly fight Islam in many ways (including this website)..THANK YOU________ "The danger of disbelievers is minimal",TRANSLATION: WE, ISLAMICS, ARE IN B-I-G TROUBLE, THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD_____ "they can do is to hurt us physically"...WHERE IN THE WEST HAS ANY MOSLEM BEEN ATTACKED?.." or emotionally...PORR ITTY BITTY MOSLEMS-I'D UP GROW UP!... "(and they can't even do that right)"...BECAUSE ISLAMIC HURT FEELINGS HAVE ALL BEEN AN ACT!________"The true danger to Islam is coming from those who have misunderstood Islam..COMING FROM THOSE WHO HAVE U N D E R S T O O D ISLAM V-E-R-Y WELL _________have confused it with their arab, pakistani, persian, turkish nationalism and culture..ALL THESE ARE ISLAMIC, THEIR ONLY LOYALTY IS TO MECCA, EVEN THE PERSIANS BOW EASTWARD....." When Muslims say no to nationalism and come to realize what the true message of Islam,"..TRANSLATION; THE ADVANTAGES OF THE WEALTH OF OTHER COUNTRIES__________" day the Islamic world will be unstoppable and no power in the world can dream of invading and killing Muslims,..'I.E. DOING TO ISLAMICS, WHAT ISLAMICS HAVE DONE/ARE DOING TO MOST OF THE WORLD, RAPE PILLAGE AND SLAUGHTER, BY GOLLY, WE, ISLAMICS OWN THE TRADEMARK!"_______" That's why that spending money in disuniting Muslims"....I.E. THE COMMON PEOPLE IN ISLAMIC COUNTRIES REALLY WANT TO LIVE AND LET LIVE, BUT IN ORDER TO KEEP POWER AND WEALTH, THE SLIME CLERICS KEEP STIRRING THEM UP, PUSHING THE COMMON PEOPLE TO GO OUT AND KILL, AND THE GOODIES GAINED FROM THEIR DEATHS IS DIVIDED BETWEEN THE CLERICS AND LEADERS ( EX; SEE ARABIA) _________ " keeping the fire of nationalism alive and burning is the best strategy"..WHATEVER THAT MEANS_____________"(versus wasting money on websites like this)"...THAT THE RIGHT AND PRIVILEDGE OF THE WEBSITE OWNER. IT'S THEIR MONEY TO DO WITH AS THEY PLEASE. WHO ARE Y-O-U TO SAY IT'S A WASTE?!_________I say, you're simply writing this letter because 1-You picked the right medium to spout off, the Western World, knowing, KNOWING, that if you did it in islamic countries, you're lying tongue would be cut off, your right hand, for expressing thoughts in the keyboard or pen, and finally, your head chopped off. 2 - You haven't read the koran, the Mecca verses, which were abrogated by the Medinan verses. 3- You're an inciter that wants to get in on the action, and get your wealth the easy way: STEALING, RAPING, PILLAGING - AS ALL MOSLEMS DO!_______ALLAT- FREE AMAZON WOMAN POLYTHEIST
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 10:14:55 -0700
Name: ali
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 10:37:30 -0700
i am so glad to visit this site ,the talk of islam , muslims and the numbers , gives islam the edge in in critisism ,it is the subject,here and a few other sites like ffi,will make people at least to look into it ,you have your views and the islamic alternative,there is no denying the fact that any one interested in islam will view the islamic to be near the truth than yours . so tthak you for high lighting the true alternative to the mad capitalist system , where a few benifit and the vast majaroty are like sheep.
Name: Allat
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 11:35:19 -0700
I'm having a good time today - and have time on my hands, so I'll answer these:______________ To No Name: __________________ "Islamd gives the solution to all the ills of the world."...IN WHAT WAY? BE SPECIFIC. LIST THE WAYS__________"Sets the people free"..GEE, I THOUGHT 'ISLAM' MEANS 'SUBMISSION'..HOWEVER, IN ALL THIS, IT'S LOGICAL THAT WHILE THE PEOPLE ARE FREE TO BE SLAVES, THERE M-U-S-T BE SOME PEOPLE OVER THEM TO MAKE SURE OF THIS. YOU KNOW, "SOMEONE" LIKE A FEW CLERICS AND RULERS ON THE TOP..OF THE PYRAMID, TO OVERSEE. ARE YOU THINKING, MAYBE YOU WANT TO BE IN THAT NUMBER...'WHEN THE SAINTS COME MARCHING IN."______ "sets the people free"...TO SUBMIT TO CLERICS AND RULERS".."GIVES THEM equality"...E.I., EQUAL SUBMISSION______"dignity"..IN POINTING THEIR REAR ENDS UPWARD"______"tried and tested"..EXACTLY, IT WORKS FOR THE CLERICS AND RULERS, EVERY TIME, IN KEEPING CONTROL_____"destined to be"..BECAUSE YOU SAY SO, AND WE SHOULD BELIEVE YOU..SO YOU SAY. _____________ To Ali..Ali as in "The 40 Thieves"_______ " gives islam the edge in in critisism"...WHAT EDGE? ____________"will make people at least to look into it"...WE HAVE, WE'VE RESEARCHED THE KORAN. THAT'S WHY WE RESIST IT_________"any one interested in islam will view the islamic to be near the truth"..WHAT IS TRUTH?______for high lighting the true alternative to the mad capitalist system..YOU'RE WELCOME, AND YOU, ISLAMICS SCRAMBLE FOR THE SAME, OTHERWISE YOU WOULDN'T EVEN BE IN THE INTERNET, USE PHONES, WATCH TV, USE CARS, AIRPLANES OR SHIPS, EAT FROM VACUUM PACKED FOODS, FROZEN FOOD OR CANS, GO FOR SURGERY,WANT TO HAVE BABIES IN HOSPITALS, use ETC.________ "where a few benifit.."SEE MY PREVIOUS SENTENCE_______" the vast majaroty are like sheep."...YOU'RE SPEAKING OF THE MOSLEMS FROM ARABIA, N. TO CTRL AFR., TO THE LEVANT, TO MESOPOTAMIA TO PERSIA, CTRL TO SO. ASIA__________Allat, Wild Amazon Polytheist
Name: Allat
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 13:18:47 -0700
I was slistening to the Marches in my own country, and reminded the evolution in culture and spirit, and how far we have come. So beautiful, to lose this to islam? NO. No. NO! Dianas of the Firemen of Panama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pCVmSZ41Rw&feature=related Dianas were/are the Marches playing in the Early Mornings on National Holidays. We all wree ready to rush out into the streets to watch the Marches and join in the dancing in the streets.
Name: Allat
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 13:31:09 -0700
To ALi and MOhamed:------I send you this in answer:_________________ Dianas of the Firemen in Panama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pCVmSZ41Rw&feature=related_______________________ Dianas are Marches in the early morning played in National Holidays. Every was ready to rush out to the streets to listening and march along, and dance with the Bands.
Name: The Evil Allah
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 19:54:01 -0700
dear lisamarie_@hotmail.com .. about christianity .. having contradictions .. islam is not any better .. there are heaps of contradictions i n the koran. Kinda weird for a book that only had one author "allah" and was transmited via the angel Gabriel. here are jsut a few http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/quran/contra/by_name.html
Name: Bobby
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2008
Time: 19:59:25 -0700
I can't understand what the islamists are trying to defend. they seem to talking about something totally different from islam. the religion is islam is about blood, hatred, conquest, invasion, loot and barabarism. there is nothing good in it. similar to people trying to support a sporting team without even thinking about how bad it is.
Name: bobby
Date: Tuesday March 11, 2008
Time: 20:04:56 -0700
its like I am telling you how good it is poke someone in the eye and make them blind. you repeat it over and over makes it look like there is something nice about it. same case with islam - people have become numb to its terrifying ideology.
Name: Cynic
Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Time: 09:00:03 -0700
Reader Lisamarie (or whatever is your real name) seems to be bothered only about the contradictions in Christianity. Contradictions are part and parcel of any religious belief system. Hundreds of articles in this site as well as FFI lay bare the contradictions and idiosies in Islam. But any fair-minded person should be shocked by the bloodthirsty and promiscuous ways of Mohammed and the barbaric Sharia . Moreover Islam does not value human life or human rights. It is fascism in a religious garb. I pity for you if you have left compassionate and forgiving Jesus to join the death cult of a seventh century barbarian
Name: The Evil Allah
Date: Saturday March 15, 2008
Time: 02:50:42 -0700
Well said Brother!
Name: h
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2008
Time: 11:47:43 -0700
If Islam was truly the "fastest growing religion" as it claimed, there should be more mosques, but there aren't.
Name: RE: Lisamarie
Date: Monday April 14, 2008
Time: 09:43:24 -0700
What contradictions in Christianity? There are no contradictions in Christianity!
Name: Christian Hater
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 00:16:30 -0700
Name: TOME
Date: Sunday July 13, 2008
Time: 07:48:27 -0700
Quran’s God claims to be same as God of Abraham, Issac and Israel. However, when you carefully compare Bible and Quran you find that the attributes and characteristics of God of Bible is totally different from God of Quran. According to Thora given to Moses, the Mosaic Law cannot be changed by anyone else. It has to remain same till this Present world and Present Sky remain. Jesus said the same thing. None of the jewish prophets tried to change the Mosaic Law. If anyone try to change Mosaic Law he cannot be a true Prophet at all. Bible is categoric and uncompromising on this matter. Now compare the following verse from Deuteronomy 24: 1- 4, quoted below with Quran. Deuteronomy 24:1 When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house. 24:2 And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another man’s wife. 24:3 And if the latter husband hate her, and write her a bill of divorcement, and giveth it in her hand, and sendeth her out of his house; or if the latter husband die, which took her to be his wife; 24:4 Her former husband, which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination before the LORD: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. Again Propet Jeremiah rebukes Israel for their sins as below. Jeremiah 3:1 They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man’s, shall he return unto her again? shall not that land be greatly polluted? but thou hast played the harlot with many lovers; yet return again to me, saith the LORD. 3:2 Lift up thine eyes unto the high places, and see where thou hast not been lien with. In the ways hast thou sat for them, as the Arabian in the wilderness; and thou hast polluted the land with thy whoredoms and with thy wickedness. 3:3 Therefore the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain; and thou hadst a whore’s forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed. Quran teaches JUST OPPOSITE!!! What God of Bible considers as ABOMINATION, is something acceptable and permissible by God of Quran!!!! This alone should open the eyes of any thinking muslim!!