My House is Mine; Your House is Mine Too!
29 May, 2005
In Islam, one thing is very puzzling indeed! Muslims love to take credit for anything and everything that is good in this wide world. And desperately it deny and wash their hands of anything and everything that is embarrassing to them. Islamists very often claims that they acknowledge many things in USA which are Islamic in origin. Some of them even go one step further and say, "America is more Islamic then many Muslim country." When asked, "How come?" They will cite some good things among the peoples and in the American administration. As if, anything good is the product of Islam. In such situation-Islamists always try to use their universal Islamic formula: "MY HOUSE IS MINE; YOUR HOUSE IS MINE TOO!" Of course, nobody will ever say how, where, when and what good things did happen in which Islamic kingdom? They do not have any clues as to what they are talking about and for no good reason they often shove down our throat their erroneous claims; however, they will claim them anyway!
They will claim that - Allah only like the religion Islam and all the world's prophets were Muslims, and Islamists usually do respect all the prophets before Muhammad. Never mind, the Islamists in general do not respect the followers of the any prophets. To them, only the followers of Prophet Muhammad (Muslims) are the good human beings. Muslims will not respect/like the Christians-the followers of Prophet Jesus; will not respect or like the Jews-the followers of Prophet Moses (in fact Muslims hate Jews up to their bones); will not like the Hindus - the followers of Ram an incarnate of Vishnu. Nevertheless, Muslims will respect all those above prophets barring Hindu incarnate of Vishnu, Shiva, and Ma Kali or Durga.
the holy land of Canaan, the present land occupied by Israelis and Palestinians,
gave birth to many prophets and many Kings. King David and his son king
Solomon was simply the king of Jews, and according to Jews and Christians,
they were never a prophet. Surprisingly, Islam calls them prophets of
Islam. Readers obviously heard many a time the names of Nabi Sulaiman
and Nabi Doud from the mouth of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, and Indian Maulanas
(they often come to Tongi to participate in tafsir and boyan during yearly
Ijtema). These two Jewish Kings become the center of most superstitious
stories in Islam. Qur'an told many miraculous stories about these two
so-called prophets. Especially, prophet Sulaiman (actually King Solomon)
was the most magician prophet of Islam. This so-called prophet of Islam
(popularly known as Suleman Poigumbar) was able to talk with all the animals
and also understand the languages of all animals (as per Qur'an) including
the ant. Truth of the matter is these were Jewish kings, not even Muslim
kings, and was never a prophet. According to Bible (Jews and Christians),
King Solomon was known as "the wise king" by virtue of his extra-ordinary
intelligence and acuity of his mind. How then they become Muslim and prophet
that is a total mystery. Muslims perhaps used the universal Islamic formula
of "my house is mine and your house is mine too."
In the US, one day (several years back) I had a conversation with a Mullah
who was vehemently and very bitterly criticizing western culture especially
the American culture and whatnot. He was very much worried about the contamination
of his own and other generation of Muslim origin by the West's nasty cultures.
When I said, we are the immigrant guests to this country and we must learn
to adjust with their culture rather than criticizing theirs and imposing
our values or we better leave this country and settled in our own native
land. He immediately jumped on me by saying: "This earth was created
by Allah and this America also belonged to Allah. Muslims are the true
followers (soldiers) of Allah; hence, they are the true and legitimate
owner of this duniah or earth. Therefore, this America also belonged to
Muslims." Here also the formula is: "My house is mine and your
house also mine!" Here my Mullah friend probably exercised the Qur'anic
formula of dividing this planet of Allah into two: Darul Islam (house
of Islam) and Darul Harb (house of infidels). That is, according to him,
America is the Darul Harb, which should be converted to Darul Islam by
the immigrant Muslims, i.e., all Muslims must fight to convert America
(Darul Harb) into Darul Islam by the same formula I am talking about.
Makka/Mecca: In the ancient city of Mecca or Bacca, Ka'aba the square
house was an important shrine that had existed long before the days of
Prophet Muhammad. It contained many images of gods and goddesses from
the Arabian pantheon. Meccan Pagan Arabs had enshrined a number of idols,
"the daughters of Allah" within it. In the prehistoric times,
a four-month truce was called each year between the warring tribes of
Arabia, and people from the different tribes and towns would visit the
shrine and circle round the square 7 times, running between Shafa and
Marwa, stoning the devil, kissing black heavenly sent stone, etc. Prophet
Muhammad occupied the Ka'aba, removed all the idols, and made it the Islam's
holiest shrine. Today, it is the most sacred duty of all Muslims to do
the seven circumambulating of the Ka'aba and kissing of the black stone,
stoning the Shaitan, running between Safa and Marwa, and the whole caboodle.
That is, Muslims do the exact same rituals, which were practiced by the
pagans for many centuries before the advent of Islam. Again, Islam made
the other people's house to their own sacred house by the same token of
old Islamic formula: "My house is mine and your house is also mine."
Allah: Do you know who the Allah was? Allah was actually the chief of
the 360 gods in the Kaaba. Allah was the name of a god whom the Arabs
worshipped many centuries before Prophet Muhammad was born. Among the
pagan Arabs this term "Allah" denoted the chief god of their
pantheon, the Kaaba, with its three hundred and sixty idols. The word
Allah was derived from al-ilah. Many scholars and academicians think that
way. Arab Bedouins and pagans were already worshiping Allah at the Ka'ba
in Mecca long before Mohammed came. Thus, Islam also owes the term "Allah"
to the heathen Arabs.
Prophet Muhammad made the Arab pagans to believe that the same Allah (they
worship) was talking with him in the Cave of Hira or Hera Mountain (which
is not really a mountain at all!). He asked them to worship only the Allah
(the one God) and discard the remaining gods in the Ka'aba. Thus, Islam
owned the Allah of Heathen Arabs as their own deity by the same Islamic
formula: "My house is mine and your house is also mine."
Jerusalem: This ancient city was built by Jebusites a Canaan tribe (not
Arab or Jews). Later, the famous Jewish King David developed this city.
This city was and still is extremely holy to the Jews and Christians.
Islam never can claim any buildings in this city to be their own. In the
7th century, Caliph Omar occupied this city in the process of the expansion
of Islamic-Arab dynasty. After that, Muslim built the Al-Aqsa Mosque and
declared Jerusalem also the sacred city of Islam. Therefore, this is also
"my house" by the same old Islamic formula.
Qur'an: Holy Qur'an was created mostly by copying from Old Testament.
Look at the very tenor of Allah in these two holy books. You will be pleasantly
surprised by the similarities. Nevertheless, a Muslim will never acknowledge
this. Many verses in Qur'an can be traced back to the Old Testament. Many
Arab heretic-folklore stories and myths were incorporated in Qur'an. Many
verses also can be traced back their origin from the book of Zoroastrian.
When asked how those stories of Bible and Zoroastrian book came in the
Qur'an, the common answers are-"no, no, Islam did not copy from others.
Actually, Bible, book of Zoroastrian also came from the same Allah. Only
thing is, Jews, Christians and others had distorted the original scriptures
sent to them by Allah, hence, Allah has sent them again (as fresh) to
Prophet Muhammad through archangel Jibrail, which is the Qur'an. Therefore,
Qur'an is the only authentic holy book and all other holy books are distorted
and should be discarded by all means." Thus, Islam made the Qur'an
the final book from Allah by synthesizing it from the various existing
holy books and by incorporating all those folklores, stories, and Arabian
myths. Here also Islam made the other people's holy book as their own
holy book by the same Islamic formula.
Science: Islam strictly forbids freethinking. Make no mistake about it,
readers! Therefore, science is totally anti-Islam, as science is incompatible
to any other religions. There is a very interesting popular tactics employed
by Islamic people. Whenever any freethinking human of Muslim origin achieved
something good about science, which has been recognized internationally,
then immediately Islamist will start beating the drum of Islamic success
in science. They will claim it as the direct credit to Islam. Readers
are aware that during the period of Abbasid dynasty (by virtue of the
freethinking tendency of those Abbasid free minded Muslim kings) some
Muslim-born freethinkers were very much successful in preserving and also
synthesizing the ancient scientific achievements by Greek, Egyptian, Indian,
Chinese, etc.
Another interesting point is most of those renowned Muslim scientists
were non-Arab. Such as: Al-Khwarizmi (Uzbekistan); Al-Razi (Tehran); Al-Ghazzali
(Khorman, Iran); Al-Tabari (Tabristan); Al-Farabi (Turkistan); Al-Biruni
(Khwarizm, Uzbekistan); Ibn Sina (Bukhara, Central Asia); Ibn Rushd (Cordoba,
Spain) and so on. All those scientists/philosophers happened to be sons
of Muslim. None of them was a Mullah or Maolana, and none of them ever
claimed that they got scientific theory by reading Qur'an or gobbling
up the Hadiths. Then, why do all those Islamists bring religion in the
field of science? Even then, Islamists quickly owned them and very often
beat the drum of Islamic scientific progress. Of course, they apply the
same universal Islamic formula I mentioned before.
Poetry, Songs, and music: Readers can check the well-written essay
by Mr. Abul Kasem on this interesting topic to learn more about
it. Islam strictly forbids poetry, songs, and music. Yes, this is no exaggeration.
There are dreadful divine punishments for those who practice it. Nevertheless,
whenever somebody makes poetry, songs, or music to praise Allah, Prophets,
and Islamic principles, then it is a rewarding work in Islam. Immediately
Islamists will own those poet or singers as the product of Islam. Apologetic
Islamists often will claim that poets like Omar Khayyam, Jalal Al Din
Rumi, Al Mari, etc., were Muslim poets. The fact is these were secular
Muslims born poets who got even the title of Murtaad by fundamentalist
mullahs. Yet, Islamists would like to claim those famous Muslim-born poets
the product of Islam. Again, by the same old Islamic formula: My house
is mine and your houses also mine (of course when it is good).
Who are Muslims and what is Islam:
Islamists will agree with you that-Islam is the religion started by Prophet
Muhammad. That is, Islam was the religion brought to our earth by Prophet
Muhammad when the darkness of the Arabia (Aiyame-Jahelia) was prevailing
in that part of the world. That means-Islam is the religion of Prophet
Muhammad. And nobody can be called a Muslim unless somebody recites the
Kalema Tay'eb (conversion formula of Islam) : "There is none worthy
of worship but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God." The truth
to the matter is, unless one admits or agrees with this above Kalema,
he cannot be called a Muslim. Period.
On the contrary, Islamists will forever claim that-starting from Adam
and every prophet after him was Muslims. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lut, Ishmael,
Isaac, Yakub, Moses, Daud (King David), Suleyman (King Solomon), Isa (Jesus),
etc., were all Muslims and followers of Din-e-Islam-the one and only religion
of Allah.
Now the great puzzle is: how in the world they can call all those past
Prophets (Adam to Jesus) a Muslim? Have they recited the Kalema Tay'eb,
the famous Islamic conversion formula? Have they (Adam, Noah, Lut etc.)
prayed five times a day facing Ka'aba? These are, of course, 64 thousand
dollars questions! Moses, Jesus or any other previous prophets never uttered
this above mentioned Kalema (formula or mantra), nor did they pray five
times facing ka'aba. Hence, they can never be called Muslims by any means.
Nevertheless, Islamists will claim forever them to be Muslims anyway,
because they go by the formula-"My house is mine and your house is
also mine!"
Some Afterthoughts:
Islam is the religion, which pretends to claim all the goodies of this
planet as their own. Muslims want to put all the good things into the
pocket of Islam by any means. They consider Islam to be the best of all
religions on earth, and they loudly proclaim that Islam is the religion
of God and Muslims are the best human beings, even though world know Muslims
today as the terrorists par excellence. Osama's al- Qaeda took the vow
to convert entire Darul Harb into Allah's pasand (loving) Darul Islam.
Islam is not only the greatest threat to the world's civilization, but
very soon whole world will realize that Islam is the biggest hoax of mankind.
It is just a matter of time.
The age of illumination has finally arrived. Thanks to the Internet. There
was a fat chance that I could visit any place on earth and talk about
all these incongruities in Islam that I mentioned in this short article.
My head would not be in one piece if I dare to speak against Din-I-Islam.
The rate at which Islam is being investigated by world scholars, it is
just a matter of time the truth will come out that Muhammad connived to
claim himself to be the Last Prophet. Truly, he never saw or met anyone
at the small hill of Hira or Hera Mountain. In all likelihood, he went
there but he saw no one. He fabricated stories and then passed those for
Allah's word. Western scholars have already found other version of Qur'an.
Like other "Holy Books" Qur'an also has a history. But the Mullahs
and the Islamists would always proclaim that Qur'an was Godsend via Jibrail.
The village Mullahs will proclaim at moment's notice that when cyclone
hits coastal Bangladesh and the Mosque and Madrassahs are demolished in
the process, all the Korans then lodge on the crown of coconut trees.
And we call this a miracle. Soon those miracles will vanish into the rarified
air. Knowledge and good judgment is all that is needed. And it will come
no doubt through the Internet and print media. The Western technology,
which is science-based, is going to show us the "divine" light
sooner than many of us think it is possible. I request my readers to wait
for that day. Science is going to take care of all the religions on earth
in a ruthless way. And that is not an exaggeration by any stretch of imagination.
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Syed Kamran Mirza is the author of Roots of Terrorism in Islam. He has also contributed in Beyond Jihad ??? Critical Voices from Inside Islam and Leaving Islam ??? Apostates Speaks Out. He can be contacted at
Name: robert a
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 05:07:36 -0700
Look-there is a religious Islam and a political Islam. Religious Islam makes up about 10% of the belief system. They should be allowed to practice their religious beliefs in accordance with the Western concept of religious freedom. Their political beliefs and practices should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law under the Smith Act passed during the Cold War. It made it illegal to advocate the violent overthrow of the constitutional government. Simple. It's still on the books.
Name: Jesus and Muhamed and The Quran
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 05:43:49 -0700
Still some Christian scholars try hard to deny the fact that the Prophet Mohammad was foretold in the old and new testaments. For me it changes nothing for the Holly Qur'an says that Muhammad (pbuh) was foretold in ancient Scriptures. That will be enough as a sign of truth. The remaining details are futile. The sort of people who endeavored, in the past, to change the words of God so as to clean up the Testaments from all the prophecies, concerning the rise of Islam, are now working hard to deny the fact that the "Comforter" or the "Helper" mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:15,18, for example, are referring to the prophet Mohammad. This truth couldn't be hidden for it is in many other scattered places in the Testaments. May be true Christians, will one day, cease to hide the truth with anet and open the ancient Testaments hidden in the old Churches. As for now let's suppose that the prophet Mohammad is not the prophet mentioned in the Holly Books. So what about the other things in the Books which lead to worship different Gods not "One"? The Christians claim they are monotheists. How come? The Father is God, the son (Jesus) is God and the Holly spirit is God. Nobody would agree, even children in primary schools, to admit that (1 + 1 + 1 = 1). I'm sure Christian scholars can manage to make the wrong right anyhow. It is universally acknowledged that extremism, in all its facets, is not tolerated by rational people. This extremism should not only be on the level of aggressive reactions; it also could be described as such any maneuver to hide truth and mislead people by demagogical argumentations. Truth is the only sacred thing that people would commit a sin if they hid it. Those who tell us that the Bible is the word of God are hiding the truth because God could not have told those filths in the "Apocrypha", for instance. God also is innocent from many of the stupid things that the "fabricated" verses of the Scriptures say. In a word, Jesus is neither a son of God as the Christians say nor a bastard as the Jews claim. He is an honorable apostle and a saint messenger of God. Westerners, in general, have gone a pretty deal ahead off many other nations in the fields of science, industry, military, and technology; yet as far as spirituality is concerned, they are really out of it. They believe in something only mentally disordered people would accept, notably the Trinity. To explain this, even it is hard to do, I should be a little more decent. God slept with Mary and the latter gave birth to a baby baptized Jesus Christ the son of God. Therefore the new born "unique" son of God is a God, too. The mediator between the Father and his son is the Holly Spirit that He also should be worshiped. The result is that we have three Gods that each one is worshiped in terms of a share in the Trinity. I cannot go further for I am not as excellent in explaining the inexplicable as the Christian theologians. The Jews on the other hand said that Jesus is born out of adultery. His father is Joseph who accompanied Mary in a trip somewhere and slept with her mid-way illegitimately because he was not her husband. Jesus (May peace be upon Him) is a bastard according to Jews. As we may understand, only atheist people could say these heresies. The truth is that Jesus Christ is neither a God nor a bastard. Only Muslims can tell us the truth because they have got it and it is logical and understandable even to stupid people. Jesus according to Muslims is a word of God, He said to him," be" and he was. Jesus' birth is a real miracle but Adams case is an extraordinary miracle. Jesus at least was born from the web of a mother whereas Adam was created by the word "be" of God with no mother or father. Muslims, it is clear, are more informed. Jesus being a God is refuted as unacceptable logically. His crucifixion also is a profanation. Worse is the way Christians try to explain how God may see his son (God) tortured by people and does nothing. Can you bear, you human, this situation: to let your son down while he is trampled and maimed in front of your eyes while you have got the power to stop the procedure and do nothing. Then the things they said about his recession and the Friday night he spent in the grave and the Sunday morning the tomb was empty. Where did Jesus go afterwards? Nobody knows. (See the crucifixion story) Finally, the fact that Mohammad was foretold in the Bible is true though some theologians try to demolish it. The passages of the old and new Testaments where this prophecy is clear were being systematically deleted from the original texts centuries ago. In the Holly Qur'an we read: "And remember, Jesus, The son of Mary, said: "O children of Israel! I am the messenger of God (sent) to you, confirming the law (which came) before me, and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed". That would be sufficiently enough to believe that the old and new Testaments contain this same expression. If it is not in the Bible any more, it is because important changes have occured on the Holy Book very so often. Many things have been omitted because the church commission don't see they are of any importance for faith. The most recent is the omitting of all direct references of the birth of the virgin in the edition of the Scottish new publication (1990). What do you expect more?! Finally, and before I close this reflexion, I'd like to quote George Bernard Shaw talking about Muhammad, the prophet and messenger to mankind, in The Genuine Islam. He said, "I have studied him ??? the wonderful man ??? and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ he must be called the saviour of humanity."
Name: Re: Jesus and Muhamed and The Quran
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 06:48:35 -0700
Inasmuch as the Muslims could not find a single proof in the entire Bible nor a reference or possible allusion to their prophet which they could utilize, they were compelled to accuse us saying, ???You have altered the text of the Torah, and expunged every trace of the name of Mohammed therefrom.??? They could find nothing stronger than this ignominious argument. - Maimonedes in 1172.
Name: IslamIsALie
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 06:50:07 -0700
The notion that Mohammed (may he rot in hell) was "foretold in the old and new testaments" is laughable and only someone who had never actually read them would say such a thing. Mohammed (MHRIH) coopted Jewish and Christian traditions and grafted them onto the Arab paganism he grew up with. "Allah" became associated with Yahweh/Jehova despite the fact that "Al Lah" was a pagan god in his own right, similar in the pagan pantheon to the Greek Zeus or the Nordic Odin. Mohammed (MHRIH) made up his religion, keeping enough of the pagan beliefs and traditions to make it palatable to his followers, and combining it with his interpretation of Jewish and Christian texts and beliefs. To see just how ridiculous Islam is, all one has to do is read the Koran and study the Hadiths. The falsehood and deception is self-evident. The best way to get someone to leave Islam to is get them to actually study it.
Name: UsKanna
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 06:53:13 -0700
ISLAM is an EVIL CULT. QURAN is the handbook of TERRORISTS.
Name: A Christian
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 07:01:12 -0700
Re: Jesus and Muhamed and The Quran The verses you quote could pertain to any number of people. Mo was a murderous bandit. Quit pretending he was a pure kind soul, helper, saviour, comforter, etc. Ridiculous. He is a role model for the violent.
Name: how to spot a muslim?
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 07:22:25 -0700
they usually copy and paste their posts because they are totally unable to write one original on their own (much like their pedophile prophet) and they don't know the meaning of "paragraph". Whenever I see all those block of text I scroll down and avoid it.
Name: allat
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 11:58:46 -0700
"-there is a religious Islam and a political Islam." Well, Hell! They're both one and the same. You all know, there's no separation of "church" and State in that cult. ----- "the only sacred thing that people would commit a sin if they hid it. " Who are you to say when people are committing "sins?" -- Do you know what a sin really is? In archery, it means you've missed the mark! It means you've missed learning from an experience, and advancing as regards your own "Truth" or what is best for YOU. That's all it means. And actually, it's only a matter between you and your own Spirit/Soul. It's not for any cleric/imam to tell you what it is. It's not any of their business. -- What is this crap! That God slept with Mary? THE GOD sleeps with a human? BAH! Why would THE GOD need to sleep with it's creation, to bring about a conception? Are you saying She/He/It had to get on a bed, and to the whole "wham bang" thing? What an idea, HE,HE, She/He/It wouldn't need to, don't you know! The entire comment from the "Jesus,mohamed and the qoran" fellow above, is silly. The entire comment is so improbable and a waste of time to read. -- Any moslems writing, should shorten comments, and speak from directly, don't quote from any texts, AND especially from the silly qoran. Allat-A Pagan Polytheist Amazon
Name: UsKanna
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 12:35:28 -0700
RIDICULE ISLAM. RIDICULE the founder of ISLAM, Prophet Mohammed (Place Bomb Upon Him). QURAN The handbook of Terrorists. Prophet Mohammed (Place Bomb Upon Him) was a Pedophile, a Rapist, A Bandit etc etc... Make the Muslims take responsibility for their Terrorist actions. Period. Peace and Prosperity to all, UsKanna.
Name: Bill Morgan
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 21:06:53 -0700
I am learning a lot from your web site about Islam. Would encourage you to get a copy of the DVD "Unlocking the Mystery of Life". Scientists who did not believe in a creator,but the evidence now has cuased them to change their minds. Or if I had an address. I would send you a copy. Bill Morgan
Name: suherman
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 21:33:12 -0700
muslim : people who believe there is no god but god.>>> so adam,noah, abraham, moses, yesus and everybody that had that believe before muhammad are MOSLEM. they may different in ritual but they are muslim. it is the core of islam and it is call TAUHID >>> after mohammed came the ritual is fixed and can not be change forever. so the kalema thoyib is necessary otherwise the ritual will be so much vary if everyone make their own ritual. that is why until today every muslim had the EXACT SAME RITUAL ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Name: suherman
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 21:43:04 -0700
MECCA : the first place build to worship ALLAH by adam.>>> thats why is holy. JERUSALLEM : the place where mohammed launch to heaven ( if you believe it).>>> of course ALLAH is the head god of pagan. because ALLAH is the only GOD but they worship OTHER GOD beside it. and it is the BIGGEST SIN EVER, its call SYIRIK. and thats what every other religion but islam is doing NOW.
Name: No Dhimmi
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2007
Time: 22:01:41 -0700
Let's face it - Islam is a psychopathology that represents all the worst of humanity. Take a look here for a collection of demented data straight out of the horse's own mouth: Good on you guys for leaving Islam and proving yourselves true human beings! (And for your COURAGE, of course.)
Name: Godot
Date: Thursday July 26, 2007
Time: 06:53:23 -0700
Addendum: In the paragraph titled (Jerusalem) it was not mentioned that years before the invasion of Jerusalem by the Muslims at the time of Caliph Omar, Mouhammad himself "adopted" the city by claiming that Jerusalem was his earth stop before he ascended to heaven on the night of Issra and Mi'raj. He rode Burak and he met him in the city all the prophets that preceded. It was a kind of an unannounced all-prophet midnight reunion. This story was fabricated to extend the Islamic hegemony in preparation for future appropriation of the city. Mouhammad had a plan!
Name: Pat
Date: Thursday July 26, 2007
Time: 09:34:44 -0700
How does Islam apply the term "prophet"? Moses wasn't a prophet. Neither were Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. The prophets in the Old Testament were the ones who told about the coming of the savior to rescue the Israelites. Kings were leaders, not prophets. Not every religious leader was a prophet. Muhammad didn't know the meaning of the word. If no one is to be worshipped except Allah, then why do Muslims today riot over depictions of Muhammad? He was just a prophet, right? According to them, Jesus was only a prophet and they have no problem creating provocative or insulting images. Muhammad was just a man. He wasn't a god. Why do Muslims worship him? Jews don't worship Isaiah, Jeremiah or other OT prophets and Christians don't worship Peter or any of the other apostles. They're not gods. They're all fallible men.
Name: suherman
Date: Thursday July 26, 2007
Time: 19:57:40 -0700
to Pat, yup you are right man, muhammad is just a man. nothing more. and we are angry and sad if any of you call king like solomon, noah, david and yesus(isa we call it) being insulted. like in many verses of old testamen. our reaction for mohammad being insulted sadly is being "over reacted" ..... our bad.
Name: Bill Morgan
Date: Sunday July 29, 2007
Time: 02:50:53 -0700
Is there any proof Adam was circumcised?
Name: bobby
Date: Sunday July 29, 2007
Time: 08:57:26 -0700
I was always amazed at the lack of gratitude of Muslims after being allowed to migrate and flourish in Western countries. They get all the freedom and prosperity that their own countries could not give them, but still curse their host country and wish it ill. But at the same time, all Islamic countries, particularly in the Persian Gulf, never gave any rights to people from other countries or allowed them to become citizens even after decades of working there. This article points to the reasoning behind it.
Name: Marie
Date: Wednesday August 01, 2007
Time: 14:37:50 -0700
Muhammed is in no way mentioned in the Bible. The say that Jesus is the son, the father, and the Holy Spirit, meaning he is the son of God, through worshipping and giving thanks to Jesus, Christians also worship and give praise to God, and he is the Holy Spirit, for he is our comferter, as he is in us and we are in him and he is our redeemer. Also Mary and Joseph were good and honorable people who practiced their faith and would never have pre-marital sex. Also since the Quran states that Jews and Christians corrupted the Torah and the Bible, so your argument lacks consistency. Plus no matter what you say about Muhammed, Jesus, the Bible and the Quran, no one on this site is going to believe you. So stop taking up space.
Name: Marie
Date: Thursday August 02, 2007
Time: 12:32:28 -0700
God sent his only son Jesus to die on the cross to redeem us from our sins. In the Bible God told the Jews in Leviticus how to perform the sin offering and why the Jews have to perform the ceremony of sacrificing an animal in the foregiveness of sins. The animal was to be a blood sacrifice to redeem the person from their sins. God told the Jews that in order to for the remission of their sins, a blood sacrifice was needed. This is why Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross and why God did not intervene. When Jesus gave his life up on the Cross, he also gave up his blood as an atonement for humanity's sins. Jesus was meant to die on the Cross to redeem humanity, a task that he was reluctant to do, but he did it for us. Jesus and Muhamed and the Quran, you are a Muslim, so why are you quoting what athiests are saying about God and Jesus Christ? This goes to show that you cannot think for yourself., because you are quoting the work of other people. The only source that I am using here is the Bible.
Name: allat
Date: Monday August 06, 2007
Time: 11:03:51 -0700
Marie: You say: "god sent his only son, Jesus...etc." So that begs the questions: "Are we, the rest of humanity, the Bastards of the Universe? Are we the bastards of God?" Jesus himself - right in the scriptures, stated, "Ye are Gods!" So then, one wonders, why the HELL! did Jesus come here to this realm, and place his life on the line? Why did he think it lnecessary to make the ultimate sacrifice? For what? For whom? WHO WAS/IS WORTHY OF THE GREAT MASTER MAKING THIS SACRIFICE? Was it for worms? Or was it for his LEGITIMATE SIBLINGS? WE, THE FORGOTTEN GOD! Marie, get off the nonsense, will ya!! DOn't sell yourself short. Don't let the clergy of ANY religion fool you. Jesus was NOT the only begotten Son of THE God! We are all sons and daughters of THE God!
Name: Hamba Allah
Date: Monday August 20, 2007
Time: 02:57:09 -0700
After reading this article, I found out that you either lack knowledge or totally have no clue on what Islam is all about. ALL OF YOUR OPINIONS ARE VIEWED FROM OTHER RELIGION POINT OF VIEW. What you said about Islam are all incorrect. This article is not worth reading at all as these are opinion based without real facts backing it. Since article is written by an ex Muslim, its most likely because he is not having a happy life during his Muslim days, probably spending 24 hours a day cursing Allah. That is why he hate Islam so much. LOL. Not worth typing in here. What a waste of time. Get a life people. Life is not only about religion.
Name: Hamba Allah
Date: Monday August 20, 2007
Time: 03:06:38 -0700
To Marie: Of course Muhammad is not mentioned in your Bible. Everyone knows it. The Bible have been changed by many many PEOPLE over the years. How can you say Jesus is the SON of GOD?? Can God have children? You are sooooooo NAIVE!
Name: Hamba Allah
Date: Monday August 20, 2007
Time: 03:12:15 -0700
To No Dhimmi: Why are you only referring people to links associate with this website which were obviously created by your own kind? Isn't that bias??? Islam is NOT a violent religion. All the terrorists are NOT Muslims. I suggest you read up on Islam more to get more knowledge rather than posting your own opinions (as they are all craps)!
Name: vbv
Date: Saturday August 25, 2007
Time: 00:50:17 -0700
Islam and muslims are immoral,lecherous,murderers,degenerate rascals and whatnotbeyond words!The shamelessly claim credit for all science,technology,medicene,etc.found by other cultures and attribute it to a 600 or so pages of nonsense called 'Koran',as though it were bigger than the 'Britanica Encyclopedia'.Koran is like a mafia mannual,even much worse,exhorting the faithful to claim followers by force ,threats ,brainwashing and violence(murder,rape,pillage,plunder,and total genocide and destruction).What good can come of such a rigid,bigoted and totally intolerant idealogy?They torture and brutally murder apostates,they cannot stand any other view-point,they make humans intellectually dead by imposing strictures on one's free thinking process( virtual thought-policing) and if they can't find a 'kafir' end up on a killing spree amongst themelves to prove who is more islam and who is more loyal to Mohamud.For almost 1400 years they were sitting on a sea of 'oil'(petroleum) and yet went around on camels ,not able to invent an automobile, or even a bicycle or even build a decent tarmac road, and they have yet no compunction to claim that all science , technology or medicene were islamic ! Talking of medicene ,their 'prophet ' mohamud could recommend only dates,camel milk and camel urine as the elixir or cure-all for all ailments.They had no knowledge of herbs and the world knows that deserts do not grow plants, let alone herbs.Today the muslim 'hakims' peddle medicenes , which atleast they acknowledge as 'Yunani'(i.e. Greek medicene).The Koran is a primitive tribal book of a creed that has borrowed alot from judaism and christianity.There is no orignality of myths or even religious idealogy different from judaism ,except in respect of distortion of Biblical myths,preaching a highly intolerant and violent idealogy based on hatred of all other religions.They are the worst usurpers on this planet claiming brazenly others lands, properties,hard-earned money,women andnot sparing others wives(if she were beautiful) as their own, all in the name of their horrendous ,barbaric , miserable and lewd god 'Allah'.The principle is as you say "My House is Mine And Your House Is Also Mine".What a disaster!