The Earth is Flat, Thinks Allah
18 May, 2008
- A lot of people have shown that Allah thinks the earth is flat in Quran and hadiths, for example in verse 20:53. Here I just want to show it once more using indirect proofs from logical reasoning.
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:
Our Lord (glorified and exalted be He) descends each night to the earth's sky when there remains the final third of the night, and He says: Who is saying a prayer to Me that I may answer it? Who is asking something of Me that I may give it him? Who is asking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive him?It was related by al-Bukhari (also by Muslim, Malik, at-Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud).
In a version by Muslim the Hadith ends with the words: "And thus He continues till [the light of] dawn shines."
Hadith Qudsi is believed to be from Allah, only was said using Muhammad's own words, so it is a revelation from Allah like Quran. This particular hadith says that every night Allah is hanging out in earth's atmosphere on certain hour, while on the rest of the 24 hour period, Allah is somewhere else, not in the earth's atmosphere.
Since the earth is round, every place on the earth has different hour. So when Allah is floating above India at 3 am for example, Allah is not in the earth's atmosphere for the people in the continent of America because it is broad daylight in America. Allah is not at India's sky at all for the Americans. This is not possible.
How do we solve the problem? Allah's presence on earth's atmosphere at certain hour every day is possible only if every place on the earth has the same hour, which means the earth must be flat according to Allah.
The second proof comes from Allah's order for people to pray toward the qiblat direction in verse 2:144.
PICKTHAL: We have seen the turning of thy face to heaven (for guidance, O Muhammad). And now verily We shall make thee turn (in prayer) toward a qiblah which is dear to thee. So turn thy face toward the Inviolable Place of Worship, and ye (O Muslims), wheresoever ye may be, turn your faces (when ye pray) toward it. Lo! Those who have received the Scripture know that (this revelation) is the Truth from their Lord. And Allah is not unaware of what they do.
For people who is located far from Mekah, their qiblat should be somewhere down toward the ground. For example, people in Solomon Islands in Pacific Ocean will have to pray vertically downward to the center of the earth because Solomon Islands is about exactly at the other side of the earth from Mekah . A normal pray to any direction will point to somewhere in the sky, not Mekah. In fact, the people in Solomon Islands always blaspheme against Allah, because their are dropping toward qiblat when they are answering the call of nature.
Allah must have thought the earth is flat, otherwise he wouldn't have told people around the world to pray to Mekah.
The third proof is very simple. Allah must have thought the earth was flat when he ordered people in 2:187 to fast when there is enough light to enable people to see things. That means any muslim on the north or south polar will die if s/he follows Allah's order in summer time.
PICKTHAL: It is made lawful for you to go in unto your wives on the night of the fast. They are raiment for you and ye are raiment for them. Allah is Aware that ye were deceiving yourselves in this respect and He hath turned in mercy toward you and relieved you. So hold intercourse with them and seek that which Allah hath ordained for you, and eat and drink until the white thread becometh distinct to you from the black thread of the dawn. Then strictly observe the fast till nightfall and touch them not, but be at your devotions in the mosques. These are the limits imposed by Allah, so approach them not. Thus Allah expoundeth His revelation to mankind that they may ward off (evil).
Allah must have thought that every body on the earth had the same period of dark and bright periods on the 24 hour cycle, which is only possible if the earth is flat.
So Allah makes big mistake because we know the earth is round, except for some Allah's faithful believers like the blind genius who had memorized Quran, Shaikh Abd-al-Aziz Ibn Abd-Allah Ibn Baaz, who thought the earth was flat at 1990s, and whoever thought differently was considered as a kafir.
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Name: Mohammad
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 00:06:34 -0700
This is a clear example of silliness of unbelievers. Your first proof can be easily dismissed: in your own language, what if god stayed right behind the earth in its shadow and as earth rotates around itself god visit the nights of all the different places on earth one after another. Your second proof is incomplete. What does 'toward' mean? For sure Arabs could have imagined living in buildings taller than Ka'bah. Then how would they pray toward something that is at a lower level? But I think Arabs of 1400 years ago were smarter than you in the sense that they knew what 'toward' means. The third proof is also ridiculous. Quran was sent to the Arabs not the people of north pole. So it had to instruct them how to fast. It would have been completely stupid if God had talked about how to fast in a land that sun does not set for 6 months while addressing the Arabs who see the sun setting every day.
Name: What else do clotbelievers believe?
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 01:33:23 -0700
There are so many verses in the quran that the earth was spread out just like a carpet and with a carpet in mind. Mountains are regarded as anchors to stabilize. And the sky is supposed to be something like a wall, consisting of hard material. Sometimes a piece of it falls down and hits the earth. And I can walk on the water.
Name: enjoy your false faith
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 01:40:17 -0700
muhammmad yes...and pigs fly =)
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 03:00:49 -0700
Mohammad, your reply for the first proof basically says that Allah is on the earth's sky all the time. For the second, it is exactly as what you said, how would people pray toward something on a lower level. That is impossible, but that is what you have been told to do. And what you are saying for the third proof is that Islam is only for the Arabs in the Arab peninsula. So you are only repeating what I have said.
Name: this shows how that nasty book is stupid
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 10:02:57 -0700
this shows how that nasty book is stupid
Name: Abu Talib[ fake name] stop barking, and making useless excuses!!1
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 12:50:42 -0700
f the Noble Quran says the earth is "egg-shaped" through a Notion, then why couldn't Prophet Muhammad just say it clear in plain Arabic? The sections of this article are: 1- Prophet Muhammad's knowledge VS the Noble Quran's Claims. 2- So why didn't the Arabs and the Prophet understand dahaha as "egg-shaped" 1,500 years ago? (a)- Ample vocabularies from my dictionaries regarding "Dah" and its circular shape and activities. 3- Egg-shaped are the earth's orbit and physical shape! (Scientific proofs) (a)- The earth's orbit around the sun is shaped like an egg (elliptical). (b)- The earth is shaped like an egg. 4- Conclusion. 1- Prophet Muhammad's knowledge VS the Noble Quran's Claims: The Noble Quran is filled with scientific statements and notions. These are statements of Allah Almighty describing how He created things on earth and in the Universe. What's most amazing is that all of these scientific statements and notions had been proven to be in perfect agreement with science and our modern-day scientific discoveries. Allah Almighty made the Noble Quran be Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) Everlasting Divine Miracle and proof for Prophethood. The Holy Book certainly stood the test of time 1,500 years ago with Its Claims, Prophecies and Miraculous language eloquence, and it does again and again in our day today with Its overwhelming agreement with science and discoveries that were not known to man 1,500 years ago. With this said, let me now lay down the foundation to make the Truth of Islam be clearly known by Allah Almighty's Grace and Will. It is important to know the following: (a)- Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, did not know everything. Allah Almighty clearly said so in the Noble Quran: "And they ask you (O Muhammad SAW) concerning the Rooh (the Spirit); Say: "The Rooh (the Spirit): it is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only a little." (The Noble Quran, 17:85)" Since the Prophet of Islam only knew little, especially from the unseen, and since he never said that the earth is egg-shaped or spherical, then it is quite clear that he did not know that the earth was indeed egg-shaped. (b)- Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran did say that the earth is egg-shaped (dahaha):
Name: Showan Khurshid
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 13:00:47 -0700
The funny Quran. Nice points Abu Taleb. Mohammed's (here on this forum) point is not valid. Muslims say the Quran is universal and valid for all times and places. Mohammed's answer admits the embarrassing limitation of the Quran. Poor Mohammed it seems he has panicked because your point shook his beliefs. Perhaps, his half baked ideas are just to reassure himself. I do not think he will come to discuss this topic anymore because he never wants to know that he is wrong. He just wants to deepen his own self-administered brainwashing.
Name: akhter, the kafirs are so desperate for a contradiction! sorry there is non!!!
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 13:01:35 -0700
The Earth: Flat or Round? What does the Qur'an Say? Do they not look at the camels how they are made. And the sky how it is raised high. And the mountains how they are fixed firm. And the earth how it is spread out? (Wa ilal'ardi kayfa sutihat.) -- Sura 88:17-20 Interpretation given in Al-Jalalein: At the earth how it is spread out(*) (Arabic: sutihat): meaning it was stretched, so they can see in it a sign for the power of Allah ... and his saying sutihat makes it obvious that the earth is flat, and this is certified by Ulama' ash-shar'a (the shari'a theologians), not a globe as it is said by ahlul-hay'a (the laymen)." (Tafseer Al-Jalalein. printed in Damascus 1964. Al-Mallah Printshop and Bookstore) (*) The word "sutihat" is from the root word "sataha". Note: The commentators are well informed about the scientific conclusion that the earth is a globe, but the scientists are considered to be laymen in regard to understanding the meaning of the Qur'an. Because revelation has primacy over science, the Qur'an is the decisive basis for the commentators to insist that the earth is flat. Furthermore, the Qur'an says: And after that He spread the earth. (Wal'arda ba'da dhalika da-ha-ha.) -- Sura 79:30 Again, let us consult Tafsir Al-Jalalein: That is: "Basataha" as it was created before heaven without "Dahoo". We see that Al-Jalalein is emphasizing the issue of "flattening". The interpreters are saying: "That is, He flattened it since it was not made flat before heaven was created." Reading the context of this aya, Sura 79:27-33, the message of the Qur'an seems to be: Originally the earth was not flat (but somehow crumbled up?). After first creating the heaven over it (see 79:28-29), Allah flattened the earth (to make it inhabitable: ("A provision for you and for your cattle" 79:33). COMMENT: Udhi'ya or Udhu'wa, are two names for the egg of the ostrich. The verb Da'ha (Ydahoo: present tense) is not derived from Udhi'ya or Udhu'wa, because names are derived from the "verb of origin" (fi'l al masdar), and the verb of origin is not derived from a name. The verb of origin is "dahawa" from which the verb "da'ha" and "yadhoo" are derived, and so is the name of the noun denoting the egg. The verb "da'aha" does not mean "kaw'wara" (made round) or made something in the shape of an egg, whether it is an ostrich egg or a chicken's egg. As a matter of fact, the verb "da'ha" means the complete opposite to the concept of the roundness. Here is what "Al-munjid fil'lugha wal'alam" has to say: * "da'ha da'hwan ... God `da'ha' earth that is `basataha'." And that is exactly what Al-Jalalein has said. * "da'ha idhiwa'an: `inbisatan'." (that is: flattening) * "al-udh'y, al-idhi'y, al-udhu'wa, al-udhi'ya: The egg of the ostrich in the sand." We must pay attention to what Al-Munjid is saying here: "The egg of the ostrich `in the sand'" and the following is the reason for this expression: When the female ostrich fears a danger threatening her egg, she immediately digs into the sand to hide the egg, then "tadhoo" (flattens) the earth above it, so that it would not be seen by the vultures of the air who are always in search of such a delicacy for their next meal. Therefore, the word "al-udhu'wa" is used as a name of the ostrich egg since it is something (with the sand) flattened (over it). That is where the name came from. The Arabic dictionary never states that the verb "da'ha" means "made round" or "made in the shape of the egg of an ostrich". Other verses in the Qur'an stated that earth is flat using other words. All of these words are interpreted as "flat" and none of them has been interpreted as round. We read in Sura 96:6 (Ash'shams): "Wal'ardu wa ma ta'haha". The word "Tahaha" is interpreted in Tafsir Al-Jalalein as "He made it flat". In Munjid Al-lugha Wal'alam, the word "Taha" is also interpreted as "to flatten or to stretch". Then, the noun "At'taha" is interpreted as "a flat part of the earth". Then, Al-Munjid gives a sentence as an example to confirm the meaning of "taha" as "to make a certain thing flat". In Sura 15:19 (Al-Hajar), we read: "wal'arda madadnaha wa'alkayna feeha rawasi". The word "madadnaha" is from the verb "madda", which is a very simple and easy word to understand. Not even a little Arabic child would use this word to describe the shape of a watermelon or a ball. It is the most simple way to describe something flat. If Muhammad or the author of the Qur'an really had known that the earth is round, and had wanted to mention this fact in the book, he could have used a more simple word in Arabic to put an end to this puzzling issue. We have no doubt that Muhammad was aware of the existence of other words in the Arabic language that can describe the shape of something round. In fact, we read in sura 81:1 (At'Takweer - meaning: Rounding!): "Itha'sh-shamsu kuwirat": "When the sun is folded up." In this verse, Muhammad is predicting that "the sun shall be folded up" or "shall become rounded" (which would be a better translation). This means first of all that Muhammad believed that the sun is also flat and that it will become round when the hour comes. And this also means that he knows that there is a better word to describe a round shape. Therefore: Why he didn't use this term to to spare the Muslims this confusion? Yes, Muhammad did indeed believe that the sun is flat as Al-Jalalein comments on this verse by stating: "`kuwirat' that is `lufifat' i.e. folded up and its light taken."
Name: Round or flat ...
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 13:29:21 -0700
... or eggshaped??? Do you know how an egg looks like??? You are all hypocrites! If the author of the quran is Allah, why didn??t he simply said that the earth is round and looks like a ball? Can you explain this? Why all this spread out like a carpet thing? You like-to-be-scholars have lost any contact to the ground! You don??t even notice how stupid your explanations sound to every no-brain-dead!
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 14:20:33 -0700
you sound very angry,egg shape ,has to be the perfect answer. please calm down,Islam has answers to all your ills!
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 15:02:14 -0700
an egg is more on the round side than the flat. stupid.
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 17:39:59 -0700
It is funny to see how the Islamists make one short sentence into such a lengthy speech or essay. Just look at the answer from akhter. If Allah does really say the earth is round, why can't Allah just say so. Allah doesn't say so, so the Islamists must twist every word and lie to their teeth with all their might to cover up Allah's stupidity. Simply from this fact, Islam is made by the Islamists, not by what is writen on Quran and/or hadiths.
Name: Greg halvorson
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 17:57:53 -0700
Good logic. Good article.
Name: Mohammad to Abu Taleb
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 20:16:05 -0700
I was tackling your logic. It is irrelevant where god lives. I am just saying that the hadith talking of god coming to the earth's sky during the night does not imply whatsoever that the earth is flat. Secondly, 'toward' does not necessarily mean along a straight line. On the earth's surface, the shortest paths are actually along circles. If you study a little bit of Non-Euclidean geometry, this will be clear to you. Finally, Quran was not sent to the people of north pole. If people of north pole want to become Muslims, they are welcome and I am sure they will figure out a way to pray and fast. Now I have a question for you: Why would Quran in numerous places talk about 'the easts' and 'the wests' in plural form. If Quran believed that the earth is flat, then there would be only one universal east and one universal west. So what's the meaning of the easts and the wests and how do you justify it?
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 21:20:36 -0700
It is not possible for Allah's presence in the earth's sky only in the final third of the night because people in different time zone will not have Allah in the earth's sky, they are not in the final third of the night. People have different time zone because the earth is round. So what is said in the hadith Qudsi is possible only and if only the earth is flat so that there is no time zones. The shortest path between 2 points is the straight line between the 2 points. If your qiblat can follow a non straight line, then you certainly can pray toward any direction, and let you qiblat finds its own path to Kabah. Imagine you are in the opposite of the earth from Kabah, then you may pray to any direction and you can pray face to face with the man in front of you. Everybody at that place will pray toward any direction they like, that is not so Islamic, isn't it? Now you are saying people on the north pole can figure out how to pray and fast on their own way. That means, they can figure out how to disobey Allah's commands. So where is the universality of Qur'an which has always been campaigned by the muslims? If Allah is really the all knowing, why can't he just simply give a clock to people on earth and tell them to pray and fast according to the clock? Can't Allah make a clock which has been made by the non believers hundreds years ago? To answer your question is quite simple, Allah thinks there are 7 earths in 65:12, all of them are flat. So there are 7 easts and 7 wests. So why Allah doesn't say about north(s) and south(s)? Simple answer, Allah must have thought the earth is more like a long strip expanding from the east to the west. I think, your prophet once said in Bukhari hadith something like you must either face Kabah or face east or west as your qiblat. So where is north and south?
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 21:29:14 -0700
There are some muslims who pray using local languages, pray without carpet, eat pork etc. So, if Mohammad (not the prophet) says the north pole people can find their own way to fast and pray, why the muslims who are adapting different practices are persecuted? Why women in tropical countries must wear hijab which is not comfortable at all? In fact, I think if the women in tropical countries are wearing the head to toe hijab, then they will die because of the heat and because they simply can not work on field. So, Islam is clearly only for the Arab in Arab desert.
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 22:41:34 -0700
Allah is non-existent. He/it is only an alter ego of Muhamad.Allah 's Quran is primitive. The language has limited vocabulary unable to express anything modern ,scientific,sophisticated ,subtle or logical. It is the muslims who take up an inane line or two and pad it up with all the modern scientific findings. For instance , many muslims claim that the "Big Bang" theory of Cosmology is found in the Quran in verse 30 of Sura 21 of the Quran. This is a big LIE! I will quote the relevent verse from the Quran here :- " Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them , and WE made every living thing of water?Will they not then believe?" This Allah is virtually begging,pleading with the 'non-believers' to believe his story of 'creation'! This ,the muslims claim as proof of the "Big Bang" theory of Cosmology , all encapsulated in a couple of sentences. What it actually saying is that Heavens and earth were one piece of Pie ,which this loony critter called Allah tore asunder to form earth ,a flat place/ground and Sky as its roof for the loony to dwell and peep into the daily lives of his "creation". Big Bang theory states that all matter,time and space exploded from a single point of infinitely dense matter. It is not that there was a pancake of Earth and Sky stuck together which was torn asunder to make way for Allah to indulge in his "creation"! Verse 30 of Sura 21 is anything but Big Bang. This is how muslims practice "Taqiya"- the art of LYING. This is how they obfuscate and claim credit for things which are not their own! That the earth is flat ,according to Allah and Muhamad, is confirmed by verse 31and 32 of Sura 21 :- "And We have placed in the earth firm hills , lest it quake with them, and We have placed therein ravines as roads that haply they may find their way." and "And We have made the sky a roof withheld(from them).Yet they turn away from its portents" None of this bullshit has anything to do with the "Big Bang" theory of the origin of the Universe.The Quran is just a primitive babble of the savage arabian bedouins with a little help from the Old Testament - no wonder they hate the jews so much as they have to depend on the Talmud ,New Testament for justifying their wild cult as a "religion". Now what will the muslims do if the Big Bang theory gets discredited? There is already a lot of opposition to this theory since it is based on a lot of assumptions. It seems :"Plasma Universe " is now catching up . Maybe , something further will come about in the years to come. Because Science is not a DOGMA stuck in a small groove like religion or cult. It continually evolves getting deeper into the Truth or FACTS - Not Fancies like religion. I wont be surprised if the muslims start claiming all inventions flow from islam - all like cellphones,aeroplanes,TV,movie-pictures, cars,trains, electricity,etc ,including what they are extremely fond of ,namely AK47,AK56,IEDs,Stinger-missilies,Scud missiles, nuclear bombs,etc( all meant to further the cause of islam to transform Dar ul Harab to Dar ul Islam! I hope that muslims left with some brains/or a little intelligence through this big fraud of Slavery and oppression ,repression and suppression( not only physical but also mentally,intellectually) and dump it in the dustbin of HISTORY!!!
Name: Mohammad to Abu Taleb
Date: Sunday May 18, 2008
Time: 23:41:51 -0700
The way you are analyzing the Islamic texts is very naive. A similar approach is actually made by some Salafis and it has damaged the religion beyond belief. God coming to the earth's sky in the last third of the night is not physical. God is not physical and He doesn't just move from here to there like we do. The hadith is only indicating that praying to God is most beneficial at that time and I would say it is because of our state of mind. It is us who feel closer to God at such a time (again not physical) not God coming closer to us. We should not take things so literally and apply some intelligence while reading any text. Facing an object does not mean moving along a straight line and anyways prayers are not particles that move from you toward qiblah. Facing the qibla is to have a direction toward which you pray. It is just a convention that makes thing easier so that you don't worry about the direction of prayer and focus on the content of your prayer. If people live on the exact opposite of Ka'bah, then they would need to make a convention too and any choice of direction would be just fine. The message of Quran is universal but the details of actions of prayer or fast are not. Such details must be decided by intelligence reasoning and according to circumstances (Ijtihad). For example it is perfectly fine if the Muslims of north pole decide to follow the Saudi Arabia's local time to make their prayers or fasts. Or they could just make up their own, something that fits their lifestyle the best. These are mainly details of religion. The most central thesis and the most attractive message of Islam is the unity of God and His message to mankind through numerous prophets that He has sent to mankind. Islam also connects the human to the creator through 5 prayers a day, 30 days of fasting, giving charity, etc. It regulates our relationship with God in a way that no other religion in today's world does. It is because of this that Islam has become a powerful force in the world and shall remain so.
Name: Eggs and other shapes
Date: Monday May 19, 2008
Time: 00:24:11 -0700
For centuries all muslim scholars without exception had no doubt that the earth is flat according to the quran. It was only in recent days that some scholars appeared who suddenly taught that there is a word to be translated ostrich egg. While this is a very bold translation, it is wrong, too. It doesn??t come even close to the truth since the earth is round and slightly flattened at both poles. Thus, a turtle egg, a pearl or anything similar would be more or less correct but not an ostriche or almost any bird-egg. BTW, the true shape of the earth and even it??s size had been already discovered by Eratosthenes nearly 1000 years before the quran was written. What did Allah these days? Did he make holiday?
Date: Monday May 19, 2008
Time: 00:42:26 -0700
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Monday May 19, 2008
Time: 00:54:59 -0700
It is clear from the Qudsi hadith that Allah comes to the earth's sky every night, now you say he doesn't come physically? Then, what is the point of Allah making known his arrival time then? Your Allah is formed from something called dzat, that means your Allah physically exists, and so does his presence. Using intelligence in reading something does not mean twisting every word to give some different meaning every time the word does not agree with the fact, using intelligence means you should be able tell if the content is wrong, which you fail miserably. Your Allah and prophet is wrong in many cases, but you refuse to admit it, instead you try to find some interpretation to make it in agreement with the existing fact. Don't you remember that your Allah says in 2:216 that you shouldn't use your brain, instead you should just follow what has been ordered because Allah is the all knowing, not you. So, if your Allah says he comes every night to the earth's sky, you should believe his physical presence there, if you have faith in your Allah.
Name: suhe
Date: Monday May 19, 2008
Time: 04:45:12 -0700
Abu taleb. you funny dude. NOT ONE person in islam that understand that hadist like you said. that GOD the master of universe had to move to our world every night AND GOD can only be in one location for every hour?? ARE YOU IDIOT or something? what happen in other part of universe if what you said is true? no GOD? ....GOD is everywhere, its something BEYOND any human comprehension. NOTHING can exist without it. ALMIGHTY. the hadist just saying that in that mention time, every pray will have "higher value". when everyone is falling to sleep, we praying, craying, tell ALL our problem in the hand of ALL POWERFULL. its THE ULTIMATE meditation if you want to call it like that. and if you never experienced it then i pitty you. its hard but the reward is unbelievable for your mind and soul. try it sometimes you may like it :)
Name: hussain
Date: Monday May 19, 2008
Time: 10:50:18 -0700
Akhter did a fantastic explenation in the light of quran and hadiths, and proved with no if or buts that the quran says earth to be egg shaped. Abu Talib whether you like it or not you have been proven WRONG, so admit and next time try not to twist and misquate,and less dependence on false hadithes to prove your point. And to all the cow dung worshippers espesialy vbv , look out the cow is having a piss!
Name: ZuK
Date: Monday May 19, 2008
Time: 16:35:59 -0700
Well, well, well... Did 7th. century Arabs believe that the Earth was flat? I don't know. Unless they had any contact with the works of the Greek astronomers (and, at that time, only the Syrians -who were NOT yet arabized!- might have had some contact with those sources). Even so, the vast masses, the average Joe (or must I say "Ahmed"?) certainly wasn't aware of the Earth's quasi-sphericity. Did the Qur'an clearly, unequivocaly state that the Earth is a quasi-spheroid turning around the Sun, which on itself is a star like many others? No. It doesn't. Probably because it wasn't its primary goal (which I believe, was initially religious reformation, and later on, political domination). Instead of discussing whether the 5th, 7th or 195th meaning of some ambiguous word contradict widely recongnized scientific facts, we might better attempt another thing: how would we say in Arabic (or, for the record, in any other human language) in the *less equivocal, maximally univocal* way that the Earth is round, almost perfectly, and it revolves around the Sun? Well... I think I just did it, in English. This is not difficult to say in Arabic, either. It doesn't even resort to specialized terminology. Monotheism is quite inequivocally expressed in Qur'an, and so is the punishment for apostasy and the number of licit spouses, so the limitations of the language here don't count, fairly. My conclusion is that whoever wrote the Qur'an was *unaware* of the astronomic structure of our solar system and the galaxy in general. Neither were biblical authors, btw: Looking in the Qur'an or the Bible for pieces of scietific data is pointless.
Name: Re: Hussain
Date: Tuesday May 20, 2008
Time: 04:14:29 -0700
Why can??t you stop lying and evading the truth!? Here is a nice quote for you: YUSUFALI: "'And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out), (71:19) and here is another one: 043.010 YUSUFALI: (Yea, the same that) has made for you the earth (like a carpet) spread out, and has made for you roads (and channels) therein, in order that ye may find guidance (on the way); And yet another one: 020.053 YUSUFALI: "He Who has, made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels); and has sent down water from the sky." With it have We produced diverse pairs of plants each separate from the others (BTW, most plants do NOT have two different sexes) And here you have just another quote from three different, well recommended translators: 015.019 YUSUFALI: And the earth We have spread out (like a carpet); set thereon mountains firm and immovable; and produced therein all kinds of things in due balance. PICKTHAL: And the earth have We spread out, and placed therein firm hills, and caused each seemly thing to grow therein. SHAKIR: And the earth-- We have spread it forth and made in it firm mountains and caused to grow in it of every suitable thing. So where is the ostriche egg? And how can you say that the earth looks like an ostriche egg which is oval? Earth is not oval, it is like a ball, a little bit flattened at both poles which distinguishes it even more from an austriche egg.
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Tuesday May 20, 2008
Time: 14:55:53 -0700
Which verse in Qur'an or hadith says that Allah is everwhere? I never found it. Allah is on his throne above water (7:54, 11:7), Allah is not everywhere because he is sitting above water like a person sitting in a lavatory. If there is no muslim interprets the Qudsi hadith like me, it doesn't mean I am wrong, and because I am correct, that means every muslim is wrong. Afterall, every muslim is told not to use their brain when they see something wrong in Islam, right?
Name: Observer
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 05:03:59 -0700
Well before Mo, there was a Chinese astronomer who suggested that the universe was egg shaped. Did Mo by any chance repeat this somewhere as he was very good at repeating things in the Quran which were common beliefs in the Greeks. i.e look and find out what the Greeks believed about the Universe, embryology etc. Mo was very good at COPY and PASTE.
Name: WTF
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 06:53:58 -0700
Ok, you people are more retarded then bush jr, all religions are a bunch of bs. I dont understand how people can believe the most made up horse manure I have ever had to hear people talk about. I also find it amusing that you dumb asses are still mad about 9/11 and are blaming the whole religion on what terrorists did. I know it was terrible and afghanistan is a good fight against them, but there are violent people from all religions and even non religios people could have done the same s**t. The virginia tech killings is a good example. Anyhow all religion has brough is pain and suffering except those missionaries that help the starving africans, it would be great if people could just realize that all of those semi fictional stories were written thousand years ago and that it was just to help people get through the time of roman oppression.
Name: excuse me....
Date: Wednesday May 21, 2008
Time: 18:59:35 -0700
Hey, mind your language over here. If you are writing this just to criticise the ???Quran??? or the Almighty, then I suggest you just shut this thing down. You got your own religion and we muslim got our own. You got your believe and we got our own believe. Respect dude. What is your real motive of doing this? And all those comments given from the other people, watch it. If you don't understand our religion, then please ask the experts before you do this kind of things. Thank you.
Name: ha ha ha ....
Date: Friday May 23, 2008
Time: 01:18:34 -0700
Kidnap the blind genius who had memorized Quran, Shaikh Abd-al-Aziz Ibn Abd-Allah Ibn Baaz, place him in Saturn V rocket, throw him to the outer space to see that the world is like a ball. If he returns, maybe he will say that Quran is a lie.....
Name: For excuse me
Date: Saturday May 24, 2008
Time: 00:15:23 -0700
You seem to be easily offended for people criticising your religion. What about us when Muslims do not want to tolerate free speech and freedom of expressions. I find that very offensive. We are now lucky to have the internet and express our views freely. I don't suppose the Quran predicted the arrival of the www.
Name: karen
Date: Sunday May 25, 2008
Time: 07:16:29 -0700
I read of a Muslim man who went into a tizzy when he visited the Antartic because he didn't know when to pray anymore! He had to email back home and get advice from his imam who told him to just follow the clock. Afterwards, he praised his religion for being so easygoing and flexible LOL. Muslim astronauts have to have a special book written for them (from top scholars no less) about when they should pray, fast etc.
Name: Reveted to islam
Date: Tuesday May 27, 2008
Time: 04:31:56 -0700
If god wanted to make the world flat then he would have made it flat...but then the unbelievers would just laugh and comment about that Allah "thinks" the world is round. Even if the clearest proof would be given to them, they would just turn away and find new things to complain about...Nothing surprises anymore... They amuse themselves with Bruce and Evan almighty, but when god is almighty then their faces turns away in anger. "To you your religion, and to me mine"
Name: Abdullah Jahangir
Date: Friday May 30, 2008
Time: 12:05:53 -0700
What the article says is a poor interpretation of Hadis. Is Allah bound by space or time no but they are merely His humble creations. That is the problem with human thinking as with yours that Allah is bound by any limits. But in reality Allah is Unique and has no human features. He controls time and space
Name: wow calm down hypocrites
Date: Sunday June 01, 2008
Time: 16:15:57 -0700
u guyz kno tht earth iz not perfectly round rite so how could GOD say its a ball....n GOD doesn't need u to either believe in him or not.....he has made it in a way that ppl bf n now cud understand it.........try as much as possible to extract error out of Quran...u cant