The Value of Human Life in Islam
22 Apr, 2008
- Here, I just want to repeat what Ali Sina wrote several years
ago in the article "Is Political Islam?" where he showed, among
other things, the value of human life based on Islamic law. Here
is the quotation:
In the April 9, 2002 issue, The Wall Street Journal published the concept of blood money in Saudi Arabia . If a person has been killed or caused to die by another, the latter has to pay blood money or compensation, as follow.
- 100,000 riyals if the victim is a Muslim man
- 50,000 riyals if a Muslim woman
- 50,000 riyals if a Christian man
- 25,000 riyals if a Christian woman
- 6,666 riyals if a Hindu man
- 3,333 riyals if a Hindu woman
According to this hierarchy, a Muslim man's life is worth 33 times that of a Hindu woman. This hierarchy is based on the Islamic definition of human rights and is rooted in the Quran and Sharia (Islamic law). How can we talk of democracy when the concept of equality in Islam is inexistent?
The proportion on the list above is exactly the same as what is said in the Sharia law found in "The Risala of 'Abdullah ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (310/922 - 386/996), A Treatise on Maliki Fiqh". The relevant quotation can be found below. To make easier, I make the list of the blood money as follows:
- 12,000 dirham for a muslim man
- 6,000 dirhams for a muslim woman
- 6,000 dirhams for a Christian/Jews man
- 3,000 dirham for a Christian/Jews woman
- 800 dirham for a Magian man
- 400 dirham for a Magian woman
Obviously, the Hindu people and other non Christian/Jews people are worth the same as the Magian people. And a muslim man's life is worth 30 times that of a non Christian/Jews infidel woman. Imagine people like Indira Ghandi or Sirimavo Bandaranaike etc is worth only 1/30 of, for example, a stupid bearded child abuser muslim guy who drinks camel urine as medicine.
So the current Islamic law in Saudi Arabia is exactly the same as
the Islamic law a thousand years ago, because that they come from
the true Islam.
37.4. The tariff for other than Muslim men
37.4a. Half the tariff
The blood money of a woman is half that of a man. The same applies to the blood money of Kitabis, and their women is half of that of their men.
[The blood money of a free Muslim woman is half that of a free Muslim man. So her blood money is fifty camels, in fourths or fifths according to whether the killing is accidental or deliberate. The more severe form [if the victim is a daughter" is 2/3rds of 16 and a third of camels from every type. In money, it is 500 gold dinars and 6000 silver dirhams.
The same is true for the Jews and Christians. It is half that of the Muslims based on what an-Nasa'i reports that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The blood wit of the people of the dhimma is half that of the Muslims. There is half of that blood money for Kitabi women.]
37.4b. Magians
A Magian's blood money is 800 dirhams and that of their women half of that. The same principle applies to penalties for wounds.
[A Magian, who is not a Kitabi, has this amount in silver and in gold it is 66 dinars and in camels, 6 and two-thirds in camels. Their women have half of that. The same portion applies to wounds.]
(The Risala of 'Abdullah ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (310/922 - 386/996), A Treatise on Maliki Fiqh (Including commentary from ath-Thamr ad-Dani by al-Azhari)
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Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 01:39:12 -0700
Humans are mechandise in Islam and this is true even in recent days. Parents sell their children into forced marriages or even to quran teachers who let them beg. There is no respect for human beings in islam, a relgion which teached from the beginning that humans are made by god from clot. The only objective is to make all people to slaves of Allah, brainless clot-zombies who are always prepared to kill non-muslims. And Allah deceives best.
Name: how much wud a hindu kidney be worth ???
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 04:12:19 -0700
actually muslims can do a good bizness by simply asking hindsu to come to saudi arabia and sing hindu life is so cheap they can extract kidney or liver etc and this will be even cheaper and they can sell to muslim amn even cheaper.
Name: balam
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 05:46:44 -0700
Christ taught that you can never put a price on human life but Mohammad on the contrary put varing prices on human life.He was ignorant enough not to Index link either.
Name: search the truth
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 08:34:02 -0700
Muhammad is the biggest manipulator in whole world hisotry!!
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 09:13:04 -0700
Reading this tell me what 'low' thinking muslims have. Is n't all life valuable?. I don't discriminate people based on their religion. I think all life is valuable. I did not need a religion to teach me this. Yet this proves that Islam as a religion is very crude. People in the West are far more compationate, in fact many countries have free health care, housing education and help for the poor. Even though the Koran says you should do charity, the countries in the West have exceeded the standard set in the Koran. In Muslim countries such social care is non-existent and left to individuals. You don't need Islam to be a compationate and loving country.
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 09:24:44 -0700
What's a magian? Is that the same as a Magi? I think Magi is short for magician. As re. magicians, in case you don't know, there were a great many Wisdom Schools in that area, and stretching from Pritain to even China. The Masters were called Magicians by the regular people- those who did not want to enter such schools and do hard work ( long hours of prayer, meditation to work Energy and Consciousness, AND then physical labor to have the schools self-supporting). Yeshua ben Joseph was such a Master. Magic = Quantum Physics.
Name: Blood Money
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 11:14:07 -0700
Another aspect is that rich people can pay while poor people can??t.
Name: ZuK
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 11:46:56 -0700
Hi, Abu Taleb. I wonder if these are the kind of quranic truths that were told by another poster of this forum to be "valid for every time and place."
Name: The Prophet Mohammed
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 13:17:38 -0700
It is not strange actually that Mohammed placed a price on everything since he was a merchant thanks to a woman's generosity whom he later married so that everything she owned would be his. Mushamedans can even tell you how much your deeds are worth in the afterlife. They can actually work out what their reward will be! Mohammed united an ignorant idlol worshiping people under one banner by force and justified his actions by stating that he was doing G-d's will. A G-d he learnt about from the jews and Christians through his trading.
Name: The Prophet Mohammed
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 13:26:46 -0700
It is no surprise that everything has a price in the Mohamedan cult since its founder was a merchant. He united an idol worshiping ignorant people under one banner claiming that G-d revealed him/herself to him; a G-d he learnt about from the Jews and Christians whilst he was trading. I suppose through his teachings he could be refered to as the anti-Christ due to his teaching of violence as opposed to that of Jesus.
Name: The whole islamic concept is wrong ...
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 13:50:46 -0700
... because it depends almost completely on divine revealation. Perhaps most Muslims will say: That??s great, isn??t it? However, it is not because it means that their whole life depends on holy scriptures, and nobody ever tries to think about it. That??s why there is no meaningful theology or philosophy in islam, no science and no secular law and, last but not least, no progress. And if we study the comments made by muslims at this forum, we can verify how underdeveloped their thinking is. They always refer to the quran, sometimes to other holy texts, but very often there is no logic behind their arguments. To some regards, they are no humans because they do not think like humans. Instead of using their brains they always look what is written in the quran.
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 14:26:10 -0700
Maybe, the custom of paying blood money comes from the old Arab tradition, the victim's family has a choice of asking for the life's of the killer or receiving some money for compensation. But Islam has made certain people's lives more valuable than the others which is disgusting. There is a verse in Quran which says something like man's life for man's life, woman's for woman's and slave's for slave's. So a free man can not pay using his life if he kills a slave. A muslim can not also pay using his life if he kills a non muslim, it is clearly states in hadiths and shariah law. It is discriminating and disregards human life.
Name: ZuK
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 15:00:40 -0700
Actually, guys... what the HECK are we discussing? Some allegedly divine morals of some 7th century Arab thiefs? Tribal costumes? Are we into anthropology, or what? This line of thinking has no place in the modern world, no matter how you look at it, and can be discussed only out of historical and sociological interest. The mere idea that these ideas of blood money have the right to have ANY place in our dealings with justice is preposterous, and that's the kind of discussion Islamists drag us once and over again - into the muddy waters of their mindframe. Enough! Blood money might have worked for some primitive societies - and that's it. It's not a matter of how much is my Christian neighbor worth - it is the whole concept that is barbaric and out-of-date.
Name: MA Khan ---> Allat
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 17:00:24 -0700
Magians in Islam means the Zoroastrians, who were the dominant people in Persia at the time of founding Islam. If I am not wrong, the Magi may be related to Magians in that those three wise men, known as the Magi, allegedly travelled from Persia to Bethelheim to be there on the day of Jesus's birth.
Name: Stephanie
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 17:01:07 -0700
Only if the muslim wants the blood money!!!!! is magians wiccans or pagens???? my dad is a wiccan
Name: Tony
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 20:09:07 -0700
So who's worth more out of Sunni and Shia Muslims? In my opinion they're both worth one bucket of dog's vomit.
Name: Mohammad
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 21:56:33 -0700
Islam's legal system was a vast improvement to the existing norms of the 7th century. Islamic law introduced the concept of blood money as a way of avoiding the capital punishment for murder, if allowed by the victim's family. Such an idea can be even applicable in today's world. The main objection as I see from the comments is that there is no moral justification for the differences in the blood money of Muslims and non-Muslims. This is a valid objection and one has to know that there is no quranic basis for such an injustice.
Date: Tuesday April 22, 2008
Time: 22:05:31 -0700
Blood -money? The brain-dead clot-zombies have reached the nadi of barbarianism! They call this the "religion of peace" ,while it is actually a cult of amorality and cruelity!
Name: Clot-Donors Wanted!!!
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 01:16:17 -0700
Allah is in a desperate need for some more suicide bombers!
Name: Clot-Money
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 01:19:57 -0700
It must be called clot-money! Humans are not made from blood! They are made from clot! Read Surah 96, the first surah ever revealed to the whole mankind! We are made from clot! That??s why the clot-money for a killed muslim should equal the price of a good blood sausage!
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 01:40:22 -0700
Saudi barbarianism does'nt surprise me at all. A dolt of an Arab with a pea-sized brain shrivelled by the drivel of the nasty trash of a book called 'quran' is 15 times more worthy than a hindu man and 30 times that of a hindu women??!! It is the hindu that is helping build the economy,infrastructure and industry in Saudi Arabia.These dolts can do nothing but dream of looting and raping in this world and carry on the same in their rotten ,vulgar paradise! Filthy as they are they don't deserve anything even in this world - these rascals,blackguards,but for their criminal activities are indolent muts!
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 03:34:08 -0700
Quran does make unequal treatment of human lifes as shown in 2:178 "O ye who believe! the law of equality is prescribed to you in cases of murder: the free for the free, the slave for the slave, the woman for the woman. ...". If not, why shariah law gives different value for human lifes based on religion and gender?
Name: akhter
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 05:15:20 -0700
A wonderful way to solve the problem, i wonder if these dummy heads who have been nodding their empty heads with the idiot who has written the crap called Abu Talib,have a better alternative than the Islamic? If you have then let it out.!!!!
Name: MT
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 05:31:57 -0700
Everything in the quran is in direct opposition to the Bible. Greed versus generosity; Killing versus forgiving; Only those of your sect are humans versus all are of the same family (children of God). It is the source of the anti-Christ in both theologic and action based displays.
Name: Christian
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 06:28:42 -0700
The Norse also had blood money laws.
Name: akhter
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 10:47:50 -0700
If any of you have a better solution than what Islam is offering then put it on the table, other wise less of your bullshit.TALK, EMPTY TALK!!!
Name: Mehbub Singh
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 12:36:28 -0700
You missed the point because you are blinded by hatred for islam. This just shown that muslim jurisprudence has failed to evolve as the society has evolved. No wonder almost all muslim countries use western court system. Saudi Arabia and few others cling to "tradition". Pakistani rulers do it for their own gain. It is time for muslims to take another look at the legal system that their cleargy promote.
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 14:04:33 -0700
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 15:06:13 -0700
Another lie by Islam daqwagandist "To the contrary, Islamic law, if correctly applied, will be uniform in each state and will not discriminate against any race, color or gender. ". It is clear from what I wrote that this very Islamic law, the "divine and wisdowm" justice, does discrimate against gender and religion. Is it the best solution of Islam by giving a woman half a value of a man and a non muslim's value 1/15 of a muslim? Well, clearly we have better alternative than the Islamic law.
Name: Mehbub Singh
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 15:18:48 -0700
Dear Abu, You certainly are correct that there are better alternatives that conforms more to the modern time. This blood money gives advantage to the rich and makes mockery of justice except in a tribal society. Hrinder Singh Mehbub
Name: Mohammad to Abu Taleb
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 23:06:54 -0700
It is worth mentioning that if the blood money is a way of convincing the victim's family to avoid the capital punishment, then a lower blood money will work against the murderer. It was also mentioned that this gives advantage to the rich over the poor. Such advantage exists even in the west where the rich can hire the best lawyers while the poor can't. Regarding 2:178, we should know that such a law is only applicable to a 7th century tribal society. If a tribe attacked another and killed a woman or a slave of that tribe, then the equality law would have required the offenders to give up a woman or a slave. This of course has no place in most parts of today's world.
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Wednesday April 23, 2008
Time: 23:34:37 -0700
So Quran is not "valid for every time and place" because 2:178 is not valid at present time, except in Saudi Arabia. Anyway, the lesser values of women and non mulims system has Quranic basis because 2:178 says so, eventhough it is not valid currently. So Mohammad, what you said the last time on this page completely the opposite of what you had said before on the same page and also on another page. Come on, can't you be consistent?
Name: to akhter
Date: Thursday April 24, 2008
Time: 06:04:24 -0700
akhter...almost every solution is better than islam...try to meditate and maybe you will find some peace.
Date: Thursday April 24, 2008
Time: 09:07:52 -0700
Want to know why Islam is a dangerous cult? READ: (Copy & Paste the above link correctly, otherwise it may not open.) READ IT & FORWARD IT. Nigarkhan.
Name: moderationist
Date: Thursday April 24, 2008
Time: 09:49:41 -0700
Barbaric tribalistic societies do not value life
Name: akhter
Date: Thursday April 24, 2008
Time: 13:02:26 -0700
whatever, you have no better alternative than the Islamic option, if you have let every one see it, you may match it but can not better it ,and that is the fact!!!
Name: Abu Taher
Date: Thursday April 24, 2008
Time: 15:21:49 -0700
So, according to akhter and other Islamists, the law which gives a muslim's life somewhere between 2 and 30 times of a non muslim's life is the best option for human kind. Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case.
Name: Ananda
Date: Thursday April 24, 2008
Time: 22:49:55 -0700
Islamic Law, if correctly applied as laid down by Allah, will humiliate and/or destroy Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and Sikhs - after exploiting them (by extracting Zizya tax) and reducing them to a semi-slavery status. The application of Islamic law killed more than 50 million Hindus in India. This idiot goof-ball Mehboob Singh, if he is a sikh and not a camouflaged Islamist, should know how Sikhs and their gurus were killed by the Muslims. It is estimated that worldwide Muslims killed more than 200 million non-Muslims to satisfy the agenda laid down by Allah and Muhammad. Because they were obeying their god & prophet in doing these killings, the Muslims don't feel any remorse and not o0nly don't apologize - they lecture how great Allah is and they are victims. Unfortunately for Muslims, Allah and Muhammad are exposed as monsters. No amount of whitewashing can change that ever. Brave Islamist Abu Taleb wants us to "correctly apply" Islamic law. A better idea is to ban Koran and Mosques and outlaw Islam.
Name: BOB
Date: Friday April 25, 2008
Time: 02:46:05 -0700
akhter...fact is that you are stupid. Have ever read any other book than koran?? Don't think so.
Name: Mohammad to Abu Taleb
Date: Saturday April 26, 2008
Time: 22:01:05 -0700
I don't see how 2:178 implies that a women or non-muslim's life is worth less than that of a muslim male. I did not claim that Quran is for all times or it is not. I said the ruling given in 2:178 is specifically used in tribal wars and falls into the category of laws of retaliation. If Canada attacks the US tomorrow and kills 100 US citizens, would the US not retaliate? Osama killed 3000 americans and the US retaliated by invading two countries. Half a million Iraqis are dead, cities are bombed, etc because of 9/11. Hizbullah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, Israel destroyed the south of Lebanon and killed at least 1000 innocent people. Isn't this more barbaric than what you guys are condemning? Islam allows retaliating but a man for a man, a woman for a woman, a slave for a slave. This is the justice that Islam stands for. You close your eyes to the atrocities perpetrated by the big powers in the world and call Muslims of 7th century barbaric for being accurate in their retaliation. Who really does not value human life when you consider thousands of innocent people 'collateral damage'?
Name: Abu Taleb
Date: Sunday April 27, 2008
Time: 15:10:44 -0700
2:178 says a man's life for a man's life, a woman's for a woman's and a slave's for a slave's. That means if a free man kills a slave or a woman, the man can not be killed for the retaliation because 2:178 doesn't say so. It is clear in sharia that a muslim won't be killed if he kills a non muslim while the opposite is not applicable, a non muslim must be killed if s/he kills a muslim. It this your perfect law? If you try to make useless defence by blaming the Israel or the US, I can talk about what your prophet and the rest of the muslims did for the sake of Allah and the prophet. Your prophet killed and enslaved the whole Quraitha tribe while no muslim's blood spilled by any member of the tribe. Your prophet intended to kill all of Qainuqa tribe while no muslim was killed. And how about the attack on banu Mustaqin followed by rape and loot? How about the attacks on Persia, Byzantium, India etc where, in each case, there had been no muslim killed before the muslims attacked those countries. If you blamed Israel or the US for attacking Palestine or Afghanistan, then you should also blame your prophet, your truely guided khalifahs and the rest of the muslim leaders, including your last khilafah, the Ottoman empire which butchered millions of people.
Name: Thomas Justin Kaze
Date: Tuesday April 29, 2008
Time: 00:42:56 -0700
Value of a Muslim life (Some of you may remember it from the Comments to Daniel Pipes??? blog, back in 2006, somewhat censored if not plainly mutilated by the politically correct author ??? no, I do not write any more pronouncements to his blogs.) How precious is human life, according to Muslims? Not very precious really, unless you dedicate it to Allah alone. If you stay at home, pray, fast and refrain from killing infidels, Allah will not be very pleased with you and, as a consequence, will roast you in the eternal fire for not imitating his schizophrenic prophet. When there are no infidels to kill and all the Muslim factions and sects kill one another (and I am not referring here to the ???collateral damage???, it hardly gets reported; pious Muslims behead an infidel or another, not pious enough, Muslim for allegedly co-operating with the infidel (Crusader) invaders, and there is no Muslim outrage, even though such ???religious??? behavior may ??? and does ??? present Islam in a definitely bad light. A Muslim militant is killed before he can blow himself up in the midst of an infidel crowd ??? ah, that is an entirely different story: ???An innocent (sic) civilian murdered (sic) ??? Muslims swear revenge; Allah will reward him in paradise.??? A few years back, a 12 years old Arab boy was shot and killed by Palestinian gunmen in Nablus, during a skirmish between Israelis and Arabs ??? here is how the Arab media reported it: ???The child???s family, Fatah loyalists, refused to condemn the militants: ???Some unknown men fired, and as unintentional result, the boy was hit???, said the boy???s uncle.??? There was no Muslim outrage; it made me wonder why the Arab media did not blame Jews for the boy???s death ??? knowing their propaganda, they could. Also in the Middle East, by demanding the release of 800 or so Islamic terrorists in exchange for 2 (two) kidnapped Israeli soldiers, Muslims clearly admitted that one Israeli life was worth 400 Muslim lives ??? something I have always considered logical; fair enough, my estimates were actually much higher. Apparently Muslims do not value their (or anybody else???s) lives very highly; as for the worthlessness of their own lives, I could not but agree with them. Now, the case of the ???mistaken identity??? ??? I have no problem with that, either: Muslims murder infidels indiscriminately, ???wherever they find them??? ??? as long as the victims are non-Muslim, Allah???u akbar. There are no innocent infidels. On the other hand, all Muslims are innocent, even if they have murdered hundreds of infidels or other Muslims, who had not worshipped Allah well enough. Allah???u akbar of course, there rolls another head. All innocents (Muslims that is) go to paradise. I can almost see an innocent infidel going to the Islamic whorehouse and enjoying the 72 whores, pearly boys, sharab and all, maybe even halal pork. Sure, they have got the wrong infidel ??? but Allah says no problem. But what if we get the ???wrong??? Muslim? (Long live the collective responsibility!) Just tune to CAIR and listen to their ranting, their profiling, their cries of racism and Islamophobia! Now, in the name of Allah-shmallah, not only the US of Arms but the whole world MUST become Islamic, or else the poor, victimized and misunderstood Muslims will feel offended and continue their hopeless Jihad against us and cry racism and what-not, if we do not let them win ??? and we will not, that they better know. We are at war, a war that we have not started. The September 11 attacks have proven, once and for all, that it is not some ambiguous ???terrorism??? that we are confronting ??? it is Islam with its Jihad notion (Islamic power, Islamic victory, Islamic triumphalism, Islamic immigration, Islamic invasion, Islamic conquest by rapid procreation, Islamic demands, Islamic threats etc.) Now it is clear for all the world to see that it is not the Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists or Atheists who are our sworn enemies ??? it is Muslims, the Mohammedan curse; all the others just want to live in peace... Only that the word ???peace??? has one meaning for us and an entirely different one to the Muslim scum; the Mohammedan cult of death will never stop or give up, until it has subdued the free world or has itself been dispatched into oblivion. If we continue this stupid policy of multiculturalism and appeasement, if we continue to live in fear of offending the greatest offender, we will become history and we will have nobody but ourselves to blame. To them, human life has no value ??? a Muslim???s life or, even less, an infidel???s life. All the Muslims want is to die in Allah???s cause, if they cannot wipe us infidels off the planet. Since we want to live as much as they want to die, let us facilitate it for them by sending them back to hell, where they belong. They think they will end up in their Islamic paradise whether they win or lose; we cannot be sure where we end up when we lose. Hitler and Stalin have tried similar strategies, and failed; we can win this war, too, if we do not procrastinate for to long before using the extreme force and the extreme prejudice ??? the same extreme force and prejudice that Muslims are using against us in the name of their blood-thirsty, non-existent deity and its self-proclaimed, paranoid prophet who cleansed his anus with stones after defecation and used desert sand for ablution. When Muslim immigrants wish to enter our (free) countries under whatever false pretences, let us ask them politely to leave Islam outside, just like they leave their soiled shoes outside their mosques. We have but a little choice: to tolerate their intolerance and let them have their way with us, or wipe them out entirely and live in peace for another five hundred years or so, until another insane prophet comes and calls himself Muhammad or Mahdi. Oh, and one more thing: with all those anti-Western, anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, anti-Atheist and anti-democratic Muslim parties and organizations, can we have at least one legal anti-Islamic party or organization? If not, why not ??? please explain. T. Justin Kaze
Name: ha ha ha ....
Date: Thursday May 01, 2008
Time: 03:05:06 -0700
If you're very very rich, you can bring money to Arab and start killing people there. You don't have to be afraid of law punishment, because after you kill someone, you can pay blood-money to his/her family. I suggest you to hunt them and kill them and pay blood-money afterwards. Make it like a game to amuse yourself. After all, your money was spent for your amusement.
Name: to: Thomas Justin Kaze
Date: Friday May 02, 2008
Time: 04:12:32 -0700
The best way is to nuke Makkah and Medina, so both city cannot be occupied for thousand of years. No Hajj pilgrimage, no ziarah to the tomb of Mo, it will make Moslem in despair, since there is no Qiblah anymore.
Name: citizen
Date: Thursday July 17, 2008
Time: 02:53:31 -0700
Name: M Rizwan
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 02:22:10 -0700
Little knowledge is dangerous so study in depth then comment on Islam. It???s a general rule.In Islam Allah say he who kill one human being is like that as he has killed whole of the humanity... God bless every one.
Name: kmgy
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 02:54:46 -0700
Islam is a Can of Worms that consume all sanity in human consciousness thereby transforming sane civilized man into a terrible murdering beast!