Muslims: The First Victims of Allah
05 Oct, 2007
Let me begin by saying that like the many authors whose
testimonies comprise this anthology, I am a former Muslim, an
apostate, and a liberal secular humanist. The Western-born son of a
moderate Sunni Muslim family comprising of Turkish and Persian
ancestry, I related completely to the sentiments expressed in the
various declarations of kafiri (unbelief). It is quite rare that one
comes across the idea of ex-Muslims, since apostasy is for most
Muslims outside the realm of possibility, both because it goes
against everything one has been taught and because it carries the
penalty of death. I was once a slave to this type of thought
process, though I was never a fundamentalist and never espoused any
of the hate-rhetoric that one normally associates with extremist
Muslims. I left Islam after reading its holy revelation, the Qur'an,
which revealed itself to be nothing more than reworked Bible stories
(which are themselves rehashes of pagan myths) peppered with
ever-present threats of Allah's fury. I first started to question
Islam when I fell in love with a man (who was a Jew, no less!) and
went in search of an outlet which would allow me to live with human
dignity in full light of my homosexuality. Like so many religious
people who know better, I tried to reconcile with my ancestral
faith's apparent irrationality, but Logic and Compassion won out.
'Leaving Islam' is probably the most reader-friendly of all of Ibn
Warraq's anti-Islamic endeavors. It offers not only a historical
account of the heretical teachings and persecution of Islam's most
famous apostates, but also a comprehensive and global view of why an
increasing number of Muslims are leaving the faith, either in favor
of other religions (namely Christianity) or, more probably, atheism.
The stories come from all corners of the world: Iran, Turkey,
Bangladesh, Morocco, Tunisia, Malaysia, India, and even America. A
disproportionately large percentage of the accounts come from (of
all places) Pakistan. One wonders why this is--are Pakistanis more
prone to doubt than other Muslims? Regardless of the disparate
national origins of the authors, there is a concurrent thread
through all the stories that binds them together: traditionalist
(even fundamentalist) faith transmuting into deep disillusionment
upon closer scrutiny of Islamic texts and doctrines. You might
wonder why if that's all that it takes to get Muslims to abandon
Islam why more haven't done so. The reasons are many and complex,
and each author explains why apostasy was the only choice.
Though I don't expect many to be inclined to read it, I would
recommend this book to any practicing Muslim. Many of the
traditional Islamic arguments about its validity are deconstructed
in this deeply personal and profoundly logical compilation. Though I
was disappointed not to find a personal account of Ibn Warraq's own
apostasy, the others were fascinating, revealing, and, frequently,
heartbreaking. All the accounts are worth reading, but the one's
which stood out most for me were those of Ali Sina, Abul Kasem,
Parvin Darabi, Azam Kamguian, Taner Edis, Nadia, Denis Giron, Faiza,
and Ben Hoja. Sina's account is particularly striking in that it
outlines the various stages one goes through when one chooses
apostasy (Faith, Denial, Confusion, Guilt, Anger, Sadness and,
finally, Enlightenment: I think I am embedded in the Sadness stage,
mourning constantly for all the lost lives and wasted potential).
Five of the testimonies in the book are those of converts who
adopted Islam only to leave it. Giron's story is exceptionally witty
and humorous. Hoja's chapter, entitled 'Dark Comedy', had me
chuckling and laughing out loud (the footnotes are uproariously
funny) only to completely sock me in the gut and leave me in tears
at the end. His story alone is worth the cover price.
Like all of Warraq's books, this one too shall incite fury and
outrage because it shows the growing skepticism and self-loathing
among Muslims who happen not to be Ibn Warraq, Salman Rushdie, or
Irshad Manji. In his introduction Warraq refers to the various
accounts as 'Cassandra Cries', which might give the impression that
these apostates view themselves as helpless victims; they are
anything but. Every contributor makes powerful, searing indictments
of Islam, Muhammad, the Qur'an and God, which cannot be ignored or
dismissed. It is no small thing to assert that Muhammad was a
rapist, a warmonger, a mass-murderer and a pedophile. List these
charges and images of Hitler, Idi Amin and Genghis Khan immediately
come to mind, not the noble and humble Arabian sage who populates
the hearts of billions. How can it be that the founder of one of the
'great' religions has enacted such brutality? But any balanced and
honest reading of Islamic tradition can only lead to this
conclusion. Either we accept that History lies about Muhammad or
that we lie to ourselves about him. Will we, as humans, seek the
Selective Salvation religion offers, or will we seek Truth? As Sina
proclaims at the end of his story, 'Truth is a pathless land.'
One of the things I am constantly baffled by is the standard Muslim
response to critiques and attacks of their faith: instead of
utilizing rationalist techniques of debate, argument and logical
defense, they respond with violence and death threats to silence the
dissenters. These are the actions of people who either have no
prepared way to defend their dogmas or know that the only way to
uphold these doctrinal 'truths' is to make sure that no one is
allowed to question them. Fascism, anyone? But it would be wrong to
lay the blame on Muslims themselves; rather it is that
'pie-in-the-sky' deity who is culpable. Those who have read the
Qur'an will concede that Allah makes all his proclamations about
'the one true faith' the same way: not by appealing to Reason or
Logic, but with force and threat. 'Believe this, behave accordingly,
or burn eternally in Hellfire.' This is basically the theme of the
Qur'an. It is of extreme irony that all such threats are always
preceded by the standard 'In the name of God, the Universally
Merciful, the Singularly Compassionate.' Indeed. How, therefore, can
we expect Muslims to project and live in any other way than through
violence and irrationality when God himself dictates life's truths
to them in the same way? If anything, they are merely mimicking
God's way, which is what anyone would want to do. Muslims are the
first victims of Allah.
I must also say that this relatively unknown and small field of
Islamic Criticism owes great gallows of gratitude to freethinkers
like Ibn Warraq, Salman Rushdie, Ali Sina, and Irshad Manji. It is
our duty as freethinkers, reformers, and, yes, even as ex-Muslims,
to assume a prominent role in the way Islam adopts to the shrinking
modern world. We are, after all, unique in that we know firsthand
the extremes to which Islam can be carried and carry its adherents.
Yet we apostates have resisted, and in this 'reclaiming of the self'
we have shown that Reason has the ability to retain as strongly as
Islam is a Bedouin Fable, a tribal Arabian Mythology created to
validate the Arab Imperialism of the 8th and 9th century. At some
point, however, we all outgrow these moralistic, 'do-this-or-else'
fairy tales, and--hopefully--learn to live with dignity instead of
out of fear. Fourteen hundred years of self-annihilation and
delusion is enough. Cassandra's Cries have, at last, become her
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Tarik Armagan is a former Muslim based in Istanbul, Turkey.
Name: xyz
Date: Wednesday October 03, 2007
Time: 04:59:39 -0700
TO THE AUTHOR: If you're happy with your current religion why do you pick on Islam?? Leave Islam alone because it is too great for someone like you. Really i dont understand why dont you just promote your current religion whatever it is because we dont need your views on our religion..You see this is the problem with non muslims, they are always looking for ways to harm the religion of Islam, and at the same time forgetting to promote their own religions....This is why Islam is the greatest and will always be..
Name: Kelly
Date: Thursday October 04, 2007
Time: 19:56:21 -0700
"Bible stories (which are themselves rehashes of pagan myths)?" I have a problem with this statement. The Bible is the word of God. PERIOD!
Name: Bobby
Date: Thursday October 04, 2007
Time: 21:04:57 -0700
Word of God? Why does God need one book to reveal stuff to his creations, when the whole universe is a testatment to the divine being. Grown people behave like kids believing in fairy tales - that what it looks like to see people taking ancient "holy" books to be word of God. Any book that you find true and imparts knowledge and wisdom is the word of God in a sense. The truth is out there for you to seek, having faith in one book written centuries ago is like wishing for a short cut that leads to no where.
Name: Bobby
Date: Thursday October 04, 2007
Time: 21:13:43 -0700
How about I write a book that said believe I am a messenger of God etc. and if you don't believe it you will repent after life. Chances are there would scores of people believing it and stregthening the faith in it by adding stories to it...and many centuries down the road it could have huge number of followers just as Islam or Christianity does today. Organized religion today is just like this ripple effect.
Name: kelly
Date: Thursday October 04, 2007
Time: 21:34:28 -0700
To XYZ. If you are so "proud" of your "religion" I suggest you start "taking out your trash" before people of every other faith "take out your trash for you." Because sooner or later, people of other faiths around the world are going to to have to give you Muslims the Jihad they so desperately want. And this time, we will finish the job. "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." Ann Coulter
Date: Thursday October 04, 2007
Time: 22:23:42 -0700
Name: Ananda
Date: Thursday October 04, 2007
Time: 23:02:57 -0700
From Kelly "Bible stories (which are themselves rehashes of pagan myths)?" I have a problem with this statement. The Bible is the word of God. PERIOD!----> The Old Testament is undoubtedly the biggest documentary of genocide ordered by the Christian god, recording annihilation of countless pagan tribes. When Joshua spared the virgins of a tribe, when he was ordered by the god of the Bible to spare no one, the god of the Bible ordained their diaspora. And the Dark Age in Europe is a countless century of misery imposed by the Christian church. Knowledge & Freedom is anathema to the Christian church. Galileo had to recant to escape burning at the stakes because the Catholic St. Augustine pronounced the doctrine (fatwa) that of all blasphemes, the one that denies that the sun does not go around the earth is the worst blashpheme.----> Isn't it a joke that "Kelly" says "Bible is word of god. PERIOD." It is a very sick humor. To be a Christian you have to believe that Jesus is son of god, and those who doesn't believe that will go to hell. Another sick humor. It is claimed by Christians that a bloodstained Jesus clothing is preserved. Let us do a DNA analysis of the blood to discover god's DNA.
Date: Friday October 05, 2007
Time: 00:19:02 -0700
Name: Sharkibark
Date: Friday October 05, 2007
Time: 07:16:13 -0700
Regarding "The Bible is the word of God. PERIOD! The Bible is one of the world's oldest books. Its oldest sections were written about 1500 years before the birth of Christ. Even its newest sections were written about 1900 years ago. Clearly then, having been written over a period of about 1600 years, the Bible was not written by one person. No one knows precisely how many people contributed to the Bible. It is estimated there were about forty authors. Through the years there were those to whom the writings of men such as Paul and Peter were sacred. Some of these people dedicated themselves to collecting, arranging, and preserving the Scriptures that existed in their day. Today the names of most of those who did this work are unknown to us. We do know that well before the time of Christ the Jews had already finished assembling the divinely inspired writings of the Hebrews. It is a collection of 39 books. This is called the Old Testament. Following Christ's life on earth, additional sacred books were written. Some of these books record historical events pertaining to Christ and His early followers. Others are letters written to explain Christ's teaching or to encourage the followers of Christ to practice the moral principles He taught. There are 27 books in this later collection. Together they form the New Testament. One remarkable difference between the Bible and the Koran - is that the Bible (even among Christians) is usually considered a historical text containing the teachings of the Lord, *NOT* the actual word of God. Those faithful to Islam however, do believe the Koran to be the actual word of god - delivered through his prophet Muhummad.
Name: Godot
Date: Friday October 05, 2007
Time: 08:14:06 -0700
Dear Mr. Armagan (may I call you simply Tarik?)... Your article is unique in its sinserity. I admired your barvery and eloquence. It is amazing as well how many angry comments your article has generated, it's only a sign of a disturbing truth that makes "pious" believers of ALL religions very uncomfortable. One more time...Bravo Tarik!
Name: Godot
Date: Friday October 05, 2007
Time: 08:30:13 -0700
to Kelly: Although you typed an emphatic (PERIOD) after your short comment signaling an end to any further discussinon, I am still going to respond since this is an open forum for free debate and it is not what religious people are used to. You believe that the Bible is the word of god, which one? the OT? the NT? both? Because as you know "god" itself evolved througout the Biblical timeline according to different people who scribed the Book(s). But if you chose to believe that the Bible is the word of god, you have the right to do so as far as you keep both away from me. Don't impose your "divine literature" on others either.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday October 05, 2007
Time: 10:05:11 -0700
To all: Both islam & christianity are culprits.Two things ,one has to analyze are : Why an apostate of ISLAM converts to Christianity? Why a believer of christianity converts to ISLAM ? This is most important to find out- if a person wants to lead a noble but humble life of spirituality and drawn closer to God . The purpose of religion is to uplift a soul,to enlighten a soul,to enrich a life, to make this life most meaningful,to make this world a better place for all fellow human beings & other creatures. In this respect both ISLAM & chrstinaity fail and fail miserably. Because these are man made fascist dogmas based on fear,hatred( particularly ISLAM),vengence,killing,intolerant,subjugating,destroying human soul and mind . Based on these tenets - Both ISLAM & christianity did an admirable job of bringing misery,blood shed,sorrow to all humanity. Take a look at the world map. Since their birth - both ISLAM &christianity are incessantly waging war,aggression,assault on nonbelievers of their faiths - ISLAM &christianity. During this period - both ISLAM &christianity have become so inhuman,so cruel,so brutal,so intolerant,so dogmatic,so bloodthirsty,so hateful of nonbelievers. Both ISLAM &christianity were spread by force - Islam at the point of sword. ISLAM went out invading,marauding murderous moslems conquering - destroying ,looting,destroying other religious places,raping,desecrating,subjugating,enslaving,ruling,colonizing other people,other lands . Both ISLAM &christianity built with rivers of blood of innocent,ignorant,illiterate,poor,gullible masses,pagans. ISLAM went out conquered half of the world,destroyed,conquered,forced conversions,enslaved,colonized . The other half of world was conquered ,enslaved,colonized,ruled by christianity. It is pure simple common sense,rational thought - borne out of ample evidence that Qurran & ISLAM is a copied version of christianity . Most of the ideas of ISLAM are borrowed,copied from christinaity,judaism. This makes complete sense - as they were living together at that time. By proclaiming so many brutal ideas,deeds of savagery,cruelty,illogical,instilling fear,jingoistic hatred ( like apostacy,kafir/infidel; fatwas,Jihads,Dhimmi-Dhimmitude,Darul Harb ,slavery,jannat,Houris) against nonbelievers,referred with contempt as Kufrs/infidels/animals , Mohammad imposed one of the most evil religions on humanity & sowed the seeds of perpetual war between ISLAM & nonmoslems. It is ludicrous to leave ISLAM & convert to christianity - forgetting the fact that ISLAM is a copied version of christianity . So, it becomes axiomatic that If ISLAM was abhorable & evil - then christianity is equally abhorrable & repulsive. Don't forget the fact that almost all christians who convert to ISLAM - think that ISLAM is the brother ( TWIN) of christianity. This belief & affinity makes lot of christians to look upon ISLAM as their cousin !!! & hence blindly convert to it- with out studying the basic tenets ,philosophy,values,ethos,principles. IF they do think,analyze,think intelligently - no christian will convert to ISLAM as ISLAM can be judged as the most evil religion.
Name: Bobby
Date: Friday October 05, 2007
Time: 12:00:29 -0700
Even if one ignores all the evil preachings in Islam, there is nothing useful in it that helps people spiritually or become a good person. Repeating some Arab phrases is not prayer. Why not look at Dr Wayne Dyer's discourses if you are looking for some enlightnment and peace?
Name: dobropet
Date: Friday October 05, 2007
Time: 15:15:32 -0700
well said and written, i agree completely with your area of emotional sadness, to see this many people become compelled to express themselves so vehemently. Alot of what is said here(comments) still does not relate to the fact that documented history shows. In light of the fact that evidence exists to support the idea the the bible was in fact written that far back before jesus was born, is fact that the bible is take from earlier texts found at a site known as shumer(the biblical sumer, if memory serves correct). One of the stories is the Erra Epos, that describes of an evil wind that destroyed much of the sinai pennisula, it tells of events(in a lament of sorts) that led up to the use of weapons by the gods to destroy the sinning cities. This directly parralels the biblical destruction of sodom and gomorrah, written well before the aforementioned biblical texts. As for religious capacities, I have no knowledge of such involvement by deities, but for reference look up a book called "The Wars of Gods and Men." It gives credibal evidence to the daily activities of gods and men in the time well before the coming of christ. And, well said kelly! Ann Coultier is a personal fave of mine too.
Date: Saturday October 06, 2007
Time: 01:48:57 -0700
MUSLIM WOMEN ARE THE TOILET BOWLS OF ISLAM (The Depraved Evil That Is Islam) By Larry Houle ???When it's time to pray and you have just used the toilet or touched a woman, be sure to wash up. If you can't find any water, just rub some dirt on yourself. 5:6 Muhammad described women as "unclean" creatures. In a Hadith, Muhammad says, "Three things corrupt prayer: Women, dogs, and donkeys." There are several other sayings in which Muhammad reduced women to the level of an animal. "Woman is a vile beast," and "I think that women were created for nothing but evil." "'The woman has two things to cover her: the grave and marriage.' It was asked, 'Which of them is better?' He (Muhammad) said, 'The grave.'??? Tabari I:280 ???Allah said, ???It is My obligation to make Eve bleed once every month as she made this tree bleed. I must also make Eve stupid, although I created her intelligent.??? Because Allah afflicted Eve, all of the women of this world menstruate and are stupid.??? Pity a Muslim woman having the very grave misfortune to be born into Islam. She is half a human being. The reason for her existence is to serve her husband and obey his commands unconditionally. The woman has no right to behave as though she possesses any authority or influence over her husband. They don???t have any voice unless their husbands ask their opinion. Muhammad said that: he "forbade women to talk except by leave of their husbands." Women are not allowed to go out except out of necessity, but for the occasion of the two feasts: The Greater Bairam (festival) and the Lesser Bairam. They are also not allowed to walk down the roads, but keep to the edges of the street. "Women are not allowed to use the middle of the road.", "Women are not to be greeted nor to greet." "If it had been given me to order someone to prostrate themselves in front of someone other than God, I would surely have ordered women to prostrate themselves in front of their husbands." "A woman cannot fulfil her duties towards god without first having accomplished those that she owes her husband." As a baby factory, she also has to bear him children and hide herself from the public, as though her very existence were a shame. If she displeases him ??? he has the full right to beat her. "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them" (4:34). Tabari IX:113 ???Allah permits you to shut them in separate rooms and to beat them, but not severely. If they abstain, they have the right to food and clothing. Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Qur???an. SEX AFTER FLOGGING: Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 132: Narrated 'Abdullah bin Zam'a: The Prophet said, "None of you should flog his wife as he flogs a slave and then have sexual intercourse with her in the last part of the day." Ideally when you flog one of your wives, let her recuperate that day and sleep with your other wives or your slave girls HOW TO BEAT YOUR WIFE TO AVOID BREAKING HER BONES Islamic way of beating or flogging wives is striking at their padded areas to avoid breaking any bones. Here is an example how considerate our prophet was when he beat his wives on their padded parts. Muslim Book 004, Number 2127: Ayesha narrated. "He struck me on the chest which caused me pain. " (However if your wife is breast feeding , prefer to strike on her buttocks MERCY IN CASE OF CIRCUMCISSION OF WOMEN: In those days it was customary to cut the external female genitalia completely when circumcising women. The Prophet instructed to do cutting in moderation. That showed his kindness and concern for women's pleasure in love making. Sunan Abu Dawud Book 41, Number 5251: Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband. While she is living this pathic life, her righteous husband is in the Mosque praying 5 times a day so upon his death he can ascend with a permanent hard on to a slut filled Paradise of Big breasted, Big eyed virgin sluts who re generate as virgins after each sex act ??? Allah???s eternal whore house. If he is inclined to young boys, they will be there as well so he can sexually molest them. But the single-minded slaves of Allah will enjoy a Garden filled with lovely-eyed virgins. 37:40-48 Female companions await those who enter the Gardens of Eden on the Day of Reckoning. 38:52 Allah will reward faithful Muslims after they die with "fair ones with wide, lovely eyes." 44:54 Allah will reward those in the Garden with beautiful wives with wide, lovely eyes. 52:20 Allah will give those in the Garden women of modest gaze whom neither man nor jinn have touched before them. 55:56 Allah will reward believing men with "fair ones" (beautiful women) in heaven. 55:71-72 Those in the Garden will be attended by immortal youths with wide, lovely eyes. 56:17-23 Both Allah and Muhammad hated women with a passion. 37:149-155 Now ask them their opinion: Is it that thy Lord has (only) daughters, and they have sons?- Or that We created the angels female, and they are witnesses (thereto)? Is it not that they say, from their own invention, "God has begotten children"? but they are liars! Did He (then) choose daughters rather than sons? What is the matter with you? How judge ye? Will ye not then receive admonition? Allah and his Messenger ??? Muhammad regard women as sexual objects to be screwed anytime the husband wishes even on a camel saddle. "A wife should never refuse herself to her husband even if it is on the saddle of a camel." Likens a woman to a field (tilth), to be used by a man as he wills: "Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will" (2:223); If the husband wants more sex ??? he can rape infidel women. ???All married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. You can't have sex with married women, unless they are slaves obtained in war (with whom you may rape or do whatever you like).??? 4:24 ???You don't have to be modest around your wives or your slave girls "that your right hand possess." 23:6 Husband has right to sex at any time Women must keep their sexual organs ready at all times for the husband to enjoy them unhindered at any time???night or day Sahih Bukhari ??? 4.54.460, 7.62.81; Sahih Muslim ??? 8.3367, 3368; Ghazali ??? vol 2, p. 43 A husband has the right to have sex with his wife by force (the right to rape) Hedaya ??? p. 141 Muslim women are totally and completely inferior to men ??? 2:228 And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable; but men have a degree (of advantage) over them. And God is Exalted in Power, Wise. ??? 2:282 get two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her. ??? 4:11 God (thus) directs you as regards your Children's (Inheritance): to the male, a portion equal to that of two females ??? 4:176 They ask thee for a legal decision. Say: God directs (thus) about those who leave no descendants or ascendants as heirs. ... if there are brothers and sisters, (they share), the male having twice the share of the female. 4:3 Marry of the women two, or three, or four. 4:11 Males are to inherit twice that of females. 4:14 Women have very little intelligence???their own testimony is inadmissible in rape cases; in other matters their testimony is half to that of a man Of course, Muhammad ??? The Prophet Of A Piece of ??? - as the sexual buddy of perverted depraved pimp - Allah can have unlimited sex. ONE NIGHT STAND FOR PROPHET: One night stands were free for Prophet Mohammed and were part of prophetic perks. 33.50 Mohammed, any woman who offered herself to you is halal for you. Obligation to practice this aya made logistics a big problem for our prophet who already had nine wives , his concubines , and a regular supply of captured women from jihadi raids. But Allah's wishes had to be carried out. Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 24: A woman came to Allah's Apostle and said, "O Allah's Apostle! I have come to give you myself. Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 48: Narrated Hisham's father: Khaula bint Hakim was one of those ladies who presented themselves to the Prophet. 'Aisha said, "Doesn't a lady feel ashamed for presenting herself to a man?" Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 53: Narrated Thabit Al-Banani: "A woman came to Allah's Apostle and presented herself to him, saying, 'O Allah's Apostle, have you any need for me?' "Thereupon Anas's daughter said, "What a shameless lady she was! Shame! Shame!" Anas said, "She was better than you; she had a liking for the Prophet. ???Muhammad's wives need to be careful. If they criticize their husband, Allah will replace them with better ones.??? 66:5 BABY TILTHS: 65.4 You can marry (and divorce) little girls who have not yet reached menstruation age. Our prophet married Ayesha at age 6 to comply with this aya. However due to her tender age he had to restrict himself to thighing before she reached age of 9. Thighing is defined by Islamic scholar Khomeini in "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990 as follows: "Thighing is a means for an adult male to enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her." The following is from a committee of muslim ulema answering the question: "the Prophet, the peace of Allah be upon him, practiced "thighing" of Aisha - the mother of believers - may Allah be pleased with her." After a life time of mental and physical abuse the Muslim women???s reward is to be sent to hell for all eternity. Among the inmates of Heaven women will be the minority" (Sahih Muslim 36: 6600);........ "I (Mohammed) have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-Fire were women...[because] they are ungrateful to their husbands and they are deficient in intelligence" (Sahih Bukhari: 2:18:161; 7:62:125, 1:6:301). Those who "did wrong" will go to hell, and their wives will go to hell with them (no matter how they behaved). 37:22-23
Name: Marie
Date: Saturday October 06, 2007
Time: 11:58:18 -0700
I want to state that I am not promoting my religion, I am trying to explain what Christians believe. Christians believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, which includes both the new and the old testament. Christians believe that God chose the Jews to bring salvation to humanity, and that through all the events that occurred in the Old testament, the Jews were able to fulfill God's promise of salvation to humanity through the birth of his son. We believe that if the events ( battles ) did not occur than Jesus would not have been born. Also Christians consider the new testament as the word of God, because Jesus was God incarnate. Christians God sent his son down to earth in order to bring salvation to humanity in order to save humanity from sin and the pit of hell. We also believe that through Jesus's sacrifice on the cross is the way for Christians to atone for our sin, to reconcile ourselves with God. I am not trying to proselytize here, I'am merely saying that this is what Christians believe. If anyone disagrees with my statements I am open to a debate on this open forum.
Name: abc
Date: Sunday October 07, 2007
Time: 10:39:12 -0700
This website runs by pro-Christian and pro-Zionist agents. Some of them also promote Christianity by attacking Islam. So, it is clear and simple.
Name: PMK
Date: Sunday October 07, 2007
Time: 11:41:01 -0700
Marie, How do you arrive at the conclusion that the Bible is the infallible word of God? The Old Testament is primarily a collection of stories and history from the Israelites. God didn't dictate it. Even if God dictated the Torah to Moses it has been translated and retranslated through the ages. It has been copied over by men. Likewise with the New Testament. The four gospels were written by different men with different aims. Mark desired to emphasize Jesus' divinity and so he concentrated on miracles. Luke was the only one to relate the births of both Jesus and John the Baptist. The gospels were written over the course of several decades. They conflict with one another. The epistles were written by the early Christians, primarily Paul. All are the works of men. Even the book of Revelation is one man's interpretation of his experiences. The Bible is the work of human beings, some of whom may have been divinely inspired but it is merely an interpretation of God's message. That message was passed down to us. All of us are supremely fallible.
Name: xyz
Date: Monday October 08, 2007
Time: 02:04:50 -0700
TO KELLY: Why is it that you get upset with us being proud of our religion?? By the way i addressed the author of this article, don't know why you jumped into the scene.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Monday October 08, 2007
Time: 11:43:51 -0700
To xyz: You seems like that you want to follow your monster God So called Alla & so called Profeteer MO, the rapist,pedo,murderer & if it is true the originator of evil ISLAM,Slavery,destroyer of human mind & soul. This is not your monopoly - just like you seem to follow in your Mo's foot print. Anybody can post their opinion here including kelly & you . From your posting messages - it evident ,crystal clear - that you are not interested in rational,logical,scientific discourse- as is exactly expected as the follower of MO_HAm_MAD- the intolerant,fascist ,slave driver,dogmatic war monger,killer. Instead of telling intolerant gibberish incoherent,useless, words you can tell anything good from qurran,ISLAM,AllA,MO citing from history,facts,truth. There, you are zero- nothing even remotely worth to be considered. ISLAM is a dark chapter in human history. The great tragedy for humanity is to allow this evil cult to remain anymore in human civilization. Already much devastation has been done to human civilization,psyche,history. It is time to flush this sewage out & lift the followers of Mo to light from darkness.Make this beautiful world a better place after flushing out ISLAMIC sewage.
Name: xyz
Date: Tuesday October 09, 2007
Time: 01:12:18 -0700
KAFIR infidel ex communist whatever your name is: HA HA HA HA HA HA I'm just laughing at your comments. Very funny actually the hatred you have for muslims. Anyway, i dont want to waste any more time....Islam is the greatest...This is freedom of speech for you...........
Name: me
Date: Tuesday October 09, 2007
Time: 09:30:43 -0700
hey , i'm an ex muslim and during a while (just after leaving islam) i seriously considered converting to christianity , then i read the bible ...and found out it is nothing short of old tales and hebraic mythology , no different from the greek mythology , and most of its characters were simply invented ( especially those who live up to 900 years!) , i was disappointed , because i could find god nowhere , then i decided that all religions are false and the existance of a deity is an unsolvable question , at least with today's science , no one ever saw any god , neither yahweh nor allah nor any other ;, i desperately wait for the day when all religions will disappear and humanity becomes illuminated and united again !!!
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday October 09, 2007
Time: 13:22:24 -0700
To XYZ : (whatever faceless,nameless creature you are ),keep laughing at your own ignorance but poisoned,filled with hatred,vengence,bloodthirsty,intolerant,evil,wicked theology that is Mo_HAM_Madenism. Tell us what is good about you ,your evil,wicked,pedo MO ,about ISLAM/ic basic tenets,about any moslems country,about qurran ,about Hadis ,sunna etc. You must know that islam is copied from christianity & bible,judaism,. Tell us about islamic history . You can select Saudi Arabia or paki_satan or iran or any other moslem country. You must feel ashamed even to mention the names of these Islamic countries - becoze they are so pathetic,evil,wicked,inhuman,intolerant,barbaric,fascist theocracies . If you find anything good in a moslem country - post it here. ISLAM = hatred+murder+fear+vengence+murderous+intolerance+fascist+discrimination + misogyny+barbarism+cruelty+inhuman etc. ISLAM is against dance,singing,music,painting. ... XYZ - tell us your values,how you want to live like a good human being ,your philosophy . every good human being must reject ISLAM & must feel ashamed for being a moslem.
Name: Marie
Date: Tuesday October 09, 2007
Time: 14:20:09 -0700
PMK you have a point. The Bible is a collection of stories and battles of the Jews. But the Jewish prophets like Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, and Elijah received their prophesies and revelations directly from God. Why Christians included the old testament as part of the Bible is because it tells of God's promise of the Jews as the Chosen people and of their struggles to survive. As for the new testament, Luke is believed an eyewitness account of Jesus's life and ministry and the eyewitness is believed to be Jesus's mother Mary, which explains why the story of Jesus's birth is told in Luke. The book of John was written by John Mark, one of Jesus's disciples and an apostle. Because the authorship of the Bible is uncertain, we have to go by faith in God alone and trust in his guidance. I know that to many people this sounds illogical and that we are blind and dumb people, who are being brainwashed by religion, but for us to have faith alone in God is justified.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday October 09, 2007
Time: 22:50:16 -0700
To me ( & also addressed to all ): It is good that you are exploring the spiritual path after coming out of Islam... But there is lot of misinformation/deception,lies from ISLAMISTS & christianity. If you chose to be an atheist - then there is no problem - all the best . But your conclusion that all religions are false is- could be wrong.Even great geniouses & scientists like Einstein & stephen Hawkings never argued against God. But none the less it is an hypothesis - a much needed useful assumption.we all can argue about it. It is Ok. But there is lot of ignorance & unawareness - perhaps based on bias & prejudice against Hindu religion - the oldest of them all. In all respects Hindu dharma differs & diametrically opposite of single book ,prophet based ,revealed religions. Think all these points. Actually Hinduism is not a religion - but it is a way of life based on - with moral codes ,values,ethics,principles,philosophy,humanism ,open ended ideas-philosophy. The word "Hindu" it self was of greek/persian origin ,relatively of recent times . No where in Vedic texts & other scriptures - the word Hindu is mentioned . ISLAM / christianity put the label "RELIGION" on Hinduism also. The original word perhaps is SANATANA DHARMA ( even this can be questioned) whcih means eternal values .SO you see -the words - "Hindu" & "Religion" are foisted on Hindus by outsiders - by ISLAM/christianity /western writers. In other fundamental principles Hindu DHARMA differs from ISLAM/Christianity. 1) Hindu DHARMA is not an organized religion like ISLAM/Christianity. Which by itself means that ISLAM/christianity use their collective communal power to subjugate &enslave nonbelievers of Islam/christianity by destroying their soul & mind & spirit - as has happened in human history - throughout. Take a look at world map.One half of world was invaded ,conquered,subjugated,converted,enslaved by ISLAM & then ruled. Similarly other 1/2 was invaded ,conquered,enslaved,ruled ,colonized by christianity. See the world history.....2) There is no heirarchy & central authority in Hindu Dharma, to impose theology, rules,edicts,fatwas. It is upto the individual- and the spirituality springs from within the individual- a concept called self realization- no out side imposition as is done in the case of ISLAM/christianity since birth by blowing in the ears. ...3) ther is no proselytization in Hindu DHARMA - no middle man to give sermons as they do in ISLAM/christianity....... 4) There is no missionary activity in HINDU dharma - conversion of other faiths people to Hindu dharma. .. 5) Hindu DHARMA is the most liberal,progressive, (open ) ,democratic, most tolerant,most peace loving. ...6) Hindu dharma do not seek to impose anything on an individual.. which means that an atheist can be considered as HINDU . ... These are major differences . Many more are there . When one studies all the principles,ethos,morals,philosophy of Hindu Dharma - then they will realize that this is truly universal ,eternal,meant for all the world . I will post more ideas/philosophy /principles of Hindu DHARMA.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Wednesday October 10, 2007
Time: 20:46:42 -0700
To M. A Khan,Mohammad Asghar,Abul kasem,Syed kamran Mirza, Alamghir Hussain & other Bangla deshi Ex.Moslems. It is admirable that as good human beings with honesty,integrity,with great sensitivity,with good conscince combined with the desire to do good to all fellow human beings prompted you to tell truth based on facts & history - by renouncing & denouncing the evil -cult with extreme hatred,hostility,ill will,blood thirsty ISLAM/ISLAMISTS/ followers of profeteer mohammad. Islam is really ,truly fascism,totalitarianism combined with violence,intolerance,cruelty,misogyny & darkness.... As people grew up in Bangladesh - one can expect that you have good understanding of Hindu,Buddhist ,jain religions. Alas ! it does not seem to be so . It wont be wrong if it is presumed that your great,great grand fathers,mothers could be Hindus. But your writtings do not reflect that great understanding,knowledge,ethos of Hindu religion - one can see - still you carry some bias agianst Hindu religion - perhaps your knowledge is not complete & also without complete analysis. Since - Hindus are notoriously passive,not organized,lacking resources (compared with Islam/christianity ) - it is sometimes necessary to post correct Hindu perspective in the interest of justice,equality,truth. with that intention - the above breif was posted - but note that my knowledge of Hinduism is also very sketchy as I am not a practicing Hindu.
Name: dobropet
Date: Thursday October 11, 2007
Time: 10:55:36 -0700
Man is from earth? Who put that in your mind? What informative or literary reference did you surmise that piece of knowledge from? By all accounts scientists are in union when the age old question of "man on earth?" and how it developed here is not readily understood or explained away, when given our intelligence and creativity in various fields of knowledge, every scientific explanation is in bafflement as to how we got here. The earth contains too little of the elements needed to create the varying array of individuals living upon this planet, this does not say though that there were other animals not already living here. As has been stated in the Bible and Quran, there was interventionism, when the adam was to be created it was stated, "let us make mankind in our own image". Can it not be said that we were given the attributes of the creator, or creators, to surmise and deduce for ourselves that, in one way or another, we've been placed here for an underlying purpose? And also, it is not just the Bible or the Quran that conveys this creation method, but a text found well before either of those two were even written, that gives the same message as to our rendition. to be continued....