Each day that goes by, without any concrete action to stop the
Iranian nuclear program, brings the Islamist state many steps closer
to its goal of “wiping the Jewish state off the map” and at least
trying to destroy the “Great Satan” by becoming a nuclear weapon
state. Observers have no doubt that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s
apocalyptic utterances are not mere rhetoric. His attempts to deny
the Holocaust and his support for the terrorist organizations like
Hamas and Hezbollah, demonstrate that there is simply no way for his
ambitions to be realized without perpetrating a new genocide.
According to Newt Gingrich, “America and
Israel have long been bound together as fellow democracies. But what
binds us together today is something even stronger: the threat to
our survival from fanatics armed with nuclear and biological
Evidence abound that in the Islamist view the destruction of the
United States of America is linked with the destruction of the
Jewish state. That’s why they invest a lot of their time, resources
and energy to demonize Israel. Wahhabi establishment and Khomeinists
have declared at numerous occasions that they will target Israel
first. Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Rear Admiral Mohammad-Ebrahim
Dehqani was quoted recently as saying to Iran’s student news agency
ISNA, “We have announced that wherever America does something evil,
the first place that we target will be Israel.”
Political analysts were not surprised to hear one of Iran’s most
influential ruling clerics, Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani,
calling on the Muslim states to use nuclear weapons against Israel,
assuring them that while such an attack would annihilate Israel, it
would cost them "damages only". Ayatollah Rafsanjani told the crowd
at the traditional Friday prayers in Tehran, "If a day comes when
the world of Islam is duly equipped with the arms Israel has in
possession, the strategy of colonialism would face a stalemate
because application of an atomic bomb would not leave anything in
Israel but the same thing would just produce damages in the Muslim
In a lengthy speech to mark the so-called "International Qods
(Jerusalem) Day" celebrated in Iran only, Mr. Hashemi-Rafsanjani,
who, as the Chairman of the Assembly to Discern the Interests of the
State,is the Islamic Republic’s number two man after Ayatollah Ali
Khameneh’i,said, "Jews shall expect to be once again scattered and
wandering around the globe the day when this appendix is extracted
from the region and the Muslim world." Mr. Hashemi-Rafsanjani
warned, blaming on the United States and Britain the "creation
of the fabricated entity" in the heart of Arab and Muslim world.
The fact that the Jewish mind is responsible for the evolution of
a democratic sociology that encourages debate, accepts dissension as
natural and respects differences of opinion as a way to move forward
is anathema for any fascist religion. Iran’s Mullahs, who represent
the worst form of fascism, can not accept the Jewish presence
anywhere as it represents a mortal threat to their totalitarian way
of life. Anyone following Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s statements has no
difficulty in reaching the conclusion that he is the reincarnation
of Adolf Hitler and that’s why it will be a great folly to think
that only Israel is the target of the Khomienist Reich; the whole
Western world that believes in openness is in its crosshairs.
It is obvious that Iran’s provocative posture is emblematic of a
long term Islamist strategy to create an environment of fear in
Israel. Aware of the fact that they can’t destroy either the U.S. or
Israel militarily, the thrust of global jihad has always been to
achieve its goal by weakening the resolve of the West to defend
itself by inducing fear, doubt and panic among its citizens. And
Iran’s acquisition of nuclear capability will certainly go a long
way toward realizing that goal. Analysts are certain that Iran’s
success in crossing the nuclear threshold will give the Islamists
their biggest victory in their psychological war against Israel and
the United Sates of America.
There is a widespread perception among the Islamists that Israel’s
days are numbered. They are confident that their scare tactics and
violent methods are working. And statements like Ehud Olmert’s
“We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being
courageous, we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our
enemies” without any doubt serve as a sign of their
strategy’s validity.
It is clear that whatever Israel has done to achieve peace has
worked to consolidate an Islamist sense of victory. Steps like
extracting Jews from the West Bank settlements and statements like,
“We are ready to compromise, to give up parts of the beloved
land of Israel … and evacuate, under great pain,
Jews living there, in order to create the conditions that will
enable you to fulfill your dream and live alongside us” (bbc
News, March 29), were considered by a people who only understand the
language of power as a sign of weakness. Islamists are sure that
their strategy is working.
Arabs have always used psychological warfare against Israel; the
massacre of the Jews of Hebron in 1929 almost 20 years before the
establishment of the Jewish state was aimed at scaring away
potential new Jewish immigrants by sowing fear in their hearts; the
continuous and persistent homicide bombings are also aimed at
scaring the Israeli citizens to lose hope in the future of their
homeland and leave. And Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons is
only going to broaden the scope of this psychological warfare.
Islamist fascism has already found a number of ways to slow bleed
the scientifically and technologically advanced and militarily
powerful “infidel world” by employing homicide bombers, exploiting
left and liberal sentiments that have historically been arrayed
themselves against the U.S. considering it the epitome of
Imperialism, planting fifth columns within the West which arrange,
orchestrate and stage events that lead to the spread of
anti-Americanism and resorting to cold war era propaganda tactics
that are aimed at generating public opinion against anti-terrorist
policies of the civilized world.
There are opinions that insist that Iran’s nuclear weapons will not
affect the ongoing war on Islamist terrorism as Tehran will not be
able to use those weapons. They are wrong. It is not the actual use
of the weapons that are in question but the psychological boost they
will provide to Islamist fascism; Tehran will use its nuclear status
to encourage and back organizations like Hezbollah and Al-Qaeda to
launch attacks on American interests in the Middle and South East
One important lesson that the world must learn from Adolf Hitler’s
genocide is that the verbal threats emanating from fascist quarters
must never be ignored. When Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
says things like, “The annihilation of the Zionist regime will
come... Israel must be wiped off the map... And God willing, with
the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without
the United States and Zionism,” he must be taken seriously.
No sane person can deny that Israel’s destruction is at the heart of
each and every Islamist arrangement and Iran, right now, is
spearheading that campaign. It is also a fact that Israel’s strength
and existence is critical for the survival of democratic values on
which the whole human civilization is based today. These democratic
values have not come to be easily. Humanity had to make tremendous
sacrifices in sweat and blood to create a mind that refuses to be
intimidated and overwhelmed by totalitarianism of any kind and
shape. Our open societies are the direct result of this mentality.
And Islamist fascists led by Iran’s Mullahs are determined to undo
these labors.
Islamism is very clever. In its pursuit to destroy Israel it is
employing a number of weapons. On the one hand it has the services
of all the terrorists who believe in waging a violent jihad (Holy
War) and on the other hand it has the dedication of numerous
Islamist, leftist and liberal organizations who very craftily cast
all the anti-terror steps taken by free societies in terms of civil
liberty and human right violations. And then on top of all this they
are waging a psychological war aimed at creating a sense of
hopelessness among the citizens of the free world by creating an
impression that Islamists are winning and going to prevail in the
Media reports suggest that if Iran crosses the nuclear threshold, it
will radically alter the region. Emboldened by the bomb, newspaper
reports say, Iran could provide Islamic militant movements Hezbollah
and Hamas with longer-range and deadlier rockets to fire at Israel
than the current stock of Katyushas and Kassams. It could also veto
any Palestinian or other Arab effort to make peace with the Jewish
Even some Israelis have fallen victim to this Islamist psychological
warfare; they are ready to throw in the towel. There are signs that
the specter of a nuclear-armed Iran has already rattled Israel's
self-confidence. There are speculations that many Israelis may
decide to leave Israel. A December poll in the newspaper Maariv
found that 27% of Israelis would leave or consider leaving if Iran
acquired nuclear weapons. Two-thirds of those surveyed said they
believed Iran would drop a nuclear weapon on Israel. They think that
Israel is alone and will not be able to survive this continuous
barrage of attacks on the lives and properties of the Israelis.
Iran’s success in arming itself with nuclear weapons will deepen
this sense of despondency.
Against this backdrop it can safely be concluded that the threat to
Israel’s existence has never been so real. According to Newt
Gingrich, “In Israel, the threat to that
nation's very survival has not been this great since the 1967 war.
And the reason for the current danger is this: If our enemies get
nuclear weapons, they are going to use them.”
Now the question is ARE WE GOING TO LET