Fitna and Appeasing Islam—Is It Worth Doing?
01 April, 2008
- 8:60 The Muslims should muster all their power and might, including steeds of war (tanks, planes, missiles…) to strike terror in the hearts of the unbelievers (by killing them—ibn Abbas).
- 47:4 When the believers meet the unbelievers they should smite at unbelievers’ necks (when you fight against them, cut them down totally with your swords—ibn Kathir).
- 8:39 Fight until there are no more unbelievers (non-Muslims) and tumult (this verse overrides all other verses on fighting the infidels, including the Jews and the Christians); if they accept Islam then leave them alone.
- 4:56 Unbelievers will be cast in fire, their skins roasted often, skins changed often for more roasting (the skin will be roasted seventy thousand time every day; the new skin will be as white as paper—ibn Kathir).
- 4:89 Seize and slay the renegades (i.e., apostates of Islam) wherever you find them. (Maududi 4/118: This is the verdict on those hypocritical confessors of faith who belong to a belligerent, non-Muslim nation and actually participate in acts of hostility against the Islamic state).
It is clear Greet Wilders did not present anything original. He
merely re-stated the contents of the Koran, forcefully depicted with
true pictures of those verses in action.
The Islamic Ummah is now furious, why an infidel portrays the true colour of Islam? In this chorus of peaceful Islam, Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations has also joined in. Predictably, the peaceful Islam has promptly issued the threat of murder of Geert Wilders and the employees of Live Leak, the website that hosted the premiere. It had to off-load Fitna to protect the lives of its employees. These are just mundane jobs of Islam—the standard practices, the world is now so used to these peaceful acts of Islam that they [these threats] do not at all surprise anyone.
Despite the shut down of Fitna from Live Leak, this short movie by Geert Wilders is spreading like wild-fire. I knew this truth when my wife was so eager to watch this film. She watched it at Google and was stunned at what she read and saw. When an ordinary house-wife becomes so enthusiastic about the ‘true’, ‘peaceful’ Islam then it must be an unusual event.
So, why the world’s political leaders [including Ban Ki-moon] could not find what a simple-minded, average, unsophisticated, uninformed [in Islam] housewife could so easily trace?
Amazingly, when every word, every picture in Fitna was corroborated with verses from the Koran, these world-leaders never mention the word Koran, instead, they blame the producer of the movie for inciting hate. How strange: the Koran preaches the hate, murder, genocide, but when the un-Islamic world quotes those verses, it is not the Koran that preaches the annihilation of the non-Islamic world; it is the fault of the un-Islamic world—why must they quote those verses?
This defies logic. These same world-leaders will keep their mouth shut when jihadists use many similar verses to justify the complete annihilation of the un-Islamic world.
It is crazy, to say the least.
Let us review a few verses which bin Ladin uses to perpetrate terror and slaughter on infidels and on not-so-good Muslims.
2:156 Everything belongs to Allah, and everyone will return to Him.
3:75 Some people of the Book can be trusted with money; some cannot be trusted.
We might wonder why bin Ladin uses this verse. Let us read the context:
A man asked Ibn `Abbas, "During battle, we capture some property belonging to Ahl Adh-Dhimmah, such as chickens and sheep.'' Ibn `Abbas said, "What do you do in this case'' The man said, "We say that there is no sin if we confiscate them in this case.'' He said, "That is what the People of the Book said, that is, there is no blame on us to betray and take the properties of the illiterates (Arabs)—ibn Kathir.
3:103 Islam will draw together former enemies; do not practice sectarianism (Osama b. Ladin uses this verse and 61:4 to unite the Islamist jihadists).
4:52 None can help whom Allah has cursed.
9:14 Allah fights the pagans in the hand of Muhammad (i.e., God kills the unbelievers by the hands of the Muslims. It is more humiliating for the disbelievers and more comforting for the hearts of the believers that the believers kill the unbelievers with their own hands—ibn Kathir, ibn Abbas, Jalalyn). Fight them and cover them with shame (this verse applies to all Muslims, they must kill non-Muslims with their own hands—ibn Kathir).
61:4 Allah loves those who fight, like a brick wall, His cause. (Osama bin Ladin uses this verse to unite the Islamist jihadists).
JMB [Jamiatul Mujahidin Bangladesh], used the following verses to justify their Islamic bombing and killing of Bangladesh’s not-so-good Muslims:
4:76 Believers fight for Allah; unbelievers fight for evil, so fight against the friends of Satan.
We might think this [JMB] outfit misinterprets the Koran. Let us read what a modern Islamist, Maulana Maududi has to say:
This lays down a clear verdict of God. To fight in the cause of God in order that His religion is established on earth is the task of men of faith, and whoever truly believes can never shirk this duty. To fight in the cause of taghut (authority in defiance of God) in order that the world may be governed by rebels against God is the task of unbelievers in which no believer can engage himself (Tafheem ul Qur'an, commentary number 4/105).
4:71 Go forth to fight alone or in parties all together. (This means one raiding party followed by the next; or move forward all together, in one assembly—Jalalyn).
Note that these two jihdi organisations are using quite different verses. What this means is that there are many hateful, savage, barbaric and blood-curdling verses in the Koran; anyone can pick at random to legitimise his slaughter operation.
Here are a few more verses from the Koran and their exegeses by eminent Islamic scholars. These verses entice the Islamist jihadists that they must kill non-Muslim with their own hands; they must not wait for Allah’s punishment.
8:10 By sending angels (in Badr), Allah put Muhammad’s heart at rest. (It is more humiliating for the disbelievers and more comforting for the hearts of the believers that the believers kill the unbelievers with their own hands—ibn Kathir).
8:12 Strike terror in the hearts of the unbelievers. (Allah will cast fear, disgrace and humiliation over those who defied his command and denied Muhammad—ibn Kathir); smite the unbelievers at their necks (i.e., behead the unbelievers—ibn Kathir) and cut off their fingers (cut off their heads, limbs, hands and feet—ibn Kathir. Terror means fear of Muhammad and his companions—ibn Abbas).
Why is it that the Ummah , the Islamic scholars, the Dhimmi world [including the UN] remain silent when the Islamist killers use those verses to defend their mayhem? Whose fault is it—the jihadists’ or the Koran?
Even when an ordinary house-wife had no doubt what is the root cause of all these Islamist terrorism, why must the world leaders pretend not to face the reality? Why must they act so cowardly? Why must they gratify Islam, when it [Islam] wants to burn the entire world?
The world might want peace, but Islam does not. It wants to completely destroy the un-Islam, and declare the victory of Islam. So why must we not face the truth? Why must we please Islam? Does the world owe Islam a living?
The world is waiting, waiting, and waiting for the correct answer.
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Abul Kasem is an Bengali ex-Muslim and academic. He has contributed in Leaving Islam - Apostates Speak Out and Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside. He has also written extensively on Islam in various websites and is the author of five e-Books: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Mr. Kasem leaves in Sydney, Australia. He can be contacted at
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 16:59:21 -0700
Thank you Abul Kasem. I got really frustrated today reading about Ban ki-Moon and what he said. I think they try to play politics instead of telling the truth, but till when are we going to keep playing the "make nice" game with the evil Islam? Its frustrating. People need to call a spade a spade.
Name: agnostic
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 17:08:55 -0700
Given the viral nature of the internet Geert Wilders film will live on. The internet caused the downfall of Malaysia's ruling party. Bloggers will cause the downfall of leftist moonbats, rid political correctness of the leftists and liberals, expose the elite's control of money, freedom of speech, their United Nazi (UN) detestable Agenda 21, Sustainable Education, Sustainable Medicine. Appeasement never worked in the past - Churchill was one prime example of one who doggedly fought against appeasement, he likened it to feeding the crocodile and being the last victim. The weenies, the pussies of the West's willing acquiscence and giving in to the demands of the filthy muslims is the road to slavery and suicide. Churchill fully recognised that the Nazis were men, mere men. Freedom loving people vanquished that evil. Already there are three men in the Front: the Pope, Geert Wilders and Allam who together with the rumbllings from the ground "That's all I can stand, 'cause I can't stand no more!" When that happens Islam will realize that it has once again misjudged its intended victims and the annihilation of muslims and the utter destruction of their countries will be effected. No allah to save them. allah has proven time and again to be helpless, hopeless, and shown he favours the god of the bible.******As a note of appreciation, Abul Kassem, sir, I consider your articles to be among the best. Priceless, indeed!
Name: Thanks to Geert Wilders!
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 21:54:52 -0700
His recent anti-Muslim racist film "Fitna" on the Quran, based on pure lies and deceptions, can be considered as a Million-Dollar free advertisement on behalf of Muslims! Non-Muslims are, in fact, helping Muslims to spread the Message of the Quran - no matter what it is. Because after publishing his film, more and more Dutch people are going to Islamic centers to learn about the Quran, out of curiosity, and some of them are converting to Islam or at least they are gaining some knowledge about it! The same had happened after 9/11 drama performed by Bush-Cheney terrorist gang. Because Quran is indeed a Revelation from God. So, a few non-Muslims who are racist and liar, in fact, working as true slaves of Muslims!
Name: Ali Khalaf
Date: Monday March 31, 2008
Time: 21:58:59 -0700
A man like Ban Ki Moon who thinks islam has nothing to do with violence has IQ of baboon and probably cannot tell his own a-hole from a hole in the ground
Name: Re: Thanks to Geert Wilders!
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 03:03:53 -0700
It is obvious that you are not happy about the film. Not because it´s a deception but because it tells the truth. But the to expose the truth is better for all of us. Even for muslims who very often do not know waht they are believing in. There are not so many reaction against the film, most people expected more. This is because the work of anti-islamism movements is beginning to take effect. Islamists are beginnig to get confused about the contradictions in their ideology. The start to question: Is this really the religion of peace?
Name: Mumin Salih
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 04:19:59 -0700
Thanks Abul Kasem. Islamically speaking, Ban Ki-Moon should be prosecuted in an Islamic court for criticizing Fitna! The film is purely a collection of three things, all of which are sacred in Islam. The Quranic verses, the speeches made by Islamic clerics in Islamic sermons and images of true jihad by true mujahideen. Speaking against the film is like speaking against Islam! Who knows, we may hear a fatwa against Ban! The film is no more than what you read and hear on Islamic sites, this is probably why the Islamic reaction was not that outrageous.
Name: Abu Issar
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 04:43:22 -0700
Look at it this way: The whole of the Western World is having its Neville Chamberlain on the airfield moment. It is only a matter of time before Adolf Muhammad makes his move.
Name: Diesel
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 05:35:25 -0700
Bang Ki-Moon is unfit to be a world leader!
Name: Godot
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 06:50:04 -0700
Muslims intimidate to propagate. While the West practice cowardice.
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 08:43:50 -0700
Form Confirmation Thank you for submitting the following information: Name: Allat Comment ADDITIONAL TO : REAL TERRORISM, GENOCIDE..BLAH BLAH: ____________Amazing that the opponents to Jesus are so unoriginal that they ALWAYS and ONLY quote the objectionable verses. N.B. There is evidence that these were inserted later._______________ But at any rate, whether or not, He ACTUALLY said them, Jesus also balanced those verses with the following verses: ___________ Off the top of my head, let me recount what Jesus ALSO said.__________ -He said: "Love your Neighbors as yourself."_______________ He said, "Do not repay evil with evil, but rather, do good"._____________ He told us of the "Lilies of the Field."___________Jesus broke bread with tax collectors and prostitutes. (who were/are anathema) AND forgave them._________He defended a prostitute against being stoned, chased away her accusers (Big, MACHO MEN), telling them that they were hypocrites because they had been her customers. Then He forgave her in the name of God, and advised her not to continue her lifestyle.________________He spoke of the Good Samaritan_____________He interacted with enemies of his people, and broke bread with them, Romans, prostitutes and tax collectors,_________He spoke to a woman in Samaria, who had many "husbands," she knew she was doing wrong, and Jesus had a peptalk with her advising her to stop, and in the name of the Father, FORGAVE HER,_______A Samaritan woman also recognized Jesus as a HOLY MAN and asked him for bread for her child, He gave her bread._______He turned loaves and fishes into many (Those were NOT rich people that came with backpacks loaded with picnic food - there were no KFC's- they were POOR - illiterate, ignorant people, that insisting on following him. They lived on the edge of starvation, and had no extra money for the side trip they made that day.). He gave us the "Sermon on the Mount" ( which seems to be a compilation of Spiritual sayings)______________Jesus even had to teach them to pray, their own priests never did, but took their hard-earned money ( there was no Social Security or Welfare then) -the Temple Priests made the people buy animal offerings at the Temple, so that the Priests could sacrifice their blood at the altar and THEN offer prayers. ____________In fact, Jesus broke COMPLETELY with the old Pharasaic religion, saying to the adherants of Jehovah, "You are of your Fathers the devils, deceivers and liars..."___________There after, Jesus was spied on as a troublemaker and a BLASPHEMER. Therefore, the Old Testament sayings quote do NOT apply to Jesus.____________Jesus died a painful death, forgiving those who had done that to him._____________Jesus taught us not to fear death, for there was a Life After. _________All the above is quite a difference from mohamed and islam, eh? Return to the form.
Name: Why are there no boycotts?
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 12:52:46 -0700
This time I don´t expect any boycotts against the netherlands. Why? Because Rotterdam is the key Oil-Terminal for the whole european mainland.
Name: Clot Club Creator
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 13:13:31 -0700
There will be no boyclot by the clot-believers because this might cause oil-clots to their exports. BTW, we were not made by god from clot!
Name: Mohammad copied gnostic texts
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 13:53:30 -0700
In surah 4:157 it is written that Jesus did not die at the cross. According to the quran it only looked this way. But this is clearly copied from one of many gnostic sources which claimed the same which totally different intentions some hundred years before. But there was no islamic record of this incident nor are there any islamic writings before Mohammad wrote the quran. He draw from everywhere he could and constructed an entirely new religion with many arabian pagan elements. The problem is that Mohammad even did not understand the texts he copied. For example, the story of jesus who created a living bird from clay in 3: 49 was written by christians to demonstrate that jesus christ was the son of god who was able to create living animals in the same manner god created humans. In the islamic teachings it does not make sense at all. It contradicts the islamic teaching that jesus was only a human. But Mohammad did not understand that and copied it because he wanted to have something about Jesus different from the bible. Here it becomes very clear that the bible is the original writing and the quran only a bad copy.
Name: agnostic
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 15:12:02 -0700
Much has been written about CLOT believers. 96.1 & 96.2 that man was created from a blood clot, but 21.3 & 24.45 says from water,19.67 from nothing, 3.59 & 35.11 from clay, 15.26 from mud and 16.4 & 75.37 says from a thickened liquid. SO WHICH PART OF THE QURAN IS RIGHT? WRONG?
Name: xcite
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 15:55:10 -0700
a left-wing blog has posted Fitna and took a stand. Is it the start of a revolution?
Name: TG - California, USA
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 18:20:50 -0700
To the chap below who quotes Bible verses that supposedly equate Jesus' words with those in the Koran, please observe that not one of the verses you quote has followers of Jesus beheading, smiting, murdering, raping or pillaging against those who do not follow him. His message about division is that those who follow him will, necessarily, be divided from those who don't. It's no different than Democrats and Republicans being divided over their respective ideologies ... as much as I may disagree with the other side, I have no interest in slaugthering them and raping their wives.
Name: agnostic
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 19:32:35 -0700
[[[The world is waiting, waiting, and waiting for the correct answer.]]]It is crystal clear that ALL freedom loving people have to take back their country. It is already proved that multiculti is a failed social experiment, does not work at all in countries that are basically indigenous and mutli culti introduced in by treacherous leftists who are in cahoots with islamists to allow the rule of tyranny on the natives. Britainstan is a glaring example of 10 years of Blair and Brown's treason. Europe is not far behind. But Europe fortunately has Germany which never was a democracy and longs for a Bismarck. The German born Pope who engineered the balkanisation of Yugoslavia will be the leader to rid the Continent of its muslims. Didn't he say that muslims must be converted if they wish to continue living in Europe not long after he became Pope? At the conversion of Magdi Allam the Pope said announced that the Church was no longer going to be cautious in regard to its policy of converting muslims. One of the main reasons Cardinal Ratzinger was elected pope was to confront an aggressive, militant Islam. Among his goals, the former German cardinal said he intended to protect Christians in muslim countries and Christian converts from Islamic brutality in Europe, indicating that muslim converts were a high priority for him. He was the Power behind the late Pope. If you don't think the Pope's involved, listen to the words of former UN President of the General Assembly, Charles Malik: "The only hope for this western world is an alliance between the Roman Catholic church which is the most commonly, influential, controlling, unifying, element, in Europe and the western orthodox church. ...The only hope for the western world lies then in a united Europe under the control of the Pope." The Pope is very well aware of the Marxist Leftist-Islamist alliance. **** Unfortunately there is no Winston Churchill or Oliver Cromwell in the British isles. The only party with guts is the BNP in a land of weenies. It is incredulous that natives could have allowed Nu Labour to extend traitor Blair's rule. It was already evident that Blair was creating Britain to be a safe haven for known terrorists kicked out of their own countries; they could see their culture and traditions being destroyed. They allowed themselves to be cowed into submission by draconian laws that even third world country people would not accept and would fight against. Mass immigration of muslims by Blair and now Brown has a sinister aim: to ensure Labour continue its tyranny while sleeping with the enemy. Mass immigration of muslims and polygamy ensures safe vote banks for Nu Labour perpetuity. The English people have done absolutely nothing over the last forty years to vote against immigration, so vehemently opposed by Enoch Powell, then what is one to conclude then? That Britainstanis themselves are willing to be replaced in their own country by islamists. It is a fact that no other minority in Britain poses such a drain on social services - maternity, mental health, housing, huge families, education, translation services, unemployment benefits, welfare benefits for multiple wives, to suffer "no go" areas especially in Luton whre Pakistanis thrive with their heroin trade in peace. Could not the natives see that the other minority groups living in Britainstan assimilate, live peacefully, contribute to the Treasury in contrast to muslim parasites who regard themselves "morally" superior to the natives , that their imams preach hatred , that arrogant demands made on the resources of taxpayers keep increasing? Asian muslims account for about 1 in 50 of British citizens, yet they dominate entire districts in the vicinities of their more than 1,350 mosques: 10 of them in Luton alone. Are muslim enclaves making a contribution to a flourishing multicultural mosaic? Or are they undermining the cohesion of Britain’s civil society? The Church of England Hands Over $500,000 Jiyza Payment, yet the natives are apathetic. 40% of the prison population are muslims. The Home Secretary recently showed her disgusting anti semitism in a letter to Moshe Feiglin that he was not welcome to the wretched isles although that gentleman had no intention to do so while bending backwards (must like the muslim screwing her backside) and appreciating the violence of the over 2000 Islamists MI5 has under surveillance for being “actively involved in supporting al-Qaeda”? She has made it very clear to everyone in the media thegovernment will come out saying that terrorist attacks has nothing to do with Islam, and that Islam is a “Religion of Peace”, even though the terrorist attacks called Jihad. Those whom god wish to destroy he first make mad applies to the Britainstanis . Don't whine or whinge - you allow it to happen, daily!****The war between civilisation (christianity) vs islam is already underway. The US, Germany and Israel have the capability to nuke all islamic countries off the map. They only need the WILL that is now lacking. Perhaps inspiration will come from the Pope who will use Germany's increasing armed forces and military power, including its navy.
Name: Christ is King
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2008
Time: 00:32:23 -0700
Why do you stupid Islamist think EVERYONE on earth should believe in your false god, and should be raped and killed for not believing? That is just wrong, everyone should be able to believe and worship however and whoever they wish to. Do you really think it's right to force your beliefs on the whole world? keep dreaming fools! Why do you treat your women so badly also? How would you like it if America came over there and forced you all to be Christins, and killed you if you didn't? That is what you all are trying to do...very stupid! You ragheads will never take over the world, you can't even run your own country. Geert Wilders movie is all true about your kind. I hope you all wake up soon and realize that you can not force your personal beliefs or that of the FALSE Allah on the world. I use to never have a problem with your religion until now, I see how you teach your children to hate and kill, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Name: islam is cult
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2008
Time: 06:15:44 -0700
Islam is invented religion (cult) that copied from all the texts that were known at that time with the addiction of Mohammed hatred. Not to mention that Allah derives from the pagan word for god. And if there really is some God up there he is laughing on peoples stupidity or more likely concerned what is happening down here. This world is old million of years and we are all human beings whith feelings, intellect and soul. We have this to use and I doubt God would like we opress this things. Any religion should enlight persons soul, to be a better person and so on...but this is not what is happening in islam. Its just divides, prohibits, punishes all what is out of its circle, so it is opressive- is this religion of peace? Talking about islamophobia is redicolous because we all know what is written in qoran. If there is justice on this world, in what I do believe, Mohammed is now burning down there.
Name: Islamic Deceiving Fatwas
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2008
Time: 07:10:07 -0700
See here
Name: Allat
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2008
Time: 07:35:05 -0700
Dear "Ali Sinner (a new satanic god of idol worshipers) has been dismantled in so many places"______________Oh, baby! Ali is NOT the only one! I'm happy to tell ya, I'm a Blasphemer, Heretic, Polytheist, Pagan, Amazon, Wild Woman.________Put THAT in your pipe and smoke IT!
Name: to: Thanks to Geert Wilders!
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2008
Time: 08:17:43 -0700
Careful what you wish for. A little knowledge is a dangerous Muslims. Like Americans after 9/11, maybe the Dutch are learning more about Islam but you may not like the results. The more people learn about Islam the more they are repulsed by it. Those of us who once saw it as just another religion now see it for the threat that it is - to human civilization. We are indeed seeing it as a revelation - of evil incarnate. Many of us were taught that the Crusades were wrong but now we see how right they were. Far from being offensive, they were a defensive measure in an attempt to turn back three centuries of Islamic aggression. Many ancient peoples were killed and thousand-year-old cities destroyed - by practitioners of the religion of peace. Our newfound interest in Islam is in response to the barbarism of modern Muslims, so maybe we SHOULD thank you - for opening our eyes to the evil that threatens to engulf us.
Name: agnostic
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2008
Time: 14:40:35 -0700
God's covenant with Abraham: "To you descendants I will give this country from the river of Egypt to the Great River, the river Euphrates, the Kenite, the Kenzizzite, the Kadmonite, the HIttite, the Perizite, the Raphaim, the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Girgashite and the Jebusite" Gen: 15: 18-21 . This means, from the River Nile right up to where Persia is today. There were no Middle East countries in 1918 such as S Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan. Arabia was ruled by the Ottoman Empire. Arabs are descendants of Egyptians and Hagarites. Note: NO PALIS! So muslim scourge of the earth, be ready and willing for total annihilation from the god of your forefather, Abraham.
Name: agnostic
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2008
Time: 15:02:58 -0700
the quran declares that MO was a sinner (9:43;40:55;47:19; 48:2;294:1-3, etc.), but Jesus was sinless (19:17-19). Get that stupid muslims?
Name: from Mohammad to Agnostic
Date: Wednesday April 02, 2008
Time: 22:00:05 -0700
I don't know why you refer to yourself by Agnostic. You are clearly a Zionist Christian probably waiting for your god to reappear somewhere in Israel and for some reason you think a few million powerless Palestinians are going to be a threat to the re-appearance of your god, hence your support for the dreadful Israeli policies against Muslims. But then I think you are really an Agnostic because if you truly believed in this nonsense you wouldn't have to be here on this website. Let me tell you one thing: this place is not going to solve the philosophical and logical problems that you have with Christianity. By attacking Islam those logical contradictions in Christianity will not disappear; don't waste your time.
Name: SomeOne
Date: Thursday April 03, 2008
Time: 15:31:51 -0700
Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam-Blog ist da. Endlich - der erste arabische hardcore Anti-Islam- Fotoalbum ist da. --- At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam blog is here. At last - the first Arab hardcore anti-Islam Photo Albums is here. --- أخيرا أول مدونة تعري وتفضح الإسلام أخيرا أول البوم صور يعري ويفضح الإسلام
Name: Jim Kennett VA seven GPD
Date: Friday April 04, 2008
Time: 08:31:18 -0700
he kind of looks like sharia law is Islams version of the stealth bomber you cannot see it coming and tell you been hit and then unfortunately it is too late with the radicals using sharia to justify their actions and the moderates remaining silent the silent majoritythings will not change myself I feel the real reason that there is so much fussover Mr. Wilder's film is because as long as it was see no evil hear no evil speak no evil the silent majority of Muslims could pretend everything was all right but now that the world can see what the radicals are up to their embarrassed because they have not stood up and told the radical minority of Islam to go crawl back under his rock and now anyone to watch the film can also see what is going on
Name: DH
Date: Saturday April 05, 2008
Time: 06:44:40 -0700
"Many of us were taught that the Crusades were wrong but now we see how right they were. Far from being offensive, they were a defensive measure in an attempt to turn back three centuries of Islamic aggression." Wrong wrong wrong wrong WROOONG!!!! It was nearly FIVE centuries of Islamic aggression!
Name: Mr. Wilders
Date: Monday April 07, 2008
Time: 04:22:45 -0700
After seeing this film, I think the only concern of Mr. Wilders is the future of Netherlands. He saw the brutallity of Islam, and doesnot want his country destroyed by this cult. His film is only a warning to all the people, of the Netherlands, and also of the World, about how brutal and unhumane Islam is. So sad the UN bans this film. Based on the Quran itself, which cannot be denied by the Moslem. All they can do is threathening, death fatwa etc.etc. In this film, the ugly face of Islam is revealed. Moslem, how can you deny the ayats revealed in this film? Do they exist or don't? Still dreaming in Utopia? Still you hide behind those empty slogans: Islam is a peaceful religion, Islam goes along with democracy and so on? Non Moslem, be aware!!! Islam is threathening your life !!! But if you wish to have sex with a nine year old girl or with your daughter in laws, accept Islam !!
Name: very peaceful
Date: Monday April 07, 2008
Time: 08:31:52 -0700
Why are muslims doing so much noise around this film if they think it is wrong? Maybe because it isn't so much wrong and the thruth hurts. God would never call people to kill each other.
Name: Manoj Padhi
Date: Wednesday April 09, 2008
Time: 18:32:05 -0700
Compare Fitna with Hinduism, that also from the CHICHAGO POLICE DEPARTMENT
Name: Peace upon all mental stabile people on this crazy world!
Date: Wednesday April 16, 2008
Time: 08:20:45 -0700
Islam can only be solution if you want to end this world. Islam is terroristic, opressive, crazy, nonspiritual, cult, womanhatred, unprogressive, unpeacful, brainwashing, nonlogical, mancentric, satanic, fearfull, barbaric, evil, retarded, darkaged... ecc. And make a fatwa now.
Name: Luke O'Malley
Date: Thursday May 29, 2008
Time: 17:26:11 -0700
Hmm . . . if you find fault based on truth with Islam you are a racist. Hmm . . . which race?