Lessons from the Jihadi Massacre in Mumbai
01 Dec, 2008
- It is a shame to Islam. Killing and maiming innocent, helpless, under any circumstances, is an act of unspeakable barbarity and gross criminality. That is why we have the International Convention on the conduct of warfare and the treatment of civilians, and prisoners of war. Only Islam has no qualm murdering innocent people, simply because they are not Muslims. I read in today’s newspaper (Sydney Morning Herald, December 1, 2008) that the jihadists spared the life of a Turkish Muslim man. The lone captured jihadist readily admitted that their mission was to kill at least five thousand non-Muslims.
Thanks to the power and skill of the Indian commando, these Allah’s fighters were subdued before they could harm more lives.
But their sponsors have got what they wanted most—the world-wide media attention.
Please note that about ten percent of the victims were foreigners, mostly people of white complexion. This tells us a chilling reminder:
To the jihadists the blood of a white westerner is more valuable than the blood of hundreds of non-white, Indian or Pakistani or Bangladeshi. For example; in September this year the jihadists bombed Marriott hotel in Islamabad, killing fifty-three people, all most all of them Pakistanis, except for a couple of western white people. There were no British or American killed.
The result? This Marriott bombing did not have the extent of western media coverage that the jihadists were craving. It was just news, and that was all. The jihadists were disappointed—Pakistani blood was not that valuable for the Allah’s killing machines.
Ditto for the bombing of Marriott Hotel Jakarta. The jihadists could not get the coverage they were after. The Indonesians’ blood is cheap; the jihadists do not value them much.
In the last few months, the Indian Mujahideen detonated a number of bombs in several crowded places of India, killing hundreds of Indians. This had little impact in the western media. The jihadists got the message. To attract world attention they must continue killing western white people, even a handful of them, one or two, will have far greater impact than killing tens and hundreds of hapless, impoverished, dark-skinned Indians, Pakistanis or Bangladeshis.
Therefore, the jihadist mathematics says killing one white westerner is approximately equivalent to killing around twenty coloured/black people but with enormous impact in the world media. The Mumbai massacre proved just this. The attack on the Taj and Jewish seminary had much news-coverage than the river of blood the jihadists created in the Chatrapati Shivaji railway station.
The intelligence agencies, the journalists, the terrorism analysts, the anti-terrorist policy makers discovered new theories only after the jihadists have successfully conducted their operations that resulted in the killing of hundreds of civilians. These scholars and analysts are still perplexed why the Islamist terrorists are doing what they are doing. Their analyses range from Palestine, Kashmir, Indian communal riots (though, since time immoral, India has riots almost every month), immoral life styles of the Bollywood movie stars, the un-Islamic attire worn by the Indian women, the unmet grievances of the local Muslims…and so on.
These savants will blame anything for Islamic mayhem except Islam itself. Even when the jihadists loudly proclaim that what they are doing is to implement Islam, these pundits blithely proclaim this terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. When the Islamist killers pronounce Koranic verses to justify their Islamic actions, these scholars and terrorism experts will maintain that Islam is a peaceful religion—these jihadists have distorted the peaceful Islam.
Even, as per the dicta of the Koran, when the Islamists are killing innocent people in India, the UN passes resolution banning the criticism of Islamic atrocities across the world. We must not spread Islamphobia, the secretary general of the UN told us, as if he is an expert on Islam. We wonder why Ban Ki-moon does not convert to Islam, since he is now the strongest protector of Islam.
This is just laughable.
There are a few other lessons we may learn from the Mumbai massacre:
Killing a Jew is more valuable than killing a Hindu.
The only language Islamist soldiers heed is the language of force and compulsion. Islam only respects a strong force
Islam has no respect for human rights or human lives
Terrorism is a tactic used to spread and subjugate the world to Islam
Infidels are truly dumb when it comes to analysing Islamist terrorism. It appears the Koran is correct when it says that the infidels are deaf dumb and blind
A vigorous offence is the best form of defence. Has India the clout to do what is needed to be done?
A handful of Jihadists can, and will kill hundreds and thousands of innocent people. All that these intrepid jihadists need is a firm brainwash with the Koranic verses and the motivations from Muhammad's life.
Since the blood of a western white person is valuable for Islam, it is better they avoid visiting and patronising Islamic paradises or places where Islamist jihadists are active.
To conclude, Islamist terrorism is not going to go away so soon. It will take time, massive military and non-military efforts to exorcise the Islamist jihadists from their affliction to Islamic virus.
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Abul Kasem is an Bengali ex-Muslim and academic. He has contributed in Leaving Islam - Apostates Speak Out and Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside. He has also written extensively on Islam in various websites and is the author of five e-Books: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Mr. Kasem leaves in Sydney, Australia. He can be contacted at abul88@hotmail.com.
Name: i agree...no one once said anything abt islamic terrorists
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 02:15:48 -0500
i agree,no one once said anything abt islamic terrorists.they same people claim hindu terrorist but never islamic terrorists.shame on hindus and indian politicians for hiding the truth.same for christian and foreign media.
Name: Kinky smith
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 02:35:28 -0500
The article is an interesting perspective on the Mumbai massacre - Especially to me as an exmuslim, non-religious person who happens to believe in god and have my own views on spirituality. Hopefully courageous voices with integrity will continue to have access to the freepress and contribute to stemming the spred of islam and its accompanying problems.
Name: Vigilance is the key
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 02:56:53 -0500
Intelligence gathering on Islamists must be increased. Ordinary people can be a force multiplier by reporting any suspicious looking group to authorities.
Name: Concerned
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 03:55:00 -0500
India is not an easy country to police. It is inefficient, lacking in resources and steeped in corruption-all ailments of a developing economy. Nabbing local jihadists is all the more difficult because they exploit a system that is loosely governed and excuses everything in the name of human rights. These Trojans cry hoarse about their violated rights when suspects are taken into custody. Joining them in their shrill chorus is the mainstream political parties with an eye on Muslim vote banks. Strong antiterrorist laws are denounced because of incidences of misuse. But in the interest of the Indian public the Govt.has to bring those laws back into force. No Indian Muslim would dare to enter into a public discussion on scriptural sanction of the killing of kaffirs. Blandly they claim that violence is against Isalm. It is a pity that people like Osama bin Laden and Sawahiri know so little of Islam! They would do well to take lectures from Indian Muslim apologists who proclaim Isalm to be the the religion of peace and nothing else.
Name: Now evan allah cannot help Pakistan.
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 04:35:47 -0500
With the recent attack people are turning to internet to study the meaning or meaninglessness of these muslims. Islam will be peace when muzzies do not follow Islam. World will ba at peace when Muzzies are thrown out of Public and private life. The present geneartion of Infidels, apostates and Human race have a greater duty to bring back sanity in the world even sometimes sacrificing their lives. Mumbai may be an important milestone in Human evolution. Let us hope for the best.
Name: Islam hater
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 04:48:02 -0500
I have been telling my muslim friends who are very liberal in their thinking, to leave this evil cult called Islam. They are just too afraid to leave openly because to leave Islam means death. There is no doubt that Islam is a grave danger to humanity. United Nations depends on money from the muslim countries to survive so the organization is powerless to tell the real truth about this evil religion.
Name: Islam and Communism
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 05:19:24 -0500
Do you remember the real existing communist countries, how mighty they looked? However, nobody in the west supported communist parties and some desperate western communists became terrorists. The situation is very similar to modern Islam. There are still many people who believe that Islam can manage the modern time, however, the islamic terrorists teach us something different. Islam cannot survive without force, however, force doesn´t help it either. Islam has no answers to todays problems, that´s why it is determined to disappear in the near future. Not tomorrow, but I think the crisis of Islam is already visible and the first crisis will come in a few years or decades.
Name: X5Dragon (remember it)
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 05:37:44 -0500
Well even if Ban Ki-moon was a scholar on Islam, you already condemned such learned and educated men. Is it jealousy you suffer from? Or inconsistency? What do you know about the Qur'an and what right do you have to call them the Soldiers of Allah? Can you stand here and say for certain no Muslim was injured or killed in the attacks? You cannot. You can only, cowardly use this terrible tragedy to further your twisted message, a war of annihilation against 1 billion+ Muslims for no reason. My condolences are with the victims, whoever they are, and may both countries, India and Pakistan, who have lost thousands of its countrymen fighting these terrorists, make this groups extinct and leave in peace. This is how a human being acts.
Name: Re: X5Dragon
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 06:40:25 -0500
Yes, of course there are so-called moderate Muslims who still believe that Islam might work much in the same way many left people believed that there is a future for communism. The problem is that I know the quran quite well and it is so fullof hate and nonsense. In my view all the Ulemas are no scholars in the original meaning because most of them only memorize the quran and they never try to understand other cultures because they were always teached that there has to ne nothing but islam. But islam is not the solution. Islam is the problem. Because Islam is bad thinking. The thinking to be superior without having any evidence for it.
Name: Bih Jolokia
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 08:29:22 -0500
These Jihadis are just emulating their al insan al kamil (the 'holy' prophet Abu'l Qasim Muhammad ibn Abd'allah) who stated unashamedly that he had been made victorious with terror. Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 220
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 08:32:13 -0500
I dont think the Indians will learn anything from this tragedy. After some days they will be back to their favourite past time of cricket and Bollywood.The jihadis mission did not go the way they had expected.They had planned to kill at least 5000 people and blow up the Taj palace.Though it did get them the international attention they were desperate for.They succeeded on that account.
Name: normally poor people de,but this time rich people died...so it matters !!!
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 09:23:38 -0500
normally poor people de,but this time rich people died...so it matters !!!pakis/jihaids targetted rich people,so it matters.next stike will be nuke strike,thousands will die pakis will say we r not involved and congres will react by changing ministers as this time.nother will happen.wake up kafirs and take revenge.blow up saudi arabia and pakistan.beofr they nuke u.
Name: dd
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 09:38:35 -0500
"(though, since time immoral, India has riots almost every month)" Will you name the riots for the past 12 months? Where and what?
Name: RE: X5Dragon
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 09:40:26 -0500
Listen dragon, the author probably knows much more than you ever would about your cult Islam. And he does not call them Allah's soldier's for nothing. The Hate monger terrorists choose this name for themselves. Mujahideen, or the holy warriors as they like to call themselves. Perhaps it would sere you good if you could kindly prove your credentials as a scholar of ISlam, which you obviously are not. And yes we can call whomever whatever we like, because this is right we have free citizens of free countries which your Islamic countries dont give to anybody.And yes stop shedding those croc tears for the slain in India. Mere hogwash. Do you think we believe you. If you are a Muslim then you dont deserve the right call yourself Human. This is what the our PissQuran says. Never heard of it, well it has been reveiled to us non Muslims during the last couple of years.........
Name: dd
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 09:54:43 -0500
"There are a few other lessons we may learn from the Mumbai massacre: " Here are some more: 1) The sea is deceptively safe. Just because we are separated by ocean is no guarantee that no attackers will come from the sea. Implement round the clock sea patrolling outside coastal cities. 2) Gun control is bad. If a few respected citizens were carrying guns they could have ended the battle if far fewer deaths. Abolish archaic gun control laws. Atleast arm the police. 3) Important buildings should be constantly guarded by armed security guards. Especially important tourist spots and hotels should have private or police armed escorts at all times. The arms should be heavy not just simple pistols.
Name: re dd
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 10:10:04 -0500
thanks dd.there have been no riots in india in the the last 12 months. Even no riots in gujrat, the land of the so called hindu monster narendra modi. the author has not done his homework here.
Name: TO Jews,Hindus and non-Muslims
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 11:00:31 -0500
Islam is out to kill you. Its time to take action to protect yourselves. There were fatwas (edict) passed by many religious Muslim leaders in India to have Ali Sina, Salmam Rushdie, killed. As a secular democratic country, India should have arrested these Muslim leaders but nothing was done. A force needs to be set up, Israel takes the lead, to kill those religious leaders who preach hate. Each time a mosque preaches hate of non-Muslims, it need be bombed. Any Muslim utter Jews are apes need be killed. TIME TO STOP ISLAM, BY EDUCATION OR STRIKE THEM DEAD.
Name: Zakir Naik Zindabad
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 11:30:53 -0500
This is extremely funny people Allahu Akbar.Indian college students making fun of Zakir the Naik in a video. Its hilarious. I bet you will have split laughing after watching this one........ Enjoy Allahu Akbar..................... http://www.muhammadtube.com/video/1760/Young-Indians-laugh-at-Zakir-Naik
Name: aeysha Bibi ....
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 12:11:22 -0500
This Truth is truth & whatever he told was right words.there are no mistakes in it.The whole world is watching This truth From The very long time.
Name: balam
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 12:14:12 -0500
Islam is in reality two headed Poisonous Snake. One of its head is Saudi-Arabia and the Other Iran. Its body is represented by the other 52 muslim countries.To have peace, chop these two heads off. There is no other way.It is a very dangerous totalatarian ideology full of venom.The Hindus are too coward to handle Muslim fanatics.They are only good at killing peaceful and helpless Christians in India.This was pay back time by worse bullies.Muslims are like poisonous Snakes under your pillows. How can you ever have a peaceful night sleep? Just get rid of them, even if you have to use extreme violence, because that is the only language the followers of Mohammad understand. All the Non-Muslims shoud join hands to fight this menace, perpetrated by by Muslims and likewise show no compassion. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim because a Muslim exteremist is one who cut the throat of a Non-Muslim and a Moderate Muslim is one who holds the legs of the victim down.
Name: lw1
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 13:39:32 -0500
Muslims have been waging a religious war against India for 900 years.The war is either less intense or more, but it is there all the time. Hindus and Buddhists were not a threat to Muslims when they came via Afghanistan and committed all these massacres and other atrocities. About 90 years ago there was a declared Jihad in Southern India and many lives were lost. All this should be taught in schools and univesities.All the atrocities during Muslim rule in India has been sanitised out of history books.Why alter or suppress history so that Muslims wouldn't be upset?If you do the deed, then take responsibility.Many Muslims deny the Holocaust took place in Germany and there is no pressure on them about the massacre in Darfur and other places. Political correctness can be taken too far.Like the Indian press western press is largely scared of Muslims -- with reason, but the balance hasn't been found. The courageous ones bear the brunt of Muslim backlash. I am not a Christian but they should have the right to build churches freely in Saudi Arabia,Iran, Pakistan and any other Muslim countries as Muslims are allowed to build their mosques.Quran doesn't bring peace, but the Bible will as that is its main message.Muslims are rarely fair-- Quran does not allow that.True Muslims are never fair.
Name: lw1
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 14:03:33 -0500
If Christians and Hindus bocome suicide bombers what would 'moderate' Muslims say?
Name: Islam is like Communism
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 15:22:36 -0500
Terrorists are the desperados who are paving the end to these false ideologies. The world will be ruled by the performance of every single person, and not by matters of relion, race or nationality. It is wrong to believe that anybody is superior to others only because of religion. Religion does not matter at all. Performance does.
Name: GodsAuthority
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 15:33:45 -0500
What peace? Islam says they are peace? What non-compulsion? Islam says religion has no compulsion. What truth? There is none in Islam.
Name: Bobby
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 22:44:28 -0500
Pakistan government or its agencies may not be directly involved in the Bombay attacks. But Pakistan sure does provide a great breeding ground for terrorists. By twisting the truth, providing very biased and sensational news, they make many of these youngsters believe something that has no basis in reality. Even history that is taught in schools has been changed to always favor one side over the other. Continuing that even today, even current affairs have been twisted to always show one side of the picture and illogical explanations that has nothing to do with what really occurred. With kind of surroundings and everyone around you asking what are you going to do about all the (mostly made up) atrocities, it is no wonder some young men (who probably already have a cruel bent of mind to begin with) decide to do these kind of attacks. Everytime you give a filtered version of the truth, you are doing a disservice to humanity and these kinds of events will continue to occur unfortunately. In India, even with all its faults, there is a way to find out true depiction of events and people and people do not shy away from self-critism however unpleasant it may be.
Date: Monday December 01, 2008
Time: 23:02:36 -0500
The taking of retribution so horrible and massive would not porve anything except to the terrorist who would say they were the victims, sounds almost like the Palestanians does it not? The only approach is ZERO: zero support for thier governments, zero aid to their people, zero immigration, zero tolerance for hateful preaching, zero tourist, and zero exports from thier countries. The terrorist would be in the stone age in a month.
Name: allah ho suwar and mohammad ho rapist
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 05:58:02 -0500
allah ho suwar and mohammad ho rapist. Not just rapist ,serial rapist serial killer, psychic mad maniac hating humanity and rationality. Islam is like HIv virus.If you dont destry it, it will destroy not just you, your home country, culture ,language and dressing and even entire humnaity. Every human should atleast now open their mouth and declare islam is all thrash based on lies and hallucinations of mohammad. Mo just plagarised the invisble unmanifested god concept, prophet concept from judaism and twisted the bible stories. Only brainless people can blindly believe it for luring of animalistic imaginery paradise.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday December 02, 2008
Time: 11:53:31 -0500
"To attract world attention they must continue killing western white people, even a handful of them"....Shame on racist western media! But be in no doubt: had Hindus committed a similar atrocity against Muslims the western media would be focusing on it to the exclusion of all other news for the next ten weeks.
Name: Joe
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 06:49:00 -0500
DH, I live in the US and don't see a difference in the level of coverage between this Mumbai massacre and Gujarat riots.Perhaps the Muslims knew that the reaction of the Indian government would be soft if they targeted foreigners and not Indians.Do you think India would be this calm if such a massacre affected pilgrims at the Ganges or at the Sikh's Golden Temple?
Name: Don
Date: Wednesday December 03, 2008
Time: 13:56:38 -0500
To X5Dragon, who said we want to condemn "1 billion + Muslims for no reason." For NO REASON?! How about for belonging to and adhering to an ideology that has been for 1400 years and is today the cancer of the planet, the bane of all humanity, the big pile of crap that stinks up the rest of the world! Take your evil religion back into the desert and leave the rest of us alone, or we WILL exterminate you sociopathic pieces of Sh*t like so many cockroaches. We are so sick and tired of all of you. Yes, ALL one billion plus of you animals. Do us all a favor and just DIE.
Name: RE:Joe
Date: Thursday December 04, 2008
Time: 00:46:11 -0500
Sweety hindus have been dying on alllah's altar since the last 1000 years. Your comment shows that you just care about white people and their lives. Do you know that there were several blasts on the river ganges in India just 2 years back. The culprits are still at large. This shows that you not purely concerned about Western people and not humanity as a whole.
Name: Joe
Date: Thursday December 04, 2008
Time: 03:01:27 -0500
Sorry dear but my comment doesn't suggest that at all. If there was an attack near the Ganges two years ago, either I don't remember or was never aware. The author of the piece doesn't say how he measures the difference in coverage between different terrorist attacks. I remember the railway attack and don't think the coverage was minimized at all. I think this author is writing out of pure emotion and nothing else.
Name: David
Date: Thursday December 04, 2008
Time: 20:19:41 -0500
Even if they kill all the Christians Jesus will still speak because He is the Son of God: In Arabic: http://dreamsandvisions.com/ In English: http://www.morethandreams.tv/
Name: Another Islam hater...
Date: Thursday December 04, 2008
Time: 22:17:40 -0500
Kudos for the commandos who killed pagan-moon god Allah's servants! Mohammed was an insane mad man! When one tells the truth about Mohammed they can have a death sentence on their heads. Why?! The reason is that the islamists know Mohammed was a creep and they have no leg to stand on because of it! Wherever islamists get a majority the non-muslims will suffer! Freedoms are taken away and women are suppressed! Let this and the next acts of terror be a warning to all of us! CALL ME ISLAMOPHOBE OR WHATEVER YOU WANT! TRUTH IS, ISLAM IS A CANCER THAT MUST BE CUT OFF THE FACE OF THIS EARTH!
Name: IIM
Date: Saturday December 20, 2008
Time: 03:11:59 -0500
"the unmet grievances of the local Muslims" looks to be unjustifiable. Indian Muslims are rather well placed than any other Muslims living in Islamic states. Even then if they feel that they are deprived, then it is really funny. Have you heard any government giving subsidy for Haj? Indian Muslims are getting it, at the cost of 85% Hindus. Special Muslim personal law is in existence only in India, where only the laws beneficial to Muslims are included. Show one Muslim country, which has a Non-Muslim as its President or Prime Minister. In 1947, when India was partitioned, the Hindu population in Pakistan was about 24% ….Today it is not even 1%. In 1947, the Hindu population in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was 30% …. Today it is about 7%. What happened to the missing Hindus? Do Hindus have human rights? Why post - Godhra (Gujarat) is blown out of proportion, when no-one talks of the ethnic cleansing of 0.4 Million Hindus from Kashmir?