The “Oppression” of Islam
26 Jun, 2008
Front Page Magazine on June 25, 2008
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Abul Kasem, an ex-Muslim who is
the author of hundreds of articles and several books on Islam
including, Women in Islam. He was a contributor to the book
Leaving Islam – Apostates Speak Out as well as to Beyond
Jihad: Critical Views From Inside Islam.
FP: Abul Kasem, welcome to Frontpage Interview.
Kasem: Thank you Jamie.
FP: We’re here today to discuss how many Muslims consider
themselves to be victims of oppression vis-à-vis the West. Let’s
begin our conversation with this question: What is the Islamic
definition of oppression?
Kasem: Ask any Islamist this question and he will
certainly provide answers such as: Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan,
Iraq, Chechnya, Bosnia….and so on. Think carefully, how true these
statements are. In fact, if one takes the trouble to read the
blood-soaked history of Islam, one could not help wondering why this
label of oppression not be imposed on Islam itself? The unprovoked,
savage invasions by the Bedouin Arabs, to subjugate, at the point of
swords, the people of Iraq, Persia, Syria, Egypt, Asia Minor,
Armenia, Cyprus, Sicily, Crete, Spain, Afriqiya (north Tunisia),
India to their fascistic/Arab imperialism (peddled as Islam)
demonstrate a naked truth—that it was Islam that started this
Therefore, the charge that the Islamic mayhem in the current
world is due to what is happening (read oppression) in Iraq,
Afghanistan, Palestine and Chechnya are just sham pretensions by the
Islamists, the ideological gurus of the Islamist terrorists and the
suicide bombers. India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Jordan,
Turkey and France have none of their soldiers fighting in Iraq, yet
these countries are not immune from the Islamist terrorists’ attack.
Did you ever wonder why? Not being satisfied with the campaign of
unremitting terror in the infidel territories, the Islamist
terrorists even have to terrorize the innocent people of Islamic
FP: So what is the psychology behind the Muslim belief
that Islam is being oppressed?
Kasem: This fact is: Islam is grossly offended/oppressed
by any un-Islamic moves of the infidels/not-so-good Muslims (like
the Islamic Paradises I just listed). This is simply because these
Islamists audaciously believe that Islam is the only religion into
which each and every person on this planet must be subjected to by
hook or by crook—using terror, force and slaughter, if need be. They
have the Qur’an solidly backing them up. This is the major theme of
the Qur’an. This belief, for instance, was eloquently supported by
the cleric Abdul Nacer Benbrika in an interview with ABC (Australian
Broadcasting Corporation) in November 2005. The spiritual leader of
the Victorian terror cell, Benbrika made the following statement: “I
am telling you that my religion doesn’t tolerate other religion. It
doesn’t tolerate. The only one law which needs to be spread, it can
be here or anywhere else has to be Islam.”
FP: Provide us some verses from the Qur’an that support
what this imam said.
Kasem: Sure, and feel free to click here to verify the
documentation for these verses.
- The only religion is the religion of Allah, Islam…16:52
- Muslims (Islam) are the best of righteous people...3:110
- Allah has perfected Islam and it is the only religion for
mankind (last verse revealed, and so, the final word of Allah
disclosed to Muhammad)...5:3
- Islam is the perfect religion; it will dominate all other
- Can't worship anything other than Allah; Islam is the only
right religion (the purpose of an Islamic state)...12:40
- There is only one God (Allah) and all should bow to
- Allah proclaims Islam (the religion of truth) over all other
- Allah has sent Muhammad to proclaim the 'Religion of Truth’
(Islam) over all religions...61:9
- FP: So tell us what happens to those people who, despite the
call to convert to Islam, do not follow suit?
- Kasem: In the language of the Qur’an, they are worse than
animals, believe it or not. Here is how the Holy Qur’an grades the
Kafirs (infidels).
- The worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and
dumb (unbelievers) who do not understand Islam...8:22
FP: And what must be done to the worst of beasts?
Kasem: The sword must be used on those who refuse to
convert to Islam or deviate from Islam. The Islamists, of course,
emphasize that: ‘Islam means peace’, ‘there is no compulsion in
religion’, ‘killing one person is killing the entire mankind’, and
so on. Because of such deliberate misleading propaganda by the
cunning, crafty and sly Islamists and their bogies of western
apologists of Islam, one might find it hard to believe easily that
there could be anything in the Qur’an but unbound ‘peace’, incessant
‘love’ and boundless ‘mercy’ for the infidels. Sadly, to the
disappointment of these gullible unbelievers, the Qur’an, in many
verses, categorically exhorts the true believers to use force
preemptively to convert the unbelievers to Islam. Here is a sample
Allah sent down iron as a material for war and for other
benefits; whoever deviates from Islam is to be brought back with
iron (i.e. with force, meaning use iron (sword) to force people to
Allah’s religion)...57:25
And when all efforts to persuade the Kafirs to convert to Islam
have failed, or when the unbelievers resort to rejecting Islam
openly, Islam stipulates that they be crucified or maimed. Read this
verse from Allah:
Punishment for waging war against Allah (i.e. the unbelievers who
reject Islam) and His messenger is execution (beheading) or
crucifixion or cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides or
exile from the land...5:33
FP: What do you say to those who argue that these verses
are applicable only in war situations, when Islam and its founder,
Muhammad (or Muslims) are/were attacked in a physical fight?
Kasem: Perish this thought, if you want to learn about
‘real Islam’. The words, ‘waging war’, in the above verse has very
little to do with real combat (like Iraq, Afghanistan). Any action,
activity, remark, gesture, words, sound, utterance, look, manner,
habit, conduct, style and so on, which are not in conformity with
pure Islamic percepts are considered as blasphemous or ‘waging war’.
Thus, even the slightest criticism of Islam, Muhammad, Qur’an or
Sharia, verbally or in writing, might be treated as gross violations
of Islamic tenets. These acts are absolutely blasphemous, and are
punishable by death (by beheading, the Islamic method of slaughter).
The conclusive proof of this dreadful provision is the appalling
blasphemy laws enacted by most of the Islamic Paradises. This is the
meaning of freedom of thought in Islam—the freedom to mete out
capital punishment to those who dare to mildly criticize Islam, in
any manner whatsoever. If anyone still has any suspicion about this,
let them consult the blasphemy law of any Islamic states, which
complies one-hundred-percent with the Qur’anic verse I quoted.
FP: Share with us some activities, manners, social
customs, traditions and the daily way of life, which non-Muslims
take for granted, but which are extremely un-Islamic and that
according to Islamic morals, customs and laws are offensive
activities/practices that can be construed as oppressive to Islam.
They therefore become legitimate targets for eradication; or they
must be swiftly replaced by Islamic practices or Islamic
Kasem: Sure, I can give you many examples. And before I
do, it is important to stress the following: the very small number
of Islamists currently occupying (the Islamists think that Allah has
sent them to infidel lands to conquer it) the infidel lands
(camouflaged as economic migrants or political asylum seekers or
refugees) will fight tooth-and-nail, legally or politically,
covertly or overtly to remove such un-Islamic practices from the
infidel lands which they have occupied (migrated for Islamic
occupation). They would, whenever possible, incessantly lobby the
simple and fair-minded Kafir politicians to enact Islamic laws as a
replacement for those infidel customs, traditions and values. In
their language, this process of Islamisation by stealth is called
‘elimination of vices and promotion of virtues’—a secret method of
inuring the infidels into Islamic imperialism.
So here is how Islam is oppressed by the unbelievers:
* The infidels do not submit to Allah despite repeated warnings to them. This is the highest form rebellion by the Kafirs and undoubtedly, is an extreme form of oppression to Islam.
* The infidel women go to swim in the beaches wearing bikini.
Allah is greatly offended by such outrageous conduct of Islamically
impure infidel women.
* The Kafir nations vehemently condemn Islamic stoning in Islamic
Paradises. Islamic penal code is written by Allah, how could the
infidels condemn such a divine, merciful penal system? Allah is
surely angry with the infidels.
* The Kafirs’ law court incarcerates Islamic rapists, but, who,
according to Islam, has the inalienable right to have unlimited sex
with infidel women, no question asked. As per Islam, these infidel
women (Islamically, all western women, who do not dress/conduct
themselves as per Islamic/Bedouin custom are harlots, sluts and
prostitutes and all infidels are incestuous, believe it or not) are
Islamic captives.
* To protect its innocent citizens from the genocide of the
Islamist terrorists, the Kafirs pass anti-terror laws, but the
Islamists believe it is their basic Islamic right to terrorize the
infidels. The anti-terror law is oppression to Islam, as this law
violates the Qur’anic injunction of casting terror in the hearts of
the unbelievers.
* An infidel woman gives birth out-of-wedlock and she is treated
fairly by the social security system of the harami (repugnant)
Kafir. This oppresses Islam, as this woman must be stoned to death,
as per pure, unadulterated Islam. The infidels are not respecting
the sanctity of Islam.
* An infidel woman goes out of her house without hijab. This is
oppression to Islam, as this violates the Qur’nic injunction that
women must stay at home at all time and serve their husbands. In
case she has to be out, she must seek her husband’s permission and
must be ‘covered’, from head to toe.’
* Violating the Qur’an and Hadis, Kafir men and women patronize
pubs and drink wine and liqueur. Islamic punishment of forty lashes
is not meted out for such naked un-Islamic indulgence. To further
anger the Muslims, during Ramadan, the Kafirs heartily eat and
jubilantly drink publicly, in open view of the Muslims. This, of
course is an unpardonable Islamic offence, as the infidels show no
sensitivity/respect for the best religion on earth.
* An unmarried Kafir woman engages in de-facto relationship with
a man. This offends the migrant Muslims, but despite much harangue
from the Islamist moralists, the Kafirs refuse to change their law
of personal freedom. This (the unbridled mixing of opposite sexes),
is certainly a gross oppression to Islamic faith.
* The infidel’s local council prohibits the use of loud speakers
to broadcast the melodious tune of Azan (the Islamic prayer call).
This is the violation of Islamic right of noise pollution, and,
therefore is a gross tyranny upon Islam.
* Harami Kafirs enact law banning hijab in public schools. This
angers the Islamists, as it amounts to flagrantly violating the
Qur’an, and hence is oppressive to Islam.
* The Kafirs refuse to pay jizyah (special privileges to the Arab
Bedouins/Muslims). In modern times, this jizya is in the form of
special privileges to the Muslims (for example, Bumiputra/Malay/Muslim
policy in Malaysia, reservation of places for the Muslims in Kafirs’
Universities, special concession on employment policies, affirmative
policies exclusively designed for the incompetent Muslims…and so
on). Non-payment of jizya tax is a gross violation of the holy
Qur’an and is oppression to Islam.
* When, for security reasons and to apprehend the suspected
terrorists of peaceful Islam, America, the Great Satan, requires all
visitors to the United States to be photographed, fingerprinted and
biometrically registered, it offends real Islam.
* When the infidels and in-name-only Muslims patronize a theatre
to enjoy a stage drama, Islam is gravely hurt, as this vilely
violates the basic tenets of the Qur’an—no idol worshipping. Ditto
for patronizing cinema houses. Acting in a drama/and or watching
this performance is abhorrently un-Islamic. In Bangladesh, bombs are
thrown in such premises, as visiting stage drama and enjoying a
movie is oppressive to Islam.
* When you quote those murderous verses from the Holy Qur’an it
oppresses Islam. Embarrassing Allah /Islamists is a great offence.
* When you quote those anti-feminist and misogynist hadis from
Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and Sunaan Abu Dawud, Allah gets
* When you expose that Islam allows unlimited sex with
maid-servants (sex-slaves) and infidel women. These provisions are
Qur’anic, so they are above any discussion.
* When the police embarks on a clean-up operation in an Islamic
enclave in a Kafirland. This action violates the incontrovertible
rights of the Islamist terrorists to frighten the infidels—an
absolute Islamic right enshrined by Allah in the Qur’an.
* When the Kafir government disallows Sharia law to be enforced
for the Muslims living in a Kafirland. Allah’s law supercedes all
man-made laws, how could the abhorrent infidels annoy Allah?
·* When, through earthquake and Tsunami, Allah tests His
believers in Islamic Paradises and the Kafir’s aid is delayed due to
the poor/non-existence of logistical supports in those Islamic
Paradises. Infidels must attend immediately to the Muslims’
plight—this is also a form of jizya on the unbelievers.
* When you disclose that the prophet of Islam, Muhammad (pbuh),
had between nine to twenty official wives and at least one
sex-slave. Allah is angry when you discuss Muhammad’s intimate
private life—a violation of Islamic privacy.
* When the harami freethinkers disclose that the 52-year-old
Prophet (pbuh) of mercy married a six-year-old girl and had sex with
her when she turned nine. See above for the reason.
* When the ‘Islam bashers’ reveal that Hazrat Omar (Allah’s mercy
be upon him) married a four-year-old baby-girl when he was around
54-55 years old. See above for reason.
* When the devilish Islamphobes divulge that Hazrat Ali (Allah’s
mercy be upon him) used to have sex with captive women, routinely,
even when he was married to Fatima, Muhammad’s dearest daughter.
Those who embarrass the Khulafa Rashedin (the rightly guided
caliphs) embarrass Allah. Allah will not forgive them.
* When the infidels learn from the writing of the Muslim
apostates that Muslims must not be friendly with the Jews and the
Christians and the unbelievers. When the Qur’an has decreed certain
matters, it is a great offence to discuss about them.
* The Kafirs in Kafirland, instead of adopting the Islamic values
of the myopic Muslim community in their midst, urge the Islamists to
respect multiculturalism. This is an affront to Islam. According to
Islam, these Kafirs (read animals) must adopt pristine Islamic
values, and not the other way round.
* The Kafirs do not learn Arabic, the language of Allah/Islam,
but instead, urge the Islamist immigrants to learn the language of
their adopted country and try to integrate. Allah is offended when
the Kafirs do not learn the language (Arabic) of His Scripture.
* The western/infidel civilization refuses to adopt Bedouin/Arab
culture. Instead, sticks to their own decadent, petrified, immoral,
corrupt, lascivious way of life. Islam is oppressed when the
Muslims, the best creation of Allah have to witness, with their open
eyes, such blatant depravity and transgression. After all, Islam
came to purify the world, but the infidels steadfastly refuse to
comply. This is oppression to Islam.
* Peaceful Islam is not allowed to preach hateful sermons by the
clerics living in infidel territories. This is a gross of violation
Islamic human rights, of freedom to preach hatred for the infidels,
since this right has been fully enshrined in the Qur’an, the
constitution of Allah.
* Kafirs deport/cancel visa of firebrand clerics who exhort, in
Friday congregations, jihad and murder of the infidels. Read above
why Islam is oppressed for such an action of the Kafir.
* Billboards near Allah’s house (mosques) in Kafirlands brazenly
display women’s underwear, bras and lingerie in provocative manner,
arousing the sexual passion in the devotees of Allah. This is
oppressive to Islam, as Allah does not like to have a look at
women’s undergarments and their half-clad body. Allah only looks at
hijabi/Burka-clad Muslimahs.
* Islamists living in Haram land pass by a fitness centre and
observe infidel women (and men) performing physical exercise wearing
sportswear. Offended, the Islamists complain to the local council
and advise the authority that during physical fitness chore the
women must wear Burka and jilbab, their shiny and sexy thighs and
polished legs must be covered inside baggy Islamic trousers,
otherwise, the doors and windows of the gym must be covered with
black ‘hijab.’ The local council turns down the Muslim request. This
is oppressive to Islam.
* The Islamists in Kfirlands go to the local swimming pool and
observe men and women practicing swimming together. This is grossly
un-Islamic and is oppressive to the Muslims. They ask the local
council to open separate swimming pools exclusively for Muslim women
and having no access to male visitors. The council turns down their
request, which offends the Islamists.
* In Olympic events, women are allowed to compete, in the
presence of mixed spectators, in gymnastics, track and field,
swimming, beach volleyball, high jump (despicable, because of the
possibility of viewing the women’s pudenda), long jump, pole
vault…etc., Allah is offended with such display of female flesh in
such provocative/erotic manner. The Islamists write lengthy articles
and lobby their politicians to ban women from participating in such
events. In Islamic Paradises they successfully force the government
to ban the telecasting of such ‘pornographic’ events of the
International Olympic.
* The infidels enact laws to prevent polygamy; Muslims could no
longer acquire four wives at any time. This surely is a gross
violation of Islamic rights of Muslim men to acquire four wives at
any time, guaranteed by the Qur’an.
* Imams extolling the goodness in beating wives to discipline
them are deported from infidel lands. This is a great torment to
Islam, as it openly violates the Qur’anic verse which calls to beat
women to control them,
* During Christmas gala, party, the Kafir invites his Muslim
neighbor and unwittingly serves haram food and wine. The display of
haram food and alcoholic drinks to the Muslims is, of course, very
offensive. The infidels must not eat and drink haram stuff in the
presence of Muslims—it is very odious, Allah becomes angry.
If you have time to spend, I am certain you could find many other
actions and traditions of the infidels which are revoltingly
offensive to the Muslims, and, therefore, oppressive to Islam. Many
of these examples I cite were from my own experience—from the real
world. So be prepared to witness many such examples in your land as
Keep in mind: the Islamists are prepared to go to any extent to
launch their agenda of globalization of Islamic imperialism, which
is basically Arab/Bedouin imperialism.
FP: Explain why we should consider Islam as Arab/Bedouin
Kasem: The ultimate goal of the Islamists is the creation of a Pan Islamic world, which must be ruled by a caliph (the Islamists call it the Khilafat movement) who will be responsible to enforce Islamic laws (Sharia) globally. So, what are the requirements to be a caliph?—you might ask. According to Islamic law, (ref: Reliance of the Traveler, published by Amana Publications, Bettsville, Maryland, 1999, pp.640-642, law number o25.3) the mandatory qualifications of an Islamic caliph are:
1. must be a Muslim
2. must be a male
3. must be from the Quraysh tribe of the Arabs
4. must be a freeman (i.e., not a slave)
5. must be of sound mind.
This provision of Islamic law means that the world—the Pan
Islamic world must be ruled by an Arab (from the Quraysh stock,
probably from Saudi Arabia or Jordan) and no one else.
This also means that George Bush, Tony Blair, Jacque Chirac,
Vladimir Putin, the Chinese Prime Minister, the Japanese Prime
Minister….the most powerful infidel leaders in the world and the
no-so-powerful infidel leaders must convert to Islam, declare
complete allegiance to the new Arab/Quraysh caliph and become this
Arab caliph’s governors. If they do not comply with such Islamic
demand then they must be removed by terror, intimidation and force.
I hope by this time you clearly comprehend why the Islamist
terrorists do what they do around the globe. The Islamists are
absolutely serious in their goal—the Islamic caliphate, and to
assist them there is no shortage of Arab charity money to finance
their strategy and operations. This is the reason why the Islamists,
the Islamist terrorists, the Jihadists and the Islamist apologists
have no shortage of funds—the Arab/oil money is aplenty to finance
the establishment of a super Arab (Islamic) kingdom. This is what I
mean by Arab Imperialism when I say that “Islam is Arab/Bedouin
FP: And so the conflict will not just go away?
Kasem: Terrified, threatened and in panic, the unbelievers
might want to know when this Islamic madness might end. I am afraid
there is bad news for them. The war against the infidel world is a
perpetual war. Islam divides the entire world/humanity into two—the
world of Islam (Dar al-Islam) and the world of warfare (Dar al-Harb).
These two worlds are in permanent confrontation, until Islam
replaces the current civilization with its own version, the Islamic
Caliphate. This is what Samuel Huntington had ominously postulated
in his classic work, The Clash of Civilizations. This inevitable
clash is now on us, make no mistake on this.
FP: Can you provide some Qur’anic verses that clearly
divide the civilization into two categories: Islamic and un-Islamic,
and declare perpetual war against the infidels?
Kasem: Sure. Here are two:
Believers fight for Allah, unbelievers fight for evil, so fight
against the friends of Satan (this verse literally divides the into
two camps—the world of Islam and the world of unbelief or Kufr;
i.e., Dar-al-Islam and Dar-al-Harb) …4:76
Those who resist Allah and Muhammad will be humiliated (i.e.
Islam, for ever, is at war with the infidels)...58:20
FP: So what are our conclusions?
Kasem: As exemplified from the most authentic source of
Islam (Qur’an), Islam truly is intolerant to any idea/faith which
does not endorse it as the only religion for mankind. Any
action/deed which is against the Qur’an is certainly oppressive to
Islam. Once we understand this fascistic and imperialistic nature of
Islam, the fight against the Islamist terrorism becomes quite simple
and straightforward. It (the Islamic terrorism) is not at all a
political war—it is an ideological war, truly, the collision of
culture and civilization. But, in contrast to the battle among
various civilizations, as hypothesized by Samuel Huntington, this
clash is between two worlds—the word of Islam and the world of Kufr
or unbelief. Let the PC politicians pay heed to what the cleric I
cited earlier said. He is 100% Muslim and 0% politician/hypocrite.
The current world is about to be divided into two camps—the camp
of Islam and the camp of infidels, without any third-world between
them. Thus, having almost been polarized, a final showdown is
gradually shaping up between these two camps. It is just a matter of
time when this showdown will result in a massive loss of human
lives—both Muslims and non-Muslims, unless correct steps are taken
to diffuse this cataclysmic time-bomb.
FP: Abul Kasem, thank you for joining Frontpage Interview.
Kasem: Thank you.
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Abul Kasem is an Bengali ex-Muslim and academic. He has contributed in Leaving Islam - Apostates Speak Out and Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside. He has also written extensively on Islam in various websites and is the author of five e-Books: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Mr. Kasem leaves in Sydney, Australia. He can be contacted at
Name: ha ha ha ....
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 19:58:59 -0700
The only real reason that they are oppressed when seeing an infidel woman doing sports with sportwears is that they have an instant erection in their male organs. They have to return to their home to relieve it. Sadly, their wives are on their periods. So they have to relieve it with a goat. ha ha ha ....
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 23:27:13 -0700
Name: women in periods r more sexual
Date: Wednesday June 25, 2008
Time: 23:28:43 -0700
actually women in their periods r more sexually agressive.
Name: DH
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 02:10:59 -0700
"The infidel women go to swim in the beaches wearing bikini. Allah is greatly offended by such outrageous conduct of Islamically impure infidel women." - And of course Allah has "permitted" Muslim jihadis to punish these bikini-wearing Kafir whores by taking them as war booty and exploring every inch of their soft flesh inside and out!
Name: vbv
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 03:21:04 -0700
Very good article,indeed, exposing the hypocrisy and bigotry of muslims.Unfortunately the non-arab muslims , who are essentially converts try to be more PC with arabs than arabs themselves, who in their hearts would actually envy the freedoms enjoyed by the Kaffirs visa vis the dark hole of misery that they are in . Therefore they become more hypocritically strident in proclaiming the so-called 'virtues' of islam , while knowing fully well it is a big fraud perpetrated on the rest of humanity. They do this by reelling out statistics of rapes in Western Societies, lying that no such incident arises in 'islamic' society. Actually rapes are not reported in islamic society , since a woman has to produce FOUR witnesses to the even , failing which she will be accused of 'loose morals' and subjected to severe barbaric punishment under "Sharia" of 100 lashes in public (what can be more humiliating - the shariaic punishment or the rape itself?),or even worse stoned to death in a public place! Can any victim under these circumstances come forward to report a rape - that to the act being committed in full view of 'four vitnesses'? Can there be anything so backward, more primitive and barbaric than this? So also the punishment of amputation of limbs - this MuhaMAD and his Allah should be the most sadistic and the worst psychopaths ever in the history of Humanity! Yet we have a billion zombies slave to this cult of arabic barbarism. Well done Mr. Abu Kasem for this exposure of the bararities and inanities of the cult of Islam!
Name: Where ever they go Their HIV Fallows.
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 06:38:39 -0700
Where ever they go Their HIV Fallows. HIV (Hatred ,Intolerence, Voilence) is the main theme of entire nasty and stupid book Quron.I personally feel that it is not aids that will Destroy humanaity but stupid islam.Our scientists and socialogists should immidiately declare Islam is mental disease and ban it globally.
Name: Mohammadan interview at the London Airport
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 06:47:44 -0700
Counsel: What’s your name? Mohammad: Mo Ham Mad. Counsel: Sex? Mohammad: 10 to 15 times a week. Counsel: I mean male or female. Mohammad: Both male and female and sometimes even camels. I tried even pigs but failed. Counsel: Man, isn’t that hostile? Mohammad: Horse style, dog style, any style. Counsel: Oh… dear!! Mohammad: Deer? No deer. They run too fast.
Name: Dealing effectively with Islamic threats
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 06:52:25 -0700
Germans have almost unanimously agreed dismantle civil rights to deal with Islamists threats. A German convert to Islam and Germany born Turks were nearly successful in bombing trains causing many to be killed.,1518,559337,00.html What needs to be done is (a) Send back ALL Muslims in Europe to their country of ancestry (b) If Muslims start a riot in India, the non-Muslims should take the opportunity to KILL AS MANY MUSLIMS AS POSSIBLE FOR REVENGE. You must be merciless then the MUSLIMS will rewspect you.
Name: balam
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 06:54:41 -0700
This is one of the best pieces of writing which exposes the real force behind Muslim thinking.The Muslims are basically hypocrite and lack humanity.Mohammad had no love for anybody except himself.He believed in instant gratification.He led a very immoral life.Most of the quranic verses reflect his desires to be satisfied by any means.He certainly lacked humaity.He was single minded and tolerated no opposition.This is one reason,there can not be democracy in a muslim country,because of the teaching of Mohammad,based on fascism.His cunning behaviour is un-beatable.He enjoyed all the whores on this planet,but promised his brainless followers virgins in islamic whorehouse run by Allah because he knew that Muslims can not run even a whore=house efficiently.Look around and see how Muslim countries are run.I do not blame Allah for that.I also can not fathom,why there will be lakes of wine in muslim paradise when it is fobidden here.Does Allah have split personalit like Mohammad with both sides being bad.I believe if you could love one woman who is your wife,you could be a mono-theist,otherwise you are a mono-pagan Deist like Mohammad,the greatest deceiver and his brainless followers.
Name: The Islamic Error
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 09:30:57 -0700
Muslims believe to be superior because they do their prayers every day and observe hundreds if not thousands of stupid rules while infidels don´t. However, this is wrong because infidels do much more important things instead, they do their work or take part in voluntary activities. Even if they only relax it is ok because they do something useful, aka recreation. In contrast, all the muslim activities mentioned above do not have any merit at all. To pray does not solve any problem, nor does the memorizing of the quran or observing of stupid rules such as not to eat pork or not to wear jewels, wear a headscarve etc etc etc. There is no merit in all this! It is nothing but superstition!
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 10:44:55 -0700
To all moslems ,including INDIAN, PAKISTAN and Bagladesh : no doubt ISLAM is hatred, terror, bloodthirsty, totalitarian, slavery, poison towards Nonmoslems. Islam is highly partial, biased,ill will against nonmoslems. Not only that ISLAM is cerebrally discriminatory, unjust ,with intense hatred and animosity - between moslems -nonmoslems ; between Moslem men and moslem women ; and between different sects of ISLAM , like SUNNI-SHIA, SUNNI- AHMADIYA, SUNNI-wahabbi, SUNNI- ISMAIlee, SUNNI- bohras, Sunni- sufis. It is for the modern, liberal, progressive minded educated Moslem women and men to renounce ISLAM and come back to their ancestral noble dharma ( HINDU DHARMA ) . Good, honest,pure hearted, pious human being with love, kindness, treating others as equals, regarding all human beings as equal, regarding all religions are equal, men and women are equal has no place in ISLAM - becoz ISLAM preaches, inequality, injustice and cruelty towards all nonmoslems and moslem women. ISLAM sows poisonous seeds ,ill will, animosity, jealousy, envy towards nonmoslems . Can a respectable, honest, truthful, educated moslem with good conscience deny this ? NO. Becoz it is truth.
Name: BullshitWorshipper to Everybody Else except Holy Muslims
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 11:07:01 -0700
Guys I read earlier posts and I think we should not fight with each other, because it will only strengthen the common enemy. We all are open to ideas and understanding each other so we can also resolve our differences later, and probably this struggle against Islam may give us insight that all of us were after all different sides of the same coin. If this is black and white then our side is “the God who believe in freedom of mind, body and spirit as long as we do not interfere unreasonably with the freedom of others”, where as muslim side is “the God who believes in enslaving mind, body and spirit and interfere with everybody else business”, so sides are clear. My way of thinking is that I don’t conclude anything I let the conclusion unfold themselves even if it take 12 years, and once the conclusion reaches me, I have no doubt about it “Islam is the root of evil”. If somebody got problem with other religion then it’s because one bad apple spoil the dozen, they have become like that due to threat from Islam. Before I was also critical about Christians coming to India but since the time one holy muslim frustrated me, now I really believe Christ is my saviour, its his people who came to protect me in India, otherwise I would have also been bending my ass ten times a day, because muslim don’t stop at anything but complete submission. I think we all got different advantages of mind, body and spirit and we can use them against evil of Islam, then only it can be put in gutter as a “Religion for cockroaches”.
Name: Challenge to all infidels from Akhter
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 11:23:09 -0700
Produce a sura like quran. You cannot because you are deaf dumb and blind (Q 2.171)
Name: Bullshit worshipper to Akhter
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 11:38:37 -0700
Soon going to Mosque will be a challenge for you because some countries are making database of all buildings with crescent moon, we know you are waiting for worldwide muslim population to reach a critical mass and then start your aggressive world wide jihad in that case that database will be handy for satellites. Hey has allah got any satellites or just an army of zombies, free suggestion “man control the earth with brain not with numbers, otherwise cockroaches would have been ruling the earth”.
Name: Bullshit Wroshipper
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 12:48:23 -0700
The worst of beasts in the sight of DEV is Allah,(1:21) this time he came to west and try to bullshit people, they thought he is on drugs, so police put a stick in his ass and checked it for drugs. Even a sniffer dog raped him.
Name: mad islamists dogs are hallucinating
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 21:31:08 -0700
mad islamists dogs are hallucinating.We see more these type of every where soon.After knowing their islamic faith is going to perish they have beocome mad.We require millions of psychologists .Otherwise these dogs will bite every one and every thing including co muslims untill they are shot dead.Hindus need not feel for their blaming and lying comments.Hindus are not Bull shit worshippers and not dung worshippers.This way they showed their IQ and blind attacking nature.Just see the circus of their mind.They are now having sleeless nights.Just pity them as co human beings.
Name: Just pity them as co human beings
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 21:34:12 -0700
Just pity them(islamists) as co human beings.They perish themselves once truth is revealed to them.Do not laugh at them just what they do here in hatred and ignorence.they also laughing in imaginary paradise at Kaffirs(according mad mans dairy Quron).
Name: Perished be the faith islam and let it perish
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 21:37:39 -0700
Perished be the faith islam's mad brain(mind) and let it perish.It's voilence will not belong to others.It is also burn't in bamboo fire(not palm fire).
Name: Islmaists are frogs
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 21:42:40 -0700
Islmaists alias Mohammadians are frogs who can not think think beyond the well.They think well is the only place othe earth and and even in paradise also well exists and so many female frogs for sex.Kow truth humans learn thinking.Idiots know truth.No one wants to hate you.You yourself is affected with faith infection and lost rational thinking.
Name: stop dreaming of paradise whore house start thinking
Date: Thursday June 26, 2008
Time: 21:45:24 -0700
Islamists stop dreaming of paradise whore house start thinking.You are very fortunate to have loving humans who can help to trnform to humans fro dangerous snke like animals.
Name: Time has come to end of Islam.
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 03:43:34 -0700
Time has come to end of Islam. It is battle between those who value freedom, peace and humanity and those who do not, and we must triumph at all cost for the sake of Human existence. Otherwise Human Beings will be perished like Abu Talib in Nasty Quron or like Dinosource
Name: Why does allah,the most powerful one still has not got victory over sitan?
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 03:49:30 -0700
Why does allah still has not got victory over sitan.Why he created Sitan?All the stories are rubbish and lies.Islamists alias Mohammadians are brain washed since from childhood and even every friday.Today,Friday Every Mosque in the city giving Furious and Hatred speeches loudly on the speakers.Muslims should help themselves by rational thinking
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 04:09:18 -0700
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 04:12:43 -0700
Name: Bibi Ayesha Fucker
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 04:16:12 -0700
No one is throwing dung on muslims because Mohammed ( shit be upon him ) is biggest bullshit in itself. Are muslims follow him satanic protocols and rape their kids at home, when your muslimas ( your beautiful sisters, mothers and daughters ) protest they beat them up. The are all dirty beneath their burkas with mensuration blood, islam is against personnel hygine
Name: Why the quran cannot be written by god
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 09:26:41 -0700
Why should god allow all muslims to beat their wifes and take the responsibility for any idiot who commits such a violent act. No intelligent creature would do this.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 10:16:40 -0700
I have to admit that the world and proplr are in a bad state of affairs . This will be the case as long as ISLAM - the most savage,brutal,cruel,evil,bloodthirsty,slavery ,killing cult is alive and exists on this planet. Why the world and people are so helpless to take action and destroy this wicked cult ISLAM before it destroys them ? Do they understand what ISLAM is and stands for ? Do anybody on this earth in their right mind want to have or accept or even think in terms of ISLAMIC sharia,ISLAMIC bigotry,ISLAMIC racism, ISLAMIC fascism, ISLAMIC misogyny, ISLAMIC slavery, ISLAMIC kufr's , ISLAMIC apartheid, ISLAMIC bombings, ISLAMIC terror,ISLAMIC INTOLERANCE , ISLAMIC IMPERIALISM , ISLAMIC hatred, ISLAMIC killings, ISLAMIC madness of ISLAMIC ALLA paradise, ( Whorehouse !!! LOL ) ? Then what explains the inaction and paralysis that afflitcs free human race ,noble humanity, freedom,peace loving democratic,progressive,liberal humanism of human race ? IS it not a shame on all good hearted humans with good conscience ? How can they sleep knowing that a dark , evil, wicked, fascist, ideology and theology of ISLAM is persecuting,destroying humanity like plague?
Name: Matthew
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 10:53:48 -0700
Ram does not exist. Krishna does not exist. They are mythological characters important for the lay hindu person. They are imaginary role models. Unlike Jesus, buddha, Lao Tzu etc. Evil cannot be exterminated permanently. It can only be defeated and triumphed over time and again. This is because the powers of goodness do not force people to follow. They expect voluntary friends not slaves. Those who tread the path of evil will always be free to do so with the evil consequences affecting their lives.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 12:38:42 -0700
To Matthew : For the sake of human values,good human philosophy,good human principles,good morals, good ethos - it is not possible to distinguish between ISLAM and christianity. Both are evil cults. Both are built with the blood of millions of innocents. There is no - not even an iota - to say that jesus existed . same thing even with MO_HAM_MUD. No comtemporary eywitnesses or documentation is available in case of jesus or MO_HAM_MUD. If RAMA and krishna are mythology, so is Jesus and MO_HAM_MAD, eventhough - in the latter cases it was of much recent story. can you provide any proof that jesus existed ? Do you think the miracles of jesus are true ? You have to go to ISLAMIC sites where they wage battles against christianity . AS long as ISLAM and christianity claims that their religions are true, their GODs are true, their prophets are perfect ,their books are true , their revelations are true , they have a GOD given right, that they are chosen people of gOD , they have reservation in heaven becoz they believe in their prophets, their religion , their GOd is supreme, others are pagans, others worship devils, nonmoslems and nonchristians are bound for hell, after death will burn in hell for eternity . that nonmoslems and nonchristians must convert to have salvation , that it is the duty of Moslems and christians to proselytize and convert them to their way - all this madness, all this bigotry, all this highly racist, colonialist,imperialist religions are like plague for humanity. both ISLAM and then christianity must be eradicated - unless and until they accept absolute equality of all humanity . All are God children and equal. No need to convet. This bigotry,this fascism, this totalitarianism, this imposition in the name of God- both ISLAM and christianity - must end. At present christianity has civilized - otherwise - christianity has equally bloody ,brutal past. Both ISLAM and christianity are myths ,great fables .
Name: Bullshit Worshipper
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 13:54:39 -0700
First I want to say that I have no regrets about worshipping bullshit, I am a proud bullshit worshipper because I know it’s for the masters who know mental, physical and spiritual reality just like God. If you are at the bottom or in the middle you want to prove your higher merits to others, lower you are more you want to prove. But if you are the top point of the pyramid, the last points at which you are the only one, there is no competitor, you don’t need to prove anything to anybody, you know yourself, from perspective of others you may be God but at that point you are all alone. So not to get overwhelmed by that reality and not to get tempted to misuse your power, you counter balance your position by worshipping busllshit because it’s the lowest denominator possible for God, if someone want to believe.
Name: Bullshit Worshipper
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 15:03:03 -0700
Now let’s begin (Shree Ganesh) some mental torture, I have no problem accepting Islam or Christianity, but before that I got few questions, who ever satisfy me, I will accept it as my religion. As Muslims are mentally weak and don’t have much technology so the question for them is “Find the place on earth from where you can see towards the sky during the day and feel that you have reached the corner of Sky?” I know you cannot find it because from were ever you see the sky, you always feel that you are at the centre under the sky. For Christians questions is find the centre of Universe, I know you cannot because Western Scientist have already established that Universe is Heliocentric, which means every point appear like the centre, But Why? Because God don’t care about the game of Hierarchy, its man who cares, God try to make sure that every point feel as if it’s the centre, it’s the most desired one. Every person is here because he is required, everybody is special and unique, and game is incomplete without him/her. Every person believes that his belief is the right belief, “It’s the centre”, otherwise how can you believe in something, or do something, if you feel it’s wrong. A person drinking alcohol drink it because he thinks it’s the right thing to do and a person going to mosque goes there because he thinks it’s the best thing to do. Problem arise when people get so much carried away by illusive reality that they start thinking that there right is the only right and everybody else is wrong, it’s a heliocentric universe, every point is the centre, so try to respect others point of view, as long as they don’t challenge your view.
Name: Bullshit Worshipper
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 20:25:31 -0700
Physicists like Beowulf are on this forum as well, so I would like to expand my question a bit further. By centre of Universe I mean the absolute centre, not the centre of observable universe, because if you go by observation than, Universe is as big as your observation is. If you watch by naked eyes, it may not be that big, if you watch by light telescope, it become bigger, if you watch by radio telescope it become bigger. So what is the guarantee that it may not be bigger than your equipments can observe. Your equipments are limited in their ability both ways towards observation of smaller things and observations of bigger things as well; Heisenberg has already put the limit on precision observation of atomic world by his Heisenberg constant. As you know light bends at long distances, so what if light is forming a horizon in three dimensions, just like earth don’t end at the horizon, you go upwards and your horizon becomes bigger and bigger. Similarly better methods of observations increases the size of Universe, in reality Universe may be far bigger than we can observe. If you travel a significant distance in one direction, you may find that the size of the universe is still same as it was on earth but some galaxies have been wiped off in one direction and new one has emerged in another direction. What you don’t know calling it dark energy is no solution, what if God has programmed it such that it expand faster than your thought and is bigger than your imagination. Your imagination and creativity is also a part of it, so it has to give evidence in all directions, to satisfy your thoughts. If you think its closed it will give you evidence for that, if you think its open it will give you evidence for that, because rule of Mathematics is that Universal set must contain the subset and your thought process is also its subset, it exist in it.
Name: Bullshit Worshipper
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 20:44:01 -0700
One more general question, according to theory of origin, life originates when lightning strike soup of amino acids in Primordial Ocean of water, my question is all of these elements are non-living so how come they form living? Life as we know it, is conscious energy, if it does not have a source, it just appear and disappear in combination of above elements than it’s not following the Science, which states that energy cannot be destroyed or created but change form. I want to know with what process these elements if any get conscious. Try it, I will answer it tomorrow, you are free to consider my answer bullshit because as you know I am an expert Bullshitter!
Name: to kafir/infidel
Date: Friday June 27, 2008
Time: 22:03:07 -0700
if ram and krishna were historical characters what are the dates in which they lived. No time line exists for these kind of stories. We all need role models so humans have made mythical characters which embody the values which we hold dear. Example King Arthur in english legends. It could be that the character of arthur is based on some real historical figure. However it is obvious that it has been blown out of proportion and all sort of fanciful stories have been concocted. It could be also that certain places have been mentioned in the fable which may exist even today but still it has to stretch credibility to except these fables as being true for the most part. Still there are people who belive all the tales of king arthur. Does it server a purpose. Yes it does. it is a story with a moral. it encorages people to emulate these role models. So do these fables like ram and krishna do have a purpose for the common man. As for jesus he lived in a tima and in a area of the world where documents were meticulously kept. We know all about the exploits of julius caesar, his wars. his speaches in astounding detail. This was before jesus. Most historians do not doubt the authenticity of the historical jesus. Mo-muds life and times were also documented by his contemporaries. The same cannot be said about ram and krishna. As for hatred of followers of other religions i am aware that some christian proselytisers have been susceptible just as most religious fundamentalists to it. But it has no place in the christian gospel and teaching.Jesus always preached compassion. As for all non christians going to hell just because they are non christians i do not know. there is nothing in the gospel which says that. I am aware that some christians belive that but i have a problem with that. And since i dont find anything that confirms that in the gospel i keep believing that it will not happen. If it explicitly stated that all non christians would suffer fir eternity in hell just for being non christians I would seriously reconsider being a christian. What is salvation anyway? living forever in peace in the presence of god? I dont know for certain. But that is my vague idea of salvation . What is hell? A place where people suffer torture for all eternity? I cant even contemplate that let alone belive it exists. Can anything remain unchanged for etrnity? every thing in this universe changes. What is the after life like? too many questions. I dont have the precise answers to be frank. To make it all short. I am a follower of jesus because he embodied compassion, courage, truth, fairness and mercy. His actions and words mirrored those qualities. If not i would not be a follower. Actually i am more of an admirer han a follower. If i did not believe these qualities existed in jesus i would have rejected his message and his personality long ago.
Name: ram and krishna astronomical horoscope exists u can dor everse maths and find accurate dates
Date: Saturday June 28, 2008
Time: 01:24:18 -0700
Name: To: kafir/infidel
Date: Saturday June 28, 2008
Time: 11:49:50 -0700
Christianity teaches that all are equal. It is not bigotry or racism to preach the gospel of Christ, Christians have admitted that we are no better than anybody else and therefore are in need of salvation. Christians are people who are redeemed by the blood of Christ - this does not make Christians better, and it is not anything that we have done that has saved us. The Bible teaches that conversion is voluntary and should never be forced. And no, Christianity does not have the same bloody history as islam. Robert Spencer's books expose the true facts about, for exmaple, the crusades that the pc brigade don't want us to know about!
Date: Sunday June 29, 2008
Time: 03:48:26 -0700
Date: Sunday June 29, 2008
Time: 11:37:01 -0700
"the Islamist terrorists, the Jihadists and the Islamist apologists have no shortage of funds—the Arab/oil money is aplenty to finance the establishment of a super Arab (Islamic) kingdom" Another good reason to go green.
Date: Sunday June 29, 2008
Time: 14:20:20 -0700
The existence of this and thousands of other hate spreading, phobic sites is a clear sign from the non believers that the only power to sweep them over is no other than mighty Islam .You i am afraid are a little too late, so let us come to the truth and stop spreading lies.
Name: peter
Date: Sunday June 29, 2008
Time: 19:47:13 -0700
According to you truth is murder and threats. if you have the right to spread such a message we have the right to say that it is evil.
Name: jim
Date: Monday June 30, 2008
Time: 01:50:27 -0700
must be of sound mind. hmm are any followers of the cult of islam of sound mind
Name: To: Matthew
Date: Monday June 30, 2008
Time: 02:44:34 -0700
Matthew Date: Friday June 27, 2008 Time: 10:53:48 -0700 //Ram does not exist. Krishna does not exist. They are mythological characters important for the lay hindu person. They are imaginary role models// BOLLOCKS! The "Hindu" religion is longer than your Judeo-Christian. Do not mouth ignorance. Lao tze was a philosopher as was Confucius. "Hinduism" believes in reincarnation, in the immortal soul. The soul of Krishna and the soul of Jesus is one and the same. Abraham came from the city of Ur (Urvashi) India. Another proof is that when the US carpet bombed Afghanistan thousands of idols of Krishna, Shankar, Buddha surfaced. The idol of Ganesha was recently found in Kuwait. "Qui non intelligit aut discat aut taceat" Who does not understand should either learn, or be silent. Matthew.
Name: Matthew
Date: Monday June 30, 2008
Time: 13:20:02 -0700
I welcome your reply. After all this site is for discussion and not asking people to shut up. That is what a muslim would do. Not a hindu, buddhist or christian. If there is a shred of evidence of ram and krishna as being historical figures i would have accepted it. So would the historians of this world. They dont. Deepak chopra thinks that they are mythological characters. Krishna is not christ. though i understand and appreciate the philosophy and the spiritual message that is in hinduism ( one of the main reasons that india has the resilience to overcome challenges). I believe that hindu culture spread beyond the subcontinent especially in indonesia, cambodia, thailand etc. The city of ur from where abraham is supposed to have come is in mesopaotamia ( modern day Iraq) not in india. I myself do not believe every word that is in the bible. I disagree with a lot of things. the story of adam and eve, the story of noah, etc. That is because i never belive anything blindly. Even my faith is a reasoned faith. Even faith has to have grounds for it.
Name: challenge to Akhter
Date: Wednesday July 02, 2008
Time: 22:49:22 -0700
Proof that your prophet Mohammad was a descendant of Abraham. You can not because Mohammad was a-son-of-a-bitch with camel as his father. He loves to drink camel's urine mixed with its milk!!!! Ishmael never ever traced visiting Makkah or Arabian Peninsula. So did Abraham. Conclusion? The Ka'aba was not built by Abraham and/or Ishmael. Other proof: "Abraham tomb at Machpelah, its feet point to Ka'aba". So many bullshits told by Mohammad, so stupid are they who believe it.
Name: BPK
Date: Thursday July 03, 2008
Time: 09:51:02 -0700
A real eye-opener. One always knew that Islam was oppressive and muslims desire the world to follow Islam. But it is so deep-rooted and terrifying. The Western Countries, especially U.K. which is soft on Islam, should take up immediate steps to curtail this serious threat to humankind.
Name: Unknown
Date: Monday July 07, 2008
Time: 07:33:57 -0700
what do u guys want to point out...? no matter what you say or what you do.... Islam would always stand firm.... and you cannot do anything about it.. even if you spread blasphemy..... It is still the fastest growing religion.... If your saying that there is oppression in Islam... then why do people bother to accept Islam......
Name: austin
Date: Monday July 07, 2008
Time: 08:53:59 -0700
I dispute the claim that islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Not according to this site. Also the high rates of growth of islam in USA and europe is due to migration. According to the "Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life"[12] “ Islam is already the fastest-growing religion in Europe. Driven by immigration and high birthrates, the number of Muslims on the continent has tripled in the last 30 years. Most demographers forecast a similar or even higher rate of growth in the coming decades. " Some people have converted because they have been fooled into believing that Islam is a good religion. Also anyone who criticises islam openly is threatened with death. See what happened in belgium to those belgian christians who spoke out against islam? See what happened during the muhamed cartoon episode in norway? Muhamed tried to prevent the truth about himself and islam from coming out by killing those who spoke against islam. The same is practised by islams followers today. If islamic countries are so confident about the truth of islam why do they not allow christians and non muslims to preach their religions in islamic countries to muslims? After all this is allowed in the rest of the non muslim world as a fundamental right. Also the non muslim world is confident that their religions and values will not be affected by preaching. Only muslims are afraid that they will be converted if non muslims preach in islamic countries. Also if islam is so good why do most muslims still want to go to europe and USA? Dont they feel it is better staying in a islamic country where they are governed according to islamic laws? Can any muslim answer this question?
Name: I Say,
Date: Monday July 07, 2008
Time: 12:54:32 -0700
Study the structure of the Quran before you comment on single lines. If you do have any doubt in the authenticity of its author, please do examine the words in the Quran. For example: The word Day appears 365 times. The word Month appears 12 times. Other things like Land appeared 14 times Sea (water) appeared 36 Do you see the comparison...The earths land to sea ratio is nearly 14:36. How could this be a mere coincidence? Why is Islam the most converted to religion in the world? The reason is, people READ the Quran, and realize the miracles within. There's no harm in reading something and obtaining knowledge. So before anyone comments on something about Islam, please do carefully understand the book.
Name: To I say
Date: Monday July 07, 2008
Time: 13:46:24 -0700
Are you a newcomer to this site? The whole site is full of quotes from the quran and hadith asking for the murder and enslavement of non muslims. We already know enough of the quran, hadith and muhamed. Islams god is a false god. The moon god of the kaaba and muhamed is the witness of this false god.
Name: islamic contradictions
Date: Monday July 07, 2008
Time: 13:57:29 -0700
The quran is so full of contadictions that anyone who reads it completelt will realise the hotch potch it is. One verse asks people to show compassion. Other verses call for slaughter and massacre of people who oppose islam. Thre is no logical consistency in that book. So muslims show a part of the quran to impress people but use other parts of the book which encourage murder, theivery and rapaciousness when they wish to justify their crimes. Enough of this deception. Those who are decieved are those who cannot think for themselves. If they cannot think for themselve let them at least listen to arguments from both sides before they make a informed decision. And last of all look at the condition of islamis societies. Educationally, technologically, industrially, socially, culturally backward. The end product is proof of the falsehood that is islam. If a religion mirrors the truth it will allow its adherents to progress and flourish. Islam has kept its followers backward and brought them into conflict with others. If they persist in murdering and creating strife they will reap the consequences of their actions. Muslims turn away from this vile faith before it is too late. It has robbed millions of the joy of living by putting so many restrictions on them. The muslims with common sense survive by quietly ignoring most of the tenets of their faith. Or else every islamic country will start resembling afghanistan under taliban or some fourteennth century islamic kingdom.
Date: Friday July 11, 2008
Time: 15:13:55 -0700
This is evidence that quran encourages terrorism Sura (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" Sura (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them." Sura (9:14) - "Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace..." What more proof is required? THe quran says terrorise non muslims till they convert.