A Few Questions Related to Islam, Part 1
05 Sep, 2008
(Note: Names have been changed, and e-mail address blocked to protect privacy)
Dear Mr. Kasem
- I have got your internet web site by fortune, looking for some advice to a friend that seems to be in love with an Egyptian man that she knew this summer.
Let me to introduce me and my friend, to explain how things happened and what are her concerns.
My name is Peter, I live in Netherlands, my wife has a very good friend of her, called her Jennifer. Jennifer is married but his husband is totally out of all this.
Last summer we went to Egypt to one of these Nile cruises, we were five: my wife, my two sons , Jennifer and me. Jennifer's husband could not come because he worked during summer.
We knew the boat staff. There was a young muslim man, the one on charge of the reception desk at the boat, he started to flirt with Jennifer, let me to call him Mohamed, he is 28 years old and single. During our travel there were caresses by the arms and legs, but nothing else.
They agreed to call them by phone when we arrive to Netherlands because he wanted to hear her voice and that was all in Egypt, but in Netherlands things changed.
When we arrived Jennifer phoned to Mohamed and they started to speak and to intimate too. It seems, as she tells my wife, that their conversations are too hot.
He asked her to sent some sexy photographs and she sent some sexy but neither erotic nor porno photos.
When they speak their excitation is so high that even they masturbate, Jennifer says that is like they were really doing love each other. They are doing this now, even in Ramadan time but late at night, when Jennifer's husband is sleeping.
Now Mohamed wants that Jennifer leaves her husband and goes to Egypt to marry with him but Jennifer does not want to leave his husband. She says that Mohamed is like a dream, she knows that this is a kind of adventure but she would like became reality what they speak or do by means of the phone.
He says Jennifer and her husband are Dutch married but Jennifer and Mohamed are Egiptian married. She tries to explain that Mohamed is not her real husband but Jennifer only speaks Dutch and Mohamed does not speak Dutch at all, so they are problems to communicate their thoughts.
In spite of this she would never leave her husband. Then a lot of questions arise due to religion, we are not Muslims we are Lutherans.
Let me to ask you some of them as an expert in Islamic religion to know your impressions.
It seems that Mohamed have had sexual relations before, Jennifer does not know how many but she suspects that not much.
Is not forbidden to masturbate during Ramadan time, even at night with a woman that is not the wife?
He insists to her to visit him next year. First he proposed love in his apartment but it seems that his family live with him so she refused. Then he has proposed a hotel in Cairo or Aswan for several days.
She has also refused because she is afraid to be with him several days, she wants only one night.
If they meet in a future, will he treat her as something of his own? will he try that she do anything he likes even she does not like?
What Mohamed can think about Jennifer if she does not have her pubis shaved? Will he accept it?
Will Mohamed accept to make love with preservative, with condom? I have heard that Muslims hate condoms.
Are there some things about sex totally forbidden for Muslims?, postures, touchments or similars?
She knows she perhaps commit adultery and it is awful in Muslim countries, can he try to use this to blackmail her and get from her as much as possible (money, sex or any other thing)?
After Jennifer make her dream reality she thinks to come back home and that all this finish in a nice friendship, can she have problems with Mohamed because he considers her of his own?
Sir I am very sorry to ask you these questions, it seems a sex or love consult instead of questions about religion but she is a very good friend of my wife, almost like a sister, and we are "worried" about her.
Any other indication you can tell us would be welcome
I apologize for any inconveniences or things that can offend you, our ignorance about Islam is so high that I considered a good idea to ask you.
Thanks in advance for your time and patience.
Best regards
Dear Peter;
Thank you for your e-mail. I appreciate that you took the trouble to write to me about the predicament of your wife’s girl-friend, who happens to have fallen in love/sexual relationship with a Muslim man in Egypt.
While I find nothing wrong for a western (Dutch) woman to be doting with a young, handsome and amorous Egyptian man, I sense some trouble for this gullible western lady, who is married, and who, I guess, has very little idea about an Islamic society. The problem is not Egypt or the Egyptian man; the problem is Islam, since Egypt is ruled by Sharia or Islamic laws, especially for marital affairs, including sex, whether inside marriage or outside marriage or whether consensual or not.
First, in an Islamic society such as Egypt, it is a serious crime to have unlawful sexual relationship; the punishment might be severe. Jennifer was lucky enough not to be caught by the Egyptian religious police for having physical proximity with a Muslim man, whether that led to actual sexual intercourse or not is immaterial. In many Islamic countries, she could have faced flogging or long-term jail, for indulging in indecent/immoral relationship. Since she was married, she could have even faced stoning to death, if such sharia law is active in Egypt.
One might say, in Egypt, bribery is rife, and one could easily escape such harsh punishment through graft. Nevertheless, I shall suggest that it is a huge risk an infidel woman takes whenever she pines a Muslim man in an Islamic paradise such as Egypt.
So, my first suggestion to this lady would be to cut off every contact with this Muslim Egyptian.
Now, I shall reply your specific passages.
You wrote:
We knew the boat staff. There was a young muslim man, the one on charge of the reception desk at the boat, he started to flirt with Jennifer, let me to call him Mohamed, he is 28 years old and single. During our travel there were caresses by the arms and legs, but nothing else.
My response
I am not at all surprised with Mohamed’s behaviour. In an
Islamic/Arabic society, it will be extremely difficult for him to
secure a woman, without marriage, to have fun with No wonder he
found a good prey in a western woman, who is not that inhibited and
who has liberal attitude towards sex and physical intimacy. This
Muslim man took full advantage of the vulnerable position, and the
laissez-faire attitude of the Dutch lady.
You wrote:
When they speak their excitation is so high that even they masturbate, Jennifer says that is like they were really doing love each other. They are doing this now, even in Ramadan time but late at night, when Jennifer's husband is sleeping.
My response:
This confirms Mohamed's great desire for sex with infidel women. I
would say, he will find it hard to have this kind of heightened
sexual gratification through telephone had he tried with an Arab
Muslim woman. I think Jennifer should sniff danger in this ‘remote
control’ sex.
You wrote
Is not forbidden to masturbate during Ramadan time, even at night with a woman that is not the wife?
My response:
Islam forbids masturbation by male or female, though I have not
found the word ‘masturbation’ in the Qur’an or in any Sahih Sitta
(the six authentic Hadis collections). Sharia law considers
masturbation as committing adultery (zina) with oneself, or the
adultery of the hands, though no specific punishment is prescribed.
Islamic texts tell us that on the day of resurrection the hands of a
masturbator (male or female) will become pregnant. You might laugh
at Islamic laws—how could one catch a masturbator—it is nearly
impossible, because such DIY sexual gratification is committed in
utmost privacy. Read more about Islamic masturbation
Yes, a Muslim, male or female, cannot masturbate during Ramadan. Sharia law says his/her fast will be broken if he/she masturbates during fasting times. Please read the above link for details.
Please note that in Islamic tradition, a woman must be circumcised by surgically removing her clitoris. One of the reasons for such a savage practice is to prevent the woman from masturbation. Unfortunately, for an Islamic man it is impossible, as this might result in the loss of his penis altogether.
You wrote
If they meet in a future, will he treat her as something of his own? will he try that she do anything he likes even she does not like?
My response
In Islam, infidel women are considered immoral, harlots,
prostitutes, and sexual objects. It is quite legal to have sex with
infidel women, without marrying them; for, they are, in the strict
Islamic sense, nothing but captives when they happen to be in the
hands of her Islamic captor.
Therefore, I suspect, if Mohamed is a true Muslim, he can never treat Jennifer as a respectable woman, worth to be his dignified wife or life-partner. I cannot be certain of this, though.
You wrote,
Will he think about her as a "one night wife" of a "one night married" instead about romantic love?
Response: In Islam, it is possible to have ‘one night stand’ or even a few minutes stand through ‘Muta’ and/or Misyar marriage. But, to engage in such a ‘one night stand’, Jennifer must convert to Islam and marry Mohamed for whatever short term it is. It may even be necessary for her to proceed through female circumcision (excision of clitoris), as this is widely practiced in Egypt, though illegal to the extent that the law is rarely enforced. It is believed that more than ninety percent of Egyptian Muslim women undergo such genital mutilation.
You wrote:
If they meet in a future, will he treat her as something of his own? will he try that she do anything he likes even she does not like?
My response:
In Islam, a woman is a man’s possession. In a hadis, it is written
that a woman is a property to a man. Therefore, if Mohamed follows
Islamic principle, nothing should prevent him from treating Jennifer
as his chattel, to be used and discarded as he pleases. Of course,
Mohamed could be a nice person, if he decides not to follow Islam.
You wrote:
What Mohamed can think about Jennifer if she does not have her pubis shaved? Will he accept it?
My response:
According to hadis, a wife must shave her pubic hair if her husband
returns home at night after a long journey. It is possible; Mohamed
might like women’s pubic hair. In this case, he is not following
Islam to the letter.
You wrote:
Will Mohamed accept to make love with preservative, with condom? I have heard that Muslims hate condoms.
My response:
I have not found any verse in the Qur’an or in ahadith which
prevents the use of preservative to prevent pregnancy. Condom is a
recent invention, so we may not expect any decree on this in the
Islamic scriptures. I am not aware of Islamic laws which forbid the
use of condom. Though controversial, the Islamic method of birth
control is Azl, coitus interruptus, which involves
ejaculating sperm outside vagina during orgasm. But this is allowed
only in the cases of having sex with captive women or sex-slaves. A
wife must consent if the husband wishes to indulge in such sexual
You wrote:
Are there some things about sex totally forbidden for Muslims?, postures, touchments or similars?
My response:
According to the Qur’an, a husband can have sex with his wife in any
manner he wishes. Although many scholars insist that anal
intercourse is forbidden, I have not found any specific verse in the
Qur’an or hadis on such prohibition. In fact, in Shia Islam, a man
is allowed to have anal intercourse with his wife.
You wrote:
She knows she perhaps commit adultery and it is awful in Muslim countries, can he try to use this to blackmail her and get from her as much as possible (money, sex or any other thing)?
This is quite possible, I must agree with her.
You wrote:
After Jennifer make her dream reality she thinks to come back home and that all this finish in a nice friendship, can she have problems with Mohamed because he considers her of his own?
My response:
I wish her good luck, if she could escape the draconian religious
inspectors and Islamic law enforcers. Instead of visiting an Islamic
paradise, I think she should be happy where she is now, (the
Netherlands). But then again, to open her eyes to the realities of
an Islamic society, let her try, with Mohamed. She might learn a few
lessons on Islamic laws.
I have provided short and accurate answers, to the best of my knowledge. However, I shall take no responsibility for any errors or omissions, as I did not write this answer as a piece of scholarly-researched essay.
Abul Kasem
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Abul Kasem is an Bengali ex-Muslim and academic. He has contributed in Leaving Islam - Apostates Speak Out and Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside. He has also written extensively on Islam in various websites and is the author of five e-Books: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Mr. Kasem leaves in Sydney, Australia. He can be contacted at abul88@hotmail.com.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 20:43:21 -0700
Most moslems are hypocrite. With so many don'ts in Quran, still they do the opposite. Many moslem countries have corrupt governments. Look in Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc. Money is the most important reason. Bullshit with their saying about Mohammad and his teachings, ha ha ha ....
Name: Ananda
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 22:42:43 -0700
Man held for 'raping' 12-year-old boy-(September 04 2008 at 12:53PM)--(A 49-year-old man was arrested for allegedly raping a 12-year-old boy in a mosque in Dukathole, Germiston, East Rand police said on Thursday.)--(The man, who had been with the Dukathole mosque for three months, was arrested at 2am, said Captain Steady Nawa.)--(The boy was attending a religious lecture on Islam when he was asked to sleep over by the man on August 25, Nawa said.)--("During the night the man allegedly raped the boy and promised him R20 for his silence. The boy reported the incident to his mother, who then alerted the police," said Nawa.)--(The suspect was expected to appear in the Germiston magistrate's court on Friday facing a rape charge. - Sapa)--
Name: Islam is the bestest religion
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 22:45:13 -0700
Islam is the bestest religion. There is nothing you can't do as long as you are still a Muslim in your heart. But what is a Muslim? A egocentric lazy dumb-ass who doesn't like to think. It is easy to figure out. Eventhough the oldest extant Old and New Testament scriptures paint a clear picture of who is GOD, what his name is, and what He is like by actually living with us in human form and dying for us, so we will be atoned for and a true example of how to be. The concept of there being different manifestations of God is to hard to understand, but Islam is easy. Do not think, just do what we say and what Mohammad did. Do not use your mind, and all those prophetic and poeticly wise writings foung in other 'holy books' are just corrupted vision of that hateful garbled terrifying mess called the Quran. It is like God started doing crystal meth and menthonal, and changed his name to Allah and decided he did not like man-kind any-more. But Islam is the bestest religion.
Name: JESUS is GOD of allah
Date: Thursday September 04, 2008
Time: 23:30:35 -0700
Islam is the Worst Religion in the World which command to kill non-Muslims people in the world...It's Satan Religion I think.....
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 02:07:37 -0700
Islam is the bestest religion? bestest? why don’t u learn English properly. Islam is the worst religion on the face of the earth. Mohammed was just a prophet of stupidity.
Name: To Jennifer
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 03:57:40 -0700
You are a deperate woman,if one could call you a woman.You are more like a whore.Do you ever think how much hurt you would cause to your husband if your husband found out about your pervert thoughts and behaviour.You are so foolish and do not understand the Muslim morality.Morally speaking,Mohammad was the most immoral person ever born.He never learnt to love and respect any woman or child and his followers behave like wise.Best for you would be to divorce you husband and work in the brothals of Amsterdam.Your fantacy would be soon satisfied.If you still wish to settle with mohammad,best of luck.You will soon finf your worth when he passes you on to his friends for sexual gratification.Luckily you will get aids and join the Muslim crowd and turn into houri/whore in the Muslim Janna/whore house.Best of fuck.
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 05:20:47 -0700
Muhammad's "coitus interruptus" answer to the sahaba who were raping women after a battle is that men should not practice that (coitus interruptus) since "Allah" decides who gets born. So, in a sense, one can deduce that Islam is against using any method of birth contorol. After all, Allah decides who will be born. This thinking is based on Muhammad's teachings, but not based directly on the Qur'an. Anyone disagrees with me here? please comment. Thanks
Name: To: Netherland letter writer and Jennifer
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 05:27:21 -0700
Whatever happened to being faithful to your husband! If Jennifer is desperate for sex like that with someone else, she needs to be forthright and get a divorce first instead of opting, like a slut, for one night stand.
Name: to To: Netherland letter writer and Jennifer
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 05:31:30 -0700
Good advice...
Name: to those that commeneted on "bestest religion"
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 06:25:11 -0700
It was nothing more than being sarcastic. Read it again.
Name: why is it always the woman
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 06:25:44 -0700
that is a slut? why didn't you call the man that?
Name: Islam is the bestest religion
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 06:49:42 -0700
To the nameless guy who questioned how I spelled Best as bestest, did you even read the paragraph? The mistake was on purpose alluding to the stupidity of Islam and Muslims.Remember I said Allah was God on Crystal Meth and methenol. It was satire.
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 07:01:18 -0700
that was my comment. Yes you can call him a slut too. I was commenting on her behavior when I wrote my precious comment.
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 12:56:22 -0700
This is the stupidest thing I have read
Name: Islam is over
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 13:16:16 -0700
The earlier you realize it - the better!
Name: All-Ha-Ha
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 18:21:34 -0700
I think most of the time, Muslims are faking that they believe in all crap of All-ha-ha. It’s not possible for a grown up sane person to believe, whatever wisdom Islam has to offer. If Muslims believes in All-ha-ha they may be either on brain numbing drugs or they are species of Apes who are in reverse evolution and are very proud of it because from perspective of there only one brain cell left (D*ck Neuron) , reverse evolution is Islamic revolution. Hey is pissing and shitting is also an Islamic holy duty or it just happens. Holy Muslims read the Koran one more time probably you could find a Sura that states that Muslims must shit, pointing there ass towards the Infidel Homes and holy places. After all it’s command of All-Ha-Ha-Ha who was sniffing laughter gas when he wrote Koran!!
Name: Zombie fried chicken
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 21:39:49 -0700
To the person who feels that this article is the stupiest thing he has ever read obviously has never read the Quran, truly the most stupid piece of work that could be read. Vanilla is the bestest.
Name: Zombie fried chicken
Date: Friday September 05, 2008
Time: 21:43:20 -0700
I challenge muslims to one on one no holds barred fight. If you lose you renounce Islam. If you win you can have sex with son ugly virgins. Viva vanilla. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha.....
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 00:24:56 -0700
First of all, Jennifer is married. She should work on her marriage instead of going after other men. Second of all, it's very dangerous to get into a relationship with a Muslim. They may appear secular at first, even genuinely so, but that fanatic chip in their brain can be activated any time. A little pressure from friends and family and the modern Muslim man suddenly turns into a fundamentalist. Even worse, some just pretend to be secular to trap unsuspecting infidel women. I've heard this story too many times. Rule of thumb, never date a Muslim. I think the best advice for Jennifer is to stop this fantasy and get back to working on her marriage. Only if they choose to part ways should she start looking for other relationships.
Name: This is out of topic.Bring sone logical points of mad religion islam
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 01:14:33 -0700
This is out of topic.Bring sone logical points of mad religion islam.What do we want about these illicit relations?Just try to hate islam (which is dangerous) rather than Mo'slums'
Name: Allaha Hummping Akbar
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 13:34:55 -0700
Anything which can bring some sanity back in an Islamo Virus Toxicated brain is on Target. Muslims can blow people for no reason, and we cannot even talk off target, this is discrimination and hypocrisy. We are dealing with madness here and to get rid off it, sometimes you have to be mad of opposite kind. Equation is matter collides with antimatter and bang, at least one or two Islamo Virus infected brain explodes with thought and logic and start functioning again at reasonable level for humanity and sanity.
Date: Saturday September 06, 2008
Time: 16:58:51 -0700
Big Al was just Holy Mo's imaginary friend and the Koran must be the scattiest book ever written: the only way it can be made to make sense is to remember that all the nasty verses cancel out anything that looks vaguely peaceful.
Date: Sunday September 07, 2008
Time: 05:36:04 -0700
Name: kmgy
Date: Monday September 08, 2008
Time: 02:56:46 -0700
Islam has a problem. The internet is a medium of information dissemination the Muslim fanatics cannot burn or destroy. Through it the ugly and beastly nature of Islam is exposed. Thanks to those enlightened and brave ex-Muslims, now Islam's greatest enemy. Their revelations of the true nature of Islam will educate the world and help in opening the eyes of non-Muslims and Muslims blinded by a pervert religion that promises an afterlife paradise of big bosom virgins and rivers of wine catering to the carnalities of its followers, which is of course non-existent, an invention of Mohammad. A virulent and vicious religion that command its followers to kill innocent human beings who have all the right to live in this world they label as infidels. A deception perpetrated by its founder Mohammad whose sexual perversion and penchant for mass murder and plunder was duly recorded in the Koran. The epitaph of Islam is already being written. Muslims of the world awake now and open your eyes to this deception and leave Islam for good!!! You are helping to make this world a better place to live in by leaving Islam. Outside Islam it is no longer obligatory for you to blow yourself to pieces to kill your fellow human beings who had done nothing wrong to you.Human life is precious. Only Satan does not care for human life.He wants you to be his instrument of destruction. It is recorded in your Koran, "There is no shame in killing." Allah is not the real God. He is the Deceiver of Mankind. The Destroyer. The Accuser. The Father of Lies. The Old Serpent. He is Satan the Devil.He desired to be like the Most High to be like God. So he established Islam through Mohammad his perfect partner the personification of evil. For Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light and perform great miracles. Hell is already reserved for Satan disguised as Allah and his demons.
Name: True, islam is spreading...
Date: Tuesday September 09, 2008
Time: 21:56:32 -0700
like a cancer. But, the more people find out what islam really teaches and practices, this cancer will eventually die out. As for Jennifer, get back to being true with your husband. YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LIKE THOUSANDS OF WESTERN WOMEN WHO HAVE GONE TO THE MID-EAST WITH A MUSLIM ONLY TO BE TRAPPED AND NEVER BE ABLE TO GET OUT!
Name: some one with an opnion
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 19:26:35 -0700
ok, Mr. Abul kasim you took this opportunity and explained the core of the moslum men thinking and their justification of self indulgence & backward thinking.But let us take these two people and look at them within real life and for what they are, my view is that the Egyptian moslem, is just some one looking for a way out,like millions of other middleasterns, who are suffering in their countries, he wants to marry her and get to Holland looking for a better life while Jennifer joins a trend of thousands of Europeans women who are looking for a thrill in their life and who get in an affair or leave their husbands for an Arab. In the Egyptian man mind Jennifer is always going to be a slut becasue she cheated on her husband whether she was a moslem or not. He might have respected her as a wife if she wasn't married keep in mind that moslem men marry non moslem women from the time of mohamed. Both of them have personal gain from this relationship, which is pure sex. The fact alone that he will sleep with her without marriage would never make him respect her specialy if she was a moslem. Moslems screw like rabbits every where and use condoms and every thing, sharia law never stopped them. Jennifer you are playing with fire think of your husband.
Name: To:someone with an opinion...
Date: Thursday September 11, 2008
Time: 20:45:55 -0700
Good opinion by the way. To a muslim, a woman is a slut. A muslim on another board called western women,"western slut-girls." Mohammed himself said that a woman is a "toy." And, another muslim commentator said that "sexual intercourse is an act, and the woman does not act." In islam, sex is for the man, not the woman. IF WOMEN REALISED WHAT ISLAM REALLY TEACHES ABOUT WOMEN,THEY WOULD STAY AWAY FROM THEM! THOUSANDS OF WESTERN WOMEN ARE NOW TRAPPED IN THE MID-EAST AND CAN'T GET OUT! THEY BELIEVED THE LIE THAT THEIR HUSBANDS OR BOYFRIENDS REALLY LOVED THEM. ALL THE MEN WANTED WAS ANOTHER SLAVE(UP TO 4 ALTHOUGH MOHAMMED HAD MANY OF THEM INCLUDING A 6 YEAR OLD GIRL WHICH HE HAD SEX WITH HER THREE YEARS LATER WHEN HER VAGINA WAS BARELY BIG ENOUGH FOR HIM!).
Name: Abbas
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 06:12:17 -0700
Bush Says Islam Is a “Great Religion that Preaches Peace” President tells Al Arabiya those who murder innocents are not religious President Bush speaks during the Iftaar Dinner with ambassadors and Muslim leaders in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Oct. 4. (© AP Images) President Bush speaks during the Iftaar Dinner with ambassadors and Muslim leaders at the White House in Washington. (© AP Images)By Stephen Kaufman Staff Writer Washington -- Ahead of hosting an iftar celebration at the White House, President Bush said the Islamic religion “is a great religion that preaches peace,” and that Americans are free “to worship any way they see fit.” Bush spoke October 4 with Al Arabiya television and answered questions concerning the War on Terror and the freedom of religion in the United States. Muslim extremists have “done a good job of propagandizing” the idea that Americans do not like the Islamic faith, Bush said, stating his own belief that the global community, regardless of individual faiths, “prays to the same God.” The president later hosted an iftar event at the White House, celebrating the daily breaking of the fast observed by Muslims during the month of Ramadan. “I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace,” Bush said, and Americans are free “to worship any way they see fit.” “[Y]ou can be free to worship, and it’s your choice to make. It’s not the state’s choice, and you shouldn’t be intimidated after you’ve made your choice,” Bush said, adding that religious freedom is “a right that I jealously guard.” (See related article.) The president said he does not believe that those who murder innocent men, women and children for political objectives are “religious people,” whether they be suicide bombers in Iraq or self-proclaimed Christians such as Timothy McVeigh, who killed 168 people in a 1995 bombing in Oklahoma City. “[T]hat’s not a Christian act to kill innocent people,” Bush said, and those who carried out the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks against New York and Washington “do not reflect the views of the vast majority of peaceful people in the Middle East.” The president said “the last thing” he wants to be is a president during wartime and added the war against terror “is not a struggle against … the Muslim religion.” “[I]t is a struggle of honorable, peaceful people throughout the world against the few who want to impose their vision” upon them, he said. “I think people, if given a chance, will seize freedom,” he said.
Name: kmgy
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 08:34:08 -0700
Islam is not only false it is also dangerous. Inside its pages is the blueprint for the subjugation of the whole world under Islam. If that happens forget freedom of expression, forget freedom of religion, forget human rights!!!
Name: To Abbas
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 08:41:07 -0700
It does not follow that since George Bush is the president of America his views regarding Islam is correct! He was just playing a political game of appeasement.
Name: a muslim
Date: Saturday September 13, 2008
Time: 21:42:51 -0700
i am surprised to see that people have time to write stories about their friend's wife - and all he does to save his friend is write something on this site. Unbelievable! Every religion has black sheep - you guys just pick one of them and write ill about them. If someone drives a new Merc S class and bangs it against a tree, whom do you blame - the driver or the Merc? You guys are too laid back to find the truth. If you want to find out more about Islam ask a knowledgeable person and then decide what is good n bad. May Allah have mercy on every one.
Name: Allah is the pagan moon god of Mecca!
Date: Sunday September 14, 2008
Time: 06:18:04 -0700
Allah was the pagan moon god of Mecca before Islam! Mohammad's father was Abdullah meaning servant of Allah. So Muslims all over the world continue in the worship of Allah the pagan moon god! Today the symbol for Islam is the crescent moon! Mecca was the center of pagan pilgrimage. Today Muslims all over the world continue the pagan practice of pilgrimage to Mecca! Pagan Mecca had a white stone, a red stone, and a black stone. Mohammad kissed the black stone. Today Muslims all over the world continue their reverence to the black stone!
Name: To the Above
Date: Friday September 19, 2008
Time: 22:14:45 -0700
You certainly like to lick the but of these Zionist. Shame on you.
Name: Truth hurts!
Date: Saturday September 20, 2008
Time: 04:45:02 -0700
Truth hurts! Doesn't it?