Denmark: Anti-Islamization Protesters Left Bloodied with Beating with Iron Bars and Stabbing by Muslim Thugs
26 Oct, 2007
I mentioned
earlier a campaign has been mounted in Europe called
Stop Islamisation of Europe.
This group's aim is self-evident - to oppose multicultural policies
which have allowed Islamists to wield political influence, and the
encroachment of Islam in Europe. They regard this spread of a
potentially violent religion/ideology as a threat to the values
which built Europe. They are not racist - their slogan is "Racism is
the lowest form of human stupidity, but Islamophobia is the height
of common sense."
On the sixth anniversary of 9/11 this year, members of the group had
tried to protest in Brussels. The politically correct mayor, Freddy
Thielemans, was opposed to any event which could have inflamed
Muslims in his city - a tacit admission that demonstrations of free
speech - a basic European right - would be met with violence by the
same Muslims he supports. He banned the demonstration. Several
people still turned up, hoping to make their protest, but
154 people were arrested.
Now, news comes that an attempt by SIOE to make a demonstration in
Denmark was met with extreme violence in which four people,
including the leader of the Danish branch of SIOE, were injured.
incident is reported - with pictures - on
SIOE's website. On Sunday, October 21, a demonstration by SIOE
had been planned in Copenhagen. Anders Gravers was in one of two
cars driving to a cellar before the meeting.
When he stopped the car to get through the security gate, his
vehicle was attacked by four men. Two of these smashed the car's
side windows with iron bars. One of Anders Gravers' passengers was
struck by the bars. The attackers were calling "Get him out! Get him
out!" Another person who was in the front of the car between Gravers
and the other injured passenger, was also injured. A filled bottle
of soda was thrown at her, breaking on the back of her head (above
right). The attackers eventually ran off.
fought back as one of the men tried to lean into the car and unlock
the door. It later was found that Gravers' shirt and jacket had
holes, corresponding to stab marks. At the time, no-one was aware
that the assailants had knives. Anders Gravers had been wearing a
protective vest under his shirt. He suffered the least injuries of
those attacked, having bruises on his arm and body.
An elderly woman passenger in Anders Gravers' car had managed to
escape from the vehicle, but she was hit with iron bars by two of
the assailants (above left). Another individual (top photo) was hit
in the head at least four times with iron bars as he lay in the
The four attackers ran off, and the injured individuals took refuge
in the cellar venue they had intended to meet at before the
demonstration. Phone reception in the basement was poor, but an
individual in the building phoned for police and ambulance services.
Gravers went ahead and led the demonstration outside Copenhagen's
Institute of Human Rights.
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Adrian Morgan, aka
Giraldus Cambrensis of
Western Resistance, is UK-based writer and artist. He also writes for
Spero News,
Family Security Matters and
Date: Friday October 26, 2007
Time: 03:31:02 -0700
Like some racist non-Muslims, some hot-headed Muslims have also utilized their "freedom of expression"! LOLZ! Let's utilize our "freedom of speech" and "freedom of expression" everywhere! Can anybody writes anything anti-Semitic in Europe? If not, then where is your "freedom of speech", racist bigots?
Name: ExMuslim
Date: Friday October 26, 2007
Time: 04:29:27 -0700
Stop Islamization is the racist? Islamic fascism in obviously on the march in Europe.
Name: a youtube user...
Date: Friday October 26, 2007
Time: 09:24:52 -0700
Oh good... MORE AMMO to sling back into the faces of muslims on youtube! Expect my message soon!
Date: Friday October 26, 2007
Time: 10:10:05 -0700
Smashing women's heads with iron bars is a funny type of "freedom of expression". Must be a cultural misunderstanding perhaps? Even anti-racists attack men and don't smash women with iron bars from what I recall. Muslims have special expressive skills it seems.
Name: allat
Date: Friday October 26, 2007
Time: 10:18:30 -0700
Muslims also specialize in stabbing police women to death. There is no discrimination as re. their violence. Any woman is a target.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Friday October 26, 2007
Time: 14:40:47 -0700
To LABIB " why do you resort to falsehoods, lies, concotions, fabrications ? In the whole world, universe - there is the first & foremost bigoted, fascist, imperialist, racist religion, theology, called ISLAM preached ,founded by that evil,pedo,rapist, killer, robber, jealousied, profeteer MO & it is called ISLAM & evil cult blind followers are called Mohammadens, Moslems. You are intolerant. Look at any ISLAMIC country ,Moslem society - Islamic women - it is all hell. You belong to that poisonous, cruel, uncivilized, barbaric cult of ISLAM.
Date: Friday October 26, 2007
Time: 16:22:22 -0700
The original report described the attackers as 'autonomous looking types' - according to a commentator at Jihadwatch, this is a poor translation for 'anarchists'. The tragedy is that most European leftist radicals identify those opposed to the growing influence and power of Islam in Europe as neo-fascists or neo-Nazis: the unfortunate fact is that many of them are extremely conservative: a lot of work needs to be done to demonstrate that opposition to Islam is for anyone who believes in human rights, truth, freedom and social progress. People with extremely conservative views should save them forums other than anti-jihadist ones.
Date: Friday October 26, 2007
Time: 16:47:00 -0700
PS having said that, the method and timing of this attack strikes me as rather odd. Tough not usually given to conspiracy theories, I suspect that the nature of the event being picketed could point to some Arab government as chief suspect: Arab money hiring local thugs.
Name: Allat
Date: Saturday October 27, 2007
Time: 06:39:26 -0700
I shall always remember a line said by Barbara Stanwyck in an old movie: ---------"I will sit me down and cry a while, and then rise up to FIGHT AGAIN!" ------------Our people have been bloodied but NOT beaten!
Date: Saturday October 27, 2007
Time: 12:59:49 -0700
Muslims do understand the agony of Hindus and Christians! It does not surprise us (Muslims) when we see educated and rational minded Christians and Hindus are abandoning their religions. You know why? Because your religions demand you to believe some unbelievable stuffs, absurdities and superstitions! For example: (1) Absurd Trinity! It???s an impossibility! (2) God becomes man/ animal/ monkey/ donkey/ etc! lolz! (3) God was killed by His own creation and then resurrected from dead! lolz! (4) God died for our sins! lolz! (5) Original sin! lolz! (6) Philosophy of reincarnation is an absurdity! lolz! and many more! lolz! You see, all these absurdities and superstitions have no logical and rational value at all! Hindu and Christian theologies are two FALSE dogmas. Muslims do not believe this kind of absurdities and superstitions! Quran doesn't demand us to believe this kind of stupid stuffs either. There is nothing in the Quran that is unbelievable. Especially the FOUNDATION of Muslims' belief is based on logical and rational ground: One True God Who selected some Messengers from among humans to guide the Humanity time-to-time. For example, Noah (Manu), Abraham (Brahma), Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad. Muhammad is the last and final Messenger in the tree of evolution. Christians and Hindus should apply the Touchstone of Theology to identity the True God (Quran 112:1-4). Traditional Christianity is based on the teaching of St. Paul that has no relation with Jesus! Hinduism is a man-made caste-based oppressive religion! Moreover, Bible and Hindu scriptures are full of errors, contradictions, absurdities, superstitions, racism, nationalism, slavery, caste system, incest, pornography, war, killing, hatred, rape, widow and witch burning, stoning to death for adultery and blasphemy, etc. Majority Hindus and Christians never read their scriptures! Bible is not the word of God, although it may contain some God???s word. Muslims are the true follower of Moses and Jesus. You will find true Moses and Jesus in the Quran. So ... as you can see ??? we understand your agony! If you are honest Truth seeker then I will suggest you to study (not just read) the Quran with open and rational mind. You will find all your answers in the Quran that you didn???t find in Christianity and Hinduism. This site is not for Truth seekers! This site is run by some evil non-Muslims who are milking money from gullible non-Muslims by attacking Islam and Muslims! Got it? PS: Quran is the only Scripture that claims to be a Revelation from God, and also offers many challenge and falsification tests to falsify its claim. Quran is also the only Scripture that is free from clear-cut errors and contradiction.
Date: Sunday October 28, 2007
Time: 10:05:43 -0700
To the guy who uses "lolz" a lot ( who has been giving themselves the feminine name 'Musa' recently), I see you are still laughing at your own 'jokes'.You seem to think that pointing out the so-called irrationalities of other religions makes the ragbag of garbled Judaism/Christianity, Arab pagan beliefs and Mohammed's opinions and psychopathology that constitute Islam, look good. All you succeed in doing is displaying that your religion is not house-trained enough to co-exist peacefully with other religions on an equal and indefinite basis. I suspect your blowhard style is a mask to conceal the social, political, intellectual, educational, scientific, military and economic failure of all Islamic societies leading to a deep inferiority complex. Your attempt to conceal it beneath a show of arrogance fools nobody.
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Monday November 05, 2007
Time: 09:29:25 -0700
The attack on the people of Denmark in their own county by bands of Muslims is reminiscent of Psalms 94:21. "They band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death." Likewise, the politically correct mayor Freddy Thielemans and others like hiim are detestable to God beecouse Proverbs 17:15. reads "Acquiting the guity and condemning the innoent- the Lord desest them both." Furthermore, the Muslims who did and do such acts are under the judgment and condeming of God. For the Bible reads in Pslam 140:11. "may disaster hunt down men of vioence." To sum up, the Danish police have the authority to come down hard on those lawless Muslims, and they should too. For it reads in Romans 13:1,2. "The authorites that exist have been established by God. Consequently,he who rebels agnainst the authority is rebelling against what God has insttuted and those who do so will bring judjment on themselves." - New International Version
Date: Friday November 16, 2007
Time: 08:51:00 -0700
Bring that hateful message here to America and show this country what you're all about, justice in this country has a way of swinging in our favor, those people should have made front page news for their undaunting will to expose the truth of Islam. This country allows you the right to bear arms my friend, as for their idea that they can bend the system to their agenda, it won't matter much once their ideals are expose for their true nature, people here are helping those in America who don't see the why they hate by colletively sharing more and more information through the internet. It's only a matter of time before those ideals are washed away with martial law imposed, and citizens arrest rights are enforced via strict adherence with law enforcement procedures. The violent random attacks they carry out on innocent civilians, who happen to know the truth, will turn against in an unrelenting fashion that bespeaks torture, which leads to my last comment. The diversity of this country is so vast, having two or more people from different races engaged in acts against these beliefs, will strike at the publics urge to know what is truly happening in their country.
Name: Vlad DonChu Chel Roman
Date: Tuesday November 20, 2007
Time: 21:38:38 -0700
Ha, well you see, the pigs tried to conquer us and convert our Voivozi and Peasanta alike to their bullshit religion. Hmmm, 600 years on Ottoman muslim attacks, where are they now? Well, historically, we'd spit them up on wooden spikes, when they came befor our kings, and refused to take off their turbans in respect, we'd make sure they wore them nice and tightly, forever. We'd drive a Jesus-On-The-Cross sized nail through the fuckin towel, and make sure they wore it reeeallly smugly. Honestly, if people truly fear this stoneage cult, they'd better start doing something about it. I call it Avtomat Kalashnikov 47, the Romanian version is considered by manny critics to be better than the Russian one. Grab a gun, see the pig, shoot him. Stop dallywadding around, throwing Liberal bullshit and start dealing with the issue. Oh, and by the way, I'm an Atheist, Christianity can go fuck itself as well. V.