Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims
How Britain Encouraged Radicalism And Terrorism, Part 1
08 May, 2007

June 16, 2006, the Old Bailey court had heard
surveillance tapes in which Awad had discussed intentions to
attack airplanes with Omar Khyam, who was described in court as
the leader of the cell. Khyam said: "Imagine you’ve got a plane,
300 people in it, you buy tickets for 30 brothers in
there. They’re massive brothers, you just crash the plane. You
could do it easy, it’s just an idea." Jawad Akbar replied: "Thirty
brothers, to find 30 brothers willing to commit suicide is a big
thing." Khyam answered: "If you spoke to some serious brothers, to
the right people, you’d probably get it bro, whether they were
from abroad, you’d get soon as an air marshal gets up and
shoots one the others just jump him... Thirty brothers on a
British Airways flight got up -19 were split up in four
planes. Thirty brothers on a plane, the beauty of it is they don’t
have to fly into a building, just crash the flipping thing."
In an operation code-named "Crevice", the group had been
monitored by MI5 and police for a year prior to their arrest on
March 30, 2004. Reporting restrictions were lifted at the end of
the trial. MI5 was known to have tracked Mohammed Sidique Khan,
leader of the cell which had carried out the 7/7 bombings which
killed 52 people on July 7, 2005. They had not assumed him to be
a serious terror threat. It emerged that in February and March
2004, Khan and also Shehzad Tanweer, another 7/7 suicide bomber,
had been monitored meeting Omar Khyam, the leader of the Crevice
Group, on four occasions.
The five convicted members of Crevice had been members of Al
Muhajiroun. This group had been formed in 1996 from activists
within the UK branch of the international Islamist group Hizb
Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed had founded both the
UK Hizb branch and Al Muhajiroun.

Around 1pm, about 15 students armed with knives, machetes and
hammers attacked him. Obanubi was struck on the head with a
hammer, and a knife pierced his heart. He died on the spot. His
death was the first known instance of Muslim fanatics killing
someone on British soil for "religious" reasons, and should have
been a wake-up call to the UK authorities. Britain at that time
was under weak leadership. Tory premier John Major had little
control of his party, and the Newham event was regarded as an
anomaly. In hindsight, it should have been seen as a pivotal
moment - signaling the precise time to crack down on the
extremists who were actively poisoning young Muslim minds.
Already the members of Hizb ut-Tahrir were active on British
campuses, recruiting Muslims to their creed using threats of
violence, forcing Muslim women to wear headscarves as a symbol of
their fundamentalism. Shortly after the murder of Ayotunde Obanubi,
Hizb ut-Tahrir was banned from universities by the National Union
of Students, and Sheikh Bakri was urged to leave the group. Bakri
took his more extremist followers with him and in 1996 they became
Al Muhajiroun. In
August 1996, Bakri told the Guardian
that he intended to be active on campuses and in student
societies, under different names. He said he would target the
universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Durham and boasted of having
a presence at the School of African and Oriental Studies,
University College London, and the London School of Economics
the same month, Al Muhajiroun announced its
intentions to hold a Muslim "revival rally" in London. Among the
invited guests was Osama bin Laden. A defender of this move was
Iqbal Sacranie, who went on to become head of the
Muslim Council of Britain and an adviser to Tony Blair. When Blair
came to power in 1997 he did nothing to stem the open calls for
jihad being made by Al Muhajiroun and others. Sacranie was
knighted by Blair in June 2005, a month before the 7/7 attacks.
Al Muhajiroun’s September 1996 "Rally for Revival" was
cancelled. Bin Laden had been denied a visa in
1995, after Saudi businessman
Khaled al-Fawwaz had urged him to seek asylum in
Britain. Fawwaz had been in Britain since 1994, and with bin Laden
had set up the Advice and Reformation Committee, an
organization which aimed to overthrow the Saudi regime.
May 20, 1996, two people were convicted of the
murder of student Ayotunde David Obanubi. One of these was 18-year
Umran Wali Qadir, who had been a minor aged 16 at the
time of the killing. He had struck the Nigerian student’s head
with a hammer. The other man to be convicted was 27-year old Saeed
Mustapha Nur, who had stabbed Obanubi through the heart. Two
others had been accused of the murder - 20-year-old Yusuf Sofu and
18-year old Kazi Nurur Rahman. Charges against these have been

October 2001, Hassan Butt revealed that four
Britons who had gone to Afghanistan to fight with the Taliban had
been killed in a US airstrike on a house in Kabul. Among these was
a man named Yasir Khan, aged 26, from Crawley, Sussex. His family
refused to believe that he was a jihadist, preferring to maintain
that he had been "delivering
aid" of a humanitarian rather than jihadist
nature. Al-Muhajiroun
claimed that Yasir Khan’s family were "rejoicing
in the fact he will be held up as a martyr to his Muslim brothers
and sisters." When the Operation Crevice trial came to an end on
Monday April 30 this year, it was revealed that Yasir Khan had
been an associate of Omar Khyam, purported leader of the Crevice
In October 2001, Britain’s then Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon said
that British Muslims who fought abroad could be jailed upon their
return. Under the terms of the Terrorism Act 2000, there is
provision to prosecute people who commit crimes abroad. The
Treason Act of 1351 could have been invoked. Even though hundreds
of Muslims had gone to fight coalition forces, not a single person
from this number has ever been prosecuted. Hoon’s stance was
typical of the British authorities’ weak responses to the emergent
radicalism and support for terror amongst the younger members of
the Muslim community. Al Muhajiroun even openly threatened a "war
with Britain" if any jihadist were to be prosecuted for treason.
One follower of Omar Bakri Mohammed who avoided being convicted
for his part in the Muslim gang which killed student Ayotunde
Obanubi on February 27, 1995, was Kazi Nurur Rahman. He later
became a plumber, living in Meanly Road, Manor Park in Newham,
east London. In
2001 Rahman had given an interview to John
Gilbert, a reporter for Independent Television News (ITN). In
this interview, Rahman claimed to have recruited hundreds of
British jihadists to fight with the Taliban. He said: "I can’t
wait for the day I meet British soldiers on the battlefield to see
them run. I am happy to kill them."
In November 2005, Rahman was arrested as a result of a "sting"
operation mounted by MI5. He was sent for trial on Monday
December 5,
2005. He was accused of being in possession of three
Uzi submachine guns, and 3,000 bullets.

The trial of the Crevice members had heard evidence from US
national and former Al Muhajiroun member Mohammed Junaid Babar. He
had arrived from his American jail under escort to give evidence
in March 2006. While in Britain, he also gave evidence at Kazi
Nurur Rahman’s trial. He had told US investigators in 2003 that he
had known Kazi Nurur Rahman by his code-name of "Abdul Haleem". Because
of Rahman’s links with the Crevice members, even
at the same camps in Pakistan, his trial and May 2006 conviction
had been kept secret.
Rahman had first come into contact with an undercover MI5 agent
called "Salim" on
July 20, 2005. The meeting had concerned
acquiring counterfeit banknotes, but Rahman had then told "Salim"
that he wanted to buy a Kalashnikov rifle, guns and a
silencer. There followed seven further meetings with undercover
agents. On the second meeting, Rahman had asked for "hand grenades
and rocket propelled grenades”, making hand gestures to describe
the weapons. He spoke of two types of launchers. He said he would
pay cash for the weapons and a provisional price of £1,000
($1,987) per machine gun was agreed.
Rahman wanted guns, but was also looking for Sam-7 missiles, a
launcher and rocket-propelled grenades. He was told that the cost
of the missiles and rocket-propelled grenades would amount to
between £50,000 and £70,000 ($99,000 - $139,000). Rahman said of
this sum, "no problem". He arranged to meet an agent called
"Mohammed" who had earlier negotiated the weapons purchase. The
two met at South Mimms service station on the M25 motorway on
November 29, 2005. Rahman gave him the money, and they then drove
to a cul-de-sac in Welham Green, Hertfordshire. Here they met
another agent called "Iqbal", who took them to a van. Inside this
vehicle was a suitcase, containing the 3 Uzi submachine guns,
wrapped in plastic.
According to prosecutor David Farrell QC, Rahman had then "got
out of the van and told Iqbal to put the suitcase in the back of
his vehicle and they would leave that location and find a better,
safer place for the exchange. Iqbal refused to do this. Rahman
also stated that he wanted to see the ammunition, which had not
been brought to the location for safety reasons. Iqbal told him
the ammunition was nearby. Rahman was unhappy and said it looked
like a ’sting’. He returned to his vehicle and telephoned
Mohamed. At this point armed officers intervened and Rahman was
Upon being questioned by police, Rahman initially maintained that
he himself had been an MI5 agent, recruited into the service ten
years previously to "root out terrorist organizations". When
police searched his home, they found a scanner which could pick up
police radio messages, literature on guerilla warfare, and details
of an electricity sub-station.
Judge David Calvert-Smith said at the conclusion of Rahman’s
trial in May 2006: "The weaponry you were hoping to buy on the day
of your arrest is dreadful and dangerous and capable of
discharging 650 rounds per minute, and therefore killing or
wounding a very large number of people in a very short time. Your
intention was they should be used or sold in this country for
terrorist purposes. You were clearly in a position to raise £7,500
but also to indicate that it might have been possible to raise
£65,000 on a future occasion to buy even more dangerous weaponry
used for bringing down aircraft. What was intended was to cause
the deaths of a large number of citizens of this country."
Rahman pleaded guilty to charges under section 17 of the
Terrorism Act 2000, and Judge Calvert-Smith sentenced him to nine
years imprisonment.
Since 1995, some of Omar Bakri’s followers had literally been
allowed to get away with murder. The knowledge that not one but
two of the 7/7 bombers were previously known to MI5, and news of
Rahman’s conviction for attempting to procure weaponry for
terrorist purposes, were not the only facts to be publicly
revealed at the conclusion of the Operation Crevice trial. What
has become clear from this information are the interconnected
links between Al Qaeda terrorists, Muslim activists and "rights"
campaigners, and the main radical preachers in Britain. Despite
these fundamentalists’ blatant links with terrorism, the British
establishment’s political will to suppress the radical Islamists
in their midst has been, at best, shallow and half-hearted.
To be continued in part two >>>
Adrian Morgan is a
British based writer and artist who regularly contributes in
Family Security Matters. His essays also appear in
Western Resistance,
Spero News and