Shocking Islamic Indoctrination in American Classrooms, Part 1
15 Mar, 2007
The First Amendment to the
The interpretation of the First
Amendment and in particular its first clause, referred to as the
"Establishment of Religion" or "Establishment" clause, has a direct
bearing on how federally- funded public schools can teach religion.
Alan Brownstein, a constitutional law expert from the
Public schools can teach about
religions, but can neither denigrate one religion nor promote
another. When 9/11 happened, children were confronted with the
spectacle of Muslim terrorism on their TV screens. Sadly, for
children growing up in
Sura 3:151 states: "Soon shall We
cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined
companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority: their
abode will be the Fire: And evil is the home of the wrong-doers!" Sura
9:25 declares: "But when the forbidden months are past, then fight
and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer
them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if
they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular
charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving,
Most Merciful."
The First Amendment was originally
designed to prevent the conflicts which (Christian) religion had
caused in
Already schools in
Pharoan was complaining about
resource sheets given to students in seventh and tenth grade. He has
been whining for three years that the sheets do not show respect to
Mohammed, founder of Islam, because they merely call him "Mohammed."
"Omitting the word prophet is disrespectful", Pharoan claimed.
He also objected to the
description in the resource sheets of "jihad". He accepted that the
sheets refer to its meaning as "struggle" but objected to the
statement: "Muhammad justified his attacks to his followers by
explaining that to weaken those who opposed the spread of God's word
was a virtue, and that those who fell in battle would be rewarded in
heaven. Thus the idea of the jihad became the holy war of the
Muslims against 'the unbelievers."
The issue of how Islam is taught
in schools has become a political hot potato. In
The games were neither new, nor
exclusive to Excelsior. In
Richard Thompson, President and
Chief Counsel of the Law Center said of the Islamic sessions at
Excelsior: "No federal court would have permitted a class where
public school students were taught to 'become Catholics' for three
weeks, selected a saint's name, wore identification tags that
displayed their new name and a Crucifix, and engaged in Catholic
religious practices. Here, however, students were subjected to
Islamic religious indoctrination and propaganda and the courts
turned a blind eye. The Supreme Court missed an opportunity to
demonstrate that the Establishment Clause is to be applied the same
to all religions and is not just a weapon to be used only against
December 2003 U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton
issued a 22 page ruling which claimed that Excelsior was not
violating the constitution as it was not indoctrinating students
into Islam. TMLC pointed out that the Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals had ruled the words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance
to be unconstitutional in
The simulations of Islam as
practiced by
book "Across the Centuries" was republished after it was
reviewed by
Susan L. Douglass,
an American-born Muslim who works for the Council of Islamic
Education (CIE)
which was founded in 1990. She is also associated with the
International Institute of Islamic Thought, whose
president declared that jihad was the only way to liberate
describes Douglass as "an American-born Muslim social
studies educator and author, with experience in teaching, curriculum
and instructional design. She has a Master???s Degree in Arab Studies
(History) from
For nearly a decade, up until
2003, Douglass taught at the Saudi-funded Islamic Saudi Academy in
The agendas of those who maintain
that religions are discriminated against should always be examined.
Bash Pharoan, who maintains that Baltimore County School Board is
not respectful of Islam, has
demanded that Jewish school holidays be banned. This
move was made in June 2006 after his three-year campaigns to have
the Muslim holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha introduced into
school calendars was not accepted. He described his vindictive
proposal thus: "This issue is about equality, about equity."
June 13, 2006, the school board ruled that there
would not be official Muslim holidays. The reasons were purely
financial. There are very few Muslim students and teachers, and the
Baltimore County School Board already allows these to stay at home
on their holidays. Only when more teachers in the county were
taking Muslim holidays (with substitute teachers costing $59.66 to
$103.05 per day) would these holidays become universal. Bash
Pharoan, unable to get his own way, then argued that there should be
no religious holidays for anyone.
similar situation arose in 2005 in Hillsborough county in
Issues of holidays are trivial
compared to the material which purports to educate students about
Islam. If such material is of itself biased, then the primary duty
of education is undermined. In
Among the study materials on offer
is the "Arab World Studies Notebook", which makes some
bizarre claims,
such as Muslims arrived in the
Books which promote Islamic
radicalism have made their way into school districts through
donations. In 2001, the Omar Ibn Khatab Foundation made a donation
of 300 Korans, entitled "The Meaning of the Holy Quran", to
The public schools in
The extreme and uncompromising
form of Islam known as Wahhabism is still being taught in the
numerous Saudi-funded schools that exist in
Parents should make themselves
aware of what their children are being taught about Islam in school.
Demand to see study sheets. Demand a list of approved textbooks,
and check these out in your local library. Talk to teachers,
principals, or write to your local school board. If you think your
child is being indoctrinated, write to your Congress representative.
You have a Constitution which prevents religious indoctrination by
government bodies. For this privilege you should feel fortunate.
As I will show in Part Two, in
countries such as
Part 2: The Tragedy of Islamic Indoctrination In British Schools
Adrian Morgan is a
British based writer and artist who has written for
Western Resistance since its inception. He also writes for
Family Security Matters,
Spero News and