Muhammad: The Champion of Fairness
15 Jan, 2007
Muslims love to fool themselves with tales about how Muhammad
was fair to his wives. This is of course a big bull. Muhammad
played so much favoritism that his wives banded themselves in to
rivaling factions. Of course the rivalry was not about who gets
that old man to bed but who will share the gifts that his
followers used to send him. Since even his followers knew that
Muhammad’s favorite wife was the little Aisha, they used to send
their gifts to him when he was in her house. This made his other
wives resentful who complained. Muhammad’s response was that I get
my inspiration when I am under the blanket with Aisha and that you
better shut up. This partly explains the incoherence of the Quran.
Now we know what he was doing when he was receiving his
inspirations. Here is the sahih hadith as reported by Bukhari.
Volume 3, Book 47, Number 755: Narrated 'Urwa from 'Aisha:
The wives of Allah's Apostle were in two groups. One group
consisted of 'Aisha, Hafsa, Safiyya and Sauda; and the other group
consisted of Um Salama and the other wives of Allah's Apostle. The
Muslims knew that Allah's Apostle loved 'Aisha, so if any of them
had a gift and wished to give to Allah's Apostle, he would delay
it, till Allah's Apostle had come to 'Aisha's home and then he
would send his gift to Allah's Apostle in her home. The group of
Um Salama discussed the matter together and decided that Um Salama
should request Allah's Apostle to tell the people to send their
gifts to him in whatever wife's house he was. Um Salama told
Allah's Apostle of what they had said, but he did not reply. Then
they (those wives) asked Um Salama about it. She said, "He did not
say anything to me." They asked her to talk to him again. She
talked to him again when she met him on her day, but he gave no
reply. When they asked her, she replied that he had given no
reply. They said to her, "Talk to him till he gives you a reply."
When it was her turn, she talked to him again. He then said to
her, "Do not hurt me regarding Aisha, as the Divine Inspirations
do not come to me on any of the beds except that of Aisha." On
that Um Salama said, "I repent to Allah for hurting you." Then the
group of Um Salama called Fatima, the daughter of Allah's Apostle
and sent her to Allah's Apostle to say to him, "Your wives request
to treat them and the daughter of Abu Bakr on equal terms." Then
Fatima conveyed the message to him. The Prophet said, "O my
daughter! Don't you love whom I love?" She replied in the
affirmative and returned and told them of the situation. They
requested her to go to him again but she refused. They then sent
Zainab bint Jahsh who went to him and used harsh words saying,
"Your wives request you to treat them and the daughter of Ibn Abu
Quhafa on equal terms." On that she raised her voice and abused
'Aisha to her face so much so that Allah's Apostle looked at
'Aisha to see whether she would retort. 'Aisha started replying to
Zainab till she silenced her. The Prophet then looked at 'Aisha
and said, "She is really the daughter of Abu Bakr."
I wonder if there is a hadith saying which position brought more
inspiration. Was it when little Aisha was riding on top or when
the Prophet "entered his tilt from behind"? Methinks that Angel
Gabriel must also be a pedophile for showing up only when Muhammad
was in the bed of that child.
If Muslims could feel shame, they would rather hide themselves in
the crevices of the earth than show their faces to the world. Only
a fool would think this pervert was a prophet. Alas when the
rational faculty is destroyed the sense of shame disappears along
with everything else.