Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Why You Fight Islam?

The above question is asked me often.  In this essay I will answer that question. Recently, IntellectualWarfare12, a member of our forum wrote:  


What motivates you to open up this website and do this? I have never seen a more passionate person as you Ali Sina.

Too bad you are working for the wrong cause. You could have used your intelligence for science, law, or medicine. Ali Sina, it doesn't make sense to defame Islam. It is a religion. Just please leave Islam be Mr Sina.

Peace out

Dear IntellectualWarfare12:  

Science, law, and medicine are all noble causes. However, peace is the noblest of all causes. Millions of lives are destroyed through war and the agony that it causes is incalculable.  What motivates me is peace.  When I was a child the pictures of human sufferings in war perturbed me a lot. The passage of time has not numbed my senses and those scenes still trouble me.    

I thought war is such a senseless thing. I could not understand why people fight and what motivates them to kill.  It just made no sense. I wanted to know why there is so much hatred in the world.   

I found a prayer that used to be said by San Francisco. I fell in love with it, memorized it, and used to recite it every day.  Here is that prayer:  

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
when there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
Grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand,
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying [to ourselves] that we are born to eternal life.

When I grew up I realized that people hate and fight not for money or land but because of false beliefs. They kill with clarity of conscience, thinking that they are being righteous.  These false beliefs are racial, political or religious. Irrespective of their genre, when a belief foments hate, it is necessarily false.  Humans do not hate naturally.  Toddlers have no prejudice towards each other and play with one another fondly.  They have no concept of race, class, ideology or religion. They are taught to hate as they grow up.    

When I read the Quran and felt blood dripping from every verse of it, when I saw that Islam reduces humans into beasts and makes monsters out of good people, when it became clear to me that there is NOTHING good in Islam and that it is all evil, I knew what I had to do. The time for praying was over and now it was the time for action. The “Lord” had shown me the way to live up to my prayer.  I found the way to become an instrument of peace, to sow love, to practice faith, to herald hope, to shed light of understanding and to bring joy to saddened hearts. I found a way to do all that namelessly, without expecting rewards or recognition.  I made it my mission to put an end to this big lie and to eradicate this doctrine of hate by speaking the truth. 

Many people who disliked Muslims for what they do, have come to forgive them, for now they know that Muslims do evil out of ignorance. They are victims of a nefarious faith that is inculcated in them since childhood, from which they have no escape. I made their dislike give way to compassion and understanding. 

I am now fulfilling my childhood prayer, word by word.  

To bring peace, it is necessary to eliminate hate. There is nothing more hate mongering than Islam.  This doctrine is more evil than Nazism and communism. It inspires more hatred and causes more division than either one of these ideologies that are also hate based.  Islam is more insidious because it claims to be from God. It is this added lie that has given it longevity.  As Hitler used to say, the bigger the lie, the more believable it becomes. Islam is the biggest deception ever.  

The question of how one can eradicate the faith of a billion plus people who are willing to die and kill for their belief has never occurred to me. The answer was obvious all along.  Islam is a lie and all it takes to dismantle a lie is truth.  It does not matter how dark is the night; darkness can’t withstand light.  In fact the darker it is the more vulnerable it becomes. Even a candle can pierce the heart of the darkest night.  

I had prayed for faith. That too was granted to me.  I have strong faith, not in fairytales and hocus pocus, but in goodness, in love and in truth. I have faith that if given the chance, goodness will triumph over evil, love will overcome hate and truth will demolish lies.  

I do not believe that goodness will win automatically. In fact it is evil that wins by default.  I do not think truth will prevail by itself. It must be told and defended. For the light of the truth to shine, it is necessary that the clouds of lies dissipate. If the gardener neglects the garden, weeds will suffocate the flowers. Someone must tell the truth. Someone must stand for what is right and fight the evil. It is not difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood. Nonetheless, truth must be upheld or lies will win.  

The proponents of lies are always active. They are virulent and relentless. Light is more powerful than darkness but someone must hold the torch high and protect its light. Just as evil has an army of fools that operate though ignorance, the lovers of truth must also stand for what they believe, form their ranks and hoist their standard high.  The battle between good and evil is a constant. This is an ancient truth. We have been fooled to disregard it. We have been deluded by our misguided political correctness and mistaken multiculturalism. Evil is always evil. If we do not weed it out constantly, it will take over.    

I am convinced that the days of Islam are numbered; that this doctrine of hate is at its death throes. Do not let its size fool you; Islam is like a tower, erected on sand duns. All it takes to demolish it is to expose its foundation and let the lies that are supporting it blow away.  This edifice cannot be remodeled. You can never reform Islam. It is firmly built on lies. You can only demolish it by exposing those lies and by telling the truth about the despicable and shameful character of its pedophile, rapist founder.  

Reforming Islam is an exercise in futility.  It is impossible and it will frustrate the efforts of those who try it.  By trying to reform Islam you validate it.  This was what Rumi and other benighted Muslim sears did.  The Persians were more sophisticated and had a richer culture than their Arab conquerors. They could not stomach the absurdities of the primitive religion that was imposed on them. Not daring to reject it sulla pena di morte, they used their genius to reinterpret it and gave esoteric meanings to its blatantly asinine and banal concepts.  They donned that brute with silken philosophies, and masked its ugly face with borrowed mysticism.  Thus, they fooled themselves, mislead others and breathed a new life into the fetid corpse of this Arab cult. They envisioned a mirage in the barren desert of Islam and gave to the gullible false hopes.  

It is foolish to believe that there are many forms of Islam. Islam is one, even though each Muslim interprets it in his own way.  Only one interpretation is correct and that is the one that is closest to the thinking of Muhammad. The Salafis are closest to the truth. That is the Islam of Bin Laden and other jihadis.  The oxymoronic “moderate Muslims” are merely fooling themselves. By upholding Islam they also validate it. They validate its terrorism even though they claim not to agree with it.  These befogged so called moderates are far more dangerous than their terrorist brothers. The terrorists kill a few, while these misguided “moderates” prolong the lie of Islam and perpetuate the hatred and division of mankind for centuries to come.  

Islam is a cult invented by a narcissist psychopath. It was a tool for a highway robber to enrich himself by giving the foolhardy, bogus promises of the afterlife and make him do his biddings to the point of self sacrifice. What is there to reform in Islam and why?  If it is good why reform it and if it is bad why keep it? Why worship a plunderer mass murderer?  Isn’t that foolish? It is stupid to tolerate this much stupidity. We must end this insanity by telling the truth and not by sugarcoating an old lie with more lies.  

Islam will be eradicated, if we decide that it should be. Things do not happen by themselves. In human sphere humans are in charge. The Meccans had the chance to nip in the bud this evil, but they didn’t. Thus evil triumphed.  At any time in history people had the chance to get rid of Islam, but they didn’t.  Today this plague is threatening the world peace and the survival of human civilization. It is either one or the other. Either millions, mostly Muslims, will perish in a nuclear holocaust or Muslims will take over the world through over-bearding. Then they will end human civilization and mankind will revert to barbarity.  Today we have a golden opportunity to eradicate Islam – an opportunity that never existed before and will end if Muslims become powerful enough to silence their critics as they are doing in UK, India and some other non-Muslim countries. Whether we take advantage of this opportunity or let it slip out of our hands is up to us. We do not have much time left. Muslims are becoming more numerous and consequently bullier by day.     

Islam will be eradicated if we spread the truth. It is the truth that will set us free. For this to happen we need millions of dedicated souls who take upon themselves to soldier this cause.  We need torchbearers and light givers.  

We humans are the authors of our own reality.  The reality that we live today is what we projected yesterday and what we project today will determine our reality tomorrow. Things will happen only when we believe in them.  The world is not an illusion. It is real. Its pains and sufferings are real. But they are the outcome of our own thinking.  This is the world that we built with our own thinking. We can change it, but first we must change our thinking.  

Imagine a world without hatred. A world where there are no racial, class, caste and religious animosity.  If you can imagine such a world, and if you pass that dream to others so they can envision it too, it won’t take long before you can actually see that dream come true.  Everything that is a reality today was once in the realm of imagination. Someone had envisioned it; someone had thought about it and passed that thought to others who expanded it until it eventually took the form of reality. Everything in our world is the product of our imagination. We are masters of our own destiny.  

Islam was a dream of a psychopath.  His insane dream materialized because he believed in it.  He passed his raving ideas to others who mindlessly believed and perpetuated them to this day.  We can stop this insanity by having a different dream – the dream of unity of mankind.  Believe in it and pass it on and strive to achieve it  with religious fervor. Have faith in its realization and confidence that we will be victorious. Reality starts in our minds. Only believers will succeed.  Those who have faith will win.  

You ask me why I am so passionate. It is because I am aware of the power of faith. We are waging a war against the insanity of a billion misinformed souls who religiously believe in a lie and are willing to kill and die for it. We can’t afford to doubt. We can’t vacillate and falter. Only if you believe in our success and are motivated, can you motivate others.   

Islam can and will be defeated in our own lifetime. I believe that humans are naturally good.  Muslims are a part of humanity. They are not evil by nature, but live in darkness.  All you have to do to help them out of this darkness is become a torch bearer and illumine their path to freedom.   

What make Islam survive are lies. Lies such as, “Islam means peace” and “Don’t blame Islam for the bad deeds of Muslims”, are what prolong this evil doctrine.  If we fight these lies with truth soon Islam will be defeated.  

Recently the British government decided to call Islamic terrorism, “anti Islamic activity.”   The architect of this supreme idiocy is Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith. This brain damaged woman thinks that by giving a new name to Islamic Jihad she can fool Muslims, as if she knows Islam better. She wants to play reverse psychology with faithful believers who will laugh at her naiveté. Can one become any stupider than this?   

If you are shocked by this much lack of common sense wait till you hear what Hazel Blears, UK’s Communities Secretary has done. In last October, she gave £70 million in Government funds to Muslim groups to “help tackle extremism.” Yes, you read it right. She gave seventy million pounds to Muslims to make them disregard Islam and love UK instead. This is like giving money to the Mafia to fight crime. How can one promote Islam and fight it at the same time?  This much stupidity, is mind boggling.  

 This  is what Muhammad taught:  

"An intelligent person is one who is constantly thinking about and preparing for death."

"It is better for a man that a steel nail be driven through the center of his head rather than if he touches the palm of a strange women."

How can one fight extremism without discrediting Muhammad and making Muslims realize that that man was a liar?  Should Muslims listen to western women (whom they call whores) to tell them about Islam or to their prophet?  All that money will make Islam stronger in UK and that means more extremism and more terrorism. Just wait and see.  Blood of innocent people will run and their body parts will blow apart because of the foolish actions of these two deficient in intelligence women.  Why these ignoramuses do not read the Quran to see that the source of Islamic terrorism is that book and to fight it one must outlaw Islam and not promote it?  Why some people prefer to hide their heads in the sand and seek their salvation in lies?  These two women should be charged with treason and the Labor Party should be banned.  Ignorance is a valid excuse, but there is no excuse when it is this colossal. My blood boils when I see this much folly.  This is like funding the Nazi Party to encourage Hitler to abandon his war plans.  How can such harebrain people become ministers?  These two idiots must be pilloried and spitted at.  

Stupidity apart there is a lot of ignorance surrounding Islam. We can’t make stupid people wise, but we can reduce their ignorance.  It is up to ordinary people such as us to wake up the masses.  Ignorance is not bliss; it is deadly.  Ignorant politicians will sell out our countries to our enemies.  It is up to us to put an end to this ignorance.  

The only thing that dampens the zealotry of jihadis is defeat, while victory emboldens them and makes them more resolute.  This whole Islamic insanity has its roots in the success of the Islamic revolution in Iran.  Millions of Muslims celebrated and their faith increased after Bin Laden’s success in attacking America and killing thousands of people with such an ease. On the other hand many Muslims vacillated after that scum was sacked from Afghanistan and like a rat had to seek refuge in a hole. Giving money to Muslims, or buying their taqiyyah tactic that Islamic terrorism is anti Islamic activity, is interpreted as success by Muslims and this only will increase their faith that Islam is on the verge of winning and Jihad must be intensified.

We can eradicate Islam, but first we must believe that it can be done.  To do that, we need both knowledge and faith. We need to face the truth and also have confidence in our success. Nothing is impossible, except that the state of our mind makes it so. All doors are open to us, except those that we close.  

Islam will be defeated only if we believe it.  Do not be fooled by the sweet lies of “moderate Muslims”. There is no such thing as moderate Islam or moderate Muslim. These so called moderates are either ignorant of Islam or hypocrites who try to pull the wool over your eyes.  Do not listen to them. Do not encourage their deceptive talk. Accept nothing short of the total eradication of Islam. This disease must be wiped out. There can’t be a moderate Islam just as there is no such thing as healthy disease or sensible insanity. Islam is extreme.  To fight Islamic extremism you have to fight Islam. There is no middle ground. Either you eradicate Islam or Islam will eradicate you.  The choice is yours.

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Ali Sina is the editor of He is has contributed in 'Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside Islam'.  His latest book is Understanding Muhammad: The Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet will be published soon.

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Name: ali ji...good one again
Date: Tuesday January 29, 2008
Time: 23:02:29 -0700


aliji, good one again.

Name: antimod
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 05:38:52 -0700


All proselytising religions are evil. Dogmas were created to subjugate the human mind making it less creative forbidding free thinking. Is there one Islmic mullah or a christian padre or a jewish rabbi who has seen God or has communicated with God . The books are for the gullible. Free the human mind and let it explore and find itself and God.

Name: Tony
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 06:25:35 -0700


Islam harms mankind and insults God! The more it is exposed, the better. Only brain-dead morosns defend Islam. Islam bans reason, logic, commonsense. Islam is a cancer! Keep up the good work on Islam-Watch!

Name: Patrick Risk
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 08:03:34 -0700


What motivates me? Articles like this one and individuals who are motivated by PEACE...Islam has been punching civilized humanity in the nose for far too long. On 9-11-01, the misguided hijackers made their religion the business of the rational world. In "1839" Edward Bulwer-Litton said: "The pen is mightier than the sword." This can only be true if you pick-up the GOD DAMM PEN...For the last part of my life, the best part of my life, I will be swinging that pen around without restraint...Patrick Risk

Name: flowerplough
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 08:23:52 -0700


The Quran tells me that Allah, through his prophet and his followers, demands my submission and obedience, or my death.

Name: zach the future generation
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 08:56:33 -0700


good work ali expose more of the lies of islam, make some films about it to enlighten more poeple media coverage is what is needed any publicity to expose islam is good publicity x

Name: Neo
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 09:49:10 -0700


"An intelligent person is one who is constantly thinking about and preparing for death." ..... i think this is one of the brightest message that can be said. whats more important then prepare for your afterlife? unless you don't believe it LOL. heck, how long we live ? 60 - 70 years? it means nothing compare to the afterlife,which last....emmh...FOREVER ?? IF its TRUE anyway :)). but it got nice 50% chance. whether its true or false. that is a very good chances if you think about it. thinking and preparing for your death also make life ...enjoyable!! strange is it?? but think...if we already prepare, we dont fear death. we welcome it. losing things in this world is also bearable if we BELIEVE in afterlife. something like losing your wife, kids, house, jobs,friend, car, hand, foot, eyes :)) usually will make a person either crazy or suicidal...LOL. but if you know that all this is temporary and afterlife waiting for you, then you can go on. so prepare for your last breath on earth, it might happens sooner then you think. maybe a year or tomorrow, nobody know. UNLESS you live forever, can you???

Name: to flowerplough
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 11:17:50 -0700


perhaps it's time you read the koran in a language that you can understand, then you will know the truth.

Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 15:26:49 -0700


ali sina is a moron. to think that he can exterminate islam all by himself is sheer stupidity! there r 1.6 billion muslims in the world!and it is also the fastest growing religion in the world! only ALLAH can kill islam and muslims off!

Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 17:28:35 -0700


Humans are given brain.. to think.. eyes see.. ears to hear.. now i would like all of u use these thing as good as possible..

Name: allat
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 18:20:56 -0700


Oh, Ali Sina, how beautiful you are. Your Being, your Soul! You speak in a beautiful way, the Truth. Thank you.

Name: Cool
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 21:30:09 -0700


Nice speech Ali. But that's all it is a speech with no real substance. "Reforming Islam is an exercise in futility." big lie Christianity was reformed and the Bible contains more violent teaching than the Quran.

Name: Cool 2
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 21:40:58 -0700


"Imagine a world without hatred. A world where there are no racial, class, caste and religious animosity." Ali what in the heck you been smoking? Crack? Even if Islam did not exist people would still be fighting and killing each other. The streets of the USA are very dangerous and its not muslims that are doing the killing. Its people. The only way to end killing is to get rid of all people. Hmmm, then the lions, tigers, and bears would be killing. The universe is violent - you stupid liberal flip side of Islam. You are and your love talk are just as dangerous as Osama bin Laden. Both stupid dreamers.

Name: Un Cool
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 22:08:43 -0700


"Islam can and will be defeated in our own lifetime." I'm a non-practicing, don't really give a crap about religion type Muslim. Its the faith of my homeland and family. And how long do you think a lifetime is? You are not thinking clearly. What do you mean by defeated? No more Muslims? Population reduced by half? Two thirds?

Name: Bobby
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 22:10:13 -0700


Ali Sina - Everything you wrote matches my thoughts 100%. I hate Islam, mainly because it creates a deep division among people. Division to the extent of making them hate non-believers and wishing for their destruction. How many good-hearted Muslims are forced to accept this teaching blindly and reluctantly keep away from their neighbors and consider them different and evil. Islam needs to be wiped out. But we can never expect the mullahs that have made it a family business to give up islam. But we could show the vile evil face of islam to the rest of muslims and hope they would realize the truth.

Name: Sinner
Date: Wednesday January 30, 2008
Time: 23:40:06 -0700


Ali - you are stupid to think Islam will be defeated in "our life time." These dumb statements cancel out any other truths you might say. It make you look like a crack pot. This religion is 1400 years old and you think you can wipe it out in our life time. Man do you have a big ego. I think your Islamic upbringing has warped your mind. You left Islam but it has not left you. You still believe in lies - only this time they are your own.

Name: sid george
Date: Thursday January 31, 2008
Time: 04:20:55 -0700


I am going to have to buy Sina's new book.

Name: robert
Date: Thursday January 31, 2008
Time: 06:13:05 -0700


I would have to strongly agree with you; however, the truth of Islam is not enough. The infidels, of which I am one, must be educated to the truth and know what Islam really is. I do believe this is being accomplished by the radical and irrational actions of the followers of Muhammed. That said, action must be taken by the governments and citizens of the modern world.

Date: Thursday January 31, 2008
Time: 10:07:26 -0700



Name: The evil allah
Date: Thursday January 31, 2008
Time: 11:01:21 -0700


keep up the good work ali

Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday January 31, 2008
Time: 16:13:24 -0700


1.6 bil muslims and islam fastest growing? typical muslim lies. David A. Barrett’s huge two volume, "World Christian Encyclopedia", the 2001 AD edition is the world standard for religious statistics.There are 2 Billion+ Christians making up 31% of the world population, whereas there are less than 1 billion Muslims. The Compton’s Interactive Encyclopaedia says there are about 750 – 800 million muslims around the world. Roman Catholics alone account for 1.1 billion according to the latest figure from the Vatican.Islam is only in 204 lands, while Christianity is in all 238 countries of the world.Christianity has a 100% penetration rate world wide!Presently every 24 hours, the world population of Christians increases by 69,000. In CHINA 3000 convert to Christianity DAILY!Continent Africa has the greatest number of muslims converting to Christianity. In the Asian continent Christians are outnumbering muslims. Statistics also reveal that Bahai’s are growing at a faster rate than muslims. Latin America is 93% Christian, the bulk belonging to the Roman Catholic faith. Baha’is take the prize for fastest growing in Latin America. Faster still are Zoroastrians.Continent Europe shows Buddhism as the fastest growing. In US they convert to islam and leave just as fast. Well hidden skeleton in Pakistan is more than 500,000 left islam in 2005. Some 240,000 of them accepted Jesus in 3 days of evangelizing in Lahore City. And the number is growing. {How many know that Pakistan was founded by apostate turned atheist Jinnah who enjoyed bacon and eggs for breakfast, pork chops, roast pork during his years in England? And continued to do so while in Pakistan.} In Hindu India muslims return to the faith of their ancestors. No apostasy BS there. Carry on dreaming muslim zombies - that's why ALL muslim countries are FAILED STATES.

Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday January 31, 2008
Time: 16:20:09 -0700


Fully agree with Ali Sina that Islam will be defeated. Its demise is already apparent. And since that evil son of satan paedophile Mo plagiarised from the Torah and New Testament it is clear from biblical scriptures that muslims all over the world will be annihilated. And easily too. The Crusade is on. And no imaginary allah to come to any practising aid. Every disaster and muslims beg, cry, and are aided by non muslims. No allah in sight.

Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday January 31, 2008
Time: 17:36:54 -0700


Norman Stillman's book, "The Jews of Arab Lands, A History and Source Book" is a general historical survey from the 7th century to the 19th century, "The invasion of the Middle East [by the Arabs] was not by any means a joyous, liberating experience. There was a great deal of death and destruction. The inhabitants of towns taken by storm were either killed or led into captivity, and their property was forfeited" >> "The jizya and kharaj [taxes] were a crushing burden for the non-Muslim peasantry who eked out a bare living in a subsistence economy">> "Muslim authorities were concerned above all that taxes be paid and that dhimmi subjects acknowledge in a variety of ways, some more and some less humiliating, the dominion of Islam. As long as the non-Muslim complied, they were accorded a good measure of internal self-rule. However, even in the conduct of their own communal affairs, they were not entirely free of government supervision and, at times, downright interference">> "Furthermore, there was a tenuousness in the cordiality of interfaith relationships. The non-Muslim could never entirely disembarrass himself of his dhimmi status">> "The position of a Jewish community could also become precarious in times of civil strife, famine, or other catastrophe. Times of crises brought popular religious frenzy to its height. The Jews were a small, defenseless minority whose status as infidels and humble tribute bearers was defined by Islamic law."But what of the so-called Golden Age of mutual respect? "Anti-Semitism, that is, "the hatred of Jews qua Jews," did exist in the medieval Arab world EVEN IN THE PERIOD OF GREATEST TOLERANCE...Outright persecution...was rare but there was always that uncertain possibility. At the whim of the ruler, the harshest interpretations of the sumptuary laws could be strictly enforced...Even in the best of times, dhimmis in all walks of life and at every level of society could suddenly and rudely be reminded of their true status." Bat Ye'or : "There are Muslims in Tripolitania and elsewhere who are descendants of Jews forcibly converted at different periods The Jews of Tabriz were obliged to convert in 1291 and 1318,and those of Baghdad in 1333 and 1344.Throughout Persia, forced conversions from the sixteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century decimated the Christian and, even more, the Jewish communities"[Bernard Lewis points out that there was never a question of "equality" between Muslims and non-Muslims: "Traditional Islamic societies neither accorded such equality nor pretended that they were so doing. Indeed, in the old order, this would have been regarded not as a merit but as a dereliction of duty. How could one accord the same treatment to those who follow the true faithand those who willfully reject it? This would be a theological as well as a logical absurdity. Discrimination was always there, permanent and indeed necessary, inherent in the system and institutionalised in law and practice." of the massacre of more than 6000 Jews in Fez (Morocco) in 1033; of the hundreds of Jews killed between 1010 and 1013 near Cordoba, and other parts of Muslim Spain; of the massacre of the entire Jewish community of roughly 4000 in Granada during the Muslim riots of 1066 Robert Wistrich writes."In Kairouan (Tunisia) the Jews were persecuted and forced to leave in 1016, returning later only to be expelled again. In Tunis in 1145 they were forced to convert or to leave, and during the following decade there were fierce anti-Jewish persecutions throughout the country. A similar pattern of events occurred in Morocco after the massacre of Jews in Marrakesh in 1232.Indeed, in the Islamic world from Spain to the Arabian peninsula the looting and killing of Jews, along with punitive taxation, confinement to ghettos, the enforced wearing of distinguishing marks on clothes (an innovation in which Islam preceded medieval Christendom), and other humiliations were rife." PACT OF OMAR was fully implemented. In 704_705, the caliph Walid I gathered together the nobles of Armenia in the church of St. Gregory in Naxcawan and the church of Xram on the Araxis, and burned them to death. The rest were crucified and decapitated, while their women and children were taken as slaves. The Armenians suffered even more between 852 and 855. Given the constant humiliation and degradation, fiscal and social oppression, it is not surprising that many dhimmis sought a way out of their impossible situation by converting But though technically not "forced" on pain of death or at the point of a sword, we can still consider these conversions as having been forced on the dhimmis. Surely, there is no moral difference between the two kinds of "forced conversions." Each century has its own, full account of the horrors. In the 8th century we had the massacres in the Sind. In the 9th century, there were the massacres of Spanish Christians in and around Seville. In the 10th, the persecutions of non-Muslims under the caliph al Hakim are well known. In the 13th; the Christians of Damascus were killed or sold into slavery, and their churches burnt to the ground. The Sultan Baibars, whom Sir Steven Runciman calls "evil", not respecting his own guarantees of safety to the garrison of Safed if they surrendered to the Muslims, had all the population decapitated when they did surrender. "From Toron he sent a troop to destroy the Christian village of Qara, between Homs and Damascus, which he suspected of being in touch with the Franks. The adult inhabitants were massacred and the children enslaved. When the Christians from Acre sent a deputation to ask to be allowed to bury the dead, he roughly refused, saying that if they wished for martyrs' corpses they would find them at home. To carry out his threat he marched down to the coast and slaughtered every Christian that fell into his hands. "As for Baibar's and the Muslims' capture of Antioch in 1268, Runciman's says," Even the Moslem chroniclers were shocked by the carnage that followed." And India paid its HOLOCAUST in instalments with 80 million Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains who were slaughtered. A huge high column of skulls in Afghanistan stands as silent witness to the murder of innocents by the satanic paedophile Mo's murdereous sons of satan which continues to this day.

Name: Free Thinker
Date: Friday February 01, 2008
Time: 02:36:49 -0700


I think Islam will collapse in the near future just because this cult provides nothing but superstition and black magic. There is not a single islamic country which could produce superior products for the world market. All they have is oil but no technology. Arts? Music? Culture? Many people just don´t realize how weak the islamic world really is. One of two muslims is illiterate and there are almost no bookshops in arab countries. Please read the UN Arab Human Development Report. It is unbelievable! Very interesting read!

Name: ROM
Date: Friday February 01, 2008
Time: 03:01:04 -0700


As long as there are courageous people like Ali Sina, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Taslima Nasreen, Wafa Sultan, many other personages who originate from the islamic tradition and who are raising the awareness in the West for the potential dangers of islam, there is hope that one day we will declare victory over a medieval cult that threatens each and everyone in this world!Islam's firt victims are the muslims themselves!rom

Date: Friday February 01, 2008
Time: 11:03:16 -0700


Something is going on there: Internet Traffic MUCH OF THE MIDDLE EAST IS INTERNET FREE I pray to The Holy Spirit to stop any madness Allat

Name: Allat: 3rd Undersea Cable Cut Betw. Sri Lanka/Suez
Date: Friday February 01, 2008
Time: 12:04:02 -0700


From What Really Happened : Third undersea cable reportedly cut between Sri Lanka, Suez

Name: SouthParkConservative
Date: Monday February 04, 2008
Time: 13:05:41 -0700


Excellent article, Mr. Sina. You are a good and righteous man, no matter what your faith is in. We need more people like you drawing the attention you are to the horrible crime that Islam perpetrates upon its followers with every new child born into the faith. You give those of us who are fighting against the jihad on the information front hope that we are not alone, shouting our words into the dark like Cassandra at Troy.

Name: Phximam
Date: Monday February 04, 2008
Time: 17:03:15 -0700


I love this article. We do need to destroy islam. It is not going to go easily though. The muslims know that they are the true believers and they are willing to die to prove it. And, if they take us along with them well that is ok, we will go to hell fire. I don't think that education and truth is going to do it. They are armed, dangerous and motivated. Their children are brainwashed into thinking that it is ok to kill kufar.

Name: Senneca
Date: Monday February 04, 2008
Time: 17:46:08 -0700


A very succinct and well reasoned article. . The only problem that I can see, is that Islam requires all of its adherents to check critical thinking skills at the door and embrace a life of ignorance.

Name: Women.
Date: Monday February 04, 2008
Time: 20:27:02 -0700


Ali Sina you are symply divine! I rejected islam because it was all based on lies and the opposite of what true goodness is. Please dear Ali Sina you are a hero continue your stand for freedom and against the oppression cruelty Islam is all about! Islam is not about peace and it never has been Islam is as it has always been about bloody jihad and anti-femininity.

Name: Greg
Date: Monday February 04, 2008
Time: 21:04:56 -0700


Good job Ali. Keep it up. I'm doing what I can on FaithFreedom as Capner. But, I get angry way too easily and turn to insulting. I got to get a better personality. Meanwhile, Keep up the good work.

Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Tuesday February 05, 2008
Time: 04:01:15 -0700


Thank you Mr. Ali Sina, I have come to the same conclusions as you. I hope that all people will heed your advice, especially leaders. Before I knew anything about Islam, I too thought it was the religion of peace. After studying it, I can see how wrong I was. The Qur'an is indelible just like Hitler's Mein Kampf. For as long as these books are adhered to, we will have evil men emanating from them. As you say in different words, it is best to throw the source away. Poor Muslims are deluded if they think they can turn evil into something good. I hope they understand that they must cut away the rot, Islam, and convert into a harmoniously new life. As I have said often, "What's wrong with Jesus Christ? Why not emulate Him"? Jesus sure was far different than the child molester Muhammad, wasn't He? P.S. I'm glad that you like San Francisco and his prayer. He's also one of my favorite saints. Did you know that he possessed the stigmata, the wounds of Jesus Christ? And did you know that only Catholics are mysteriously gifted with the stigmata? Strange but true. I'm still praying for you.

Date: Wednesday February 06, 2008
Time: 01:16:10 -0700


Great Paper, unfortunately those of us who know the truth are sabotaged at every turn by political correctness and accusations of racism. I hope that in the future we'll be able to stand as a group and show the truth to the masses before its too late

Name: Martins
Date: Wednesday February 06, 2008
Time: 05:55:23 -0700


Posted by 'cool': "Christianity was reformed and the Bible contains more violent teaching than the Quran" Go and read both books. Go on. Now tell me there are violent teachings in the Bible. The Koran is filled with hate-speech. Its fundamental message is 'hate the unbliever', as opposed to the pacifist message of the Bible. (If you still can't see it you're on crack:-) )

Name: Interesting
Date: Thursday February 07, 2008
Time: 20:06:14 -0700


Very admirable passion. However, the source, that is, the values upon which the essay is based, especially the author's bitterness against Islam, should be more fully outlined. I.e. what did Mohammad say, or expect others to do on his behalf that is so deadly? The source of the author's bitterness would carry even more persuasive power if he were to sprinkle more excerpts from the Koran into his essay. So, we the reader could be as outraged he is. Fortunately, I've learned something about the Koran. So, I can share the author's abhorance for this 'deadly belief system.' However, I think the author would have a far wider following of support if he were to also educate his reader by quoting from the Koran more often. Nevertheless, I hope the author is able to achieve his hopes, ie: eliminate this deadly ideology and / or the people who believe in it.

Name: Chris Morgan
Date: Saturday February 09, 2008
Time: 02:01:34 -0700


I wish the mainstream press would pick up this article and print it, fanfastic! Keep up the good work. I thank you for writing the truth. So many unifirmed people hear were I live that the God of Islam is the same God of the Christians and Hebrews. They are misled by all the " moderates" whom like you stated preach war and prolong this deception known as islam.

Name: Bobby
Date: Saturday February 09, 2008
Time: 21:43:51 -0700


Muslims who defy Islamic rules, enjoy music and other unislamic way of life should be first ones to revolt against islam. instead many of them continue to be counted as muslims keeping the cult alive and fooling the common muslim into thinking there is a bigger number of believers that actual. the increasing count is what motivates muslims to get ever more crazy about their cult. it fools the muslim into thinking there is some truth in the koran garbage. if you look at the number of people who live by the word of the quran and true believers 100% of the time - there are just a tiny minority, maybe in thousands. all others do not have sincere faith in islam, but just like the fact they belong a massive tight-knit group that is bent on taking over the world. Many of them just support islam in every way they can, but have no intention of following what it really tells you to, this allows them to live as law-abiding citizens in civilized countries. its also a fear of us versus them, just like supporting a sport team. But they have a moral obligation to get stop this evil cult.

Name: youness
Date: Monday February 11, 2008
Time: 04:30:16 -0700


if you right dear ali sina....why many people turn to islam?all you said about muhammad(peace upon him) is wrong and you khnow that! i invite people who used to visit this website to read books about islam and to study this great religion!!you will love it!!do not follow Resentful people! god gave u a brain...use it! salam aleikum (peace on you) ps:sorry for my french.

Name: surj
Date: Monday February 11, 2008
Time: 13:17:12 -0700


In all the comments here, we all agree Islam is EVIL and it has to be fought back to save our civilization, Islam never has ,never will coexist in harmony with any other religion."agnostic" you are 100% right, and it is so unfortunate that the majority if gullible Westerners still fall for the lies of Muslims. We have to expose Evils of Islam to each and every non muslim, as is done by Ali Sina and other knowledgeable people.We should also have a positive discrimination against Muslims in the West, as have the Muslims in their countries against non Muslims. Again the do gooders and liberals are going to defend the muslims in the West.We ought to make sure their voices are not heard. Muslims have been terrorising the world for the last 1400 years and we still haven't learnt.How stupid of Muslims when they say Islam is fastest growing religion, just because people like Zakir Naik said so, then all the muslims haul like wolves after him. I read Quran and can say it is the manual of evil doers, no wonder muslims act the way they do.When Christians don't follow(read) the Bible they do evil things,when Muslims follow(read) the Quran they do evil things.

Name: james
Date: Wednesday February 13, 2008
Time: 21:12:42 -0700


you have to read "the holly war" karen amstrong. You didn't know about islam jaust predict.

Name: mieoux
Date: Thursday February 14, 2008
Time: 08:52:48 -0700


I hate Islam too! Thank you for this site. I agree Islam is evil and violent. Islam should be eradicated. I dislike religions in general but they haven't harmed me directly, Islam has. And Islam causes pain and suffering every day especially to women. Women should not be Muslims.

Name: Ray Bright
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 15:06:54 -0700


Islam cannot disappear because it is religion of idiots, for idiots, and by idiots. Idiots are not going to disappear any time soon, they are integral part of humanity. And even if we magically destroy Islam, Idiots will need a substitute to fill the gap,a new idiotic ideology will have to be given to them to replace Islam, and nothing except name will change. Ali is right that Islam is sustained by lies, but the big lie is much bigger than that: The big lie is that Humanity is intelligent. The self-evident truth is that humanity is idiotic. Great majority of people are intellectually and spiritually retarded. Therefore we need a system that honestly addresses this situation. The retarded people need to be given what they really need and want. They have no need for any great philosophy. They have no need for any real spirituality, their mental age is between 5 and 14 and their needs don't go beyond those of children. They need a a religion that gives them the necessities relevant to their stage of development. Only when we honestly face this, will we be able to eradicate Islam and replace it with something less harmful. Idiots need to be told what to do, and what not to do. Islam does that for them. Idiots need to be told what is good and what is bad. Idiots can't figure this out by themselves. Idiots need to be told how to structure their day and be reassured 5 times per day that their "God" listens to them, Islam takes care of that. Idiots are not capable of critical thinking, Islam releases them from that and feeds them ready made (idiotic) beliefs.

Name: Ramzi
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 23:25:03 -0700


The one and only true religion of ALLAH is Islam and he who believe in ALLAH and his appostle MOHAMMAD when died will ascended to paradise and be rewarded with 72 heavenly beautiful virgin girl but he who denied ALLAH and his appostle MOHAMMAD when died will also be ascended to heaven but will be rewarded with an ugly 72 years old non-virgin girl.....ALLAHUAKHBAR

Name: Ramzi
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 23:30:48 -0700


The one and only true religion of ALLAH is Islam and he who believe in ALLAH and his appostle MOHAMMAD when died will ascended to paradise and be rewarded with 72 heavenly beautiful virgin girl but he who denied ALLAH and his appostle MOHAMMAD when died will also be ascended to heaven but will be rewarded with an ugly 72 years old non-virgin girl.....ALLAHUAKHBAR

Name: Ramzi
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 23:31:09 -0700


The one and only true religion of ALLAH is Islam and he who believe in ALLAH and his appostle MOHAMMAD when died will ascended to paradise and be rewarded with 72 heavenly beautiful virgin girl but he who denied ALLAH and his appostle MOHAMMAD,when died will also be ascended to heaven but will be rewarded with an ugly 72 years old non-virgin girl.....ALLAHUAKHBAR

Name: Ramzi
Date: Tuesday February 19, 2008
Time: 01:07:39 -0700


The most despicable GOD is MUHAMMAD'S ALLAH for commanding the followers of Islam commit EVIL acts against non-believers of Islam.If a particular GOD has an enemy, that GOD is surely to be a great SATAN. How can TRUE GOD create mankind and condemned them to be his enemy.If the condemnation is based on that particular community not adhering to his command,than that GOD is a very weak GOD.For he cant even predict the future character/behaviour/conduct of his own creation. Therefore,to conclude,MUHAMMAD'S ALLAH is the most DESPICABLE GOD.MUHAMMAD'S ALLAH is,in every sense the TRUE SATAN. ALI SINA should be congratulated and appreciated for his BOLD attempt to condemned this SATANIC TEACHING of MUHAMMAD.On a personal note,I am strongly behind you. I pray that the TRUE GOD will grant you wisdom to defeat your enemy and prevail over them.As a christian,we strongly detest a kind of battle that resulted in untold misery and BLOODSHED.(Remember that this is the kind of battle that MUHAMMAD commanded his followers to undertake). Our battle against the muslim is to bring CHRIST TO THEM. As what an APOSTATE from INDONESIA,Dr.Hambran Amri(FORMER MUSLIM SCHOLAR)has done,by appealing to the muslim community to get BAPTISED.Last but not least,ALI SINA is my light in the battle against this SATANIC(ISLAM)teaching.

Date: Tuesday February 19, 2008
Time: 03:14:56 -0700


The KORAN and the HADITH condemned ZINA. ZINA is literally defined as a consensual sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are not legally husband and wife.However,if we applied this in total,the first MUSLIM who COMMIT an offence of ZINA is MUHAMMAD himself.Such an interesting story of a person who proclaim himselt to be the prophet of GOD.Can such a person of very low moral character be qualified as the prophet of GOD? MUHAMMAD is only ABSOLUTELY qualified to be the PROPHET of the FALSE GOD @ SATAN. THOSE SATANIC MUSLIM BELIEVER who attacked ALI SINA does not and will not attack the facts put forward by him pertaining to the EVIL TEACHING OF ISLAM.Those SATANIC MUSLIM curse ZINA when they have multiple wives.They treat WOMAN as purely SEXUAL object and not as equal partner.They claim alcohol as HARAM but there are infinite number of dangerous drugs factories in PAKISTAN and AFGHANISTAN,to name a few.Even their ANGEL GABRIEL is scared of DOG.This ANGEL GABRIEL is entirely different from the ANGEL GABRIEL we learned in THE BIBLE.

Name: millions_sin
Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
Time: 00:50:53 -0700


Cool wrote: "Christianity was reformed and the Bible contains more violent teaching than the Quran". Read Quran 4:89, which told Muslim to kill non Muslim (infidels). Never such a verse found in other Holy Books!!!!! No such a verse written in the Bible!!!!!

Name: Ramzi
Date: Friday February 22, 2008
Time: 16:50:53 -0700


What those SATAN MUSLIM WORSHIPPERS deliberately reluctant to admit when MUHAMMAD was poisoned by a jewish sex slave girl is that the TRUE GOD prolonged his suffering from excruciating pain as a reminder to those who want to emulate EVIL and DESPICABLE TERRORIST who is the FOUNDER of ISLAM,MUHAMMAD.MUHAMMAD'S ETERNAL PLACE IS in HELL FIRE occupying HELL with HIS ALLAH. This assumption is CONFIRMED when he COMMANDED his followers to PRAY for him 5 times daily that ALLAH UNCONDITIONALLY grant HIM HEAVENLY priviledge.What's interesting is that MUHAMMAD DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE HIS ALLAH WILL PUT HIM. Additionally MUHAMMAD HIMSELF ADMITTED HIS SIN. TO CONCLUDE,MUHAMMAD WAS DECEIVE BY THE TRUE SATAN 'CLOAK' AS THE CREATOR. All Muhammad's followers claim that non-muslims are filth and live an immoral live when the FOUNDER OF ISLAM,MUHAMMAD in actual fact commited the most HORRIBLE CRIME aganst humanity that include RAPE,ZINA,LOOTING,MURDERRING BY BEHEADING FOR RESISTANCE TO ISLAM AND ADDITIONALLY 20% OF WAR BOOTY BELONGS TO ALLAH AND HIS APPOSTLE.This goes on to confirm that MUHAMMAD'S ALLAH IS SATAN.I want to ask SAMI ZAATARI AND AHMAD DEEDAT, why must MUHHAMAD'S ALLAH needed to divide WAR BOOTY WITH HIS APPOSTLE? Does a true GOD needed material wealth? This point confirmed that MUHAMMAD'S ALLAH is THE TRUE SATAN. For in the BIBLE,SATAN attempted to deceive JESUS CHRIST when the former claimed that he is the TRUE CREATOR.MUSLIMS needed to be reminded that no one in the whole universe( ordinary mortals or unseen spirit ) can deceive JESUS CHRIST.Additionally, JESUS CHRIST IS OMNIPRESENT.

Name: S
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 03:37:39 -0700


Ali Sina. You are my idol. Your words touch my soul. Please keep up the fight. 29 year old, female, ex-muslim

Name: sarfaraz
Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
Time: 07:06:59 -0700


i am 100% sure that all these articales are written by non muslim.and they are just trying to insult islam.because they are afraid of islamic fame in the world.

Name: James Spader
Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
Time: 21:45:02 -0700


What can i say? Not too bright are you?.  are actualy more ignorant than i thought.

Date: Wednesday March 12, 2008
Time: 13:45:08 -0700


Ali, it's really a shame that you've shown so much of hatred in ur articles, all of them are so biased against Islam. iam not going to read any of your articles any more ... for this only reason that you are trying to spread hatred and some sort of a plague, that you believe is going to do good. Believe me your article has toxic smell in it, you are not doing any good to this world by doing this Ali, one day you'll realize that you are getting consumed slowly steadily by the very same hatred that you have in your heart. There were generations that were destroyed by Allah, why do you have to fall in that. A true muslim prays minimum 17 times "ihdina sirathal musthakeem" ( guide us to the straight path ) a muslim asks/begs almighty to guide him/her to the straight path, why are you not able to understand the real essence of Islam. Further more all your interpretations are incorrect, the reason why you are not able to understand the real essence of Qur'an is because of this hatred/plague that you are carrying. Just remember one more last thing Ali, the other comments that you see for this article are again not sincere, ppl with this same hatred/plague that you are carrying, are spitting it out just in a disguised manner their feeling by trying to praise ur article, it's as if like an excuse or an opportunity for them, pls do not try to flatter yourself by it, all of this stuff is going to die off some day or the other brother. Let me underline and tell you, the same way you are fueling the hatred among ppl there are true muslims out there who are coming forward and defending it more and more, learning more and more, seeing this as an opportunity to do something good for the sake of Allah ! Remember we have always been greater and so much heavily motivated, time has shown that Ali. Just for your awareness “Nitche of truth” is one such dedicated very successful organization, very recently started, in southern India which I came across in the internet, imagine this is in their local language, you need to understand how much of profound effect the real essence of Islam can bring, And many others yet to come Inshah Allah … May Allah guide you to the right path.

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