Deutschland Uber Alles ― New Nazism Reaches America
23 Sep, 2007
Prior to attacking the U.S., Germany, as directed by its madman, Hitler, through a brilliant combination of emigration, demographic conquest and subversion of cultural, political and academic values, punctuated only occasionally by terrorist attacks, had effectively subdued all of Europe! Today, throughout that entire Continent, including Great Britain, any criticism of Germany could result in fines or imprisonment, or both! Even Canada has capitulated, and it appears that Australia and New Zealand are not far behind. These same tactics are now being used towards the total domination of the United States.
The U.S. has been at war with Germany for some time now, with our country sustaining numerous casualties, almost evenly divided between the military and civilians, both abroad and on the home front. In the last ten years, estimates range between 8,000 and 10,000 deaths, and countless wounded, but no exact figures are available since the media largely ignores civilian casualties outside the U.S.
Germany’s single most horrendous attack on U.S. soil, which caused the most casualties, and which outraged the American public, was directly traceable to Germany! But our politicians, of both parties, were complicit in allowing our President to misdirect public anger away from Germany. The President, or his “spinmeisters”, borrowed a word describing a popular military tactic of our enemy. Then, “Blitzkrieg”, not Germany, became the enemy, and this misdirection of guilt is parroted tens of thousands of times daily by our media and that of other Western nations.
Most of our own media, and that of a goodly portion of the world not as yet controlled by Germany, are influenced by powerful political and economic forces wishing to maintain favorable relations with our enemy for their own agendas, and at any cost! Our President treats our enemy’s representatives cordially and respectfully and they are frequent guests at the White House or on his Texas ranch. This is at least partially due to the fact that Germany is one of the most important trading partners of the U.S., second only to Communist China. Our country yearly buys somewhere between 75 to 80 billion dollars of their products. A conservative estimate of money paid by the U.S. over the last 35 years for German imports is well over a Trillion dollars! Additionally, several thousand U.S. companies enjoy lucrative contracts with Germany. Germany, of course, buys several billion dollars of our own products, but has enjoyed a favorable balance of trade with the U.S. for many years.
This favorable balance of trade, has allowed Germany, in the last 35 years, to invest somewhere between 50 – 70 Billion dollars towards the destruction of our democracy, more than World Communism spent in a period of 75 years. This has been a good investment, directed along various paths.
Undoubtedly, Germany’s most productive investment has been the subversion of our educational systems, from universities downwards, even occasionally reaching to kindergarten level! At the university level, Germany’s efforts were considerably assisted by the fall of the Soviet Union. Thousands of university professors and administrators, previously expressing their hatred for democracy and this country through allegiance to World Communism, started flocking to Germany’s banner of world conquest.
After the previously mentioned attack, our government decided to encourage our universities to initiate Germanic Studies curricula in those schools not already offering such courses. Our Government’s stated purposes for the establishment of such curricula was to provide our nation with university graduates fluent in the German language who would then be useful in security analysis. However, as often happens when our federal government becomes involved in a project, the end results bear little or no resemblance to the project’s original stated objectives. Over 86 million dollars were set aside, of taxpayer money, under Title VI funding to initiate or expand Germanic Studies curricula. The results were disastrous, at least as concerning our Government’s objectives, but a resounding success for Germany!
Many professors teaching Germanic Studies were already sympathetic towards Hitler’s agenda and now Germany stepped forward to reward those academics with grants and suggest that they be placed in charge of the soon to be amplified curricula. Those not sympathetic were often demoted or dismissed. In almost all cases, the recommendations of Germany were followed. And, in those universities inaugurating new curricula of Germanic Studies, professors were often rapidly imported directly from Germany. Since Germany was paying for the establishment of the courses, and the universities were receiving large infusions of money, there was little complaint.
From Germany’s deep pockets, millions and millions of dollars flowed into universities throughout the U.S. to expand and create new courses or to endow “chairs” or scholarships. Some examples of initial funding are: University of Arkansas $20M, Berkeley $5M, Harvard $2.5M, Cornell $11M, Texas A.M. $1.5M, MIT $5M, Princeton $1M, Rutgers $5M, Columbia $5M, and Georgetown $8.1M. Of the amount donated to Georgetown, $500,000 was to establish the “George W. Bush” scholarship fund! Other universities participating include Rice, UC Santa Barbara, John Hopkins, American University of Washington (D.C.), University of Chicago, University of Oklahoma, Syracuse, USC, Duke, UCLA, Howard University and several others.
Once the initial funds are exhausted, the American taxpayers pay the bills under Title VI allocations. Mein Kamph is invariably used as a principle course book. In other words, we are digging our own graves and buying the shovel! At present (2007), there are over 150 universities teaching courses in Germanic Studies as well as countless high schools, middle schools, grade schools, and even some kindergartens. And Islam is now a required course in California schools. The universities have already produced a few “all-American boy” homegrown terrorists, not even of Germanic descent, and will continue to do so at an accelerated rate! One is now resident at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, captured in Afghanistan fighting for the Taliban.
Concurrently with the promotion of Germanic curricula, over 120 multi-million dollar Germanic centers were established throughout the U.S. Their locations largely coincided with urban centers with large populations of Germans or near major universities. Indeed, some universities allowed the construction of these meeting centers on land owned or previously owned by a university; the University of Tulsa is one example. In these centers, the resident directors, or guest speakers, read from Mein Kamph and openly urge their audiences to work towards the destruction of the United States.
The F.B.I. and Homeland Security have infiltrated most, if not all, of these centers, but their hands are tied. From higher up, their superiors, of the Justice Department, have ordered them not to move against these traitors and seditionists except when having an airtight case! Any indictment brought that does not possess strong or conclusive evidence of an imminent attack would surely wither under the attention of the Leftist media, the A.C.L.U. and any one of several German organizations, of which there are several. Indeed, in 2006, a direct link was forged between the A.C.L.U. and the most active German front organization of the U.S. when an official of the A.C.L.U. was named to the board of directors of the German organization in Florida. Notwithstanding the limitations imposed from higher up, the F.B.I. and Homeland Security have prevented several attacks and have provided sufficient documentation to the Justice Department that has led to the quiet expulsion of over 2,300 Germans, a fact largely unknown or ignored by our media, and almost completely ignored by the general public.
Another largely unreported aspect of the German subversion of our country has been the establishment of numerous German training camps for teen-agers and even pre-teens, of both genders, where basic infantry tactics are taught, mostly with mops and brooms, but sometimes with assault weapons and live ammunition! Some of these training camps are known to the F.B.I., but still in operation!
From Colonial days through the 1950’s, the increase of Germans in our population was practically insignificant, perhaps as few as 200,000 by 1950. However, by the start of the 21st Century, due principally to their high demographic rate, the highest in the world, and partially due to our lax immigration procedures, the number is now well over two million!
Every one of these Germans are terrorists or potential terrorists, if called upon to be so by Germany! Regardless of any superficial appearance of being assimilated into our society, their loyalty will always be towards Germany, Hitler and his guide for world domination, Mein Kamph! Additionally, an unknown number of German terrorists have entered through our leaky borders.
Now, with the concentrations of Germans in several major cities, they are making their voices heard on the political scene, to the extent that we have a German in the House of Representatives, whose allegiance is to Germany, and another is a Senator who is a front-leading Democrat candidate for the Presidency of the United States!
The situation is surreal; we’re at war with Germany, and have been for some time, but our Administration is actively facilitating the destruction of our democracy, using the auspices of the F.B.I. and Homeland Security to protect Germans! That is, any overt act against a German would more than likely be chastised on a par, or even more severely, than the discovery of a German plot which could result in a considerable loss of life or of the infrastructure of our society.
And now, in 2007, certain members of Congress are attempting to pass “hate crime” legislation similar to that of the European Union which would make it a “crime” to criticize Germans, verbally or in print. This legislation is ostensibly for the protection of homosexuals but its wordage of protection would apply equally to Germans. Those found guilty would face fines or imprisonment, or both, as is the case in Europe.
Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” is taught in our schools; is available in most book stores and practically any public library as well as school libraries throughout the nation. In this book, Hitler directly outlines his vision of world conquest by systematic genocide, but it appears that few are paying attention. It is time to do so!
Editorial Notes:
(1) To better understand the above, make the following substitutions in the title and the appropriate underlined spaces.
Allah Akbar should perhaps be the title.
Islam for Germany.
Muhammad for Hitler.
Muslims for Germans.
The Koran for Mein Kamph.
War on Terror for Blitzkrieg.
Middle-Eastern or Islamic Studies for Germanic Studies
Arabic for the German language.
Mosques for Germanic centers.
(2) For those doubting the truthfulness of the above, we recommend the following well documented article: “The Saudi Fifth Column on our Nation’s Campus”. Also consult the U.S. State Department report of 2000, on Saudi Arabia, entitled: “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices”. This report is available at most public libraries.
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This article originally appeared in All About Muhammad website.
Name: gilito
Date: Sunday September 23, 2007
Time: 02:13:07 -0700
First, I cannot comment on the kind of people who teach things to do with Germany at US universities, as I do not live in the US, and have little interest in that country. I do, however, have to make a comment about some other issues mentioned here. First, the 9/11 attack was indeed, at least in parts, planned and prepared in Germany. But this planning was neither done by German nationals nor the German government nor any organisation connected to it. If you rent out a house and, unknowingly to you, the tenants turn your house into a brothel, the most you can be blamed for is that you did not check your tenants carefully enough. Similarly, if some Jihadists abuse German hospitality, given innocently and with the assumption that the people receiving it will respect their host and not disgrace him, at most the German government can be blamed for is naivity, and insufficient checks. To suggest that somehow the German government conspired with Muslim terrorists to attack the USA is really not tenible.
Date: Sunday September 23, 2007
Time: 08:46:46 -0700
Gilito - I think you forgot to read the Editorial Notes at the bottom. This essay really has nothing to do with Germany.
Name: Marie
Date: Wednesday September 26, 2007
Time: 13:08:59 -0700
"The German" who is a front leading candidate for the presidency is Barack Obama. Thanks E.T. Nelosni for enlightening me.
Name: RandomGerman
Date: Wednesday September 26, 2007
Time: 17:25:34 -0700
Nice read! :) Didn't notice we're conquering the world again, have to watch more TV! BTW, it's "Mein Kampf", "Kamph" is glibberish!
Name: insolent
Date: Thursday September 27, 2007
Time: 21:07:13 -0700
gilito: I trust that you'll read the end-notes in the future. And,yes,the 9/11 attack was planned by Al-Qaeda at the al-Kod mosque in Hamburg, financed by Saudi money, and 15 of the 19 suicide bombers were Saudis. But,the total completed cost of the Twin Towers was only about 1.5 billion dollars. And, though a few thousand people lost their lives there, you must understand, gilito,that the U.S. still buys about 20 billion dollars of oil yearly from Saudi Arabia, which is then turned into many more billions.
Date: Thursday November 01, 2007
Time: 07:29:32 -0700
Name: Dieter
Date: Monday November 12, 2007
Time: 22:19:50 -0700
why in the hell would you even use germany as the "instead of word"? wtf seriously why didnt you just use Islam and Muslims and the Koran. i find it offensive as a german, even though the article has nothing to do with germans or germany, it still pissed me off. dont use the german national anthem as the title of the article either since it has nothing to do with the nazis. and by the way its spelled "Mein Kampf"...learn your fucking german, you ignorant fuck!