A Brief Account of Evolving Islam
25 Aug, 2008
- The very first question that arises for an ex Muslim after leaving Islam is that if Mohammed was such a pedophilic cult leader then how Islam becomes 2nd biggest religion of the world. The answer is not so simple because it needs to study the whole history of Islam. But the answer always given is simply “evolution”. That is a word which Charles Darwin used in his Origin of Species, but actually the word evolution worth more than simple evolution of living organisms. It prevails over every aspect of life even religion is included in it. Now coming to the point, Islam is also product of evolution as all living things are.
You will be victimized if you say that Mohammed was not sinless in present day society but in the early phase of Islam Mohammed was consider only man prophet who can err. Due to this reason many early writer like Tabri etc. wrote incidents of Satanic verses and many others there is a whole article about this here.
The evolution starts when Mohammed migrated to medina .where he came across the Jews and Christians. So fasting, Eid, circumcision and other rituals were added to Islam. Mohammed did this first to attract Jews to his new invented religion but when they refused, the hate chapter of Quran came into action and the verses of hatred were revealed against the Jews. The present-day hatred in the heart of Muslims for Jews is due to those verses. Especially the famous verses which say Jews are apes and pigs.
After the death of Mohammed, the father of his child-bride Abu baker became Caliph. Evolution worked on Islam in this era and many new rituals e.g. two times azan in juma prayer and jihad against the Muslims who refused to give zakat tax etc. were invented. Similarly, in the reign of Omer evolution worked and starting of tarawi prayer ,reformation of Islamic laws , forbidding of Muta (temporary marriage) etc were the changes. In this era Islamic “holy” looting was at the peak.
After the invasion of Persia, Islam came across the theories of early Persian people who were impressed by the Greeks. Which cause the emergence of mutazalites and kharjites who prefer human reasoning to the revelation. To stop these sects the fundamentalists came into action and Imam Ghazali (d. 1111) gave fatwa that those who prefer brain to revelation are infidels. This caused strictness in Islam; the way to human reasoning was blocked. In this face of evolution Islam was upgraded from a cult to a status of religion. At that time, ahadith books were written. And many changes were made in it due to which a lot of sects and deviant ideologies appeared and that time Mohammed was made an ideal and errorless personality.
Similarly, when Islam entered India, by the sword of Mohammed bin Qasim. Due to enforcement of jazia and caste system of India a lot of people became Muslim. Here Islamic evolution had a dramatic change. When Islam came across the tolerated Vedic religion it was so changed and give birth to Islamic sufiism. Which is Islamic form of Hindu philosophies. The theories of karma , wahda tul wajud and many other were very popular in the India.
In the reign of Mughal emperor Akbar (d. 1605), an amalgam of Hinduism and Islam was preached which he declared as “deen e ilahi” or "religion of god". In that age evolution was at its peak. And Islam was totally reformed. Though all the attempts were nullified by Akbar’s successors but its remnants are still present in Islamic society of India.
Even my ancestor became Muslim due to these philosophies which calls for respect for every one. But evolution never stops. Soon, the real face of Islam started reaching India. This process started when Shah Wali Allah (d. 1762) translated Quran into Persian language which causes people to read the satanic verses of hate and terrorism. Soon after that the militantly puritanical Islamic movement of wahabism, preached by Saudi scholar Abdul Wahab, started. This was the real face of Islam. When it reached India, it caused disturbance in peace-loving society. Severe response was given against this ideologies from both Muslims and Hindus. Even now, people in Pakistan hate the wahabis even more than satan. But evolution was still working in this scenario.
Face of Islam was totally changed in India and Derailvi and Deobandi sect was emerged. These are amalgam of Islam and Hindu ideologies of saints and gurus. There is same Hinduic system of guru etc.
But after the creation of Pakistan, when these sects came across the real hardcore Islamic ideologies, they surrendered to the terrorist face of Islam. The preaching of violent Islam by these sects reached at its peak during the Afghan war against Russia.
In Europe, when Islam came across Christianity, it can’t withstand and sect of submitters originated to hide the violent history of Islam.
But still there are reformers in Islamic land. And in my family I am pretending to be a reformer type Muslim. Who wants change in traditional Islam. Though Dr. Ali Sina thought that Islam can be vanished by striking its core, Mohammed and the Quran, it seems difficult in Islamic lands like Pakistan. I, therefore, support reformation and reformers. I will quote some reformations which I have noted.
There are a lot of hadiths that says 'picture' is haram in Islam. The angels of blessing never enter where there is a picture and so on. Early scholars refused to capture a picture but now they reformed those hadiths and legalized the pictures. Similarly, when Shah Wali Allah translated Quran he was declared as infidel by majority of ulemas of his age but now translating Quran is not sin. Giving blood to any one was haram first now, it is halal.
Similarly, many reformations have done in Islamic veil and even listening music is declared as halal by contemporary Islamic scholars, Javed Ahmad Ghamdi and Dr Tahirul Qadri.
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Amar Khan is a Pakistan ex-Muslim.
Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Monday November 24, 2008
Time: 21:46:05 -0500
Wonderful Macro Summary of Islam. Thank you author. Just to add some things. 1. When Islam came to the greater Syria, sadly the Christians there welcomed them as liberators from the rule of Rome. The Muslims did not really know how to govern a state/country. The Christians did that for them at first and taught them how. Sad, but true, that barbaric cult, destroyed the great civilizations of the greater Syria and eventually replaced them with a barbaric religious system. it will take us a good while to get rid of that evil menace called Islam. But I see it coming though. Thanks to the internet and knowledge venues that are almost impossible to stop nowadays. 2. The second thing I want to add is that it is good to have a reformers movement in Islam. Such movements will pave the way to the naked truth: that Islam is evil and Muhammad is evil incarnate is nothing but the end result of an evolving trend of Islamic "Reformers". I have faith in the human intellect. I have no doubt that one day, Muslims will realize the Sina was right all along, and start leaving that evil cult/religion/culture and move to greener pastures. Christianity and Hinduism are the real live good alternatives for nowadays Muslims. Peace to all. Thanks Amar Khan again for this thought provoking article.
Name: To Amar Khan
Date: Monday November 24, 2008
Time: 21:57:19 -0500
Though Islam has evolved down the ages as you say,it has reached a dead end now.There is no longer any reform possible. Islam is too rigid to face the complexities of the modern world. Nature will see the evolutionary process of this religion/cult reach its logical end. The vedic brain islamic body theory was busted long time ago. A few changes regarding haram and halal is not going to help, Amar.
Name: To Amar Khan From a Kashmiri Ex-Muslim
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 00:23:35 -0500
Dear Amar Khan.The truth is that Isalm was spread by two means namely by the sword and by lies.The Sufi culture was by no means Indian in origin.Its origins lay in Persia.The sufis were by no means great people, they were liars of the highets order.They decieved people into believing that their version of Islam was the correct form of Islam in hope that as many people as possible would convert to Isla.The caste system was definately an evil, by to counter it there was required a change in social system from indside not by importing deresert religions to the Indian subcontinent.The role of the sufis in spreading Islam by dubious means is very obvious.People were lured into Islam believing that they were equal in the eyes of Allah and fellow Muslims.This is however far from the truth.The native converts to Islam were never given important positions in the adminstration of the Muslim kings.Though they were excempt from paying the Jizziyya.You mentioned Akbar.He was not a secular ruler, infact he was one of the biggest bogots that Indian history has ever seen.His Din E Elahi came to existance towards the fag end of his life.It was based mostly on Islamic tennets.Din E Ellahi was in no way a potrait of the greatness of Akbar, rather is showed his true inner ambition to be recognised as more than a Monarch.Auzangezeb was not a concieted man, he was what he was.He was a Bigot and a true Muslim and made no bones about it.Islam can and will be destroyed.To reform Islam is like reforming Nazism or communism.Islam cannot be reformed.You yourself have proved it in your article.Let us assume that Akbar was trying to do away with Radical Islam, what was the end result.The shah of Iran tried doing it,Nasser tried, Baath Tried.In the end whenever Muslims have to reform they will go back to the Quran and Sunnah.After a while they get tired and they become a bit liberal and then go again to the original philosophy.Any sort of reformed Islam is like Hog Wash.Every dangerous cult in this world has to be done away with for good.That is the only way forward. Even though we will be seeing a large number of educated muslims leaving Islam, personally I dont would not want them to forsake Islam and take up another stupid desert religion or any other religion for that matter.In moments like these it is the will and determination of Ex-Muslims like us which makes a lot of difference!!!!!! Peace .
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 01:18:03 -0500
Islam is an amalgam of lies and treachery suiting the ruling classes of the early days of islam.Islam is just a mafia cult requiring blind adherence, no scope for reasoning or rationality. It is an arabic cult devised to promote arab supremacy!
Name: From an ex muslim
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 01:38:32 -0500
i agree with you, but shahansha akbar was not a bigot muslim, he may as well have retained some psycological factotrs of having been born in a avowed muslim family but on the totality he was liberal and not islamists, but again you have the example of aurangzaib viza viz daraa shaikhoo, former a religious bigot and fanatic in true sence and latter a rebel against the obscurantisam of islam, despite being two brothers born to one parents in the line of emperor akbar,And yet darashaikho met tragic death at the hand of his own fanatic brother aurangzaib and mass of muslim population sided with the barbarity of aurangzaib i do admit that real enlightened people within islam are in extreme minority. Mainstream masses of islamic societies can never have any detached and independant retrospection about their religion which is why i call islam an impregnable death cult enwombed in dissociated cognisance of mankind minipulated by muhammad which is his only miracle and no other miracle on earth ever equal it.Iblees in actual reality have triumphed by all accounts.
Name: any imaginary god who wants to put u in hell for not bowing to him exclusively he is a terrorist deity
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 01:41:48 -0500
any imaginary god who wants to put u in hell for not bowing to him exclusively he is a terrorist deity.the terrorist monoatheist idea of islam that only bow to imaginary allah and dont believe in truth and tolerance is root of islam,imported from judaism and christianity.
Name: Evolving Islam?
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 01:44:11 -0500
"they reformed those hadiths and legalized the pictures" reformed the Hadiths???? What do you mean by reforming hadiths.How is it possible to reform something that was actually said Muhamad or any of his Sahabas?? Dont you think it is an irony that inorder to reform Islam it would take throwing away 90% of the Quran and 75-85% of the hadiths and al of the Sira, most of the Islamic literature will have to be trashed.There would'nt be much Islam left after that would there?Perhaps a new cult which is not as obnoxious as Islam would arise out of this stupidity of reform.And is there a time frame for this reformation.I believe that it might take another 2000 years for Islam to reform if Muslims dont kill everyone by that time.Are you prepared to wait that long Amar?
Name: RE:From an ex muslim, from another ex-muslim
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 02:17:14 -0500
Dear friend, Darashikova was impaled by Auragazeb, because he was greedy for power.Greed for power is something that does not see religion or race.This was more of a political killing which was painted in religious colours by Auzagzeb's well wishers, because that was the only way the killing could be legalised and made palatble to the Ummah.Darashikova was the pupil of the so caalled Sufi Siant who would write in his peoms that he is sick of living with "these crow faced Indians." And he was so called Khuda Dost(friend of God).Inumerable examples of the prejudices of Muslims are availbel throughout history. I was amazed when I read the Shahnama, perhaps the Turner diares would sound more like a comic infornt of the Shahnama when the racism of these invaders is read.dara Shikovah was no Saint either, he used to call the native hindus by the worst of names.The whole idea of a peaceful coexistance of Hindus and muslims is a lie fabricated by the likes of Romillah Thappar, who just love to play with history.Now there works are used by the Islamits to try and prove that Evil bigots like Akbar and his ilk used to love Hindus.Arab was such an evil mind that he did not even spare the kingdom of Kashmir, which was then ruled by a Muslim.He used Taqqiyya to defeat this king, and finally send him to live in a Fort in Bihar where he finally died in a matter of a few years.Akbar the great was not merely satfied by anexing the kingdom he went further by forcefully marrying the wife of this king.There was definately something not Kosher about this great Shehanshah Akbar!!!!!!!
Name: some ground realities from an ex muslim
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 03:48:18 -0500
what i can infer from my studiesis is that hatered for downtrodden and margenalised section of indian society was perhaps permeted through both elites of muslim rulership and upper cast hindus as well with some nobel exception.i have read the blood squeezing policies of akabr for peasants of the plains of punjab both indain and pakistani part, but brother this is how imperialist power of that age worked with agrarian economy. it is a incontrovertible fact that true sufi thought has almost nothing to do with the composit purport of quran, it is almost the product of hinduisam which if realy kept from perversions is marvelos blue-print for the whole humanity.in pakistan sufisam of barelvi thought build a devotional-cum-murderous cult around muhammad which is just an antethesis of true love and devotion.dear, killer question is that cruelty and excesses have been associated with all relegions of world down the ages one way or another but the pernicious dillema is that popular-cum-pathological islam can never be reformed it stil makes great headways through multiplication of population and brain disabling mechanisams yet hinduisam is the ever lasting infinitum of reform and retrospection and even christianity too has abandoned its evil past.
Name: Evolution of Islam?
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 04:10:36 -0500
On the long term there is no way for Islam to develop because the quran cannot be changed. All I can see is degeneration and many no´s. No changes, no science, no progress, no computer, no internet and no tv. Without oil the lazy wahhabi skunks couldn´t survive a week. Even destroying of ancient monuments, of shia mosques in iraq - with so much destroying how can they develop? They aren´t creating anything! They aren´t producing anything! They are all depending on oil, gas and groundwater, and on imported goods of almost everything, even weapons. The only secret weapons they have are suicide bombers and "maybe" demographics. But what will they do with the masses of illiterate, uneducated, job- and hopeless people? I don´t think that they are a threat for the free world. They are a real threat to islam if they once realise that they are fooled by the Ulemas.
Name: Re-Ibn kammuna
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 04:44:26 -0500
I disagree with your remark that Christianity and Hinduism are the real live good alternatives for nowadays Muslims.Though both these religions are relatively tolerant,they have their share of dogmas, superstitions and absurdities.I would advise ex-muslims to be what they are-themselves.
Name: RE:Re-Ibn kammuna
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 05:41:49 -0500
After i left Islam I had a choice, either to acept another religion after abandoning my own, or to be human and realise that religion is a barrier in the way of humanity.I decided to take up the former.Though I am not opposed religion as such, but my problem starts when religious tribalism sets in, which in turn makes people Christian, Jewish or whatever first and later humans. If an an ex Muslim wants to accept a new religious philosophy its upto him, however there is a word of caution, be absolutely sure that you are not leaving one dungeon for another.Converting to another religion has its obvious thrills in the begining especially at a young age.However as we grow older we tend to weary ourselves and the longing for the religion which we were born into reappears especially if you have been a Muslim.There it is important that we let our old wounds heal, take our time and then decide our destinies.Religion is like a an opiate and if you have been on this drug for a grreater part of you rlife, chanches are that the cravings might return.......
Name: you got me wrong
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 05:43:01 -0500
you got me wrong, there is no word like conversion to any faith-system in my lexicon.i only believe in faith evoloution why i praize laisse fair hinduisam is that it is more compatible with evoloution and universal processes as against systems. but i dont believe any organised hinduisam. but anyway thanks for the suggestion
Name: RE:some ground realities from an ex muslim
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 06:05:19 -0500
Brother I accept what you say.I believe you are from Pakistan.I am not sure how aware you are of the ground realities in India.During my last visit to Pakistan I happened to go to Pak occupied Kashmir which Pakistanis call Azad Kashmir. I was amazed to see that apart from Muzafarad there were hardly any roads anywhere else.Far from being prosperous the Kashmiris on the other side were downtrodden and poor.The Punjabis(forgive me if you are one) and PAshtoons owned large tracts of land and most of buisness.The kashmiri population had been totally sidelined.On the other hand in the Indian Kashmir people especially the valley Muslims are extremely properous.They dont pay any sort of tax, they dont have to pay electricity opr water bills, So as to say its a free for all in Kashmir.The Kashmiris on the Indian side of the border are own properties all over India, however the same courtesy is not extended to rest of the indians who cannot buy even an inch of land in J&K. Inspite of this the people living in POK have usually dont shout and scream, because:1. they have been fed the Islamic pill,2.They will be at the best be liquidated by the Pakistani adminstration if they dare to shout.The Sadr in POk is nothing but a puppet in the hands of the Punjabi adminstration in Pakistan.He does not have any real powers.Much like the Indian President.Change scene, Indian kasmiri muslims, vandalise propert, attack Government convoys at will and if the Army prevents them ,the so called liberal NGO's shout on the top of their voices that the Kashmiri Muslims are being tortured.Sometimes I feel ashamed to belong to a race of people who are so ungrateful to the nation that has given them everything.Muslims in Kashmir get euphoric at the prospect of joining their so called Msulim bretheren in Pakistan.What they dont realise that this Euphoria will end as soon as they join Pakistan.We might get to see another Balochistan or Puktunkwha in Kashmir, if heavens forbid Kashmir joins Pakistan.Period, the Indian hindu population is getting very angry with every passing day.Sometimes I feel scared, as I have a Muslim name and it could get me into trouble if something were to happen in mainland India.I love this country of mine, yet reason gives away to hatred in troubled times.I really hope that the Indian Government recognises the senitiment of the Non Muslim population and stops murdering the spirit of secularism futher.
Name: VERY GOOD SITE : www.muhamadtube.com
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 06:35:58 -0500
VERY GOOD AND FUNNY SITE AGAINST ISLAM : http://www.muhammadtube.com/
Name: wine in jannat but where is the proof,also allah allow child labour in jannat
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 06:36:48 -0500
Name: wine in jannat,where is the proof ?does allah allow child labour in jannat ?
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 06:37:59 -0500
wine in jannat,where is the proof ?does allah allow child labour in jannat ? as per hadith ,koran,in jannat there will be 27 young boys doing yr bidding young means definaely young not over 18 yrs of age.i wonder why allah allows child labour in jannat ?
Name: Intelligent lad
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 06:42:27 -0500
I consider submitters to be the only reformed group in Islam. But I don't think they can achive mass support.. In general it will be very hard or immpossible to reform Islam. The big Question is ..who will bell the cat?
Name: I
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 06:57:14 -0500
Malaysia-The 'moderate muslim country has issued a fatwa against yoga.? Giva that Malays were HIndus 600 years ago and they were so brainwashed to reject their own spiritual inhertance...!!!!!!
Name: I
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 06:58:09 -0500
Malaysia-The 'moderate muslim country has issued a fatwa against yoga.? Giva that Malays were HIndus 600 years ago and they were so brainwashed to reject their own spiritual inhertance...!!!!!!
Name: how can a loving god hate humans bcoz they ask proof of his existance based on scientific fact rather than blind faith ? this is not a god he is satan !!
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 08:16:42 -0500
when we ask muslims proof of islam or proof based on scientific facts especially to zakir naik etc,they say koran is book of signs/goobledegook.they never explain stuff like sun set in west in muddy spring,stars in lower heaven below the earth satellite moon etc...so much so that if we press them we r threatened by their bouncers in the hall.why wud a loving god hate humans who dont believe koran but ask real proof ? bcoz he is not god but satan who is misguiding muslims by claiming he is their god.so world is now faced with satan=allah who wants to eliminate humanity through islam.
Name: MA Khan
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 10:56:00 -0500
On conversion of "low caste" Hindus to Islam, this appears a sheer propaganda. Look at Bengal and Sindh. Both places were dominated by Buddhists. They have almost completely been converted to Islam. Was it because, Buddhism had caste system and that the low-catse overwhelmingly dominated their society? The natives who have retained their religions in these regions are Hindus: a big chunck of them are low-caste.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 14:35:08 -0500
Amar khan - you are under illusion and sure you did not understood what ISLAM is !!! basic pillars and tenets of ISLAM are - 1) Extreme hatred towards nonmoslems,women. 2)extreme intolerance of other religions,other people,values. 3) Killing of nonmoslems,kafirs,infidels,nonbelievers of ALLA,MO_HAM_MAD, QQURRAN, apostates, on blasphemy 4) Fascism - elimination of all other faiths, elimination,subjugation,imposing slavery on kafirs,infidels,nonbelivers, totalitarianism 5) DISCRIMINATION against kafirs,infidels,Moslem women,children . Separate laws for kafirs,infidels,nonbelievers of ALLA, permanent DHIMMITUDE - inferiority to nonbelievers , SHARIA and HODDOOED rules . special treatment,favours,imperial dominance for ISLAM , Moslems . 6) to instill fear and terror in nonbelievers and to destroy/kill them by any means . There is absolutely no spirituality , liberal,kind,compassionate ,benevolence , oneness of humanity , equality, equal rules, equality of women/children ,equality of all religions in ISLAM. ISLAM is incompatible with all progressive,liberal,democracy,freedom,peace ,tolerance - universal values . Amar khan - Moslems pray 5 times/day. I want to know what do they pray - exactly ? You are a confused moslem.
Name: re MA KHAN
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 19:34:47 -0500
Truth is stranger than fiction.In spite of all the oppression and injustice it is actually the low caste Hindus who stubbornly refused to convert to Islam. Even today they are an overwhelming majority of the Indian population.
Name: RE:Low caste hindus
Date: Tuesday November 25, 2008
Time: 22:59:41 -0500
The so called low caste hindus are more religious than the so called upper caste hindus.Infact the whole low catse converted to Islam is a myth.The Buddhists 100% non voilent fell as a very easy prey to the Muslim hordes coming from Central Asia and Arabia.The conversions took place solely because the Buddhists could not resist the Islamic invaders.The Pashtuns in Afghanistan and in the now NWPF province of Pakistan were animists were perhaps also Buddhists, even though there is no conclusive proof of this fact.The memoirs of Alexander tell us that most of the Bactrians(afghans) were animists.Though the tribes did fight amongst themselves, they followed a code of honour which still remains in the form of Puktunwali.However after the Islamic invasion these very people stopped respecting the values and laws of their ancestors which prevented them from attacking civillian populations.The afghans who had never had a problem with their Hindu and buddhist neighbours, suddenly became their enemies.According to various sources the Afghans tried to resist the Islamic onslaught for about 200 years.However their own tribal rivaleries helped the cause of the Muslims.Today the Afghans/Pashtoons have mighty fables which are derived from the Quran.They claim that most of the Prophets were Pashtoons, even though Historically sspeaking the ideas of Prophethood were found amongst the Jews.Today the Afghans deny their own pagan past.Even the Muslims in Kashmir claim to be Bani Israel, inspite of the fact that till the Islamic invasion Kashmiris did not have any sort of connection with the Jewish people.This is how Islam managed to change the way people think.So the problem is in Islam and not a people or the people.
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 00:40:50 -0500
Islam has not evolved but has regressed into more backwardness and insular-mindedness. It has nothing to offer by way of succour and well-being. It only wants to make its adherents zombies out of normal human-beings.
Name: buddhists misunderstood bhagawan budhha
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 00:49:17 -0500
buddhists misunderstood bhagawan budhha.I have well researched the life and message of budda.Buddha has never said not wage for self defence.he said "those who help for others selflessly(serving and giving charity) are like warriors who give their life for the sake of their mother country."This line infers that he supported war in selfdefence.But then budhhists did not learn martial arts and war skills like hindus.They also preferred vegitarainism and defenceless peace.THese seemed less attractive to people after islamic invasion and converted to islam under both torture and luring of animalistic paradiese and fear of imaginery hell.Buddha remained silent when asked about almighty and creater of the universe.THis means he never rejected the supreme cause and creator almighty.Infact he was the god incarniation(according to hindu scriptures and defintion of almighty to save humanity in evry "yuga",melliniam).What he wanted his followers is to be indipendent and enlighten them selves through wisdom and meditation(karma and raja yoga) .Butut later generations of his disciples claimed there was no god which is very difficult to satisfy human psych which seelks security in almighty concept psychologically.These are all reasons for elimination of budhhism in south asia and destruction and massacre of 10 thousand buddhists students and prophessors at THe Great Nalanda university,Which was centre of learining for students all over the world from europe to far east korea and to Indonesia in south.After the light house of wisdom ,Nalanda university was destroyed,the buddhists lost their link , philosophy and sciences Whcih lead to the confusian amoung themselves and broke into several segments and schools. The loss of buddhist culture of logic and wisdom , hindu culture of dharma and selfdefence both eventually lead intelectually and politically weak inally falling pray to islamic invaders both india and indonesia.
Name: Islam is anti thesis of Humanity and so it cannot be reformed.
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 01:46:31 -0500
i) We kufrs love our family., Family instils values social cultural and emotions into the new family memebers. But see Muslims, they are affilaited to allah and muslims and mosques. honor killings, murders of lovers, adulterer family members etc., against family. ii) Islam is against nations, subgroups and sub cultures., It does not recognize nations, national anthems, national histories ( kufr histories) national cultures etc., So it is against second human characteristic of nations and sub nations. iii) It is against local languages., they prefer to talk in alien languages and alien attires which is totally against human nature to imitate local customs and tongues and phonetics. iv) It cannot love others without the spectacles of islam which is again anti human since only through islam they can communicate. Beacuse of all these traits islam is at war with all kifrs and subsects within islam and wastaage of human resources happen in cold murders, praying and waste of time reading hadiths and quran crap which is a wastage of humans to evolve. When west is trying to find life through consciousness, self through Budhha and other gurus of the east Islam is still counting the numbers and in the killing games. Islam cant refine or reform. It has to take the recourse of destruction. at once or step by step and confine to the prayer rooms of the houses. Let us hope for the best.
Name: RE:buddhists misunderstood bhagawan budhha
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 02:19:28 -0500
Buddha never proposed a new religion called Buddhism.He was just one of the many hindu philosophers who were born in the Indian sub-continent.His philosophy was one out of the many philosophies in Hinduism.Saying that Buddhists did not have martial traditions is not fully correct.It was the Shaolin mionks who developed some of the most famous martial art techniques in China.Wherever Buddhism went it amalgamated with the local religious conventions.For eg Tibetian buddhism is a a mixture of Shamanism, animism and Buddhist philosophy. China once even outlawed Buddhism.Unlike Semitic Religions Eastern religions are not Dogmatic religoons, where there are strict laws controlling human behaviour.Buddhism was not just practised in South Asia but also in theentire stretch of Central Asia, which consisted of countries like Tejekistan, Uzbegistan,etc.While this is a another debate, the point that I wish to make here is that in the presence of Semitic religions especially Islam, the growth of human thought is impossible.
Name: i wonder,r shia real muslims ?
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 02:47:37 -0500
i wonder,r shia real muslims ?
Name: Re: Re: Buddhism
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 03:51:14 -0500
Of course he intended to create a new religion. He belonged to the aristocrats,not the brahmans. Thus, he wanted to cut the influence of the brahman cast (priests), and tried to overcome the cast system. It is the most peaceful religion I know. Killing ist strictly forbidden, even of animals.
Name: RE Buddha
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 04:17:52 -0500
Did the great Buddha believe in a creator. Can anyone answer?
Name: Buddhists and martial arts
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 04:51:28 -0500
The Buddhist monks in China developed the tradition of martial arts to discipline the body and mind.It was never intended to raise an army of fighting monks.The Buddhists of India had no tradition of martial arts.
Name: mhw
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 06:35:34 -0500
Nice essay However, a more complete analysis needs to recognize that Islamic society and Islamic doctrine both evolve and devolve. That is, for example, while one moslem neighborhood begins to allow music and shaving beards, another neighborhood begins beating people for not making prayers.
Name: Re: RE Buddha
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 10:29:06 -0500
Here is the answer: No. There is no creator mentioned in any buddhistic writing. According to buddhistic teachings, we can not recognize any beginning of the world, therefore, there is also no creation by any creator visible to us. The reason is that buddhism teaches, much in consistence with modern science (and Hinduism as well), that our universe is very, very old (billions of years or so), much older than suggested by quran and the bible. Moreover, buddhism teaches that the question when the world was created or not is completely useless to us because we only need to know how to escape from the ubiquiteous suffering (pain).
Name: Why Islam is a Cult and no Religion
Date: Wednesday November 26, 2008
Time: 13:01:05 -0500
Islam depends totally on the superstitious Fetishism with the quran, the kaaba and the holy stone. The fact that muslims memorize it without understanding it reveals, that the quran is more important as a fetish than because its content, with is only boring and contradictious. There is no other major religion, where fetishism, which can also be considered as magic thinking remained so important. There is in fact no deeper philosophy behind Islam, while Buddhism and Christianity alway kept very deep ties to rational philosophy while there is much less fetishism against holy books or reliquies and such traditions are not central for the respective religions.
Name: DH
Date: Thursday November 27, 2008
Time: 11:30:02 -0500
"When Islam came across the tolerated Vedic religion it was so changed and give birth to Islamic sufiism. Which is Islamic form of Hindu philosophies. The theories of karma , wahda tul wajud and many other were very popular in the India." My theory the original sufis were forcibly islamized crypto-buddhists and they and their philosphical descendents sought to present their heretical (from the Koran's viewpoint) ideas in an Islamic guise to save their necks. Eventually al-gazali hijacked sufism and his heirs spawned many Islamo-sufi sects which subscribed fully to violent jihad ideology. The true descendents of the crypto-buddhists forgot their origins and came to genuinely believe that their airy fairy ideas (such as jihad as inner struggle which has itself been hijacked by true Muslims as deception ploy) represented the true Islam. On that basis they (as well as deliberately deceitful gazalite sufis) established Islamic identity among Malaysian and Indonesian populations and thereby unwittingly prepared the ground for true vicious Islam with its accurate understanding of the word "jihad".
Name: To All Atheists, To Evolutionist People.....
Date: Saturday November 29, 2008
Time: 10:44:06 -0500
Every Hindu Atheist, or Non-Religious Person, for those who want to see Religion-Free-World..you all atheists should worship to Buddha , because Buddhism is has the Highest Moral & Ethical Value in the world, In Buddhism, there is no Creator , there is no God ( see you like that Atheist People ) , And Humanity should be live peacefully in their lives... Universe and Whole World are the Products of Evolution( Nature ). Buddha never said, He is God, what he said is He knew ( Understand ) about Everything.....See...Like your Evolutionary Style, You all should become Buddhists...In Buddhism, there is no Killing, No Stealing, No Sex abuse ( only one Wife in one life ) , no Drugs, no Alcohol, No Lying, ...see and Do Meditating to calm down your Stressful Brain ( For Inner thirst of Peace ) there is no other specialty, All of Human Beings, Mankind should live peacefully in Evolutionary Universe, with Peace , Love and Inner Peace, Without any Desire, Hatred, Revenge, Murder, No Anger...see....So you all ( To everyone who denied God, To everyone who said, There can be no Creator , Universe is formed by Natural Evolutionary Theory ) convert to Buddhism ..... thank you