Questions Never Answered: Islamic Paradise
29 Jul, 2008
- Living in a Muslim country with my Muslim family, I sometimes shake the faith of my dear ones and friend saying simple questions that why God gave us wisdom? Why he wants us to worship him with the 1400-year-old ridiculous method five times a day!
Why we are to remain hungry? Why do we spend lot of money for visiting the Kaba?
Instead of this, isn't it better this amount should be used for the victims of Earthquakes etc?
And when I come across any pious uncle, I always ask childishly that: Uncle! What is fault of my classmate David who mistakably born in Christian family?
Will he be roasted in the hellfire for ever?
For ever………… no time limit ……… no mercy……. for ever?
And I know he is far better then me. He is a good human being. If he isn't going to Paradise, then who will play football with me?
Prophet Mohammed?
No! He can't, because he can only play with blood; but I hate that.
I often ask that will we have children in paradise?
What about a lot of pleasure and happiness that I get from playing with small cousins and other kid?
Whom will I give an endearing kiss and take on my back? Whom will I teach walking?
What about my Tommy (dog)?
I can't live without him in the Paradise. Who will catch my ball in Paradise. Without Tommy, Paradise will be boring. I think angels would be frightened by Tommy's presence there?
In Paradise, there would be rivers of milk?
But I don’t like milk. My mother always forced me to drink since my childhood.
There will be streams of honey and grapes.
But, they are not my favorite either.
How would I survive?
Would there be any university or collage?
Any teacher?
Then to whom will I tease while teaching?
What about the hooting in the lecture of new professors?
Will there be cricket match?
Then what about the excitement and joy we have watching cricket matches—especially between India and Pakistan.
What about the net chatting and forums of orkut? What about the teasing of girls studying in library?
And finally,
What about every thing except sex, lust, milk and honey which will not available in paradise?
Will we have mangoes there?
No! I don’t think so, because Mohammed never saw mangoes.
Will my wife bear with me having sex with so many hoors (celestial virgins)?
I don’t think so, because my fiancée feel jealous even if I just talk to any girl.
If Zakir Naik is right and "hoor" means both men and women then would God accept gays there?
And most importantly, I, being of Asiatic background, can't bear watching my wife enjoying sex with someone else even in Paradise.
According to Tariq Jamil (a scholar of tablegi jamat Pakistan), a hoor will be having one mile long clothes of noor [light]. Will I have to work hard to reach her after traveling a distance of one mile?
All the singers and actors will be in hell. Then how can I listen to enchanting music of Atif Aslam?
Will I be able to ask Mohammed in Paradise, why did he slaughtered the innocent people of Banu Quraiza?
Will I be able to ask Ali bin Talib, why has he burnt the atheist of his time?
Some people will be richer there. Wouldn't others be jealous and envious in Paradise?
Would my uncles not quarrel for the castles in Paradise?
Wine is prohibited here because it cause deviation from Allah. But will not the river of wine in Paradise cause deviation from Allah? Will not Allah want us to worship again? Why?
And why now?
And finally, will I be able to ask Allah that why did not he make me the Prophet?
Why? Why Muhammad deserved it, not me?
I am far better than Mohammed. I did not cheat. I did not hurt my mother. I worshiped you without seeing you for 18 years.
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Amar Khan is a Pakistan-born ex-Muslim.
Name: Momin Muslim
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 19:36:57 -0700
Brother Amar, You will be so engrossed in sex with those numerous celestial virgins with your iron-hard eternal erection that you will never have an opportunity to be bored in the blessed Paradise of Allah. You will have not time to think about what the heck you fiancé think of your engagement with the hoors. Who the hell cares: women are shit here and shit there too. Repent and return to the blessed religion and avail of this amazing reward, in stead of embracing endless roasting in hire.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 20:43:52 -0700
Islam is a blessed religion? Who said that? Mohammad? What proof? Quran? Mohammad and Quran are from one egg. Bad egg or rotten egg. I'd rather say that Islam is a fucking religion of hatred, terrorism, sexual madness and violence. Who will blessed such a religion? Allah? Which Allah? Is this Allah made by Mohammad? Allah that likes to torture his creation? What kind of Allah is that? Ha ha ha ..... Stupid Moslem taught by stupid Mohammad. ha ha ha .....
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 21:38:18 -0700
Just wait, I have sent someone to bring the pacifier for you!!! Grow up!
Name: Abdul Huq
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 21:49:38 -0700
The pothetic childish level of your questions tells how much study you did while you were a Muslim to learn about Islam, yet other faiths. no wonder your kind of Muslims with such a weak knowledg of Islam are easy to stray.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 23:02:17 -0700
To Amar khan : you are an intelligent fellow. You are using your own brain and thinking ,common sense, logic to ask questions and it is obvious that ISLAMIC ALLA /MO /QQURRAN/HADITHS/SIRA do not have answers .They cant provide you with answers and will silence you or kill you for asking questions and thinking intelligently. As i gave a convincing explanations - using ISLAMIC books, QQURRAN, ISLAMIC history, present day ISLAMIC societies (which are truly evil, cruel, barbaric, primitive, superstitious, fascist, murderous ,killing ) , ISLAM has no new idea - ISLAM copied from judaism and christianity, Arab folk lore. There is no spirituality, greatness, nobility in ISLAM. ISLAM is a NEGATIVE __FASCIST_ INTOLERANT, BLOODTHIRSTY, SLAVERY, SEX, KILLING Vengeful cultist theology. ISLAM has many sects and castes. ALLA prescribed to use 3 pebbles to clean ass after deification !!!!!!!! ( obviously you need a prophet to tell that !!!! MO said that every moslem must shave their mustach and grow beard !!!!!!!!! SALWAR KAMIZ is not ISLAMIC garb. ISLAMIC GARB is of arabic type. Only BURQA is ISLAMIC . Why did ALLA created nonbelievers ? in the first place and later with great vengence and cruelty ALLA throws nonbelievers into hell fire forever and ALLA enjoys doing that , punishing brutally all nonbelievers. ALLA , ( like all religions ) did not like ALCOHOL but ALLA as anybody can see his foolishness- rewards MUJAHIDEEN with ALCOHOL in jannath. ALL ISLAMIC, QQURRANIC stories are laughble, hilarious stuff. No commonsense. Now you as an apostate, ex-moslem are liberated from ISLAM = the cruel, primitive, killing theology.
Name: amar khan...u r my brother......
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 23:44:09 -0700
hi amar....u r my brother, i am an indian ex-muslim from 1992...i asked same questions after learining truth abt the root of islam = judaism/christianity and then islam. why r u my brother ? not bcoz u r pakistan and i am indian,bcoz u hv become ex-muslims same way as me...i asked these question and the mulla nearly got me killed,and now even he is with me,may our tribe increase in india+pakistan+saudi arabia and the whole world and we finally win over judeo-christianity/islam. i wonder if the virgins will be blond or blank hair ? will she give me a blow job ? will i get to hv sex with 2-3 babes at 1 time ? and if wine is haram here,why it is halal in jannat ? why allah give wine there,and instead of prayer,why only sex ? will there be tv,movies etc or how will i pass my time ? fucking houries 24x7....i think i wud get tired after few thousand years...even if every houries was like pamela andersonor charlise therone...hahaha...just a joke... truth is,there is no god/allah man is not created from dirt/dust by any imaginary god/allah...but evoled by nature and proof is in our dna.truth alone shall triumph and religion shall be destroyed soon.i hope in next 5-10 yrs we will see delcine of religion and emergence of truth based humanity based secular and human society. till then we hv to bear some bomb blasts.and truth shall triumph,bcoz fasehood = islam and religion shall be defeated.
Name: kafir god kills his enemy...who useless allah cant kill his enemy satan ?
Date: Monday July 28, 2008
Time: 23:51:12 -0700
my kafir friends ask me : kafir god ram killed ravan,krishna killed kansa,shiva killed many shatian [ devils ]...and so on...why the fukc...allah cant kill satan ? HOW COME DAAL EATING GODS KILLED DEMONS/SHAITANS BUT ALLAH CANT KILL SATAN DESPITE DRINKING BLOOD OF SO MANY ANIMALS AND HUMANS ??? WHY DAAL EATING GODS R STRONGER AND BETTER THAN ALLAH ?? why allah is so impotent that he created satan and let him loose on humanity and then never tried to kill him ? why allah hate mankind so much he does not kill satan ? why he allow satan to misguide mankind ? the answer is simple : there is no god/allah and satan is also imaginary in mind of stupid desert dwellers = arabs [ jew-christian/islamic fake prophets ]....we r evoeld by nature and proof is in our religion is irrevalent. all hate-totalitarainism based ideology like religion- nazism-fascism- zionist-cmmunism- capitalism-judeo-christianity/islam etc r a curse on mankind by mankind himself and must be eliminated for mankind to survive. and finally truth to triumph.
Name: Great Infidel Indian Kufr.,
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 00:11:13 -0700
Allah has given a book ( Quran) through Prophet Mohammed. Is it not Infidels far far greater in intelligence, reasoning and logical by inventing Internet which can be multicast to billions of PCs at the touch of a Button. I think Allah will require a training in Basic computer Applcations since allah do not have a PC in heaven., We will teach him PC skills, data Processing etc., so that he can store every Humans/ animals life history in databases which may be used in sorting and declaring Hell/heaven to the living beings on Judgement day. Further if he rethinks that one more prophet may be sent to earth he may do so by senting a message to all PCs regarding his proposal. Suras may be amended or retyped later and sent as annexures. Allah are you reading these? Just have one PC and an Internet connection and that is all you want. Some may offer you free if you are offering them Heaven with 72 houris.
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 01:30:27 -0700
It is a good piece showing how puerile and nonsensical the cult of islam is! All they can think of is sex ,sex, sex and only sex! It seems that in islamic paradise Allah the eternal Pimp gives not only 72 Houris and 28 young boys to vent your lust , but also silk- garmentsfrom Cina, Japan,or India - all kaffirs' invention or carpets from Persia ,another Kaffir country before islam was thrust down their throats, palaces like in Greece, Italy,or Egypt, all Kaffir countries , again! - then what is Arab's contribution to the goodies that the fake Deity Allah the eternal Pimp can offer to the muslims in their 'Jannat'??? The Arabian barbarians fell for such puerile and inane bullshit stories and made zombies out of the rest of non-arab muslims. There is nothing spiritual and deeply exalted realisation of a great soul ,but just muck,shit and lust for women in islam with a tendency to live off others achievements falsely claiming to be their own and the criminal axis to plunder ,loot, rape and massacre humanity! So much for islam and its lewd paradise!
Name: ExMuslim
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 01:44:08 -0700
Abdul Huq, why don't you give us some true knowledge, answering/refuting these questions of Amar Khan?
Name: slayer of camel piss drinkers---pls note : paganism is better tha judeo christianity/islam
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 04:24:47 -0700
slayer of camel piss drinkers---pls note : paganism is better tha judeo christianity/islam...why ? bcoz paganism is worship of nature who evoleved mankind. but judeo-christianity/islam is worship of imagianry being. ALSO,BY SAYING ISLAM IS PAGAN... R INSULTING PAGANISM...pagans dotn kill ohers for fun or imaginary jannt.and 1 more : i believe in truth = nature
Name: i am the new prophet...anyone who challanges me is dead
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 05:00:27 -0700
i am the new prophet...anyone who challanges me is dead torah-bible/koran stand abrogated.
Name: you was never a muslim Amar[Amir is the muslim name] here is a thought for you!!
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 05:03:36 -0700
Bounties Of Jannat (paradise) « on: October 12, 2006, 12:22 PM » When Mu'min will enter into Jannah, it will be announced:- (1) You will remain healthy forever, disease will never come. (2) You will remain alive for ever, death will never come. (3) You will remain in bounties which will never be finished. Jannat is made with bricks of gold and silver, Its scent is of perfumed musk. Its chips are pearls and Yaqoot. Its sand is Zafraan. There are eight doors ofJannah. these are eight grades of Jannat:- i) Jannatul Mava ii) Darul Maqaam iii) Darul Salaam iv) Darul Khuld v) Jannat-ul-Adan vi) Jannat-ul-Naeem vii) Jannat-ul-Kasif viii) Jannat-ul-Firdous ________________________________ Food of Jannah They will eat foods and fruits continuously up to 40 years. Every bowl will have a new taste. They will take eructation which will digest the food and there will be perfumed sweating for the digestion of water.There will be no urine and stool. There will be gardens inJannah. Every garden will have the length of about 100 years journey. The shadow of these gardens will be very dense. Their plants will be free of thorns. The size of their leaves will be equal to ears of elephants. Their fruits will be hanging in rows. Jannatul Mava is in the lowest, Jannat-ul-Adan is the middle and Jannat-ul - Firdous is on the highest. Those who love each other for the sake of Allah, will get a pillar of Yaqoot, on which there will be seventy thousand (70,000) rooms. These will shine for the residents of Jannah as the sun shines for the residents of Duniya. There will be rooms in Jannah in such a way that every room will have seventy thousand (70,000) dinning sheets. On every dinning sheet 70,000 types of foods will be served. For their service 80,000 young boys will be moving around looking like beautiful scattered pearls. ______________________________ One bunch of dates will be equal to the length of 12 arms. The size of a date will be equal to the big pitcher. These will be whiter than milk, sweeter than honey and softer than butter and free of seeds. The stem of these plants will be made up of gold and silver. There will also be gardens of grapes. The bunches of grapes will be very big. The size of a single grape will be equal to a big pitcher (pot). Someone asked, Ya Rasulullah (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam): will it be sufficient for me and my family. It was answered, it will be sufficient for you and your whole tribe. The Dresses of Jannat The dress of Jannah will be very beautiful. One will wear 70 dresses at a time. These will be very fine, delicate, weightless, having different colors. These dresses will be so fine that the body even the heart will be visible. And the waves of love in the hearts will also be visible. These dresses will never become old, never be dirty and will never tear. There will be four canals in every Jannah. They are of water, milk, honey and Sharabun Tahoora. There will also be three fountains in Jannah. (i) Kafoor. (ii) Zanjabeel. (iii) Tasneem Qualities of People of Jannah * In Jannah, height of every Mo 'min, will be equal to the height of Hazrat Adam (Alaihissalaam) 60 arms (90 feet). * Beauty will be like that of Hazrat Yousuf (Alaihissalaam) * Age of youth will be like that of Hazrat Esa (Alaihissalaam) (30-33 years). * Sweetness of voice will be like that of Hazrat Dawud (Alaihissalaam). * Tolerance will be like that of Hazrat Yaqoob (Alaihissalaam) * Patience will be like that of Hazrat Ayyub (Alaihissalaam.) * Habits will be like that of Sayyaduna Muhammad (Sallalahu alaihi wasallam.) If a person makes Du 'a for Jannah three times, Jannah requests Allah that O, Allah; make his entry into Jannah. And if a person makes Du'a for safety from Jahannum three times, the Jahannnum requests Allah that, O, Allah; save him from Jahannum. May Allah grant the entire Ummah of Nabi sallalahu alayhi wasallam Jannat ul Firdous, Ameen!
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 07:14:08 -0700
All cultists who follow Ram as their Lord ,can expect nothing but hell, as he was deceived himself by Ravan, God deceived by his own creation, think you fools, think again and yet again!!
Name: Savannah Lee
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 07:33:32 -0700
For the Muslims belief there is only one God who created everything. God's world is a good world, and when people obey or submit to God then life is good. The word 'Islam' means submission. Although God made humans superior to the rest of creation, Muslims believe that this means humans of all races have been given everything on earth to care for and look after. The world is not ours to do with as we want. The Quran teaches that mankind should be thankful for all living things, for God is the creator of all life. Mankind is given knowledge. It is how he uses this knowledge for the betterment of this world that make the world a happy place. So shouldn’t mankind give praise to his creator? That’s why Muslims must pray at least five times a day to thank the creator, avoid evil deeds and perform righteous deeds that gain merit in the next world and live in peace with all in this world.
Name: Oil and age-old antagonisms
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 08:14:52 -0700
Why is peace so elusive in the middle east? Let's asses the region's problems by surveying the background behind the present situation.Oil is the fuel of choice of the civilized world. Fifty percent of known crude-oil reserves lie buried beneath the sands of the Middle East. Iraq and Kuwait possess oil reserves of nearly 200 billion barrels between them. Such is the strategic importance of those Mideast countries that compel the attention of the world.Oil is the real king (or all-powerful precious black-liquid) in the Middle East. One of the reasons the Western powers fought in the 1991 Gulf War was to prevent an Iraqi monopoly from controlling precious black-liquid reserves. Oil is invariably the unseen player in the Persian Gulf region.But far more fundamental than precious petroleum reserves are the area's age-old antagonisms. Ancient territorial ambitions continue to assail the region. Iraq and Kuwait have long-standing disputes that have alternately smoldered and cooled along with the prevailing political climate.So have Iraq and Iran. The two fought an eight-year war, killing millions of people, only to settle their border dispute in a supposedly amicable manner under the pressure of Western presence in the Gulf.The mere existence of Israel remains an issue in many quarters. Although the threat has receded somewhat in more recent times, over the years Arab leaders and groups have repeatedly called for forcible elimination of the tiny nation. Even in recent months some Islamic leaders called for the armed "liberation" of Jerusalem from Israeli control. Since its founding in 1948, Israel has fought five wars-in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973 and 1982, all of these wars were faught under the presence of Western sub-marines in the Red Sea ready to defend Israel, if it was eliminated by its neibhours.Does war ever make sense in the long run? Does it permanently solve these dilemmas?
Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 09:08:31 -0700
# “Just issue orders to kill every Jew in the country.” (Bukhari:1.1.6) # “I [Allah] shall cast terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. Strike them above the necks, smite their finger tips”. (Qur’an 8.12) Back in the past what Charles Martel did to Muslims in battle of Tours saved Europe. He should be a role model in UK, France, Spain, Holland, Italy, and other European countries. India, most definitely. When Muslims cause terrorism urged by Allah and Muhammad, the locals need to respond by destroying their evil dens.
Name: Israel doed what islam would do to the world in fact islam would do far worse than Israel
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 09:22:41 -0700
What anout the terror perpetrated by muhamed (islamic prophet) and his followers against the jews and non muslims down the centuries. Muslims are reaping what they sowed. Muslims defend their quran which justifies violence against non muslims. Why should we feel sympathy for people who will not hesitate to kill non muslims and enslave them? Israel has been restablished by God to destroy islam. Ask your moon god allah and his criminal prophet to help you.
Name: Amar khan is very fortunate as he used his brain.
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 09:26:49 -0700
Amar khan is very fortunate as he useded his brain.One can free himself only through rational thinking.Mad mohammad just plagarised the Unigod concept from prevouis religions like juidaism and added his own hallucinations to Quron naming it as gods word.When The rationality of his deeds and 'Q' are questioned his got madly frustrated nad shouted ,killed escaped saying that god words aare mystery nad can not be understood.I wish all the best for the free human beings .There are billions to follow them.Only it is a metter of just few years.
Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 10:16:52 -0700
Besides Charles Martel, Israel must be our role model in dealing with Muslim terrorism. If Europe and India had adopted Israel's tough approach against Muslim terrorism, they would be free of these worms for sure. For Israel, it is a question of survival. Israel can't afford multi-culturism & tolerance of evil as practiced in Europe and India. Muslims pray to allah five times a day everyday for destruction of Europe & India. Tolerance of evil cannot eliminate evil.
Name: Re - Ananda
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 10:37:24 -0700
".....Tolerance of evil cannot eliminate evil" ----- So using your logic, then Muhammed (PBUH) was perfectly right to fight wars on the EVIL people that are more evil to us than we are evil to you. Why you guys cry and complain all the time about that? You are just a hypocrite.
Name: Abdul Huq
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 10:42:34 -0700
"What anout the terror perpetrated by muhamed (islamic prophet) and his followers against the jews...." ------- Jews are such loosers who put blames of their own failures and evil doing on others. Read the bani-Israel in Torah and Quran, what they did with Moses..... You have the largest concentration among you of highly unreliable, wicked and mischievous people - but you will admit not.
Name: to: momin muslim & Jannat bounties writer
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 11:39:37 -0700
sounds like one did not get laid and the other did not get to eat for dream on...ignorant assholes.
Name: Islamic Paradise was made for the Mob
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 12:02:00 -0700
The laughable descriptions of paradise according to the quran reveal that the early muslims had no idea of philosophy or theology. If they had only received little influence from hellenistic or indian thinking, we would have more developed accounts. But the islamic paradise was made for the mob, for desperados who were prepared to give their lives in exchange for 72 big boobed virgins, vine in abundance and whatsoever. This was written for illiterates and, according to some Hadith, Muhammad himself declared the arabs as illiterate nation: Volume 3, Book 31, Number 137: Narrated Ibn 'Umar: The Prophet said, "We are an illiterate nation; we neither write, nor know accounts. The month is like this and this, i.e. sometimes of 29 days and sometimes of thirty days."
Name: The True character of Islam
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 14:02:35 -0700
Threatening people with hell, then promising paradise with 72 big boobed virgins - this is so mean, so cheap, so primitive. It is just what all the islamic proletarians, the uneducated desperados wish to hear. That they are the elected ones though they have nothing to offer except hate and intolerance.
Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ). ISLAM is hatred+terror+ill will+killing+slavery+fascism
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 15:00:42 -0700
TO all Moslems on this site : ISLAM and Moslems are incompatible with all the civilizational human values . ISLAM is against freedom, against democracy, against women, against peace, against pluralism, against free will , against music-dance, singing, against freedom of expression, against freedom of thought, against all other religions. This good earth and modern liberal, progressive, tolerant, humanists will not allow the savagery, barbarism, inhumanism, butchery, slavery ,perpetrated and practiced, and promoted by ISLAMIC terrorists-jihadists.
Name: To "Amar Khan" by Abdul Huq
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 16:20:55 -0700
First of all – your story is pathetic and not choreographed well, so practice more on writing a good story. Still, I’m going to address some if the objections you raise for the education of a neutral (non Jew) readers here, not for you (since I’m pretty sure you know who you are). -------------“I often used to wonder that if God wants us to bow against him, worship him, pray to him, then why did he give us logic”. --------– There are multiple kind of creation Allah has, some of them do not have much choice and just follow the orders, some do not have emotions, some do not have logic. Humans are the most superior of His creations, the most empowered. Anyone who has been a people manager in some leadership role knows this well that what it means by empowering your employees? When you empower someone, you do not micromanage them and look for results on certain deadline, you don’t interfere for a set duration and only then you judge them. In the meanwhile you delegate them the authority and rely on their judgment to make decisions. Humans are equipped with logic and wisdom as the year brought to this relatively very short life for test. A test that you might say resulted from Satan’s challenge that he would demonstrate to Allah that his superior creation in fact is not worth it (read the Quran for details). Now if Allah wills, he would have taken care of Satan right there but Allah, like any good manager, gives the chance to prove and does not rush to punish. Allah will not interfere till the day of judgment and has left it totally upon us and the choices we make in picking up the right path as suggested by Quran and by signs given to us, or follow the path of Satan who plays with this two-edges sword – called logic and arrogance ============== “Living in a Muslim country with my Muslim family, I sometimes shake the faith of my dear ones and friend saying simple questions that why God gave us wisdom? Why he wants us to worship him with the 1400-year-old ridiculous method five times a day!” ----- You obviously need lots of knowledge and your family as well because of weaker knowledge of Islam could not answer your questions (only if your story is not a lie). Every prophet and his nation had their way of prayers. There can be a whole day discussion on just the Muslim prayer and its benefits, Let me put it this way, it helps you wash and clean five times a day, learn better time management and multitasking, keep remembering what is the priority in this world, a form of exercise that fits any age group, strengthens heart, improved blood circulation and reduces risks for arthritis etc. List goes on.================ “Why we are to remain hungry?” ------------ Again a lot, a lot has been written about fasting. Fasting is not unique to Islam, has been in any religion pretty much. You obviously rush to post questions here without studying anything on your own and then you blame Islam? Fasting regulates lots of hormones in human body and release toxic chemicals out of there, any doctor can educate you in that. It clears your digestion and kidneys etc. At the same time, it is a “learn by doing” workshop. You just do not have the idea of what a poor and hungry goes through unless you go through it. Islam emphasizes this along with the teachings I have mentioned earlier to feed poor, hungry and orphans. ============== “Why do we spend lot of money for visiting the Kaba?” ----------- Who says you have to? Hajj is the last and least obligation of 5 pillars of Islam and only on those who can afford it. If there is a needy who need help and you have money, Islam says help him first. Don’t you know this? ================ “And when I come across any pious uncle, I always ask childishly that: Uncle! What is fault of my classmate David who mistakably born in Christian family?” ----------- There is no judgment on child born in any faith unless they reach the age of understanding and puberty but Allah know best. That’s when you can make choices and have the wisdom to chose right and wrong t the first time. Now it is obligation of ANY human born in this world including born Muslims to study other faiths and gain knowledge and then follow the right path. Only if we give up our arrogance, there are very few differences among major religions of the world. and more similarities. However the wicked evil doers who intend to accomplish their evil objectives, highlight differences more, such as this forum. All religions teach about Allah, and there are predictions about Muhammad (PBUH) in very books Torah and Bible as well. No Muslim is a good Muslim unless he/she believes in all the books and prophets sent before Muhammad, including Jesus. However this is not clearly true for other faiths. They will try their best to disrespect and attacke Muslim faith and the prophet (PBUH) – proof is in the pudding here. ============ “No! He can't, because he can only play with blood; but I hate that” ----- Do you know that Muhammad (PBUH) loved children by heart? Of course you don’t you idiot. When he used to pray and go prostrate, Hasan, the son of his daughter used to climb on his shoulders and he won’t get up so that he can play. Do you know that he would shorten the prayer if he would hear a baby crying in the back rows? You obviously are at the lowest possible level of awareness about Islam or pretend so. =========== “What about my Tommy (dog)? Then to whom will I tease while teaching? What about the hooting in the lecture of new professors? Will there be cricket match? Then what about the excitement and joy we have watching cricket matches—especially between India and Pakistan. What about the net chatting and forums of orkut? What about the teasing of girls studying in library?” ------- The world is in a chaos and you are worried about the frisking Tommy? Heaven is a place where all wishes will come true as far as they are noble and clean. And no one in paradise will think evil or do things that are useless and produce no good. Regarding rest of your questions, do you think Allah created this enormous universe and eco system round you and created humans so that they would devote time to tease girls? Well this one is so pathetic that I hate to answer this and waste my time. I want YOU to stop your cricket matches for some time and research the same Internet that you use to brows useless stuff and ask useless questions to research and understand Islam by your own. And read Quran if you can. You will then know what is the purpose of all of this. World and this life is a serious business! ================ “In Paradise, there would be rivers of milk? But I don’t like milk. My mother always forced me to drink since my childhood. There will be streams of honey and grapes. But, they are not my favorite either. How would I survive? --------- Quran quotes very few glimpses of paradise in the context and then moves on to the next topic. It is not an article on paradise. However we know from multiple sources that one will get pretty much anything one wants in there, as far as it is no indecent. So don’t worry about Milk and Honey. They will have an Al-la-Carte menu for you! IF you get in there. That “IF” is to worry about first! ============= “Would there be any university or collage? Any teacher?” ----- There is no indication that why one should not be able to fulfill the desire of knowledge and learning in there at a different level. ============ “All the singers and actors will be in hell. Then how can I listen to enchanting music of Atif Aslam? ------ Its easy, you both may be together or ask for an online CD delivery in hell. ========= “Wine is prohibited here because it cause deviation from Allah. But will not the river of wine in Paradise cause deviation from Allah? Will not Allah want us to worship again? Why?” ---------- Wine in heaven will not make one drunk. The word “Wine” is symbolic. Lots of fruits and other things will have same names and shapes since humans recognize them, but will have new taste and influence. =========== And finally, will I be able to ask Allah that why did not he make me the Prophet? Why? --------- You need to really see a psychiatrist pal, he can answer this question in a way that you will understand during your therapy session. ========= “I am far better than Mohammed. I did not cheat. I did not hurt my mother. I worshiped you without seeing you for 18 years.” ------------ But you committed the largest sin of all sins, denying Allah’s unity and belief in his last prophet and then said all the things that you said above. This is the most warned of all by Allah Who may forgive anything else but this. Unless you revert and ask for forgiveness to Allah, chances are you will be in the very hell you make fun of with your mocking-tone questions – Forever!!!! Yes –Forever!!! ------ 039.008: “When some trouble toucheth man, he crieth unto his Lord, turning to Him in repentance: but when He bestoweth a favour upon him as from Himself, (man) doth forget what he cried and prayed for before, and he doth set up rivals unto Allah, thus misleading others from Allah's Path. Say, "Enjoy thy blasphemy for a little while: verily thou art (one) of the Companions of the Fire!" ---- 028.077: "But seek, with the (wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee, and seek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who do mischief." -------------- As I have been saying before, whether you believe or you don’t, it does not matter to Allah. Out of billions of billions of creature Allah has created, you are no body. That day Allah says he will forget to ignorant as they forgot him here in this life ------ 032.014 : "Taste ye then - for ye forgot the Meeting of this Day of yours, and We too will forget you - taste ye the Penalty of Eternity for your (evil) deeds!"
Name: Amar Khan in deep waters - Pronounces Abdul Huq
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 19:15:08 -0700
Abdul said ### But you committed the largest sin of all sins, denying Allah’s unity and belief in his last prophet and then said all the things that you said above. This is the most warned of all by Allah Who may forgive anything else but this. Unless you revert and ask for forgiveness to Allah, chances are you will be in the very hell you make fun of with your mocking-tone questions – Forever!!!! Yes –Forever ### And Allah said ### 039.008: “When some trouble toucheth man, he crieth unto his Lord, turning to Him in repentance: but when He bestoweth a favour upon him as from Himself, (man) doth forget what he cried and prayed for before, and he doth set up rivals unto Allah, thus misleading others from Allah's Path. Say, "Enjoy thy blasphemy for a little while: verily thou art (one) of the Companions of the Fire!" 032.014 : "Taste ye then - for ye forgot the Meeting of this Day of yours, and We too will forget you - taste ye the Penalty of Eternity for your (evil) deeds!" ### May be Allah is as scared as Abdul that he will be forgotten like Odin. And become vacuum. Don't worry Allah, as long as there is money to be made, powers to be peddled, butchers and thieves - you are safe.
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 20:17:54 -0700
I Hope you read it. Islam means submission. Submission to whom? Allah? Which Allah? Allah made by Mohammad? Or submission to Mohmammad? Allah and Mohammad are one. Quran instructs people to kill other people. Read 4:89. No other religious books instruct the killing of other people as Quran. It is a proof that Quran is not and never be a revelation from the One True God. It is the saying of Mohammad, compilated from old stories and his discussion with Khadijah's brother who was a christian. Praying 5 times a day? Wasting time. After praying, you can kill an infidel and you are not feeling guilty. So, what is good about Islam? Nothing.
Name: Asking for support to ban tourism to Indonesia
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 20:39:37 -0700
Indonesia's moslem people begins to destroy churches. Any case of church destuctions never solved by the police. So to start making pressure for religion tolerance and freedom in Indonesia, please ask your government to ban tourism to Indonesia. They can still come to Bali, it is a Hindu area. But for other area than Bali, ask them to cancel their travel plan. Please, your support on this matter will be highly appreciaed.
Name: you was never a muslim Amar[Amir is the muslim name] here is a thought for you!!
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 20:50:30 -0700
When Mu'min will enter into Jannah, it will be announced:- (1) You will remain have an erection forever, tiredness will never come. (2) Your cock will remain alive for ever, flaccidness will never come. (3) You will remain in bed with never-be-finished fucking with the houris. So this mad Mohammad was making his Allah as a pimp.
Name: you was never a muslim Amar[Amir is the muslim name] here is a thought for you!!
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 20:50:34 -0700
When Mu'min will enter into Jannah, it will be announced:- (1) You will remain have an erection forever, tiredness will never come. (2) Your cock will remain alive for ever, flaccidness will never come. (3) You will remain in bed with never-be-finished fucking with the houris. So this mad Mohammad was making his Allah as a pimp.
Name: is ram a god ?
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 23:13:29 -0700
ram never said i am god,people believe he is....but he finally killed his opponent ravan.......gabriel said that arab deity allah is creator of universe and gave koran....but if allah is real creator there can be no discripancy in koran and koran is full of discripancy....allah make false claim that he created man from mud/dirt...and then now its exposed that man is evolved by nature from 1 celled roganisms and creation is false.ALSO..ALLAH EVEN IN THE FAKE BOOK KORAN DOES NOT KILL SATAN...AND JUST TELLS PEOPLE TO BE WARY OF HIM...THUS RAM KILLED RAVAN AND ALLAH CANT KILL SATAN...SO RAM IS GREATER THAN ALLAH....
Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday July 29, 2008
Time: 23:47:44 -0700
To.... the nameless muslim zombies - you asked where is my janat? I don't believe in such puerile bullshit like you . There is no paradise/janat/heaven ,etc. It all comes from the deluded brains of the so-called muslims/christians and other 'monotheists'. Firstly theism is just another trash and monotheism is the worst trash ever subjugating people to a bunch of lies , giving false hope of a "hereafter" which is nonexistent. As for the case of rebirth as a 'fly' or whatever , it is just another non-sense. However it is a better deterrent to make a person be a good human being ,morally, spiritually, unlike the farce of monotheism which enjoins only blind belief in a fake and nonexisting deity to go to a lewd, crass and vulgar 'paradise'/jannat/heaven where the fake and non-existing deity acts as a super-PIMP. Morality takes a backseat over bigotry in monotheism. Read Torah/Quran and you will find the immorality, crtuelty ,savagery and utter barbarity of Yahweh/Allah and their so-called 'prophets'. The god of wandering jews and barbarian arabs seems to have put the fear of the devil in the so-called believers and those who use these fake deities to be in absolute political power. We in India are not forced to believe anything , not forced to 'pray' 5 times a day or go to the mosque every friday or church every sunday. One can be an atheist and still live a normal life in India. There is no compulsion to believe like in cults that originated from semetic superstitions and bigotry. After all all great civilisations - Egypt, India, China, Greece, Roman,Persian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Assyrian, etc fourished and brought knowledge, art, culture , science ,economic development centuries before any of the semetic cults of Judaism, Christianity and Islam came into existence. It is Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Ved Vyasa, Panini, as well as the authors of Upanishads, Vedas ,Pythogarus, etc who are remembered for their wisdom and rationality - not any of the semetic hordes whose intolerant bigotry has only wrought death and destruction of all civilisations , art ,science, progress and took us to 'Dark Ages'. Free thinking and the spirit of free inquiry and the right to question is forbidden in semetic faiths/cults like Judaism/Christianity/Islam and the human mind is mired in dark superstition,fear and bigotry and rigid dogma of the so-called 'monotheism' ,which is just a FRAUD on Humanity .
Dealing with Muslims
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 00:38:54 -0700
Recently about 20 bombs went off in Ahmedabad and 22 bombs were defused in Surat. Non-Muslims you are sitting targets of Muslims who want to blow you up. Start to ban the mosques and close down Islamic religious schools. Kill those Muslims who stop you. Time for vengeance. No such as peace with Muslims. Either they leave Islam or be popped off.
Name: show where it is mentioned in quran
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 02:27:51 -0700
to will deal with israel you are a damm lier like your prophet of doom show where in quran it mentions jerusalem as for hadiths there are forged records with no credibilty at all
Name: Maratha
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 02:38:50 -0700
Gr8 Brother..
Name: kayan
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 04:22:40 -0700
As a right thinking Human being your reflection of self on attaining death is 100% correct ,Well now you are in paradise because you have escaped from the zombic influince of kuran and its teaching & people ,(poor diot ,only thinking or ETERNAL ERRECTION by mornin muslim) when you are dead you no longer have this body
Name: Vbv and all other ugly cultists, this will be for youuuuu!!!!!!
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 04:56:02 -0700
hell HELL! "Save Us - Oh Allah!" CONTENTS: THE COLOUR OF HELL THE SIZE OF HELL THE MINIMAL PUNISHMENT FOR THE DWELLERS HOW TO AVOID HELL CONCLUSION Life in this world is a test for everyone. We have been sent in this world to be tested. For every test, there is a result at the end. If the results and the outcome is good then there is a reward for us. But if the results and the outcome is not good then there is punishment. For this great test, the reward in the hereafter is also great and similarly the punishment is also very severe. And for this punishment, those that fail will have to spend the rest of their time in Jahannam (Hell). THE COLOUR OF HELL This is a place of grief and sorrow. Its torments and troubles are far beyond imagination. It was fanned for a thousand years till it became quite red, then it was fanned for a further thousand years till it became white, and again it was fanned for a thousand years till it became black. Now it is quite black and dark. CONTENTS THE SIZE OF HELL Distress, dismay and destruction will await one who is thrown here. Joy and happiness will be unknown. Death will have been sacrificed in the form of a Ram, so there will be no hope of that either. This place is vast. If a stone were to be thrown into its depth, it would take approximately seventy years to reach the surface. The fire, which awaits the dwellers, is seventy times more severe than anything similar to it in this world. It is mentioned in the Qur’an: “The day we will ask Jahannam: “Are you full?” It will say: “Are there any more (to come).” (Qur’an 50:30) From this verse we understand how big Jahannam is that it will never be full and it will always ask for more people. The depth of Jahannam is so great that if a rock was dropped into Jahannam, it will remain plummeting for 70 years before touching the bottom. CONTENTS THE MINIMAL PUNISHMENT FOR THE DWELLERS No one would like to come here. It is a dreadful place. When it will be brought forth, it will have seventy thousand reigns, each one pulled by seventy thousand Angels. Imagine the sky! What chances of escaping! This is a place of punishments. All wrongs will be dealt with. Punishments will be in various categories. The person who will be subjected to the least punishment here shall have two shoes of fire on his/her feet. And by their heat, his/her brain will be boiling like a kettle on fire. The person will feel that his/her punishment is the severest and no one else is under more punishment than he or she. There will be fierce looking angels inflicting various types of punishment for the different sins committed by the people. The Qur’an and Hadith have mentioned the different types of punishments. For example, boiling water will be poured over the heads, lips will be cut with scissors of fire and so on. The fire of Jahannam has turned black because of its heat. There is no light and it will be pitch black. The food will be poisonous thorny trees and the drink will be the blood and pus from the washing of wounds. Who will be the inhabitants of Hell? By looking at the Qur’an and Hadith, we understand that people who preach without practice, those who use utensils of gold and silver, those who are arrogant and those who take pictures are to be amongst the many being punished. The above mentioned are only a few. CONTENTS HOW TO AVOID HELL People will want to stay many miles away from here. And why not? Many fortunate ones won't even have to go near, many others will have no choice! However, the greatest news for us is that the Creator of this horrible place has indeed informed us of all things to be careful of to avoid this place through His Holy Quraan and His Noble Messenger MuhammadSalallahu Alaihi Wasallam. We must not ascribe partners to Him, which is called Shirk. We must not be careless at times of Salaah and we must offer salaah punctually. No fit and healthy person should miss out the Fasts in Ramadhan. Also, whoever has the means should give zakaah and perform the Haj. There are many other things as well, small things and big ones - They may be prohibited actions or words - Intentional or unintentional. Any one could lead to this wicked place. Swearing, slandering, backbiting, stealing, drinking wine, drugs, haraam food, unlawful actions, e.t.c. Any of these could lead to destruction. CONTENTS CONCLUSION As you will have gathered by now, we have been talking about Jahannam (Hell). It is most important that we study the Holy Quraan and Seerah - Lifestyle of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam to know how to lead our lives in this temporary material world, to be successful in the Hereafter, and to be able to safeguard ourselves from Jahannam! 'Oh Allah! Save us all from Jahannam - Ameen!' 'Truly Hell is a place of ambush. For the transgressors a place of dwelling. They will abide therein for ages. Nothing cool shall they taste therein, Nor any drink. Except boiling water, and dirty wound discharges. An exact recompense (according to their crimes). For that they used not to look for any account. But they (impudently) treated Our signs as false. And all things have We preserved on record. So taste ye (the fruits of your deeds); For no increase shall We grant you; Except in Chastisement.' (Surah An-Nabaa: 21-30) CONTENTS
Name: Re: Hell!
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 05:16:55 -0700
We all know how much you all would like to see infidels in hell! Aren´t you? This is an ovious symptom deriving from your mionority complex because you were forced to learn all this stupid muslim-knowledge while infidels had the opportunity to learn useful things. You cannot stand that infidels don´t have to go through the hell of islamic indoctrination and that´s why muslims wish infidels to go to hell. If not, would there be any meanig behind the five-time prayers every day, not to talk about the hundreds of stupid rules muslims have to learn for their everyday life? But I can assure you: Praying five times a day itself does not have any merit as well as observing all the stupid haram/halal-rules! If there is an almighty god, he or she will be definitely a non-muslim!
Name: Abu Lahab
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 06:31:34 -0700
All this eating and drinking in Janna surely will produce a lot of excrement and urine. Did Mo the pedohile designed miracle sewage systems or cesspools? Will there be an unlimited supply of little girls and boys for the pedo perverts? What a disgusting "religion", a cruel religion. Who wants to be in the company of Zayd and Qays bin al Musahhar, two true muslims who killed a very old woman, Umm Qirfa Fatima bint Rabi'a wife of Malik, by putting a rope to her two legs and two camels and driving them until they rent her in two.
Name: kafir/infidel & Ex-communist. .. ISLAM is hatred+terror+slavery+Butchery+intolerance +ill will
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 09:42:57 -0700
TO AMARkhan --- By now you have good understanding of what ISLAM is - it is brutal. You must ask the question first --- whether you want to be a good,decent human being with qualities like tolerant of other religions, tolerant of nonmoslems ,caring,loving,honest, truthful, with integrity, with good character ,wishing all people equal justice,equality ,showing kindness and compassion to all people - all religions, respecting women ,freedom,peace,democracy, liberal progressive humanism.------------ You know and other moslems know in their hearts that a person who wants to be evil perpetrator, rapist, hate filled, killer, constantly wishing ill will on nonmoslems , thinking about how to kill nonmoslems , burning with jealousy,envy at the sight of nonmoslems , women hater, slave minded , inshort this is how a true moslem lives. ...................... But if you want to be good human being - you must renounce,denounce evil ISLAM. ................ ISLAM makes you a worst human being - all the time negative,poison,evil minded ,with criminal attitude. All these points can be proved unequivocally by the examples of ISLAMIC societies, ISLAMIC regimes, history of ISLAM, from ISLAMIC books . For example see , how saudi arabia - the birth place of ISLAM is . examine carefully the most sinister regimes in AFGHANISTATAN under taliban, AL QAEDA, PAKISATAN, Bangladesh, iran, sudan , DARFUR, IDI AMIN the butcher, ZIA HUQ the PAKI monster, yahyakhan,tikka khan . John walker, richard reid, jose padilla ,john Muhammad became killers and terrorists as soon as they were converted to ISLAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is 100% true.DO you want to live under taliban or AL QAEDA who will impose every second on you?
Name: to abdul haq- muslims are losers
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 11:59:45 -0700
Its not the jews who are on the losing side. The jews learned from their errors and modified their habits, got power and wealth and took back the land of their ancestors. It is you muslims who are biting the dust. To wage war nowadays you have to be a technologically advanced society. You muslims have no industrial base to manufacture arms etc. Egypt, Pakistan, saudi arabia, UAE all buy US arms. The US will stop all supplies of weapons if there is a conflict between Israel and the Muslims. It is you muslims who are on the losing side and Islam has taken you there.
Name: Inventing Traditions
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 12:30:47 -0700
There was never an islamic state with an islamic government in history, not in Medina or anywhere else. Nor has there ever been a Law-System based on the Sharia. In both cases we can talk about invented traditions enforced by islamists and fundamentalists who don´t know anything about modern law and politics. But it is still easy for them to radicalize the mob of illiterates.
Name: The Corrupt & Lier Nation!
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 14:22:26 -0700
AP - Facing burgeoning CORRUPTION allegations and plummeting popularity, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Wednesday he will resign in September....
Name: I have a dream or more likely, a vision
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 18:38:45 -0700
I have a vision that Mohammad, with a penis-like nose, is burned in hell. The angels in hells keep asking him: "Why did you say that you're an apostle of Allah? Who is this Allah? He is not the One True God. This Allah of yours is your own personification." So they hanged him by his nose and his penis, and a red-hot-rod entered his anus. The process repeated again and again. The angels ask the same questions, and after that, the red-hot-rod again. Mohammad screamed and screamed, but to no use.
Name: Mike Bentel
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 19:11:56 -0700
Wow after reading all the ridicule here, one thing is clear – If I ever change my faith, I won’t be a Jew! You have crossed all the possible boundaries of any civilized humans of 21s century. You do not have any respect for anyone, even not for yourself.
Name: ExMuslim
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 20:06:10 -0700
Abdul Huq, you are posting all these silly stuffs here and thinking, you are a great thinker. I am giving a couple of examples of your silly comments. You say: [Quran quotes very few glimpses of paradise in the context and then moves on to the next topic. It is not an article on paradise. However we know from multiple sources that one will get pretty much anything one wants in there, as far as it is no indecent. So don’t worry about Milk and Honey. They will have an Al-la-Carte menu for you! IF you get in there.] -- How do you know better than Allah? Are you a prophet too and spoken with Allah? Only Allah is supposed to know if there is more in Paradise than what is said in the Quran and hadith. Why Allah take the pain of mentioning of only the unattractive delicacies of heaven, not the best ones? Where do you get your knowledge of Ala-carte dishes in Paradise?//-- Regarding Muslim obligation of Hajj, you say: [Who says you have to? Hajj is the last and least obligation of 5 pillars of Islam and only on those who can afford it. If there is a needy who need help and you have money, Islam says help him first. Don’t you know this?] Where in Islam [Quran or hadiths], it is written that 'If there is a needy who need help and you have money, Islam says help him first'? Stop fooling yourself. Don't forget to add your references on the factual statements you post here.
Name: Re: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ). ISLAM is hatred+terror+ill will+killing+slavery+fascism
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 20:59:39 -0700
"This good earth and modern liberal, progressive, tolerant, humanists will not allow the savagery, barbarism, inhumanism, butchery, slavery ,perpetrated and practiced, and promoted by ISLAMIC terrorists-jihadists." The irony is, it is those who call themselves 'liberals' who are giving Islam so much leeway to practice their intolerance. We should take that word back to it's original meaning. Don't let the dim-witted, spineless, browbeaten fools who pass as liberals nowadays hijack that name.
Name: Re: To: Savannah Lee
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 21:09:42 -0700
I've always thought submission is iffy for any religion. Religions are supposed to free you, get you in touch with your inner divinity. Submission takes us away from our self-worth. It implies that human beings are inferior, innately defective and would be nothing without this so-called God.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday July 30, 2008
Time: 21:34:01 -0700
To:"VBV..and all other cultist..." Well your frenzied outpouring betrays your discomfort that your cult of islam is absolute shit of a TRASH and it is the unholiest book anywhere with no literary merit , lack of any good philosophy except ranting of a deluded arab bedouin ,crazed in his peanut-sized brain , a pedophile ,a sex-maniac and a thorough bloodthirsty criminal who created a "religion" to enjoy absolute and unquestioned political power. You are deluded too if you believe in such stupid things like Heaven(Jannat) or Hell (Jahannum). Any intelligent child imbued with commonsense will laugh away with disdain at such puerile and stupid tales! Allah is such an immoral deity that he has all the moral failings of a lowborn criminal that he craves adulation, blind obedience, he is possessive and jealous about any competitor,he is vengeful and incites humans to violence and so on. The negative qualities are abounding in that fake deity called Allah , apart super-pimping for his staunch followers. Can you call such a deity a "god" with so many 'human' failings.Jannat and Jahannum is is trash and is no better than 'Jack and the Beanstalk' story. As a matter of fact the stories of Panchatantra, Aesop's fables, Hans Christian Anderson or Grimm brothers have atleast better imagination and moral values than the bullshit of Quran which is amoral immoral ,lewd, inciting violence and massacre of innocent humans (see the current spate of bombings in Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Surat, Varanasi, Mumbai, Hyderabad,etc apart from Kashmir where muslims kill innocent people in the most cowardly manner knowing fully well they cannot match the hindus in a straightforward war - since they have lost all the wars - so they make scurrilous and shameful attempts at women,children and old citizens). Terrorism is the most cowardly act ,planting an IED and running away, or in desperation blowing themselves up amidst a crowded place, or shooting unarmed people caught unaware. All this for what? To go to 'Jannat' for screwing 72 whores and 28 boys for eternity along with drinking,belching, and debauching to be provided by your imaginery super-PIMP of a deity called Allah and his side-kick and selfproclaimed prophet and fraud Muhamad!
Name: islams imaginary paradise is pimp house with male slave prostitudes for houries
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 00:27:23 -0700
islam's imaginary paradise is pimp house with male slave prostitudes for houries. See how stupid this.72 female houries gang raping help less pious muslim in paradise. I dot islamists sex is not ultimate goal and pleasure. It's pleasure is only associated by product of progeneration. too much of anything is curse. Get rid of mad superstition
Name: Arslan in Lahore
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 00:56:35 -0700
Beta amar abhi bhi wakt h apne religion me wapis aa jao nahi tu bohat pachtao gay . ye sab bate jo tum keh rahe ho ye bewakufi ki bate h.May Allah show u right path.
Name: The maratha warrior
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 02:06:37 -0700
the source of jannat in quran and hadiths are copied fable from zorastrians with some modifications
Name: balam to amar khan
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 07:09:43 -0700
No Muslim can answer the questions you have asked,because they are either brainless or braiwashed.This Paradise was the figment of Mohahhads immagination to deceive his followers to guide them to eternal Hell.He was cunning and Mukkar-a deceiver and so are his followers who can never be honest and trustworthy.I am glad you have found the truth about Islam which would set you free but be CAREFUL because you are living among the ferocious wolves of Allah/Mohammad.
Name: Rahman al-Sheha
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 08:32:04 -0700
Islam is extremely keen to establish an ideally good society. Islam does this by providing the essential items and necessities that ensure and guarantee for individuals their full rights. If the society members enjoy peace, tranquillity, freedom and availability of basic requirements, they will become better citizens. Members of the society must feel that way in order to practise a peaceful, happy, prosperous, productive and meaningful life. Individuals of such a society will be able to enjoy their legal rights. Listen to the statement of Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam – peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Whosoever wakes up (in the morning) feeling that he is secure in his community, free from ailments and diseases in his body and has enough provision (food stuff and supply) for a single day, (such an individual) would be as if he owns the entire world.”[Tirmithee No. 2346]. Islam, therefore, seeks to formulate and establish a society that provides the following. Peace and security Islam offers self security, family security and protection. Members of the society at large must not be frightened, or threatened by words, threats or weapons of all types. This is based on the Hadith of Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam): “Whosoever frightens a Believer (in this life) it will become incumbent on the Almighty Allah to make such a person insecure (and frightened) on the Day of Judgment”[Tabaranee, Targheeb and Tarheeb]. Self security enables individuals of a society to have freedom of mobility and movement in order to work and earn an honest income. Corporal and capital punishments have been laid down and carried out in order to impose strict penalty on individuals who attempt to cause disruption to the peace, security and stability of a society. One of these strict penalties for criminals according to Islamic law is the penalty for peace, security disruption and frightening innocent people in a society. Allah’s Messenger (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) stated in his farewell speech: “Truly, your blood, your protected items in life, and your wealth are unlawful to one another. They are unlawful to tamper with like it is unlawful to tamper with this (honorable and sacred) Day (the Day of Arafah during Hajj), in this Sacred Month (the month of pilgrimage ‘Thul-Hijjah’), and in this Sacred Town (Makkah)” [Sahih Bukhari No. 6043].
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 09:23:06 -0700
It has been said if someone tells a person the same lie again and again that person will end up believing that lie. To put another way as one one writer explained "The bigger the lie, the more frequently it is repeated the more people will believe it." It's is an old brainwashing methed that goes way back. Also not letting a person get outside information further programs the victim. That's just what all these madrassas do is brainwash youth into becoming jihadists. Therefore, all these brainwashed youths have a very narrow and closed worldview. Furthermore, the Bible curses men of violence which applies to jihadist groups such as al Qaeda, Hezollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and so on. Plsalm 140:11. reads " evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him." That same chapter in verse 2 and 4 reads "continually are they gathered together for war..Keep me O Lord, from the hands of the wicked;preserve me from the violent man; woh have purposed to overthrow my goings." Furthermore, this "promise" of a paradise with 72 virgins for the jihadist "martyr" is in reality a fusion of ancient Arabic and Zorastrian mythology masquerading as divine truth. This was predicted and explained in the following scripture Second Timothy 4:3,4."For the time come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." Second Timothy 3:13,"evil men and suducers shall wax worse and worse" and First Timothy 1:3, reads " Nether give heed to fables..." In contrast to the jihadist pipe dream,Christians have the reality of Second Peter 1:16, For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ..." -[KJV] The book Quote from UNHOLY WAR:AMERICA,ISRAEL AND RADICAL ISLAM by Randall price, p.277
Name: To: Rahman Al-Sheha
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 17:54:31 -0700
Then how do you explain verses like these: (((But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them…" [Quran 9.5; Yusuf Ali])))...((( Volume 4, Book 52 no. 260, Bukhari stated: "Narrated Ikrima: Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn 'Abbas, who said, "Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet said, 'Don't punish (anybody) with Allah's Punishment (fire).' No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' ))) ...(((Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate. --Koran, Surah 9:73)))...(((Quran 8:12 “(Remember) when your Lord inspired the angels, "Verily, I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks, and smite over all their fingers and toes.))) If this ideal society applies only to Muslims, then it's no ideal society at all. If Islam is as you claim, how come Islamic societies are among the worst in the world. The more Islamic, the worse they are.TH ENDS...... AND BONES HAMMERED THEIR BACKSIDES FOR THEIR GOONDAISM THGOUGHOUT THE WORLD!!!
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 23:16:13 -0700
Date: Thursday July 31, 2008
Time: 23:18:36 -0700
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Saturday August 02, 2008
Time: 10:44:23 -0700
Concering the belief in a place with 72 virgins, Muslims claim to believe that Jesus was a prophet of God and taught the truth. Well, Jesus said " Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." - Matthew 22:29,30. [KJV]
Date: Saturday August 02, 2008
Time: 15:27:29 -0700