Pakistani Golden Eggs of Rotten Islam
22 Feb, 2009
- Pakistan was founded to secure the socio-economic interests of Muslims. Islamic factor was only in the mind of common Muslim mob of that age. The founder, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, who was wine drinker and pork eater himself, said on August 11, 1947:
You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the State... We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State... I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal and you will find that in due course Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State.
But after his death, Pakistan was hijacked by the Mullahs, who were fiercely against its formation. But still the upper elite class is totally secular. Especially the PPP (Pakistan people Party) leadership is totally secular. Even the Marxists in Pakistan also have their pressure group in the party. Pakistan is standing now at two extremes: at one end, there are the extremist Mullahs and at the other, the seculars and freethinkers. The majority of Pakistani people are under the influence of liberal people. Perhaps, this is the reason that Pakistan is still standing. There are Islamic political parties, which uses Quran as their speeches and wants to get vote in the name of Islam. But, in spite of ISI dictator support, they never get enough seats to make government in Pakistan. And never will they be able to do so.
There are many intellectuals in Pakistan, who support human rights, try to reform Islam, criticize the mullahs and try to make Pakistan a secular democracy.
Javed ahmad Ghamdi:
I have written a whole article on the reformation movement of javed ahmad ghamdi. He is not only a reformist Islamic scholar, but also have a lot of contribution towards the promotion of democracy and liberal culture. Ghamdi has provided a base to the secular people of Pakistan to stand with arguments in favor of democracy and secularism against the Mullahs.
Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy:
Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy, a Professor of Nuclear Physics at the Quaid-e-Azam University since 1973, received the Abdus Salam Prize for mathematics in 1984 and has authored 65 scientific research papers. He is the Chairman of Mashal, a non-profit organization, which publishes books in Urdu on women’s rights, education, environmental issues, philosophy, and progressives thought.
Dr. Hoodbhoy has written and spoken extensively on topics ranging from science in Islam to education issues in Pakistan and nuclear disarmament. He produced a 13-part documentary series in Urdu for Pakistan Television on critical issues in education, and two series aimed at popularizing science. He is the author of Islam and Science: Religious Orthodoxy and the Battle for Rationality, now available in five languages.
In his book, Dr. Hoodbhoy strongly criticizes Imam Ghazali for undermining rational thinking via indoctrination of religious dogma. He even criticizes Caliph Omer for burning the Library of Alexandria.
Due to these criticisms of his, he has been declared an agent of RAW (India) by many pseudo-intellectuals of Pakistan. His articles can be accessed here and here.
Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa Agha
Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa Agha is an independent security analyst and strategic affairs columnist from Pakistan. She received her doctorate from King's College London in 1996 and has worked on issues varying from military technology, defense decision-making, nuclear deterrence, arms procurement, and arms production to civil-military relations in South Asia. She often appears at Pakistani TV channels. She is a supporter of nuclear disarmament, secular democracy and Indian federation. She is a fierce critique of ISI monopoly in Pakistan. She has written a book Military Inc.: Inside Pakistan's Military Economy, in which she criticize ISI for supporting the Taliban and the economic monopoly of Pakistan army. She often writes at Dawn. She criticizes the Government for giving support to the Taliban. Due to her anti-Taliban thinking and writing against the “holy” army of Pakistan, she is also declared as “traitor”.
Irfan Husain
Irfan Husain is one of Pakistan's top newspaper columnists. His latest columns on occupation, terrorism and counter-terrorism is once again deeply thought provoking. He covers almost all aspects of social and religious issue. Recently, he has strongly criticizes the government for giving free hands to the Taliban. He lately criticized Imran Khan for calling Darwin's Evolution a “half baked” theory (see Imran Khan vs Charles Darwin). His articles can be accessed here.
Younis sheikh
Dr. Younus Shaikh is a Pakistani medical doctor, human rights activist, rationalist and freethinker. In October 2000, he was charged with blasphemy over expressing his views about the circumcision of Prophet Muhammad in a lecture. He said that the Prophet did not become a Muslim until the age of 40 (i.e., until he supposedly had received the first message from God) and that the Prophet’s parents had been non-Muslims, because they died before Islam existed. He said that the Prophet was unlikely to have shaved his armpits and pubic hair, since the custom was probably unknown to his tribe at the time. A group of his students reported him to a local group, called the Committee for the Protection of the Finality of the Prophet, which has a history of lodging blasphemy charges against religious minorities. The group immediately reported Dr Younis Shaikh to the authority and he was arrested. Dr Shaikh maintained that his words had been misunderstood.
After spending 11 months in the Central Jail in Rawalpindi, he was sentenced to death. He spent greater than two more years in jail before the verdict was over turned in November 2003 as a result of intense international pressure, orchestrated by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) and Amnesty International. After acquittal, he left to Europe to save his life from mob justice, if released in Pakistan. He has written many articles. He wrote his whole story here.
Readers may be interested in another article in our site by Sher Khan: Golden Eggs of Rotten Islam: Freethinkers of Islam.
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Amar Khan is a Pakistan-born ex-Muslim.
Name: Pakistani golden egss
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 05:37:13 -0500
Poor Pakistanis, I really pity them. Its funny to read that someone can be jailed for such a pathetic excuse.
Name: Non-Delusionist
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 07:27:01 -0500
Pakistanis need to rid themselves of Islam. Only the truth shall set them free. “Religion is regarded by the common men as true, by the wise as false and by the politicians as useful”. - Sokno, a philosopher
Name: Nusrat Ali
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 07:49:17 -0500
Namestey . I am today very happy to read the news of safe Younis Sheikh. I read the news of his jail & case of blasphamy in a website of run by iheu. I immidiatly made a news story of it and rushed to deliver it at one of the most popular largly circulated(50,00000 copies per day) news-paper of our country published from various places. I had to convince the editor about the truth of the story and showed him the the news story on above website. And lo next day it was printed on the front page in a significant style on DANIK JAGRAN. After this i didnot get any news of yunis shiekh otherwise i would have got this happy news also published in the same. today when i read this i felt myself elevated.Long live YOUNIS. Will now he educate others about the dangers of this evil cult called islam/kuran/jehad/hadiths ? I myself was exposed to this enlightenment first by Anwere Sheikh ( UK ). Hats off to him.
Name: No Value
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 08:25:45 -0500
In Islam human life has no value.
Name: jenn
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 09:26:05 -0500
pakistan is as rotten as islam
Name: The only way forward
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 09:54:08 -0500
A good article. The only way to free Pakistan is to systematically get rid of the mullahs and imams. Target the religious leaders of the mosques, get rid of them permanently. Forever. The only way to free Pakistan is to get rid of Islam. This is the only way forward.
Name: Ibrahim
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 10:21:21 -0500
the problem is Islam and not Pakistan. once Pakistanis begin leaving Islam in droves the reason for the existence of Pakistan will cease to exist India will get back what is her's and her's alone.
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 10:31:25 -0500
You people absolutely dont have any idea about what kind of people you are dealing with.for instance During period of Zia ul haq, mullahs requested pakistani dictator to spend on scientific research in islam. do you know what kind of research that stupid mullah want to do. they requested pakistani goverment to spend money on research like "TEMPERATURE OF HELL"," CHEMICAL NATURE OF JINNS(DEMON)". how pathetic isnot it.
Name: ibrahim to above
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 11:55:11 -0500
Are you serious or are just kidding. I mean if what you are saying is true, then perhaps its time to laugh really hard on the mullahs
Name: Dr Omar Zia
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 12:02:01 -0500
Good article Amar. Only one thing I do not agree with. Ghamdi is no reformist. You need to watch a few 'Ghamdi on line' on Geo TV and read his book Al-Bayan to realize that deep down he is just as savage as any other demonic mullah. He just puts up a ridiculous front of claiming that the entire ummah of past and present have interpreted the Quran and Sunnah incorrectly and that he is the only one who is right about the interpretation of these vile books.
Name: Morris
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 14:08:08 -0500
I am hoping that one day a charismatic religious leader from within Islam will be able to liberate them all. If not this struggle will continue geting all of us involved in it one way or other causing considerable pain and suffering to the humanity.
Name: Raja Coventry
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 14:55:31 -0500
I am a big fan of Irfan Husain and try to read every article he writes. I found his articles are based on facts and well researched and thought provoking. I think to write such articles in such a dangerously political climate of Pakistan is really a brave thing. I am so happy that people like him do exist in Pakistan who is keeping the hopes alive. There is big majority of people who are very intelligent. I wish him best of luck.
Name: Philip
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 15:29:16 -0500
Let it never be said that Muslims are not inventors. Muslims certainly are inventors. Don't forget that the Muslims invented the suicide bomber. Also, the Muslims are way ahead of everbody in medicine. The paedophile child molester Muhammad discovered that camel piss is good for a person. Allahu Akbar.
Name: IK
Date: Sunday February 22, 2009
Time: 23:13:57 -0500
Ibrahim: you see brother. Mullahs do have genuine interest in scientific research. I kept telling you and the world that, and nobody believed me. Thanks to Allah and brother EXC. above, I have been vindicated. Allhu Akbar...Long Live Infidels and Apostates....
Name: RE: Ik
Date: Monday February 23, 2009
Time: 00:25:21 -0500
I don't know what the hell muullahs are doing talking about scientific research. The mullahs belong to the mosques and not the labels. Thank Godness! mullahs don;t yield that sort of power in India.
Name: RE: Ik
Date: Monday February 23, 2009
Time: 00:26:44 -0500
Stupid mullahs! this is like a Catholic priest asking for a research on Satan and the depth of the lake of Fire. lolz
Name: RE: ibrahim to above.... EXCESAYCES
Date: Monday February 23, 2009
Time: 00:30:42 -0500
yes what i am telling is true . i read that funny stuff in wikipedia links about islam science discovery. i will try to post the links. "temperature of hell"'"chemical nature of jinn" funny funny
Date: Monday February 23, 2009
Time: 00:43:22 -0500
Name: Intelligent lad
Date: Monday February 23, 2009
Time: 02:37:36 -0500
I second Ibrahim. The problem is not Pakistan or Muslims it is Islam. After reading IW and FFI I do not even have an iota of hate for Pakistanis or Muslims. I know they are victism of Islam and need help not hate. I am trying to get this message across my Hindu friends.
Name: vbv
Date: Monday February 23, 2009
Time: 05:28:38 -0500
Pakistan is doomed to self-destruct , now that 'talibans' have made inroads into nearly half of Pakistan and are very close to the capital city Islamabad. It is a matter of time that they will overrun the whole country and , this will lead to tremendous bloodshed and destruction , taking Pakistan to the "golden age of Islam" ,to the deep hole of misery, violence ,fear, hatred and ignorance.A power struggle will ensue balkanising Pakistan further. These are the wages of sin that they are bound to pay. Taliban will destroy the remains of Indus Valley civilisation ,like they did the Bamian Budha statues, destroy all the remains of hindus ,budhist or jain artifacts to be one up on even Saudi arabia in bringing in the 'purest' form of islam ,that is the vilest form of anarchy , violence and misery with the unholy shit of the barbaric 'sharia'. Great! We in India will be watching Pakistan breaking apart with interest! They will be getting their just 'deserts' so to say!
Name: amar khan to Dr omer zia
Date: Monday February 23, 2009
Time: 05:38:46 -0500
ghamdi is trying his best to nullify the stupid and dangerous parts of islam via using some logic and weak narrations etc. but he is getting popularity in pakistan. the only reason is that pakistani wants some freedom and ghamdi is providing them. i have read many of his pamphlets and have watched many videos. he is trying his best while staying in the cult of islam
Name: DH
Date: Monday February 23, 2009
Time: 06:22:14 -0500
"Pakistan was founded to secure the socio-economic interests of Muslims."________Er...What specific "socio-economic interests" did Muslims have that they did not share with non-Muslim Indians and that could not be met in an undivided independent India?________"Islamic factor was only in the mind of common Muslim mob of that age. The founder, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, who was wine drinker and pork eater himself, said on August 11, 1947: You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed—that has nothing to do with the business of the State... We are starting with this fundamental principle that we are all citizens and equal citizens of one State... I think we should keep that in front of us as our ideal and you will find that in due course Hindus would cease to be Hindus and Muslims would cease to be Muslims, not in the religious sense, because that is the personal faith of each individual, but in the political sense as citizens of the State. But after his death, Pakistan was hijacked by the Mullahs,"________The author is surely too kind to jinna - pork eater or no - a state "for Muslims" is sure to be "hijacked" by Mullahs and set on a relentless course to becoming an "Islamic state"
Name: revivepak
Date: Monday February 23, 2009
Time: 16:17:58 -0500
well, well what a find a whole nest of rattlesnakes issuing their rants to each other and guess what maybe basking in their dumb glory as well. I wonder if a single writer on this forum has his hands full as he has to write under different names. Never mind comeon Israel whole world saw you with your pants down in gaza so wats the big deal ? You never bother about such things anyway. Keep posting you miserables as zionists and extremists hindus have many things in common. Stay in touch with each other just as cockroaches thrive on filth :)
Name: jinna was brainwashed to become islaic fascist
Date: Tuesday February 24, 2009
Time: 01:00:21 -0500
jinna was brainwashed to become islaic fascist by then alighud muslim university schoolars of islam.this anti national university(ironically running with bllions of rupies of public tax money)is also now producing hate and destructive gang like SIMI .People of pakistan never had the intention to get apart and kill co hindus who are their ancestral and genetic borthers. Nazi germans turned to haters only after Hitlar brain washed them with his speeches.Same thing happened in india during freedom struggle ,the so called self declared schoolars of AMU brain wshed then muslims leaders.
Name: Raja Coventry
Date: Tuesday February 24, 2009
Time: 05:11:51 -0500
I believe there are enough thinking people who will never allow these fanatics to destroy the Pakistan. They think they can stop this nuisance without taking the dark green glasses off and I believe once they have taken them off these fanatics will disappear.
Name: balam
Date: Tuesday February 24, 2009
Time: 11:08:32 -0500
Islam is a three legged stool.One of its leg is Allah,the second leg is Mohammad and the third leg is Quran.If you prove only one leg to be false and remove it,the table of Islam would collapse.Fortunately,the three legs could be proven to be false,hence,it needs violence in extreme to support it.No wonder you have BLASPHEMY laws in MUSLIM countries,because Islam has no legs to stand on.
Name: Archpagan
Date: Tuesday February 24, 2009
Time: 11:27:49 -0500
I think the correct Islamic way to address prophet Muhammad should be Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Kafir
Name: Apostate
Date: Tuesday February 24, 2009
Time: 20:37:16 -0500
I thought Musharraf had hand-picked Ghamdi to lead his enlightened Islam project.
Name: Rotten Islamic eggs
Date: Wednesday February 25, 2009
Time: 06:34:39 -0500
Rotten Islamic eggs have been hatched in Pakistan. Rotten Islamic hawks have started coming out.They are on the way to destry Pakistan.But the question is whether it will stop there?
Name: whatisislam
Date: Thursday February 26, 2009
Time: 19:09:32 -0500
Please visit
Name: ex muslim
Date: Sunday March 01, 2009
Time: 04:24:58 -0500