An Appeal to Cultural Muslims
12 Mar, 2009
There are some 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, the overwhelming majority of whom are Cultural Muslims who are generally called moderate Muslims. Muslims are born into Islam, where a great many never go through the process of deciding for themselves if they want to be Muslims. It is not a religion that they choose, it is a belief they inherit. For whatever reason, this great majority of Cultural Muslims are Muslims of sort without fully toeing the line of Islam. The real Muslims are the jihadists, a small minority who lives and dies by the dictates of the Quran and the Sunna, the life examples of Muhammad.
The free world, rightfully alarmed by ever-varied and escalating assaults of the jihadists, myopically has directed its tentative and haphazard effort at countering them, believing that by so doing it can eliminate their threat and at the same time remain on good terms of live-and-let-live multiculturalism with the Cultural Muslims. This is a dangerous assumption that, if not abandoned, will likely culminate in an Armageddon-kind of conflagration.
There is virtually no chance of reasoning with the brain-dead jihadists whose eyes are fixed on the promised lush paradise of Allah. It isn’t that they love death, just for the sake of death itself as Muslim leaders such as Hasan Nasrullah, the head of Lebanon’s Hizbollah proclaimed. They love death and happily embrace it because of what they have been brainwashed to believe is awaiting them as a reward.
Death in carrying out the work of Islam earns them entry into Allah’s eternal sensuous male paradise, so they believe. It is in keeping with propagating this fraud of afterlife paradise that portraits and names of Muslim killers, glorified as martyrs, festoon the length and breadth of Muslim cradles of Islamism such as Iran and Palestine. To the wild-eyed robot jihadist even a day on this “heap of dirt” earth is simply another day of unbearable delay from winging to the lasting abode of lust. Why else would tens of thousands of Iranian Shi’a fools, for instance, sign up to be martyred?
For as long as there are millions of fanatical fools, the Islamic handlers will have an endless supply of foot-soldiers to spread and impose the savage doctrine of Islam and its Sharia on the people of the world. Just this week, for instance, under the Sharia law, a Saudi Arabian court sentenced a 75-year old widow to prison and lashes for having “mingled” with two men who were not related to her. The two men reportedly brought the woman some bread. This is the kind of Sharia law that awaits us all down the road if we fail to reach out to the Cultural Muslims and help them leave the real Islam altogether, since they are already partly there.
But is the real Islam indeed a peaceful religion? Are people such as Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer, and Dr. Ali Sina Islam bashers? Is the real Islam completely innocent of all the charges liberty-honoring civilized people level against it? Read what Hamid Hafez, a former jihadist himself, has to say about Islam.
Tragically, over the years, media pundits, leftist academics, and politicians have constructed a formidable alliance that successfully keeps both the Cultural Muslims as well as the non-Muslim general public in a slumber of complacency.
All along, the campaign of the jihadists has been moving forward. On the one hand are the well-financed Islamists with their hordes of simpletons who are ready to die for the cause. The horrific acts of these villains are daily occurrences in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Darfur, and Pakistan. On the other hand are the people of the free world who are lulled into the complacency they seek and lack the will to confront the deadly danger of Islamism.
The Cultural Muslims hold the balance of power in their hands. They are not active jihadists. Yet, they knowingly or unknowingly, constitute the most vital support for the Islamists. It is this majority that projects an image of normalcy and even tolerance of others while supplying funds as well as foot-soldiers to the work of the Islamists.
Islamic apologists often point to Muslim communities in non-Muslim lands as peaceful religious communities like any other and deny that these Muslims pose any threat to the way of life of the free people. Yet, the facts convincingly argue against this fraudulent contention because, when the jihadists gather enough local strength, the Cultural Muslims like docile sheep will submit to the rule of their co-religionist killers. This is not a hypothetical prognostication. The capitulation of the Cultural Muslims has already played out in many parts of European towns and cities.
It is worth repeating that as Islamists wage their war under the banner of Islam, they receive immense direct and indirect support from the rank-and-file of Cultural Muslims. Their support is the life-blood that keeps the Islamists alive.
Dear Cultural Muslim, this is the 21st century. The vast planet earth of the time of Muhammad has shrunk into a global village. The greatly diverse and disparate peoples of the world are now neighbors in the same village. This new tribe of the global village is facing immense challenges and opportunities. The resources and the talents of the various clans can no longer be squandered on internecine fighting. You, the Cultural Muslim are indeed the critical force that can prevent the blaze of Islamism from engulfing the world by completely severing your connection with a religion that has decayed into nothing more than a cult of death.
In the 21st century, every member of every clan of the global village, irrespective of gender, race, or any other consideration, is entitled to full citizenship that bestows privileges and demands responsibilities. Radical Islam claims to be the true Islam and strives to force humanity into submission to a system of beliefs and practices of Sharia which are anathema to freedom. Even Muslims who do not agree with the extremist Islam are intimidated, pressured into silence, and even condemned to death by the fanatics.
It is wishful thinking on the part of the non-Muslims to believe that one can be a Muslim moderate, given that Islam is radical at its very core. To be a moderate Muslim demands that the person explicitly renounce much of the violent, exclusionary, and radical teachings of the Quran. By so doing, the individual issues his own death warrant in Islamic countries, is condemned as apostate if he lives in a non-Islamic land, and may even earn a Fatwa on his head. Yet, if the masses of the Cultural Muslims, in ones, twos, and droves leave Islam, the Islamists will be eviscerated since the Cultural Muslims are indeed their life-blood.
It is deadly, in any confrontation, to assess the adversary through one’s own mental template, because the two templates can be vastly different from each other. People in the West are accustomed in relativistic rather than absolutistic thinking. To Westerners, just about all matters range from black to white with an array of gray shades between the two poles. To the real Muslims, the Islamists, by contrast, nearly everything is in black and white and with virtually no shades of gray. The former type of thinking is typical of more mature minds, while the latter is that of young children and the less enlightened.
This absolutist thinking is enshrined in the Quran itself. When the starting point for a Muslim is the explicit fanatical words of Allah in the Quran, then the faithful are left with no choice other than literally obeying its dictates or even taking it to the next level of fanaticism. Good Muslims, for instance, do not shake hands with women, even though the Quran does not explicitly forbid it. Although the Quran stipulates that men are rulers over women, good Muslim men take it upon themselves to rule women not much better than they treat their domesticated animals.
It is not uncommon to observe Muslims, anywhere in the world, who are indeed exemplary in many ways. They are kind, generous and much more. These are the Cultural Muslims who are, in effect, only part Muslim. They do not live by the full text of the Quran and elect to live as decent civilized human beings. But in Islam, one cannot be a pick-and-choose Muslim when the real Muslims take over. Clear instances of the rule of real Islam are seen in places such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, parts of Pakistan, Sudan, and Somalia.
Dear Cultural Muslim, while you remain silent out of fear, lack of organization, or apathy, the Islamists work around the clock and around the world to further their agenda. Hardly a week passes without a Grand Mufti or an Ayatollah issuing pronouncements in support of radical Islam. The rank-and-file Islamist clergy, for their part, transmit these Fatwas and edicts to their flocks in mosques and hammer them into the minds of impressionable children in madresehs. Through this grass-roots process, radical Islam is recruiting greater and greater numbers of adherents. On the one hand, the Islamists engage in acts of violence to disrupt the functioning of societies, while on the other they cleverly exploit the freedom they enjoy in non-Islamic lands to subvert them from within.
Dear Cultural Muslim, you belong to free people. You cannot have it both ways. You can’t enjoy the fruits of liberty and at the same time hedge your bet that by being somewhat of a Muslim you are staying in the good graces of Allah. Allah is very non-forgiving of even the least disobedience, Muhammad preaches. You need to make a clean break with Islam and be an upright decent human being because it is the best reward that one can have. No one really knows about the confabulated Allah’s paradise. Don’t help the Islamists in their effort to make hell out of this world hoping to find admittance into Allah’s purported paradise.
Dear Cultural Muslim, Moderate Muslim, or any other kind of Muslim who is not a jihadist, please courageously do what is right: Abandon Islam altogether and enlist in the ranks of the free where all members of the human tribe can live in peace and harmony.
Dear Cultural Muslim, I am appealing to you. You hold the key. You hold the balance of power. Please withdraw from Islam completely, as countless numbers already have, and lend your invaluable support to the free people of the world who are eager to embrace you with open arms.
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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page:
Name: harkat ul jihad ei islami
Subject: pisslams is world best religion dont u dare criticize it....which god gives 72 hot virgins for killing kuffar ??
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 08:19:59 -0500
pisslams is world best religion dont u dare criticize it....which god gives 72 hot virgins for killing kuffar ?? i am just waiting for killing some kuffar and get 72 hot big breasted and hit vagina virgins for my eternal sex
Name: DH
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 08:41:39 -0500
Top notch article. The "moderate" Muslim majority are indeed the nutrient-rich petri dish in which the virus of jihadism incubates and bursts forth as surely as deadly bacteria is nurtured by a dish of festering prawns.
Name: Charles Martel
Subject: You forgot one thing Moderate Moslems add to the Jihad
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 11:54:04 -0500
The moderate Moslem majority provides three things, not just two: (1) funds, (2) foot-soldiers AND (3) a hiding-place. Mao said that Communist guerillas should swim like fish in the sea of the peasantry, and Jihadi murder-monkeys swim like fish (to mix a metaphor) in the Mosques and Moslem communities.
Name: Excesayces
Subject: as usuall exposing islam
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 12:15:07 -0500
my muslims in south india dont even know what hadith is? we should educate them.
Name: MA
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 13:02:56 -0500
No..No..No..No......Well...Yes...Yes..Islam is EVIL
Name: M
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 13:23:35 -0500
Excellent article. If moderate muslims do not leave this religion we are all in trouble. I agree the jihadis cannot be defeated so long as they continue rceiving tacit support from the moderates. The only way to defeat jihadis is to isolate them. And it is impossible to isolate them beacause they are surrounded and supported by millions and millions of moderates. I am not very hopeful that this is likely to happen in near future. I think the worse is yet to come.
Name: indian kufr
Subject: South Asia and South east asia comprises 70% muslims.
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 13:59:16 -0500
India, Bangladesh,Pakistan,Malaysia,Indonesia comnsits of more than 50% of Muslims in the world. People like Mr.Brahmachari should devise a strategy, policy and organization to bring back the muslims to their original faith viz Hinduism/ Buddhism. The all criticisms while nowhere to go and shelter may suppress many Muslims openly challeging Islam. Even 4 to 5 villages escaping from Islam may be a good start to start the revloution in the minds of Muslims. Even BJP have so many Muslims supporters and sympathisers in this part of the world. Mr.Nqavi, Mr.Hussein and a lot are active in BJP. An organised effort to cut the branches of Islam will be good especially in South and Southeast Asia.
Name: ABC
Subject: Q&A for hindutva sex-perverts!
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 14:09:22 -0500
Q: Which religious devotees are sex-hungry and jealous of 72 virgin myths? A: Hindutva devotees!
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Do Muslims Always Win?
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 14:35:40 -0500
Yes, Muslims always win, according to their way of thinking, whether in a debate by letter or on a stage, or on the battle field. When Mr. Ali Sina, or Mr. MA Kahn debate, they usually mop the floor with their apponents. However, the ever "victorious" Muslim opponents, and their brainless little friends always claim a "smashing and victorious victory on their side." Take that little girl Sarah, barely out of her diapers by not too many years, who debated Mr. MA Kahn. Yep, "Sarah was the winner," even though she was as amateurish as a 22 year old college studunt. Come to think about it, Sarah did say she was 22 years old. Let me tell all these little 22 year old kids something about debating seasoned professors like Mr. Ali Sina and Mr. MA Kahn. These two men are seasoned professors with a lot of experience in debating because, through many years, they have acquired not only a vast amount of knowledge, but also wisdom. These two virtues go together, and you're not a seasoned and accomplished debater, or a reservoir of knowledge, until you have lived several more years than 22. So the very young Muslims, at the age of 22, are still too limited both in knowledge and wisdom. It's only natural that these young deluded souls are found wanting when debating. So do young, amateurish Muslims always win? Not according to the judgment among intellectuals. MUSLIMS ALSO ALWAYS WIN ON THE BATTLE FIELD NO MATTER THE NUMBER OF THEIR CASUALTIES. Only recently Israel battled the ever belligerent Hamas fighters. Israel went into the Hamas enclave, killed hundreds of Hamas Muslims with very few casualties to the Israelis. You guessed it. "Hamas dealt a smashing defeat on the Israelis." Never mind that Hamas fighters were almost entirely wiped out. Never mind that hundreds of Hamas fighters were left rotting in their graves pushing daisies and fertilizing other vegetation. At least Hamas carcasses were good for something. But yes, according to the few remaining Hamas fighters, "Hamas fighters were victorious." Talk about stupidity and fanaticism.
Name: raka
Subject: Know the dirty dozen, leading islamophobes
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 15:22:14 -0500
Know the dirty dozen, leading islamophobes:
Name: ABC
Subject: Growth of Islam in Cardiff
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 15:27:54 -0500
Name: Kafir/infidel ( Ex.communist )
Subject: ISLAM is the most bigoted ,most racist , Fascist ,totalitarian religion
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 16:26:40 -0500
To raka and ABC . You both are the same person . Apparently , you are following,monitoring, countering all the truth ,facts ,history of gory and death about ISLAM written,disseminated, made available to the people of the world by the EX. Moslems, true historians, researchers, religious scholars and journalists . Example ISLAM is intolerant , bloodthirsty, PHOBIC about all nonmoslems,infidels,kafirs,Hindus, christians,jews, nonbelievers. That is why ISLAM developed this demonic theocracy of killing nonmoslems. this is all evident by reading any ISLAMIC book. This is also evident by examining,scrutinizing,analyzing any ISLAMIC country, their rule, their ISLAMIC laws, the ISLAMIC societies, the way ISLAM treats it's women, nonmoslems, children . It looks like ther eis no truth in ISLAM .ISLAM is based on lies,dishonesty,cruelty,lack of conscience, lack of integrity,lack of progressive ideals,lack of independence, lack of objectivity,lack of compassion, lack of freedom, lack of diversity, lack of democracy. All this is crystal clear like in a bright sunlight. But Moslems are blind,brain washed, filled with so much of hatred,poison ,jealousy,ill will ,enmity, and no amount of truth,evidence,honesty,magnanimity,generosity,kindness can cure their ISLAMIC disease which is like ebola virus that kills you.
Name: To ABC
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 19:49:06 -0500
don't my name ABC, stupid idol. You go to hell now and meet your prophet and satan there.
Name: To: ABC and RAKa
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 19:52:53 -0500
Idiots come in droves. You are their leaders.
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Why Muslims Are Trying To Forget Allah
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 20:30:32 -0500
Truth Detector has noticed that more and more Muslims are mentioning "God" and not Allah. Muslims know that infidels have discovered that Allah is actually Satan, and that all along Muslims have been worshiping Satan the liar, Satan the deceiver. However, Truth Detector and other infidels will not allow this Muslim substitution. So happy dreams, Muslims, we'll remind you that your god is Allah/Satan, and that you are actually worshiping Satan. That's the reason that everyday Muslims rape little girls legally, cut infidel throats legally, stone women to death legally, torture little girls by mutilating their genitals legally, chop off arms, hands, feet, gouge out eyes of petty thieves legally, beat wives half to death legally, murder daughters and women in honor killings legally, and much more mayhem legally. So now, what are you going to do to get away with these ever present crimes? That's right, mention how thousands of years ago Jews did this or that. That will give you Muslim lovers of Satan the excuse to continue committing your everyday crimes. Notice that Jews and Christians are not committing your crimes. So long, Satan lovers.
Name: Snake Oil Baron
Subject: Well said
Date: Thursday March 12, 2009
Time: 21:01:40 -0500
This is a well written and thoughtful article. More should be done to reach the many Muslims who are ready willing and able to embrace reason but are deprived of the facts, motivation and arguments needed to make informed choices. There is already a large gap between the number of Western immigrants who are enumerated as Muslims and those who actually self-identify as Muslims. I suspect that the same situation exists in the Islamic world and with encouragement and support there could be many who are willing to reject Islam whether or not the governments, media and Muslim communities what to acknowledge their departure or not.
Name: selvi
Subject: technique
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 01:21:29 -0500
bring the muslims out of cave of ginorence and irrationality.Give modern scientific education in english medium.then mo'slums' turn to good humnas after getting rid of psychic disease islam.
Name: Seth
Subject: Reality Please
Date: Friday March 13, 2009
Time: 17:18:40 -0500
Really? Do you think that the buck stops at religion? There are always political, economic, and social factors involved here. Perhaps a discussion on European colonization or American exploitation of the Middle East it due. Forget Islam and Christianity for a second and think about the less obvious. And What makes Christianity right? Our belief in it? Hundreds of years of political corruption in Churches? Hatred of the other? If anything there are more similarities than not. More Jews have certainly been killed in the name of Christianity than in the name of Islam (the Spanish inquisition for example). The only reason Israel exists today is because Europeans, who controlled the middle east at the time, wanted to satiate the Jews while ridding themselves of them at the same time. Reality is more complicated than misinterpreted liturgy and a Western obsession with fundamentalism.