Iran: It’s Time for a Progressive Revolution
01 Jul, 2007
The father of the Islamic coup d’etat in Iran is also considered one of the twentieth century’s founders of Islamic terrorism—the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Khomeini was an extremely brutal man instilled from his upbringing with Islamic superstitions and prejudices, but otherwise possessing little education. Claiming to be descended from Muhammad, Khomeini was steeped in anti-secularist, Islamist supremacist thought that is often bred in Islamic seminaries.
As his religious beliefs inevitably mixed with political and social
doctrine, he became a part of Iran’s rapid descent from a nation
re-emerging as a free and prosperous country to an Islamic
theocracy. His role became increasingly one of justifying and
urging Sharia and the suppression of human rights as a means to
perpetuate Islamic rule. He insisted that all Iranian freedoms not
specifically authorized in the Quran were a part of the American and
Zionist “agenda”, and he urged civil unrest throughout the nation.
He was deservedly exiled to Iraq for 15 years. In the midst of the
civil unrest, Khomeini returned to Tehran in February, 1979 and
turned the rejuvenated Islamic passion into rabid anti-Americanism
and anti-Western values.
Fortunately for him, Khomeini would soon find that he had friends in
high places. The US had just elected Jimmy Carter as President, a
man considered hostile to Israel and pro-American interests in the
Middle East. It was
Jimmy Carter who reassured the world that the Ayatollah Khomeini
was a peaceful and “Holy Man”. With Carter’s support, the Ayatollah
Khomeini was installed as the unelected dictator of Iran.
“A strong intelligence has begun to emerge that US President
Jimmy Carter attempted to demand financial favors for his political
friends from the Shah of Iran. The rejection of this demand by the
Shah could well have led to former President Carter’s resolve to
remove the Shah from office.” For his monumental ineptitude,
President Carter earned for America one of the greatest and shameful
events known as the “Iranian Hostage Crisis”, which perhaps not only
cost Carter his presidency but also helped the hostage taker,
President Ahmadinejad, earn his.
One might think that former President Jimmy Carter has learned his
lessons during his presidency and now he should be en route to
promoting freedom, or given his manifest maladroitness, perhaps he
should just quietly enjoy his retirement. Instead, he has continued
to spout anti-American sentiments and nearly treasonous accusations
against more sensible American policies, as he willingly allies
himself with despots, dictators and many Islamic terrorists around
the world in the name of “dialogue”.
Jimmy Carter has earned himself a reputation for actively
participating in strategies that aim at the destruction of America
and the
State of Israel.
In addition to assistance from Carter, the Khomeinist Revolution was
aided by many left-leaning, anti-American, anti-Israeli power
brokers in Europe as well. One example of such prejudice and
arrogance is the Nobel Committee, which eagerly bestowed the Nobel
Peace Prize upon the man who helped set the stage for Islamic
terrorism in the Middle East, who recently accused Israel—the only
remaining Democracy in that region of imposing
Perhaps we should not be shocked by their rewarding one of their own
for prejudice and incompetence. After all, the committee must have
known that Carter had made the terrorist Yasir Arafat a
mega-millionaire by giving American tax dollars to such a ruthless,
conniving thug in exchange for a temporary truce that would last
just long enough for the dishonorable Carter to receive his
But then again, what else might we expect from a group so committed
to anti-Americanism that they would not only promote one of
America’s worst Presidents, but also the former Palestinian
terrorist, Yasir Arafat (who was responsible for thousands of
terrorist attacks against the Israeli people), as well as Peace
Prize Laureate, Ms. Shirin Ebadi, who has become the spokesperson
for the most ruthless government in the world, the Islamic Republic
of Iran?
With this help, Khomeini deposed the Shah and accomplished his great
wish, the enslavement of a free Iran and the establishment of a base
for exporting terrorism. However, this revolution was anything but
popular. Certainly, the effects of authentic revolution will always
involve greater masses of people, whether they actively participate
or not.
But in Iran’s case, only 8 to 10 percent of the population was
involved in establishing the plenary Islamic State.
Nevertheless, the Islamic Revolution brought about a massive shift
of powers from the State to the incompetant and dogmatic terrorist
clergies. Progressive Iran had been derailed. Instead of a Persian
society moving toward secular rule, democracy and individual rights,
it lurched backwards into the hands of a clergy that would rule with
the pre-enlightened tactics of terror and brutality that is Sharia.
Bluntly speaking; one cannot be an Islamic cleric without being a
terrorist. Terror and Islam go hand in hand. They are inseparable
entities, conjoined in scripture, sanctioned by Muhammad, and
demonstrated throughout Islamic history.
"When the sacred forbidden months for fighting are past, fight and
kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive,
torture them, and lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem
of war." Qur'an 9:5
The Islamic revolution of 1979 was one of the most regressive and
oppressive revolutions in the history of mankind. It directly led to
continuously violent bloodshed, cruelty, hatred, poverty,
prostitution, drug addiction, intimidation, stoning to death,
forcing Iranian women to wear compulsory hijab, execution of
thousands of innocent people without any due process, creating a
culture of nihilism and despair.
These are the fruits of Khomeini, Carter, and smug elitists like
those at the Nobel committee who hate Israel and America so much
that they would encourage any form of depravity rather than witness
the blossoming of a society that desires freedom, independence, and
tolerance in alignment with the principles that also happen to make
up the foundation of America. At the hands of the leftist-Islamic
alliance, the Islamic Revolution in Iran was able to suffocate its
entire population and now threatens the world.
While some Westerners polish their “peace” prizes, congratulate
themselves, and pay honoraria to each other for making lofty but
irrelevant speeches, the world is in chaos. Those in the West who
are responsible for helping pave the way for this barbaric system of
terror in Iran now find themselves and their children at war with
radical Islam themselves. As the saying goes, “you reap what you
sow” and the world is reaping the whirlwind.
Apparently the Ayatollah Khomeini forgot to mention to former
President Carter that the Islamic Revolution was never intended to
stop at Iran’s borders. The “holy Quran” is clear about this: the
entire world must submit to the authority of Sharia and all must bow
to their true masters under the domination of Allah.
Khomeini and his successor, the Ayatollah Khamenei, have raped Iran
economically in a bloodthirsty quest to finance their obligation
under Islam, which is to export the Islamic Revolution throughout
the world, including, but not limited to, nations where Islam
already has a foothold. In comparison, Vladimir Lenin also believed
in exporting a working class revolution and insisted on uniting the
working class against the imperialist West. He said: "The Russian
Revolution is only one of the contingents of the international
socialist army, on the action of which the success and triumph of
our revolution depends.” The parallels between leftist idealism and
Islamic idealism are real.
Sickeningly, the Iranians, historically among the most civilized and
tolerant of mankind's peoples, are now viewed as the base recruits
of a primitive seventh century barbaric campaign of Islamofascism.
Iran, under the stranglehold and machinations of the Mullahs, has
been transformed, in less than three decades, into the lead
perpetrator of all that is abhorrent to humanity.
I urge my Western friends not to blame all of Iran for the faults of
the regime. Most of these people have suffered immensely under the
banner of “Islamofascism”. They are oppressed people with no
voice. Do not give up on them, as they are an underclass with no
power, controlled by a rank of enforcers and war-makers called the
“Mullahs”. The last thing they need is appeasing negotiators to
give the Mullahs a new lease on life, or a shower of bombs from the
Let me also assure my Western friends that not only every single
Iranian alive today will support the total integrity of Iran, but
they would rather die than to see an inch of their country taken
away. Resentments of the Mullahs aside, first and foremost, all
Iranians believe that Iran must remain intact. Iranians will NEVER
negotiate their country for their freedom. It must be fully
understood that separation is not on the table.
The Shiite Iran is currently home to over 300,000 Mullahs. The most
descriptive term for Mullah is parasite. A Mullah begins his career
as a parasite, lives as a parasite and dies as a parasite, simply
because he contributes absolutely nothing to the necessities of
life, yet gobbles disproportionately more of whatever resources he
can devour.
A Mullah is the principal agent of terror, believing his cause to be
the cause of Allah. This misanthrope is the outcome of Islam. He
is the result of adherence to the Islamic creed, precisely as
codified in scripture. This raw, despicable regime represents the
inevitable result of Islam, and its calling card of terrorism is now
marching from the Iranian focal point to all parts of the globe.
Progress only thrives in a marketplace of free ideas, where beliefs
and viewpoints clash, not people. It is through the unimpeded clash
of ideas that the best decisions and actions are reached. Islam is
anathema to this invaluable principle. By forcing itself on any and
all people it could, Islam violated this vital principle and it aims
to continue to do so to this day. It is not the non-Muslim world,
the convenient scapegoat, but Islam itself that is the culprit for
our chronic ills. Most of the people of Iran know this, and seek to
put Islam in its proper place.
It must be noted that the overwhelming majority of Iranians of
various ethnicities and religions remain faithful to their ancient
creed– a creed that was given to the world by Zoroaster, the triad
of Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds. It is of vital interest
of the free world to stay the course with the Iranians and enlist
its power in support of freedom-loving Iranians to topple the ruling
Islamofascists who are bent on wreaking death and destruction in the
For nearly twenty-eight years, in the name of Islam, the Iranian
people have been paying a heavy price for these despotic parasites.
In the name of Islam, individuals have been stripped of all the
rights that they ought to enjoy. In the name of Islam, the economy
has been destroyed and the historic culture is being extinguished.
In the name of Islam, the Islamic regime is purging Iranian
The time for a progressive revolution has arrived. The majority of
Iranian people refuse to be fooled and intimidated any longer. They
refuse to obey orders from the beasts of Allah currently ruling
Iran. Iranians have recognized the fundamental weakness of their
oppressors. With a little help here and little help there, they can
be transformed overnight from seemingly subdued and helpless sheep
into mighty lions.
Unlike what you may hear from the regime’s propagandists,
dissatisfaction with the rule of the Mullahs is widespread. You will
not read about it in many anti-American media outlets, but Iranian
students, traditionally the vanguard of political and social reform
in Iran, continue their valiant struggle in the face of torture,
imprisonment and death. Labor unions, although tightly controlled,
are in a constant state of rebellion against the inhumane treatments
by the Islamic State. Ethnic and religious minorities suffering
under the ruthless Islamic injustice and pogrom-like measures are
ripe for mass eruption.
This week’s
gasoline riots in Tehran were the signs of unhappiness with this
incompetent regime and people’s readiness for a full-fledged
revolution. There are some similarities between the last revolution
and the upcoming revolution. But this time around people’s
participation will be much higher, and unlike the Shah who left the
country to avoid a bloodbath, the ruthless Mullahs will most likely
crush thousands or even millions of people before they give up
It is extremely important to keep in mind that the key to victory in
Iraq is also in the hands of the Iranian people. Thus it is for the
good of all concerned that we start supporting the Iranian people
and their success of toppling a terrorist regime. Let us hope that
the world has learned its lessons.
It is time for the Iranians to strike, gather forces, organize and
especially demonstrate in the streets in increasing numbers, even in
the face of massive, gruesome, bloody repression by the Islamic
rulers who still have a powerful armed apparatus at their disposal.
It is time to unleash the wrath of the Iranian people on the Islamic
zealots. It is time to become even more defiant and end the barbaric
theocratic regime by massively participate in a progressive
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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page:
Name: John Doe
Date: Saturday June 30, 2007
Time: 21:46:55 -0700
Iran is creating a strategic petroleum reserve.