Last August, President George W. Bush used
the term “Islamic Fascism” in a speech. In no time at all, the
Bush-bashers, Islamic propaganda organizations and the rabid left
unleashed a campaign of assault on the President for insulting the
Muslims and sullying the sanctified religion of Islam by linking
its name with fascism.
Opportunistic Democrats were just too happy to lead the attack on
the President. An aspirant for presidency, to the left of the left
Democratic Senator from Wisconsin Russ Feingold was so indignant
by this “horrific” slander of the President smearing the stainless
name of Islam that he found it his solemn duty to write a letter
to the President lecturing him on his unacceptable use of the
Did the President indeed slander Islam, or people like Feingold
are Bush-bashers who for their own reasons would never miss an
opportunity to berate President Bush as well as those who support
him? Let the facts decides.
“Fascism is a radical political ideology that combines elements of
corporatism, authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism,
anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism.” -- Wikipedia,
the free online encyclopedia.
Let us examine each characteristic of fascism, one at a time, and
see if the President was justified or did he indeed misspeak.
Radical: Islam is so radical that even the term “radical” does not
adequately depict its true character. The founder of Islam,
Muhammad, behaved in extreme ways whenever he could. Early on, in
Mecca, among his tribe of Quraysh, he was ridiculed as a Crazed
Poet. Ordinary residents of Mecca scorned him in their habitual
way of treating the mentally deranged. What did Muhammad do? He
personified meekness itself. He put up with extreme indignities,
did not fight back and suffered abuses.
Time was on Muhammad’s side. Before long, he attracted followers,
some of whom such as Omar, Osman and Abu Bakr, were men of power
and influence. Then the pendulum swung. The long-suffering meek
became the tyrannical avenger. He ordered all the idols in the
idolatry of Mecca destroyed, including the one called Allah. Yet,
he selected the same name for a non-corporeal deity who
commissioned him as his messenger. Then Allah’s messenger Muhammad
set out to systematically exterminate people he perceived as his
tormentors and enemies—Jews of Medina, among others.
As for teachings of Islam, “radical” is the most fitting term. The
Quran is full of black and white, right and wrong, acceptable and
unacceptable. Men who didn’t convert to Islam were labeled
infidels and slaughtered; their women and children were taken
along with all their belongings as booty. It was either
Islam’s-way or the high way. This radicalism is very much in
action today.
Political Ideology: Islam is and has always been political, in the
form of Imamate, Caliphate or by proxy where Islam through
religious divines controlled the state. Saudi Arabia, for
instance, does not even have a constitution. The Quran is the
constitution. The country has a king. Yet, the king is the supreme
enforcer of the laws dictated by Islam.
In another Islamic country, Iran, where the mullahs rule, the
constitution is squarely based on the Quran. Many laws are
strictly drawn from the Shariah. The mosque is the state and no
other competing political ideology is permitted.
Corporatism: The individual’s very limited rights are subservient
to that of the collective. Religious dictates over-rule the
exercise and expression of individualism.
Authoritarianism: Islam is theocracy, the rule of the clerics. The
authoritarianism runs from the top to the bottom in a strict
hierarchy with Allah at the top, to his Prophet, to the Caliphs or
the Imams, to the lesser men of cloth along the chain of command.
No one is allowed to contest or dispute the word and actions of
the authorities. Islam and democracy, therefore, are inherently
irreconcilable. In some Islamic circles Muslims speak of Islamic
Democracy—an oxymoron.
Nationalism: To Islam there is only one
world-wide nation, the Islamic Ummeh. To Islam the earth is
Allah’s, political boundaries are arbitrary and there is only one
legitimate nation—the nation of Islam. The idea of one world, one
nation, is not new with Islam. A number of secular rules, rulers
and movements had aimed for the same objective. Alexander the
Great, for instance, strived toward this goal, so did Communism,
and the World Federalists still hold the vision of world
Militarism: Jihadists are the army of Allah. The use of violence
as instrument of policy has been and continues to be central to
Islam. Muslims war under the firmly-believed and widely-cherished
set of ideas that are rabidly militaristic. “No matter which side
is killed, Islam is the victor,” “You kill them, you go to
paradise, you get killed, you go to paradise,” are two examples of
exhortation to jihadism and war.
Anti-anarchism: Islam does not even tolerate the basic rudiments
of liberty. Anarchism can be considered as liberty gone amuck. So,
Islam is anti-anarchist as a matter of course. Furthermore, the
very name of Islam means “submission.” And anarchism is 180
degrees from submission—Islam is the rule of the
absolute—anarchism is the rule of no rules.
Anti-communism: Islam is based on the belief in a supreme being,
Allah. This fundamental precept makes it incompatible with any
materialistic philosophy, including communism. Islam, furthermore,
places great importance on the rewards and punishment of the next
life and denigrates the value of material existence—ideals
disharmonious with the main tenets of materialistic Communism.
Anti-liberalism: Islam contends that it has the perfect divine
prescription of life, brought to mankind as its eternal charter.
Hence, human interventions and inventions are not only
unacceptable; they are detrimental to the implementation of the
perfect edicts. Liberal ideas trigger change. To Islam, any change
from the perfect design of Allah, necessarily is in error and must
not be allowed.
Islam fully meets each of the nine distinctive features of
fascism. “If the shoe fits, wear it,” as the saying goes. Islam is
fascist. Muslims and their apologists are guilty of denial and
dishonesty. They have no ground at all for objecting to the
contention that Islam is fascism. President George W. Bush did not
If Muslims find fascism repugnant, then they should reconsider
being Muslims.