Islamobil: Mosque on Wheels
09 Aug, 2008
- It is in these Islamic places that the impressionable young and the fanatical adults are drilled with the duty to carry out Jihad against the Dar ul Harb (“land of war”—anyplace not completely under the rule of Islam.)
Operating this vast network of Islamism requires significant financing. Saudi Arabia has spent over $80 billion for these operations since 1970. The other Persian Gulf States, with their treasuries flush with oil money, have done and continue to do their share of financing.
Not to be out-done by the virulent Wahhabism of the Saudis and their co-sectist Sunnis, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been bank-rolling its own array of clientele in the Middle East, much of Africa, and as far away as Southeast Asia and Latin America in a push for Shiism. The-non-Muslim world is literally caught in a pincer of the two rabid Islamic forces.
There are those who still delude themselves by preferring to believe that Islam has not made as many inroads into the United States as it has in other parts of the world, such as Europe. Facts prove otherwise.
According to a National Portrait, a survey released in April 2001, there were at least 1,209 mosques in the US. According to the latest report, this number has sky-rocketed to as many as 6,000 mosques in 2008.
Two years ago, the Islamobil debuted in Germany to teach the German people what a peaceful religion Islam really is. The concept of Islamobil appears to be the brainchild of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is a way of taking the mosque to the people who lack a Takeyeh (mosque) in their own neighborhood.
In addition to all the stationary and mobile mosques, Islam is advanced by a large cadre of auxiliaries. Dr. Paul Williams (former FBI consultant, best-selling author and investigative journalist) reports that many Muslim businesses around the country conduct their regular businesses during the day and in the evening they turn their stores into Islamic gathering places. There are several thousands of these make-shift “Takeyehs”.
Disguised as religion, Islam has penetrated the democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of theocracy and Sharia. Islam’s multi-pronged attack aims to destroy all that liberty offers.
America, with a long tradition of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. We must keep in mind that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, a Muslim must adhere to and perform many obligatory acts, as specified in the Quran by Allah and the Hadith/Sunna, during his entire life.
“Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.” Quran 9:73
Irrespective of what the term Islam may mean, the facts
on the ground conclusively demonstrate Islam's violent
nature from its very inception. No need to go back to the
time of Muhammad and examine the historical records. Just a
few contemporary events should make the point.
Here is a partial list: the savage Shiite-Sunni bloodletting in Iraq; the barbarism of the resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan; the genocide in Sudan's Darfur region; the Somali killings; the Iranian mullahs' murder of their own people and support of mischief abroad; the cross-border attack on Israel by Lebanese Hizbollah; the incessant terrorist acts of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, and the Fatwas of the Palestinians against Israel.
As a group, Islamists are paranoid and suffer chronically from the disease of victimization. That is, they either victimize the helpless whenever and wherever they can, or scream murder against the strong. This mentality is one of the many bequests that Muhammad left for his Ummah. And it is well-known that paranoia is a powerful impeller to acts of violence. The Quran commands the faithful to make war against the non-Muslims and the deeply paranoia-inflicted Muslims are just too happy to comply.
Recall that Muhammad himself bemoaned his victim plight in Mecca, packed his bags and fled to Medina where the Jews were not as vicious as his own Quraish tribe who ran the lucrative tourist business of the idolaters.
Once in Medina with a band of booty-hungry followers, Muhammad was metamorphosed to a cruel victimizer, with the Jews as handy and tempting easy prey.
The handwriting is on the wall. The wall is presently covered with bold letters on the other side of the Atlantic: Islam is taking over with much of the Sharia law in effect in many parts of Europe, including the source of our Common Law, Great Britain.
Before long, we can expect the arrival of the Islamobil in this land to join forces with the already-in-place Islamic digs called mosques to help replace our free and secular society with the barbaric Islamic rule and its Sharia.
With the average citizen, and not the devious and for-purchase-politicians, rests the solemn obligation to act, and act now, to compel our government to stem the tide of Islamism before it is too late.
I am not an alarmist. Please take time and read the reports of what is happening in Europe. Also, investigate how the petrodollar-intoxicated Islamists are buying people and services they need to further their aim. Freedom is priceless. We should accept no price for it nor should we allow anyone to tender freedom to the invaders on our behalf.
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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page:
Name: very eye opening article...
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 00:01:26 -0700
very eye opening article to prevent islam one must also sacrifice christianity, which is imperitive,one must teach the truth of evolution and expose the falsehood of creationism. spirituality, morality, honest, truth, love, has nothing to do with religion more so with judeo-chrtsinaiyt/islam. TEACH EVOLUTION WITH GREATER FORCE AND DESTROY ISLAM.
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 00:45:32 -0700
HEHEHEHE! Only cults like Islam and Christianity needs peddling to gain followers! Only thesetwo cults have the art of 'taqiya' and 'proselytising' to promote their faith , because both require intellectual vaccuum to have just blind faith sans brain or thinking!
Name: islam and christianity need proselytising
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 03:00:37 -0700
islam/christianity need proselytising to get new converts,but now we must proseltyse in name of truth evolution and huamnity to win back all humans who r deluded by the judeo christaintiy islam,else all will be lost in nuke jihad/crusades.
Name: Muhammad
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 05:30:50 -0700
Amil Imani , please go and wash your mouth, you stinkin rat
Name: To all those guys who criticise christianity
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 11:01:08 -0700
I must say that those who criticise christianity do not show any evidence of the christian gospels encouraging wrong doing. It is an open challenge to them to put it forward if they think it can be proven. Also if christian societies were so bad why is it that the christian world is the most progressive in the world and the most prosperous. Most innovaions which the modern world has like telephone, radio, tv, and even the computer and internet have ocome from christian societies. Also this dude who continually talks about evolution should know that it was charled darwin a devout christian who put forward the theory and it did not shake his faith in christianity. Jesus said " a tree is known by its fruit" . Is it fair to say that the world has seen a continuos progress because of the progressiveness of the christian world? Look at the nobel price list, look at the technological inventions- all from christian inventors. James watt, Issac Newton, Thomas edison, Guuenberg, James maxwell, Michael Faraday etc. The list goes on and on. This proves Christian societies are progressive.
Name: Christians do spread their religion - Matthew
Date: Saturday August 09, 2008
Time: 11:13:39 -0700
Christians do spread their religion and the world is the better for it. I have just proved in my last comment that christian societies are the most progressive and the world is better for it. The right to propagate ones faith is an extension of the right to expression. That is why it is enshrined in almost all democratic societies and constitutions. Take away that and the freedom of expression becomes meaningless. It is a basic human right. Go to any christian country and you will see that this right is highly respected. In the US and europe you will see hindu temples and Muslim mosques and Sikh Gurudwaras freely practising and propagating their faith. The Krishna Consciouseness movement distributes a lot of material on the vedas and the gita and no one ever condemns it. In fact it is applauded. And that is the way it should be. Christians will preach the Gospel of Jesus christ and we are not ashamed of it because it is a sublime teaching. It is only in islamic societies that it is forbidden to propagate ones faith. And we all know what islam stands for. That much this web site has made clear.
Name: tanstaafl
Date: Sunday August 10, 2008
Time: 09:40:20 -0700
Islam forbids...........and allows.............duality is a central doctrine of the "religion of peace". Determining what Islam will DO is a study of statistics and history. In the past 1400 years, the one constant in Islamic history is the practice of violent jihad against kufirs. The genocide in Darfur is simply the latest example of the unending jihad.
Name: To tanstaafl
Date: Sunday August 10, 2008
Time: 20:25:57 -0700
What do you know about Dafur? Just because dafur has Oil and the Chinese and the Indians are gaining in trading with Sudan, the west has caused a refugee crisis, by instigating a minor section from dafur to fight the the sudanese goernment. The West does not warnt the Chinese and the Indians to be dominant economically. If ther were no oil do you think the world would have highlighted this? Tibet does not have oil, but they are strugling to be a free country again. What have the western governments done regarding this? Grow up?
Name: Islamists have a rat's chance of succeeding
Date: Sunday August 10, 2008
Time: 21:00:44 -0700
The reason I don't think Muslims will succeed is because they can't even get their act together - the different sects are fighting against each other, moderates and radicals don't get along, many are leaving the faith, they are only a tiny percentage of Western population, Muslim countries are poor, backward and the people lack intelligence. However, local resistance is also a key ingredient in their eventual failure. So while I find this article somewhat alarmist, I think one should never be complacent when it comes to fighting an Islamic takeover.
Name: To: Matthew
Date: Sunday August 10, 2008
Time: 21:11:53 -0700
The progress in "Christian" (ie. secular) nations today is due to humanism, not Christianity. From the Renaissance onwards, Europe has steadily departed from a theocratic- based government to assert the right of the individual as a HUMAN BEING. What the West enjoys today is the fruit of that humanistic ideology. Christians have oppposed this every step of the way but is gradually adapting to changes in society. That said, I agree there's no evidence in the Gospels encouraging wrongdoing. All the cruelties in Chrisitanity were taken from the Old Testament from the barbaric god, Yahweh. Christians should do better getting back to heart of Christianity in the Gospels and discard anything contrary from the OT.
Name: To "To Mathew" - Mathew
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 01:03:59 -0700
You have said the following "The progress in "Christian" (ie. secular) nations today is due to humanism, not Christianity." Christianity embodies humanism and humanistic ideals so it encourages progress. Your next point "From the Renaissance onwards, Europe has steadily departed from a theocratic- based government to assert the right of the individual as a HUMAN BEING." Christianity does not encourage theocracy. Jesus said, "give to caesar what is caesars and to God what is Gods" Here is a statement clearly separating state from religion. Also Jesus said " my kingdom is not of this world" once again distancing himself from the affairs of state. There were instances in the past when christian clergy did make use of the spiritual authority given to them by usurping state power for themselves. This trend did not last long because it was not backed up by the teachings or example of Jesus.
Name: Bill Morgan
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 10:20:08 -0700
Didn't a Christian king give Muhammed protection from his enemies? Ethiopian king, I believe. Don't Muslims believe Allah, used the Christians, at this serious time of their History? So why the hatred towards Christian?
Name: Bill Morgan
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 10:31:25 -0700
On the comment: very eye opening article,Sat.Aug.9,2008: Why does Darwin's book ? "On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection", also have a subtitle, "The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life".
Name: To: To "To Mathew" - Mathew
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 16:20:11 -0700
The Church has not always followed those ideals. Christianity has played a vital part in government from the time of the Emperor Constantine till the Middle Ages. The rise of democracy, the separation of religion and science and the Enlightenment were a move away from Church influence. Although Jesus advocated a humanistic philosophy, that is not true of the Old Testament. Christianity has had its share of atrocities eg. the Inquisition, persecution of Jews, the destructin of Native American, Mayan and Aztec cultures. Christians have brought calamity wherever they've gone. At the end of the day, I think it's a stretch to attribute Western progress to Christianity.
Name: reply to your comments
Date: Monday August 11, 2008
Time: 17:28:45 -0700
You have said "The Church has not always followed those ideals" Good . at least we agrre that christian ideals do not favour persecution nor interference in state affairs. "The rise of democracy, the separation of religion and science and the Enlightenment were a move away from Church influence." Mostly true especially of the catholic church but not necessarily of the other christian denominations. However there were clergy who recognised that the role of the church should be on spiritual matters and that the church should not wield military or political power. This is in line with the message of christ. "Christianity has had its share of atrocities eg. the Inquisition, persecution of Jews, the destructin of Native American, Mayan and Aztec cultures. " So have followers of all faiths. The history of the world is also a history of conflict. Whether it is the khmer civilisation, or the babylonians, or the assyrians, the aryans , the romans the history of human civilisation is among other things a history of conflict. Bloody conflict. I know the history of asian countries especially of the indian sub continent and i know the wars which have been fought for the land and its wealth. No one is exempt from that. The christians were not more barbaric than others. In fact the message of christ asked people to rise above their base tendencies and you can see it in the liberal societies which flourish n christian countries. " Christians have brought calamity wherever they've gone." THe most advanced prosperous countries in the world are christian countries. They dont seem to be facing calamity. Most of the advances in the fields of science, technology, medicine have come from christian countries. THe whole of human kind has benefited from such progress. The next time you take an antibiotic or get vaccinated you know that you owe your life to a christian who worked with dedication to take humanity forward. Alexander fleming, Edward jenner, louis pasteur. jonas salk etc. Still want to say that christians cause calamity? You, me and many people owe are lives to progress made in christian societies. " At the end of the day, I think it's a stretch to attribute Western progress to Christianity." WHy is it then that nations with majority christian populations progressed more rapidly than the rest of the world? Who are the most winners of noble prises? christians. why not non christians? let us see who are at the top along with the christian world. Only Japan and that too japan was shaped with its clash with christian europe and US (transplanted europeans). They are great at manufacturing but the basic breakthrioughs and innovations in electronics, automobiles, etc came once again fron christian countries. Seems it is too much to be a coincidence that the christian countries are at the top. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: To: reply to your comments
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 10:51:50 -0700
It seems we're going round in circles. Like I said Western countries are secular and not Christian. European progress has happened in direct proportion to their move away from the Church. " The history of the world is also a history of conflict. Whether it is the khmer civilisation, or the babylonians, or the assyrians, the aryans , the romans the history of human civilisation is among other things a history of conflict" These were political conflicts. I'm referring to Christian missionary atrocities. I won't bore you with a long post but those interested can go to " WHy is it then that nations with majority christian populations progressed more rapidly than the rest of the world? " Colonialism. The rest of the world was bipping along fine until the colonials came along, got their hands into local affairs and messed things up, sometimes destroying civilisaions, annihilating cultures. Even though the colonials were often more culturally backward than their subjects, they won through superior military power and cunning. After being colonised there were naturally no more opportunities for these countries to progress. "Who are the most winners of noble prises? christians." Just because they're white, doesn't mean they're Christians. Some are atheists, many are Jews. And just because they're Christians, doesn't mean they were devout. As for the dearth of non-Caucasian Nobel winners, see the answer above. Christianity, or any religion, has nothing to do with intelligence and talent.
Name: Reply to your comments
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 12:59:24 -0700
You said that "Christianity, or any religion, has nothing to do with intelligence and talent." I never said that. I amd saying that christianity helps people use their full potential. Everyone on this earth has intelligence and potential but some religious ideologies help people unlock this potential. Others dont. Jesus said "if you have faith nothing is impossible to you" and "the kingdom of heaven is within you" Muslim backwardness cannot be said to be due to lack of intelligence. I think they are as intelligent as anyone else. Only they have a religion which does not encourage free expression and free thought.
Name: Reply to your comments regarding colonialism
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 13:21:14 -0700
Christian missionaries did not only commit atrocities as you would have us all believe. Yes there were excesses but I have already proved that this was not in line with christs teaching. I have challenged anyone to prove otherwise. According to you the advance of the western world was due to secularism. There was no secularism in newtons, daltons, time. Yet the west had already moved ahead of the rest of the world. And secularism does not mean non religious it just means that state and religion are kept separate which I have also said is in line with christs thinking. Jesus did not come for wordly power. He came to show the fair to a better life in this world and in the next. However Jesus message is empowering and helps unlock human potential. Sadly the west after having been empowered did not always use this potential for human benefit. Colonialism is the wrong use of human potential. When the age of colonialism came the western colonial powers won over the rest of the world because they had superior technology. This they harnessed to conquer the world. As time progresses technology becomes more decisive in deciding global dominance. A case in point is the example of the sole super power. The US. The US has the most advanced technology and it uses this to dominate the world. It took just two weeks for the US to depose saddam. While Newton and his contempraries set the foundation for modern science others set out to colonise the world. Unlocked potential can be used for good or for evil. Sadly it was not always used for the good. Thank you my friend for engaging me in this discussion which has helped me come to a fuller understanding of the complex history of our world.
Name: In Indonesia, new churches are forbidden
Date: Tuesday August 12, 2008
Time: 21:34:47 -0700
If Islam was holy, why do the moslems are afraid? In Indonesia, the minister of Internal Affairs and the minister of Religion, made their joint decision that if in a radius of 200 meters, there is any moslem rejected the building of a church, then the building of the church must be banned. It is against basic human rights to worship his God. Maybe it is better to ask other countries, to ban tourism to Indonesia, as long as the government donot cancel/annule that regulation.
Name: Darfur Sudan, etc
Date: Friday August 15, 2008
Time: 23:18:51 -0700
The truth is that in Darfur and other parts of Sudan Muslims have been selling Christians into slavery for many years. As to the comment of the old testament, only the peoples who were that depraved God told the Israelites to kill. One day we ALL will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ to give an account for ourselves. The question is, are we ready?! If you haven't accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior, there is still time to do so. But, there won't always be time, after death it's too late if one has not!(Heb. 9:27)."He that believeth is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already: because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."(Christ's own words:John 3:18).