Iran Mullahs’ Blame Game
16 Aug, 2008
- The Mullahs presently ruling Iran are faced with monumental threats. Internally, the great majority of the populace is against their misrule. Labor unions, teachers associations, student groups, religious and ethnic minorities, journalists and many others have suffered and continue to suffer inordinate hardship under the heavy-handed Mullahs and their front-men. Externally, they are engaged in brinksmanship with the United States and Israel, while trying to wrestle the mantle of Islamic leadership from the Sunni Saudis and their Wahhabi cabal.
The Mullahs deflect responsibility for the mess they have made of Iran by skillfully playing the blame game. Blaming others for our problems seems to have become part of our national character, dating some 1400 years to the time when an army of bloodthirsty savages lofting the banner of Islam invaded our country. These barbarians hailed out of the Arabian Peninsula, heartlessly slaughtered innocent people, burned libraries, and took whatever they wanted, including women and children, as booty of war.
My country, the present Iran, a cradle of civilization, the land of Cyrus the Great—the first author of the Human Rights Charter—was ravaged by the Muslim killers. The upstanding Iranian people who lived by the Great Zoroaster’s triad of Goodly Thoughts, Goodly Speech, and Goodly Deeds stood no chance against the Muslim beasts who had been promised by Muhammad: if you kill, or you get killed, either way you will be admitted to Allah’s gloriously lush paradise for eternity in compensation. This pie-in-the-sky paradise of Allah, Muhammad intimated, includes among other things, rivers of milk and honey as well as 72 virgins for every male.
The invasion of my country was only the start of the tenacious scourge of Islam. Slaughtering people by hundreds of thousands at the time left the remainder of the Iranians little choice but to convert to the creed of this cult of violence. Choiceless millions converted to Islam and a few hundred thousand brave souls circled the wagon, so to speak, and held firm to their creed of light—the Zoroastrian faith. For centuries, the Zoroastrians paid heavily in all manners of ways under the rule of the converted Muslims; many were forced to leave for other lands such as India, while others were driven out of their habitats to marginal parts of the land.
Yet, all along many Iranians revered the religion of their ancestors and resented the Arab-imposed creed. Nonetheless, the virus of Islam had taken deep roots. As a result a compromise evolved. The overwhelming majority of the Iranians, who had become some sort of generic Muslims, parted company with the original line of Sunni-Caliphate and adopted Shiism. The tragic history of Shiism appealed to the Iranians who felt great affinity, consciously or unconsciously, with the tragic suffering of the Imamate line at the hand of the mainstream Sunni Muslims.
Switching allegiance from one sect of the cult of death to another did little more than provide a venting opportunity to the victimized Iranians. They could not find it in themselves to get rid of the Islamic virus while it offered them a degree of relief, enabling them to vilify the mainstream Sunnis for inflicting them with the Islamic disease in the first place.
Fourteen hundred years of suffering is far too long for any people, although the Jews hold the record for that misfortune. The Jews have at long last returned to their homeland even though they are still encircled by the vicious Arab Islamists who would like nothing better than to drown every last one of them in the sea, similar to the way the Islamists forced our Zoroastrian people out of the country or the remaining few to the edges of inhospitable desert.
With the passage of time, blaming the historical foreign invaders for our sorry plight failed as explanation. Re-playing the long-ago tragic drama of the Imams’ sufferings did little more than supply a superficial psychological relief. Real new enemy-making was in order to keep the victimization mentality alive and prevent the people from self-examination to find the true culprit for their misery.
The search for new culprits was a success story. The creative minds of the politicians and the Mullahs found grains of truth here and there and made mountains of molehills. Tsarist Russia to the north was seen as dead set to annex much of what has remained of Iran and aimed to expand itself all the way to the warm waters of the Persian Gulf. Then there were the British who had colonized Indian Subcontinent and dominated much of the Middle Eastern Arab lands. Iran was next in their hairline. The demise of the Tsarist Russia gave birth to yet a more virulent threat of the Soviet Union. Of more recent time, the United States and its support of the Shah, who had an amicable relationship with Israel, made the U.S. and Israel perfect targets of blame.
Sadly, the victimization mentality seems to have become an irreversible disease of our people, the Iranians. We have become a nation of easy answers. We ascribe blame liberally and do very little deep soul-searching. We fail to accept the fact that blaming others hasn’t done much to address our problems. Equally pathological is building straw-men to knock them down.
No matter how loudly and frequently Ahmadinejad brays about eliminating Israel and chasing the U.S. to its corner of the world, Iran’s problems will remain and the Iranian people will continue to suffer. Please, my people, don’t let this end-of-the-worlder homicidal-suicidal man and his gang of frauds take you on a certain death ride. Let us, once and for all, purge ourselves of the deadly disease of victimization and join the world in a multilateral live-and-let-live relationship. America is not our enemy, neither is Israel. We are our own worst enemy by remaining chained to the victimization mentality, buying the Mullahs’ blame game, and following the ruling Islamists who are either crooks, mentally disturbed or both.
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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page:
Name: The tragedy of iran
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 07:15:46 -0700
The fall of iran and zoroastrianism to islam is the one of the greatest tragedies in human history. Sadly zoroastrianism lacked the strenghth to resist islam. Few religions have had the strength to do so. Christianity after sufferin the loss of north africa and the middle east, anatolia etc to islam bounced back and halted the spread of islam. Islam almost over ran hinduism untill the british colonialists came and broke the stranglehold of muslims over India. They defeated zafar shah, siraj ud daulah of bengal, tipu sultan of karnataka, the sultanates of north and middle india and ended years of muslim tyranny. But they started their own tyranny over india and were finally shamed into leaving India by Gandhi. Iran is facing an abyss and the mullahs will force a showdown with the west. A battle they cannot win. May the almighty protect Iran from the mullahs and deliver iran from the evil that is islam.
Name: Ka'ba-i Zartosht
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 07:41:29 -0700
Comment Here we can clearly see that there were more Kaabas around the world than the one in Mekka and they all were non-islamic (like the one in Mekka).
Name: to kaba - zarthost
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 08:40:56 -0700
Very, very enlightening. It seems muhamed has copied a lot from previous religions including the zarathustians. Only he did not copy principles of love, mercy and compassion. He substituted murder, deceit, rape and robbery.
Name: All Fake
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 10:27:48 -0700
Archaeologists discovered hundreds of thousands of scriptures of all kind, papyri rolls and codices as well as inscriptions, but there is not a single evidence at all that any kind of islam existed before Muhammad. And there is also not a single hint that the jewish or christian scriptures had been falsified, as claimed by islam, though there are hundreds of thousands scriptures collected by the scholars, including heretical scriptures of many origines, such as gnostic and many others, but not a single peace of any muslim origine! In other words, there is no archaeological at all in favour of islam! Thus, we can conclude that Islam is nothing but an invention by Muhammad and his followers.
It means that there has been no hint ever before Islam that any of the so-called islamic prophets such as Abraham, Moses, Jona, Jesus etc had anything to do with Islam and/or that the books of the "people of the book" have been falsified! Moreover, who should have falsified the scriptures - and why??? There is no hint that there is anything behind the islamic allegations, no archaeologic evidence nor did anybody mentioned that anything like islam existed before the appearance of Muhammad. Thus, there is no reason to believe that Muhammad told the truth.
Name: About the Kaaba - Built by Adam or Abraham???
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 13:19:30 -0700
"The mention of a Ka'ba does not necessarily infer Mecca (as so many Muslims have been quick to point out), since there were other Ka'bas in existence during that time, usually in market-towns (Crone-Cook 1977:25,175)."
Name: True to word!
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 13:23:38 -0700
Name: caleb singh
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 19:59:36 -0700
can some help with these question 1. caliph walid 2 of the ummayad caliphate split the quran with a lance i want some reference source please.
Name: Iranian leader
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 01:37:15 -0700
Good article! You hit the nail on the head! Muslims always blame the US and Israel when they want to justify tyranny on others! The leader of Iran has called for the destruction of Israel and he has never apologized for this. This makes him a terrorist!
Name: Nenji la Mile
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 20:25:09 -0700
The Pahlavi dynasty began a new chapter in Persia where its name reverted to its eastern traditional form of Iran. Then Oil began its new chapter to the Economy of the Pahlavi Government. They did not encourage Free education, free health and better living standards to its people. They wanted to Indulge in extravegence for the government officials only. The Zionist backed Westerners benifited with the oil revenue by selling Arms and amunition by deviding the entire Middle east. By setting each middle eastern nations against each other, More arms sale were possible. To prove my point in to current day, Look what the Zionist backed Westerners are doing to the Afghans and the Iraqis? Is it just to teach Iran a lesson since Mosad advised Bush that the Iranians kicked the CIA in the late 70’s, As Mosad were in the US embassy in Iran and Who did not want the oil revenue that the Iranians derived from Exports to go to the people of Iran. The benefits to the Iranians would have done a lot to the country, enhance its position in the global trading map. Now the Iranian people are suffering Due to the Sanctions. Instead the Zionist backed Westerners who wanted arms to be purchased from Israeli companies at that time…... So finally how did these arms Companies get big kick backs?? Easy They got the STUPID Saudis to pay for it and got the Iraqis to fight in the early 80’s against the Iranians which was a well executed plan. So Mosad is repeating it once again now?Do we need another Nuclear War? Then why only Israel can posses nuclear weapons? the Zionist backed media always portraits the Iraniansans Islam as the bad Nations. They forget how they treat the people in the the Occupied land.
Name: caleb singh
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 05:30:58 -0700
the root of the problem lies in islamic intolerance of other cultures and civilization to a mohemmedan islam stands first and all other identities are secondary .truth be told it is not only palestine see the problems in kashmir, checnya phillipnes, nigeria, china and thailand. even if palestine is handed back to the mohammedans they will not stop their goal is world domination their philosophy is murder ,pillage,and plunder what more can you expect when their satanic prophets philosophy is iwas made victorious by terror the mohammedans have lot to learn to be civilised and tolerant of others cultures and religions
Name: DH
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 06:03:45 -0700
Brilliantly incisive article!
Name: to Nenji la Mile
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 13:16:45 -0700
Islam has killed, persecuted and terrorised non muslims for centuries beginning with the criminal founder muhamed.Muslims swear by this man and will continue to follow his example. Why should the world sympatrhise with you muslims when you are getting a taste of your own medicine? In fact the jews are treating you much better than you treated so many non muslims down the centuries. To win over the zionist enemy is easy. All you have to do is liberate yourselves from islam. In one generation your society will be so advanced that the zionists will crumble and make peace on your terms. But you will not give up islam, which is the source of your backwardness. Keep sending suicide bombers. It just shows that you think life is cheap. This will have no effect on the zionists.
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 07:57:53 -0700
Yes the Jews who were supposed to be in gas chambers are treating the mulims worst off. They settled in Palastine afterwar of ww2, when they were given temporary sanctuary. Now they have kicked the palastinians out of there very huses. Good treatment hah... My foot? Have the jews learned fromww2? will they ever?
Name: To Muslims
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 10:48:23 -0700
What about how islam conquered the world and forcibly converted people to islam? The millions of lives lost and the terrible backwardness which has become a scourge of islamic countries? The palestinians have been given their patch of land. They must accept it and live peacefully. If tomorrow the palestinians got everything they and the muslim world will turn their attention on the rest of the non muslim world and start murdering non muslims which has been going on for centuries and still goes on. We will support Israel , because it is the sword arm of the non muslim world. Your moon god allah is not as powerful as their God Jehovah. Your faces will be rubbed into the dirt till you acknowledge this as true.
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 18:45:27 -0700
The once beautiful Iran now became ugly because of Ayatollah Khomeini and his followers. Now under Achmadinejad it became worse. People are using religion to enslave other human being, it is what they did to their countrymen. Islam brings menace to humankind.
Name: To mulims Tuesday August 19, 2008
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 06:04:13 -0700
Who went in to the Americas and Asia and australia and converted Millions in to Christianity? Who wiped out the moros and converted them in Roman catholics and named that country on behalf of its King? Not Mulims. Who lays downs laws that murderers shoul be dealth with the laws rather than roaming and commiting murders. Not Muslims Which religion encourages gambling, Drinking of alchohol and and turn a blind eye for illegimate sex and fornications. Not mulims. People who do not like a just society, are the one that make big Noises about how islam can be evil.@%#$*()+_@@^@$$
Name: Walter Sieruk
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 11:20:18 -0700
The regime of Iran is so bad that it even is in the mainline press. One of which on 8/16/08 reads "Iraqi Shiite assassintion teams are being trained in at least four locations in Iran by Tehran's Qudds force and Lebanese Hezbollah and are plaining to return to Iraq in the next few months to kill specific Iraqi officials as well as U.S. and Iraqi troops." Of course those vicious Mullahs as well as Ayatollahs and Imams in leadership are behind this. What these Islamic "scholars" are really like can be seen Psalm 73:6-9. of the Biblew which reads " There pride is there necklace; they clothe themselves with violence. From their callous hearts comes iniquity; the evil conceits of their minds know no limits. they scoff,and speak with malice; in their arrogance they threaten oppression. Their mounth lay clain to heaven and their tongues takes possession of the earth." -[NIV]
Name: Christians dont encourage violence for conversion , islam does.
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 12:05:49 -0700
Christians dont encourage violence for conversion , islam does. Hers the proof - Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Sura (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
Name: 4thelord
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 12:42:31 -0700
i agree with you there are some so called christains that take the relgion way out of proprtion and say jesus said this and said that what they dont know is our god forgives at one point in the bible he said he acknowledged that there were diffrent relgions and races etc. he never said anyone who is not a christian go out and kill them and tax them higher! what are these peoples problems! this reglion is just fueled by hatred and it is brainwashing and this is a fact the relgion is shrinking 6 million muslims convert to christains every year ive seen it from a bunch of diffrent websites so i will pray a little harder that god will watch over us and put a halt to this hate cult. another thing to the reader sorry what you went thru noone should ever tell anyone what to do the true god gave us all free will i will pray that you find peace brother :)
Name: Re: The Palestine-Israel conflict
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 18:45:34 -0700
I think Israel's side of the story deserves a fair hearing. Please click on this link:
Name: Re: The Palestine-Israel conflict
Date: Sunday August 24, 2008
Time: 20:12:35 -0700
Islam never forced people to convert. I can state that the history books written by west always defends the west. Who killed the inhabitants of America (Noth and south) Then went to Asia and forced the inhabitants to convert? Not the muslims. If people like to condemn muslims thats their democratic rite, but can you prove the facts? Which country in this millenium is trying to rule the world by proxy and blame it on other religions. Certainly not muslims. The whole world bows down to istrael, except a few who know what the world will become once the Zionist rule completely.
Name: palestine - israel conflict
Date: Wednesday August 27, 2008
Time: 12:00:00 -0700
"The whole world bows down to istrael, except a few who know what the world will become once the Zionist rule completely." We need israel to fight with islam. You will realise that it is islam that is the cause for your defeat and misery. Till that time you will suffer at the hands of the Israelis. Followers of a thief. murderer, rapist, like muhamed deserve this fate.