Mullahs and Opiates
19 Aug, 2007
America and her quasi-backboned “allies” have a huge problem that
grows by the day. Expectedly, there are as many analyses of our
problem as there are “experts” to tell us what to think. A deluge of
Western analysts have their diverse expert opinions regarding the
“Mullah Problem” and what do about it. Some strategists advocate a
military solution that ranges from full invasion of Iran to
selective bombardment of its burgeoning nuclear centers and related
facilities. Others are proponents of imposing economic sanctions of
various types and severity. Still others feel that we simply have to
learn to live with the inevitable—those “crazy” Mullahs with the
Perhaps there are no easy answers. But we should still take the time
to understand the millstone that hangs around our collective necks.
Perhaps within the problem is a solution. So what are the forces at
work? What is the source of power that positions the Mullahs to be
such a large threat?
Iran’s economy is a basket case. The ruling party has eviscerated
productivity, employment, and consumer power, all while destroying
personal freedom, and buying every weapon the Russians and Chinese
can deliver. The Islamic Republic of Iran represents the cutting
edge for the newly petrodollar-invigorated Islam. This energy
exporter/arms importer is not popular at home, but its rulers
couldn’t care less. Iran is as far from a democracy as a country can
get. No wonder it is adored by the ex-Soviets, and regional
dictator-wannabes like Hugo Chavez.
But Iran is no ordinary tyranny. It has a special zeal that gives it
an edge: Islam. Iran is ruled by the mullahs, who are zealously
determined to complete their Allah-appointed task of ending the
world of “Dar-ul-Harb”—the non-Muslim world to be warred upon—and
establishing the “Dar-ul-Solh,” or “Dar-ul-Salam”—the Muslim world
of the Ummeh under the rule of the “Mahdi.” If achieving this aim
hinges on the conflagration of a Third World War, the mullahs are
more than eager to make it happen. This is their self-proclaimed
Karl Marx once said derisively about spiritualism that “religion is
the opiate of the people.” If so, one of them is more like crack
cocaine. Islam is the foundation for the Iranian theocracy’s
ideology of hate and destruction, but it is not the only force
propelling it. Therefore, do not dismiss these vicious destroyers as
mere “religious fanatics,” therefore harmless old cranks who are
disconnected to reality, soon to be replaced by sane moderates. They
are nowhere near the point of being forced out by a natural
revolution. They know what they are doing, and they are playing a
very long game of chess.
Likewise do not doubt their steadfastness to their cause even if it
means their own annihilation. If invoking catastrophe will compel
their precious Mahdi’s coming, their sentiment is “bring it on.” We
should rid ourselves of the “happy talk” we tranquilize ourselves
with by reasoning that these doddering old-world religious fools may
be mischievous, but they could never do real harm. Oh, sure, they
might be arming some Iraqi Shiites, killing a few US soldiers,
providing a little support for Hizbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in
Palestine—but they have no global destructive capacity. After all,
we pacify ourselves that we’re not exactly talking about criminal
masterminds like Hitler. Or are we?
Such optimistic self-delusions fully misunderstand the evil genius
of the Mullahs. The mullahs’ method of staying in power relies
heavily on oil for arms...and arms for complete control. They have a
sizable but otherwise insufficient cadre of true-believing Shiites,
but popular support is not needed in their situation. To remain in
power, their apparatus relies on “preventive” measures. They don’t
bother much with due process of law. Their “revolutionary guard”
dispenses with the “due” and gets right to the “process.” On the
slightest suspicion, they arrest, convict and execute. They let
Allah in the next world take the time to determine the person’s
guilt or innocence.
Presently, the Mullahs have been doing all they can to imprison and
kill with impunity the internal opposition, and want the rest of the
world to keep its nose out of their “family” business. Executions in
Iran have skyrocketed.
This bunch of miscreants has the full support of Syria, Venezuela,
and Russia. They have enthusiastic support from many terrorist
organizations in the region and drug-running organizations
worldwide. They have tacit support from China, Cuba, and France
because the power structures of these countries resent the USA, and
Iran is the leader in the expression of threats against the US
“superpower.” The Mullahs receive almost no criticism from
semi-socialist democracies like Western Europe and Canada who seem
obsessed with anti-Bush, anti-US diatribes. Certainly the UN could
care less about their bomb-building, and would be holding “talks”
after the first detonation because “everybody knows war never solved
anything”...until of course the UN building is blown away, then
you’ll see these empty-headed bureaucrats become instant
The mullahs have their job to do on God’s earth: to cleanse it from
all infidels. When one has a tall order like that to fill, he can’t
be bothered with the tedious due process the Western democracies
“waste” so much time and resources on.
But these high priests of Iran are not exactly living up to their
brand. The mullah Mafia has a great scam going. They promise the
ignorant Islamic devotees the phony ‘paradise’ of afterlife while
they themselves enjoy their paradise of women, wealth and wine on
this earth. They are unriveled in duplicity and heartlessness. So in
nearly perfect emulation of Muhammad and his leadership 1400 years
ago, the pious Mullahs go about plotting earthly destruction as they
enrich themselves and enjoy earthly pleasures on the backs of their
people. Great work!...if you can get it.
Lest you think these men should at least be admired for their self
discipline and abstention from personal sins, know that the majority
of mullahs are heavy opium smokers. In that land, opium smoking is
still very popular with people who can afford the fruit of the
Poppy. It is the Muslim’s alcohol. Although its use is prohibited by
law, with stiff penalties on the books, the use of opium continues
and has become more endemic than ever under the mullahs’ rule. This
is in part because many of the mullahs as well as the
law-enforcement officials are users and many officials make a
personal fortune by getting their cuts from the traffickers. Opium
is the drug of choice in the countryside, and heroin is primarily
used by the more affluent city dwellers. Moreover, this is the drug
that is used to calm the restless people. And don’t think that a
little of their stash doesn’t make its way to the west.
The mullahs take pleasure and pride in their lavish lifestyle and
power, and they want to bequeath it to their children, not to the
people of Iran. So they assure their minions that Allah does not
approve of the anti-Islamic practice of democracy, an invention of
“western devils.” Be sure to remember that these crafty, evil men
are also long-term planners. They have messianic plans to rule the
world some day. And with their lifestyle, they can have their cake
and eat it too: leisure, power, and destruction, insulated from the
corrective forces of the political marketplace.
The Mullahs are superb practitioners of the art of making a deal. In
this practice, like in the game of poker, much depends on how one
plays their hand. In the game of deal-making, beating around the
bush is a standard operating procedure. They know that weak-willed
Westerners feel productive when they “talk”, and engage in
“negotiations”. These activities do nothing; but then again,
accomplishing anything other than advancing their own careers and
generating an undeserved sense of self-importance is never the goal
of pinheaded diplomats.
As for the “Great Satan”, going after the mullahs seems completely
out of the question. We have no stomach for it; the Ayatollahs know
it. Even Bush’s most loyal sidekick, ex-UK-PM Tony Blair, was
opposed to it. The Iraq misadventure has hopefully taught them an
old lesson they seem to have had difficulty learning. The lesson is
that it is a terrible mistake to go half way across the world and
invade a country, unless you are able and willing to bulldoze the
whole thing from one end to the other, with all the people bar none
buried under the rubble. The reason this rule is so important for us
to learn is that having and displaying overwhelming power usually
means you will not have to use it. But because the West has
forgotten how to overwhelm the enemy, the war of attrition persists,
and the people of the West become disheartened. They can’t even
interrogate presumed terrorists; they have to send them to Egypt to
get the job done!
It’s no wonder that recent military undertakings have been
by-and-large busts— in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and even Afghanistan.
This same policy of weakness has been successfully replicated in
Israel, where the West ties Israeli hands behind their back so they
don’t “over-react” to missiles hitting their towns and cities,
tunnels dug under their borders, and soldiers being captured by
terrorists! The Mullahs know this game very, very well. They
persist, and we pretend the worst can’t happen. Whose opiate is the
more effective, theirs or ours?
In the meantime, Iran’s illegitimate regime will, with ever greater
peace of mind, pursue their quest for the nuclear bomb, by hook or
by crook, and the Mullahs of mass destruction will keep the corrupt,
yawning, toothless UN “watchdog” content and distracted by throwing
it a bone or two from time to time. Eventually, these suicidal,
homicidal followers of Muhammad will have their WMD. In time, they
will use it. Future historians will ask: how could the entire world
have seen it coming and done nothing about it? What kind of opiate
were these people on?
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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page:
Name: jake
Date: Saturday August 18, 2007
Time: 15:54:51 -0700
Islam is like crack cocaine? No, islam is like meth. It makes people violent and aggitated and while making rot from the inside out, methheads teeth turn black and fall out of there heads, it's like a prescription of Mohammed.
Name: Manfred
Date: Saturday August 18, 2007
Time: 16:18:07 -0700
I think this analysis just about sums up the problem, concisely, dispassionately, and factually accurately. However, this leaves a depressing thought.... While we can read an ever growing list of shocking human rights abuses in Iran on Amnesty International, and while the people in Iran have to suffer just about the worst economy in Asia we here in the cosy West can do little but stand by and hope things don't get even worse. We can neither help the people in any way effectively nor bear influence to bring about a half way sane government. There seems to be only two ways this nightmare can end: Either the people of Iran decide that enough is enough, which seems highly unlikely any time soon, or the whole thing implodes and Iran is burning herself out in yet another war. In reality, I really cannot see even our most appeasing politician to stand by and allow a regime like Iran to develop nuclear weapons. I don't have a lot of faith in politicians, but only a complete moron would allow such a thing. If Iran does openly continues to develop such weapons, then the rest of the world simply will have no other option but to take out that government before it presses the self-distruct button for the whole world. This of course begs the question if the Iran government has at least a tiny amount of common sense: If they do, they would, in the interest of self-preservation, leave such a weapon programme alone. But perhaps even this is too much to hope for....
Name: Muslim and PROUD of it.
Date: Saturday August 18, 2007
Time: 23:31:28 -0700
This world is very short. One day everyone has to die. The hearafter is eternal and hell and heaven are very true. Think about the creator who created us from a drop of semen. By the way it is in the quran and it was revealed 1400 years ago. Think about the purpose of creation. All the other religion give human attributes to the creator from hinduism to christianity. God cannot have son cos it would mean he is like creation. Realize the Truth
Name: robert a
Date: Sunday August 19, 2007
Time: 02:51:58 -0700
If we are to fight this war well, we have to fight the war of words also. We are Islamophobes no longer. We are now officially Islamocritics.
Name: you're a muslim loser and proud of it
Date: Sunday August 19, 2007
Time: 06:12:29 -0700
the world is very short thanks to muslims only, for the rest of productive humanity the world will progress
Name: vbv
Date: Sunday August 19, 2007
Time: 09:21:10 -0700
Muslim and proud of it.This world will evolve as scientists have discovered and this world will end in about 4 billion years when the sun has completed the fusion of hydrogen into helium and core collapse forming e red giant star enveloping allthe planets and thereafter condense to become a white dwarf,gradually dyingfusing the stellar matter into heavier elements, not because of your nonsensical doomsday of islam.Come on ,free yourself from such oppressive ignorance and superstition!Heaven,Bah! Hell Tchah!All shit and nonsense!There is no proof of such things.If one can believe in god , heaven and hell, one may also believe in ghosts,goblins,fairies,angels,devils and become a laughingstock or an idiot!These mullahs / priests / godmen /saints etc. are clever crooks who know how to put the fear of 'god' in the gullible person and swindle and live of the hardearned money of the gullible believer.These people are capable and adept at inciting the gullible to violence through their bigotry and intolerance in the name of blasphemy to their religion,which is of no real value except an imagined'hereafter subsequent to ones death.Islam is the worst of the lot as it instigates its fanatical followers to kill all "infidels" or to forcibly convert them to islam in order to reserve a place in 'jannat' or islamic heaven for an eternal afterlife of immoral indulgence in liquor and sexualorgies under the gaze of their god Allah! Come off it and try to become civilized!
Name: Re: Muslim and PROUD of it.
Date: Sunday August 19, 2007
Time: 14:24:47 -0700
"All the other religion give human attributes to the creator from hinduism to christianity." Don't Muslims describe Allah as merciful? I guess when you're Muslim that cannot possibly be a human attribute.
Name: bobby
Date: Monday August 20, 2007
Time: 09:19:09 -0700
Maybe all organized religions have got it wrong. The truth is for you to find and lies somewhere in between all the crap that gets added to every religion in order to make people adhere and grow their faith and make the group of followers as large as possible. Its a human instinct to like having more people as part of your own group. Some do it by instilling fear anothers by pleading. They also like to make other religions look bad by comparing silly things like "proud to be muslim" guy.
Date: Monday August 20, 2007
Time: 21:06:04 -0700
And nearest among them in love to the Believers wilt thou find those who say; "We are Christians"; because amongst these are men devoted to learning, and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant". (Quran 5: 82)
Name: Mullah Bomber
Date: Friday August 24, 2007
Time: 14:50:49 -0700
I hate the mullahs.
Name: Marie
Date: Tuesday August 28, 2007
Time: 12:01:58 -0700
I have to say Muslim and proud of it that your rantings are very funny.