Muslims’ Victim Mentality
26 Jan, 2008
Recall that Muhammad himself bemoaned his victim plight in Mecca,
packed his bags and flew to Medina where the Jews were not as
vicious as his own Quraish tribe operating the lucrative tourist
business of the idolaters.
Then the infighting started in earnest among the various
factions, as soon as Muhammad died. People began jockeying for
power and doing their Muslim-best to destroy their competition.
Ali, Muhammad’s son-in-law was elbowed out of the way by the more
powerful disciples of the Prophet and had to wait his turn to head
the already fractured and feuding Ummah.
A number of the faithful resented the fact that Ali was not
allowed to take over the reign. Some felt victimized by Omar and
his powerful conspirators and hated Ali for not standing and
fighting like a man. Some real stand-and-fight Muslims decided
that Ali should be punished and he was knifed to death on his way
to the mosque.
The death of Ali was the real stirring of the hornet’s nest, so
to speak. All kinds of power struggle, infighting and bloodletting
started among the followers of the religion of peace.
Ali’s boys, namely Hassan and Hussein, decided to salvage their
dad’s honor by standing and fighting like a good Muslim should, as
well as enjoying the perks that come with being the leaders of the
So, a real fight was joined. On the one side was Yazid with his
mighty army and wealth, and on the other side were Hassan and
Hussein with their rag-tag band of followers. Hassan was killed
unceremoniously in short order, but Hussein was not about to bow
out. Hussein started a dialogue with his adversary, Yazid.
Hussein: I am the rightful inheritor of the house of Muhammad.
I demand that all believers, including you Yazid, accept me (bayat)
as the head of the Ummeh.
Yazid: Nothing doing man. Muhammad’s Ummah is not a family
business. It is the faith of Allah that must follow his laws. The
people select the most righteous man as the head of the faith,
just the way the Caliphs did. The faith of Allah is based on
meritocracy and not heredity.
Hussein: You are wrong, Yazid. My granddaddy started the
business, my daddy gave his life for it, my brother was murdered
to claim it, and I intend to take what is rightfully mine.
Yazid: Hussein, you seem to be just as stubborn as Hassan. You
are not amenable to reason, so let the sword of justice settle our
So, you know the rest of the story. Hussein stubbornly refused
to relinquish his claim to the powerful Yazid and ended up with
his head cut by Shimr, impaled on a spear and presented to Yazid
as a trophy.
The followers of the house of Ali and his lineage, a minority
of about 10 percent of the Muslims, felt victimized by the evil
Yazid. Since there was very little these lovers of Ali’s house
could do to materially change things, they assumed the role of
victim. Year after year, century after century, they commemorated
the victimization events of the time of Hussein, have beaten and
slashed themselves bloody for their ancestors not going to the aid
of Hussein, and bloodied themselves all aimed to atone for their
ancestral sins.
Well, the Yazid-Hussein bloody drama was some 1400 years ago.
Isn’t it time to let go? Why is it, particularly to Iranian Shias,
that they just keep on continuing and promoting the tragic events
associated with two Arabs fighting for personal power?
We Iranians don’t have a dog in this fight. In fact we should
rid ourselves of all Islamic stains, Shia, Sunni, or whatever, and
with it stop playing victims of one power or another. Playing
victim may give psychological relief but doesn’t solve any
problems on the ground. And problems of the ground we have
Again, give it up my countrymen. Enough playing victim: victims
of the Jews, our perennial excuse that we have been using to
victimize them whenever we can; victims of America; victims of the
Crusaders. We are victims alright: victims of Islam that invaded
our land and implanted a raft of pathological ideas in our heads.
Victimization is an Islamic disease. Islam, irrespective of
sects, either victimizes the people it can, or plays victim to the
real or imagined oppressors. This victimization mentality is at
the root of Muslim’s backwardness and primitiveness.
We Iranians are descendants of an optimistic, enlightened, and positive people. We are the children of Cyrus the Great and not blind slaves of an Arab cult called Islam. Islam has brought us nothing but misery. Let go of Islam; bury it along with the memories of two Arabs, Yazid and Hussein, who fought for leadership. Don’t bloody yourselves for ten days every year to bemoan Hussein’s plight. All of Islam is not worth one drop of an Iranian’s blood. And blood we have given to this blood-sucker Islam by barrels-full.
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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page:
Name: Igor the Infidel
Date: Saturday January 26, 2008
Time: 09:23:28 -0700
Is it blasphemous to suggest that the prophet of Islam didn't forsee this bloody split coming? At the very least he could have taken steps to prevent it, say, by appointing good men (as Jesus did) to run things after his death, but he didn't. Surely "Allah/Gabriel" would have warned Mohammad, who may have forgotten, for whatever reason, to mention it to one of his scribes, or perhaps that bit of received wisdom was lost in the shuffle between Mecca and Medina? On the other hand, it may be that Allah withheld this info from Mohammad because Allah ENJOYS watching bloody feuds, especially beheadings! and Allah knows best!
Name: proud muslim
Date: Saturday January 26, 2008
Time: 12:07:41 -0700
i don't think you had exposed to the true Islam and u need to recheck you believe as ex-muslim, maybe you knew the Shia version of Islam but not the true islam . because Islam is light to humanity, life, beauty, morality for every human. it doesn't discriminate its followers and non followers, it is a fact get over it.
Name: The TRUTH about Islam
Date: Saturday January 26, 2008
Time: 13:03:36 -0700
Name: Islam, a cult of death
Date: Saturday January 26, 2008
Time: 13:06:12 -0700
Name: muslims are the scourge of the earth
Date: Saturday January 26, 2008
Time: 15:54:12 -0700
>>>Islam is light to humanity, life, beauty, morality for every human. it doesn't discriminate its followers and non followers, it is a fact >>> Proud muslim, when are you blowing yourself up?
Name: Igor the Infidel
Date: Saturday January 26, 2008
Time: 18:08:10 -0700
"proud muslim" is blind. He can't or won't see that Islam is darkness, death, ugliness, and immorality for every human. If he had any interest at all in the truth, he would visit
Name: Dead Reckoning
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 08:04:24 -0700
If the Koran is indeed the unaltered word of god, and knowing that god can see both foward and backward; why did he (the muslim god) allow his religion to fall into disarray. Could it be, just prehaps, he did not care? It seems to me, an infidel, that the god of Islam only wants blood, blood of the unbeliever, blood of the innocent, blood of the believer. Correct me if I am wrong, but does not this god demand blood sacrafices
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 12:47:35 -0700
Famous Isreali Jewish Quote "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1] Famous Palestinian Christian Arab Quote “We are the only people on Earth asked to guarantee the security of our occupier ..while Israel is the only country that calls for defense from its victims .." ------- Hanan Ashrawi Famous Palestinian Muslim Quote "As long as Israel has intentions of building their temple on the ashes of Islams third most Holy site, the Muslims will have intentions of building a Caliphate on the ashes of the Zionist State." ---- FPQ
Name: WL
Date: Sunday January 27, 2008
Time: 13:58:23 -0700
Why does that unnamed demon keep copying and pasting that inane garbage about Allah? Daffy Duck sounds more intelligent than that meathead.
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 01:29:17 -0700
"doesn't discriminate its followers and non followers, it is a fact get over it." aaaaaaahahahaa. I saw a documentary on the Hajj on PBS, following two coverts on their way to Mecca. One, a South African black convert and a white convert from America. The white woman said she the Arabs and Paistanis made her feel like she didn't belong because she was light-skinned and the encampment that Muslims sleep in befre walking to Mecca was segregated. The South African pointed to a sign reading, "South African non-Arab" and a sign for where Arab South Africans were to sleep. Arabs are so goddamn racist. In the end they both said, that because they were on the Hajj they wouldn't angry but they were disappointed. Sheep.
Name: Godot
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 07:39:14 -0700
to (proud muslim): Just FYI I am a Sunni ex-Muslim, so I know the ugly reality of this flavor of Islam. By the way, as a proud Muslim, you should have at least used a capital M for your "Muslim"!
Name: Muslim
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 14:57:11 -0700
"If the Koran is indeed the unaltered word of god, and knowing that god can see both foward and backward; why did he (the muslim god) allow his religion to fall into disarray." You've heard this many times before but only because it is true: Allah didn't, we did. Allah gave us free will as a test on Earth. Those who keep on the path will be rewarded in the afterlife. Those who strayed the path ("fall into disarray") will not have such a pleasant experience.
Name: toothy
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 17:58:02 -0700
Please, leave off the Jesus (pbuh) stuff and leave Moses alone. Instead, do yourself a favour and check out the Dead Sea scrolls. Yes, you know the ones. The ones found in 1948 that show the modern Bible is 99.9% identical to scrolls written very soon after the death of Jeuus. And what is that about a Koran kept in a museum, the only one left after the other 25 differing versions were destroyed? Why does the name 'Topkapi" come to mind right now? Be careful. 9/11 did a lot more than kill 3000 innocent people. It brought Islam under the most intense scrutiny it has ever been subjected to. I for one, do not beleieve it can survive such scrutiny, hence the threats, censorship and hurt feelings.
Date: Sunday February 03, 2008
Time: 12:33:37 -0700
your a blind racist who knows nothing except the fact that you hate muslims and hate islam, because it is very hard to except the truth .no matter how hard you will try to stop islam from spreading it will spread even more so you just have to get use to this ideology of the existence of islam and infact truth will overpower your lies/ (inshallah) anyways your a pathetic person and cant think straight so i think you should try to get some help from sycasteric .because you got no respect for muslim beliefs and your a true racist ,is that what you learned all your life ..shameeee.
Name: Jenny Bleakley
Date: Friday April 04, 2008
Time: 09:14:29 -0700
Islam is backward like all religion it is a big myth it never happened at all you lot are such fools there are far to many people in this world it is overpopulation and we cannot feed everyone in this world why do you keep having more children and bringing them into this hell hole of a world full of suffering look at all the muslim countries full of street children suffering and they live among poverty are these people so stupid that they keep on having children beacuse islam told them to keep on having children that they cannot look after get real muslim this world is full of sufferning the humans are scum and are full of greed and selfish cannot you not see what you are doning with climate change i hope there is a war and this world ends it is a scum place to live I dont care any more about anyone