Pope Benedict XVI in his
speech of September 12 at the University of Regensburg, Germany,
perhaps unintentionally provided the Muslims with a golden
opportunity: the opportunity to prove to all enemies of Islam that
Muhammad indeed gave the world magnificent new teachings.
The Pope, in the course of
his speech alluded to a 1391 comment of the Byzantine emperor
Manuel II Paleologus in a debate with an educated Persian: “Show
me just what Mohammad brought that was new, and there you find
things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the
sword the faith he preached.”
No sooner the Muslims
learned of this comment than, once again, rage engulfed them. They
became indignant, hysterical and ready to war. Not long ago, there
was the report, published by a rag seeking to boost its sacking
circulation, that American military personnel have flushed the
Quran down the toilet: A physical impossibility that turned out to
be baseless, upon investigation. Yet, Muslim Street bellowed with
anger, attacks on non-Muslims and their properties were unleashed
and lives were lost in the violence.
Before long, we had the
imbroglio of the Danish cartoons insulting Muhammad, as the Muslim
saw it. Embassies were torched, boycotts were enacted and all
kinds of threats were hurled at the tiny nation for one of its
newspapers printing cartoons that Muslims felt were offensive.
Before the dust could
settle, the President of the United States of America, George W.
Bush, dared to call “Islamic fascists,” Islamic fascists. Truth is
not always welcomed in all quarters. Islamic centers and their
well-paid highly vocal lobbying hires launched a furious attack on
the President for the use of the term “fascist” in connection with
the rarified name of Islam. Opportunists such as to the left of
the left Democratic Senator from Wisconsin, Russ Feingold found
the President’s usage so unacceptable that he took it upon himself
to write a letter to the President and lecturing him.
And now the Head of the
Catholic Church has greatly offended the sensibilities of Muslims
by quoting a long ago statement of an emperor in a debate.
Muslims wear their religion
on their sleeves and the slightest contrary wind disturbs its cozy
sanctified perch. Yet, these very people of great religious fervor
have no problem in inflicting all kinds of verbal and physical
abuse on non-Muslims. Why the double standards? Read the Quran.
The Islamic world is once
again in uproar. Why should the Muslims be outraged? Why should
they react by torching churches, shooting a nun in the back, and
retaliating by calling Pope and Christians all kinds of names?
What happened to reason and dialogue? Their “Dialogue-man,” the
smiling fake Mullah Khatami, is presently touring the West to
promote dialogues. Apparently the snake-oil salesman Mullah means
a different thing by “dialogue.” His side can say and do whatever
they want, and the other sides should simply acquiesce—a great
Islamic offer.
The Muslims missed a golden
opportunity. Their greatly-pampered legions of high clerics should
have put their medieval heads together and made the case for
Islam, if they could. If successful, not only they would have
humiliated the Pontiff but impressed the rank-and-file Christians
of the marvelous good teachings that Muhammad brought for mankind,
for the first time. An added benefit could have been the
conversion of the disbelievers to Islam.
Yet, the way the Islamic
leaders are responding to the Pontiff’s speech is indeed a great
embarrassment to Islam at a time the world is repeatedly shocked
by the many barbarities Muslims commit. The Supreme Spiritual
Guide of Iran’s Muslims, Mullah Khamenei, for instance, has urged
the close-minded faithful to hold huge protest demonstrations. It
appears that the call of the Mullah for demonstrations is an
attempt at intimidation, the best he can do since he does not have
a rational defensible response and he is not able to send his
assassins all the way to Rome to carry out the Islamic favorite
way of supplying answers. Also, who knows, perhaps some of his
rabid followers, the three Fs: fools, fanatics and frauds will
find a nun to shoot in the back during the hoped-for hysterical
gatherings. If not, there are a few churches in the country that
can be looted first and then burned to the ground.
Question: How in the world a
huge demonstration is the appropriate answer to the perceived
affront allegedly committed by the Pontiff’s speech? With great
spiritual guides like Khamenei, Islam does not need non-Muslims to
go to the trouble of defaming it. Islam’s teachings and Muslims’
actions are more than convincing proof to any impartial person to
second the Pontiff’s speech.
Islamic web sites and
newspapers have supplied their own form of rebuttal to the
Pontiff’s statement. They proudly, some contend shamelessly, wave
the sword and promise the end of all infidels, people of the cross
and the Zionists.
Only three days after the
Pope’s speech, Iraq’s Mujahidin Shura Council issued its own very
Islamic response, inadvertently substantiating the Pontiff’s
comment. Here is a part of what the Council posted:
"After the stupid and obeyed
bearer of the cross flag, Bush, declared a few years back the
start of a new crusade on Islam and its people and launched his
crusade with the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, the servant of
the cross, the Vatican Pope, appears before us, orbiting around
Bush, to continue in Bush's footsteps with his flagrant assault on
Islam and its prophet, Muhammad, may God's peace and blessings be
upon him, especially with his remarks on 'the duty of jihad in the
name of God' -- a duty that flowed through the body of the nation
and terrified crusaders the world over."
self-appointed custodian of the religion of “peace” continues with
its superb logical reasoning by warning the “worshippers of the
cross”: “You and the Romans are on a date with the defeat you see
every day in Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, and elsewhere." The
Council promises to "Break the cross, spill the wine, and enforce
the al-jizyah (tax levied on non-Muslims in return for
protection), leaving people with a choice between Islam and the
sword." The statement vows, "For we will press forth with our
jihad and will not stop until Allah enables us to cut your
throats, and until the banner of monotheism is raised and Allah's
law prevails over all lands and all people."
You be the judge. Did these
defenders of the one and only true religion of Allah say anything
that in any way falsifies the quotation the Pontiff used?
“There is not a truth
existing which I fear [...] or would wish unknown to the whole
world,” said Thomas Jefferson.
is truth. The barbarians are at the gate. This time around, the
people of the sword have their collaborator Useful Idiots inside
busily doing all they can to dismantle our secular democratic
system and replace it with the tyrannical Islamofascism.