Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Ways to Defeat Islamic Jihadism

This is an urgent call to all free people to rise and defeat the Islamic Jihadists who are marching under the banner of the Qur’an to subdue all non-Muslims.
It is imperative that the values and the way of life of civilized people be protected against the assault of Jihadists’ savagery born from a primitive culture of long ago Arabia. There is nothing to negotiate here. Nothing to compromise, for the Jihadists are on a non-negotiable campaign of Allah. The goal of this mission from Allah is the eradication of just about everything that falls under the rubric of human rights.
It takes every free human to do his or her share in defeating Jihadism. Below is a partial list of what can be done.
  • You don’t have to take up arms and go around killing the Jihadists. That’s the Jihadists’ way of dealing with us and anyone they don’t approve of. Decent humans value life, even the life of a Jihadist. By contrast, the Jihadists have no compunctions at amputating limbs, stoning, beheading and hanging people even en mass. The brutal mullahs ruling the Islamic Republic of Iran welcomed the new-year by hanging thirteen people, one of them the mother of two young children. We need to dry up their sources of support and beat them in the battle of ideas. We need to show them the fallacy and danger of their pathological belief.
  • Fight to end the deadly practice of political correctness. Truth, only naked truth, can set us free. And freedom is our greatest gift of life. Life without freedom is death disguised as life. Remember Patrick Henry’s cry: Give me liberty or give me death. We must fight for life, for liberty and freedom.
  • Demand that politicians, Islamic apologists, and paid-for media do not abuse freedom by lying about Islam. When these people portray Islam as a religion of peace, they are lying through their teeth. Just take a quick look at Islam’s history as well as what is happening today in the Islamic lands. Islam is not a religion of peace and it has never been. Islam is violent, oppressive, racist, and irrational at its very core. It is treachery for people to present it as otherwise, either out of ignorance or because of their own personal reasons.
  • Challenge your leftist professors who may be retained by Islamic front organizations to trumpet Islam’s virtues. Demand transparency from hired lobbyists and the liberal mainstream media. Sadly, a percentage of people in Western Democracies are born alienated. These people seem to a have congenital hatred of their own societies; they ally themselves with any and all people and forces that aim to destroy our cherished way of life, and they live by the motto: the enemy of my enemy is my friend. They eagerly join forces with the Saddam Husseins and Hugo Chavezes of the world.
  • Demand that Islamic literature, including the hate and violence manual called the Qur’an, be purged of all violent and hate spewed toward non-Muslims. Is it too much to ask that non-Muslims not be targeted for hate by the so-called sacred religious text? What kind of religion is this? Religion is supposed to bring people together, and not put them at each others’ throats. The Muslims must be made to understand that and they must reciprocate the tolerance that the non-Muslims voluntarily afford them.
  • Do not allow any special privileges whatsoever granted to Muslims. Demand that all Muslims have their first and foremost loyalty to the United States and its Constitution and not to the Islamic Ummeh, the Qur’an, and the shariah law. Europe is rapidly buckling under the pressure of Islamism. Just a couple of examples: Germany has legalized polygamy to placate Muslim men, Italy is forced to plan separate beaches for Muslim women
  • Demand that none of the barbaric provisions of Islamic sharia be practiced. Just because a woman is born into a Muslim family, that shouldn’t force her to lead a subservient life to a man, for example. All family matters and disputes, without exceptions, must be adjudicated according to the civil laws of the country.
  • A Muslim is, first and foremost, an Ummehist, a citizen of international Islam. So, when a Muslim takes the United States’ Pledge of Allegiance, he is either ignorant of the implications of his pledge or is lying willfully. Sadly enough, taqqiyeh (lying, or dissimulation) is not only condoned, it is recommended to the Muslims in their scripture. Hence, a Muslim can and would lie without any compunctions, whenever it is expedient.
  • Require that the large number of recent arrival Muslims be carefully vetted for their terrorism and Jihadists backgrounds and beliefs. Many recent arrivals from places such as Somalia, Iraq and Pakistan come as refugees and bring with them their pathological anti-American system of belief. It is criminal to admit these refugees without demanding that they completely renounce their allegiance to the hate dogma of Islam. Those diehard devotees of Islam should make any of the eighteen or so Islamic countries home, rather than invade the secular societies and aim to subvert them.
  • Demand that Muslims, without the least reservation, adhere to the provisions of the human rights. Muslims, by belief and practice, are the most blatant violators of human rights. We hardly need to detail here Muslims’ systemic cruel treatment of the unbelievers, women of all persuasions, and any and all minorities across the board. To Muslims, human rights have a different meaning, and its protective provisions are reserved strictly, primarily for Muslim men.
  • Go and talk to Muslims, particularly the young and the better educated, about the horror and the fallacy of a primitive belief that has been handed down to them through an accident of birth. Show them the magnificence of freedom, in all its forms; the indispensability of tolerance for all; and, the futility of clinging to an obsolete hodge-podge of delusional ideology. The onus is clearly on the Muslims to prove the validity, utility, and sanctity of the belief they intend to impose on all of us.
  • As for democracy, our cherished way of life, Muslims have no use for it at all. Muslims believe that Allah’s rule must govern the world in the form of Caliphate: a theocracy. Making mockery of democracy, subverting its working, and ignoring its provisions is a Muslim’s way of falsifying what he already believes to be a sinful and false system of governance invented by the infidels. Reason, if you can, with the Muslims that their belief is an outright rejection of the greatest gift of life: Freedom.
  • Support financially and in every other legal way those individuals and organizations that are fighting the Jihadists’ relentless encroachment. Many European countries are already on the verge of capitulation to the Islamists. The Supreme Guide of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, confidently proclaimed recently that Europe will be Islamic in a dozen years. He has good reason to say that. Muslims are forming states within states in much of European towns and cities. In Britain, for instance, non-Muslims are in serious danger entering Muslim neighborhoods
In conclusion: Folks, get off your duff. Stop saying, “let George do it.” Neither George the President, nor the “other guy” George can do it by themselves. This is a battle for survival that every one of us can help wage. Let’s get on with it before, if not you, then your children and grandchildren end up under the barbaric rule of the Jihadists.

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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page:

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Name: vbv
Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 03:04:02 -0700


The 'jihadists' are dangerous and bloody criminals using a fake religion as their alibi to go on an unrelenting and barbaric murders and massacres and should be treated just as dangerous vermins that require merciless eradication - nothing else! It is vain to engage with them any dialogue of compromise as their wants are not political or legitimate. They will , ofcourse , encourage dialogue when they are not in a position to carry out their bloody attacks just to buy time. Islamic fanaticism recognizes no other political or religious idealogy other than their own and they are very clear about it that the whole world should be conquered by 'islam' : 'human-rights be damned! Therefore political correctness with islam is to be seen just as dilly-dallying and a sign of weakness. It is pointless to bleat like a brain-less sheep "islam is a religion of peace" and look the other way while these muslim fundamentalists and fanatics carry out their agenda unquestioned ,knowing the tameness of the politicians in the civilized and democratic world. You can defeat them only when you put fear in their hearts and do unto them what they would do unto you! Rather be even more devastating that should send shivers down these bastards spines!

Name: Dear amil imani
Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 03:06:52 -0700


We saw the civilized “Free World” in action in Iraq and Afghanistan and most importantly their unconditional support to the Zionist illegal state Israel. What is the author talking about exactly? Free what!!!

Name: Answer to the previous comment
Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 03:49:02 -0700


Zionist illegal state of Israel?! you must be a mad man to say that, and also, full of hatret and anger! God gave the land of Israel to the Jews! They are the only ones who are entitled to live in Israel! The time is close when God will punish all the enemies of Israel! God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is written, that God Himself renamed Jacob to Israel. That's why the Holy Land is called Israel. Only the descendants of Israel (Jacob) have a right to the Holy Land. God loves the Jews and no matter what hardship they go through, they always come out victorious! Do you know why? Because God is with them and for them! Not against them! And just to put you back in your place, hear this: Muslims are the descendants of Ishmael (son to Hagar the slave girl) who was born outside mariage. Therefore his was a bastard! Conclusion and the painful truth: Muslims are descendants of a bastard!!!

Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 04:05:06 -0700


I'm all for calling for an end to the state of Israel and transfering the Israelis to the West as long as their is an exchange of population. Muslims in the West should go back to their homelands. No more welfare. No more of your rioting. Without Israel you will be out of excuses for your bloodshed nd criminal acts. No more jizya. If your people starve in Afghanistan or suffer under dictatorship that is not our propblem. Don't come here. Despite all of your oil wealth, Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia suffer from cholera because the Muslims cook and eat with fecal encrusted fingers. You're disgusting.

Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 04:53:07 -0700



Name: An Infidel Indian
Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 06:18:19 -0700


It is not possible to end Jihad in the Islamic Countries, without a brutal invasion, where all Mohammedans are converted forcefully to some other religion( Like Mohammed did in Arabia ). The West currently doesnt have the stomach to do this ( and probably will never do so in the future also). So, the only practical solution is to implement Full Sharia in all Infidel Countries for Muslims( with all Sharia provisions for Non-Muslims and Women reversed ). Muslims will be in a dilemma. If they oppose this as evil and unfair, then they will have to admit that the Sharia ( and by extension Muhammed and Islam ) are evil to the core. The moderate muslims will convert to some other religion to escape the oppression of Sharia. The Hardcore Muslims will run back to Dar-al-Islam where Sharia Provisions favour them. After that the Infidels can continue to put pressure on the Islamic Countries, saying that they are not Islamic enough. There should be no escape for Muslims from the evil of Islam . Muslims will sooner or later acknowledge the stupidity and evilness of Islam and come out of the vile religion as they see the Infidels living comfortably , as opposed to their own Islamic Oppression.

Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 07:18:45 -0700


"LAHORE, Pakistan - A suicide bomber blew himself up among police deployed outside a court in eastern Pakistan ahead of a planned anti-government protest Thursday, killing at least 22 people and wounding more than 70, officials and witnesses said." I feel sorry for Pakistanis. If you're a Pakistani Muslim you have to know on some level that your ancestors adopted this barbarian Arab religion either from torture or cowardice.

Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 16:25:15 -0700


israel is a zionist bombed arabs out of their land killed raped and forced arabs out of their land..if god gave israel to jews then why did they leave?..then arabs filled their place. hundreds of year later jews reunited and started the war on arabs and kicked arabs out of their land. then they put walls around arabs traping them and they now kill arabs on a daily engineer fear in arab's mind so that they believe the only way they can survive is by slavery to isreal. how would u feel if i came into ur house and kicked u out saying thousands of years ago god gave this house to me?? if ur r so democratic and humanaterian then why do u resort to hypocritical double standards when it comes to palestinians?? who have palestinians wronged?? dont they deserve our sympathy and support?? In quran hagar is said to be the second wife of abraham. Abraham was a prophet how can he commit adultary?? This is a lie that jews put in their unholy and dirty torah to defame decendents of ismael. also muslims are not the decendents of ismael only arabs are...arabs are abt 20% of muslim population of 1.2 billion. how many jews are there?? in the west almost 50% of the population are basterds thanks to the adultery fornication prostitution and gays in the west. 50 % of the population new born babies in the west don't know who their fathers are! AIDS is a disease that kills jews n xtians sinners faster than al qaeda! wrath of god is on kafir!

Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 18:17:01 -0700


There were no Aab refugees until the 1948 war. Do you think the Jews showed up in 1947? If you consider the fact that Tel-Aviv was established in 1909, why weren't there any refugees created in the near 50 years between those points, if that was the intention? You wage a war of annihilation against Israel and you lost. What's the problem? Is it really any different than the Czechs who kicked out the Germans who had lived in their country for centuries after WW2? I think in retrospect what the Czechs and the Israelis did was perfectly within reason.

Name: Montedoro
Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 18:57:45 -0700


What you say is true. However, when you use the term "Muslims" you are failing to differentiate between those Muslims who take the religion (Koran, Hadith, Sharia) seriously, and those many, many Muslims who are Muslims in name only, who do not even go to mosque, who have never read the Koran, let alone the Hadith or the sharia. We should not lump them together with those who follow the sharia and jihad. Especially the American public is loath to make a negative generalization about another religious group. We need to convince the American public of the danger from Islam, but this sort of generalization will turn them off so they will not listen to the truth about Islam. This is an important matter of tactics and communication with the non-Moslem public.

Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 23:21:19 -0700


Sir, excellent suggestions. However, until the Loony Liberal Leftist scums and their family get raped savagely and murdered through beheading, these self-haters of country, culture, religion along with the delusional political correct multicultarists will cooperate with jihadists in their midst. SAMINA MALIK, a 23-year-old female resident of UK last November, was convicted of possessing documents likely to be used for terrorism under UK’s Terrorism Act 2000. Documents found on her computer included: The Mujaheddin Poisoner’s Handbook, Encyclopaedia Jihad, How To Win In Hand To Hand Combat, How To Make Bombs and Sniper Manual. MI5 reports there's 4,000 British born muslims trained in Afghanistan and Pakistan ready to do jihad in Britain. has ready, willing, and able muslims eager to follow the instructions on How to Behead: How to Behead Hold him Tie the arms behind his back And bandage his legs together Just by the ankles Blindfold the punk So that he won't hesitate as much For on seeing the sharp pointy knife He'll begin to shake And continuously scream like an eedyat And jiggle like a jelly Trust me–this will sure get you angry It’s better to have at least two or three brothers by your side Who can hold the fool Because as soon as the warm sharp knife Touches his naked flesh He'll come to know what'll happen It's not as messy or as hard as some may think, It's all about the flow of the wrist. No doubt that the punk will twitch and scream But ignore the donkey's ass And continue to slice back and forth You'll feel the knife hit the wind and food pipe But don't stop Continue with all your might. About now you should feel the knife vibrate, You can feel the warm heat being given off, But this is due to the friction being caused. It would be nice to see the heads of the Loony Liberal Leftists heads on spikes! And their women sold into slavery like Iran sells its women on the Karachi market, daily.

Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday January 10, 2008
Time: 23:26:59 -0700


16:25:15 -0700 parades his ignorance! There never was a Palestine people. Says who? ZAHIR MUHSE’IN, a member of the PLO Executive Committee, in a 1977 interview with the Amsterdam-based newspaper Trouw: “The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism." Arafat himself asserted the same principle on many occasions. In his authorized biography he says, “The Palestinian people have no national identity. I, Yasir Arafat, man of destiny, will give them that identity through conflict with Israel.” Not to worry. The God of Israel will annihilate the lot of you soon.

Date: Friday January 11, 2008
Time: 08:01:12 -0700


totally wrong.the god of israel is now on muslims side. u really think after israel killing muslims for more than 60 years god is on your side and is happy wit u? then according to ur claim god is unjust and cruel! then why did god create all the different races in the world? why would god support israel killing innocent muslims made prisoner in their own land? is that wat the torah tells u to do? everyone knows israel was created by force on ARAB LAND!palestinians are ethenically arab but they owned palestine before jews took palestine away from arabs and RENAMED it israel! and palestine wants it back!ishalllah they will hav their freedom. usa is pressurizing israel to give freedom to palestine state by the end of 2008. we r all praying for that day! may ALLAH save us from the bullets of israel till then!AMIN

Name: agnostic
Date: Friday January 11, 2008
Time: 15:18:17 -0700


08:01:12 -0700. You poor pathetic , brainwashed by an evil called Mo who claimed himself a prophet, my ass. What prophecy did he prophesy, eh? That illiterate, delusional, given to epileptic fits, inferiorioty-laden, ugly (that'swhyhe refused images of him, savvy - some are in Turkey, though) misfit subhuman plagiarised the Torah, the New Testament, 20% from Hindu scriptures (king Vikramaditya brought light to Arabia) and the rest nothing but jinns, shamanism and arab folklore. Go do some proper reading and research. And your miserable allah is so powerless! Earthquakes, floods, Sadam Hussein invading Kuwait and they screech to the infidel countries for Aid. Hamas slaughters Fatah and they scream to the Israelis for help, help help. Israel created by force? Go read the Balfour history, then research the UN that endorsed the state of Israel. THERE NEVER EVER WAS A PALESTINE. Yes, the God of Israel will soon annihilate you fillthy lot - your forefather Ishamael was cursed even while in the womb. Besides the propehecies of the Bible have come true, and are coming true. No 72 virgins for you - you poor pathetic delusional subhuman - all lied to, cheated by a madman and his book of evil, full of terror, hate - look at your OIC muslim countries - all Failed States - Beggars, you lot are, one and all. useless scum feeding off the 4.6 billion intelligent non muslims. Shame. Shame. Shame.

Name: Ananda
Date: Friday January 11, 2008
Time: 15:40:21 -0700


Ways to defeat Islamic terrorism is very simple - you kill us, we kill you - no matter where, Islamic Ummah - you "ummah" kill Hindu politician in Malaysia, we kill Islamist in UK or Germany or France or India or anywhere - you kill Buddhist monk in Thailand - we kill Islamist anywhere in the world - This is the best way to deal with these monsters.

Name: buddhist
Date: Friday January 11, 2008
Time: 16:20:14 -0700


When the mujahideen succeed in blowing up the VIPs in their homes, rape their women and children of both sexes, blow up buildings, then will the Loony Liberal Leftist Politically Correct appeasers wake up. Till then, Europe including arch appeasers UK will plod along. Not Russia for that nation has a 300 year history of fighting the filthy muslims of every stripe. Catholic Germany which had democracy foisted on might join the bandwagon and lead the complete annihilation of muslims. After all Pope Benedict (Bavarian born Ratzinger) has already thrown down the gauntlet. Interesting times ahead. Watch for the douchebags and fifth column scum of the Left do a U-turn. Including the treacherous Elite lily livered useful idiots.

Name: bobby
Date: Friday January 11, 2008
Time: 22:33:50 -0700


It is unbelievable how many muslims are allowed to become US citizens while still carrying with them so much hatred for america...and its not that they are lying about it. they discuss their hatred openly in various forums. they want to enjoy all that the kafirs have to offer at the same time want to destroy them.

Date: Saturday January 12, 2008
Time: 05:04:18 -0700


" really think after israel killing muslims for more than 60 years god is on your side and is happy wit u? " Muslims have murdered, robbed, and raped non-Muslims, including Jews for centuries. And you've always done it in God's Name. I think there is a reason Allah allowed the Israelis to send the Arabs running don't you?

Date: Saturday January 12, 2008
Time: 15:11:50 -0700


guess wat Arabs never ran away! they r still trapped within the walls of put up by ISRAEL an evil nation run by satan. arabs hav great guts suffering murder and rape for years! funny thing is even israel is saying there will be a palestine state for peace's sake! the bible has thousands of mistakes why don't u check those first! if luke says one thing mathew says the other! if john writes the speech of jesus after last supper the other 3 writers remains silent! bible says earth was created 6000 year ago and the sun goes around the earth! it say the whole earth drowned in noahs flood which is completely wrong according to archiological evidence! in the book of joshua it says the sun stopped going around the earth and stayed still( which it actually does in reality) so that joshua can finish killing off the cannities! god of israel certainly is ignorant of science and reason! so edit ur bible first! the prophecy of ISRAEL coming back has failed! god didn't do it rather jewish zionists had to bomb and kill arabs off palestine which they renamed ISRAEL! some prophecy came war!

Name: Ozymandias888
Date: Saturday January 12, 2008
Time: 22:42:25 -0700


I find it amazing that the previous poster faults the Bible for its remarks on astronomy. We find the koran also instructs us on astronomy. After reading the following, I have no doubt our anonymous friend, who feels a religion is false if it does not get the Earth / Sun orbit thing right, will immediately abandon Islam. From In plain words, the Qur’an says that one of the righteous men of God’s servants saw the sun set in a certain place of the earth—in particular a well full of water and mud. There, this man found some people. Let us read what is recorded in the Qur’an (chapter "the Cave", verse 86), "When he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring and found a people thereabout. We said: ‘O Dhul-Qarneyn! Either punish or show them kindness"’ (Surah 18:86). Lest I failed to understand what the Qur’an meant by these strange words, I referred to the famous students of the Qur’an as well as to the ancient scholars. I discovered that all of them concurred with this rendering and said that Muhammad’s friends inquired about the sunset and that he gave them that answer. All the scholars such as the Baydawi, Jalalan, and Zamakhshari confirm it. The Zamakhshari remarks in his book, "the Kash-shaf", "Abu Dharr (one of Muhammad’s close companions) was with Muhammad during the sunset. Muhammad asked him: ‘Do you know, O Abu Dharr where this sets?’ He answered: ‘God and His apostle know better.’ Muhammad said: ‘It sets in a spring of slimy water"’ (3rd Edition, Volume 2 p. 743,1987). In his book, "The Lights of Revelation" (p. 399), the Baydawi indicates, "The sun sets in a slimy spring; that is, a well which contains mud. Some of the readers of the Qur’an read it, ‘...a hot spring’, thus the spring combines the two descriptions. It was said that Ibn ’Abbas found Mu’awiya reading it (as) hot. He told him, ‘It is muddy.’ Mu’awiya sent to Ka’b al-Ahbar and asked him, ‘Where does the sun set?’ He said in water and mud and there were some people. So he agreed with the statement of ibn al-’Abbas. And there was a man who composed a few verses of poetry about the setting of the sun in the slimy spring." The Jalalan (p. 251) says that the setting of the sun is in a well which contains a murky mud. We found the same interpretation and text in the Tabari’s commentaries (p. 339) as well as in "Concise Interpretation of the Tabari" (p. 19 of part 2) in which he remarks that the well in which the sun sets "contains lime and murky mud". These are the comments of the pillars of Islam and the intimate companions of Muhammad such as ibn Abbas and Aba Dharr. Also it is obvious from the Qur’an (chapter 36:38) that the sun ran then settled down. The verse says: "And the sun runs on into a resting place." On page 585, the Baydawi says, "The sun runs in its course to a certain extent then it stops. It is similar to the passenger’s repose after he completes his journey" (refer also the book of al-Itqan by the Suyuti, p. 242). This is the story of the setting of the sun in the well and its course as a passenger!

Date: Sunday January 13, 2008
Time: 11:53:09 -0700


i'm sure dr. zakir naik can explain ur confussion. he is a great modern scholar of islam

Name: Begonya
Date: Sunday January 13, 2008
Time: 15:49:56 -0700


what should be doing if Mr Barak Obama become the UE president? I think he is an undercover muslim. Remember the "TAKIYA".Who is paying his campaing?

Name: Bobby
Date: Sunday January 13, 2008
Time: 22:12:37 -0700


Muslims live off of the generosity of the rest of the world, enjoy their hospitality, good-will, acceptance of their faith and freedom etc. If you give them place in your home, they think it is Allah's will to have muslims rule the world, so you cannot expect them to be grateful. In return the islamic countries discriminate and decimate the non-muslim population. All this are as sanctioned in the quran, so the muslims who are force-fed this vile evil book are too brain-washed to realize all this.

Name: bobby
Date: Sunday January 13, 2008
Time: 22:13:18 -0700


Most islamic countries love all kinds of torture, killing, beheading etc. their sick sadistic mentality are something they inherited from their barbaric ancestors. when the civilized world wants to do away with death penalty, water-boarding of even the most hardcore terrorist, the muslims must be laughing because it is a daily affair for them to burn 5-year kids and stone women to death, cut off arms etc.

Name: Rudy
Date: Monday January 14, 2008
Time: 19:24:04 -0700


Ananda, HELL YEAH I AM WITH YA!! To the imbecile who posted all that taqqiya about islam in the previous post to mine, STOP WASTING OUR TIME. Islam is a DEATH CULT, NOT a religion. Israel, the tiny nation of 4 million, has never been defeated by muslims, who number 1 billion. Gee, Allah must really love the Jews. Stupid muslim propagandists.

Name: RS
Date: Tuesday January 15, 2008
Time: 06:28:56 -0700


I could not agree more with the comments made by Mr. Imani. Going back to some of the contents made Let's not confuse geopolitical issues with Islam and its evils although supression of Islam has been used by palestenian and rest of the arab world as front for palestenian demands. Some of the muslims friends commented and then quoted verses from Quran but no explaination no element any opinon or thought but reptition in parrot like fashion. this underlines the commonsense bankrupcy in islam. When they are confronted with reason or logic, immediately ranting of Allah is great,death to kafirs starts kill Zionist etc etc. starts.

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