Who is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
25 Sep, 2007
In the 1950s, a group of Islamic clergy led by Sheikh Mahmoud Halabi (a close associate of Ayatollah Khomeini) formed a society called the Anjoman-e Khayryyehye Hujjatiyyah-ye Mahdaviat (Charitable Society of the Mahdi), based in Mashhad, Iran.
The Hujjatyyah society were mostly made up of the bazaar-i businessmen and fanatical mullahs. Among many things, they were against the communists, Marxists, and atheists. Their overarching “raison d'être,” however, was to prepare the world for the upcoming of the 12th Imam - the Mehdi. Though, the most important agenda on their list was to harass, campaign against, and persecute the Baha’is, a religious group representing a very small percent of Iran’s population. In fact, the group’s other name became Anjuman-e Zidd-e Baha’iyat ( the anti-Baha’i Society). They collectively worked for a single purpose: the eradication of Baha'is.
The terrible plight of the Baha’is in Iran is particularly heart-wrenching, since they are the largest non-Muslim population in the country and have, from day one, been severely brutalized by Muslims. The Baha’i faith dates back to the middle of the 19th century when an Iranian nobleman, Baha’u’llah, founded the new faith as an independent religion—a very painful thorn in the side of a ruling vested clergy with a stranglehold on the masses. The slaveholder, Islam, finds the Baha’i faith a threat to its very existence, since many of the Baha’i teachings are anathema to that of Islamofascism—the favorite version of Islam.
The egomaniac President Ahmadinejad, is a member of Hujjatyyah society. He sees himself as the personal vassal of the Mahdi-Messiah or Hidden Imam, with whom he has fantasized tête-à-têtes all the time.
In the same fashion that George W. Bush has a spiritual advisor in Billy Graham, Ahmadinejad has one too- Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah-Yazdi (the defacto leader of the Hojjatieh). He is known for his extremist views on Islam; he promotes suicide bombings, attacks on civilians in the West and once said, “if anyone tells you their own interpretation of Islam, punch them in the mouth!”
- He has, thus, in a short time acquired great many appellations. He is viewed as zealot, fascist, fanatic, anti-Semitic, lunatic and more. One prominent Western columnist called him “unhinged.” All these labels aim, in part, to dismiss the man as an aberration, as someone who is in urgent need of psychological help, a person out of touch with reality who represents nothing of substance. He has, thus, in a short time acquired great many appellations.
Once again the West is misreading and misjudging the people and the events in the Middle East, due to the fact that it views things through its own prism.
Looking at the man through Western spectacles, he indeed appears to be all of the above and more. Yet Ahmadinejad is far from unhinged. As a matter of fact he is firmly hinged to a set of beliefs that dictate his views of the world and how he should deal with it from his position of power. An unhinged has the potential of being hinged. But, there is very little that can be done to a person who is inseparably hinged. Ahmadinejad views are firmly rooted in the most orthodox philosophy of Shiism.
For our purposes, however, it is sufficient to document the fact that Ahmadinejad is not unhinged. “Unhinged” is a derogatory term for a person who is mentally disturbed. A prominent feature of a mentally disturbed person is the display of contradictory thoughts and behavior. Ahmadinejad’s words, deeds and beliefs show a fully hinged person. He, to the perception of many, may be hinged to a dangerous and faulty hinge. Yet he is hinged.
There is a full internal consistency in Ahmadinejad. Below are a few examples of his sayings, beliefs and actions. Whether one agrees or disagrees with them, they all fit perfectly into a consistent pattern.
- He literally believes in the imminent emergence of the Mahdi – the Shiites promised one who is expected to appear to set aright a decadent and wretched world.
- He views himself as the vassal of Mahdi, working for him and being accountable to him.
- His main task is to prepare the world so to hasten the Mahdi’s coming. If this preparation requires much destruction and bloodshed, so be it.
- As a former mayor of Tehran, he developed elaborate detailed plans preparing the city for the arrival of the Mahdi.
- He allocated generous sums for extensive road improvement to a mosque at Jamkaaraan near the city of Qum where it is believed the promised Mahdi is hiding in a well since the age of nine, over 1100 years ago.
- He reportedly visits the well frequently and drops his written supplications into the well for the hidden Mahdi to act upon them.
- He has said in private that it was he who asked the Mahdi to inflict the massive stroke on Ariel Sharon.
- He sees the Jews as the sworn enemies of Islam. The hostility dates back to the time of Muhammad’s own treatment of the Jews in Medina. At first, expediently, Muhammad called the Jews “people of the book,” and accorded them a measure of tolerance until he gained enough power to unleash his devastating wrath on them.
- He says that the Holocaust is a myth. He is, in this respect, in good company with a number of other revisionist claimants.
- He wants Israel to be wiped out of the map or transferred to Europe.
- In his speech at the UN general assembly, he implored the Mahdi to come and save the world. He claimed that during his speech of some twenty odd minutes, a powerful light enveloped him and all participants were held transfixed unable to move their eyes.
- He believes that the earth is Allah’s and all people must either become believers of his brand of Islam or must perish as infidels najis (unclean) who by their very presence defile Allah’s earth.
- He believes that this earthly life is passing and worthless in comparison to the afterlife awaiting a devoted and faithful believer. Hence, he holds to the old belief that if a faithful kills an infidel, he goes to Allah’s paradise; and, if the faithful gets killed in the process of serving the faith, again he goes to Allah’s paradise. Hence, it is a win-win proposition for the faithful.
Ahmadinejad is a true devoted Muslim. Being unpredictable, self-contradictory and inconsistent are major symptoms of the mentally unhinged. By these standards of insanity, Ahmadinejad emerges as completely sane. He is fully predictable, consistent and has shown no self-contradiction. He does not even pretend that he misspoke or apologizes for his outrageous statements. He is not a typical politician who practices the devious art of doublespeak, deception and change of position to suit him.
He knows who he is, what he believes, what he holds as veritable truth and what his own mission in life is – serving as the instrument for the revered Mahdi whom Allah shall make him emerge from the well as soon as the world’s conditions hit the absolute hopeless bottom. Ahmadinejad sees himself as a driver who can play a critical role in doing just that – driving the world to the very bottom.
There is nothing really “unhinged” about Ahamadinejad’s thinking, statements and actions. They are internally consistent. He is simply a fanatic who is wedded to an extremely dangerous exclusionary system of belief. Humanity must learn that dismissing a fanatic as lunatic or unhinged rather than squarely facing the likes of Ahmadinejad and Hitler will result in great suffering.
Tragically, Ahmadinejad is not a single solitary “unhinged.” He
is the embodiment of several million people who are hinged exactly
like him and are willing to give their life, and take as many lives
as required in the service of their belief. And in the age of
Weapons of Mass Destruction a man with huge sums of petrodollars can
indeed serve as the catalyst of total annihilation. It is by far
more prudent to err on the side of being an alarmist than a
complacent dismissive.
Ahmadinejad and his ilk are not interested in any negotiation,
any compromise or live-and-let-live. They are determined to be the
soldiers of Mahdi come-what-may. They have no problem with the total
destruction of the world. They are headed for a life of eternal
bliss in Allah’s paradise. They hardly care, even rejoice, if the
rest of humanity is subjected to a tragic death in the nuclear,
biological and chemical wasteland of planet earth.
Humanity cannot afford and must not ignore the emergence of the
final threat to its very existence on this planet.
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Amil Imani is an Iranian born, pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. He is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. Amil Imani's Home Page: www.amilimani.com.
Name: PMK
Date: Monday September 24, 2007
Time: 16:16:09 -0700
But what is he? Does he have the power of the Iranian military at his fingertips or is he really just a puppet whose strings are being pulled by the supreme leader? Is he for real or is he merely a mouthpiece? Is he the distraction set up to divert us from the true intentions of the mullahs? Is he good television? Is he really a stand up comic in disguise? (Only half-kidding) One Iranian leader (Rafsanjani?) has said he will gladly see two thirds of his country in ruins if it means the Mahdi will appear. Do the Iranian people care what their leaders are willing to do or are they along for the ride?
Name: al-ham-dull-ill-aaaaa
Date: Tuesday September 25, 2007
Time: 02:14:53 -0700
al-ham-dull-ill-aaaaaa another follower of the terrorist muhamed-mahamud-supreme fool
Name: Marie
Date: Tuesday September 25, 2007
Time: 12:21:44 -0700
Hey PMK I totally agree with you. Yesterday he put on a good show as an invited Speaker at columbia University. Everyone on this website can watch and listen to his speech at columbia on www.c-span.com.
Name: america is the evil of the world
Date: Wednesday September 26, 2007
Time: 10:21:38 -0700
they have killed more than any country in the world
Name: Re: america is the evil of the world
Date: Wednesday September 26, 2007
Time: 13:04:06 -0700
The spread of Islam has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the loss of freedom for 1400 years. Communism has caused the deaths of thousands of people who did not believe in it's idealogy. The Nazis have killed over 6 million people because of who they were. To say that america is the evil of the world is an insult because unlike these monstrous regimes, america is a country of freedom and respect of each person, which is the exact opposite of these regimes. Further More the thousands of people that you are referring to were killed in war, which is a sad reality. The tens of thousands of deaths that was caused by Islam, Communism, and the Nazis had nothing or very little to do with war. So who's the evil one?
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday October 02, 2007
Time: 11:10:49 -0700
"america is the evil of the world" Oh, you haven't studied your history. The islamics were, and Are still the greatest killers. They're still No.1. In fact, they're Public Enemy No.1- big time! Allat- Pagan
Name: american democracy
Date: Thursday October 04, 2007
Time: 05:34:47 -0700
they like unity of comm'sm,budd'sm,hind'sm,amercan'sm bathism but fanatically loose sense to face islam'sm
Name: romain
Date: Monday October 08, 2007
Time: 07:49:47 -0700
In my eyes he is a liar and an idiot! If his claims about the iranian nuclear program are as true as his claims about the existence of homosexuals in Iran, then...God be with us.....romain
Name: Maratha
Date: Thursday November 01, 2007
Time: 03:11:13 -0700
The spread of Islam has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths and the loss of freedom for 1400 years.