Islam in Daily Life
20 Mar, 2008
Note: This article may be a satire
Hundreds of women get raped daily in the Western world. Most of
the rapists never get caught. Millions of dollars are spent on DNA
testing and other investigations. Victims have to face embarrassing
testimonies in court. If the rapist is not apprehended, they have to
live in fear all their lives. Only if Islamic knowledge is put to
use, all these problems can be avoided and the criminal can be
easily caught. These kuffars have no clue to the fact that Allah
writes the name of the rapists on the private part of the victims.
All they have to do is to employ an Islamic scholar trained in
reading female private parts and you can catch the rapists in no
time. Get your tips here:
First watch
this video of ex-jihadist, Dr Taufique Hamid, who explains why
horny young muslim men suicide bomb to be able to copulate with
virgins in paradise.
Well that was before our smart Islamic scholars found a wonderful
way, in which these aspiring young men dieing to have sex don’t have
to die to have sex; they can enjoy virgins here and now and also get
brownie points for sex with 72 virgins in the hereafter (one virgins
in hand is better than 72 in the hereafter anyways). All they have
to do is to rape a virgin Muslim sister and the Jihadi Jamat takes
care of the rest.. That Muslima is talked into suicide bombing to
avoid the disgrace and shame. The raped one then carries out suicide
bombing, killing and getting killed for Allah, and gaining paradise
as guaranteed by Quran (9:111). Find more tips here:
Here is a middle school boy taking his final exam practicals for
his course “beheading 101” in the Binnouri Madarasa, Karachi
Beheading training obtained in Binnouri Madrasa came handy to another graduate, when his wife demanded divorce from him:
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Name: RRS
Subject: hell
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 23:14:50 -0500
It looks likr muslims will end up in hell where their religion inventor is burning, by following this sinful religion. My suggestion is run to anything like hinduism,christianity,bhuddism,atheism,spirituality,humanism or anything else immediately if you are not interested in burning in hell.
Name: Ali Khalaf
Subject: Names on private parts
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 23:20:10 -0500
Ayesha always finds humour in humour-less muslims.
Name: Anti Clot
Subject: Religious Hate
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 03:49:03 -0500
Buddha taught that hate will never end by hate. It can only come to an end by non-hate. Islam teaches the opposite. To cast terror and to take revenge. We must only have a look to countries like Iraq and Pakistan, where sunni and shia muslims are killing each other in never ending massacres. But how can people believe to arrive in a peaceful paradise after committing suicide attacks. If there is anything after death, you will get what you seeded and not the opposite.
Name: buddha was too stupid he did not encunter islam in his time
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 06:57:32 -0500
buddha was too stupid he did not encunter islam in his time,else he wud havd chaned his phylosophy.we need VEER SHIVAJI,not buddha.
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Dear Editor of Islam-Watch
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 07:09:13 -0500
Dear Sir Editor, on this site and on other sites, suspected Muslims have challenged me unmercifully with irrelevant religious questions in order to lead me away from exposing the Muslim crimes that are occuring daily in backward Muslim Third World Countries. I believe, and I hope you agree, that it would be a good idea if you published a site that would answer the questions that suspected Muslims are peppering me with. This site is I hope you agree. It will get those pesky insincere Muslims off our backs. It's evident to me that these pesky Muslims are not interested in solving the horrendous criminal activity that is going on in their backward Third World Countries. I KNOW YOU AGREE HERE. ANYTHING IS BETTER THAN ISLAM. EVEN NAZI AND COMMUNIST REGIMES WERE NOT AS EVIL AS ISLAM. AT LEAST OLD DEPRAVED MEN WERE NOT "MARRYING" LITTLE GIRLS AND RAPING THEM WITH IMPUNITY IN THOSE TWO EVIL REGIMES.
Name: othman
Subject: the jihad in islam
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 07:13:47 -0500
well, maybe muslims nowadays have some problems to undestand their religion, that's because of extremists maybe. in islam there's a huge difference between jjihad and "call for islam", the first issue is considered only in case of war and mustn't touch in any way people without weapons to defend theirselves and in any case muslims don't have the right to kill boys, womens and old men, it's even forbidden to hurt a tree during war in islam, about the second issue, the matter must be handled softly and in a civilized way, muslims must show the islam virtues and how the life is supposed to be with islam.
Name: jenn
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 08:28:11 -0500
Allah loves waxing his boyfriend Mohammad's ass daily. LOL
Name: kope to jenn
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 08:51:49 -0500
Allah is the name of God in Christianity too the fact is that Allah is the name of God for millions of arab Christians.
Name: Blackhawk
Subject: Islam
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 08:56:51 -0500
Othman: You are full of crap. Quit trying to apologize for this hideous religion.
Name: Majid
Subject: Please forgive us
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 09:50:44 -0500
Ayesha please forgive our prophet was a paedophile and a sex maniac.
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: Answers othman
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 09:51:39 -0500
othman, I don't know what planet you have been living on, but here on earth the true Muslims have been following The Islamic War Manual, sometimes called the Qur'an, faithfully every day. Look closely what The Islamic War Manual teaches, and you'll agree that I'm correct: "....slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them [captive], and besiege them, and prepare for them each [an] ambush,"(Sura 9 Verse 5). "Infidels are your sworn enemies,"(Sura 4 Verse 101). "Make war on the infidels around you,"(Sura 9 Verse 123 and Sura 66 Verse 9). "Be ruthless to the infidels,"(Sura 48 Verse 29). "Fight those who believe not Allah nor the Last Day,"(Sura 9 Verse 29). "Strike off the heads of infidels in battle,"(Sura 47 Verse 4). "Take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends,"(Sura 5 Verse 61 and Sura 60 Verse 13). "Never be a helper to the disbeliever,"(Sura 28 Verse 191). "Kill the disbelievers wherever you find them,"(Sura 2 Verse 191). othman, there is much more violent passages in The Islamic War Manual, but I thought I would give you a few so that you'll know what I'm talking about. If any Muslims out there have any questions on religious beliefs of infidels, log on to Thank you.
Name: Truth Detector
Subject: To: kope to Jenn
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 10:29:11 -0500
Kope, you're full of it too. The God of Christians and Jews isn't Allah/Satan. The True God, The God of Love, The God of Christians and Jews gave us The Ten Commandments, the commandments that Allah/Satan and true Muslims hate. The Following are a few commandments coming from The True God: "Thou shalt not kill." "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Thou shalt not kill." "Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor." "Honor your father and mother." "Thou shalt not covet your neighbors' husband or wife." "Thou shalt not steal." Do you see the difference buddy ol' boy? Read The Islamic War Manual, sometimes called the Qur'an, and you'll see that it does not contain any good commandment as shown above. In fact, in Islamland, even dear Mothers are second class citizens. But not in "infidel land." The True God, The God of Christians and Jews teaches: "Honor your father and [DEAR] MOTHER." Log on to if you're interested in "infidel" religion. Thanks.
Name: Kafir/infidel ( Ex.COMMUNIST )
Subject: Basis ( BASIC TENETS )of ISLAM are hatered for nonmoslems,kufrs,infidels,slavery, fear,terror,fascism,killing,rape,murder.
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 14:37:03 -0500
TO all and particularly Othman & KOPE ....:Our task is to expose the evil,wicked, cruel,brutal,poison, hate filled ,murderous nature and which are the basic values of ISLAM, to the world population .ISLAM is slavery QQURRAN is a manual for hate,killing, terror,rape,destruction. If the world, international community wants peace,progress,prosperity - ISLAM must be eradicated. No other way. Internet and the present communication revolution, writtings by Ex.moslem scholars, free thinkers, liberals is helping to spread truth and hence the end for ISLAM is in sight. ISLAM has no spirituality. The examples given above by AISHA AHMED, QQURRAN itself, SIRA, HADITHS provide 100% proof that ISLAM is unfit for good human civilization.Further proof is from ISLAMIC SOCIETIES, ISLAMIC COUNTRIES, their rule under ISLAMIC theocracy, ISLAMIC history, and also AFGHNISTAN under TALIBAN/AL QAEDA rule !!!! ISLAM is for demons , rapists,hate mongers, terrorists,killers.
Name: lens
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 19:27:27 -0500
Whom did buddha got enlighten from? GOD or satan. The answer is satan. buddha is a liar. satan is father of all liars. Can human beings become animals for next life, cannot. Human being has soul and animal do not have. So buddha is a liar. He is in hell now. Those who follow him will go to hell.
Name: Archpagan
Date: Friday March 20, 2009
Time: 23:52:45 -0500
Muhammad was the master bluffer who bluffed along for 23 years, claiming to have heard message from Allah.Jesus Christ was actually a chic who could not save even himself.Jews idea of "chosen people" is funny.Let us demystify all three.
Name: lens
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 00:34:32 -0500
Jesus was GOD THE WORD and Jesus was GOD. Jesus was born into this world as a man. His main job is to die on the cross to save human beings from going to hell. Only that GOD can take away sins for those who ask him ( Jesus ). During OT all those have relationship with GOD used animal to sacrifice to GOD. But animal sacrifice is not perfect and GOD CANNOT taken away their sins. All of them went to hell.
Name: To Archpagan
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 00:46:30 -0500
Why Jesus must save himself, must Jesus listen to satan. The main purpose for Jesus to come into world is to die on the cross. This is GOD sacrifice and Jesus was GOD and he is not a sinner. Only that human beings can be saved from going to hell. For those who worship Jesus as GOD.
Name: Let
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 01:04:50 -0500
To save sinners GOD must born as a human being and die on the cross.
Name: hit
Date: Saturday March 21, 2009
Time: 02:54:42 -0500
What is soul? If you cannot answer you are satan.
Name: Muslim Responses
Subject: Refuting Christian Attacks in 3 Minutes
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 01:55:13 -0500
Subject: Allah is the Arabic word for God
Date: Sunday March 22, 2009
Time: 07:35:43 -0500
Allah is the Arabic word for God. Arab Christians have been using the word 'Allah' for God since pre-Islamic times.
Name: PNUT
Date: Tuesday March 31, 2009
Time: 04:43:45 -0500
These comment sections always devolve into Christians vs Hindus vs Buddhists vs Muslims. You are all full of shit. There is no God.
Date: Friday April 03, 2009
Time: 21:10:36 -0500
Hello, I am an atheistic, female currently living in the UK and I feel it necessary to express my absolute horror at some of the comments left on this site. Whilst I appreciate your right to your opinion, not only are many of your comments emotive and extremely hurtful but misguided. Islam is a pluralistic community of individuals. Yes there are more "extreme" sects but as are there extremist Hindus, Christians and so on. One only has to look at the crimes committed in US detention centres to establish that. I know many Muslims who find their faith a constant source of enlightenment and hope, an inspiration to strive for community and charity for those in need (for example the massive levels of support for the Gaza crisis recently). Islam is not an evil religion, far from it. Instead after September 11, the actions of a minority of cruel individuals has given the government an excuse to destroy civil liberties (please look to the detention camps, the increased power of the police and the attempts to maximise holding individuals without trial). You claim to be representing democracy, well within democracy you will find people who do not agree with you, please have the common decency and compassion to respect individual rights to choose !
Name: A real muslim
Subject: Where did you study islam?
Date: Monday April 13, 2009
Time: 09:33:40 -0400
I beleieve in islam, i believe in Allah & I believe in Mohammed PBUH. I also believe you are very much misinformed. Do you even know the arabic language? How do you make all this conclusions? Have you Studied islam? what is ur degree? who made you crediable to speak abt such matters? is it your ego and love to be famous? what is your goal? whoever wants to know something should learn it from it source then judge it. Ayesha we will meet on judgemet day & believe you wont be v happy abt all your shallow conclusions.
Name: Ceejay
Date: Monday April 13, 2009
Time: 13:25:21 -0400
The Athiest and True Muslim are simply repeating what the muslim apologists are saying for long. The problem is not with the muslims. Because majority of the muslims are nice, law-abiding citizens. No doubts about it. But, Islam is pure venom.The quran is recognising only believers, read as muslims righteaous and all others as non- believers read as non- muslims to be fought and liquidated. A few ardent muslims take this as Allah's decree and are indulged in Jihad. That is, they are fighting to make the whole world Islamic. They are following the suras in quran in letter and spirit. Quran contains so many sentences and remarks against Jews, Christians and other religionists who beleive in multiple gods and worship idols.In fact, no other religious script in the world mentions the practices of other religions in a defamatory language and contain strictures against other religions. It is a fact that Islam was spread through sword only,in the time of Mohammed and afterwards too. Mohammed also was not a good person. He was a war lord and he murdered many of his captives and robbed all their possessions and made their women and children slaves and distributed the booty among his followers.He can never be called a prophet if we go by his deeds in his life. You must read his life history and must ask yourselves what is his contribution to the world. Nothing. All the rituals and practices and all other things he has detailed in the quran and he preached in his life are copied from other books and the pagans of Mecca. The Islamic jurisprudence if it can be called that way, is also plagiarised from the Meccans. He was an embodiment of cruelty, sexual perversions and bigotry. This is the truth. You open your eyes with a critical examination of your favorite prophet's life and deeds and you also will find out the truth.