Sabiha Khan, Include Quran in 'Hate Hurts America' Campaign too
04 Dec, 2007
- (SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 11/27/2007) – The newly-formed Hate Hurts America Community and Interfaith Coalition (HHA) today announced that Wal-Mart and AT&T have joined a growing list of advertisers that have stopped advertising or refuse to place their ads on Michael Savage's “Savage Nation” program.
- At a news conference today in San Francisco, Calif., coalition members called on advertisers nationwide to stop airing commercials on Savage’s nationally-syndicated program. Coalition representatives also called on other faith-based and community groups to join the national campaign against hate rhetoric on talk radio.
A HHA statement released today said in part: “We have a duty to make sure every person in America is treated with respect and human dignity. Diversity is what makes this nation so special. The many companies that do not want to be affiliated with Michael Savage's bigotry and have stopped advertising or refuse to advertise on his show include AutoZone, Citrix, TrustedID, JCPenney, and OfficeMax. Today, we are pleased to announce that Wal-Mart and AT&T have joined the growing list of companies that refuse to sponsor Savage's hate speech.”- Ms Sabiha Khan did I hear you say “WE HAVE A DUTY TO MAKE SURE
DIGNITY.” Well then, Ms Khan it is your duty as the coordinator of
“Hate Hurts America” to help ban the most hateful book ever
written “QURAN”. A book which has caused the killing of hundreds
of millions of people since it was written. A book which was
quoted by Usama Bin Laden 15 times in the announcement of Jihad
against the infidels of the west before his murderous islamists
went on a killing rampage in the late 90s and which is continuing
on with full steam. Shouldn’t you be the one in the fore front to
demand banning of a book which has 164 jihadi ayas preaching to
kill, pillage and rape infidels ; a book which convinces the
muslims that the only guaranteed way to achieve instant paradise
is to kill infidels (9.111) causing hundreds of suicide bombings
and resulting in deaths of thousands of innocents including
muslims? Ms Khan, Quran is recited daily in America on hundreds of
Islamic radio and TV programmes with the following pronouncements:
2.10: Disbelievers are diseased.
2.88 Allah has cursed them for their unbelief.
2.89 The curse of Allah is on disbelievers.
2.99 Disbelievers are evil.
2.104 For disbelievers is a painful doom.
2.121 Disbelievers are losers.
2.171 Disbelievers are deaf dumb and blind.
3.28 Believers should not take disbelievers for their friends.
3.73And do not believe except as those who follow your religion.
3.118 Muslims Take not as friends those outside your religion (pagans, Jews, Christians, and hypocrites) since they will not fail to do their best to corrupt you. They desire to harm you severely. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse.
4.89 Kill the apostates wherever you find them.
4.101Verily, the disbelievers are ever unto you open enemies.
5.51 Muslims do not take jews and Christians as your friends. If you do you will be considered as one of them.
5.53 Jews and Christians are losers.
5.60 those (Jews) who incurred the Curse of Allah and His Wrath He transformed into monkeys and swines.
8.22 Disbelievers are the worst creatures.
8.55 Surely, the worst of beasts in the sight of ALLAH are the disbelievers.
9.23 O you who believe, do not ally yourselves even with your parents and your siblings, if they are not muslims
9.28 Non muslims are dirty.
9.30 Jews and Christians are perverts.
16.39 Disbelievers are liars.
24.55 Disbelievers are miscreants.
58.20 Disbelievers are the lowest creatures.
80.42 Disbelievers are wicked.
Above was a brief sampling of the hate speech against non muslims in Quran. Are these pronouncements in Quran against non muslims not much worse than what Michael Savage says occasionally about radical Islamists? Why then I did not see your name among the signatories of "Ban Quran as Hate Speech" and “Congress Debate Quran" Petitions.
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Name: Mike
Date: Monday December 03, 2007
Time: 22:22:48 -0700
Great article Ayesha. Truly Quran is the most evil book ever written with millions of victims to it's credit.When will multiculturist liberal westerners realize that a muslim who believes in Quran as God's book has no choice but to hate non muslims. Letting muslims in in the west is letting in your worst enemies.
Name: vbv
Date: Monday December 03, 2007
Time: 23:47:42 -0700
Great article Ms. Ayesha Ahmed. The only scripture that thrives on the hatred of fellow human beings is the Quran.It spews violent hatred instigating the muslims to subjugate or massacre the non-believers mercilessly! It takes humans to alleys of darkness , ignorance ,superstitions,fears and misogyny! It is time that sane people from the muslim community come forward and denounce this fake 'idealogy' and renounce the so-called 'religion of peace' called Islam!
Name: U.K. TODAY>
Date: Tuesday December 04, 2007
Time: 04:51:09 -0700
As far as I've bore witness or read Michael Savage is opposed to everything and everybody, and for these reasons he is a popular yet controversial broadcaster among the audiences of the U.S. Therefore why do the agents of Islam seek to marginalise his success??. Could it be that as with all cults freedom of speech is an anathema??. Could it be that because the cult of poisonous Islam has been around for fourteen hundred years and as the senior citizen of bile and intolerance Islam feels threatened??. Could it be that as a citizen of the U.S.A. (the sworn enemy and antichrist of Islam) silencing him may go along way to outlawing dissent and subverting the freedoms of "the great foe". Today political correctness is one of Islams greatest tools, and they are masters of its usage. How the most vociforous opponents of communism the world ever bore witness too, allows it to fester on its shores under another guise should be a lesson to us all. Subversion reinvents itself all of the time. Islam is neither by the people nor for the people yet seeks to enslave the people by any means it can. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!. Or join Europe in its submissive stupidity.
Name: Andrew
Date: Tuesday December 04, 2007
Time: 05:58:26 -0700
Another good reason to keep my arse out of Walmart. I'm starting a search for companies that have pulled advertiseing for MS's show...looked at His site yesterday- saying, that He's already lost around a million dollars. Boycott all companies that hinder Free Speech!
Name: Jonathon
Date: Tuesday December 04, 2007
Time: 07:24:05 -0700
Even without anti-Muslim/anti-Islam comments, Michael Savage (real name is Michael Weiner) is an offensive, nasty, mean and creepy son of a bitch. And no, there's no one that he hates except for perhaps himself. Almost everything he says can be considered "hate speech". Now, the author of this piece is correct in that the Koran and the Hadith should be included in any collection of "hate" materials. But don't let that diminish the truly hateful rhetoric of Michael Weiner.
Name: Clark
Date: Tuesday December 04, 2007
Time: 12:59:56 -0700
Oh those wacky muslims! Why this is not in the news is no shock. The liberal media is ready to bend over and take it from the muslim terrorists, all with a smile. The only curse is the curse of the muslims. Cursed to live in tents in the dirt. Cursed to marry their cousins and further inbreed. Cursed with ignorance (most still believe in the lies found in the Quran). Cursed with the mentality of the 7th century Saudi Barbarian who founded the Cult of Islam
Name: Ananda
Date: Tuesday December 04, 2007
Time: 16:45:30 -0700
When Sabiha Khan says “WE HAVE A DUTY TO MAKE SURE EVERY PERSON IN AMERICA IS TREATED WITH RESPECT AND HUMAN DIGNITY”, it is not every person at all, it is just Muslims. If a Hindu, Christian, or Jew are mistreated, would that concern her? Absolutely not. Let us not pretend what Muslims are concerned about in America, in Europe, in U.K., in Sudan, in India, in Bangladesh, in Thailand, in the whole world - they are concerned about hating and doing mischief to Infidels. They are not concerned about earning respect.
Name: fred marion
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 07:31:22 -0700
Savage rocks
Name: Adela Kostea,Chicago,USA
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 08:47:16 -0700
I support Savage 100%,i hope he goes ahead with this law suit and i also hope that during the discovery process,the true face of CAIR and Islam will be revealed for all to see...the honor killings,the genital mutilations,the stonings,hangings of homosexuals,the rapings of infidels,the burning of churches,etc. I have also donated to the Savage legal defence fund and i have contacted the corporations that dropped advertisments on the Savage show and i urge everybody to do the same. This is not just about Savage anymore,it is about all of us,it is about putting a stop to the islamization of America.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 09:54:30 -0700
I wish that hatefilled, false-prophet, pedophile Muhammad had never existed. This evil Muhammad has brought more reign of terror in 1,400 years than Adolph Hitler brought during his short, only a few years, reign of terror. By reign of terror, I'm not counting only the deaths incurred during violent battles perpetrated by evil Islamist. I'm also counting the reign of terror that Islam has brought to hundreds of millions of little girls when their clitoris were chopped away. I'm counting the millions of little girls who were forced to "marry" sex craved, long-bearded, Muslim lechers. I'm thinking of honor killings, hands and feet chopped away with swords and gouging out eyes, women stoned to death, all in the name of Allah, the god of war, wickedness, god of rapists, cutthroats, hatred, suicide bombers, greed, deception, confusion, lust, jealously, envy, and endless mayhem.
Name: bobby
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 10:20:12 -0700
What give the executives of these companies the right to impose their opinion on free speech without consulting the millions of customers that are also avid listeners of the ms show.
Name: SJJ
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 10:52:10 -0700
Savage attacked my religion. We debated right back. No threats, no lawsuits. Islam says, "if you try and debate us we will kill you." Islam=Death.
Name: Nabil Bissada
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 12:47:42 -0700
The target of the Muslims is to destroy America... They use the freedom in America to take out in the near future our freedom.Islam is a develish religion. Islam is not a religion of love and peace.Americans need to wake up to understand the dangerous of this relgion.Part of the muslims are terrorist and the other part support them.
Name: Nabil bissada
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 13:06:15 -0700
Miss Ayesha Ahmed your are wonderful person..You know the truth of this devilish and dangerous religion who have the name of Islam..Please never stop..I'm sure one day Americans will understand..Mike Savage is a great man..We need millions like Mr. Savage. Islam is worth than the Nazist..I speak,read,write arabic language.I know the truth..English Koran is totally different than the original to be acceptable by the West. Millions of muslims in all Islamic countries convert to Christianity..They accept to be killed and jailed for their faith than to stay Muslim.
Name: chris
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 13:35:58 -0700
It clearly means that CAIR and these people are hippocrates and full of evil.
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 14:00:46 -0700
There are times in the past when I believed that Mr. Savage had crossed the line, but there is no question that he is very smart and willing to tell it like it is regardless as to the consequences. Such courage is rare. Also, he has been more than fair to Muslims as individuals. He cannot help it if fundamentalist Islam is completely disfunctional. What he says about Islam is far more kind than what Islamic doctrine says about Islam so it is quite a stretch to say that this is one area where M.S. has crossed the line. To my knowledge, M/S. has not pointed out that Muhammad had sex with a nine year old or that he killed those that said negative things about him. Has M.S. told his audience about the torture and murder of Kianen (sp?)of Kaybar?(sp?) or that Muhammad had "relations" with Kianen's wife shortly thereafter? Has he told his audience how Muhammad, Islam's alleged perfect example for imitation, had a helpless women murdered while she slept with her baby? (Her crime was to have criticized the warlord.) The fact is that the truth about Islam is far worse than M.S. has said to his listeners. Finally, perhaps Michael Savage's sometimes over-the-top style is justified. Maybe it is the rest of us that need our heads examined. We are like many of the victims of the Holocaust that went to their deaths without a struggle, but worse as we could actually defend ourselves. Instead, we politely allow Islam to make more and more inroads into our society when the evidence is undeniable that it will eventually come to haunt us. Perhaps those of us that tuned out to M.S. need to give him another chance. I will. Wal Mart and AT&T will never see a dime from me.
Name: Dirk Lokhorst
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 14:06:28 -0700
Beatifull message to people who understand rationality and reason but pity that many muslims have theit own truth and reason
Name: Don Olson
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 14:12:01 -0700
Name: sunnybrookg
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 14:22:13 -0700
Islam a Religion hell, it's a cult. The word religion should be given a "tad" more respect than associating it with satan and his followers...don't you think? The whole world has had time enough to see what brain washed "zombies" are capable of.....Man's nature is evil and these sickos prove it many times a day. Compareing the Bible to insane ravings is as ludicrous as skating across the sahara desert. See what lack of education does to people; scary isn't it!
Name: Andrew Stunich
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 16:28:24 -0700
And they say that polls taken before and after 9/11 show that American's opinion of Islam actually improved after 9/11. I think that someone needs to re-take the poll. I suspect that Islam is about as popular as a skunk's smell with about 85% of Americans.
Name: Ayesha Ahmed
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 16:54:54 -0700
Andrew: You are exactly right. Michael Savage hardly touched the tip of the icebeg, yet CAIR is raising a big stink. Michael never attacked Mohammed even once although Mo lived by robbing others, killed totally innocent men and raped their wives the same day with blood of their husbands still fresh on his clothes; after a bloody raid he would distribute the stolen goods and captured women among his jihadis keeping 20% for himself; whoever questioned his evil activitieshe he got him brutally beheaded; he practised pedophilia and incest; the list goes on.
Name: Al Rowley
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 21:34:16 -0700
If you google Sabiha Khan, Chair of the HHA, you will find that she is the communications director for CAIR's SoCal office in Anaheim. Her job there is working with various media organization to correct and inform various American media outlets about Muslims and Islam. She has been quoted and interviewed by various newspapers, television and radio outlets, such the L.A. Times, Orange County Register, CNN and FOX She has been a consultant to various television and movie projects including NYPD Blue. She helps media professionals with their stories on a daily basis by providing story ideas and referring to the correct people in the community. She has also supervised and led various projects such as the Billboard Campaign and the Ramadan Radio Ads designed to bridge the gap of understanding between Muslims and the neighbors She has a BA from UC Irvine in Psychology and Social Behavior.
Name: Thomas Justin Kaze
Date: Thursday December 06, 2007
Time: 21:59:16 -0700
To Chris (December 06): I personally find the CAIR's existence rather grotesque; imagine a Concil for Saudi-Christian Relations or an Afghani-Atheist Relations. Isn't it obvious that the Arab oil is the only reason why even the President praises Islam as the religion of piss and acknowledges jihad as its integral part, rather than nuking every part of Islamistan into oblivion? I suggest we should rewrite the cursed Qur'an apocryfically, i.e. "kill Muslims wherever you find them" or "kill those who convert to Islam" - and enjoy watching the Muslim mob demanding death for those who mock (read: "speak the truth about) Islam! Death to Mohammedans!
Name: Scott Stevens
Date: Friday December 07, 2007
Time: 18:29:28 -0700
Islam is a Satanic cult. Anyone who thinks this piece of garbage of a religion is worth the time of day, you need your friggin' head examined. American politicians who stand up for Islam and "tolerance" need to be voted out of office. Cat Stevens - you are great singer but a fool.
Name: John
Date: Sunday December 09, 2007
Time: 11:22:47 -0700
Great website. You've got a lot of guts.
Name: me
Date: Sunday December 09, 2007
Time: 19:40:02 -0700
i wonder if everyone here has read what is the true content in the Quran. what i see from above is tottaly distorted view of the real verse frm the quran. clearly, this article is done with so much hatred while ignoring the truth. i can prove it.when she quotes 4:89 Kill the apostates wherever you find them. this is the real verse 4:89 004.089 They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): So take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of God (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks;- BUT PLEASE READ THE NEXT VERSE goes as 004.090 Except those who join a group between whom and you there is a treaty (of peace), or those who approach you with hearts restraining them from fighting you as well as fighting their own people. If God had pleased, He could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you: Therefore if they withdraw from you but fight you not, and (instead) send you (Guarantees of) peace, then God Hath opened no way for you (to war against them). Think!
Name: me (continuation frm my previous post)
Date: Sunday December 09, 2007
Time: 19:55:29 -0700
3.28 Believers should not take disbelievers for their friends. this is tottaly not a hate sermon to declare war with the disbelievers. Please read the whole verse. Any suggestive action in the quran comes with a reason. 3.28 Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah. EXCEPT by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah. This only a word of precaution.
Name: to avoid misunderstanding
Date: Sunday December 09, 2007
Time: 19:59:18 -0700
But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah. [[This only a word of precaution]]]] <-this sentence marked with [ ]is my own word not a part of the verse.
Name: DH
Date: Monday December 10, 2007
Time: 07:24:31 -0700
For any Kafir who knows what the Koran says about them just saying "I am a Muslim" is a Hate Crime.
Name: bobby
Date: Monday December 10, 2007
Time: 21:39:40 -0700
All these muslims who try to explain all the hateful evilness in islam should have their heads examined. no one sounds as crazy as they do in trying to cover up all the crap in islam.
Name: Divorce Devil
Date: Tuesday December 11, 2007
Time: 01:09:39 -0700
Truely Koran is the book of Devil (Iblis). Devil (Iblis) used Mu-mad against true follower of True God. Muslims are follower of the Devil (Iblis) and they do not want to know the Truth of True God.
Name: coldjoint
Date: Wednesday December 12, 2007
Time: 19:37:46 -0700
this is what needs national attention, the hate versus in the koran. apparently not enough people know how filled with hatred this book is. i hope it becomes an issue in the presidential election.
Name: Bob Pinsger
Date: Monday December 17, 2007
Time: 15:43:56 -0700
I'm going out to WalMart this evening to shop. I'm going to get a huge cart full of all kinds of crap - stack it way high - almost so high I can't see in front of me. Then I am going to take it up to the cashier - have them ring it up while all the other shoppers wait impatiently. Then when it comes time to pay I'm going to say "Oh that's right. This is that stupid Wal Mart store that refuses to advertise on Michael Savage's show. Sorry... don't think I want to buy this... good bye." and then walk out. Then I'm headed over to Office Max, JC Penney, Auto Zone, etc. etc. This is going to be a fun holiday!
Date: Friday December 28, 2007
Time: 13:12:01 -0700
I see little difference between Islam and Nazisim- Both groups have distain for civil liberties, and both groups have as a centerpoint of their philososphies the desire to see see all Jews killed.. Islam is a cult of death and hatred, and needs to be stopped.